#happy Mother’s Day to all actual mothers and certified milfs
lavenderstemssss · 5 months
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forkanna · 5 years
NOTE: Oh WOW, what a huge response to chapter one! We're so glad you all are happy the story is back and that you like what we've dropped so far. This chapter might answer a lot of the questions some of you have had up until now.
What did her mother just say? Swallowing hard, Anna tried to back up more but only ended up almost sitting in the quiche. "I d-don't know what you're talking about."
"Come on, Anna. I thought I taught you better than to lie to your parents. Especially about something this important." Her lips were smiling, but there was very real anxiety in her eyes. Both pale, smooth hands were wringing over each other, even if the rest of her looked more or less calm.
"I… what am I lying about?" she hedged. "You tell me."
A long sigh later, Elsa approached the table and pulled out one of the chairs and sat. "Thing is, even after all this time, I'm not quite sure that I'm not certifiably insane. But assuming I'm in my right mind… I know that I somehow met the you of today thirty years ago."
That was enough. Anna collapsed to the floor again, managing to catch the edge of one chair so that she didn't go down too hard. Elsa didn't bother to help her up this time; she merely waited, hands folded patiently on the tabletop. This was not a conversation Anna wanted to have. Just last night, her mother's lips had been places that no one else's had ever been.
But now she had another problem. Now that she was more awake, a war waged inside Anna's head: scenes from the past that she knew, had grown up experiencing… and this current world that was, somehow, true. The memories of Elsa smelling of vodka and two-day-old sweat as she lay on the couch, kids fighting about some stupid thing, played in tandem with the newly-minted scenes of Elsa laughing and smiling as they went out – the whole family – on a holiday. The same day, the same year. Only now Elsa wasn't plagued by depression and insecurity and alcoholism. Her father wasn't forced to slave away in a dull desk job while Hans had the entire weekend off. Her sister wasn't picked on and her brother wasn't dismissive; all around, there seemed to be a lot less McFly family depression.
What could Anna even say to that? 'Yes, Mom. Thirty years ago, on the night of your prom, you ate out your own kid and she knew and she liked it.' There was no way she could ever say such a thing to her own mother… even if she looked more like a TV MILF than the woman who had raised her.
She was still cringing at the word "MILF" having run through her head when said MILF said in a firm tone, "Anna Victoria McFly, you will tell me everything. Now."
Never in her life had Elsa spoken to Anna like that. Well. Never in her former life. She'd always been too drunk or hungover to dole out punishment, or else she had been snapping in a fit of rage. This was a stern mother who was a hundred per cent sure this conversation needed to happen and was waiting for it to progress. Eyes wet – but not from sadness, she couldn't have been able to explain these tears if she'd tried – Anna picked something else to focus on. Something she could manage for now.
"That's not my name."
Elsa snorted. "Of course it is. I named you."
"N-no, you're wrong. My name is Anna Lorraine McFly and whatever you think you're talking about, you're wrong about this."
"Anna Lorraine? We did consider that…" But Elsa was too distracted by other things to focus too deeply on that. "Alright. You really do want to do this the hard way. Very well; I can understand why."
Then she rose from the table, and Anna tried to scramble backwards. "Wh-what are you gonna do?!"
"Do? I'm going to get something from my room." The woman was utterly puzzled by that reaction. Anna had been expecting her to kick at her, or throw something. She would never actually attack her directly or with intent to cause real harm, but that didn't mean she had never lashed out with pure anger before. But this Elsa seemed to think Anna was overreacting for no reason… and maybe she was.
"I… um… what are you going to get?" But she didn't answer, instead merely walking down the hallway. "Mom?"
By the time she returned, Anna had dragged herself up to sit in one of the chairs. Her mother was carrying an old shoebox. As Anna looked on, puzzled, she knelt in front of the chair and began to take off Anna's sneakers.
"What the f-"
"If I put this on," she whispered as she tugged off the underlying sock, "and it doesn't fit… we'll never speak of this again. I promise." Then she lifted out…
A neon pink high heel.
Shit. Anna recognised it. Of course she did; she'd worn it – and its twin – the night previous. She knew she had lost them, but never thought that Elsa would find and keep them over years and years.
Immediately, Anna jerked her foot away. "Eww, I don't wanna wear a crusty… fashion fail from your childhood," she said. She was trying to sound simply dismissive, but there was real fear and desperation in her eyes. No. She couldn't- she hadn't been able to control herself with the younger version of her mother, and it had probably changed her in ways she could never know. But if she verified what her mother was thinking… well, it would probably destroy her. Months of therapy before she would even be able to begin explaining herself. How could she do that to her?
"It's just a shoe, Anna," Elsa said pragmatically. "What's so bad about trying it on?" Of course, there was nothing bad about it. But that shoe…
"Stop, please…" Anna said, voice much higher than she had intended.
Elsa looked up at her, eyes pleading. From that position, Anna had a very strong recollection of her being at her feet for a very different reason. Jumping up, she very narrowly missed kneeing her mother in the eye.
"Stop!" Anna cried. The tears were back, and this time, they probably weren't going to go away. "You don't… you don't want this. You don't want to know…"
She heard the shoe drop, and Elsa exhale through her nose. She didn't speak for a second, but when she did, Anna just wanted to collapse again. Sob her heart out because Jesus Christ it was thirty years ago for her mom, and not even twenty-four hours for her.
