#hana komainu
daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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I've never seen this style of nameplate before! How unique! The name 花野 is read Hanano, Kano, or Kaya, or rarely Keno.
花 means flower, and it's read hana, ka, or ke. 野 means field/plain, rustic, or outdoors, and it’s read no, ya, or sho.
If you're curious about the very good boy next to the nameplate, they're known as 狛犬 komainu or lion-dogs. They guard shrines and usually appear in pairs. Technically speaking, the closed-mouth ones like this boy are komainu and the open-mouth ones are 獅子 shishi (or shīsā in Okinawa, where I kinda think this one is from), but most people use komainu to refer to the pair.
Anyway, I was thrilled to stumble upon this last night not only because I am always thrilled to see a komainu (who wouldn't be?), but also because we are getting my own little lion-dog and he is coming to live with us today :) Today!
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manga-summaries · 29 days
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Daemons of the Shadow Realm vol 1 summary
It's all about the pairs, my dude
A pair of twins- Yuru and Asa- are born to a prophecy. They are 16 and living contentedly in Higashi village, an isolated mountaintop village with a historic fantasy feel.
Everything changed when the modern world attacked. Soldiers, attack helicopters, and daemon wielding fighters raid the village and begin killing all the adults. They're after Yuru.
A woman claiming to be Asa confronts the "Asa" Yuru's always known and their guardian, Granny Yamaha. "Asa" seems to be a daemon, Asa is relieved to see Yuru is alive (ie. not killed by the villagers years ago?), Granny Yamaha tells Yuru to run, and entrusts his escape to Dera, a "trader" who journeys down the mountain (ie modern world) and seems to know the larger context Yuru's lacking.
Dera and Yuru get to the komainu statues guarding the village. He gives Yuru a necklace with a talisman that Yuru slots into a keyhole, unlocking the village's guardian daemons, Right and Left. Yuru is their first new master in 400 years.
Yuru, Right, and Left fight Gabby, a young looking daemon wielder who works with a creepy upper and lower jaw. Yuru wants to get the kill for what Gabby did to the villager, and he critically wounds her twice with arrows while Left holds of the chompy daemon and Right goes to save whatever villagers are still alive. Asa swoops in to save Gabby, and Yuru and Dera flee down the mountain.
Granny Yamaha, Yuru's friend Danji, Danji's mother, and the children of the village are alive, but many of the adults were murdered.
The crew meet up with Hana, Dera's work partner, waiting in a car. The crew goes on the run living out of the car for a bit while Yuru, Right, and Left are fish out of water being introduced to the conveniences of the modern world a smidge. The decide their cover story will be Dera (true name Tadera) and Hana getting fake married- much to Hana's dismay- while Yuru pretends to be their son. They eventually rent a place in "Guntama prefecture" (Gunma and/or Saitama prefectures?). Hana has a pair of daemons too: Kotesu the tiger-cat and Jiro the wolf-dog
Meanwhile, Gabby and Asa are picked up by their coworker Jin. Their organization (or truly, their branch of the family that left Higashi generations ago) is called the Kagemoris. Jin's daemons are Ai, an angler fish looking creature and Makoto a... pocket dimension fish? Jin and his pair are shown working a job solving a woman's stalker by having Ai be bait and then eat him. The master of the Kagemoris tasks Jin with tracking down Yuru.
A combo of Tadera, Hana, Right, and Left tell Yuru what they know: his parents feld with Asa from the village down the mountain years ago. Granny Yamaha then made a fake Asa to keep Yuru tethered to the village. Asa and Yuru are children of prophecy, one born at night and one at day. They possess the ability to claim a power of sealing and of breaking, and Asa's already claimed breaking. Because of this potential, twins born to this prophecy herald societal strife as factions try to use their powers.
Which begs many questions for Yuru: Why did his parents flee? Why did they take Asa and leave Yuru? Where are his parents now? Why did Granny Yamaha go to such weird lengths to keep him from leaving too? Why did Asa and the Kagemoris attack the village to get him? Who should Yuru trust?
Yuru decides he'll track down his parents to get the truth since he probably can't TRUELY trust anyone involved in whatever's going on, and he decided to do this by finding Asa.
Right and Left immediately track down Asa's blood's smell and the 3 fly to Tokyo and find a suspicious crew. Hey there's Asa! Yuru immediately confronts her but Uh oh! It's not really her. It's a trap laid by Jin and his angler fishy friend.
