#happy birthday dadley!!!!
milesdickpic · 9 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.84
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Hi, besties! First, I would like to start off by thanking everyone for still being here with me. I can't thank you all enough for everything. I love you all so much! I hope you are all enjoying the story still! I love you all so so so much! 💕Without further a-do... Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Dadley Dadshaw comes to the rescue after a long long week back at work. Leia Rey's 7th birthday is just over the horizon 🫣
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: crying, tiredness, slight anxiousness, sadness, some disappointment, but a whole lot of love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Bradley’s POV
I had been back at work for my first week of the full 12-hour shifts. In the morning I would go to training and go through the vigorous exercises to help my body get ready to withstand Gs again. I had been working on breathing techniques for the first week. It was hard because my abdomen was still healing. I knew I had to take it slow, but also put my 100% effort into it. Next week I would continue to work on my breathing because I failed the breathing maneuvers practice test. It really discouraged me, but I thought about you and the kids. I knew I had to just trust the process. 
I came home from the last day of training for me for the week. I was beyond tired. I would go to training, then do some paperwork for my officers, go back out to the tarmac to instruct for flying, go back and do more paperwork, meet with each of my LTs to get them up to par with codes and protocols, train some more, then push more paperwork. Being a senior officer was tough and tiring. I’ve never had to do so much instruction and paperwork in my career with the Navy. 
I came home more tired than I had been in a long time. I just wanted to take a shower, eat, and lay on the couch with the kids and you. When I walked into the house, it was like I walked right into a zoo. The boys were crying in the arms of Phoenix and Hangman, Austin was trying to console Leia, the house looked like a tornado hit it, and it smelled like rotting cheese in the house. I stood in the doorway frozen.
“Guys? Guys??” I was trying to catch at least one of them’s attention, but they were all frantic and focusing on each child they had. “Hello!”
They all looked over at me and Leia came running over to me, “Daddy!” She had tears in her eyes. I picked her up and held her close to me as I rubbed her back. The boys were still wailing while Phoenix and Hangman were trying to get them to stop. 
“My girl. What happened? Where is momma?” I brushed Leia’s hair from her face and kissed her forehead. I looked at my daughter concerned. 
She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand, “Momma went to her doctor's appointment and had to go to the store, Braddie pulled my hair really hard when I was playing with him and Luke. It really hurt.” She started to rub her head, “I know he didn’t mean it, but it really hurt, Daddy!” She started to cry hard as she held her head. 
“Oh, my girl!” I held her close to me and kissed her head over and over again. “How about we get you some ice and a PB&J? How’s that sound, Leia babe?” 
She sniffled and nodded. I brought her over to the counter and sat her on the top of it. I pulled out an uncrustable from the freezer and placed it on her head. “Let it thaw out on your head while I get the toaster.” I gave her a little smirk and poked her belly. She let out a little giggle and nodded. I brought out the toaster and I grabbed an ice pack. I replaced the sandwich with the ice and placed the uncrustable into the toaster. “Okay, my girl. Stay here. I need to check on your brothers, okay? Help your Aunt Nat and your Uncle Jakey.” She nodded and continued to hold the ice to her head. 
I jogged over to my wailing boys. “Oh, what did the bad people do to you boys?” I chuckled as I went over and gave them both kisses on their hot ass heads. “Jesus Christ, how long have they been cryin?” I grabbed Bradley from Hangman and started to bounce him in my arms. “Daddy’s here, Bradley boy. It’s okay.” I started to shush him as I continued to soothe him. 
“They’ve been crying for probably 10 minutes. They both have clean diapers, and both DEFINITELY fed, played with, burped… everything. I have no clue what happened.” Jake rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of anything else. 
Bradley started to settle down in my arms and I chuckled. “They probably just miss their daddy is all.” I pulled Brad back to look at his face, a little smirk appeared when he looked at me. “I am so sorry for leaving you boys here with these strange crazy people!” I said in my mushiest baby talk. “Daddy promises to not stay this late at work again. I’m so sorry, baby.” 