"You've worn this shoe before," Elsa told her softly. "And this is the first time you've ever reacted like that. I don't need you to put it on… I just wanted…" Anna sobbed, a horrid, choked noise. She couldn't look at Elsa. "I was just trying to make a point," that soft, gentle, calming voice went on as Anna shook and wanted to escape, to do anything other than to be here, forced to confront the consequences of her actions.
"Well, you made it! You remember having some horrible shoes, so… so what? What do you want from me now?"
The room was quiet, save for Anna's ragged breathing, for a few moments. Elsa put the shoe back into the box with its mate and set it on the table. Then she stood and moved to stand next to Anna.
"So… I don't know how this worked for you," she whispered softly. "Kristoff and I have talked about it many times, and… tried to figure out how this happened. What even to call what happened! Of course, he spins theory after theory; astral projection, time travel. They all sound crazy."
At 'time travel', Anna's eye had twitched, but she tried not to otherwise let on. "Still don't know what you're talking about."
"Alright. Let's say you don't; that I'm making everything up. I definitely sound like the crazy one now. So I'll just say one thing and then go to my meeting. Take it or leave it." Taking a deep breath, she went on, "I love you, Anna."
"What?" Her hand clutched for something to hold onto, heart leaping into her throat. All she found was the back of the chair.
"You… seem surprised. Haven't I told you I love you before? You're my daughter, Anna. I'm always going to love you."
"No," she breathed, the kind words ripping her to shreds.
Maybe Elsa realised that she'd gone too far; just pushed Anna over the edge. She stopped speaking, instead moving around to stand in front of her daughter. Anna couldn't see much through the tears, but she still tried to turn away. Never had she felt so bare.
"Anna… please look at me," Elsa said. Her voice was so soft. Still, Anna didn't want to. She wanted to run and hide… but she was powerless. She stopped squirming, letting Elsa – her mother – wipe away her tears. The sight of Elsa crying was not as surprising as Anna thought it would be.
"I love you," Elsa said again, and this time, Anna only flinched a little – the sniffle didn't help. "I love you in whatever way you choose to interpret it."
"I think there was a reason I was drawn to you as a teenager," Elsa went on with a slight smile. "It seemed only natural that I would name my second daughter after the woman who taught me to love." Then, her face drew together, and eyes darkening. "But then you grew up, and when you were about thirteen, I realised you didn't just look like the first girl I-"
She cut herself off. Anna was curious – what was she going to say? Then her mind ran through the possibilities, and she decided it was better that Elsa hadn't finished her thought.
"You were her. You were becoming her, right in front of my eyes. Again, a lot of 'Outer Limits' scenarios came to mind, that you were… both possessed by the same spirit, clones… but it was you, Tori."
"No," Anna whispered, pushing a shaking hand into her mouth. "Don't call me that. Please!"
"The ways you moved, talked, ate. Kristoff mentioned that you ordered something called a 'Monster' at Lou's Café – which didn't matter back then, other than to sound funny. Not until recently, when he noticed you slam down cans of that disgusting concoction like they're going out of style, did he think anything of it. So many little details that just didn't add up about Tori, until we saw that our little girl was turning into her."
Anna's voice broke as she wiped at her own eyes now. "Mom, you have to stop this. It's… I d-don't know, I'm not ready! And I can't think…"
"You're probably wearing the purple underwear right now, aren't you? The Victoria's Secret underwear? I know what that means now, of course; back then, I had never seen anything from there because we didn't have them in Dell Valley. I thought it was some kind of private family joke." A dark chuckle. "And now, I suppose it is, in a way."
"Shut up! God, stop making it harder to… to just…"
Elsa's smile disappeared. This would be the point at which her old mother would have shouted, but instead, this Elsa only said in somewhat a sharper tone, "To just lie about it? To cover this up and pretend it never happened? That's what I've been doing for thirty years. Even harder the past few. How did you think I would handle the first girl I kissed vanishing, then popping up as a member of my family a couple of decades later?"
She was right. Unequivocally, painfully right about everything. And that was when it struck Anna with the force of a freight train: it was her fault. All of it was her own damn fault.
"Oh god…" she whispered, on the verge of collapsing. What kind of person did that to their family? Who knowingly did what she did with her mother?
She wanted to vomit. She wanted to cry and sob and scream. She wanted to go back in time and change it all again. Doc had to be able to fix this. He had to. It was in his name, for Chrissakes – Doctor Pabbie, right? There had to be something they could…
But she couldn't do any of that. Instead, all she could do was mumble out a wet, "I'm sorry…"
She no longer expected Elsa to yell. She was expecting a grounding. A time out at the very least, with no dessert for the rest of her miserable existence while they all tried to cope with exactly how royally she'd fucked everyone up. She expected Elsa to walk away. Maybe even kick her out of the house; out of the family, forever.
She did not expect to be pulled into a hug, soft shushes whispered into her ear. It only made her want to cry harder, and to her surprise, Elsa encouraged it.
"It's okay, sweetheart," she said. "Let it go."
So Anna, lifting her hands to wrap around her mother, clinging tighter than she could ever remember, just wept. It took a few minutes. In fact, at one point Anna got up to run away, but realised she had nowhere to go, so she only threw herself onto the couch. After a few minutes, she felt Elsa sit down next to her, curling her arm around her shoulders to give more comfort that she couldn't handle.
