#hangon let me quick make a breakdown post of the situation
bonefall · 4 months
I know this has nothing to fo with you, but it reminded me of you and it was so bonkers I had to tell someone
Saw a conversation on the WC Subreddit (yikes already, I know) about Brambleclaw being a good dad. I replied that for the most part I thought he was pretty average aside from when he learned Ashfur was beating Lionpaw and didn't do anything about it
And THIS was the reply I got: "Brambleclaw didn't see the training, and technically speaking, how Ashfur trains his apprentice is no business of Brambleclaw's even if he is Lionpaw's father and clan Deputy so long as Lionpaw remains fit, which he was. "
...dude, what?? So Brambleclaw learns his son is getting smacked around by his mentor but it's "none of his business as long as Lionpaw is fit"?? Hello?? That's his kid no shit it's his business, not to mention he seems to know that other cats finding out would be bad since he tells Hollypaw not to say anything?? Did we read the same goddamn book
Anyways, rant over, I was just so baffled by that reply I had to run somewhere and the closest person was local Warrior cats guy Bonefall
I swear, either Bramblestans have been getting worse lately, or their bad takes have been breaking containment more often in the past couple weeks. Still, it doesn't stop making me wince that people can say something like that and actually believe it.
"You see, the abused child's father, who is also the second in command of the entire Clan, has no business saying anything because i dont want to believe my favorite sadboy has ever done anything wrong ever. And he didnt even see it or go to look at his son to confirm how bad he was beaten" Do you hear yourself.
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