Bradley started to giggle in my arms. I handed him back to Hangman, so I could help Phoenix with Luke. He was still ballistically crying. “Come here my Lukey-bear.” I grabbed him from Phoenix and started to bounce him as he screamed at the top of his lungs. “AWHHH! I KNOW!” I agreed with him in my once again muckiest baby talk. “You were stuck here with the bad people! I am so sorry, my love.” I rubbed his back as he cried into my shoulder. 
“Daddy! Can I eat my PB&J now? It popped out of the toaster!” Leia called over to me. 
I nodded and made my way over to her. I grabbed the PB&J and unplugged the toaster. I placed the sandwich on a paper towel. “Let it cool off a little bit, babe.” I kissed her head and continued to place the toaster away as I continued to console Luke. 
He started to calm down little by little as I kept telling him it was okay and I rocked him in my arms. I pulled him from my shoulder and looked at him in his tear-filled eyes. I continued to talk him down. “Hi, my handsome boy. You’re okay. I promise. Daddy is here now. It’s okay.” His little lip kept quivering and I kept shushing him. “You’re okay my boy. I love you. Daddy loved you so much.” I placed little kisses on his tear-stained cheeks causing him to give me his first pair of puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh, man. Those are going to be the death of me. Courtesy of myself. Shit.” I sniffled as I tried to hold back my tears. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. “You’re okay, I’m here, babe.” I gave him a couple of kisses on his lips and he giggled from the tickling of my mustache. “There’s what I love to hear.” I smiled at Luke as he continued to giggle. 
“Damn, Bradshaw. Who would have ever thought?” Phoenix laughed and shook her head. 
I squinted my eyes at her and jerked my head back as I handed Luke back to her. “What are you talking about, Trace?” I made my way back over to Leia to check her head. 
She held Luke against her hip and bounced him. “I mean who would have thought that you over a year and a half ago, would be such a good and responsible dad of three?” Phoenix started to laugh. 
“Yea, seriously, Rooster.” Hangman laughed. Austin just looked at the three of us confused before he made his way over to Phoenix to play with Luke. 
I checked Leia’s head and removed the ice pack. “Feeling better, babe?” I raised my brows at her and she nodded. I smiled and handed her her PB&J.” Good!” I kissed her forehead and put the ice pack back into the freezer. 
I leaned against the counter next to Leia, “You guys suck. Out of all of you, and I mean the WHOLE squad. I was most responsible. Straight from the get-go, I was gonna be a great and responsible dad.” I rolled my eyes at the both of them. “Now. The real question is… Why the…” I covered Leia’s ears, “Fuck does my house smell like spoiled and rotting cheese?”
The three of them looked at each other and looked over at the pile of diapers near the trash can. I followed their gaze. “Guys. Really? What the hell?” We all started to laugh together as I went and cleaned up the pile of death to throw away outside. 
I went upstairs to clean up and get out of my work clothes. After I was finished, I sat on the edge of the bed and took a little breather. I sat there and thought about how you have been such a good mom and have been handling all 8 of the kids that are in this house. I sighed and smiled. I was so lucky to have someone like you. I just didn’t know how you were so good at it. 
What if I’m not enough? Am I lacking? Are Phoenix and Hangman actually really shocked that I can be a dad?
Hangman came into the room and sat next to me. “You alright, Rooster?” 
I nodded and chuckled. “Yea. I’m good. Y/n home yet?” I looked at him with a raised brow.
He shook his head. “Nah, not yet. Maybe she’ll return the favor. She’ll be back when the boys are 7 and Leia 14.” He raised his brows at me and gave me a devious smile. 
I gave him a blank stare and blinked my eyes at him. “Fuck you, Seresin.” 
