#hao yang
it is once again silly little design o’clock, this time my first Ghost Story doodle because i have not been able to get this gag out of my head :D
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
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(Click for better quality) Presenting the ocean’s protector, Hao Yang! Or, at least, his Lego Monkie Kid self.
Made purely of divine energy from the seas, he can control any kind of water and can will it into anything he wants. In this universe he was created specifically to guard a piece of celestial treasure, and he stayed close to it for several years since his “birth” until Wukong showed up wondering why the energy was off. The two quickly became friends, and had the biggest crushes on each other up until the end of season 3, and after the Lady Bone Demon’s defeat they confess to each other.
During the time when PIF started courting with DBK, she came around the mountain many times to see him. She was allied with Wukong by proxy(sworn brothers and all that) and so she met Yang this way as well. They developed a brother and sister bond that remains strong even after DBK is sealed under the mountain. Yang doesn’t actively help in any evil plans but he doesn’t mind offering up resources sometimes
Yang steps up to assist her in taking care of Redson; he doesn’t stop being friends with Wukong but he’s super angry that he would hurt the family like this, so they end up not talking until a few years before “A Hero Is Born” when Wukong is keeping an eye on MK.
Yang is proud to say he’s on good terms with both the mortal and celestial realms. He didn’t participate in the war on heaven and generally hasn’t gotten on anyone’s bad side so it’s not uncommon for him to play as the neutral party or negotiator when problems arise. The only person he’s not on the best of terms with and actively dislikes is Macaque :/ but perhaps that’ll change
(Anyways sorry not sorry for the lore dump but this man is my pride and joy for this fandom lmao, feel free to ask questions about him anytime I will def answer!)
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gabrielokun · 9 months
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cinemairon · 2 months
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Xue Yang
The Untamed
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modelsof-color · 6 months
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Yang Hao by Xiuyu Chang for WSJ China Magazine April 2024
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wang-meng · 8 months
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randomtwinkinthetomb · 4 months
Hei Xiazi: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Li Cu, Su Wan, and Yang Hao: Okay.
Hei Xiazi: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Yang Hao: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Su Wan: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Li Cu: Bold of you to assume I can die.
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whumpily-ever-after · 10 months
Sand Sea (Tomb of the Sea) Whump List
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Summary: When high school student Li Cu is attacked, a map is carved into his back and he is then kidnapped by a man named Wu Xie. Li Cu is forced to go on a journey to a forbidden tomb and thrust into a long-running conflict where he has to play a vital role if he wants to come out alive.
Genre: Action, adventure, mystery, supernatural
Country: China
Year: 2018
Watch it on: Viki, YouTube
Spoilers ahead...
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Whumpee: Li Cu played by Wu Lei (Leo Wu)
Episode 1: Disoriented, struggling to stand, chased, yelling in frustration and fear, says he was kidnapped, (flashback to before the kidnapping) manhandled, locked in a closet, scared, slides down the wall, crying, begging to be let out, released when he gives in to his father’s demands; a mysterious black form enters his forehead, knocked out of his seat, holding his head in pain; attacked on the street, a hand placed over his mouth, pushed against a wall, calling for help, strangled, holding his throat, coughing, knocked out, falls to the ground, has something carved into his back, rushed to the hospital; in a hospital bed, wakes up in pain, struggles to walk, horrified at the sight of his back, crying, kidnapped from the hospital
Episode 2: Manhandled, yelling in pain, wounds on his back reopened, passed out; told he has to go to the desert with the people who kidnapped him, wincing in pain
Episode 3: Forced to go down into tunnels even though he is claustrophobic
Episode 4: Scared; dragged over a cliff, saved
Episode 5: Knife held to the back of his neck
