#happy bengali new year 2019
toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/lifestyle/happy-bengali-new-year-2019-wishes-images-status-quotes-wallpaper-sms-messages-photos-pics-and-greetings/
Happy Bengali New Year 2019 Wishes Images, Status, Quotes, Wallpaper, SMS, Messages, Photos, Pics, and Greetings
Happy Bengali New Year 2019 Wishes Images, Status, Quotes, Wallpaper, SMS, Messages, Photos, Pics, and Greetings: Subho Noboborsho. (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
Happy Bengali New Year 2019 Wishes Images, Status, Quotes, Wallpaper, SMS, Messages, Photos, Pics, and Greetings: Poila Boishak, the Bengali New Year, is one of the most anticipated festivals for Bengalis. The day is celebrated with gusto by Bengalis all across the globe and, according to the lunisolar Bengali calendar, marks the first day of the month of Baishakh. The festival often overlaps with other regional new years like Vishu in Kerala, Rangoli Bihu in Assam, among others.
Poila Boishak also happens to the day that marks the beginning of the new financial year for the Bengali business community, much like Diwali is for different other parts of India. The day is celebrated by preparing several delicacies, and wearing new clothes. It is a custom for the younger ones in the family to seeks blessings from elders. In return they are often given new clothes, or even money.
This Poila Boishak, in case you are away from your family, here are some wishes you can send them.
Happy Bengali new year 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: Subho Noboborsho! (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
* Hope this year brings you peace and much joy. Subho Noboborsho!
* Subho Noboborsho.
Happy Bengali new year 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: Subho Noboborsho! (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
* Wishing you a happy and prosperous Poila Baisakh!
Happy Bengali new year 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: Subho Noboborsho! (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
* Subho Noboborsho. May this year be filled with happiness and peace.
Happy Bengali new year 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: Subho Noboborsho! (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
*Happy Bengali New Year!
*Let this year be filled with hope and peace.
Happy Bengali new year 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: Subho Noboborsho! (Designed by Rajan Sharma/The Indian Express)
* Subho Noboborsho!
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waterlilyhoe95 · 5 years
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happy twenty-bi-teen
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Happy New Year 2019 Bengali SMS
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alvallah · 4 years
@ohshelearns tagged me for this <3
Are you staying home from work/school? yep and i LOVE it
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? my family
Do you have pets to keep you company? two kitties: ripley and minerva
Who do you miss the most? MY MAN.
When was the last time you left your home? like a month ago idfk time is fake
What was the last thing you bought? hair things; jojoba oil, clarifying shampoo, flexi rods, leave-ins. oh and some tea tree oil for my acne. quarantine seems like the perfect time to experiment with my routine since no one will see the results if it goes poorly :)
Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? i am so fucking HAPPY and RELAXED WOW. i’m introverted and have depression so work really exhausts me so bad, and i feel so free in my little cave at home! i’m just lonely and touch-starved but i’ve been dealing with that for years. this quarantine has improved my life (which i’m privileged to say, but i’m not hiding it)
Are you a homebody? yes --but i do also enjoy adventures and socializing, i just need to charge up and be told ahead of time
What movies have you watched recently? this week was Elizabeth (1998), The King (2019), Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) 
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? getting a visit from my long distance partner... kinda sucks...
What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel? seeing my partner
What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? WORK. :D
Do you have any new hobbies? Not really? i’m just doing more of the things i like: watching films, playing video games, practicing bangla. maybe i should revive my reading
What are you out of? hot pockets :(
What music are you listening to? my bengali playlist just now, but i’ve been listening to my bad bops playlist a lot to keep the vibes happy
What are you reading? oh yikes, nothing much sadly. mostly wiki articles on things i’ve been curious about --recently the articles i’ve looked at were on purdah, the history of saree, rajasthan, begum rokeya. i have a habit of looking up one thing and clicking links and opening 20 new articles vaguely related to the subject i originally wiki’d.
What are you doing for self-care? music with good energy, long showers, trying new hygiene practices, talking to my man, playing video games with him, sleeping in
Are you exercising? i tried. i failed after a few days.
How’s your toilet paper supply? uh we’re fine
Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? just how i’m taking care of it, no interesting dye jobs or cuts though 
i tag @baapi-makwa @arunima-t @an-infinite-tenderness @petrashappyplace @gravedangerahead @maximusmuffin @aansoo @bytheriverinthenorth @japanesepeacelilly @margalotta
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katvontea · 4 years
Seven years after a factory collapse killed more than 1,100 garment workers in Bangladesh, industrial buildings there are safer but employees are sexually abused and others face increased intimidation while trying to form unions, a U.S. Senate report said Thursday.
Women who make up most of the workforce in the ready-made garment (RMG) industry – the South Asian nation’s most dynamic sector – suffer from abuse in the workplace despite measures taken to improve worker safety in the wake of Bangladesh’s deadliest industrial disaster to date, according to the report.
“Women are the backbone of the RMG sector,” Sen. Robert Menendez said, adding that makes them the backbone of Bangladesh’s economy.
“All too often women suffer the most egregious abuses,” he said in Washington, while releasing the report titled “Seven Years after Rana Plaza, Significant Challenges Remain.”
The report was compiled by staffers working for Menendez, a Democrat who sits on the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Senate, which is controlled by the Republican Party.
According to the report, a 2019 survey by the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity found many examples of gender-based violence in RMG factories. These ranged from a line chief touching a worker’s breast while showing her how to operate a machine, to another supervisor forcing a worker to lie under a table in his office while he raped her.
Sexual harassment allegations are regularly received by the hotline of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, the report said. The Accord is a European Union-based watchdog organization, which represents leading fashion brand names including H&M, Marks & Spencer and United Colors of Benetton.
Established after the Raza Plaza collapse in April 2013 and the Tazreen Fashions garment factory fire that killed 112 in November 2012, the Accord will expire before May 31 under an agreement with the Bangladesh government.
Eighty-five percent of safety hazards identified during initial inspections across all factories had been fixed, the Accord reported, adding that 150 factories had reached full compliance and 857 factories had completed more than 90 percent of remediation requirements.
As of late February, 175 factories had been declared ineligible for business with Accord-member buyers over their failure to implement workplace safety measures, according to the report issued by Menendez.
Once Accord expires, Bangladesh’s RMG Sustainability Council will be responsible for monitoring the more than 2,000 ready-made garment factories that employ about 4 million people.
