#happy birthday channie!!!
Spoiling the Birthday Boy
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Bangchan x gn!reader (I think?)
Also, this is late IM SORRY but I had to write something for our baby best leader Channie Hyung <3 enjoy my delusion love u so much
Warning: slightly suggestive there for a sec.
“What do you want for your birthday, Channie?” You asked softly as the two of you were snuggled up together on the couch in the late hours of the night.
“Hmm… Maybe for you to just forget about it?” He asked and flashed you his cutie pie smile, hands gently kneading your waste. You made your expression deadpan and frowned. “Baby, you know how I feel about all of it.” He sighed and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head gently.
“Okay, then we won’t celebrate my birthday either.” You state matter-o-factly, patting his arm gently. He sits back dramatically, eyes wide.
“Uh, no. That’s my favorite day of the year. You can’t take that from me.” He pouted his lip and shook his head.
“That’s how I feel about your birthday, love.” You said softly, a hand resting on his cheek with a thumb caressing it gently. “Just let me do something nice. It’ll be lowkey I promise.” He sighs and you can see his resolve dropping.
“Alright, fine. Just- no party please. Only me and you, yeah?”
The evening of October 2nd, you had tasked Changbin with making sure Chan came home at a decent hour (a feat in itself) and Minho with snatching Chan’s phone so no one could bother him the entire night or morning.
You were putting the final touches on the first of his birthday surprises when you heard the door open. Trying to contain your excitement, you quickly make your way over to greet him with a smile.
“Hey birthday boy.” You giggled and wrapped your arms around his torso.
“I mean, it’s technically not even my birthday yet-“ you cut him off with a shake of your head, a finger to his lips.
“Ah, not allowed. Just relax and trust me.” You kiss him softly, holding him close. “Did you eat yet?” You ask softly, pulling away from the kiss. He nodded.
“Yeah, the boys took me out for dinner.” You already knew that, but he didn’t know that you knew.
“Okay, good. Then we can get in to the first surprise.” You grab his hand and pull him into the bathroom where you have a hot bath ready to go with soft candle lighting and the gentle sound of his favorite songs playing. You feel his arms wrap around you, face nuzzling into your neck.
“Is this for me, hm?” You can hear his smile, his hug squeezing a bit tighter for emphasis.
“Should we get in?” You ask, turning to look at his face with a smile.
Once you both are within the warmth of the tub, you facing him in his lap, you reach for some shampoo right behind his shoulder. He looks at you lovingly, his hands mindlessly grazing your skin with a small smile resting on his face. As you massage the shampoo into his hair, scratching his scalp gently as you work it in, a small groan escapes his lips. His hands begin to wander, grasping at the flesh on your thighs while biting his lip.
“Ah, be good.” You gently reprimand, a small smirk on your face. “There will be plenty of time for that later.” You lean in and kiss his neck softly before resuming washing his hair.
“Alright alright.” He concedes, bracing his hands on either side of the tub.
After the bath was face masks, painting each others nails (something Chan loved doing but would never admit to anyone but you), and finally snuggling up in bed.
“That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” You hum against his jawline, looking up at him.
“I would say no but I know for a fact you have more planned for tomorrow.” He giggles and shakes his head. “I do really appreciate it though, baby. I needed a relaxing night.”
“And my next gift is that you can sleep as late as you want tomorrow.” You smile and kiss his cheek. He thinks for a second before looking at you with furrowed brows.
“Are you the reason my phone has suddenly disappeared?” You sit in silence, hoping that if you’re quiet long enough, he’ll just forget. He does not. In fact, his fingers dig into your ribs, causing squeals and giggles to fill the once quiet room.
Happy birthday best leader, Channie. October 3rd is the best day because it’s the day the world received you. What a happy occasion. <3
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lee-minhoe · 5 months
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happy birthday @ggthydrangea!!! 💙💜🥳🎂
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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A beautiful birthday cake for a beautiful person 🎂
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kpopformylife · 9 months
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❤︎ Happy Channie Day ❤︎
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conalola · 2 years
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Happy belated bday channie 🐺💖
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Happy Jeongin Day!!!
