#happy birthday hauntedadagium
blossom-adventures · 1 year
It’s @hauntedadagium’s birthday soon! Happy birthday to you my friend! You are a wonderful, wonderful person and I’m so pleased to have become your friend, to celebrate your big day I thought I’d write you a little something ☺️💙
I hope you have a great day 🌸😘
And also it’s my first real attempt at anything remotely steamy ☺️ I hope it reads right
Late Night Visit!
Standing on your balcony gave you a vantage point over most of Gralea, everything from the hospital at the edge of the city to your left, the Magi-Tech factories to your right and directly ahead was the Emperor’s Palace.
You let out a long sigh as you leant against the railing, looking down at your phone and the last text you received
Happy Birthday, my love, see you tonight, A
The text had been sent in the morning almost as soon as a courier had delivered a large box to your apartment, a present from your love; a large bouquet of flowers and the most expensive wine and chocolates you’d ever received, the card that came with it said that he would pick you up for dinner at 6 this evening… but 6pm was nearly 2 hours ago, and you hadn’t received another text or phone call from him all day, normally he would send the odd text during the day, even if it was just telling you that he loved you, but today of all days you had heard nothing.
He never liked you worrying about him, he had said as much in the past, but it was hard not to sometimes, especially when he would turn up at your door, eyes black and struggling to stay composed. It didn’t happen often but when it did, he always came to you for comfort.
Maybe he’s been busy… he’s a busy man after all… or he lost his phone… yeah, that’s possible too… but he has a phone in his office…
You watch the sun set before returning to the inside of your apartment, closing and locking the glass door behind you, even though the street lights kept Deamons at bay, you always kept the doors and windows shut at night, for your own piece of mind. You drop onto the sofa and look at the flowers you had put in a vase that morning, all of your favourites, he must have picked each one himself. The more you look at them, the more you feel your worry bubble to the surface, so you look away, focusing instead on drumming your fingers on the arm of the leather sofa.
It got to 9pm before you heard some movement on the balcony, you assume it’s one of the smaller Deamons so paid little attention, until a gentle tapping on the glass made you look around. Looking through the thin curtains you could see a familiar figure in his long black coat and hat.
“Ardyn…” you scramble to your feet and rush to unlock the door, once you swing the door open he steps in, “Ardyn, where…” you were silenced in mid sentence by him taking your face in his hands and kissing deeply, you let out a little moan as you melt into his embrace as he moves his left hand to snake around your waist and his right moves to hold the back of your neck. He finally pulled away a few inches, after what felt like ages, to allow you both to catch your breath
“Forgive my lateness, something came up, unavoidable” he explained before he kissed you again on the lips and then moved along your jaw and down your neck. As he moved towards your collarbone you catch a glimpse of a couple of black veins disappearing under his messy red hair. That explains everything, you thought as you place a gentle kiss on one of them
“Ardyn, do you want to talk about it?”
“About what, my love?” He mumbled against the low neckline of your shirt, his hot breath ticking just above your cleavage, making you shiver.
“I can see some black veins along your hair line… bad day?” You whisper, your voice trembled as you try to keep your breath steady, he stopped kissing you for a moment and stood to his full height, he usual smirk had gone “are you alright?”
“Please don’t make this about me” he said firmly, tilting your chin up to look him in the eyes, his gold eyes sparkled in the dim light of your apartment “it has already taken up enough of your birthday… I want tonight to be about you… no one else”
“But…” he stopped you saying anything else with another passionate kiss, your hands roam along his chest and up to his shoulders, pushing his long coat off as you do so, he shrugged it off so it fell into a heap on the floor, you reach up to his head and knock his hat off next, running your fingers through his thick hair as you do. He finally moves away from your lips, allowing you to catch your breath
“Ardyn…” his name came out in a moan as his hands roam across your body as much as his lips were, “how about, we open that wine you bought me,” he hummed against your shoulder and let go of you
“I’d never pass on the offer of wine, my love”
Once 2 large glasses were poured you both sit down on the sofa and have a moment to enjoy the rich red wine
“So my love… what do you want to do this evening? How can I make it up to you for being so terribly late?” Ardyn set his wine glass down and ran his hand up your leg “we never went out for dinner,” he added, almost as an afterthought
“We could order something?” You suggest, “have it brought here”
“Hmmm, we could, order what ever you want, I’ll pay”
While you quickly put in an order on your phone for your favourite food, Ardyn got up and collected his hat and coat, pulling his wallet out of an inside pocket and then hanging them up on the coat hooks by your apartments front door
“Well, I’ve ordered, it should be here in the next 30 minutes”
“So what can we do in 30 minutes?” Ardyn asked, giving you a knowing smirk
“I can think of a couple of things” you kiss him on the cheek, before taking his hand and leading him towards your bedroom. “You’ll need to loose a bit more clothing though, Ardyn” he chuckled, the sound of his laugh sent shivers up your spine, as it always did
“Anything for you, my dear” he purred as he shut the door behind him.
I think this is going to be the most smutty I’ll ever get in my writing, so I’m sure you can imagine what they get up to in the bed room, let your imagination run wild! 😉
Hope you like this little present @hauntedadagium and I hope you have a good Birthday ☺️💙🌸
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savage-rhi · 1 month
Belated happy birthday friend~ excuse my lateness. I'm not often here anymore. Hope you had a wonderful day. 🖤
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No worries hon! I appreciate the love 💙🫂 hope you're doing okay, lmk if you need something!
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