#happy birthday diluc !!
nomohmoss · 1 month
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happy diluc day 🍓
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thatlazybones · 1 year
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a redraw for his bday <3
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rissaito · 1 month
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happy birthday, master diluc 🌹
thinking about how no matter what, diluc will always have a family waiting for him with open arms… give this man a hug, he deserves it
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reenaki · 2 months
You're growing up too fast!
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horkneeloop · 1 month
Tw diluc boobs
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seineko · 1 year
diluc ragnvindr x reader
warnings: none, just fluff, diluc just raising my standards higher by the second.
happy birthday, mr husband. thank you for making me simp so hard that i can't even concentrate on studying for my semester exams tomorrow. WHAT IS THAT BIRTHDAY ART?! IT'S ILLEGAL.
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the whole of mondstadt witnessed how their uncrowned king fell in love.
for them, it was like watching a romance movie, seeing how the main character slowly changed, bit by bit.
at first, the glance that was directed at you was of indifference, diluc just noting what drink you wanted as you stuttered it out from beside lisa, pushing your drink towards you before tending to another customer.
then was the look that showed acknowledgement when lisa introduced you as a junior from sumeru, who came to mondstadt to work under her. all he did was nod, sparing you a glance. nothing more, nothing less.
the next change in the way he looked towards you was something a lot of people noticed, but only one witnessed. the way he looked and acknowledged you with respect everytime you passed him, giving a small nod whenever your gazes met. the reason will always remain a mystery to the people of the city of freedom.
not to a certain cat allergic archon, though. he did not mean to pry, but who in their right mind would ignore a scene that played straight out of a novel when you happened to stumble upon it? not him, definitely.
so he watched, slowly sipping from his bottle as you patched the cat that diluc was holding, eyes blown wide with panic but hands as steady a mountain. he did not know what happened before, but it wasn't hard to guess.
though, even the bard wasn't so nosy as to look on when diluc's gaze shifted from the cat to you.
the change from respect to adoration was gradual, but not subtle by any means.
the more the time the two of you spent together, the stronger the gaze grew. it still held the respect from before, but the adoration just settled in alongside it, never to leave.
it was kaeya who got to witness the addition of absolute tenderness in his brother's eyes. he was heading back towards his quarters after a stroll with sister rosaria, that's when he noticed you both, lost in each other's embrace. so much so that even as a drunkard passed you, loudly singing, neither of you even showed a sign of breaking the hug.
the tenderness directed towards you when the hug finally broke sent kaeya back to his childhood, when his big brother had almost the same look but directed towards him. that was when he knew that the dark knight hero did not have any plans to let you go.
affection that made it's way into the eyes of the eldest son of ragnvindr was what adelinde noticed first.
the night was cold, strong winds and heavy rain hit mondstadt. she was waiting for the winery's master to come back, towel ready in hand.
soon enough, he did return but with his hand clutching onto a figure behind him, both panting heavily as their clothes dripped the water down onto the carpet.
ever the gentleman, diluc thanked her politely before grabbing the towel from her hands and leading you towards the fireplace, making you sit in front of it while drying your hair with the towel in his hands.
the head maid was about to leave but the look in her young master's eyes made her feet freeze to the ground, heart fluttering as she witnessed them shine after almost 4 years.
adelinde hoped with all her heart that you would never leave the red haired man behind before she strolled back to her bedroom.
the love that spread into his gaze was for only you to witness.
love that sent your head reeling as soon you your eyes fluttered open, still in his embrace as he slowly cupped your cheek. the small, soft smile that settled onto his face was enough to send your heart into a rampage, feeling both as if you're drowning but also as if the you took a breath of the most fresh air this world possibly had to offer, simultaneously.
the chuckle that left him when you cuddled into his embrace, hiding your face in his chest, did not make it any better.
your situation only worsened when he pressed a sweet kiss onto your head and pulled you closer, whispering;
'wish i could stay like this forever.'
this man was a hazard to your heart.
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©2023 by seineko @ tumblr
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pipfrankenstein · 1 month
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hugs from momma adelinde <3
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vniiia · 1 month
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elsartzz · 1 month
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happy Diluc birthday!! finished just in time before the day ends ❤️❤️
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holtcsart · 1 month
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Happy birthday master Diluc!
( and happy birthday to me :з )
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roseapov · 1 month
Happy Birthday Diluc!
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30th April 2024
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sakurabiskuit · 27 days
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My pfp! Art I did for Diluc's birthday <3
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Happy Birthday, Diluc 
character x gn reader | diluc drabbles
warning:  sfw-fluff-birthday wishes <3-pre-relationship because I’m a sucker
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You wanted to be the first person to tell him Happy Birthday which was why you woke up before the sun to trek across Mondstadt toward Dawn Winery. It was a chilly morning. Spring had come weeks ago but the cool wind of winter still clung to the trees, the grass. You shivered and pulled your light jacket around you more. 