Happiest birthday to our maknae on top 🥳🎂.
Dear Innie,
Happy birthday Jeongin, may this new chapter of life bring you more and more success,joy and happiness to you.Happy Birthday! Another year, and you're just getting sweeter.Ne and every stay out there wish you a happy birthday.
Enjoy your day baby bread, you've grown so much 😭. Words are not enough to explain how much I love you, you're so dear to me...
🎵 I wanna give you a hung oh baby ~~~~. 🎵
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Love you always with all my heart
You're truly
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ashitshowforalot · 9 months
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he posted it twice lol
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james-is-here · 9 months
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Kai huffed as he leaned back against the door, shutting it in the process before sliding down to the floor. He lazily kicks his shoes off and moves them to the side.
Sighing again, his head thuds against the door as he closes his eyes. Why did he agree to three photo shoots?
He picks up his head and looks around. His whole home was dark, no light except some streaks of moon light or lamp post from the curtain that was half shut in front of the patio door.
Willing himself to push up to his feet, dragging them to his room before he stopped. He should shower, a lot of product was used on his hair and the lazy sink wash he did before coming home didn’t do much, which is obvious cause he only did it to get the majority of the products out.
He sighs and walks to the bathroom instead. Just a quick shower to clean his hair. He hopes he doesn’t wake anyone up as he turns the shower on and undressed.
When he stepped under the water, he’s glad he chose to wash up. His muscles relax and he exhaled deeply. He wanted to relax more but didn’t want to be in the shower more than needed so he opened his eyes and grabbed his shampoo and lathered it through his hair, wincing whenever his fingers got caught on tangled strands covered in gel.
He sighs as he realized he also had braids in his hair, the twinge from how tight they were braided becoming nothing as his day went on, forgetting them completely.
He needs to clean his hair but he doesn’t want to stand in the shower forever, unbraiding his hair as the water ran so he switched to filling the tub with hot water before sitting down and leaning back, enjoying the warm water before he tilts his head and reaches up to undo his braids. The soap he still had in his hair kinda helped as he untangled each one.
Lathering the shampoo through his hair again, he sinks under the water to wash off the soap. He does the same thing with his conditioner but he stayed under the water for a moment, the warmth surrounds him as he’s left to his thoughts before he sits up out of the water when he hears muffled knocking.
Wiping his face and spitting water away from his mouth, he calls out. “Yeah?” “Kai, what are you doing?” He huffs before standing up and draining the tub. “Sorry, one sec.” He grabs a towel and dries off quickly but enough so he could at least get his boxers on.
With his clothes and towel held in front of him, he opens the door to be greeted by a sleepy Hyunjin. “Sorry.” “S’fine. How were your shoots?” He asks through a yawn. “Good, tiring but good nonetheless.” Kai smiled and stepped out of the way. “Good. Uh, last i remember, Chan was trying to wait up for you.” Kai nods, returning Hyunjin’s hug when he stepped forward before walking into the room he just left.
Quickly shuffling to his room, he grabs random clothes. Black sweats and his favorite soft hoodie before he leaves his room and goes to Chan’s.
He smiles softly when he sees Chan in his bed, looking closer he sees a goose plush tucked into his arms. Kai brows furrowed, wondering where he got it before he remembered: Chan’s birthday was yesterday…
He walks out of Chan’s room back to his to grab the small gift he got for his leader before returning. He pulls out his phone for a moment, going to their youtube to see Chan’s Live. He tapped on it, scrolling through the video quickly to see that the gifts he spun for. That explains the grey material on his desk chair and the plushie.
He puts his phone away before walking over to the side of his bed and crouching down. It might be creepy, watching someone sleep, though Kai couldn’t help but admire Chan. He looked adorable bundled in his blankets, hugging the goose closer. Looking closer, at the hood draped over Chan’s head, he sees he’s wearing his hoodie, Him and his sibling initials embroidered on the hood, a gift from his mom.
Kai smiles, he doesn’t want to bother him but Hyunjin said he was waiting for him. Why was he waiting for him?