When contacted in Dhaka on Thursday, the Bangladesh labor secretary said he had not seen the U.S. report but claimed that working conditions in his country had improved.
“What I can tell you is that we have achieved huge progress in terms of worker safety and welfare. Two days ago, I met with the U.S. ambassador and a U.S. team who expressed their satisfaction with the measures taken to improve labor standards,” Labor Secretary K.M. Ali Azam told BenarNews.
Hostile climate toward unions
In the aftermath of the Rana Plaza and Tazreen Fashions tragedies, hundreds of unions were registered but efforts to carry on with labor rights reforms have since deteriorated. Organizers face bureaucratic obstacles and intimidation from factory owners who have not been held accountable for unfair practices as defined by the 2006 Bangladesh Labor Act, the report said.
“The violence and repression during the December 2018 and January 2019 worker protests over minimum wage illustrates this downward trajectory,” the report said.
In January 2019, police used tear gas, water cannons, batons and rubber bullets against protesters, it said.
The report quoted an unnamed factory worker who spoke to Human Rights Watch about what happened on Jan. 8, 2019, as he was returning from lunch with his colleague, Sumon Mia, when they got caught in the protest.
“Police started shooting and the workers started running away, so Sumon and I started running and suddenly Sumon was shot in his chest and he fell down. I fled. Later I found Sumon’s body lying in the road. The police didn’t even take his body,” the worker said.
Two years earlier, in December 2016, the government and factory owners launched a crackdown following “peaceful protests” by thousands of workers seeking higher wages, the report noted.
“At least 1,500 workers were dismissed, 38 union leaders were arrested on baseless criminal charges, and trade union offices were closed or came under intense pressure from government authorities,” the report said.
Only after Western brands boycotted a meeting with the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), the industry’s most powerful trade group, did the government start releasing those who had been arrested, the report said.
Ali Azam, the labor secretary, said the government had taken positive steps to reduce conditions needed to form a union, noting that the labor law required 20 percent consent from workers, down from 30 percent previously.
“The U.S. government demanded we reduce the ratio to 10 percent. We are working on it,” Ali Azam said.
“Our progress has been tremendous,” he said. “Seven out of 10 green RMG factories throughout the world are in Bangladesh.
“But we are not complacent. We will do more in terms of improving labor rights and standards,” he said.
‘Not the right picture’
Meanwhile, a BGMEA official questioned the report’s allegations about harassing and terminating workers.
“That is not the right picture,” Faisal Samad, a senior BGMEA vice president, told BenarNews.
“After the Rana Plaza tragedy, we invested huge amounts money to improve workplace safety and our factories best in the world. What I can tell you is that we have made progress on all issues,” said Samad, managing director of Surma Garments Ltd.
Samad called for a committee made up of U.S. embassy, government and BGMEA officials to study the report’s findings to determine if they are correct.
In Washington, Mahbub Saleh, deputy chief of the Bangladesh mission, attended Menendez’s presentation on Thursday at the headquarters of the AFL-CIO, one of the most influential unions in the United States.
Saleh also questioned the report’s findings on unions.
“You will be happy to know, Sen. Menendez, that the number of trade unions in the garment industry stands at 8,000-plus today in Bangladesh. The rejection rate for union applications was 73 percent in 2015, it has come down to 37 percent today,” he said. “So it’s a tireless effort.”
Despite this, Saleh had praise for the report.
“I don’t see any disagreements – there may be some differences, but that’s how a dialogue goes,” he said.
Menendez responded by saying that he and the committee’s staff were committed to engaging with the Bangladesh government on worker safety.
“This is not about punishment, this is about progress,” he said.
The report concluded by saying that when the RMG Sustainability Council takes over as the industry’s watchdog, the onus will be on the Bangladesh government to ensure safe buildings and safe workers.
“Only then will ‘Made in Bangladesh’ become a true label of pride for all the people of Bangladesh,” the report said.
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voisiptv-blog · 4 years
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dreemopsora · 4 years
Abdar Song Lyrics In Bangla (আবদার)
new Bangla Song Is Sung by
Imran Mahamudul
Sabrina Porshi
. This Music composed by the Singer Imran Mahmudul And this Bengali Song Lyrics written by Robiul Islam Jibon. This most popular Video Song of this year Directed by Chandan Roy Chowdhury.
তুই ছাড়া কেউ বোঝেনা
এই মনের আবদার,
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার।
তোর চোখের ইশারাতে চাই হারাতে আবার..
তুই ছাড়া কেউ বোঝেনা এই মনের আবদার,
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার।
স্বপ্ন হয়ে ছুঁয়ে আছিস চোখেরই তারায়,
মনটা পড়ে থাকে শুধু তোরই পাড়ায়।
তোর প্রেমে ডুবে ডুবে আমি একাকার,
যদি চাস দিতে পারি সবকিছু ছাড়।
তোর সাথে আজ হারাতে নেই কোনো বাধা আর,
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার।
তোর চোখের ইশারাতে চাই হারাতে আবার..
তুই ছাড়া কেউ বোঝেনা এই মনের আবদার,
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার।
গল্প লিখি তোকে নিয়ে হৃদয়ে যখন,
বড় সুখী লাগে আমার নিজেকে তখন।
তুই ছাড়া পথ নেই তো পা বাড়াবার
তুই যে আলো আশা বেঁচে থাকবার।
এ আমার সবকিছুর শুধু তুই দাবিদার
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার,
তোর চোখের ইশারাতে চাই হারাতে আবার।
তুই ছাড়া কেউ বোঝেনা
এই মনের আবদার
তাইতো ছুটে আসি রোজ আমি বারবার।
Song : Abdar
Singer : Imran Mahmudul & Sabrina Porshi
Lyrics : Robiul Islam Jibon
Tune & Music : Imran Mahmudul
Dop & Director : Chandan Roy Chowdhury
Podt Production : Black Cat
Studio Label : Cd Choice
Abdar Song Lyrics In English No one understands
except you In this mind,
That's why I came running
I do it again and again.
At the tip of your eye
Want to lose again ..
No one understands except you
In this mind,
That's why I came running
I do it again and again.
You are in a dream with the stars,
The mind is left behind only you.
Drowning in your love I am single,
If I can give Chas a discount on everything.
