#haou aesthetic
cpirits · 7 months
SAFE AND SOUND || point north & the ghose inside
I'm watching where I walk Dodging every aftershock from the heavy steps you take I'll separate I need a victory Far and away from where I want to be Far and away from the shelter I seek Far and away from the fresh air to breathe Everything that's sacred to me is just out of arm's reach
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poptartmochi · 1 year
also.. thinking again about how the oracle originally wears extremely pious dress as her standard outfit bc she functions like a priest/cleric, but then the king dies, so she starts wearing club leather because I like to imagine that is their society's Mourning Dress Code
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spiritsncrystals · 16 days
Thomas Arclight, Jim Crocodile Cook.
Oh boy double whammy but sure I can do both lol
IV is a piece of shit at times but that's kinda what makes him so enjoyable seeing him make such unhinged faces though I do understand why he's like that lol
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Jim on the other hand god I like a lot about
His personality, his dynamics with the others even his bursts of English but especially his bond with Karen/Shirley it's so sweet especially when you learn his backstory and how he literally lost a functioning eye to save Karen from a poachers trap they're such good friends
It's hard to say I actively dislike much about either
Like sure Thomas is a two faced asshole but he's an enjoyable one. I guess you could say I dislike the fact he couldn't be honest with Shark about what had been done until they duel in the WDC since he actively says "I didn't mean for that fire to happen to your sister that part was on tron" but I'd say it's got something to do with his ego and that he kinda enjoys antagonising Shark at the moment of introduction
Jim you could fault for not having the foresight to not leave judai alone in 136 right after sho runs off but in both his and O'brien's defence that boy had been way too reckless and not staying put anyways when he'd SPECIFICALLY been told "don't go rushing on ahead" so I'd rather not because A they did come back for him and B it's not like they knew he was going to become Haou.
I could also say this is less something I dislike about him and more just a "I wish" but the fact that he's not in S4 does sting a bit when he was such a central character in S3 like you have Saiou, Johan and O'brien coming back in that season and he's the only one truly missing minus Misawa. I think it was more something to do with his VA exiting the scene but still if we had gotten an expanded S4 It would've been cool to see him again
Definitely the colour scheme for IV it's hard to imagine him in any other pallette, but definitely his scar, too, considering how recognisable it is kinda a shame they didn't give Rio any too but hey that's what the fans are for
Jim's I enjoy a lot for the Australian cowboy aesthetic but his face I really enjoy what with the hat and the bandaged eye to eventually reveal that he has a stone in the socket honestly seeing the eye of orichalcum revealed for the first time really was cool.
I'm pretty flexible when it comes to Thomas's aliases IV n Quattro but I tend to use IV a little more
Jim there's no difference unless we're talking the manga but they're fundamentally different people in terms of personality anyways
Would Gimmick Puppet Machina Fantasix be cheating in IV's case since it's a recent thing and it was never in the anime but I have a fascination with the cards that look like their archetypes user (Bujins too but they're different) bc I find it Like a funny display of the person's ego but the fact that he has one that looks like his public face and one that shows his freaky side is just really amusing to me because it just means his fanservice ego goes two ways (you could also see it as him viewing himself as a puppet on strings too)
Jim's would be Fossil Knight Skull Convoy especially with how it actually gets used as transportation in Dark World
It's just a really cool design
Gonna be real I don't really ship IV with anyone as much as I get the appeal of Hellshark I don't really view them in that light
Jim on the other hand I adore Orichalcumshipping (Jim x O'brien) they're the ones really looking out for the gang and it really shows the Haou arc especially really proved how good their dynamic is
Fossil (Jim x Kenzan) is also another good one
I would say even Cowboy, Savior and Tomorrow are great options too
Wouldn't say I have any exactly for either but I understand why something Like IV x Rio can be kinda off for people
It's hard to say with IV because most moments he's on screen are great but I like the scene right after he's beaten by Shark in the WDC where he's finally being vulnerable to not just Shark but Yuma Astral and Kotori behind the charming front and the freakyness and anguish is a middle child genuinely expressing that he wishes for his father to go back to being the one he once knew
Jim I could honestly say the entirety of his duel against Haou it's so good. He may of lost (along with his life) but you can really tell how earnestly he was trying to save a friend from his darkness
Least favourite scenes
If I had to select one I guess it would be the reveal that he's the one Shark was facing back then when he was disqualified from that tournament for cheating more so because it gives us a reason to hate him as much as Shark did
Jim's case I'd say that one scene in 114
Its less because of him and more just my issues with the whole life for a life going on in that duel and the fact that Asuka needed saving in the first place like cmon ygo don't have the woman nearly drown dangit but I am glad he saved her from drowning regardless
[Fuck marry or kill]
Yeah I could kill IV lmao throw him in a ditch lol
I'd rather just be Jim and Karen's friend though
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gluttonyedits · 9 months
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for @lavendergalactic's event - day 4: a character edited in an aesthetic that's completely opposite to them Haou rentry graphics
Yeah I was clueless going into this, I had zero idea. But yes dark and edgy supreme king.