He reaches a hand up, moving under the hood to lightly scratch at Chan’s scalp and brush a hand through his hair. The male groans before turning into a whine as he turned his face into the pillow. “Channie-Hyung?” With more movement and sounds of denial of wanting to be awake, Chan opens his eyes and smiles. “Hi…” He whispers. “Hey, Jinnie said you were waiting up for me?” He hums, taking Kai’s hand into his own and he sighs, closing his eyes again. “What for? I told all of you that I had photo shoots today for different brands.” “Was worried when you came back after the second one…looked tired…wanted to check you.”
Kai chuckles softly at his sleepy speech. “I got you something.” His eyes open and light up as he shifts to try and see what it was. “What is it?” Chan may sound greedy but he loves every gift Kai gives him, no matter what, even on random days, Kai gifts him something handmade with occasional times of bought gifts from stores.
“You want to open it or what?” “No, comfy, can you?” Kai laughs. “Yeah, but I need my hand.” He pouts but let’s go of Kai’s hand. He sets the bag between his knees, still squatting next to the bed, before reaching into the bag and pulling both items out.
“Two gifts?” Kai flushes before speaking, softly rubbing the material. “Uh, sort of. They are matching hoodies, you are always stealing my family hoodie so during any free time I had, i embroidered these hoodies for us. My mom ironed the custom patches on but I was able to pick them up to stitch them.”
They were black hoodies with a patch on the back showing Kai and Chan’s SKZoo cuddled up to one another. Kai’s sister machine sewed ‘My only Hyung’ on Kai’s and “My Duckling” on Chan’s.
When Kai got a hold of them, he embroidered a heart and their initials on the left sleeve along with vines and roses on the hood edge and the pull strings were white.
He holds it up for Chan to see and when Chan read it, he sat up quickly, taking his hoodie from Kai and laying it out on his lap, a finger tracing the patch. “They’re so cute…” He mumbles as he looks up and grabs Kai’s hoodie to look at it too. He read Kai’s hoodie a couple more times before he looks over when he feels Kai’s hand on his face.
“Hyung? Why are you crying?” Chan chuckles, moving the hoodies to the side before moving the blankets. Kai barely blinked before Chan wrapped his arms around his waist and squeezed, resting his head in the crook of his neck to hide his tears. “I-I’m sorry.” “No…” Chan says. “It’s fine.” He pulls back, looking at Kai’s eyes as he smiled. “The hoodies are amazing, it’s so cute.” “Oh, well, thanks but why are you crying?”
“Cause every gift you get me, even the random ones for days that don’t mean anything, it’s so personal and heartwarming. Even for the others, it’s mostly all handmade gifts, I can’t remember the last thing you gifted to me that wasn’t handmade.” “These.” Kai poked Chan’s chest, gesturing to the necklace he was wearing which he bought for their fifth anniversary, Kai felt like it was a gift for saying thanks for choosing him and believing in him. It was a small silver chain with a small ‘KC’ pendant.
“Really?” “Yup.” “Wow…” Chan replied before hugging the male tightly again. “Thank you.” “You don’t need to thank me.” “I do though, when picking you, I didn’t know how thoughtful you would be.” “My mom taught me to give from the heart.” He says causally as he wraps his arms around Chan.
“I…I love you, Kai.” Kai laughs. “Love you too, Hyung, we all do.” “N-No…I-I really…” Chan steps back shakily, removing himself completely from Kai as his hands fidget. “Channie?” “I’m sorry…” “It’s okay, what were you going to say?” “I love you…but more than…I love the other boys…” Kai’s brows raise as his mouth falls open slightly.
“Oh…” “I’m really sorry, I- Thanks, again for the hoodie…” Chan was trying to dismiss what he said and move on but Kai snapped out of his daze, placing a hand on Chan’s cheek and turning him to meet their gazes. His thumb wipes away the tears under his eyes, trying to sooth Chan. “I’m sorry…” He whispers, almost inaudible, as he tries to look away.
“It’s okay, Hyung…Look at me, jagiya…” His eyes widen as he stops trying to look away, his eyes glossy. “It’s okay.” He smiled softly before kissing his forehead, wrapping his arms around Chan’s shoulders and hugging him tightly as he shook with silent cries.