Everyone squares up to fight. Yuru has a big knife 🔪
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komainu-no-hana · 6 years
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But you’re not gonna break my soul This is the part of me That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no!
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lilacfalls-blog1 · 6 years
You don't want me to love you You don't want me to need you You don't want to look at me, For you will turn to stone You don't want me to hurt you You don't want me to bite you You don't want me Or my aching soul For I will only fall And rise again Your venomous heroine 'Cause I'm a survivor Yeah, I am a fighter I will fall and rise above And in your hate I find love 'Cause I'm a survivor Yeah, I am a fighter I will not hide my face I will not fall from grace I'll walk into the fire, baby All my life I was afraid to die But now I come alive inside these flames
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As sure is night is dark and day is light, I keep you on my mind both day and night. And happiness I’ve known proves that it’s right.
Because you’re mine, I walk the line.
( @sorenspath // @hana-xiv)
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captain-tanner-blog · 7 years
Oh Captain...
“Hana?” Aeric’s hand was pressed against the linkpearl as he heard it cut off. “Hana?” There was nothing but silence to respond to him and the hollow echo of his voice for comfort; or lack thereof.
His jaw began to ache as he grit his teeth and narrowed his cold steel gaze upon the far wall. In a matter of a beat, he was crossing the room to the wardrobe that housed his attire. Flung open, he shifted his gaze from the armor to the leather jacket and back again; chewing on the options given to him.
‘Capin’! Capin’, everythin’ alrigh’ in dere?’ One of the crew must have heard him and was at the door knocking. But there came no response.
On came the leather coat that smelled of the sea and air.
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Next, he crossed the room to his desk to get to the safe tucked behind it. A proper code was pressed and his prized possession lay waiting for his hand.
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The belt wrapped around his hips housed the bullets and he slid each one into the chamber with a focused gaze.
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When the last one was set, he spun the chamber into place and made his way for the door. 
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“I’m headin’ out to get Hana. Someone took her an’ I’m aimin’ to make sure they regret it.”
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( @hana-xiv )
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katokathy · 4 years
About ADONIS Character Design
Not sure if anyone else noticed this, I thought it was pretty cool. It may just be my own speculation on Adonis’ character designs.
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Mikuni Rei #1: His number is 1 and on his front shirt logo, in my opinion, looks like the earth at first glance. Symbolizing that we only have “one world”. The clip on his cloak looks like a morning star. What I think of first when morning star is mentioned is “Satan/Lucifer”. (Although I’m not religious so my speculation is probably incorrect). But morning star is mentioned in the bible for both “Satan” and “Jesus”. He plays the role as a savior or destroyer of the ideal world he believes in.
**Adding! Another user mentioned that to them, instead of the earth, his shirt symbol looks like a moon instead. Which definitely makes more sense! “The moon has 2 faces/sides, just as Mikuni does. An Adonis member and the son of the prime minister.”
Credulity: a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true, especially on minimal or uncertain evidence.
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Sanjou Keisuke #2: At first he was the only one where I couldn’t find a logo for “2″. But I noticed the two symbol on his shirt and it looks like a magatama. Which of course is similar to what we know, “Yin and Yang”. Good and evil. Sanjou was an ex cop who swore to law and protect. Then eventually joined Adonis to destroy. He’s shown to waver between the two sides. His shirt also has a lion dog image (or Japanese Komainu) which are creatures symbolized as guardians.
Corruption: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
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Uno Suzune #3: Her number is 3 and she’s wearing embellishments that symbolize a 3 leaf clover. Faith, hope and love. After her tragic past events, she desires those the most.
Craving: a powerful desire for something
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Uno Shion #4: As Suzune’s twin brother, he also has a clover as his symbol but it’s a 4 leaf clover instead. Which adds “luck” to faith, hope and love. It’s seen on his hat, jacket and necklace. Coincidentally, the number “4″ is “shi” in Japanese, which also means death. Suzune also refers to him as “SHI-chan” for a nickname. There is an idiom, “to be (or to live) in a clover” which means to live a carefree life of ease, comfort and prosperity. Something that the Uno siblings have always dreamed of.
Dependence: the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else.