"I'm sorry!" she cried out in anguish into the throw pillow. "Mom! I'm so sorry, I- I d-didn't- I don't know, I don't know!"
"Shhhh," Elsa soothed her, petting up and down her back. "I know. I could see it in your eyes back then; I just didn't know what I was looking at."
"What?" she prompted through a sob. When Elsa didn't respond, she prompted, "W-what did you see?"
"I saw a very scared girl who didn't know what to do with her new feelings. At the time, I thought it was the same as my feelings; that this was new, and we were both women. All that. But once I realised you were Tori, it all fell into place."
They were going to have to talk about it, apparently. And now, Anna knew that feigning ignorance would get them nowhere. "I didn't mean for it to happen… I didn't! I don't know why…"
"Well. As slim as resources were in 1985, in this modern age we have more open to us." Pulling out her phone, it took her only a minute or so to pull up an article; evidently, she'd had it saved for a while. Then she handed it over.
"'Genetic Sexual Attraction'?" she read out. "What is this…?"
"Just read."
The entire article was fairly short, and reasonably self-explanatory. When she finished, Anna gave a watery snort. "You can't believe everything you read on the 'Net, Mom," she said. "This sounds like… I dunno, crazy sauce."
"It's true," Elsa said. "Humans are more likely to be attracted to people similar to them – similar skin colour, or facial structure. Eye colour. Even things like education. And, statistically speaking, who are we most similar to?"
This was so wrong, though. Couldn't her mother see that? Anna turned to her, mouth opening to say something, anything, when Elsa preempted her.
"When I first met you, I felt this gravitational pull. Like with no one I ever had. And I probably came off very strong and obsessed, but back then I was questioning myself, during a time where it was strongly discouraged. I was scared. And then you literally tripped into my life, and there was, for me, an immediate… attraction."
How could she be so calm about this? But as Anna stared up at her mother, she couldn't see her mother. She saw Elsa. Dorky, fun… scared of herself Elsa. Terrified, just like she had been that first night, of doing the wrong thing, or saying the wrong thing.
A familiar sense of shame welled up in Anna when she realised… she still wanted to kiss her. Today was evidently a crying day, at any rate. In a thin voice, she finally said, "I… felt it too…"
"Obviously," Elsa said with a soft, uncertain laugh. "Or else what happened in the car would never have happened. I'm… not saying that was right, but considering I didn't know who you were, and I was probably very different at that time… of course I couldn't help myself."
Her lip trembled. "B-but Mom… I don't want to…" Her throat closed up, and she gripped her elbows so tightly she was leaving marks.
"Do that with your father, or your sister and brother? I know. Neither do I; and I don't want to with you, either."
At that, Anna's head finally shot up and she looked at her properly again. She looked a little sad, but firm in her resolve. "You… don't?"
"No. You're a very beautiful woman, Anna, and I'll never forget that night, but… you are my daughter. I have to take care of you – and not in that way."
Was that a joke? It was; Elsa was making a joke about them hooking up. Anna let out a blast of highly inappropriate laughter, which prompted her mother to pet over her cheek, smiling. Then Anna stared down at the floor, scraping together a few thoughts.
"You… m-must be wondering how I could… why I would ever let you…"
That made her drop her hand. It was just too uncomfortable to talk about while they were touching. "I have. But I decided a long time ago, after a lot of emotional ups and downs, that whatever reason you had… you either had no choice, or you felt it was right at the time. Because I felt you in that moment."
Anna's mind flashed back to the moment in question. Never in her life had she experienced a climax like that. And somehow, Elsa could keep talking about it as if it was 'old news'… because it was. Thirty years ago.
"Mom, I really am sorry," she blubbered, but she forced herself to get the words out. "You came on so strong, and at first I was disgusted, b-but the more time went on, the less disgusted I felt and the more just… I dunno, grateful? B-because you were finally looking at me, finally giving me the love I wish you had before, even if it was in a fucked-up way!"
"Language," she murmured, but it was a lot less hostile than her old mother would have admonished her. Speaking of which: "What do you mean, 'finally'? Haven't I raised you with love since you were a baby? Even a few years ago when I realised who you were, I still kissed your forehead goodnight, still cheered you on. The minute I saw me pulling away was hurting you, I knew I had to… to grin and bear it. And it got easier the more I did it, to just love my daughter and… put the past in a box on a shelf."
Anna's heart twisted in agony and she was about to protest, to demand why Elsa had the gall to call what little love she gave her enough. However, she forced herself to calm down and really look at her mother. She had to remind herself that this Elsa was vastly different from the woman she had been forced to live with her whole life. Anna took a deep breath and could catch hints of the familiar perfume that her mother never wore anymore. She could see the love shining clear as day in Elsa's glacial pools, eyes that were bright and full of life, rather than tired and glazed over with a mix of drunkenness and depression.
She felt a furious jealousy rise towards the Anna of this reality. Of fucking course, the Elsa she had fallen so hard for would end up being the mother Anna had always desperately wished for.
But… she was the Anna of this reality, too. In her mind she could see both her mom – drunk, depressed, unhappy woman that she was – and the real Elsa. One always laughing and smiling; radiating light. This Elsa had no idea the kind of person she could have become – she did become, previously. She had no idea how meeting Anna had changed her, for the better.