Initially, you planned on leaving it at the front entrance but when you got close you noticed a figure standing above the vineyards and somewhere in the back of your mind you knew it was him. You’d know Diluc for years now, loved him just as long, so you knew his Birthday wasn’t enjoyable for him. If there was any place for him to brood, or contemplate another passing year, it would be far out of sight of those whose expectations of him were extensive. 
The climb didn’t take you very long but it still winded you. You definitely wanted to have your breath back before approaching him. Unfortunately for you, there was something else in the woods that’s plans were very different from your own. 
Carefully, you placed the present on the roots of a large tree as you took in deep breaths. Your face was hot you were appreciative of the cold air. You were about to pick yourself up when a shadow shot through the treetop, snagged the carefully wrapped package and flew off into the distance. You yelped, startled by its sudden appearance before dashing after it. “HEY!” Sprinting, you chased after the shadow when you realized it was headed in the direction of the figure you noticed below and, as your assumptions panned out, the shadow soon landed on the arm of Diluc Ragnvindr. 
You skidded to a halt which kicked up dust and rocks beneath your feet. The disruption caused the eagle to screech in alarm before flying off - your present still held in its talons. “Ah -- wait ---” you lamented as the bird soared into the sky, out of your reach. 
“Huh?” Diluc turned toward you and you did your best to compose yourself, push aside the sorrow you felt about your gift. “When she suddenly flew off, I thought she had discovered a hidden foe. Turns out ... it was just you,” he was standing beside a large boulder and appeared to have been leaning against his based on how he repositioned to look at you. The eagle called out to him and he glanced into the sky to find her. 
“Sorry, I think I startled her or something --” you explained and moved toward him, “though ... your present ..” you mumbled.
“Present?” he asked, confused by the idea you’d bring him something - that’s when it seemed to click in his mind, “Oh.” 
The two of you looked into the sky, though it was hard for you to find her, Diluc didn’t have any issues as his head tracked her across the darkness above. “Hah, I guess she really likes you. I hope you don't mind that it took off with the present you brought. Thanks.” 
His reassurance put you at ease and, even though you weren’t sure when his eagle would return with the gift you got him, you felt there was a high chance he’d get it in the end. 
“You’re welcome. Um, --” You weren’t sure what to do with yourself. This wasn’t the original plan. Your intention was to drop of the gift as his home and leave but now you were left alone with him and it seemed presumptuous to overstay your welcome. Diluc was a private person. He kept to himself and you made sure to give him space. There were never any social expectations you had - in fact, you rather enjoyed just sitting in the same room with him without a single word being shared. You wanted to excuse yourself, but weren’t sure how. “Um --” 
Diluc turned back toward the horizon, his gaze contemplative, “Since it's still early,” he started, interrupting your thoughts, “why not take advantage of the time to watch Mondstadt's sunrise together? Long nights are always followed by a magnificent sunrise,” he hummed with a slight smile. Even thought the sun had barely touched the horizon, you swore there was a sparkle in his eyes. A burning flicker that only he could comfortably hold. When he turned to you, your heart flipped - by the archons you loved him so. “I think you'll enjoy it.” 
“Of course,” you practically beamed, your heart thumping in your chest, smile stretching your lips. A soft laugh spilled from you as you eagerly moved toward him. 
With ease, Diluc extended his hand. There was no question in taking it. Soon he escorted you to the other side of the rock so you could sit beside him. You noted how observant he was, how he steadied his weight to ensure he could catch you if you tripped, that he could steady you if you were to wobble. He was always looking out for you as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do.
“Steady,” he reminded you while you took up the spot next to him. His warm breath spread across your cheek, you squeezed his hand a little more at the sensation. 
“Okay... thank you.” 
“Mmm,” he kept his fingers loose, palm up so he could push against your weight as you sat down. His thumb pressed against the back of your hand and you wished you could take hold of it completely. You weren’t sure how close you could sit, but the rock wasn’t that big so you ended up bumping against his leg. 
“Sorry, I’m too close-” 
“It’s alright, I don’t mind,” he cut you off, holding your hand so you couldn’t move away. “Are you comfortable?” You nodded so he looked toward the sunrise, his lips turned up ever so slightly. Nervously, you stole a glance at him - you were hardly ever this close, so it seemed a waist not to look at the man who held your attention every hour of every single day of your life. His cheeks were tinted pink, most likely due to the chill of the morning air; when he breathed there was a puff of white mist that dissipated quickly. You took in his every feature and made yourself shiver. 