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Souda Manabu #5: Souda has a 5 pointed star as a badge on his jacket. Also a star clip on his ponytail. The badge also says in English, “Oppose force with force.” Stars are represented as protective symbols and divine force. Souda is constantly referring to himself as “God” and is revealed to be protective/caring of his comrades in game. His keyword is loneliness, obviously for the fact that he has no one. Shunned by society, with only the “friends” in the digital world he seeks out to fill that void.
Loneliness: sadness because one has no friends or company.
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Sugawara Rika #6: She has 6 pointed snowflake embellishments on her hair and coat. Snowflakes are symbols of rebirth and purity. Her keyword is fear from trauma of men and her stalker.
Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
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Sera Akito #7: His number is represented by the dice logo on his sweater. If you add all the numbers together: 1, 3, 5= 9. For 9 Executors. But only the 3 and 4  of the circles are more bold opposed to the 2 faded baby blue ones. So add that and you get 7. The number 7 is associated with luck and a dice symbolizes “Fate”. A roll can determine for you to achieve your destiny or it could make you descend further away from the goal. It will show whether you go to the “white route” or “black route”. Sera is shown to constantly hesitate between his path of good and evil and “You” decide his “Fate”.
Sin: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
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Kobayashi Hanako #8: Hana’s number 8 is shown on the 8 edged ribbon of her sweater. As well as the compass symbols on the sweater and stockings. A compass is means for “guidance”. Hana is a troubled girl who relies on Isshiki and his music to “point her in the right direction”. It’s said many times that his music helps people through troubled times and that they could relate to it. Rather than Zero, she regards Isshiki as her true hope and “Savior” which caused her to become obsessed with him.
Partiality: unfair bias in favor of one thing or person compared with another; favoritism.
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Ogata Tomoki #9: Ogata’s number is 9 and is shown on his coat in the form of a fox. A “kitsune” in Asian culture is known to have 9 tails. He also says to Hoshino that he’s aware he has small eyes (which are often closed in the game). Kitsune have small, narrowed eyes and a cunning smile. His hair is also almost light blonde/silver in colour. They are known to be wise/intelligent but vengeful. A classic tale of the kitsune is when it disguises itself to have a lover/family. Until it’s true nature is revealed and is forced to leave the spouse and children, mirroring Ogata’s background. 
Greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.
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Saeki Yuzuru #0: Saeki doesn’t seem to have anything on him to indicate his number because of course he IS “Zero”. Null, nothing. It may also be why his outfit is very simple too. However, his personal symbol seems to be the anemone flower. It’s shown on his chain, gun and cloak. None of the other Adonis members wears this. I even checked Kurose Shu’s cloak and he doesn’t have the design. The chain at his shirt collar is also a morning star (refer to Mikuni). Even Hoshino referred to Saeki as “like the Devil”. Anemone flowers are typically considered as bad luck and ill tidings. But of course the most famous connection it has is to Adonis, the Greek figure. (The organization name isn’t a coincidence!)
The origin of the flower was when Aphrodite wept over the body of her mortal lover, Adonis. The gods killed him over jealousy of their affair. While Aphrodite was crying, Adonis shed blood on the anemones that came from her tears and stained them red. In Christianity, red anemones symbolized the blood that Christ shed on the Crucifixion. Going back to the star at his collar; Lucifer is the Latin name for the morning star. Which is actually not even a star but, the planet Venus. Venus, the Roman goddess is equivalent to Aphrodite.
The flowers can also have positive meaning. Hoshino is constantly surrounded by purple or white anemones when with the main boys. Because those colours symbolizes “sincerity” and “protection from evil”. Red is Saeki’s colour, which means: death or forsaken love. The origin story about love and loss forever marked the anemone flower and made it a symbol of sadness in love. If Saeki had a keyword, I’d say it would be 
Forsaken: abandoned or deserted.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk of delusions. Saeki/Hoshino is Adonis/Aphrodite don’t change my mind lmao
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quirkycoterie · 5 years
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Canals clear! We got some gil for saving for a bigger FC house (at least we hope for one!) and I got to spend the day with some of my favoritest ladies!
@hana-komainu-xiv, @kailani-ffxiv, and @cadrenebula
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kailani-ffxiv · 5 years
Things I like to know about my RP partners
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Like to be called: Kai, Bax, Kiba.. probably lean more to Kai since that’s how most people know me. The few of you that know my real name.. that’s cool too, just takes me a bit to get use to someone online calling me by that. 