His left arm stayed around his shoulders as his right moves so his hand rubs up and down his back. “C-Can you say it again?” “Say what, jagiya?” Chan exhales and Kai can feel him smiling into his neck. “Do you want to be babied? Do you like that name, agi?” Chan tries to hide his face further into his neck as he giggles.
“I can, y’know?” “What?” “If you want to have less responsibility during our free time, you can come to me and just relax.” “Thank you.” “Of course, bubby.” “How many names do you have?” “So many, it may or may not get worse.” Chan laughs and pulls away from Kai. He smiles, taking Kai’s hoodie off and putting his new one on. Giggling, he hands Kai his, receiving a smile and head shake as he removed his hoodie and put on the other.
Chan tossed to hoodies somewhere and sat on his bed before grabbing Kai’s writer and pulling him forward. Chan slides over, giving Kai room before he fell on top of him and forced Kai to cuddle.
The older snuggled further into Kai, who wrapped his arms around Chan tightly, and took a deep breath. “Hey, this is my cologne…” “Yeah, mine is sprayed on yours.” Chan shyly lifted the collar to his nose to smell it and he gasps softly. “You didn’t think I would know what you favorite cologne of mine is? I know it’s you getting me new bottles of it whenever it low.” Chan blushes, tucking his face into Kai’s neck as he pulled the blankets over them and hugged Chan closer.
Who would’ve thought his heartfelt gifts would get him into dating his group leader…feels weird, but a good weird that has Kai falling asleep with a smile on his face.
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chrisbangs · 9 months
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
hi z <333
sorry I was gone for so long but i had school stuff to take care of </3 I was really surprised that people were open to my prompts...it made me very happy
the reason I like bully reader and loser channie is that its rare to be loved unconditionally especially when this person knows of all your flaws
loser channie sees readers "bad side" yet he still loves them and idk....that just seems so nice
this dynamic reminds me of that of san and ashitaka in princess monopole. idk if u ever watched it but it was made in the 90s by studio Ghibli
SPOILER FOR MOVIE san has a knife to ashitakas neck and she's threatening him but he just tells her to keep living and that she's beautiful
another scene she stabs him and he just hugs her
I also have a song rec for this dynamic ( its German lol ) its called leichter//kälter by Edwin Rosen
basically the song is about how the singers love interest/partner/ex??? says its easier to stand barefoot in the snow than being with him because he is so much colder than the snow
and that made me think.....what if channie is basically at his wits end??and just breaks down and asks reader what he did for her to act so cold towards him ( very angsty im sorry 😔)
now smut maybe I will give it my best 👍
channie and reader watching tiktoks and they come across one with the caption "<<<<<<<when he moans and whimpers" with whatever sound is popular that week and channie looks curiously at reader and asks "are you into that too?? like everyone in the comments???" and they're like "duhhh!!! wait, have you been holding back 🤨🤨🤨" and he admits that yes, he has been holding back because he's embarrassed and scared of readers reaction
so reader starts out by pulling his hand back which makes channie yelp from the sudden pain. reader is grinning now "so that's what it sounds like, huh?" what follows is them groping and pinching channie until he gets hard ( which doesn't take much tbh ) ( Inspo for this is the members groping him on stage during the concert lmao ) maybe they're pinching his nipples and lightly scratching their nails over his arms and torso until they reach his dick. reader then harshly grabs his dick and asks "this is mine, right?" their grip gets tighter the longer he takes to answer. he stammers out "ye-yes, its yours and i-im yours" , "if its mine and you're mine why are you keeping those cute noises to yourself?"
