madvinvibes · 2 years
A mantra that was written with all the 7 chakras open?? Here’s a free preview for you!
If i told you about two extremely powerful Hanuman mantras that were written by a great saint with all his 7 chakras open, you wouldn’t believe me. But, its true and there is this amazing Hanuman Mantra Pack by a mystic that proves that manifestation with mantras is till date the most powerful way of manifesting anything that you wish for!! . Click here to know more and preview the extremely powerful Hanuman audio mantras!!! Benefits?  Playing any Hanuman Mantra audio will invoke divine vibrations and assistance in solving issues, and warding off negative energies!  Daily listening to the Hanuman Mantras can help one to overcome stress and trauma.  If you listen to any of the two Hanuman Mantra in the pack before going to bed, it will help you sleep better!  Hanuman Mantras are helpful in freeing oneself of the karmic effects of the bad deeds done in the past.  Those who experience stress should close their eyes while listening to the Hanuman Mantra. You will instantly feel at ease!  Anyone seeking realization should use the Hanuman Mantra to acquie insight and spiritual knowledge! Don’t believe me! Preview for yourself and decide if you wish to bless yourself with an amazingly powerful Mantra Pack that can change your life forever
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rahuleshwar · 3 years
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नासै रोग हरे सब पीरा, जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा।।
श्री हनुमान चालीसा के अन्दर सभी रोगों और समस्याओं से उबरने का मार्ग बताया गया है और निरंतर पूजा अर्चना से तन मन की पीड़ा शांति और सदकर्मों की ओर मार्ग दर्शाया गया है।
आज मंगलवार है आप भी अपने परिवार के साथ आज के दिन हनुमान जी का ध्यान करें, हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ करें, बाबा जी सब पर कृपा करेंगे। ।। नमो नारायण ।। गुरु राहुलेश्वर, भाग्य मंथन
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lovegopinath · 5 years
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Pacifies the Malefic Sun, Mars & Saturn, Promises Protection & Success in Every Walk of Life
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quadranthinduism · 4 years
The trimurti in Hinduism is sometimes referred to by HIndus as the trinity of the Hindus. But the trimurti also becomes a quaternity in Hinduism. I have seen different examples for the transcendent fourth. I have read a book that described that the trimurti was a quaternity when the Mother Goddess was added. Another example is, those who worship Surya, the Sun God, see Surya as the transcendent fourth part of the trimurti. For the Surya worshippers, Surya encompasses the previous three deities in the trimurti. They say that the other three Gods are manifestations of Surya
The Quaternity for Surya worshippers in relation to the Hindu trimurti
Surya is Brahma in the morning
Surya is Shiva in the evening
Surya is Vishnu in the afternoon
There are four hindu sampradayas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampradaya
Sri Devi Lakshmi Sampradaya
Four Kumaras
Originally the vedas were considered the triple vedas. A fourth veda however was added.
Each veda has four major text types
There are 16 stages of life in Hinduism. These are the 16 Samskaras. http://www.vmission.org.in/hinduism/samskaras.htm
Indologist Jan Gonda has identified 16 steps (shodasha upachara) that are common in all varieties of puja:[27]
Avahana (“invocation”). The deity is invited to the ceremony from the heart.
Asana. The deity is offered a seat.
Padya. The deity’s feet are symbolically washed.
Water is offered for washing the head and body
Arghya. Water is offered so the deity may wash its mouth.
Snana or abhisekha. Water is offered for symbolic bathing.
Vastra (“clothing”). Here a cloth may be wrapped around the image and ornaments affixed to it.
Upaveeda or Mangalsutra. Putting on the sacred thread.
Anulepana or gandha. Perfumes and ointments are applied to the image. Sandalwood paste or kumkum is applied.
Pushpa. Flowers are offered before the image, or garlands draped around its neck.
Dhupa. Incense is burned before the image.
Dipa or Aarti. A burning lamp is waved in front of the image.
Naivedya. Foods such as cooked rice, fruit, clarified butter, sugar, and betel leaf are offered.
Namaskara or pranama. The worshipper and family bow or prostrate themselves before the image to offer homage.