Lose with you today There are no obstacles,
That's why I came running I do it again and again.
I want your eyesight To lose again ..
No one understands except you In this mind,
That's why I came running I do it again and again.
Write a story with you in your heart,
I feel so happy.
Without you there is no way to raise legs
The light that you hope to live.
This is all you claim
So I run again and again every day,
You want to lose your eyesight again.
Without you, nobody understands this mind
So I run again and again every day.
Abdar new Song Lyric Tui chara keu bojhena
Ei moner abdar
Taito chute ashi roj Ami barbar
Tor chokher isharate Chai harate abar
Shopno hoye chunye achis Chokheri taray
Monta pore thake shudhu Tori paray
Tor preme dubey dubey
Ami ekakar Jodi chas
ditey pari Sobkichu char
Tor sathe aaj harate
Nei kono badha aar
Taitoh chhute asi roj
Aami barbar
Galpa likhi tōkē niẏē hr̥daẏē yakhana,
baṛa sukhī lāgē āmāra nijēkē takhana.
Tu'i chāṛā patha nē'i tō pā bāṛābāra
tu'i yē ālō āśā bēm̐cē thākabāra.
Ē āmāra sabakichura śudhu tu'i
dābidāra tā'itō chuṭē āsi rōja āmi bārabāra,
tōra cōkhēra iśārātē cā'i hārātē ābāra.
Tu'i chāṛā kē'u bōjhēnā ē'i manēra ābadāra
tā'itō chuṭē āsi rōja āmi bārabāra.
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k-aparecium · 4 years
Questions to Ask Yourself Before the New Year
So I came across the questions below on an Instagram post. Someone shared it on their story, and I did the same. When I first read through the questions, I casually skimmed my memories to try and figure out my own answers… But I didn't come up with actual answers for each, and I think it might be beneficial to do so. So here goes nothing. Literally, this could actually be nothing. But it is worth a shot nonetheless.
1. What's one small way you can become a better person in 2020? For others? For yourself? In Hasan Minhaj's last Patriot Act episode for 2019, he talks about how these days we all have 50,000 tabs open at once, and how that results in something called compassion fatigue because there's so many causes and issues to care about that keeping up with them literally is literally EXHAUSTING. And I realized that I'm guilty of this often. I get so overwhelmed by everything that's happening in the world that I choose to focus on problems that affect only me, and my little corner of the world. And that's the wrong way to be. I can't be oblivious to the world anymore. Because while there is an ENDLESS list of things, causes, people, etc. to care about and a lot of them are terrifying in the grand scale of humanity and living and things… I can always pick the few that are most impactful/ important to me and focus on those. A small difference is still a difference. So in 2020, I want to become more involved in the social issues and causes that I claim to care about. That's for me and for everyone else. 2. What are you holding onto that's no longer serving you? Why are you holding on? What's one small step you can take towards releasing it? I'm holding on to grief. I think the grief is five and half years old, so it's definitely overstayed its welcome in many ways. But I didn't get a chance to face it when I needed to because I had to be strong for everyone else. And so it has announced it's presence in many shapes and forms, much more pronounced than I ever thought possible. The grief has never served me well. I don't think that's its purpose. But… The way I am dealing with it, or NOT dealing with it, is not serving me. At all. And I don't know why I'm holding on to unhealthy habits of coping. I don't necessarily know to let go of it but I need to seriously considering going to therapy. I don't want to look back at  my life and have regret about years of unhappiness because I didn’t know how to face my grief and channel it into something that does serve me.
3. Set a goal for 2020 that excites you. Set a goal that scares you. I know goals are supposed to be "SMART". The whole specific, measurable, etc., etc. But I'm going to be general because I don't think I know any other details of these goals right now. A goal that excites me: Experience parts of the world I've never been to before, and take them in. A goal that scares me: Be open to finding love and opening my heart.
4. What do you want to be a student of in 2020? Well, I need to be an actual student in school in 2020. Like I need to get off my ass and enroll in business school. So I'll leave this answer at that. 5. Who in your life deserves the biggest thank you this year? Let them know if you can. This year, far more than any other, I realized how thankful I am for my mom. Moving back home was not an easy decision. And I wasn't happy about it, and at times I think the resentment outweighed the appreciation that I could have shown her. But she takes care of me as best as she can, she let's me do my own thing, and the care and respect that she should get from me in return (even though it doesn't always happen) isn't too much to ask her. 6. What can you thank yourself for this year? For growth. I'm far from perfect but I've done a lot of introspection this year and I've identified things that I need to work on to either eliminate or improve. 7. What have you outgrown this year? Getting the last word. Fighting too strongly to make my point heard when it's not going to make a difference.
8. What's an important boundary you'd like to set for 2020? My time is valuable, and it should be respected. By others, and by me. Stop giving time to those who aren't worth it, and invest it in the friends that have been there through thick and thin. Stick to timelines I set for myself instead of being so casual about it. The person who is the most wasteful of my time is ME. That needs to change.
9. What's a memory this past year that makes you smile just thinking about? Dance practices for Mahalia's wedding. Nacho nights with family. Moments with Areeb. Heart to hearts with the Bengali crew.
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★Watch the digital premiere of Salman Khan starrer Bharat on Amazon Prime Video!
02 Aug, 2019
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MUMBAI: Amazon Prime Video announced the digital premiere of superstar Salman Khan-starrer Bharat. Starting August 3, Prime members across 200 countries and territories can catch the 2019 blockbuster period-drama after its theatrical release. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the film stars viewer’s most favourite Salman Khan as the titular character, whose life runs parallel to India’s journey since its independence. Bharat features Katrina Kaif as the bold and beautiful Kumud Raina, a government officer and later, a news anchor. The film marks the return of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s on-screen re-union, which was last seen in the 2017 blockbuster Tiger Zinda Hai (also available on Prime Video).
Speaking about the digital premiere of Bharat, Salman Khan said, “Bharat is a special film that traces the story of India through the main character. The film is very close to my heart and I had a great time being a part of it. I am happy for the love the film has received through its theatrical release and look forward to all my fans across the globe reliving the experience on Amazon Prime Video.”