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xamaxenta · 3 years
Blood stuff under cut
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melody-inwonderland · 6 years
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Princess Lillian x Haou Aesthetic - Yu Gi Oh! GX BIRDS Two hearts, one valve Pumpin' the blood, we were the flood We were the body and Two lives, one life Stickin' it out, lettin' you down Makin' it right Seasons, they will change Life will make you grow Dreams will make you cry, cry, cry Everything is temporary Everything will slide Love will never die, die, die I know that ooh, birds fly in every direction Ooh, I hope to see you again Sunsets, sunrises Livin' the dream, watchin' the leaves Changin' the seasons Some nights I think of you Relivin' the past, wishin' it'd last Wishin' and dreamin' Seasons, they will change Life will make you grow Death can make you hard, hard, hard Everything is temporary Everything will slide Love will never die, die, die I know that ooh, birds fly in every direction Ooh, I hope to see you again Ooh, birds fly in every direction Ooh, so fly high, so fly high When the moon is lookin' dark Shine that light up for your ground I'm flyin' up to let you see That the shadow cast is me I know that ooh, birds fly in every direction Ooh, I hope to see you again Ooh, birds fly in every direction Ooh, so fly high, so fly high Ooh, so fly high, so fly high Ooh, so fly high, so fly high
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darkvalkyria · 7 years
you know, yuya was a good supreme king and all, but he didn't get THIS theme
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fortuneangel · 3 years
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Says a lot about Haou’s aesthetic that Chronos’ outfit automatically designates him as royalty. I almost wonder if it’s his part life seeping in, where the style of dress was much more…flow-y.
As said before, Chronos loves his students and would risk life and limb for them.
Double also, absolutely elated that they didn’t fall back on that trend where they call Chronos a girl. The writing still has dub energy, but it is leaps and bounds better.
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ofthepuzzle · 3 years
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@midniqhte​ said: “You’re awfully cheerful today, Atem” vocals bemused, monotonous despite smirk evident ‘pon the prince’s visage. A simple touch, one guiding & set with grounding notion. As noir painted palm pressed ‘pon youthful pharaohs forearm. Molten gold gaze shifting. “If one didn’t know… better. One might think you’re- up. To something, hmm?” (( from haou but it’s actually nefrosia :3c
       There is nothing but an impish glee and excitement glistering in Atem's flowing amethystine-violet optics. Well, one thing is that his energy is served by how many hours in he’s got and luckily sleep treated him well last night. But that wouldn’t be enough to get him this enthusiastic now, would it?
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       “Perhaps you are right. I had woken up with auspicious news. The female cat Mana and I’ve been fostering has just given birth to five healthy kittens.”
       He is delighted to know that his and Mana’s efforts have positive results. They’d found the mother cat hiding in places that may, in fact, be dangerous for her and the kittens. Specifically the pots. So, they’d re-located her to a much safer and cozier spot within the palace.
       With a smile still keeping the Pharaoh’s lips curved upward, he dips his chin prior to remembering something.
       “Oh! It’s perfect that you’re here. I assume you may be… boiling up inside the armor. If you’d allow to have your size taken, I’d be more than happy to have a tunic made for you with our finest fabric. If you’d like ornaments, I can assist in finding the aesthetic that matches you the best. What do you think?”
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iyliss · 4 years
Hi, sorry if you've already talked about this, but I have a question. I remember seeing some meta floating around a while back about how Season 2 of GX was based on the Lovecraftian Mythos and Cosmic Horror, but I don't know anything about Lovecraft or Cosmic Horror, but you said you did. So could you maybe tell us more about how GX was inspired by Lovecraft? I love digging into the meta of things and hearing what people are interested in! Thank you for your time.
