#happy birthday saeyoung
strsunsung · 3 months
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schmellows · 1 year
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I offer you one more piece of the skrunklies. &lt;3
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thefunniestguy · 3 months
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" i said i'd never think i wasn't better alone "
Cursinf my phones bad camera quality foreverrrr. Close ups under the cut ‼️
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shizukais · 1 year
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Commemorative title image for the twins’ birthday~
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nowayimdie · 3 months
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spider-gamer · 3 months
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Happy birthday to the absolute love of my life
101% would marry him at the space station
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noiraph · 1 year
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password-door-lock · 3 months
Birthday Gift
Unknown x Reader and Saeyoung x Reader; angst set after Saeyoung's BSE 1; 4k words Rating: mature Content warnings: manipulation, kidnapping, referenced abuse, possessive behavior, power dynamics
He’s not stupid. He knows that this image was intended to hurt him, to mock him, to ruin his birthday— as if it wasn’t already ruined by the knowledge that his little brother was kidnapped and brainwashed by a cult which happened to be run by one of the two people in whom Saeyoung chose to invest his trust. As if it wasn’t already ruined by the fact that his friends— not his friends, the members of the RFA; they were never his friends; they never even knew his real name— have been forced into a 24/7 limbo game of press conferences and public schedules, a never-ending publicity stunt to call attention to the disappearance of one of their members. As if it wasn’t already ruined by the fact that you were ripped away from him, violently and brutally, by someone who boasted a willingness to hurt you if it meant harming Saeyoung. As if it wasn’t already ruined by every decision that Saeyoung has made in his entire worthless life. Maybe he doesn’t even deserve to have a birthday in the first place— he wonders, and not for the first time, if things would all have been better if he were never born.
Unknown sends his brother a little birthday gift.
Read it on Ao3!
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
A small unedited self-insert drabble for the birthday boys!! They deserve to be silly and have fun <3 Happy birthday to the wonderful Choi twins who have changed so many of our lives for the better. Here's to them finding each other in every story and living out the life they dreamed of as kids.
The spacious kitchen of the cozy cottage was filled with sounds of life. Well, mostly sounds of kitchenware cluttering together, music, and occasional laughter. All three residents were stacked together with a single mission in mind. Mia was set on making the twins' first birthday without any eminent danger in sight a special one. Though, as it turned out, baking a cake together maybe wasn't such a good idea after all. Specifically with Saeyoung there. While Saeran and Mia had a strong heart for baking, the same couldn't be said for the older twin. At any rate, he was definitely enjoying himself. Much to the exasperation of his younger brother.
Saeyoung was having a blast in the kitchen, that was for sure. He was quite literally jumping all over the room, almost bouncing off the walls in excitement. It was a wonder how he hadn’t messed something up yet. He’d been initially instructed to measure out ingredients for the icing, but he already had some cream smeared over his cheek, and his hands caked with sugar after trying to steal some powdered sugar straight from the bag. Seeing him so hyper was as amusing as it was bewildering. It's been a good while since he was this excited over something.
Well, either way, it felt good to see him be all carefree and happy on his birthday.
Meanwhile, with the most concerned expression plastered all over his face, Saeran was watching him go about his antics in tense silence. Eventually, it seemed like he had enough, as he put down the eggs he was about to break into the bowl, and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose: "…Hyung, please slow down."
Mia's mouth was lightly covered with the palm of her hand as she let out a short laugh at the scene. The sight was quite amusing. She tried her best to focus on the baking, but the constant movement of Saeyoung in the corner of her eye was stealing her attention.
And having two distracted bakers on your hands is a short road to a baking disaster.
"I don't think slowing down is an option for him at this point," she chuckled, casting a glance over her shoulder to see how the older twin was handling the ingredients. Or, at least to make sure there were no weird additions to the recipe being added.
Saeyoung responded to them both with a wide smile and a playful wink. To describe it simply, he was hyperactive. Sure, he’d been this way for a long time in his fake-giddy 707 persona, but now that he was free, happy and comfortable with people he loves, he couldn't help but let his lively nature reign free. In a way, it was an open expression of his happiness at it all. Being able to spend a birthday with his family. Doing simple, mundane things like baking a cake. Laughing and joking around with one another like a happy family would.
No wonder he was as happy as can be.