Parikrama or Pradakshina. Circumambulation around the deity.
Taking leave
There are 16 stages of Puja in hinduism.
There are four major denominations of Hinduism
Panchayatana puja is the form of Puja in the transcendent fourth denomination Smartism. A quincunx is a cross/X made of five parts. The deities in Smartism are worshipped in the form of a quincunx.
The Ramayana
The marriage of the four sons of Dasharatha with the four daughters of Siradhvaja and Kushadhvaja Janakas. Rama and Sita, Laskhmana and Urmila, Bharata and Mandavi and Shatrughna with Shrutakirti.
The Ramayana describes the fourfold incarnation of God through Ram and his three brothers- the four sons of Dasharatha
The birth of Four Sons of Dasharatha is depicted below
The Hare Krishna mantra is 16 words in a four by four quadrant model grid. The Hare Krishna teach that the mantra is God Himself. The 16 square quadrant model is the Form of Being
The Hare Krishna mantra is a quatrain
Quatrains have four lines. The Shiva Tandava Stotram is composed of quatrains. Each line in the quatrain has 16 syllables There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. The hymn is said to have been created by Ravana. Ravana stole Sita from Ram in the Ramayana.
Chaupai is a quatrain verse that uses a metre of four syllables. Quatrain is four lines. The syllable count of chaupais are 16/16. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
There are 40 famous chaupais. Again there is the repetition of four.
The Hanuman Chalisa has 40 verses. Chalisa means forty in Hindi. Again, there is the repetition of fours
The introductory dohas of the Hanuman Chalisa talks about “the four fruits” of Ram. The Gita press interprets the four fruits as the four purusarthas.
The first three are worldly. They were described in the Vedas. The Upanishads added the transcendent fourth, Moksha.
The Ganesha Shodashi is 16 forms of Ganesha in a quadrant model pattern. The Ganeshas are in a four by four pattern. The Ganesha Shodashi is the most popular form through which Ganesha is worshipped. Ganesha is said to represent the Aum, and be shaped like the Aum. I described that the Aum is the fourfold sound.
The physical form of Ganesha is related to the Om. The Om is the fourfold sound. The upper curve of the Aum is the face of Ganesha. The lower curve is the belly. The twisted curve on the right side of the Om is the trunk.
The four states of consciousness in Hinduism
In Hinduism there is three regular yogas and a fourth transcendent yoga. Swami Vivekananda articulated that there are four main paths of yoga
Karma Yoga or the Path of Action (karma)
Gyan Yoga or the Path of Knowledge (Gyan)
Bhakti Yoga or the Path of Devotion (bhakti) to Ishvar (God)
The fourth different yoga is Raj yoga
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are very famous. I watched lectures on them a long time ago on the internet. They are composed of four parts
Samadhi Pada
Vibhuti Pada
Sadhana Pada
Kaivalya Pada
The Brahma Sutras are four chapters each divided into four parts. The 16 parts are a quadrant model pattern.
According to the Upanishads the self has 16 parts.
“Lastly, Sukesa approached the sage and said: ‘Holy sir, Hiranyanabha, prince of Kosala, once asked me this question: ““Sukesa, do you know the Self and his sixteen parts?”” I replied, ““I do not. Surely, if I had known them, I should have taught them to you. I will not lie, for he who lies perishes, root and all.”” The prince silently mounted his chariot and went away. So now I ask of thee, Where is the Self?’” (Prashna Upanishad 6:1).
Shankara recognized 16 authentic upanishads. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
There are four stages of life in Hinduism.
Bramacharya- focused on education. The first square is related to the idealist temperament. Idealists are mental and concerned with education. 0-24
Vanaprastha- 48- 72. This is the retirement stage. The individual is now less concerned with the family and more with preparing for Moksha. The artisan temperament is related with the third stage. The artisan is more of an individual and less concerned with community and family
Grihastha- the Grihastha stage is concerned with family and married life. The second square is related to homeostasis and relationships 24-48
Sannyasa 72 plus. The person has renounced the world and is focused on Moksha. The fourth square temperament is the rational temperament. The Rational is focused on seeking the Truth.