after that channie can't really talk and for the first time he has sex without holding himself back <333 congrats channie on this milestone 🥳🥳🥳
other head canons / scenarios
channie working out more and reader noticing his efforts<33
this strokes his ego on an insane level
will not stop thinking about readers comments even if its smth simple like "you've gotten bigger" or just them feeling him up and staring at him
reader wants to join a session
reader thinks they can get into some gym hijinks and that maybe they can mess with him there ( either touching him or wearing short clothing )
what they do not expect is channie working out topless and lifting so effortlessly
channie seems to come alive in the gym and this new found confidence is simply just magnetic/attractive
he confidently talks to all the guys there and jokes around with them
shows them how to lift
introduces reader as his gf/bf <3333
channie notices them getting flustered and shy but doesn't mention it but makes the effort to invite them more often to the gym
reader def grovels during the post workout meal
reader being the big spoon because they're just more comfy that way
or channie cuddling into readers chest/pecs and being held close by them
reader remembering channies fave breakfast food and making it for him almost every time he stays over ( according to them its because its quick and easy and not because channie likes it even though it creates extra dishes )
reader using their expensive skincare on him and including him in their selfcare days ( think face and hair masks , mani pedis at home and eating expensive snacks )
reader buying channie sunflowers every time they see some because they remind them of him but they don't tell him that
what channie gets to hear is that they "found them on the side of the road", "they were on sale", "the flower shop wanted to throw them away", "my friend had extra" etc. they come up with a new excuse each time, very creative of them 👏👏👏
ANYWAYS...sorry this is so long but my brain was backed up with thoughts
BTW...did u read CB97percents pic of chan !!!!!! its called wolf by the tail i think , I am so deeply in love with simp chan its insane
if there was a tier list of loser chan it would be like this
simp chan
loser chan
crybaby chan
sensitive Yandere chan
ok now fr ,, talk to u soon <3
with love,
your bully anon
BULLY ANON I LOVE YOU. AND HAPPY CHAN DAY!!! welcome back and thank you as always for indulging and bestowing us with your beautiful thoughts
first question: when will you make this a fic. HDJSJD I JUST LOVE THE WAY YOURE GOING ABOUT THIS!!! bully anon youre really creative and your concepts are amusing. if anything id love to write a fic for this but im waiting on YOU!!
second question: may i indulge in some headcanons for this loser boy? i hope your answer was yes, because i present to you a point-per-point series of
— sub ! loser ! chan headcanons 💭
long post, so im continuing under the cut ^_^
— princess mononoke parallels:
I SEE WHAT YOURE TALKING ABT WITH PRINCESS MONONOKE OMG the parallels between san & bully reader + ashitaka & chan :(( after everything they’ve been through together, they still love each other almost unconditionally, much like ashitaka’s drive to protect san even if it isn’t the wisest idea. bully!y/n may not be the kindest to chan and their own feelings, but chan’s confident that they’ll figure their love out: he loves them nonetheless, no matter their state. ;_;
— parallels to leichter//kälter by edwin rosen
while its a banger track, i cant help but feel like the lyrics relate to them a ton. even through translations it’s still easy to read the song as something chan would sing to y/n, asking and telling them at the same time that they’re so cold. there’s a lyric that goes “your lips are purple like the flowers i’ll never buy you” (apologies if that’s mistranslated) and honestly? chan would definitely still buy those flowers for them, but maybe a part of him hesitates still considering y/n’s antics. he doesn’t know if they’ll be extra mean to him about it. your scenario hurts, too: chan would finally muster up the courage to ask them why they treat him this way even if he knows they’re confused with their feelings for him, but…maybe it leads to them opening up to each other, them navigating through their own feelings out of mean sex for once, and ends with a confession from the reader, who knows :D
— a “<<<when he moans and whimpers” tiktok
EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SCENARIO IS BEAUTIFUL just chan giving up and shamelessly letting y/n do anything to him after they stumble upon the tiktok. yk how in the same concerts, chan just puts his hands up and shuts his eyes as the members go ham on teasing his body? i think he would do the same, whimpering and squirming like a needy puppy, babbling y/n’s name over and over as they tease him. y/n probably even lets chan use his words less, preferring him to be noisy instead, spanking him ever so slightly by his thighs when he dares to bite his lips to hold back the groans again <33 congrats channie indeed!!!