And suddenly, Anna didn't feel nearly as bad. She gazed at her mother, eyes clear for the first time since they'd been alone. Yes, this was all her fault, and yes, she did fuck up, tremendously. But there was no denying it: her family, her life, was better for her having travelled into the past. Kristoff was stronger, Elsa was happier, her siblings were flourishing. And, if what they'd said earlier about going up to the lake held any weight, then Anna's own love life seemed to have been significantly more successful.
"You- when I was growing up, you liked to drink. A lot. And eventually you didn't do much of anything else. Dad was a loser- no he was," she added when it looked like Elsa was going to interrupt. "You didn't like Jennifer. It sounded like you hated her, and it felt like you hated me. The last time we hugged, I was prepubescent."
Of course Elsa couldn't understand. In her mind, the very idea of being that person was ridiculous to her. But she further proved she was not the woman Anna had grown up alternately lamenting and despising with her next reaction.
"I'm not sure what you mean. When did we ever behave that way? And we- I've always liked Jennifer. She's a sweet girl, even if I did notice… well, the reason you started dating her."
"The reason?" Anna mumbled distantly.
"Her hair. When you first met, she had that long blond braid…" Elsa hefted her own, which was hanging down her shoulder and resting on her chest. "Well, knowing who you would later become, I wondered if you had a 'type' without realising it."
That sent a weird thrill through Anna's stomach. No. She couldn't believe that; she wouldn't. But then she had another thought that she desperately snatched at. "W-well, what if the reason I liked you back in the 80s was because of Punzie's braid? Did you ever think of that?"
"No, I hadn't," she laughed softly. The smile was real, the amusement was real. Even if she was a little sad and anxious, her mother was actually enjoying talking to her. "But I guess that's likely, too. At least you're admitting you liked me."
"Of course I did! You were so cute, and hot, and s-sweet, and… and you were all over me, but not in a gross way, just… just because you seemed to think I was cool! Or 'rad' or whatever! And I'd never had anyone like me that much, not even Punzie, even if she really digs me she never…" But her voice faded when she realised she was babbling. Again.
And Elsa was still just smiling at her. It was soft and open, and even though it had been less than a day, Anna felt her craving the woman she'd left behind in 1985. She wanted her smile and her scent and her touch.
Her… lips.
The whole past week, Anna's concern had been to get her parents together while fending off Elsa's advances. She'd failed the second one, but she had thought – had hoped – that she'd come off relatively unscathed. That even though Elsa loved her, was in love with her, it was okay because she didn't know what they were to each other.
But now Anna had to confront the fact that she'd gone ahead and fallen in love.
"Fuck me," she breathed, running a hand over her bun. "Why this?"
"Careful; the last time you said those words, we ended up in a very unfortunate situation," Elsa murmured with a slight smirk.
"No, I- Mom, I didn't…" Her cheeks heated up as she was forced to think about it again. "You were all over me, and I couldn't pretend it didn't feel good… I wasn't trying to m-make that happen! I swear!"
"Of course I know that, Anna. Don't you think I figured that out? All your nervousness and the tears, they made total sense once I knew who you were. And… I had to take some time and deconstruct how I felt, of course. But that's all in my past. So I'm not going to begrudge you the time, the chance to do the same."
That was a lot more of a relief than Anna could say. For some reason, she felt this pressure to immediately figure out what her feelings were and how to fix them, but having her mother give her the gift of time was the best thing she could have done.
"I, um… okay." Trying for a smile, knowing it probably looked ugly and weird, she went on, "I'll work on it, Mom. Everything's just so fucked up now."
"Well, I know I didn't do anything wrong," Elsa needled her slightly. But the instant Anna looked down, she reached up to pet over her hair soothingly. "And you probably should have tried to resist a little harder, but I understand; this was… not a situation you could ever have expected, or have been prepared to deal with. So if you need forgiveness, you've got it. I'm not going to blame you for a situation so… so completely outside the norm."
Honestly, those were just the words that Anna needed to hear. She hadn't truly feared getting into trouble; no, perhaps underneath it all, Anna feared losing her mother again. It was obvious this Elsa and the one from a week ago were not the same person. The thought that perhaps she would end up driving Elsa to begin drinking again was not unfounded, though she was still glad for verbal confirmation.
Swallowing, Anna opened her arms; Elsa came forward to meet her, and it resulted in the tightest, warmest hug she could ever remember having.
This was nice. It was good. Safe, even, because some part of Anna realised that she was also scared that she had lost this, without ever having a chance to get to know the happy person her mother grew up to be. She had been afraid that her mother would reject her, knowing what they had been for a fleeting moment outside the school dance.
Sheer relief flooded her system. She hadn't fucked up enormously. She'd made a mistake, sure, but they could get through it! Together! Burrowing her head in, she simply breathed, appreciating the nearness. Eyes shut, and nose full of the pleasant smell of Elsa, Anna lost herself.
"Anna," Elsa chuckled very softly at the nuzzling. Was she still wearing Baby Soft? No… this was a much higher dollar perfume, but it couldn't mask the natural scent she adored. In fact, it complemented it rather well.