And he truly was doing his best to pay attention to the measurements, but he was quickly getting distracted by the faint music playing from the speakers. A mishmash of all of their shared music tastes put together. Though, hearing a familiar Hatsune Miku tune, it was in that song that he found yet another way to cause some chaos.
"Oh, Mia, our favorite!" he exclaimed playfully, grabbing his whisk as a makeshift microphone and quickly falling into step of a familiar dance routine. And it would be funny if he wasn't genuinely very good at it. Not to mention singing along in perfect Japanese.
"Yup, the world is truly yours, Saeyoung. I won't even try to out-perform the number one princess in the world," Mia tried her hardest to control her laughter, but it was too much and she eventually burst out into a fit of giggles at the sight. Though, while still watching the performance, she did attempt to continue with the baking as well.
Key word: attempt to.
"Wait, Saeyoung, the flour-!" Saeran suddenly exclaimed, reaching out with his hand to catch something that was already way out of his reach.
But it was too late. And what Saeran was dreading the whole time had finally happened.
The redheaded twin stopped in his tracks, realizing a moment too late what he had done. He had accidentally dropped the bag of flour onto the kitchen floor, spreading white powder all around them. Well, more than there was already, anyways. He looked down at himself, then back at Mia and Saeran staring at him nearby, and gave out a sheepish chuckle, like a guilty kid would.
"Oops…?" he offered weakly, clearly not really sorry at all.
While Saeran pouted at the mess, Mia laughed softly, shaking her head in mock disappointment.
"You really can't stay still for a second, can you? Look at the mess you made," she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and shook her head once more. Though her scoldings didn't sound nearly as genuine as one would expect. And she was mostly doing it to keep Saeran from an eminent headache. As, both twins knew that if there was only Saeyoung and his sister-in-law in charge, the chaos would be ten times worse.
Good thing Saeran was there to keep them both settled.
Saeyoung shrugged, smiling widely. So much for acting guilty.
"Nope," He answered in a painfully straightforward manner, gazing back at the flour now coating the floor and then returning back to Mia. He paused for a second, and then, with the swiftness of a cat, had somehow got a handful of flour, and thrown it in her direction, landing his makeshift weapon in a white puff onto her apron.
"You little- Eek!" Mia tried to retort, before a second puff of flour flew straight into her shoulder. Looks like this baking session was quickly turning into a food fight. Or, more like a flour fight.
"I’m bored, sis. Why do we have to follow the recipe so closely, anyway? It'll be more fun with some chemistry and science involved, y'know," Saeyoung whined playfully, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest like he'd done no wrong ever.
While that back-and-forth was going on, Saeran looked so exhausted with his brother's antics that it almost made him seem fifty years older. He shook his head and sighed heavily as he reached for the bag of flour, putting it safely out of Saeyoung's reach.
"-Because the cake needs to be edible. And I won't risk Mia getting a stomachache because of your experiments. Just stand there, and don’t move…" he instructed like a parent scolding their unruly child would. Which was pretty comical, since he was actually the youngest one in the room. And yet, he was the most mature one, "-And stop throwing flour at her, Hyung. You're distracting her."
"Oh yeah? Make me!"
Before either Saeran or Mia could speak up, Saeyoung threw a third handful of flour in her direction, which covered her instantly, making her clothes seem more white than black at this point.
"Saeyoung!" she made a half-serious protest and shook off the loose powder, "I swear to God, you're like a five-year-old now."
She tried brushing the flour off of her clothes and hair, but it proved very difficult, since it seemed to stubbornly cling to everything.
Well, that's another issue to add to the list.
Despite the chaos, it was nonetheless sweet in a way. When compared to how the twins' birthday usually would go by, the light and playful atmosphere filling the kitchen was like a different world altogether. But now, they were all free to live without fear, settled together at last. And it was all thanks to them finding each other in their lives, despite all the odds. They had become a family now. Despite Mia not having any familial ties to either of them.
Though, the kitchen was definitely a horrible, white-covered mess. It's a good thing Saeyoung had a cleaner robot to take care of such 'accidents'.
The older twin laughed as Mia fruitlessly attempted to remove the flour from her body. He was having fun watching her struggle, knowing full well she'll probably get him back for this later. Their dynamic was a light, playful one. Always poking fun at one another and causing trouble on purpose. Of course, all of it with no ill intentions in mind. In a way, both of them knew Saeran wasn't one for messy pranks, so they settled that need between each other.