Gender: Female. She/her but honestly I don’t really care. 
One thing you should know about me: I generally want to be a positive, good feels person. That being said I do have many off days, I often withdraw when I’m not doing well. It’s typically not because you did anything wrong, I just don’t like to share that side with most people. 
One thing you should know about my character(s): All my characters seem to have small quirks, some times they can be frustrating or make both writers and other ocs read things ways they weren’t intended. If you are concerned please message me ooc but generally it’s okay for their actions or words to be taken the -wrong- way. (Spoiler there is no wrong way when it comes to them, just makes for more interesting rp!) 
First language: English 
Second language: I wouldn’t say I have one. I understand bits of others but wouldn’t be able to speak it back, possibly write some but I doubt it. 
RP Blog: Contains OOC Posts (not many but a few) | Does not Contain OOC Posts | Single Muse Blog | Multimuse Blog | Aesthetic Blog Age Range: Under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+
Am I ok with NSFW? Yes | No Dark themes but no ERP. Generally I would like to discuss ooc about darker stuff, since it would generally have lasting impressions on my ocs. 
My favorite most common thing to RP is: Angst | Fluff | Smut | Crack | Action | Slice of Life | Plots | Events | Canon Lore | Non Canon Lore | Other
OC Friendly: Yes | No
Tagged by: @twin-moons-ffxiv ♥
Tagging: @quirkycoterie @shadowborne-ffxiv @ketsuchikotetsu @eviloblivion @claihn @yutikyis @nebula1984 @rinoasdream @hedgearcher @star-striking @yladri @sigridderioslainn @alred-briarthorne @nerokinyx  @z-a-n-a @celestial-benediction @swordinthenightsky @meandering-mind @hana-komainu-xiv
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star-striking · 5 years
Character Study: Yesui Untaj
Traits & Characteristics
Bold all that applies to your muse Italicized any that are applicable in some way Extra notes in (parentheses)!
• Eyes:   Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Gray | Gray-blue | Other (Light gold with bright pink limbals, black sclera)
• Hair:   Blonde | Sandy | Brown | Black | Auburn | Ginger | Grey / White | Multi-color | Other
• Body Type:   Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Average | Muscular | Pudgy | Overweight
• Skin:   Pale | Light (Light grey-blue) | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored
• Gender:   Male | Female | Trans | Cis | Agender | Demigender | Genderfluid | Other | Doesn’t Like Labels
• Sexuality:   Heterosexual | Homosexual  | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other | Unsure | Doesn’t Like Labels
• Romantic Orientation:   Homoromantic | Heteroromantic | Biromantic | Panromantic | Aromantic | Demiromantic | Unsure | Doesn’t Like Labels
• Species:   Midlander Hyur | Highlander Hyur | Wildwood Elezen | Duskwight Elezen | Hellsguard Roegadyn | Sea Wolf Roegadyn | Dunesfolk Lalafell | Plainsfolk Lalafell | Keeper Miqo’te | Seeker Miqo’te | Xaela Au Ra | Raen Au Ra | Other
• Education:   High School | College | University | Master’s Degree | Phd | Other (Homeschooling within tribe focused on craftsmanship)
• I’ve Been: In Love | Hurt | Ill | Mentally Abused | Bullied | Physically Abused | Tortured | Brainwashed | Shot
• Positive Traits:   Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming |Confident | Creative | Cunning | Determined | Forgiving | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless | Polite | Down-to-earth | Diligent | Romantic | Moral | Fun-loving | Charismatic | Calm
• Negative Traits:   Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Shy | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Cocky | Reckless | Insecure | Irresponsible | Mistrustful | Paranoid | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Swears | Unstable | Clumsy |Rebellious | Emotional | Vengeful | Anxious | Self-sabotaging | Moody | Peevish | Angry | Pessimistic | Slacker | Thin Skinned | Overly Dramatic | Argumentative
• Living Situation:   Lives Alone | Lives With Parent(S) / Guardian | Lives With Significant Other | Lives With A Friend (Lives on a pirate ship!) | Drifter | Homeless | Lives With Children | Other
• Parents/Guardian:   Mother | Father | Adoptive | Aunt | Uncle | Foster | Grandmother | Grandfather | Other
• Sibling(S):   Sisters | Brothers | None | Other
• Relationship:   Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s Complicated | Verse Dependent | Other
• I Have A(N):   Developmental Disorder | Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder  | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Sleep Disorder | Eating Disorder  | Behavioral Disorder |Substance-related Disorder | Ptsd | Mental Disability | Physical Disability | Other