"I love you," she finally whispered, clutching at her back desperately. She pulled back and kissed her cheek, and Elsa smiled. Another kiss…
Once their lips grazed each other, Elsa's hand came up a lot faster than Anna thought it possibly could. She flinched from the quickness of the action, but then stilled when she realised she had only slid all four of her fingers between their mouths.
"No, Anna."
"What?" What she had been doing caught up to her, and she pulled away, swallowing hard. "O-oh, I- wait, that wasn't-"
"No." Elsa looked both sad and a little unsettled, but in control of her actions. Barely fazed. "Believe me, I know how easy it would be. But we can't."
Shaking her head quickly, she rushed to tell her, "I wasn't trying to, I p-promise! But it felt so good to finally… and I guess I wasn't thinking, Mom, I don't…"
She felt the tears forming in her eyes, and Elsa hugged her again. How could she be so different? Her old mother would have slapped her across the face for trying that, and shouted at her for an hour. Which, to be fair, was a very understandable reaction to your child trying to initiate any kind of romantic contact. How could she have turned out so wonderful because of such a terrible mistake?
So of course, she began crying again, despite the forgiveness. There was nothing else she could do. No words to explain herself. No words to justify her unwanted advance.
How had Elsa dealt with this? After finally realising who her Tori had been, how had she come to terms? How had she reconciled her feelings, pushed them away or destroyed them? Anna couldn't. Maybe after thirty years she'd be able to put them to rest, but… she also didn't want to. Like when she was angry and she just wanted to be mad, or when she was sad and she just wanted to cry. She didn't want to 'solve' her emotions. Put them on the backburner or pretend they didn't exist. In this moment she wanted them to fill her up because it just felt so good.
Why was she so weak? It wasn't fair to Elsa. In some back corner of her mind, she realised it wasn't fair to Punz, either. And that same corner cried out, saying, "But you do love Jennifer, too!" and while that wasn't wrong, it also didn't show the full picture.
With Elsa, here and now, there was a need. Not for sex, and not for kissing; not exactly. Perhaps it was a side-effect of her formerly-loveless home life, but welling up in Anna was a deep-seated need for intimacy. Emotional, physical… and perhaps sexual. And the thought didn't disgust her as much as she had expected – as much as she had hoped it would, because who actually wanted that with their mother? The thought was less off-putting than it had been in 1985, and that could only come down to the fact that Elsa now knew everything.
Or she had a thing for older women. Which… also wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. She had admitted that her celebrity pass was totally Aimee Mann, despite the hours of mockery she's copped from her friends afterwards.
Suddenly, Elsa's words rang through her mind again, this time with a very different meaning than perhaps she had intended. Wiping at her eyes, Anna looked up. "Wait, you… know how easy it would be?" she asked softly.
"Yes. Don't you think I thought about it, once I realised who you were? Never acted on it – because you're my child. And you are a child; maybe you're almost an adult now, but it would have been even more sick and horrible before this past year." Reaching up, she grasped both sides of Anna's neck. "You're a teenager! You deserved to… live your life! Be free, find happiness of your own! Not worry about your mother's weird hangup that might have only been her imagination!"
"But… you knew it wasn't. You said, you and Dad… you figured out I was Tori." But she understood what her mother meant, even if it was hard to wrap her mind around all the concepts right away.
"We did. And it didn't change how I felt about you. You're still my daughter, and I want you to stay my daughter."
"And I want to stay that, too!" Anna burst out with a sob. "But I also want more! A-and it's not that I'm planning to get it, or that I ever decided it, I just… feelings I can't…"
When Anna didn't finish her thought, Elsa prompted her gently, "Go on. You never have to be afraid of what you could say to me."
If that was true, she was about to test those limits. "I loved being held by you, Elsa. And kissing you. And… and everything," she whispered, chickening out at the last second and being unable to directly mention her mother devouring her in the car. "I want that, too, even though it's w-with you in the past, I… I would-"
"We can't," she said again firmly. "I don't want to do that with any seventeen-year-old at all, especially not one that came out of my womb. That was a different time, and we could be different people to each other then. But now, we have to put the boundaries back up, alright?"
It took Anna a few seconds to absorb the weight of that. "Y-you're right," she whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry… I just like, my body and my brain are fighting each other, and it's so stupid. I'm so stupid!"
"It's not stupid," Elsa said firmly. "And I don't want to hear you call yourself that. But we both need to start accepting that what we had back then… it's impossible. Life isn't fair and we don't always get what we want. And this is one of those situations that, no matter what, we would never be able to make it work.
"It took me a very long time to come to terms with what we did – what I did, even if it was unknowingly. I don't…" she trailed off for a moment. "I don't expect miracles overnight, Anna. That would be cruel and unfair. But I do expect you to try to leave the past in the past. I know how you feel about that Punz girl; chase her instead. Don't spend your life like me, always looking behind at what was, and what could have been."
Anna didn't say anything for a moment. She looked away, too many thoughts running through her head. Nothing concrete – a snippet of an idea, a thousand of them. Her face was sticky and probably still red, and she still couldn't help the way she leaned into the touch when one of Elsa's hands came to hold her cheek.
"There's my girl," Elsa said softly. Anna hoped she didn't realise how painful that simple line was. As she got up, Anna finally found her voice.