He started to laugh and winked at me, “When?”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him off my bed. “You’re an asshole, dude.” I started to laugh as he got up off the floor. 
“You know. It was a good joke, Bradshaw.” He laughed and slapped me on the back.
I stood up and shook my head at him. “Yea, Yea. Fuck off. Where are my kids?” I started to chuckle as we made our way downstairs. 
“MOMMA!” Leia yelled as you walked through the door. 
Jake nudged his elbow into me. “She’s 7 years early, bro.” 
I scoffed and shoved Hangman down the remaining steps of the stairs. You looked up at us as he stomped down hard trying to hold onto the railing so he wouldn’t fall. You looked at both of us with wide eyes as you kissed Leia’s head. 
“What’s going on here, boys?” You started to laugh as you removed your shoes. 
I walked over to you with open arms, “Just Bagman being Bagman, babe.” I kissed you over and over again. “I missed you so much, sweetheart.” I held you tight in my arms and embraced your warmth against me.
“I missed you too, Brad.” You hugged me a little tighter. You pulled back and smiled at me. “How was work today?” 
I laughed and shook my head. “Babe, forget work. Guess what I walked in on when I got home today.” I looked at the three stooges. 
They all looked at me with wide eyes and shook their heads at me. I looked at them with my brows raised and my head cocked to the side. I mouthed at them, “Oh really, now? You don’t want me to?” As I pointed at you. They all waved their arms to signal “NO!”
You turned around and looked at all four of us. All our shenanigans stopped. You smiled at all of us, “What did you walk in on?”
I sighed. “Oh, you know.” I looked at the three of them as they grew nervous. “Just the best godparents in the world taking care of our children.” They relaxed in relief. I squinted at all of them. 
You smiled at the three of them and went over to give them a group hug, “You guys are the best! Thank you so much for watching our babies while I went to my appointment and Brad was at work. I knew I could count on you all!” 
They all hugged you back and they all looked at me nervously. I shook my head at them all and laughed because none of them had the guts that Daddy Bradley had to come to their rescue. Leia came back over to me and jumped into my arms.
She got close to my ear and whispered, “Are we just not gonna tell momma we were all crying?” She looked at me with big eyes. 
I chuckled and nodded. “You got it, babe. This stays between us.” I poked her nose and she giggled. 
She saluted me and nodded, “Yes, sir.” We both laughed and I squished her tummy before letting her back down. 
Later that night, you and I brought Leia to her room to tuck her in for bed. You kissed Leia on her forehead and smiled. “So my Leia Rey. Your birthday is in a week. What do you want to do for it?”
I smiled at her and raised my brows. “What you think, my girl?”
She pushed her lips together and looked around the room. “Hmmm. I don't know?” She giggled. “I just want to spend time with everyone and my brothers. I don’t wanna party or anything. I just want to watch movies.” She smiled at you and me.
You and I looked at each other with raised brows. “Sweetheart, are you sure? You don’t wanna invite your friends over for a party?”
She shook her head at me and looked down as she played with her fingers. “Can I have a party in San Diego? With Papa Mav, Penny, Amelia, and my uncles?” 
You and I looked at one another again. Our poor girl was homesick and missed everyone back home. You sighed and placed your hand on Leia’s hands. “I wish we could go back right now, Leia.”
She smiled and held your hands, “It’s okay, momma. I understand that Daddy has to work. I just thought I could ask.” She kissed your hands and got comfortable in her bed. “I’m sleepy now. Give Luke and Braddie a kiss good night for me. Night momma and daddy. I love you.” 
We both gave her another kiss and left the room. We went back into our room and laid down. The boys were fast asleep in their bassinets. I looked at you sad and you looked at me the same. 
“Sweetheart, If you want, You, Leia, the boys, and Austin can go back to San Diego for Leia Rey’s birthday. I don’t want her to be sad.” 
You sighed and laid against my chest, “Bradley.”
