hangingpractice-blog · 11 years
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> Revisiting Inaba, you run into hangingarcana.
[Souji's eyes sparkle as the train pulls into familiar scenery. Out of all of his memories, those of his time with his friends in Inaba are the ones that he holds closest to his heart. College offered nothing new to him, despite it being in a completely different country. He felt as if he was reduced to nothingness; it is only his true companions that bring purpose to his actions. However, Souji has yet to inform any of his friends of his return, nor does he know exactly where most of them are, since he has fallen so out-of-touch.]
[As he stepped off of the train, Souji felt compelled to walk to Junes. He left his belongings at the luggage-hold in the station and headed over to the store. As he walks through the food court reminiscing, his eyes focus on a familiar shock of curly blond hair. The Fool walked over to the owner of said hair and taps him gently on the shoulder, a gentle smile spreading on his lips.]
It's been a while, Naoki.
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How has everything been?
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9 Approached the detective
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After finally receiving some time off from her job, Naoto decided to take a small break in Inaba. Though manly because she wished to see some of her friends once again, something had stopped her dead in her tracks before attempting to relax, a large mass of people seem to have accumulated in the small rural town. Increases within a population would usually be considered normal or just a daily occurrence, but usually not in large numbers.
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With her head pounding with thoughts, she decided to figure out why there was such an increase though she wasn't one who would try to go detective on her day off, well it was more so a personal conflict than something with her profession, the fortune had a calm look on her face and spoke with a steady tone. "Hello there, I am Naoto Shirogane it's a pleasure to meet you" The greeting in itself was somewhat bleak since she wasn't the most sociable person ever, though looking out in the crowd she did recognize a few faces which brought a small smile to her face, while the others were strangers she had yet to meet. 
She placed her hand on her hip trying to comprehend why such a large group would come here, many thoughts scrambled within her head; from either coming for the hot springs or the large department store known as Junes, within the group some were residents of the town which didn't surprise her at all, whatever the reason might be Naoto might as well welcome them to the town and show them around. 
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hangingarcana decided to drop by~
Walking down on the street of the Central Shopping District, Yosuke hummed the Junes theme song but with his own style. Headphones that covered his ears completely was the only thing cutting him off from reality until he had saw the younger student. Naoki Konishi. Saki-senpai's younger brother. Yosuke didn't have anything against him so he wanted to become friends with him. So why shouldn't he start now? Telling himself that, he walked over and greeted him. "Hey Naoki, how's it going? Life's treating you good?"
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pintsizedcarnivore · 11 years
“Yeah, I’ve got time now.”
"Cool. Meet me in front of Junes and we'll head over there." With that text sent out the carnivore made her way to wait by Junes. It starting to feel like April; sunny but not scorching. As she waited she wondered what sort of room mate Naoki would be if this were to go through...
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hangingarcana started following pintsizedkicker
"Hey there, Naoki-kun!" Chie smiled, giving a friendly wave. "How are you doing today?"
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cityboygonecountry · 12 years
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
fireballofinsanity replied to your post: |( ̄3 ̄)| ((Dunno? XD I like Breakinner XD *wave*)) Then I guess that works! Breakinner it is! hangingarcana replied to your post: |( ̄3 ̄)| [ breakinner would be a cool name for a band ] Then we should start one with this name. And we'll sing a story about how dinner and breakfast became secret lovers. comsumedwithcontempt replied to your post: |( ̄3 ̄)| supperfast That would be an awesome song title! Or like breaksupper. Or breaksupperfast I don't know anymore.
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yabureru · 12 years
hangingarcana replied to your post:
Log out and send it anonymously if you really want to use it; I’ll know it’s you. Or just post it and tag me in it? Everyone’s going to see it anyway so
ill just w8 until l8r.  its worth w8in 4.  like u.  ;)
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