Omgg thank you so much for asking!! I already talked a bit about cthulhu mythos and gx (you may find about inspirations of arcana forces that doesn’t have much meta, about the world and the devil that are more focus on anime interpretations and that very scary looking reply about judai being randolph carter). But I can sure develop about season 2, and GX in general, since this was about more specific points. I’ll try to keep it decently readable, Im sorry if i get carried away ^^ Also I hope I don’t make too many mistakes, I’ve red most of the stories I will refer too, but not all, and a part comes from other sources so it might not be exact (and I might reconsider some aspects as I keep reading). Also I will avoid repeating things I said in the 3 posts linked up there. First of, why would Gx and s2 more specifically be related specifically to the Cthulhu Mythos, amongst other inspirations? Beside the arcana forces being quite obvious references, there are some narratives, aesthetics and themes in common. Amongst other things:
An entity from outer space partially coming to earth and leadingit to it’s destruction
The mix of weird sci-fi (aliens, space, white holes...) and occultism (tarot, spirits, ghosts...)
A sect. A whole sect right there.
A general mystery of some aspects of the universe (what is the light of destruction? What is the extent of it’s power, and influence? Where does it and gentle darkness come from?)
About “knowing too much” (mostly Saiou knowing the future, but you can see a bit of it in Judai’s evolution)
And so many aspects of Saiou but it’s harder to explain it all
I think that even without having red anycosmic horror litterature, the villain being the leader of a sect that try to destroy the world in honnor of an out of space (and reality) super-powerful entity screams lovecraft. Ill try talking about other points down there that are less obvious. In a way, the “main” characters of s2 (judai, edo, kenzan and saiou) follows lovecraftian main characters archetypes. Judai ressembles characters such as, well, Randolph Carter, and Charles D Ward. Innocent, a bit naive and immature, generally nice though lacking some sense of consequences. There’s often this kid who doesn’t actively try to get involved in things, but have some strong relationship with occult things and will get in all kind of trouble that never really ends well. Edo… is more about how he loves litterature, doesn’t have much friends, has a (black) cat, drink tea and is american but more about European style. That sounds stupid but it’s also an important part of lovecraftian imagery. Kenzan is interesting cuz he’s an paleontologist (at least of passion), but in a very stupid way. That may be an unwilling coincidences but I swear the number of incredibly unprofessional (and unrealistic) field rescearcher/archeologist there are in those stories… And Saiou… There’s this underlying theme (fueled by lovecraft’s racism tbh) about beings/people that are weird, monstruous, different (=not white american protestant men for him), and they probably know some secret dangerous occult magic that will destroy the world, because that is obviously what they want. And that’s pretty much how Saiou was treated. But, what makes those stories more interesting than simple racist metaphores is that said « monsters » are never shown actively doing anything bad (the dunwich horror mostly, and the shadow over innsmouth are especially interesting. In the first, it actually makes more sense than our main monster Wilbur Whateley actually tries to save the world). Which well also goes with Saiou’s story.
And it’s actually hard to explain deeply because I am often scared to associate scenes and aspects that are just a bit alike. But if i have to develop on some specific lovecraft stories, beside The dream quest of the unknown Kadath for s3 and Through the gate of the silver key for s4... In s2 some aspects reminds me of The repairer of reputation (old, very close friend of a good man have been slowly becoming the leader of a cult that does quite shady things and want the return of an old god, while maintaining a good face to his friend who noticed nothing despite everyone else thinking he’s strange), the dunwich horror (Boy hated by everyone deals all alone with an incredibly powerful entity that only brings destruction, ambiguously helping or stoping it, until at the very end the other characters finally realizes that they have to stop it too), at the mountain of madness (Hero with an affinity for spiritual things discover aliens are a thing, but they’re actually nice. But there’s also something evil those aliens tried to fight and failed, and now it’s after the humans), or The case of Charles Dexter Ward (Well meaning boy brings back his very powerful and evil double-from the past- at first tries to deal with him alone, gets all kind of trauma, asks for help as a last resort and no one understands. Notice it works both for the light/Saiou and Haou/Judai). But for that I actually think it’s more that similar themes (which could be  more likely inspired by typical Cthulhu mythos tropes and stories) leads to similar scenarios than direct references. However, s2 strongly feels like an incredibly good “adaptation” of cthulhu mythos, especially because it deals a lot more with the dehumanization and trauma that are only implied in the stories. I say adaptation because this universe is actually much more vaste than just H.P. lovecraft (and that’s why I say “cthulhu mythos”, because it’s not just him) and, at this point, is more about the tropes and themes than the characters or creatures. Also I want to conclude with insisting that, while the extend of lovecraftian inspiration in S2 is debatable, it’s clear that there’s at least one person behind ygo who has a very good knowledge of cthulhu mythos, and has it as a strong inspiration. Not only in GX, but also in the tcg (outer gods), in zexal (i personnaly have some thoughts about don thousand being based of Nyarlathotep) and in Vrains (tindangles being Tindalos Hounds).