Bharat has been inspired from a Korean film An Ode to My Father, a wartime drama where a man longs to see his father and sister, who have been separated from him at the time of the Korean War. Rewritten in the political context of India, Bharat, is a life saga of an eight-year-old boy named Bharat (Salman Khan), who makes a promise to his Father that he will keep his family together in all circumstances. The boy keeps this promise over the next 60 years of his life, despite each decade throwing a new set of challenges at him - some humorous, some thrilling, some romantic, and some life-threatening. His resilience, loyalty and a never dying spirit mirror the fundamental qualities of our nation Bharat. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar the film also features a stellar star cast such as Disha Patani, Tabu, Jackie Shroff, Sunil Grover among others, making the movie a delightful watch.
Amazon Prime Video has the largest selection of latest & exclusive movies and TV shows, stand-up comedy, biggest Indian and Hollywood films, US TV series, most popular Indian & international kids’ shows, and award-winning Amazon Originals, all available, ad-free, with a world class customer experience. The service includes titles available in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Gujarati and Bengali.
To watch Bharat and newest releases in Hollywood & Bollywood, the latest US TV shows, kids’ favorite toons and Amazon Originals, please visit www.PrimeVideo.com or download the Amazon Prime Video app today and sign-up for a Prime membership only at ₹999 annually or ₹129 monthly.
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hindidailynews2020 · 4 years
Happy Bengali New Year 2020: इन मैसेजेस के जारिए कहें शुभो नोबो बोरोशो
बंगाली नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाएं पोइला बैसाख (Happy Poila Baisakh 2020 Wishes Images, Quotes, Messages, Status, Greetings, GIF): इन संदेशों के जरिए अपने दोस्तों और रिश्तेदारों को बंगाली नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाएं…
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/lifestyle/bengali-new-year-poila-baisakh-2019-date-history-importance-significance-of-poila-baisakh-in-india/
Bengali New Year (Poila Baisakh) 2019 Date: History, Importance & Significance of Poila Baisakh in India
Bengali New Year 2019: Wish you a very happy Poila Baisakh. (Designed by Gargi Singh)
Bengali New Year (Poila Baisakh) 2019 Date in India: It is time to celebrate the regional new years, and Poila Baisakh is the celebration of the Bengali New Year. The festival marks the first day of the Bengali calendar and generally falls around April 13 or 14, according to the Gregorian calendar. This year, the much-awaited festival will be celebrated on April 15 (Monday).
The day is celebrated with much fanfare not only in India, but also in neighbouring Bangladesh and even across the globe. People clean and decorate their houses to welcome the New Year, and also make beautiful colourful rangolis or alpona outside their homes. They visit temples and pray for good fortune and prosperity in the coming year.
The day is celebrated as Bihu by the people in Assam, as Vishu in Kerala, and as Puthandu by the people in Tamil Nadu.
While some people argue about the origin of the Bengali calendar, it is believed that it was introduced by Emperor Akbar, and is a combination of solar Hindu calendar and the lunar Islamic calendar.
Poila Baisakh also marks the beginning of the new financial year for the Bengali business community, who visit shops and buy valuables as it signifies good fortune. They also worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi on this day. People wear new clothes and indulge themselves in sweet delicacies, to celebrate the day.
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Happy Dussehra 2014 Bengali SMS, Wishes, Quotes
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Happy Dussehra 2019 Bengali SMS, Wishes, Quotes: Once again we are back with our Dussehra SMS portal, this Dussehra arriving on 3rd October 2019, just after Gandhi Jayanti which is on 2nd October 2019. So that’s pretty good news for all students because they have four days to enjoy. Dussehra is also know as Vijaya Dashami, but in Bengal side it spoken as Bijoya Dashami so here this time we comes with a good collection of Dussehra 2019 Bengali SMS, Messages, Wishes.
Happy Dussehra 2019 Bengali SMS, Wishes
Utsaber Aaj Ses Bela, Suru Hobe Sindur Khela, Moner Majhe Rekhe Maa ke, Bidayer Sur Bajbe Dhake…… Eta Amader Natun Dhara. SmS-e BIJAYA Sara.
Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
Saptami,Ostami, Nabami galo,Elo Pujor Sesh.Mone tobu roye galo Anander Resh.Dasami abar diye galo agami pujor ASHA,SUBHO BIJAYAR sange janai PRITI O BHALOBASHA. Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
Click here for Dussehra 2019 Marathi SMS
Dhaker kathir biday sure, Udas kore mon Chollen Ma Mahamaya, Aajke bisarjan ! Dhaker taale dhunichi nachon, Etai prachin riti, Moner frame -e bandhiye rekho Durga Pujor smriti ! Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
Dussehra 2019 Essay in English
Ma j ebar jaoar saje. Bisorjoner bajna baje, Boluk shobai mukhor robe, Asche bochor abar hobe.
Subho bijoyar preeti o subhechha.. Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
Pujor diner khusir hawa, 4 dine-te perie jawa, Mayer jaoar din holo aaj, Subhecha tai janie dewa. Mon bole aaj dhaker tale, Asche bochor Aye ma chole… Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
With plenty of peace and prosperity may Maa bless you with happiness all the year through! Wishing u Subho Bijoya. Happy Dussehra 2019 SMS
Kur kur bajche dhak, kailash je dilo daak Suru hobe sindur khela, mayer je aj jawar pala Bodhon theke bisorjon, bhalo rekho Ma sobar mon…
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shivamusic-official · 2 years
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Purulia Song 2019 - Bandha Kofi Tor Dhoni | Bengali / Bangla #Comedy Video | Happy New Year
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Nik Dodani, Sujata Day, Kiran Deol on the evolving space for Indian-origin creatives in western cinema
Nik Dodani, Sujata Day, Kiran Deol on the evolving space for Indian-origin creatives in western cinema
Where once, being brown brought with it stereotypes and typecasting, now a new generation of creatives of Indian origin, including Sujata Day, Kiran Deol, Nik Dodani and Avantika Vandanapu, is effecting change in western cinema — with diaspora narratives and creating their own support structures
“The producers actually asked if I’m ‘100% Indian’,” recalls Sujata Day about an unfortunate audition experience for a major sitcom in 2018. The actor-filmmaker, along with four other Indian-American actors, was vying for the role of the fiancée of one of the show’s lead characters. “In response to the producers’ query as to whether or not I was ‘100% Indian’, I said, ‘My parents are from Kolkata and I speak fluent Bengali, so yes.’ But the fact that I had to defend my Indianness was very strange. I know I didn’t book the role because I clearly didn’t look ‘Indian enough’ to them.”
