ciozio · 2 days
so what would happen if nova became a part of normal Siffrin’s loops (like the siffrin from the base game) how would that affect things?
Uh let's just say Siffrin is doomed from the start
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They ain't ever getting out
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traumaboyexo · 5 months
So I really loved @ciozio's happiness au, which is why I decided to completely ruin it by making and adding this fella.
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You might have seen him around in ISATCord, I call him Sifgrin. This is basically a Happy au divergence where I add this awful terrible new character.
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Originally, he was just meant to be a bastardized version of Hapfrin. At his core, he still is, I just added more to him.
He acts as a sort of enabler to Hapfrin's shenanigans (there's an Au that does this better but bear with me). He really is as awful as he looks, smile, size, etc, like a massive troll or ogre. He refers to Hapfrin as "Boss", or "Big Boss", basically telling him that he's just here to help, knowing stuff like the lost island, the stars, loops etc.
Unfortunately, he doesn't actually know about Loop's existence, and Loop doesn't know about his either, that is until mentioned.
He has a rest spot near the nap spawn, but it's mainly just some huge rocks put together as seats.
He has the same looking cloak and hat as Siffrin, but his coin is badly bent out of shape and his dagger is too blunt to cut anything. He deals in deadly explosives now as result.
While he often speaks in lame simple terms, the truth is he's incredibly clever.
Sifgrin is effectively a Hapfrin from an alternative Happiness timeline. However, he never had a Loop, neither did he ever wish to become one. Rather, he kept looping, over and over, learning and trying and getting more powerful. He kept trying to make everyone smile and refused to drop his, even once. As the universe cracks and rots, so does himself. His face begins to contort, growing awful wrinkles from smiling so much. His maniacal laughter episodes for longer and longer, outstretching his jaw. And as he got more powerful, his body grew to accommodate the changes.
Eventually, the universe began to burn away from so much looping, time and space cracking at the very seams.
Until it was nothing but the abyss. With one last dying breath, the universe gave Sifgrin a passageway into another world, seeing as it could no longer fulfill his original wish.
(Artwork needs to be change, make him bigger)
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Anyways silly divergence au did you know 1 out of 12 people like him the one is me the 11 is everyone else, pending further number changes. Will need to add more details and stuff it's a work in progress and stuff
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ciozio · 2 days
(a continuation of this ask)
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Oops, I accidentally gave angst to this with Bonnie feeling that stuff isn't right. This will happen when Bonnie sees Luma or any outsiders, they also get deja vu seeing them as well if looped
welp too late to fix it now~
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Yay colors ! :D
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ciozio · 2 days
could you go more in depth about how the music notez work?
The way the notez work are they loop you in a very short period of time
Usually up to a minute or 2, you repeat what the time frame was over n over again. Whatever the person touches loops with them as well; for example, if the person broke a bottle in their miniature loop, it resets itself once the loop softresets to the start so it can be broken again.
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If someone isn't stuck in a loop from the King/Notez and get close to someone who is stuck in one, you won't loop back with them. Trying to move the person looping is impossible. If they're standing there, it's like they weigh like a boulder instead of a person.
Wishcraft strength.
Gameplay wise, if this ever was a mod or smth lol, the team member would be stuck using the prior action at the cost of their hp. Mirabelle can not be looped, so she's the only one who can reverse this.
The looped party member would eventually KO if not recovered, and if a craft skilled was looped, it doesn't provide jackpots (would also be weaker than it usually would be)
Siffrin wise for looping back...
It does loop him backwards, but it ends up looping his thoughts he has upon touching the notez.
Like it does with regular people, it's 1-2 mins of looping. Repeating those 1-2 minute thoughts again and again until the universe allows him to loop on his own, and not by the notez' way.
Siffrin remembers these thoughts of loop thinking since his own wish allows him to remember. It's letting him continue on.
Sometimes the loop thoughts can possibly last up to 6 minutes of "real time" for Siffrin. Perhaps longer.
Maybe it depends on his mental state?
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ciozio · 1 month
Siffrin meets/joins the party woaahhhh
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Siffrin decides "kay ima actually come along" right after this moment
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ciozio · 2 months
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Continuation under cut!!
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ciozio · 3 months
Odile SusQuest
Funnily enough, the first comic I made for Happy AU!! But I haven't posted it here!!
Now it's here
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ciozio · 3 months
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Another Happiness AU post comic woo!
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ciozio · 5 months
Happiness AU
Theyre running toward you. . . You can't move. . .
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Theyre running toward you. . . They.. love you! You could do this forever~
Look.. THEY LOVE YOU!!!!! They love you... ♡ Love you so so much. . . You love them.
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They love and care for you so much!!.. Seeing them worry for you.. care for you.. it makes your heart beat so fast.. you.. can do this forever.. and ever... and ever...
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THEY RUN TOWARDS YOU.. Why.. are they making that expression?!... did.. you do something wrong?!.. you're happy!! THEYRE HAPPY!!!!!!!! TRY AGAIN!!!
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Your audience runs toward you.
You smile softly.
You cannot wait for the next show.
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ciozio · 5 months
Hello welcome to my horrible new AU.
ISAT Happiness AU !!
The AU where everyone is happy..
Yippee !!!
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Nothings wrong.
Summary of the AU !!