There are four Adi Shakti Pithas. They are said to be the four major parts of Devi Sati’s body. They are
Puri, Odisha (inside Jagannath Templecomplex)
Guwahati, Assam
Berhampur, Odisha
Kolkata, West Bengal (Kalighat Kali Temple)
There are 16 bridal ornaments that Hindu women wear. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
There are four major Advaita Mathas. Each of the four is related to one of the four Great Sayings of the vedas
The four great sayings of Hinduism are
prajñānam brahma - "Prajñāna[note 1] is Brahman"[note 2], or "Brahman is Prajñāna"[web 3] (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3 of the Rig Veda)
tat tvam asi - "Thou art That" (Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7 of the Sama Veda)
ayam ātmā brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman" (Mandukya Upanishad 1.2 of the Atharva Veda)
aham brahmāsmi - "I am Brahman", or "I am Divine"[7](Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10 of the Yajur Veda)
Angkor Wat has a central quadrant and a lot of cruciform layouts.
The Deula style has four components
vimana (structure containing the sanctum)
nata-mandapa (festival hall)
jagamohana (assembly hall)
bhoga-mandapa (hall of offerings)
Aurobindo is a famous Hindu sage. He was thought by many to be an avatar of Krishna. He also is worshipped with the Divine Mother. The woman who he is worshipped with was thought to have been an avatar of Laxmi. He said that there were four beings involved in creation. They are
According to many Hindus, like the Hare Krishna, Krishna originally had two quadruple expansions. According to these Hindus, Krishna is the supreme God. The two quadruple expansions are similar to the gnostic notion that in the beginning was two tetrads.
First quadruple expansion
Karanadakashayi Vishnu [Maha-Vishnu]
Kshirodakashayi Vishnu [the Supersoul in each individual]
Garbhodakashayi Vishnu [the expansion in each universe]
Sesha, also called Seshanaga
These four create the material cosmic manifestation.
Krishna then expands himself into four forms. These four forms experience pastimes in Vrindavan. When studying Hare Krishna I would watch cartoons on the pastimes of Krishna. The cartoons consisted of these four characters, who are four forms of Krishna.
The second quadruple expansion are present in the infinite vaikuntha planets
Vasudeva- expansion of Krishna
Sankarshana- representation of Balarama
According to Hindus like the Hare Krishna, four verses sum up the Bhagavatam.
The renowned isckon temple of Delhi is divided into four sections
Lord Caitanya had four disciples. Caitanya was seen as an incarnation of Krishna. Often Caitanya is depicted cruciform, with his arms raised, and with his four disciples, two on each side.
The Char Dham are four holy pilgrimage sites in Hinduism. They are mentioned in the Mahabarata
The four pilgrimage sites above are for Vishnu. Shiva also has four pilgrimage sites associated with him.
The Vedic Priesthood consists of 16 members in four groups of four. Four groups of four is the quadrant model. The 16 members are four chief priests and their assistants.
The hotṛ was the reciter of invocations and litanies. These could consist of single verses (ṛca), strophes (triples called tṛca or pairs called pragātha), or entire hymns (sukta), drawn from the ṛgveda. As each phase of the ritual required an invocation, the hotṛ had a leading or presiding role.[citation needed]
The udgātṛ was a chanter of hymns set to melodies (sāman) drawn from the sāmaveda. This was a specialized role in the major soma sacrifices: a characteristic function of the udgātṛ was to sing hymns in praise of the invigorating properties of soma pavamāna, the freshly pressed juice of the soma plant.[citation needed]
The adhvaryu was in charge of the physical details of the sacrifice (in particular the adhvara, a term for the Somayajna). According to Monier-Williams, the adhvaryu "had to measure the ground, to build the altar, to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and immolate it," among other duties.[citation needed] Each action was accompanied by supplicative or benedictive formulas (yajus), drawn from the yajurveda. Over time, the role of the adhvaryugrew in importance, and many verses of the ṛgveda were incorporated, either intact or adapted, into the texts of the yajurveda.[citation needed]
The brahman was the reciter of hymns from the atharvaveda who was largely silent and observes the procedures and uses Atharvaveda mantras to 'heal' it when mistakes have been made.