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Day, during a video call with The Hindu Weekend, shakes her head as she talks about the then-and-now of South Asian representation in western film spaces. But the 37-year-old is not alone in her views of a culturally-stagnant cinema industry in the West. The industry boxed its South Asian actors and filmmakers into what they deemed acceptable. But in the past five years, creatives have continually expressed their dissent, announcing on social media, as well as during roundtables, protests and even stand-up routines that they are tired of the ‘identikit Indian’ roles.
More South Asian-origin actors, such as Dev Patel, Janina Gavankar, Rahul Kohli, Geraldine Viswanathan, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Kuhoo Verma, and Anya Chalotra, are shunning reductive roles in favour of fully-rounded characters that had long been reserved for only a few actors of colour.
For example, in Hulu’s Plan B, Kuhoo Verma’s portrayal as a sexually-curious teen who has to come to terms with the reproductive rights in her conservative state of South Dakota as she tries to purchase Plan B (morning-after pill) resonated with many women of colour. Prior to this, Indian girls were the one-dimensional personification of purity culture across western cinema. More recently, Dev Patel’s casting as the historically assumed-white Sir Gawain in The Green Knight turned the tables on the scope of open ethnicities.
Still of Sunny (Kuhoo Verma) and Lupe (Natalie Moroles) in Hulu comedy-drama ‘Plan B’ (2021)   | Photo Credit: Hulu
The identity struggle is never easily reconciled. Take that episode of The Mindy Project where Mindy (Mindy Kaling) goes on a date with the ‘ideal Indian man’ but he, unimpressed by her lack of knowledge about India, says he “could never date a coconut — brown on the outside, white on the inside”. This lights a flare to the tough dichotomy the diaspora tackles every day while forging their identity; embracing their surrounding culture and holding onto tradition.
Some address this by not taking on the ‘Indian-origin’ tag. Verma identifies as a woman of colour, as her family moved to the United States from South India but, without dismissing her heritage entirely, prefers to be known as ‘just an actor’ in the industry.
Nik Dodani attends The World Premiere of ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ presented by Universal Pictures at the Opening Night of The Toronto International Film Festival on September 09, 2021 in Toronto, Ontario.   | Photo Credit: RYAN EMBERLEY/AFP
Meanwhile, actors and filmmakers including Nik Dodani, Day and Kiran Deol are also taking matters into their own hands — by either creating their own support structures for South Asian actors or producing their own films and taking them to international stages such as the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).
Festivals matter
Festivals have become a cornerstone for Indian filmmakers and actors. It is not just a networking opportunity but a platform for visibility. In mid-September, actor-filmmaker Deol’s short I Would Never premiered at TIFF as well as Dodani’s Dear Evan Hansen.
“Massive festivals like TIFF really help to legitimise a filmmaker and their support really helps to bring up international talent,” says Deol, who has received support from Sundance and TIFF in the past to get her short film made. “I hope that these festivals continue to be as inclusive. Big film festivals like Cannes and TIFF have been some of the places where I’ve discovered some of my favourite filmmakers, so it’s no small thing.”
Read More | Kiran Deol on ‘I Would Never’, a film for the #MeToo ages
A still from the 2020 short film ‘I Would Never’ starring and directed by Kiran Deol   | Photo Credit: Kiran Deol
Meanwhile, Dodani, a deep admirer of Day’s “hustle” through the contentious industry, shares the festival circuit this year certainly feels different as well. “We are seeing more incredible filmmakers of colour; it’s a reflection of the power of our communities to get our stuff made and insert them into the conversation. The indie world has always been exciting because that’s where the films that push the boundaries exist, so we’re finally starting to see the financing start to follow the Black and Brown creators.”
Creating a community
The changes, however, are slow and not simultaneous; some generations of creatives will reap the rewards of those who have toiled for years in the murky industry. Things now could be looking up for casting as well as attention to details in South Asian roles and script. Avantika Vandanapu plays a young Gujarati high school student who is an ace coder and who, through a happenstance crush on a boy at school, discovers and nurtures talent for DJing.
Avantika Vandanapu as Rhea, in Disney Channel movie ‘Spin’   | Photo Credit: Kharen Hill / Disney
Vandanapu’s Telugu roots have seen her appear in 2015’s Brahmotsavam alongside Mahesh Babu and 2016’s Premam with Naga Chaitanya and Shruti Haasan.
The 16-year-old says her auditioning process for Spin was a far cry from the horror stories minority actors have experienced, and she owes it all to their resistance and perseverance over the years. “From the moment I saw the script, I was so glad Disney had not generalised the Indian ethnicity, but had narrowed on the specificities of the Gujarati culture,” she says. “Seeing an Indian girl written as someone who is comfortable in her identity rather than having an identity crisis was exciting.”
Of course, Vandanapu understands identity conflicts are a prevalent matter, but she hopes it is not the only narrative for people of the Indian diaspora.
Speaking on what catalysed change across the industry changing, he says, “This industry is white-dominated, and the Black and Latinx communities in Hollywood have organised and supported each other in ways that are so inspiring; we hope to replicate that. The conversation around inclusion and equity has been changing for a few years now, but has accelerated immensely after last summer. The Black Lives Movement is directly responsible for that; every community of colour in the US is benefiting from the work the activists have done over the years. The real test, if the industry starts walking the walk, is in the next five to ten years.”
Still of Evan (Ben Platt) and Jared (Nik Dodani) in Universal Pictures’ ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ (2021)   | Photo Credit: Universal Pictures
On their own terms
One of the happy results of this movement is The Salon, co-founded in 2019 by Atypical and Escape Room actor Dodani, along with Bash Naran and Vinny Chhibber. “It started out as an informal way for us to connect,” says the 27-year-old. “Vinny, Bash and I were chatting and we found we all knew different folks in the South Asian film industry but not everyone knew everyone. For the first year, our goal was to just get people in the same room, to have the most basic form of community. Our vision is to help the next generation of South Asian talent.”
Read More | Nik Dodani on his cultural identity, and working on ‘Escape Room’ and ‘Atypical’
Day is not blind to the industry’s flaws either, one of the most prominent being its unwillingness to change. “Green-lighters in the film community were, and still are, slow, but now we are giving ourselves the green light,” she says.