"What- what if I don't want Punz?" she asked. Lie. It was a lie, she did love Jennifer. But she refused to let her mother brush their own connection under the rug. Perhaps it was her youthful ideology, but she knew that if she didn't fight now, she'd never ever have a chance. And that was all she wanted; to really get to explore this instead of letting her mom shut it down, be the only one who chose. "What if we could…?"
"Anna!" Elsa burst out in exasperation. Not anger, or disappointment; just vague frustration at their situation. "You have a full life ahead of you, and 'Punz' is your own age – and much hotter than me, to be honest. I think you two could be very happy together, and so did you before today."
Stubborn to the last, Anna folded her arms over her chest and turned away from her. "She's not hotter than you. And I don't just mean you back in the 80s; like, sure that Elsa was really hot, too, but… you're a total MILF, okay?"
"I find myself really hoping you don't know what that stands for."
"I mean, you tell me a better time to use it than when it's actually my mom," she snorted. Elsa laughed, even if she was still less than comfortable. "Point is, I wouldn't mind either one of you sitting on my face. It's not a competition."
That finally did ruffle Elsa a little more than she had been up until that point. Sputtering for a second or two, she finally facepalmed. "God… you really need to stop with that. I said you can tell me anything, but flirting – and very effectively flirting – wasn't what I meant."
"Okay, okay," Anna mumbled. This version of Elsa was too kind and loving to be any more of a brat than she already was being, so she slumped back against the couch. "I know. I know, it's… this is all really weird. Especially since I'm probably acting way different than you remember me being yesterday, too."
At that, Elsa looked vaguely embarrassed. She didn't say anything until Anna prompted her with a nudge. "Well… not exactly…" she said. What? "You… yesterday, you didn't have any idea what had happened because, for you, it hadn't happened. Yet. But that… doesn't mean you were acting differently."
Anna just looked at her, mouth agape. When Elsa didn't seem to want to say anything more, she was forced to find her voice. "You- you mean…?"
"You were always a mommy's girl," Elsa said. She sounded less embarrassed and more… horrified.
"Holy shit," Anna murmured, not really talking to Elsa.
"Well, don't panic," she tried to reassure her, though she sounded a lot less comfortable about the topic now. "You never made any overt… advances; that's not what I'm trying to say. But I noticed little things. For instance, you were always offering to aloe me up when I had a sunburn, or give massages. Asking me to tell you that you're my 'favourite'. Innocent enough things on their own."
Nodding slowly, she said, "On their own. But… yeah, I guess if you're already worried about me having a thing for you… because I'm technically your first girlfriend from thirty years ago…"
"Nothing ever happened. I had a few stray feelings stirred up, but it didn't get out of hand, and I certainly never took advantage. I was very careful to never encourage you, and tried not to discourage you too harshly." This sounded a little rehearsed, as if she had to reassure herself about that aspect relatively often. "But yes, I did have to wonder a few times."
Swallowing hard, she toyed with the hem of her plaid shirt as she thought that over. "Um… I'm sorry, Mom. I'm not really the same Anna as her, completely, b-but I guess… I don't know, it's still bad, and I still feel like I should apologise."
"Don't," Elsa whispered, gripping her forearm. "It was sweet, and highly flattering. I loved that you wanted to be so close. I just couldn't let us get too close, that's all."
"I'm glad you and Dad are happy," Anna forced herself to say, trying to do what was right. To put those feelings aside and figure out what her life was like now. "A-and that, um, you seem to be doing okay."
Shrugging, Elsa went on, "We are happy. He's successful, and I'm independent, and out, and… well, your brother and sister are fine. I'd gladly take a weird lingering memory of my daughter from the past if it means I get to have this life instead of… well, that other one you mentioned. Which I can't even imagine," she added with a weak laugh, eyes wide and staring off into the corner.
"Yeah, you're way better off," Anna agreed readily. Then her brow furrowed. "Wait… did you just say that you're 'out'?"
Finally, Elsa gave her first honest smile of the day. She was proud of herself. "I am. Have been since high school – or, well, fairly soon afterward. After everything that happened that night – really, that whole week – I didn't want to hide anymore." She looked away, bashfully. "And Kristoff was great. He was my rock."
So that was how this life had been so successful. Mutual love and respect – something that had been sorely missing from the alternate life they'd led. And internal love and respect. Elsa didn't hate herself; didn't fight against her feelings with every fibre of her being. She had accepted herself, and that seemed to have made all the difference.
"Really? So like… are you and him… um…" Anna let out a little nervous laugh. "I don't want to say the wrong thing. But are you still my mom and dad?"
"Of course, honey," she told her honestly, pulling her close and wrapping her arms around her tightly. "But… well, the romantic component to our life faded years ago. Now we're more like business partners in the company that is this family; committed to supporting each other, and we're good friends. And that's about where things are now."
Sadness settled into her chest. But it wasn't too biting, given what she knew about her original reality. "Oh. Well… I guess that's good, since you two were kind of the same before. Except you hated each other."
A little crease formed between Elsa's eyebrows. "Why? If you don't mind me asking. Since I don't believe I will ever meet that version of myself."
"The drinking. Plus, you remember how Dad was birdwatching in front of the house when I saved him?" Elsa nodded; that at least put to rest how much she remembered from the past. Anna was working through things mentally even as she was speaking, but as the words came out of her mouth she could feel they made the most sense. "Well, he was supposed to get hit with the car. Then you would pity him and take care of him, and you went to the dance together. So… he didn't really get that big boost of confidence from taking down Hans, and… I mean, it looks like it was super effective in this reality."