With the hotṛ:
the maitrāvaruna
the acchāvāka
the grāvastut (praising the Soma stones)
With the udgātṛ:
the prastotṛ (who chants the Prastâva)
the pratihartṛ ("averter")
the subrahmanya
With the adhvaryu:
the pratiprasthātṛ
the neṣṭṛ
the unnetṛ (who pours the Soma juice into the receptacles )
With the brahman:
the brāhmanācchamsin
the agnīdh (priest who kindles the sacred fire)
the potṛ ("purifier")
The Hindus have a four caste system
Brahmins (priestly people)- mental. The first square is mental and good.
Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen and farmers)- These are the doers.
Kshatriyas (also called Rajanyas, who were rulers, administrators and warriors). Homeostasis. The second square maintains order and structure. Rulers and administrators organize and order. Warriors protect.
Shudras (labouring classes).
The fourth caste was seen as different
The three upper orders were “distinguished from the shudras”.
The Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, and the Vishyas are considered “twice born” but the shudras are not.
Again the quadrant pattern in the caste system is fulfilled in that the first three castes are different from the fourth. Hindus say that they have a four caste system. There is a fifth element that is so different that it is not even really considered a caste. The fifth is always questionable and ultra transcendent. I described how Empedocles said that fire is the fourth different element. But fire still associates with air, water and Earth. The fifth, ultra transcendent element, aether, does not even interact with the first four. It is not even connected. The same holds true for the untouchables.
Ramakrishna had a teaching about four wise men and an elephant. The four wise men touched different parts of the elephant, and thought the elephant was the aspect they touched. Ramakrishna says that religion is like the elephant, and different religions understand a different part of the whole
One touched the leg of the elephant, and said, "The elephant is like a pillar."
The third touched the belly, and said, "The elephant is like a big jar."
The second touched the trunk, and said, "The elephant is like a thick stick or club."
The fourth touched the ears, and said, "The elephant is like a winnowing basket."
Ramakrishna had 16 disciples. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
Swami Brahmananda
Swami Premananda
Swami Yogananda
Swami Niranjanananda (The Senior)
Swami Saradananda
Swami Shivananda
Swami Ramakrishnananda
Swami Turiyananda
Swami Abhedananda
Swami Adbhutananda
Swami Advaitananda
Swami Nirmalananda
Swami Akhandananda
Swami Trigunatitananda
Swami Subodhananda
Swami Vijnanananda
Michael Tsarion says that there were four great ancient cults. They were
Four Dharmasutras survive. They are
The Manusmrti is divided into four parts
Creation of the world
The dharma of the four social classes
Source of dharma
Law of karma, rebirth and final liberation
There are 16 auspicious dreams in Jainism. These 16 dreams were seen by the mothers of important leaders in Jainism. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. Some sources say that there are 14 auspicious dreams. The 16 dreams are the dreams of Trishala, mother of Mahavira
The first of the dreams is of an elephant with four tusks.
Ancient India, during the time of the Buddha, was made up of 16 Great Kingdoms. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
The Buddhist Anguttara Nikaya lists the 16 nations.
sixteen great nations: Anga Assaka (or Asmaka) Avanti Chedi Gandhara Kashi Kamboja Kosala Kuru Magadha Malla Machcha (or Matsya) Panchala Surasena Vriji Vatsa (or Vamsa
The Vyākhyāprajñapti, a sutra of Jainism, has a different list of the 16 Great Nations
Banga (Vanga)
Ladha (Lata)
Bajji (Vajji)
Moli (Malla)
The muladhara chakra is the root chakra. The muladhara chakra has four petals
64 is four 16s. There are four extant shrines of the 64 yoginis.
I have spoken to Hindus, and researched the chakras, and they are a four plus three pattern. The first four are different form the next three.