So, the filmmaker pooled her money and directed, wrote and starred in comedy-drama Definition Please, which has been a favourite on the festival circuit in the US, having won ‘Outstanding Directorial Debut for a Feature Film’ at the South Asian Film Festival in America, and Best Narrative Feature at CAAMFest.
Told through the Indian female gaze, the indie film follows an Indian-origin woman who is living in the past glory of her spelling bee champion days while trying to move forward and dealing with her grief-stricken family. The film, which also stars Ritesh Rajan, succinctly explores themes of female friendships, familial pressures, mental health, and toxic masculinity in the Indian community.
Read More | Sujata Day on pushing through Hollywood bureaucracy and making ‘Definition Please’
Day was inspired by her long-time Awkward Black Girl and Insecure collaborator Issa Rae, explaining, “Very few people know of her first two web series; everyone thinks Awkward Black Girl was her first. But she never gave up and never let the system stop her from creating. And neither should we!”
The OTT problem
Day is currently in chats with streamers and distributors worldwide for Definition Please, and she confides with a laugh, “They feel that if they have Bollywood movies on their platform, they don’t need diaspora films. They think we are being represented already, which is wild to me because as much as I love the stars, that’s not our lives in the diaspora. We have very specific and interesting stories to tell.
During Asian-American Heritage Month (May) in the US, she noticed that streaming companies were putting out lists of Asian content on special servers and many were subtitled and foreign, but not a lot were content out of the US (or the UK). “They are handling Asian inclusion in a global sense that doesn’t make sense to folks in the diaspora. We should be able to hold them accountable and we bring these grievances up in meetings and they’re hearing us. Hopefully, they make some changes to shift their thinking.”
Money talks
Having travelled to many film festivals when it came out in 2017, Day’s eight-minute short, Cowboy and Indian (a drama-thriller about a Bengali bride who collapses in the street and is rescued by a cowboy) is now being made into a television series — made possible by a South Asian film executive reaching out to her. “It absolutely matters who’s also buying stories for production. We need representation there too!” she says.
Agreeing with her, actor-filmmaker Deol elaborates, “I feel like funding for filmmakers is always the 21-million-dollar question. This is true for folks of any colour trying to get their projects made.”
A growing space that is increasingly getting more funding is book-to-screen adaptations. Diksha Basu’s Destination Wedding, which was shortlisted for the Wodehouse Prize, is currently being adapted to a series. Meanwhile, Rakesh Satyal and Dodani have long been working on an adaptation of Satyal’s 2009 bestseller Blue Boy, which tells the story of a young gay Indian-American boy who is bullied through his school years. Dodani, who found the book to be a “full body experience” when he first read it, turns screenwriter for the film. “We’re trying to find the right home and financing for it. We want to make sure it’s done right and gets the right budget and talent,” he says.
So, while many creatives are more than happy to bid goodbye to ‘brownface’, casting appropriation and tokenism — as Deol sees it, this farewell is rather fresh — there is still a lot to look forward to and to demand in terms of inclusion.
“The changes showcase for me both how far we have come, and how far we have to go,” Deol sums up, adding, “I’d love to get to a place in representation where we have the room to tell extremely specific stories that don’t have to speak for the entire diaspora because there is enough variety in the shows and movies that get airtime, that there is a multiplicity of voices and points of view to choose from.”
It will be a frustrating wait for this level of change and some unfortunate barriers are inevitable. But as more creatives of colour vocalise their needs and rights, and also hold studios and casting agencies accountable, things are bound to change.
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askcosplayhetalia · 6 years
Webmusic Hindi and Bengali Movies and Songs are in high demand 2018
June 29, 2018 5 min read Webmusic Music expressed through Entrepreneur participants are their very own to listen music and watching Videos on boldwap. Editor's note: developers series features no-holds-barred in-depth interviews with girl leaders in distinctive industries to give you insight into what a hit girls have executed to push through feeling stuck, pissed off and uncreative with the intention to build outstanding brands and companies. lots of marketers, myself covered, have enjoyed watching Jessica Alba's pivot from the big display screen to co-founding father of The sincere enterprise. Most of the indians use boldwap.net to search and download Webmusic Hindi and Bengali videos. at the same time as she remains an actress, she is also a leading businesswoman, having landed the duvet of Forbes' "Self-Made girls" problem and being named in the pinnacle 20 of rapid enterprise's "maximum innovative human beings in business." She's additionally an propose and a big apple instances bestselling writer. She changed into on the top of my listing of girls to interview on their journeys as developers, so dive in under to learn about the usaand downs of founding The sincere organisation, what she's discovered and what she sees taking place subsequent. What have you ever built, and what inspired you to build it? A undertaking-driven enterprise that offers more than a hundred secure and powerful merchandise – across a number classes together with diapers and child, personal care, household cleansing and beauty – designed for families anywhere. Indian and Bollywood Actors are very popular becuase of Webmusic Hindi Movies in 2018 and 2019. The concept came from my true experiences as a conscious consumer and a new determine. making a happy, healthful domestic for my loved ones became my precedence. Like many entrepreneurs, I saw there has been a need that wasn't being met, so I needed to create the organization i used to be seeking out. had been you born a builder, or did you need to discover ways to be one? i am a born builder. I grew up quite fearless with an know-how that in case you need something in lifestyles, you have to be creative in going about accomplishing it. You're not constantly going to have an clean path to success, but if it's critical enough you'll figure out a way to make it paintings. related: Brit Morin of Brit + Co Talks about Why She released Her company, How to conquer the Highs and Lows and Ignoring Negativity Who become the first lady you looked up to, and why? Webmusic Bengali would absolutely be top downloading for Indian Film Industry. My mom and my grandmother, who're some of the hardest and maximum resilient girls I understand. with regards to building my business, I've regarded to classes found out from Eleanor Roosevelt. Her perseverance in the face of insurmountable demanding situations become genuinely inspiring. She didn't let any hurdles get in her manner, she was so devoted to the need for social justice and had such a clarity of cause that she pushed through against all odds. Seeing the effect that she has had gave me an tremendous quantity of hope and determination that I might be successful. What's the best danger you've taken? Having the courage and tenacity to believe I ought to start a purchaser merchandise agency. 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devikong · 4 years
Kazuko san’s visit to Imphal
           It was during my visit to Japan in September-October 2019 that I met Mrs. Kazuko Yasunobu (Kazuko san) at the residence of the Indian Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma in the evening of 1st October. That was a dinner party hosted to welcome the Manipuri cultural team led by our Honorable State Culture Minister, Mr. Langpoklakpam Jayantakumar Singh and the Director, Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur, Mr. Aribam Shivadas Sharma, MCS. I was part of the cultural troupe as a Coordinator. The cultural troupe performed at various events across different cities such as Namaste India Festival (Tokyo and Karia City), Kyoto, Niigata, Osaka, etc.