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chromsai · 6 years
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@pxiao @jessie-channington
his haouness didnt do anything tho.
dunno how it helped or hindered him in anyway.
literally just aesthetic. i can understand wanting to show that judai’s anger has gotten to that point but... literally his Haou eyes didn’t do anything to him or for him so??
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cpirits · 5 years
I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive Can't write my story I'm beyond the archetype I won't just conform No matter how you shake my core 'Cause my roots, they run deep Oh Oh Oh
(Oh) Oh ye of so little faith Don't doubt it Don't doubt it Victory is in my veins I know it I know it And I will not negotiate I'll fight it I'll fight it I will transform (I will transform)
When When the fire's At my feet again And the vultures, all start circling, (circling) They're whispering, (whispering) You're out of time But, still I rise
This is no mistake No accident When you think the final Nail is in (Nail is in) Think again (Think again) Don't be suprised I will still rise
I must stay conscious Through the madness and chaos So, I call on my angels They say...
Oh ye of so little faith Don't doubt it Don't doubt it Victory is in your veins You know it You know it And you will not negotiate Just fight it Just fight it And be transformed (And be transformed)
'Cause when, when the fire's At my feet again And the vultures all start circling, (circling) They're whispering, (whispering) You're out of time But, still I rise
This is no mistake No accident When you think the final Nail is in (Nail is in) Think again (Think again) Don't be suprised I will still rise
(Rise) Don't doubt it Don't doubt it (Oh Oh Oh)
You know it You know it (Oh Oh Oh) Just fight it Just fight it (Oh Oh Oh)
Don't be suprised I will still rise
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
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The effect i was aiming for with this was that of an imaged playing card such as the jack queen or king. Because it kinda mirrors itself sometimes to fit the whole card
The barriers are more of a aesthetic thing
And I'll quickly point out that judai and haou are NOT holding the same cards
Haou's holding the obvious choice of super poly while judai's holding miracle fusion
And tbh yubel is pretty much the thing that connects them by this point (in the sense of yubel's actions lead to the actions of judai that allowed these two to meet and have this starting out as cold and possessive relationship to whatever you'd describe it as later on post fusion) so other than bc why not i guess that's reason for their eye being in the centre of it all.
I'm actually pretty fine with how it turned out for once maybe I'll actually live to my resolution
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gentledarkness-king · 6 years
SHUGO!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart…
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗`100 (??? (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 [ poor haou, he has to wait for 4 months . i’ll throw u my banana (?? xD](wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗  [ i mean pls look at my AU married xDDD ](hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent💗 Very low💗💗 A little💗💗💗 Hopeful💗💗💗💗 High💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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crystalprotector · 6 years
«◈┈tag dump┈◈»
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rieshon · 6 years
Summer 2018 Preview
I haven't been keeping up on anime news too well lately so I have almost no idea about anything that's airing next season. This might not be a very good preview.
1 Yama no Susume Third Season: Fuck yes. One of the best cute girls doing cute things series of the past decade is back and it's going to be amazing. I just hope the pattern holds and we get four cours worth.
2 Sunoharasou no Kanrininsan: Cute girl 4koma anime from Oonuma Shin? It's a masterpiece. Girls all look adorable and there's definitely something here for everyone, but holy shit Ayaneru as a lewd brown gyaru? Anime of the year right here.
3 Asobi Asobase: I read some of the manga of this when it was free on eBookJapan and let me tell you, you have no idea what you're getting into here. It's supposed to be about "cute girls playing cute games" but it's actually insane. This anime is going to be great.
4 Jashin-chan Dropkick: I've been hype for this one for a while. Cute monster girls get into shenanigans. The PV gives nothing away, but I've seen some of the original manga and it's pretty funny.
5 Chuukan Kanri Roku Tonegawa: Everyone's favorite middle manager is back! We may well never get a third season of Kaiji proper, but man, just seeing that Madhouse FKMT art style again is getting me misty-eyed. Don't know a whole lot about the manga but I'm sure it will be godlike.
6 Harukana Receive: I swear guys I only watch it for the volleyball... Another all girls sports anime, but this one looks like it's going all in on the lewd beach bods. It doesn't look it, but this is actually a Kirara anime (albeit one from Forward) so I'm definitely optimistic about it.
7 Yuragisou no Yuuna-san: If you know me you know how much I love cute ghost girls, so you should be able to guess how excited I am for this anime. I've actually read some of the manga (cause cute ghost girls) and it's a pretty good if standard lewd romantic comedy, with the added bonus of CUTE GHOST GIRL WOO WOO. She even has the head triangle which is the most important part.