I shook my head and then laid it on top of yours. “No, sweetheart I am serious. I can ask Mav and Penny to come and get all of you so you can have extra help. I just want her to be happy for her birthday.”
You looked up at me and shook your head, “Bradley. That is sweet of you, but I think Leia would be even more sad if she didn't have her daddy with her to celebrate.” 
I played with your hand in mine. “I just don’t want her to be sad. I know she misses everyone back home. I just want what’s best for her. Even if that means you guys go back home for a while.”
You shook your head and kissed my cheek. “We aren’t going anywhere without you, Bradley. And I assure you, Leia would say the same.”
I pushed my lips together and kissed your forehead before we fell asleep. “I love you, babe. The offer will still stand if you change your mind.”
Your POV
Over the next week, you and Bradley had been prepping something for Leia’s birthday. On the day of her birthday, you had asked Jake, Nat, and Austin if they could take the kids to Evelyn and Phantom’s house as you and Bradley set everything up for Leia’s party.  
You and Bradley didn’t want to not celebrate your daughter. It would be her first birthday in another state, with her dad, and her brothers. You wanted it to be extra special for her because you all wouldn’t be where you are now without her. 
You and Bradley loaded up the truck with all the party supplies and headed down to the beach. This year for Leia’s birthday theme, It was going to be Leia’s Luau. You and Bradley picked a spot on the beach to set up.
You had invited some of Leia’s friends from school and Bradley invited some of his pilots and their families to celebrate Leia on her special day. It was going to be a small gathering for her. You and Bradley wanted to surprise her. Bradley played music as you both continued to put the party together. 
You and I by Rebelution (I fuckin love them and this song 😭) starts playing-
Bradley put down The last tiki statue by the entering pathway of the party and ran over to you. He took the tiki torch from your grasp and threw it on the ground as he spun you around into his arms. 
“Bradley Bradshaw! What the heck?” You started to laugh. 
He chuckled as he held you close to him. “Sweetheart, I owe you this little dance for everything you’ve done for this family in the last year. You deserve more of a break, but let's take this little one right now, together, and dance.” 
You grabbed his hand and held it in yours. “I’d love to.”
I can’t deny my heart beats for you… You can’t deny these sparks, set the mood. Here’s my hand forever. Hold it tight together. You and I.
Bradley kissed the back of your hand and held you close to his chest as you both slowly danced to the song in the middle of Leia’s party setup. You closed your eyes and listened to Bradley’s heartbeat and the way his chest vibrated as he sang softly. 
“You and I. I wanna waste some time. Right by your side. Watch the day fly by and not even mind. I can’t deny my heart beats for you.” He laid his head on top of yours and gave it a kiss. He placed both hands on your back and rubbed it slowly. It was nice to finally have some alone time for you and Bradley. You both hadn’t had something like this in a long time. 
“I love you, Bradley, Always.” You smiled as you held onto him tighter. 
You could hear him smile. “And I love you, Sweetheart, forever.” 
I’ll wait for you my dear, for the day. You say I do, my dear, and drift away. Hold my hand forever, fly away together, You and I. 
You and Bradley finally finished setting up Leia’s Luau. You looked at your phone and it was almost time for everyone to start showing up. You and Bradley did one more walk-through of everything to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything. In the front, Bradley had set up two tiki statues to signify the entry point of the party. Then there was a walkway that was lit up with tiki torches on either side and flowers scattered all over the walkway that led up to the party set up. When you got to the party area, there was a sign that said, “Aloha! Please take a LEI-a!” And it was full of pretty colorful Leis on each side. Then there was a picture moment area with a backdrop for all guests to take pictures with the Polaroid camera. Next to the picture set up was another pair of tiki torches with string and clothes pints attached so everyone could add. Their pictures as memories for Leia to look back on. Then there was a tent set up for the food and drink area. There was a drinks table for kids and one for adults. There were pineapple bouquets set up on each table. There was a food table where food would be placed for serving and then another table for Leia’s cake and other sweets. 