Episode 6: Scared; panics; struggling to breathe, holding his neck, falls to the ground, passes out
Episode 7: Falls down a cliff, unconscious; told he is hallucinating due to claustrophobia; hanging over a cavern with one person holding on to him
Episode 9: Stranded in the desert with no food or water
Episode 10: Caught in a sandstorm; weak from dehydration, stumbling, collapses, passes out
Episode 11: Flashback to when he was attacked; nightmare
Episode 12: Arm cut with a cleaver (x3), wincing in pain
Episode 13: Punched in the face, bloody nose
Episode 14: Punched in the face, falls to the ground, eyes go black, in a fight, at knifepoint, manhandled (being held back), chased, drowning
Episode 15: Knocked to the ground by a giant root; scared, chased (by a root monster thing); groaning in pain, says it’s his back
Episode 16: Forced to sleep; tied with rope, hanging from a crane, dropped to the ground, grunting in pain, grabbed around the ankle by a root, dragged, grabbed around the waist, pulled back, saved
Episode 17: Gun pointed to the side of his head; complaining about his back hurting; groaning in pain (from his back)
Episode 18: Pulled down by his ankle, choked, rescued, bitten by a snake, has a vision of the past; made to stand in various poses that make his back hurt; falls from scaffolding, nearly falls into a mine shaft
Episode 19: Pain in his hand, passes out, has a vision, wakes with a gasp
Episode 20: Wakes up in a hospital bed, flashback to him unconscious on a gurney, grabs his head, says he doesn’t remember what happened to him; hit in the back, falls to the ground, kicked repeatedly
Episode 21: Gets his hand stuck in a dummy, in pain
Episode 22: Nearly abducted, saved
Episode 31: Flashback to some of the traumatic things he encountered
Episode 32: Hallucinating; bit by things in a lake, yelling in pain
Episode 33: Drugged, knocked into a lake
Episode 34: Grabbed by the ankle, dragged off by the snake tree; helped to stand
Episode 36: Thrown across the room, groaning in pain, caught in an explosion, knocked unconscious, blood on his head; coughing up blood
Episode 37: Groaning in pain, has an injured leg, covered in blood, captured, bitten by a snake, has a vision, held in down, grabbed by his shirt collar
Episode 38: Forced to go with his enemies, carried on someone’s back; at knifepoint, kicked in the chest (while sitting), falls into a mine cart, groaning in pain, manhandled, captor steps on his bad leg, breathing heavily, grabbed by the hair, captor threatens to break his back, grabbed by the back of his shirt; forced to walk on his bad leg, manhandled
Episode 39:  Helped to walk (but not in a friendly way), in pain; limping, falls unconscious after making eye contact with a snake; limping, knocked onto his back by a dog
Episode 40: Helped to walk, pushed to the ground, grabbing his leg in pain, punched in the face; pushed to the ground, straddled, crossbow pointed at his face, crossbow pushed into his injured leg, grunting in pain
Episode 41: Caught in an explosion, passes out; wakes up back with his captors, half dragged, half carried
Episode 42: Weak, carried on someone’s back, helped to stand, drugged
Episode 43: Wakes up in a strange place, IV in his arm, cast on his leg, collapses, passes out
Episode 44: Held down, drugged
Episode 46: Gun pointed to the back of his head, forced to read a bunch of snake pheromones, grunting in pain, shaking
Episode 48: In a fight, knocked to the floor bleeding from the mouth; forced to read more pheromones, sick, slides down a wall
Episode 50: Shot with a dart, passes out; used as a human shield, gun pointed to his neck
Episode 51: Shot at, chased, hiding; crying, sees his friend die in front of him; chased, shot at
Episode 52: Shot at, in a fight; kicked through a wall (kind of), nearly stabbed, thrown out a window; carried on Wu Xie’s back, blood on his head; wakes up alone on a train, bandage on his head, arm in a cast; reunited with his friends, crying
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Whumpee: Wu Xie played by Qin Hao
Episode 2: (In a story) blood on his face, in a fight
Episode 6: Threatened with a knife
Episode 7:  Falls down a cliff; hanging over a cavern with two people holding on to him, falls, trapped
Episode 8: Threatened
Episode 9:  Stranded in the desert with no food or water
Episode 10: Caught in a sandstorm; held at knife-point; weak from dehydration, stumbling, collapses
Episode 12: Infected by a worm, tied up (for his protection); has the worm cut out of him, passes out; holding his side
Episode 14: Gun pointed to the side of his head, at knifepoint, manhandled (being held back), chased
Episode 15: Root grabs him by the ankle, dragged through sand