The four petals are said to represent the four elements. The four petals are also thought to represent the four vrittis
greatest joy
delight in controlling passion
natural pleasure
blissfulness in concentration
The four petals are also thought to represent the four goals of a Hindu, dharma (psycho-spiritual longing), artha (psychic longing), kama (physical longing) and moksha (longing for spiritual liberation.
The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth chakra. The chakra has 16 petals.
In Hinduism there are 16 abilities that a human can develop. An avatar is said to be perfect in all 16 abilities. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model. The sixteen petals are also argued to represent the 16 vowels in the sanskrit alphabet.
In yoga there is the swastika pose called the swastikaasana
Square breathing involves inhaling for four seconds, holding for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and then holding the breath out for four seconds and continuing. I attended a meditation event where the instructor had the class do square breathing some time last year. I did not even realize that what we were doing was quadrant oriented, until I looked it up afterwards and realized that the four components of the breath was a quadrant.
The stanzas in an "ashtakam" are a rhyming quartet with four lines, i.e. end lines rhyme as a-a-a-a. Thus, in an ashtakam generally thirty-two lines are maintained. All these stanzas follow a strict rhyme scheme. The proper rhyme scheme for an astakam is: a-a-a-a/b-b-b-b….. (/ represents a new stanza).
The conventions associated with the ashtakam have evolved over its literary history of more than 2500 years. One of the best known ashtakam writers was Adi Sankaracharya, who created an ashtakam cycle with a group of ashtakams, arranged to address a particular deity, and designed to be read both as a collection of fully realized individual poems and as a single poetic work comprising all the individual ashtakams. He wrote more than thirty astakams in stuti [dedication] to various deities.
64 is four 16s.
The 8x8 (64) grid Manduka Hindu Temple Floor Plan, according to Vastupurusamandala. The 64 grid is the most sacred and common Hindu temple template. The bright saffron center, where diagonals intersect above, represents the Purusha of Hindu philosophy.[4][33]
The Brahma Padas, in the center, is a quadrant. There are four padas, the Brahma, the Devika, the Manusha, and the Paisachika.
The 9x9 layout still has four padas, but it extends the Brahma Padas.
The 9x9 (81) grid ‘’Parama Sayika’’ layout plan (above) found in large ceremonial Hindu Temples.
Agni, the God of fire in Hinduism, was associated with the swastika. When making a fire people use firesticks, and the sticks make a cross.
THE KABBALISTIC CROSS is used in Kaballah
Mantra: Ra Ra Ra Ra Ma Ma Ma Ma
Complete Mantra:
Ra Ra Ra Ra
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Sa Sa Sa Sat
Hari Har Hari Har
The Sikh Triple Mantra is also made up of quatrains of four lines
Aad Such Chant like you are speaking to a friend from long ago and visualize that you are pointing to the past (behind you). Jugaad Such Chant like you are speaking to a friend from the future and visualize that you are pointing into the future (forward). Hai Bhai Such Chant with the feeling like its going on right now and visualize like your hands are pushing something down from your chest to your hips. Nanak Hosee Bhai Such Chant with the feeling like its going on all around you and visualize your palms up and to your sides. **Make such you are emphasizing the CH in Such like you are coaxing a snake up your spine.
Mantra: Aap Sahaee Hoa
Complete Mantra:
Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har, Har, Har
Language: Sanskrit
You, Divine One, have become my refuge. True is Your support, Great Creative Infinite.
Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Namo Namo
(I bow to the Primal Power)
Sarb Shakti, Sarb Shakti, Sarb Shakti, Namo Namo
(I bow to the all encompassing Power and Energy)
Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo
(I bow to that which God creates)
Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti, Namo Namo
(I bow to the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power)
The Prayer of Light
Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love unto me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe
Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace unto me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe
Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light unto me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe
King Vajra then had 16 idols of Krishna and other gods carved from a rare, imperishable stone called Braja and built temples to house these idols in and around Mathura so as to feel the presence of Lord Krishna. The four presiding idols of Braja Mandala are Sri Harideva of Govardhan, Sri Keshava Deva of Mathura, Sri Baladeva of Baladeo, and Govindaji of Vrindavan. There are two Naths—Sri Nathji, who were originally at Govardhan and are now in Nathdwara, Rajasthan and Sri Gopinath, who is now in Jaipur. The two Gopals are Sri Madana Mohan, who is now housed at Karoli Rajasthan, and Sakshi Gopal, who is now moved to town of Sakshi Gopal, Orissa, near Puri. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
The show Information Please would have a transcendent fourth guest panelist.