8 Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro: Why do I get Hinamatsuri vibes from this? It's not just cause that one guy looks like Nitta either. I think I remember seeing the trailer for this a while back and it looks bonkers. This'll also be the first time in a long while I've heard Omigawa Chiaki in a major role... interested to see if she's improved in the intervening years.
9 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: It's like an idol anime but they're doing musicals instead. At least it's something different. If it's anything like all-female theater in real life it'll be gay as hell, and some of the girls look great.
10 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu: The title is... what it is, but this actually looks like a pretty decent shinshi anime. Character designs are lewd, animation looks great... sign me the fuck up. Finally some good fucking Blade Dance anime.
11 ISLAND: This is animated by based feel so I'll definitely still watch it, but I'm super bitter about them removing Rieshon from the leading role because the director didn't get along with her. This would have been a great Rieshon girl goddamnit. Eroge adaptations are sadly vanishing from the Earth but this is coming out of Front Wing so hopefully it'll still have that same aesthetic.
12 Hataraku Saibou: So I can't watch the trailer for this because Youtube, but holy shit it's Japanese Osmosis Jones. Definitely a concept for an anime I haven't seen before (besides, you know, Osmosis Jones) so I'm looking forward to it for the novelty if nothing else. Red blood cell looks cute!! I bet this is going to be full of all kind of blood type bullshit though, because Japan.
13 HaneBad!: Badminton club with sometimes badminton? The girl with the glasses looks super cute. Not a whole lot else to say about a sports anime, I think we all know what we're getting into here.
14 Back Street Girls: Back street's back alright! Come on guys you can't just make an idol anime and call it this. Apparently this is about yakuza idols, which sounds like it could be amazing, but I guess it's more of a goofy thing than a scathing indictment of the corruption of the idol industry.
15 High Score Girl: It's funny to think that a couple years ago this series was on the verge of death because of unlicensed use of Sega trademarks in the manga, and now it's getting an anime full of actual game footage and shit. They even lampshade this in the trailer for it. The CG looks pretty garbo, but a lot of people like the manga so hopefully it'll be amusing.
16 Ongaku Shoujo: For a second I thought this was that light novel series where famous composers are cute little girls, but nope, just another generic-ass looking idol anime. If the character designs weren't so fucking amazing I would already have checked out, but damn, these grils.
17 Planet With: I can't tell if this is supposed to be a kid's anime of if it's just meant to look like one. Regardless, a kiddy robot anime might be fun, and it's got J.C. production values.
18 Aru Zombie Shoujo no Sainan: Can't believe they're making Zombiko into an anime. This honestly looks kind of terrible but Hayamin and Chanyui is a powerful combo so I guess. Just really not digging the character designs, and it looks like one of those anime that's too dark (tonally) for its own good.
19 Satsuriku no Tenshi: Be careful not to cut yourself on all the sharp edges on this one. It's got bloody lolis, maniacally laughing men who love murder, death games... This looks like one of those "drop halfway through the first episode" shows. The loli does look real cute though! Real good blondenblu.
20 Happy Sugar Life: With a title like this you would expect the cutest anime ever, so of course it's actually some edgy bullshit with girls with butcher's knives and tasers. Why you gotta do this to me anime? Is it so wrong to just want some cute girls cuting? I just wanna see cute Za-san girl adopt a cute loli damnit.
21 Tenrou Sirius the Jaeger: It looks like they're going really hard on trying to capture the Western audience with this one (the PV even has hilariously bad English subtitles) which immediately gives me pause, but the production values do look pretty high and there's a couple pretty hot girls in it. Not expecting to actually watch this one through though.
22 Lord of Vermillion Guren no Ou: I thought the title of this sounded familiar, and I guess it's based on a card game. I really like the look of that Ao-chan girl but that's pretty much the only thing here I like the look of. WIXOSS will always have the best cute girl card game anime.
23 Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyrja: Boy that is a title. While our other LN adaptation with an embarassing title this season looks pretty good, this one definitely looks like a bottom-of-the-barrel reject. When the art in your key visual doesn't even really look good, you know you're gonna have problems.
24 Shichisei no Subaru: This looks extremely generic even by generic fantasy light novel standards... Not a single thing about it stands out, other than the fact that a couple of my favorite up-and-coming seiyuu are in it. I guess I'll watch an episode, maybe it'll surprise me.
25 Phantom in the Twilight: This is based on a game from Happy Elements, the same company behind Last Period, which immediately gives me expectations that are way too high, even if it's unfair. This one's not even a comedy and looks like some kind of edgy otome game. Actually I'm not even going to watch this, I just wanted to say how fucking good Last Period was.
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