You and Bradley smiled at each other and sighed. “We are all set, sweetheart. Hangman and Phoenix will bring the games when they come with Austin, Leia, and the boys.” 
After a while, all the guests started to show up. Everyone was dressed for the Luau. Some of the kids were already making their way to the ocean to play and build sandcastles. Jake and Nat had texted Bradley to let them know they were all on their way. Phantom and his family arrived. Evelyn had made some cupcakes for Leia’s cake table. She brought them over to you and smiled. 
“Honey, it was so hard to hide these from Leia. She kept wandering the house as if she were looking for them!” She started to laugh as she placed a kiss on your cheek before placing them on the cake table. Bradley went and greeted Phantom. They all brought gifts for Leia. She was loved by so many people, she was going to be spoiled here like she was back in San Diego. 
Phantom and Bradley came over to you and Evelyn. “Where is the birthday girl? Are they all on their way? They left a little after we did.” Phantom came and gave you a hug.
You nodded and smiled. “Nat and Jake said they are almost here. So she will definitely be surprised when they arrive and she sees there is a ‘Luau’ going on.”
Phantom smiled and patted you and Bradley on the back. “You both did such a great job with little time! I wish you would have asked us for more help. But we are happy to be a little distraction while you both came out and did this for her.” 
Bradley laughed and shook his head. “How did she react when you all wished her happy birthday when you saw her?”
Phantom recreated Leia’s face by slapping his hands on his cheeks making his eyes super wide and opening his mouth. You and Bradley started to laugh. “That’s our girl. We didn't get to say anything to her because we were unfortunately already gone before she woke up to head over to your house.” Bradley pushed his lips together. “So hopefully this’ll make up for it and she doesn’t think we forgot one of the most important days of the year.” 
And with that Bradley's phone buzzed and he looked at it. He looked at you and Phantom and smiled. “They’re here. You know what that means.” 
Bradley called around to everyone and got them all in order. “Alright everyone in your stations. The birthday girl will be here any minute now!” 
Everyone gathered around and waited for Leia to show up with Austin, Nat, Jake, and the boys.  You and Bradley stood patiently and eager to see Leia’s face. Bradley slung his arm over your shoulder and held you close. 
“Here she comes, sweetheart!”  
I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR GIRL IS 7!! WTF 😭 Are you all ready to party? I'll see you babes in the next chapter! 🫶🏼
Party guests are in the comments 🎉
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ryebecca · 2 months
Dadley Dadshaw, Girl Dad.
Happy birthday, sweet Rebecca! One of my first fandom friends and the most legit, sweetest human x 🧁
For you, my dear Cass, you get the Dadliest of Dadshaws. I hope I did him justice! ✨
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becca's birthday boards! 🥳
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ofcastora · 4 years
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happy birthday hayley! @reginadalys
LEAR: Of all these bounds, even from this line to this, With shadowy forests and with champains rich'd, With plenteous rivers and wide-skirted meads, We make thee lady. To thine and Albany's issue Be this perpetual.- What says our second daughter, Our dearest Regan, wife to Cornwall? Speak.
REGAN: Sir, I am made Of the selfsame metal that my sister is, And prize me at her worth. In my true heart I find she names my very deed of love; Only she comes too short, that I profess Myself an enemy to all other joys Which the most precious square of sense possesses, And find I am alone felicitate In your dear Highness' love.
CORDELIA: [aside] Then poor Cordelia! And yet not so; since I am sure my love's More richer than my tongue.
LEAR: To thee and thine hereditary ever Remain this ample third of our fair kingdom, No less in space, validity, and pleasure Than that conferr'd on Goneril.- Now, our joy, Although the last, not least; to whose young love85 The vines of France and milk of Burgundy Strive to be interest; what can you say to draw A third more opulent than your sisters? Speak.