Still needa add and develop more, but heres the basics ✨️
The King is looping people in a small period of time. When someone is stuck, they're reliving a moment over n over.
It's so they're at their happiest forever. Vaugarde in its perfection.
They're basically broken records / movie clips.
The party has seen people in conversations rehearsing the same lines again and again.. and such.
Sadnesses don't exist in this au. They're happinesses now !
The Happinesses of this au are the fake joys of the people stuck in these miniature loops.
The freezing tears are replaced with musical notes. They're magical and seeable. When you get close, there's a specific tune unique to each one.
Touching one will loop you in that moment.
You're stuck in the same thought and action. Doing it over n over again.
For Siffrin, he does it until the universe (his looping) takes him back due to him not progressing by being looped in such a small timeframe.
The Happinesses sing instead of cry.
The King though cries and sings. I can't not make him cry lmfao. He's still King.
I say they're more joyful tears tho, cuz he thinks he's winning.
(Some Main Game Spoilers down here!!)
Siffrin declines into insanity bc they start seeing King's pov. Doing good things right.. the smiles on his party's family member's audience's faces..
The main wish is the same. He wants to stay with them!!
But it morphed into "they'll only stay with me if they're happy."
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ciozio · 2 months
Hmmm Post Canon Hapfrin mayhaps?
Also hi I really like your au and think it's really neat!! (Sorry for anon TwT)
Thank you for liking my au wwawawawawwawawa
Already have some Post / Act 6 ideas laid out!
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Spoiler alert!!
hes mentally ill
Siffrin regrets his time (especially what happens in act 5 wink wink) in the loops, especially his actions. Feels like the scum of Earth, no matter how much his friends try to help him.
Hes very uncomfortable around Isabeau and Odile specifically, but it's mainly out of guilt.
Isabeau, because of some horrid things he's done (kissing and even dating Isa in one loop).
Odile, because maybe he could've told her sooner. She's noticed him act up multiple times, and his messed-up mind claimed her to be the villain sometimes during the loops.
Overall doesn't trust himself around the family at all!! Doesn't even consider them family.
He doesn't think he's worth it.
Considers them "associates" because calling them allies or the DREADED "audience" would hurt him.
Doesn't remember all of their names, mainly remembers their titles. Includes his own! The name "Siffrin" is the haziest! His writing also worsens from the craze.
Takes a while for Siffrin to heal to trust himself from making choices that won't hurt those around him.
But no matter what, the family won't leave him behind! They all help him the best they can.
As for Loop, well..
Loop is from a Sadness timeline, Siffrin is from a Happiness timeline. 2hats isn't the same as the og ISAT
Older sketches in Read More
Here's some older doodles that also are Act 6 / Post Game
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ciozio · 4 months
Happiness AU ! - The King
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143 notes · View notes
ciozio · 1 month
Been sick
Draws this because I'm sick.
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Fun fact, happiness au Siffrin is just stuck in bed for a majority of Act 6
He passes out after the bigfrin moment and needs rest
Ok i sleep now
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ciozio · 2 months
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Wooo more Act 5 !!
The party will 100% be concerned and very discomforted.
Here's possible doodles. (Subject to change as I think more about Act 5!)
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As seen in a previous post related to act 5, Siffrin kisses Isabeau. But Isabeau does NOT like it because Siffrin isn't being geniune and looks like a maniac. (Especially that the others warned Isa before this.)
Scary and freaky. It's like Siffrin's a stranger here.
(The other three family member's aren't as developed yet. Develops them a bit now lol)
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Bonnie would probably end up crying by how strange Siffrin acts. Siffrin drags Bonnie into battle and is WAY TOO ENCOURAGING. He smiles when Bonnie gets hit down. Bonnie thinks Siffrin is a freak or sick or something.
That's fine! You'll make them happier later.
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Siffrin grabs the family tale BEFORE talking to Odile to quicken up the happy process !!
And he just goes crazy about dating advice, going off script completely.
May develop more later :) maybe write about it
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ciozio · 1 month
Wishing at the Favor Tree
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Also I made way too many alts of the 4th image, see them in read more
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I was indecisive
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ciozio · 29 days
Do you think Hapfrin would be umm…
Less inclined to express happiness (so sad/serious 80% of the time) in Act 1
And progressively expresses more joy as the loops continue? Almost to the detriment of their own health?
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Most likely..
Although Happy AU Act 1 Siffrin is alot like ISAT Act 1 Siffrin, there are a few differences
Such as making 4 wishes instead of 1. He might also not feel like he belongs as much as ISAT Siffrin does.
He wants to stay with his friends since he has no where else to go.. no other purpose than to travel with them.
The thought probably depressed him often, constantly being quiet about the topic. He loves to travel with his new companions.. but then what?..
Aware he has no country. Aware he has no name but the one he gave himself.. only having bits and pieces of his past.
It bothers him alot.
As they journeyed, he probably saw the happinesses around. How fake they are. Maybe he'll end up like that if he faked too much.
He's not too depressed, but he is sure to not fake smiles. Wants his party to know he's genuinely happy to be with them!! His jokes are geniune, joy is geniune.
He can fake not being sad, but he doesn't fake the happiness the party gives him.
So overall he's still Siffrin, but he's a bit more aware about the fact his country doesn't exist AND is a bit more clingy toward the group.
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