Panel regulars included writer-actor-pianist Oscar Levant and newspaper columnists and renowned wits and intellectuals Franklin P. Adams and John Kieran. All the panelists were well-versed in a wide range of topics, though each had a specialty. Music and filmquestions were often addressed to Levant. Adams was well known for his mastery of poetry, popular culture and Gilbert and Sullivan. Kieran was an expert in natural history, sports and literature. A typical question would have three or four parts and would require the panelists to get a majority of the questions right, lest they lose the prize money.
The show would always have a fourth guest panelist, usually either a celebrity, a politician or writer. Guest panelists included Fred Allen, Leonard Bernstein, Boris Karloff, Clare Boothe Luce, Dorothy Parker, S. J. Perelman, Sigmund Spaeth, Rex Stout, Jan Struther, Deems Taylor, Jackie Robinson, Alexander Woollcott, George S. Kaufman, Ruth Gordon, Orson Welles, Basil Rathboneand a very young Myron "Mike" Wallace.
A variation of Information Please, this time a program devoted exclusively to music with the same four-member panel format, became popular when it was televised in Los Angeles in 1953. After two years of local success, Musical Chairs became a summer replacement series on NBC Television. The Bill Leyden-hosted game show lasted eleven weeks on the national airwaves.
During marriage a Hindu woman wears 16 necessary items. There are 16 squares in the quadrant model.
To relive the blocked energies, centre of existence need to be balanced for well-being and better life. Our living place consists of five elements. Space which is the most important of all the five elements.
Air is governing element of North-west corner while fire is assigned the South-east because of its aggressive nature. Water is an element of North-east and earth is assigned with South-west. Likewise the human body is a crafted frame having an order of five elements called chakras which is balanced by external elements. The elements of living place need to be balanced akin we balance body’s elements with external material such as food and meditation.
Vastu Energy Balance Imbalance of elements can be corrected by the most subtle & higher element- space while defects in native place can be balanced or rectified using Vastu tools like wind chimes, energy pyramid and crystals. These Vastu tools helps rectifying negative energies and try subtle the ambience with positive prana. Body prana can be instilled by correcting chakras that are responsible for our day to day functions. In such way external prana of cosmos or dwelling place have to make lively by creating balance with energy elements of Vastu.
The pooja space in your home should be organized according to Vastu Shashtra, because it is the place where you reflect and praise.
A mandala (Sanskrit: मण्डल, literally "circle") is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe.[1] In common use, "mandala" has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.
The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Each gate is in the general shape of a T. Mandalas often exhibit radial balance.
Painted Bhutanese Medicine Buddha mandala with the goddess Prajnaparamita in center, 19th century, Rubin Museum of Art
Kalachakra Mandala
Mandala of the Six Chakravartins
Floorplan for the 9th-century Indonesian Buddhist temple Borobudurin takes the form of a mandala
Vajrabhairava Mandala, silk tapestry, China via The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cosmological Mandala with Mount Meru, silk tapestry, China via The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Chenrezig sand mandala created at the House of Commons of the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Dalai Lama's visit in May 2008
Sandpainting showing Buddha mandala, which is made as part of the death rituals among Buddhist Newars of Nepal
Painted 17th century Tibetan 'Five Deity Mandala', in the centre is Rakta Yamari (the Red Enemy of Death) embracing his consort Vajra Vetali, in the corners are the Red, Green White and Yellow Yamaris, Rubin Museum of Art
Thangka painting of Manjuvajra Mandala
Fig. 132 – The Vishva-Vajra is the emblem of the fifth Djanibuddha (Vairocana). The two crossed thunderbolts (vajra) of this tantric symbol represents the indestructible truth.
Fig. 134 – The Tibetan sanctuary of Samye Gompa is a monastic complex with the ground plan of a mandala.