REGINA: [in a starter]
She watches the priest baptize the children, as if this water could truly purify their souls, like a casing of holy armor around the intangible thing. Regina believed that everyone was born a blank slate, neither filled with light nor darkness, that these things sought you out later in life. Darkness had found her, a willing and empty vessel. No holy water could chase it away, for no water had magical properties. It only served to purify the mind’s conscience, not the soul, for the mind, like these babies below, is an easily manipulated thing, poised to be shaped however one commands, so long as they believe hard enough. You can trick the mind into thinking almost anything, including that this stuff works. The only thing purified is one’s folly. It’s pathetic, if you ask her.
REGAN: What might import my sister's letter to him?
OSWALD: I know not, lady.
REGAN: Faith, he is posted hence on serious matter. It was great ignorance, Gloucester's eyes being out, To let him live. Where he arrives he moves All hearts against us. Edmund, I think, is gone, In pity of his misery, to dispatch His nighted life; moreover, to descry The strength o' th' enemy.
OSWALD: I must needs after him, madam, with my letter.
REGAN: Our troops set forth to-morrow. Stay with us. The ways are dangerous.
REGINA: [in conversation with Vivianne Sloane]
“I was at the bar the target was expected to visit, which he did. However, he was unexpectedly with a Montague — the one called Perdita, to be specific. I wasn’t sure what she wanted with him, but I thought completing the assignment was more important.” Regina spoke of murder so clinically, as if it were another thing on their laundry list. “However, somehow, they’d anticipated my presence — or the presence of some obstacle, if they did not know specifically that I was assigned to this target.” It was all speculation, of course, but the thought had surprisingly stayed itching in Regina’s mind since that day: someone had gotten word that this man had too much knowledge. Someone had gotten word that the Capulets wanted him gone. Someone may have even gotten word that it was Regina who was assigned to take him out. The question was: how?
“They had Celia waiting to attack. Because of this, I was unable to get to the mark, and he left with Perdita. It was an organized ordeal from them.” While their expression remained neutral when they said that, there was a flash of something more underneath, something rare. Regina might not have even had the words to describe it, but it was almost angry in nature, perhaps more hungry than anything else. It was thus: the Montagues had stolen the pleasure of the kill from Regina, and they craved it still. They had some sort of organized front, something new, something to keep an eye on — something to destroy. The beginnings of something that looked opposite of apathy simmered. The transparent steam rose in green curls of jealousy
SERVANT 1: Hold your hand, my lord! I have serv'd you ever since I was a child; But better service have I never done you Than now to bid you hold.
REGAN: How now, you dog?
SERVANT 1: If you did wear a beard upon your chin, I'ld shake it on this quarrel.
REGAN: What do you mean?
DUKE OF CORNWALL: My villain! Draw and fight.
SERVANT 1: Nay, then, come on, and take the chance of anger.
REGAN: Give me thy sword. A peasant stand up thus? [She takes a sword and runs at him behind]
SERVANT 1: O, I am slain! My lord, you have one eye left To see some mischief on him. O! [He dies.]
REGINA: [in conversation with Boris Kovrov]
Wait, he now says. Regina had heard plenty of others beg for their lives; the sound was nothing new. And yet, he does not beg. He does not say a word beyond that, and she takes a step closer, still shadowed, to get a better look. He is not special for being before her gun. But his expression is amusing, and so, she entertains it for a moment.
“For what, exactly, am I supposed to wait for? I am not here to waste my time.” That much was apparent by the swiftness she took in shooting the woman who now lie in a sea of her own blood (and perhaps piss, she couldn’t be certain from this distance). Regina once thought she had plenty of time to spare, and now, Verona had made her worry that she may have been mistaken. But she would not hesitate. She would not allow opportunity to slip through her fingers again. If she must make up for it with another body, she would. Her gun remained pointed in Boris’s direction as she took another step closer, out of the shadows.
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