           That very night, Kazuko san was wearing a fine Assamese mekhala chaddar with a beautiful flower decorated on her hair and a bright red bindi on her forehead. It showed her immense love for our Indian Culture. Other than that, I knew nothing about her. However, it happened that she was performing Odissi (one of the six classical dances of India, originally of Odisha which is an Eastern state of India) at Namaste India Festival, Tokyo where our Manipuri Team also performed. As I was too occupied with the coordination work for our team, I somehow failed to notice her performance.
           She said she had plans to visit Manipur in January next year i.e. 2020. Later on 5th October, our cultural team went to Tokyo from Tokamachi mountain city to perform especially for the Bengali community as it was Durga Puja time. There, for the second time, I encountered Kazuko san with full make up and colorful costume as an Odissi dancer. Oh, I found out she is a professional Odissi dancer. She addressed me as ‘didi’ (Hindi word for sister) and we clicked few photographs together. She is currently an Odissi, Sambhalpuri Teacher at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), Embassy of India in Tokyo. Moreover, she has her own dance class at Studio Odissi in Tokyo.
           Next few months passed by and there was no communication between the two of us. One fine day, she sent me a message and told me about her confirmed trip to Imphal, my hometown, in January 2020. She had requested me to arrange for a home stay and to contact some teachers for Manipuri Dance and Thang-Ta (Manipuri Martial Arts) so that she could learn few basic steps. I responded to her request positively. As my husband, Mr. Gurumayum Dharmadas Sharma was working as Principal-In-Charge of Government Dance College, Manipur, I requested him to help Kazuko san in every possible way so that she could get what she had expected out of her Manipur trip.
           I told her about the Solo Dance and Music Festival which was to be commenced from 22nd February to 24th February 2020 and inquired if she wanted to come to Imphal in February instead of January. But she was firm in her decision to be here in both the months.
           My husband sent a formal invitation letter to Kazuko san at VCC, Tokyo by December end of 2019 for the Solo Festival which was to be jointly organized by the Eastern Zonal Cultural Center, Kolkata (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) and Government Dance College (Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur).
           Hence every arrangement was made starting from booking hotel, pick and drop from airport and other domestic travel, dance and martial art classes along with provision for students from the Dance College for her ‘Sakura’ (Japanese word for Cherry Blossom) Dance Composition and many more.
           Kazuko san arrived at Bir Tikendrajit International Airport, Malom, Imphal on January 3rd. We asked our friend, Mr. Acharyamayum Shantakumar Sharma to pick her up from the airport. In the evening of her arrival, I went to meet her at hotel Sangai, Nagamapal where she would be staying for the next few days of her first ever trip to Manipur.
           The next day, 4th of January, my family took Kazuko san to Rita Café, Classic Hotel, Imphal for evening tea. She wished me happy birthday as it happened to be my birthday. Since she wanted something Manipuri in taste and flavor, we ordered singju ( Manipuri salad ), khajing bora ( Deep fried battered prawn ), and CCT ( locally produced lemon grass tea ). As Japanese usually do not take very hot and spicy food, I asked the service boy to make singju less spicy. However, it turned out to be a bit hot and spicy for Kazuko san. Later, the service boy came back with another plate of less spicy singju at no extra cost. What a treat it was!!!!
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                            At Rita Café in the evening of 4th January                                                                  (Photo Credit : Kazuko san)
           While we were returning from the café, I told her about my morning nature therapy treatment. She expressed her desire to join as she felt exhausted after long hours of travel and hectic schedule. Before coming to Imphal, she already stayed in Bhubhaneswar, Odisha and had performed in various events. During those days, she had received prestigious awards such as Nritya Bhushan Award in addition to various other national and international recognition that she had already been honoured wih.
           So, on January 5th morning, Kazuko san joined me for the treatment which was conducted by one of our local therapists. It was a relaxing experience. Unfortunately she didn’t continue after some untoward experience.
           Once she arrived at Imphal city, she kept herself busy by learning Manipuri dance and Thang-Ta. At the same time, she made a fusion composition based on the famous Japanese classic ‘Sakura’ to be performed by herself and a team of students from Dance College at Japanese War Memorial, Maibamlotpa Ching, Nambol. For the Manipuri dance steps of the composition, she took help from Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma, Senior Lecturer, Government Dance College, Manipur. Oja Laishram Brajakumar Laishram, Senior Lecturer (Flute ), oja Pebam Tiken Singh, (Pena, a traditional stringed instrument of Manipur), Mr. Ben Johnson ( Guitar ), Mr. Amit ( Pung, Manipuri Drum ) and Mrs. Anjella Yenkhom                (  vocal ) became important part of Sakura composition along with many other Manipuri students, both male and female dancers. She expressed contentment that our Manipuri students are quite enthusiastic, fast learners and are very serious in learning and make the whole process of interaction a fun filled activity. Often these students shared homemade food in the college premise and that made Kazuko san feel quite at home in Imphal in spite of being a first timer in the city.
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             Some special moments with friends in Imphal as captured by                                                                 Kazuko san
             On 7th January, we picked her up from hotel at 9 am for Japanese War Memorial. Just as we started, my elder sister Angousana Devi handed over to me a huge carry bag full of fresh marigold flowers near Nagamapal Lai Ishing Chaiba Temple to be taken for offering at Nambol as Kazuko san wished. The team of students from Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Loken and Kazuko san performed ‘sakura’ fusion composition as an offering to the departed souls of the numerous Japanese soldiers who led their lives on the soils of Manipur during the Second World War, 1945.
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            At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January 
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           At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January                                          (Photo Credit : A. Shantakumar Sharma)                       
           On the way to Nambol, she told me about one Manipuri friend of her husband who was currently in Fukuoka Ken, Japan.  This friend helped her husband with information about Manipur while he came here last year to gather some idea about select Manipuri hotels. As there was shut down of market on that day, Kazuko san’s husband failed to visit those hotels of which he wanted some information. To my utter surprise, this young lad came out to be my nephew, Vicky Ningombam, who is working in Fukuoka as a Manager in a hotel at present.