Episode 18: Bit by a snake; in a trance
Episode 19: In a trance, asked to be tied up
Episode 36: (Flashback) bitten by a snake
Episode 39: Drives his car off a mountain
Episode 40: Attacked, in a fight, falls off a cliff
Episode 42: Caught in a blizzard
Episode 45: Passed out, carried on someone’s back
Episode 50: Poisoned, falls to his back, left for dead
Episode 51: Unconscious, woken up, helped to sit; shot at
Episode 52: In a fight, kicked in the chest; crying
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Whumpee: Su Wan played by Wang Hao Xuan
Episode 3: Kicked into a room with no floor, hanging from (bamboo?) scaffolding; locked in a room
Episode 7: Believes Li Cu is dead, crying
Episode 8: Kind of kidnapped
Episode 9:  Being watched, chased, saved
Episode 26: Lightly manhandled; tied to a chair, gagged (with a hand then packing tape), gets free, chased, punched in the face, bloody nose, caught, held in place, strangled (with a rope), rescued; bitten by a snake, falls unconscious, carried on a friend’s back, bleeding from the nose
Episode 27: In a hospital bed
Episode 28: In a hospital bed, bandage on his neck
Episode 33: Drugged, knocked into a lake
Episode 34: Bit by something, yelling in pain, given a shot; helped to walk; complaining that he doesn’t feel good, knocked across the room by a giant snake, passes out
Episode 36: Unconscious, carried on someone’s back, blood on his face
Episode 38: Chased
Episode 39:  Unconscious after jumping off a cliff, weak, helped to sit
Episode 40: Trapped in a pit
Episode 41: Trapped in a pit, weak
Episode 42: Stuck in a collapsing cave
Episode 52: Crying
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Whumpee: Yang Hao played by Zhu Jian
Episode 3: Kicked into a room with no floor, hanging from (bamboo?) scaffolding; locked in a room
Episode 9: Being watched, chased, saved
Episode 27: Hits himself on the head with a brick, blood running down the side of his head
Episode 33: Drugged, knocked into a lake
Episode 40: Manipulated into believing his friend betrayed him; knocked over, told he is worth nothing, bullied
Episode 41: On the ground, forced onto his back, punched in the face; caught in an explosion; falls underground, blood on his face
Episode 42: Face covered in blood, worried about Li Cu
Episode 43: Discovers his grandmother passed away while he was gone, crying
Episode 44: Emotional pain
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slerralartz · 1 year
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They’re absolute haters
(Song belongs to Blivvs)
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no context Ghost Story spoilers:
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melliotwrites · 2 months
hi melliot! (ghost story was wonderful, congrats & thank you!) was wondering if you could elaborate more on the possession thing! mostly:
1. if once józef gets "killed" by joey, is joey posessing józef's body 24/7 or is it a momentary on/off thing?
2. @"killed" version of józef: at the end of <i breathe in, you breathe out>, he becomes tangible to hao again (yayyy)- is this him re-possessing his body, or just becoming like. a very corporeal ghost?
Yes and no! It seems like 24/7 to Hao because his and Józef's world operates on a "when Joey and Anthony aren't looking at it, time doesn't move" rule, at least until Hao gains more sentience and starts crossing the past/present divide the other way (I Breathe In, You Breathe Out etc). When Joey is talking to Anthony, Hao doesn't really perceive huge gaps in Józef's attention or anything. This is also the rule that allows them to "freeze" the real Hao and Józef in their fleeting joy at the end -- by removing our attention then, their timeline can't advance.
Józef becomes a very corporeal ghost! It's basically whatever part of Józef isn't his physical body -- the parts Joey keeps messing up. He can't reclaim his body until Joey leaves it voluntarily after the fire conversation.
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gabrielokun · 11 months
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cinemairon · 2 months
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Xue Yang
The Untamed
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modelsof-color · 6 months
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Yang Hao by Xiuyu Chang for WSJ China Magazine April 2024
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movielosophy · 2 years
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The Starry Love | Oh no!!
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sheepinwolfcountry · 2 months
HOW DARE YOU WRONG MY JÓZEF!!!????,?,!!:3!4)/&-
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