The Shivaistic (Hinduistic) temple-complex of Prambanan is situated some forty kilometers to the east of Borobudur. It matches the beauties of the contemporary Borobudur temple in many respects.
Fig. 143 – A Map of the Prambanan temple complex by N.J. Krom (1920).
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varishtyagi · 2 years
भगवान को याद करने के लिए किसी स्पेशल जगह के जरूरत नहीं है।
उसे कहीं भी याद और गुणगान किया जा सकता है।
अगर तुम्हे हनुमान चालीसा याद है तो तुम भी पढलो, किसी ने मना किया है क्या, लेकिन याद तो हो...
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mumbaimayanagri · 4 years
Shri #Hanuman_Chalisa best #Bhakti_Bhajan at #Mumbai_Mayanagri : https://youtu.be/awMQHs4FqBA
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madvinvibes · 2 years
Automatically manifest Health and Divine Grace with these two audio mantras! Free Preview!!
Mantra is made up of two parts: “man,” which refers to the mind, and “tra,” which refers to transportation or vehicle. In other words, a mantra is a mental instrument, a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to create your own reality or enter a deep state of meditation and reflection. It can be thought of as a seed for activating an intention or vibration, similar to a seed sown with the aim of blossoming into a beautiful possibility. Hanuman Mantras are very powerful and vibrational holy poem chants, one of which is composed by the great saint Goswami Tulsidas in the state of Samadhi in Haridwar, with all his 7 chakras open!! The Hanuman Mantra Pack has innumerable benefits which no human mind is capable of assessing. Yet, to explain it to you, here are a few spiritual and manifestative benefits of the Hanuman Mantras:  Playing any Hanuman Mantra audio will invoke divine vibrations and divine assistance in solving issues, and warding off evil spirits and negative energies.  Daily listening to the Hanuman Mantras can help one to overcome stress and trauma.  If you listen to any of the two Hanuman Mantra in the pack before going to bed, it can help you sleep better!  Hanuman Mantras are helpful in even freeing oneself from the karmic effects of the bad deeds done in the past. Click here to read and preview the extremely powerful Hanuman audio mantras for FREE!!! This is something you should see for yourself! I hope you manifest every beautiful thing you want in life!!
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madvinvibes · 2 years
Do you experience mental stress or negativity? This Hanuman Mantra is for you!!
A right mantra and faith is ALL YOU NEED! I highly recommend that you check out the Hanuman Mantra Pack right now, while it is still available!! Click Here if you wish to preview the Hanuman mantras! Hanuman Mantras are very powerful and vibrational holy poems, one of which is composed by the great saint Goswami Tulsidas. Tulsidas is known to be the reincarnation of Saint Valmiki. It is known that Tulsidas wrote the verses in the state of Samadhi in Haridwar, with all his 7 chakras open. The two Hanuman Mantra audios will invoke the divine energies of the supreme God. Whoever meditates while listening to Hanuman Mantras will attract grace, peace and self development! Playing any Hanuman Mantra wards off negative energies, diminishes Saturn effect, and helps those who suffer from mental stress or nightmares. It provides the person with the mental power and bravery to tackle the fears and problems of life. Spiritual Benefits of Hanuman Mantra Daily listening to the Hanuman Mantras can help one to overcome stress and trauma. If you listen to any of the two Hanuman Mantra in the pack before going to bed, it can help you sleep better! Hanuman Mantras are helpful in freeing oneself of the karmic effects of the bad deeds done in the past. Those who experience stress should meditate while listening to the Hanuman Mantra, and for those seeking realization, using the Hanuman Mantra will assist with acquiring insight and spiritual knowledge! Playing the Hanuman Mantra audio chants will promote life harmony and remove negative energies from the environment. This is something you should try for yourself! May God bless you with peace and power!
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lovegopinath · 5 years
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Hanuman Jayanti – Touch Inaccessible Heights With Lord Hanuman’s Instantaneous Blessings
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lovegopinath · 5 years
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Hanuman Jayanti – Touch Inaccessible Heights With Lord Hanuman’s Instantaneous Blessings
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