• Things I’ve Done Before:   Had Alcohol | Smoked | Stolen | Done Drugs | Self-harmed | Starved | Had Sex | Had A Threesome | Had A One-night Stand | Gotten Into A Fist Fight | Gone To The Hospital | Gone To Jail | Used A Fake Id | Played Hooky | Gone To A Rave | Killed Someone | Had Someone Try To Kill Them
Tagged by: @nhajers
Tagging: @skyysinger @quirkycoterie @nebula1984 @kailani-ffxiv @hana-komainu-xiv @shadowheartxiv @claihn and anybody else who wants to be tagged, because idk how all ever wants to be tagged in things hhh
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komainu-no-hana · 6 years
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lilacfalls-blog1 · 6 years
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thea-ffxiv · 5 years
What’s your soul colour? - Thea
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Considered a lucky color to have, the gold soul color is never short of achieving their goals and prospering. Analytical, intelligent, and cunning, the gold soulcolor is alluring to even those who aren’t their soulmate. You either envy them or hate them, there is no in between, and they’re fine with that.
This color has expensive tastes and chooses to live in the world of high fashion. They aren’t shy about showing off their achievements and wealth, and they often lose themselves in materialistic things. Bigger and better is their motto.
Gold soulmarks can seem shallow and judgmental to those who don’t know them well. They’re not afraid to cut nuisance out of their life and don’t put up with different opinions than their own. They are known to indulge in self care often, and they avoid things that stress them out as much as possible.
Always knowing how to get what they want, the gold soul color surrounds themselves with people who are not going to stand in their way. They are usually surrounded by a small clique of people designed to lift their spirits with praise. They are also clingy to those who make them feel good, and they are known for bending for those they deem important.
Quiz here Tagged by: @quirkycoterie Tagging: @hana-komainu-xiv (alt) @within-the-rain @dante-lovecraft
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captain-tanner-blog · 7 years
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Aeric watched until Hana was no longer within his field of vision.
They had spent the evening conversing over a heavy topic and thankfully, were interrupted by a Miqo with a friendly disposition. But it left Aeric to chew on matters longer than he should and throughout the entire conversation, his mind wandered.
They would need to speak on this further, she said. Somewhere alone. That had his curiosity ramping up to higher levels and he could feel the restless pull of his gut to the waters.
A hand slipped beneath the surface of his shirt to remove a beaded necklace from a hidden pocket. At its edge rested a linkpearl crafted to appear as wood amongst the others. That was until his thumb grazed it and brought it to life.
“Gather everyone to the Siren”
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                                        “An’ raise the colors.”
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hikayat · 2 years
It was too late for the komainu to protect its master when the dozens of snakes swarmed towards her. But as it tried to make its way, the guardian dog began to disappear -- it was her doing to ensure it was safe.
Surrounded by the snakes, Ryo kept her eyes on the elder man, narrowing her eyes as she tried to put the pieces. "It's about my great grandfather, isn't it?" She answered. "He would never let anything happen to the yokais."
It is almost incredulous how a mere nurarihyon was trying to dictate an absolute serpent yokai how to govern their kind — @miimpii
"And you are a spitting image of him, how adorable" His words were dripping in venom as he stared onto the rumoured next nurarihyon. Leaving Hana in that forest with Seiji was a mistake that he would never like to admit — he should have seen it was a matter of time before that human would lose her mind taking care of a half-serpent.
"How are you able to protect your yokais? When they are the ones protecting you instead? Your commandeering state is laughable. Only when they are close to death you shield them away"
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quirkycoterie · 5 years
Flower Personality - Sanagi Satou
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You are a true-romantic, a dreamer and an idealist. You have great faith and seldom waiver in your convictions. You believe in people and trust in their goodness. You are a very sweet person who always hopes for the best and believes that it will happen.
Tagged by: @umbralsound-xiv
Tagging: @nebula1984, @rinoasdream, @healing-word, @kailani-ffxiv, @aetherapothecary, @hana-komainu-xiv, @skyysinger, @claihn, @yutikyis, @eviloblivion, @ketsuchikotetsu
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