           So, while returning from Nambol, we took Kazuko san to Laxmi Hotel and Imoinu Hotel, both at Wahengleikai, Imphal West to collect information and to take some photographs especially of the local cuisines being served there.
           The very next day, the 8th January was the birth anniversary of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, a legendary Odissi exponent and is the guru of Kazuko san. We went to Sri Sri Govindajiu Temple, Imphal East where Kazuko san made special fruits and flowers offering to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda and Sri Sri Jaganath Baladev Subhadra as a humble obeisance to her dance guru. Later, we had delicious prasadam. In the latter part of the evening, Mr. Shanta took Kazuko san to Ima Keithel, the world’s only market run exclusively by women only. She purchased some colorful Manipuri traditional shawls and phanek (sarong worn by Manipuri ladies).
           After returning to Tokyo in January, she came back to Imphal on 20th February for participating in the Solo Festival. Renowned artists from Manipur and other states of India took part in the festival. It was the first time that a Japanese artist took part in this festival. Some of the artists who gave their scintillating performance during the 3-day festival apart from Kazuko san (Odissi dance) were Ms. Ivana Sarkar (Manipuri Dance), Mrs. Muktasana (Manipuri Dance), Mr. Srijan Cahtterjee (Hindustani Music), Mr. Anoubam Shashikumar Sharma (Sarod), etc.
           She performed a new composition ‘Saraswati Sakura Mangalacharan’ with live music by a team of musicians from Bhubhaneswar on 23rd February, the second day of the Solo Festival.
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         A beautiful shot of Kazuko san while performing Odissi on  23rd                              February (Photo Credit : Surjit Soraisam)
           On 24th February which was the third and the last day of the festival, Kazuko san performed an Odissi-Japanese-Manipuri fusion composition along with few teachers and students of the Dance College. She displayed nice Origami creations too during the performance. Even Mr. Ben Johnson ( a staff of Art & Culture Department, GOM) and Mr. Shanta also became part of the dance composition.
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             A pose from few of the participants of Manipuri Japanese Fusion Composition of 24th February Evening (Photo Credit : Ben Johnson)
             The 3-day festival was, as a whole, well acclaimed by viewers and critics. The location and timing of the performance at the Government Dance College with greenery all around and in the open auditorium right under the starry sky around the evening make the ambience so attractive and the performance an enjoyable one. Once you arrive there, you tend to watch the performance till the end. That was the attraction I am talking about.
           One good thing about the program was that many elected representatives  of state assembly came to see the performance along with their families and expressed words of appreciation.
           Though it was a Solo Dance and Music Festival, the Dance College showed two new group compositions choreographed by Guru Loken to give an exposure of the college students and to encourage them for future stage performance.
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             A shot from the group performance 'Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram' by the students of Government Dance College Manipur, choreographed by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
              The next day, i.e. the 25th of February, I organized an “Origami” workshop for school children under the banner of Young Learners’ Academy, a kids care academy at Nagamapal Soram Leirak, Imphal West, the program of which was conducted by none other than Kazuko san. The “Origami” literally means folding of paper and is a Japanese art of paper craft. It is believed to be good for coordination and cognitive development and has become an important part of Japanese culture. Following the last few days of extremely hectic schedule of rehearsal and stage performance, Kazuko san was almost ill on the 24th night and 25th morning. However, she made sure that she would conduct the Origami workshop as planned. Some 29-30 kids along with their parents participated the workshop and it was a huge success. Thanks to Kazuko san who despite her weak health taught our kids the Origami items, that too with the materials she bought all the way from Japan. In addition to this, she distributed Japanese candies to the young participants. Sincere thanks to Saknaibi, Sormorjit Lai, Bikash, Loijing, Sonia and Vijaya, all students of Dance College, came and helped us during the workshop. It really was a great evening for all.
           On the day of departure, the 27th of February, madam Laishram Shantibala Devi, wife of  honourable Culture Minister of Manipur, met Kazuko san in Government Dance College. Students and teachers of Dance College met Kazuko san to bid farewell. Mr. Shanta dropped her off to airport.
            26th February was bit rainy and cold. Around 3pm, Saknaibi picked Kazuko san up from her hotel and took her to well known RKCS Art Gallery. Later she was taken to local sculptor who makes different idols of Lord Jagannath. Kazuko san has special affection for the Lord as she has already stayed in Odisha for several years and is used to Oriya tradition where Lord Jagannath is an important part of life and the Jagannath Temple at Puri, Odisha is a famous tourist attraction. In the evening, my husband joined them and took Kazuko san to our home at Brahmapur Mangjil for just few minutes. Once she was dropped back to her hotel, I met her for the last time of her February trip. We laughed and chatted together for a while. I told her that when our culture minister’s wife asked me what she could buy to present to Kazuko san, I suggested an off white, temple bordered ‘Rani Manao’ (traditional Manipuri hand loom silk stole). To pair up with that, I gifted Kazuko san a ‘Phanek Mapaanaiba’ (Traditional Manipuri sarong with embroidered border). Also Somorjit Laiphrakpam designed two white netted dupatta (the Hindi wod for stole) so that Kazuko san could use to display Japanese Manipuri fusion dance when she’s back in Japan.
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A photograph taken on 27th February at Dance College just before Kazuko san leaves for Delhi (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
           After two nights stay in Delhi, Kazuko san reached Tokyo safely on 29th February.
           On 8th March which is International Women’s Day, we had Review Origami Workshop at Nagamapal, Imphal as a follow up programme of the last Origami Workshop held on 25th February. Kazuko san came online to teach Ureshii Hinamatsuri Song (Delightful Doll Festival Song of Japan). She suggested that we should review Origami so that we do not forget the steps of the paper craft that we had already learnt.
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       A shot taken on 8th March during the Review Origami Workshop at                                                       Nagamapal, Imphal 
           Further, we made plans to have online interaction with Kazuko san and her students of Studio Odissi, Tokyo and our team of students of Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma. Though this could not happen on scheduled date of 12th April due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it will certainly be done in near future as the current lockdown and emergency situation get lifted in respective countries. So it is the very beginning of our cooperation and the cultural exchange programme and it has a long way to go.
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