#hannhson dillie' timewell
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Hannhson! :)
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Hello everyone!My first Pizza Tower AU: Liminal Space or Liminal Spaces! (This ft. My HM OC: Hannhson Dillie' Timewell!) (even ft. Two wip Peppino clone OCs!)
The AU goes:
Peppino notice that his friend (with his rat pal) haven't been seen in an awhile or his monster friend: Fake Peppino!That was until he took a step and falls right threw the floor, as if the floor was invisible! That's when he lands in front of a red girl (Hannhson) and two other Peppino clones with strange appearances!They eventually go an adventure to find his three friends and get them outta here!
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This also be ft. A couple Peppino clone OCs too along with a NEW Peppino Clone OC that's based off a rubberhose! :)
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((ooc: So I saw some grim dabbles by @asktheghosthost and I came across this picrew so I did....))
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askthehatboxghost · 3 years
((ooc: Are you opened for rps?-Mun Spooks/Spooky))
It wasn't usually in the manor playing his organ Dalbert The Organist without being disturbed until his vampire friend Hannhson burst threw the door because a birdy told her of the location of Gracey Manor,"Hello?" Hannhson looked around then she saw Thomas approch her along with Dalbert by him,"Hello Dalbert who's your friend here?" Hannhson looked at him.
"You both can speak I have things to do!" Dalbert said putting his nose in the air and walking away her red eyes narrowed at Thomas staring into his soul,"I'm Hannhson Dillie' Timewell at your service!" Hannhson chuckled tipping her black cowboy hat Thomas. He saw she had long red hair-It had the scent of flowers,red eyes, pointy ears,vampires fangs, cold pale white skin,sharp talons, and wore black from head to toe. But somewhat had a London accent.
"I'm from London by the way I had to tell papa and mother I was coming.We vampires enjoy ghosts company but some of us vampires don't like ghosts for some reason but I know a ghost who's an Elemental!" She told Thomas.
"He's older than I am I'm 30,000 years in vampire years I can age but skin never ages!" She smiled,"And you must be?" Hannhson looked at him.
"Thomas Gracey, miss," he replied with a tip of his hat, "a vampire, you say? Interesting! While the residents of the mansion are primarily spirits, plenty of paranormal folk come for a visit or even to stay, so you are most welcome here."
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theheadlessgroom · 4 years
((ooc: Hey there!Who played the vampire persona in London After Midnight silent film?I'm asking because I'm going to make an AU with the two characters that I'm going to portait as REAL vampires and thinking giving vampire names I know the female actor who did Bat-Girl... This will ft my HM OC Hannhson Dillie' Timewell who is also a vampire.))
((That was Lon Chaney Sr, the ‘Man of a Thousand Faces’ himself, underneath the fake fangs (as well as playing the vampire’s real self, Inspector Burke)! His appearance as the Man in the Beaver Hat was the direct inspiration for the Disney Imagineers when designing the Hatbox Ghost, and thus, he’s become my faceclaim for Randall, as you well know!))
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Hannhson as a cowgirl!
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Ezra you dumb!
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He was caught off by a kiss!
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"DEAR GOD,HANNHSON!" "Where have you been?!"
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Oh who is SHE?
A misty memory!
A haunted face!
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Name: Hannhson
Middle/Last name: Dillie' Timewell
Full name: Hannhson Dillie' Timewell
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Red
DOB: Oct 13-Halloween
Date of Death: Jan,1957-Murder by an unknown killer
Skin color: Blue (like a ghost)
Sex: Female
Lives: Ireland then moved to New Orleans
Accent: Irish
Height: Short
Weight: Like picking up a couple flowers
Pets: The One Eyed Black Cat that she called Oneie,another black cat with no eyes but only a mouth!
Abilities: Turning mortals & certain ghosts into cats or paintings trapping them in her cursed painting!,Dark Magic & Black magic, Shape shifting/mimicking others voices
Resident: The Gracey Manor
Relationship: Professor Phineas plump
Friends: The Hitchhiking Ghosts,the ghostly cats,The Ghost Host,Master Gracey,The Organist,The Cat Lady,Not so friendly ghosts,The Dread Family, Madame Leota
Enemies: The Hatbox Ghost, Constance,The Mummy (she just gets annoyed by him),Her parents/Twin siblings, Henry Ravenswood/The Phantom, Ramsey,Mortals,The Headless Horseman,Zeke
Species: Ghost,Cat,demon
Family: Mrs.Timewell,Mr.Timewell,Alex Timewell(Twin sibling),and Phobe Timewell(twin sibling)
Age: 33
Birthday: Oct, Halloween 31
Likes: Stitch,Lilo & Stitch,Duffy Bear,riding on Stitch's Great Escape,Likes riding on the Duffy Bear bus,Reading books,Reading the Legend of Sleepy Hollow books (she has a series of books),Going merch shopping
Dislike: Getting baths in her cat form, getting yelled at,other ghouls going into her room,her things being broken
Hannhson is a beautiful redhead girl who runs a flower shop during the spring and summer seasons but she closes it during Winter and Autumn season.During mortal life she enjoyed doing paranormal investigation,being an urban explorer (exploring abandoned places!) But most men would find her VERY attractive because of her pretty face or some men would immediately dumb her because Hannhson was in the paranormal!
Until in Jan of 1957 in the winter she kick the bucket: Unknown killer ended her life by shoot a bullet threw her head and finishing her off with 90x bullets to her left hip making her bleed to death,her body was buried at the Pet Cemetery (60 ft deep) outside of New Orleans with no headstone so no one would find her!
Since then Hannhson have been an angry human spirit collecting mortal souls and certain ghosts and trapping them in her cursed painting that she now haunts in the Gracey Manor being 1000 soul there!
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Mortal: Does your cat bite?
Hannhson: No!He poessesses folks!
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(ooc: Hannhson and Zeke.))
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