Suddenly, he picked up the long red jacket laying behind him and carefully draped it over your shoulders, “Take this, it wouldn’t be good to let you catch a cold.” 
“It’s still chilly in the morning, I should have thought to wear something better,” you laughed, embarrassed that you didn’t come prepared. Though you didn’t intend to spend this much time outside. It was hard enough brining him the gift you fussed over for weeks; now you were next to him, watching the sunrise draped in his scent. 
Warmth spread across your back as he assisted you in putting it on. You wrapped it around your chest, contemplated putting your arms through the sleeves but found that too intimate. While you were thinking, Diluc slipped his fingers under the coat near the based of your neck so he could fix the collar, making sure it wasn’t snagged anywhere. 
Your insides caught on fire so much that it burned away your ability to reply to his question, “Does it fit alright?” You nodded, “Good.” 
The wind blew up from the cliffside, a rush of cold and wet from the water below but you weren’t affected by it in the slightest. Instead, you felt engulfed in heat that only occurred because of him. 
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while. The quiet of the morning mixed with sounds of creatures rising from their sleep. Every once in a while you’d hear the gentle clink of Diluc’s clothes in the wind. Even though it was cold, and the rock you sat on wasn’t that comfortable, you wouldn’t trade this moment for anything in the world and, when the dawn came, you felt it in your chest. 
Emboldened, you twisted so you could look at him. Every fiber of your being was screaming but you fought through the nerves and worries. Your hand pushed against the rock so you could reach his cheek and press a gentle kiss against it. He was so warm, or maybe that was you. Slowly, you moved back just enough for him to turn his head. Your voice shook but you spoke anyway, “Happy Birthday, Diluc.” 
He searched your face as if looking for an answer you weren’t sure you could give him. Though an apology was bubbling to the surface with every passing second. You wished he would look away, wished he would close his eyes so you could breathe - so you did.
Anxious, you looked back over the horizon and soaked up the view, “I - um - wanted to be the first to tell you and, well, since my gift was spirited away, that’s the best I can give for now.” You could still feel his skin on your lips, it took everything you had not to touch them with your cold fingers. “You’re right by the way,” you said, hands gripping the rock, toes pushing into the dirt to keep yourself steady, head turning just enough to look at him with a side-ways glance, “it is a magnificent sunrise.” 
Diluc was still staring at you but this time his expression wasn’t one of confusion. This time it was one of understanding, one of conviction, one that drew closer to your face until you tried to shy away from it. He wouldn’t let you go though, and with a simple push of his finger under your chin, he held you inches away in complete and total certainty. “Mmm, truly ... magnificent ...” he whispered above your lips before closing the distance. 
When he pulled away you were left agape, frozen by the sensation of him. Only your quick breaths seemed to show you were still alive. No wonder fairy tells say a kiss from your true love can revive the dead. 
Diluc pulled back to check on you, his thumb ran across your cheek, his breath warmed your skin. If your eyes were open they would have seen his examining every inch of you, “Are you alright?” he asked, concern in his voice. 
You nodded and tried to speak, “mmhm, I’m just -- trying to catch my breath,” you explained breathlessly, a smile tugging at your cheeks from the giddy energy rushing through your veins. 
“Take your time,” he reassured you, his forehead resting on yours, thumb still stroking your face ever so slowly. 
“You know --” you gasped, shaking your head slightly, “you’re supposed to get gifts on your birthday, not give them.” 
“Ah - well, you see,” he replied as he lifted your chin again, “this is a gift for me,” you sighed as his thumb passed over your lips, your fingers found his leg and held on for stability, “one I’ve wanted for a very long time.” He closed the distance but not before you sucked in cold air only for him to steal it from you moments later. Diluc kissed you, and didn’t stop until you whispered his name. 
He never intended to let his feelings for you overflow the way there were now. Protecting you was his top priority. For so long he thought that meant keeping you at a safe distance. Watching you from afar, being present in a room where you existed was enough for him but, as soon as you kissed him he knew there was no more holding back - he was a man of strong will, but that will was unstable when it came to you. 
As he pulled back from the fourth, fifth kiss - he lost track - he watched how you reacted to him, felt how you gripped his clothes, chuckled at how adorable you looked in the shifting colors of the dawn. He had loved you for so long, and to receive your love on this of all days - it was the best birthday gift he could ever ask for. 
he wondered just how many times he could kiss you until it was too much. Until he’d have to let you go. Logically he knew that moment would come and, even though he rationally understood that now he could kiss you whenever he wanted -- it seemed an impossible task to stop once he started. 
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hanaidoodles · 1 month
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©️ @hanaidoodles 2024
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kvnehide · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Diluc 💗🥹
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uta-aydote · 10 months
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