— loser!chan being less of a loser at the gym
this. maybe it’s my gym rat agenda, but gym boy channie has my heart!!! i love the thought of y/n seeing him transition from being the timid boy in class to being a confident muscleman. he acts as if the gym is his second home, giggling when he notices y/n watching him be himself with wide confused eyes. chan only ever gets shy again when y/n does their reps in an undeniably sexy way. it doesn’t matter if their form is perfect, them popping hidden muscles out is making chan go crazy. y/n probably gets him off in the locker rooms when they’re alone; i love to think that y/n praises his body instead of being too mean, and it’s so new for the both of them. reader being Actually Nice about him and his body, worshipping him, teasing him for calling them “his s/o” in front of his gym friends, saying “your s/o definitely loves it when you’re confident, my channie” ^^ it actually makes him smile even if they’re getting him off!! they still call him a pathetic whiny baby in the middle of it, but there’s much more well deserved praising here.
— domesticity with loser!chan
y/n taking care of chan is EVERYTHING. imagine slow mornings with the both of them. let’s face it, they’ve probably have the roughest sex the night prior: while chan loves getting degraded by y/n, he loves it more when they pamper him the day after. y/n never always denies that they’re practically spoiling him at that point, but chan finds it cute when they’re cooing at him and asking him if the spank marks sting as they cuddle. they smear moisturizer all over his face and neck after breakfast and chan notices how delicate their touch is all of a sudden. they run their fingers over the hickeys and love bites on chan’s neck and lips with a featherlike touch. y/n, on the other hand, notices how chan leans into their touch with longing and love in his eyes. they’re so whipped for each other :((
— bully!reader being less of a bully and giving chan flowers
there’s something about this scenario that just clicks: even if there’s literally no special occasion, y/n still leaves him a very specific set of sunflowers that can’t possibly just pop in their hands by coincidence. chan’s favorite excuse is “a suitor gave this to me, but i dumped him because his breath stank, so just have this.” what softens y/n’s heart, though, is when they came over to see chan taking good care of the sunflowers by his apartment’s balcony for the first time. he smiled at them, watering can in hand, excitedly pointing at the flowers. “look! the flowers you gave me last week! they’re staring at the sun.” y/n can’t resist smooching him on the cheek because he shines brighter than the yellow petals.
— general loser!chan thoughts
honestly bully anon? you’ve bumped loser chan to SSS tier on my personal channie au tier list, but i honestly can’t agree more with you! something about this au with him fits him so well. i guess he kind of is a simp and a loser at the same time, at least that’s how i perceive it. the one common thing that i love about these channie aus is that he just has this sort of undying and passionate love that’s almost unconditional. it really suits him considering and it mirrors his dedicated self really well, but these characters taking the persona to these extremes is honestly so amusing. y/n can do anything to him, like be mean or kind, and loser chan would eat it up even if it makes him look pathetic. his unwavering love is just so attractive ^^
thank you as ALWAYS for sending your thoughts in, i love these so much and i’d love to see more from you! and hope others chime in and enjoy this as much as we did <3
p.s. im sorry for responding so late!! there was a lot on my plate but this entire message marinated in my head for the longest time. i cant stress enough how many times ive read this over and over. its just so lovely and im happy to share it right on chans birthday !
p.p.s. OMG YES I HAVE READ WOLF BY THE TAIL (shoutout my favorite minho hunter, ren) im just as obsessed with their simp!chan. ^^
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ethereal--mermaid · 9 months
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sasa-chan · 9 months
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The very happiest of birthdays to our youtiful leader, Bang Chan! 🐺🎂🎈🎉
Thank you for always bringing us comfort and always being our safe place. Thank you for existing, for making the best music, and for the never-ending love for us Stays. Thank you for 3RACHA and for Stray Kids.
I sincerely hope that your years are filled with blessings, happiness, love, and success in everything that you may do.
I hope you know that Stays will always support and love you so much, Channie! 💙❤
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[I hope that if you're on Twitter/X that you're using the tags! ➡
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hereismyloloverse · 9 months
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🤍someone feels like a holiday
happiest birthday ever to my one bang christopher chan, 10.03
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myulmahng · 2 years
stay: chan you don't like cake
chan: that's right 😅😅
anyway thanks div 1 for preparing a cake for chan! it was really pretty
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sunnyville36 · 2 years
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happy birthday to stay’s bf
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evikka · 9 months
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Hi, I’m still alive🧚🏻‍♀️
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