But that raised another question: what happened in the other reality? Had Hans…? The thought made Anna sick. That version of Elsa had never spoken about herself like that – it had always been "in my day, I did this," or "when I was a child, I would have never!" But if Kristoff never stopped him…
Perhaps it was lucky, then, that their peace was broken by the sound of the doorbell. Anna whined when Elsa stood up – she couldn't help herself – but it only earned an exasperated smile. She didn't bother to see who was at the door. Instead she took advantage of her solitude to look around the living room. It was going to take some time, getting used to this. Getting used to the dual memories, too. At least she could trust that she had a mother to help her, now, instead of hinder.
"What?" she whined, slouching as she dutifully got to her feet. It took half a second for her back to straighten, and she rubbed at her face to remove the last traces of her tears. "Punz!"
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bestlivesexwebcams · 7 years
Flirt4Free – Great Webcam Site For Beginners
Live sex websites are not some amazing new idea that just recently sprung on the scene. Since the dawn of the internet, horny people have been logging on to rub one off, mostly in some dark room of their house while listening for foreign footsteps. Now that porn is more mainstream, some of the live sex cam websites available have become high-tech hubs of hotness. This right here is why we love what we do.
Reviewing these sites is like a dream job most of the time, especially when we come across sites like Flirt4Free.com. High-end fuck fests are what we like best, but we don’t always get to check out the good ones. Thankfully, Flirt4Free gave us something to positive to write about. After all, we could flirt for free all day, but then we would have a bunch of sexual harassment charges and that’s not fun for anyone.
Since we’re only moderately creepy, we decided to join Flirt4Free.com so we could gain access to willing hookers the way Mother intended – with an encrypted password, a valid credit card, and a big bottle of Jergens. We made it our duty to find the website that would be most pleasing to that booty, and we think we may have found it. Then again, we might just be a bunch of cum-dumb assholes with lofty opinions. Let’s find out.
Who, What, When, Why, How?
This is one of those websites where you can tell that the sluts featured on it take their job seriously. There are only a handful of cams here that aren’t top notch, but we think that’s the case anywhere you go. Apparently, some dudes love to bang haggard bitches and that just ain’t us. We suppose Flirt4Free.com was trying to have a little something for everyone, and we can certainly respect that.
One thing we did notice about this site was that it had a plethora of categories from which to choose. There are about three dozen groups altogether, and each group has dozens of models waiting for something (or someone) to do. Visitors can choose between watching videos, chatting or even dating – an option that is virtually unheard of in the live sex cam industry. Seriously, these skanks are thirsty for the dick.
Another feature we really liked about Flirt4Free.com: They have a Fleshlight Cam Stars category as well, and you know how much we love our fuck toys. Seeing a slut fuck herself with one of our favorite products is like winning the lottery. There are also options for Featured Shows, Premier Chat Rooms, Voyeur Mode Cams, and Party Lines. It’s blatantly obvious that the makers of Flirt4Free.com have been there, done that, and know exactly what the average bear desires.
How Does This Work?
Unfortunately, the name “Flirt4Free” is just a tad bit deceiving. For starters, there isn’t a whole lot you can do on the site until you register; and although the registration process is free and it earns you 120 free tokens, you won’t get very far on your initial stipend. The typical show costs an average of about 10-30 credits per minute, so 120 free credits will only get you 4-12 minutes of fun – not exactly a show-stopper, we know.
Furthermore, “flirting” is basically the only thing you can actually do for free on this site. Everything else costs a boatload of tokens, which must be first purchased with a credit or debit card. And although the place is fully encrypted and 100% secure so that the site’s name never appears on the statement, visitors are still lured into paying money for “free time” because of their misleading nomenclature. But since their sluts are so hot and their cam quality is so good, we’ll let this one slide for the moment.
We’re just happy to have found a live sex cam website that doesn’t look like it was developed at the same time as MySpace or Craigslist. Additionally, we found it rather nice that the customer service reps at Flirt4Free were so familiar with the offerings of the site. It kind of made us feel like they were nasty perverts themselves, just like us. Maybe we will have them over for dinner sometime.
Who’s on the Site?
So, we mentioned that there were a gagglefuck of categories on Flirt4Free.com, but we haven’t had the chance to go into more detail about that little fun fact. Unlike some of the other live sex cam websites out there, this one seems to have double-checked the market to find out what we wanted the most. Seriously guys, some of the categories on Flirt4Free are things we’ve never seen.
That’s quite an accomplishment: To present something that our perverted asses haven’t experienced yet. We never thought we’d live to see the day, mostly because we once watched a one-legged Asian bitch tongue punch the fart box of an angry donkey. There aren’t things like that on here, but the categories are just as intriguing and include things such as:
Adult stars
American Girls
Big Boobs
Big Butts
Certified Kinky
College Girls
Dos Latinas (Two Latinas)
Double Penetration
European Girls
Foot Fetish
Giant Dildo
Girls Next Door
HD Webcams
Hairy Pussy
Lesbian BDSM
Nude Maids
Party Chat
Role Play
Sex Machines
Shower Shows
Small Tits
Southern Girls
And that’s just the shit for the dudes. Ladies (and gay men), there’s a whole other side of the site dedicated just to you guys. It’s full of sexy hunks who have their cameras pointed at just the right angle, with categories including the following:
Adult Stars
American Guys
Ass Play
Bear and Cub
Brazilian Boys
Chubby Guys
College Guys
Double Penetration
European Guys
Foot Fetish
Fuck Buddies
Gay Pig Play
Giant Dildo
Group Show
Guys Next Door
Guys Who Top
HD Webcams
Jerk Buddies
Jock Straps
Monster Cocks
Nude Maids
Party Chat
Rough Trade
Sex Machines
Shower Shows
Southern Boys
Now do you see what we’re saying? Even if Flirt4Free.com isn’t technically “free,” the sheer number of categories on the site is enough to spend a few dollars to see. After all, what else is your money for if it’s not to give yourself pleasure?
What’s in It for Me?
You mean you need more than physical pleasure to convince you to register on Flirt4Free.com? We don’t blame you; so did we. The fact that the site offers unlimited free live chat with the models is rather nice though, given that the models want to chat back. We noticed that some of them weren’t so friendly once they realized we weren’t planning to pay for anything. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, it doesn’t matter where you are.
We mentioned the free tokens given away at registration, right? No, it’s not much, but it will get you started. If your appetite for ass and titties is insatiable, however, we suggest buying a few backup tokens before blue balls sets in. As soon as your time is up the screen goes black, and you’ll have to pay to play again if you’re not finished. Luckily, the site gives members the option to store their credit card info so that doesn’t happen (often).
Flirt4Free.com also has a dropdown menu that features the month’s top 20 models, as well as menus to show off the Model of the Month, the Flirt of the Year, and the website’s own self-perpetuated Hall of Fame. Visitors can view the models’ schedules here too, and a quick click on the “Channels” button takes you to a whole new paradise that would require another review to describe. We’ll just drop the words “Live Cams Mansion” and “Lucas Entertainment” right here and let you pick them up.
Oh, we almost forgot. This site has a few categories for our transgender friends out there as well, but most of the good stuff is contained on the main drag (no pun intended). Flirt4Free.com is obviously trying to cover all the bases to become the one and only name in live sex cam websites. We’re not sure how close they are to their goal, but we do know that they’ve got our attention (for now).
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Knowing that we are about as fickle as the industry we work in, becoming attached to anything we review is something we avoid like the plague. As soon as we start thinking we’ve found what we were looking for, something new comes along and we have to redefine our perimeters. We’re too lazy for that shit, and that’s why we make sure to find fault in everything we encounter, including Flirt4Free.com.
Piles of Pussy – If you get on this site and can’t find at least one model that suits you, see a doctor right away. You are fucking dead.
Been Where, Done What? – Some of the categories on this site are absolutely mind-blowing. And by “mind-blowing” we mean, “Why the fuck didn’t we think of that?”
Make It Official – Registered users can sign up for a VIP membership for $40, or they can pay $50 and get 300 extra tokens. The shit renews by itself every month and can be cancelled at any time.
Freebies Welcome – VIP membership or not, you still get 120 free tokens when you register which is just enough to create a spark with one of your favorite models.
Nobody Has to Know – Because Flirt4Free.com is encrypted and secure, your secret fetishes are safe from prying eyes and your bank statement will be none the wiser.
Channel Your Energy – There are multiple extra channels available on the site that lead visitors to mysterious places that are even more replete with sexual debauchery.
Model Citizen – Pick your fuck buddy based on who they are, not just by what category they fall into.
Seeing Is Believing – Since not all of the cams on Flirt4Free.com are high-quality HD, some of the shows are rather cheap, grainy, and therefore corny. Stick with the good stuff.
The Worst Things in Life Are Free – Must we say it again: This site is NOT 100% free as the name would suggest. In fact, the only free thing is the chat and that’s not any fun after a while.
Silence Becomes Us – If you don’t at least appear to be interested in paying for the services of the model, he or she will begin to ignore your requests for chat. Can you blame them?
Per-Minutely Broke – Tokens are a perfectly fine tool for paying customers, but we think charging 10-120 tokens per minute is a bit excessive, even by the loosest standards. Who the fuck do these people think we are? The Rockefellers? At this rate, we’ll have to refinance our houses to bust a complete nut.
When Judgement Day Comes
At the end of the day, chatting with a horny hottie is a lot of fun, but this isn’t middle school and we want to cum. Had it not been for the extreme sexiness of the models on board, we might have gone somewhere else. We are not fans of false advertising, nor are we proponents of marketing catches that leave us feeling like penniless idiots. In a world full of gold-digging bitches, who’s looking out for the guy with $17 in his bank account? Apparently not Flirt4Free.com, that’s for sure.
On the other hand, we’re believers in the old adage that you get what you pay for. Flirt4Free.com has bragging rights to some of the hottest, friendliest, and nastiest sluts on the internet, so they can technically charge whatever they want. Aside from the hefty price tag associated with this site, the overall interest and intrigue is still there in a big way. As such, we’ll give this site a solid 9 out of 10, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that, sometime in the near future, we can hold on to some of our money while still getting a chance to fuck a fine virtual hooker.
from Best Live Sex Web Cams http://www.bestlivesexwebcams.com/sex-chat-sites/flirt4free/
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