And despite his soft grumblings, Saeran couldn’t help but smile softly at the lighthearted scene between his lover and his brother as well, leaning over to help Mia with the flour on her face. By some miracle, he’d managed to keep himself completely clean of the mess, which was an achievement in and of itself for sure.
"Hyung, you’re an idiot," he spoke quietly, barely audible to his brother, as his thumbs swiped under Mia's eyes, wiping away the excess flour. With a soft chuckle at her disheveled appearance, he leaned over and placed a kiss to the tip of her nose, feeling his heart warm at the giggle that left her lips in response.
Maybe there was something cute about her covered in flour like that. Not that he would thank Saeyoung for that, of course.
"-Hey, I heard that!" Saeyoung retorted in a loud voice. He stuck his tongue out at his twin and then crossed his arms with a pouty huff.
Looking over at the mess he’d left out on the floor for a moment, and then the one happening on Natasha, he snickered, before finally finally replying: "In my defense, it was funny."
After his response, Mia merely rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as well. Though there was no hiding her smile as Saeran fretted over her like a dove preening its partner.
"Funny, but very immature," in a mock scolding tone, she retorted and raised an eyebrow, "You are lucky you're my brother-in-law now, you big baby, or I would have kicked you out of the kitchen for this."
Saeyoung merely laughed, coming over to both of them and suddenly throwing his arms around them, pulling them into a big, group hug. And, of course, smearing them all in flour in the process.
"...This is nice. You two. Just having fun together and being stupid. It's all I ever wanted for you, you know," he murmured, his voice taking on a more softer, serious tone as he looked down at them, a wistful, content look to his amber eyes.
A moment of silence settled between the trio as his words hung in the air, before Saeran let out a sigh. And then, he returned the hug his brother had provided, giving him a somewhat firm look: "You're having fun, too. It's your birthday as much as mine."
"-Yeah," Mia continued, finishing up the messy group hug by wrapping her own arms around the two brothers as well, "Don't forget about yourself, Saeyoung. You deserve to have fun and enjoy your day just as Saeran does."
"...Touché. We still gotta finish this cake, though."
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rfaromance · 1 year
'She's staring.'
Saeran didn't need to look at the other end of the couch to know that his sister-in-law's attention was on him. He had long grown accustomed to the feeling of knowing when someone was watching him.
Whether that someone had been his mother, his false "Savior", or believers watching in fear and awe, he had needed to learn this skill as a means of survival.
This woman... was by far the least subtle of any of them.
Saeran didn't like being gawked at, under any circumstances. His fight or flight instinct always kicked in, no matter how much he tried to keep himself calm.
As calm as he could be these days, anyway.
More irritating, in his point of view, was the fact that she couldn't commit to staring. She'd glance over at him, then her gaze would shift back to her phone. A moment later he'd feel her eyes burning into his skin again, but they'd leave him before he could snap at her.
If she had something to say, couldn't she just say it? Did she hate his hair, which had fully grown into a mop of crimson, because now it wouldn't allow her to forget that he was Saeyoung's twin? Did she want to criticize the bags under his eyes because he hadn't slept properly since... well, since they'd forcibly knocked him out in the hospital? Did she tremble at the sight of his scabby, cracked knuckles, because no matter how raw and red he rubbed his hands he could never wash the blood off?
Just as he was about to call her out on her obnoxious, clumsy ogling, she spoke up.
"Saeran?" Ariella began cautiously. "May I... sit behind you, for a moment?"
He hated how she had the ability to constantly surprise him.
"... I guess."
No sooner had the words left his mouth than had Ariella bounced to his side of the couch. She hesitated briefly once she had landed beside him, but then finally she wiggled her torso behind him, holding her hands in close to her chest.
"Is this okay?"
"I guess."
He still couldn't figure out her motivations, but at least she had warned him instead of just plopping herself (partially) behind him without warning. He wouldn't want to be held responsible for how he might have reacted if she had surprised him.
A soft puff of air left her lips, like a gasp of "Ah." Saeran's ear twitched, but he said nothing. She spoke up again, actually squeezing her words out this time.
"Can I touch you? Ah, your back?"
Saeran could feel the heat radiating off her body in waves. Partially because his body was always cold, and she also tended to be cold; a sudden flustered burst of heat would stick out like black rose in a garden of baby's breath. "I guess."
He didn't want her to make a big deal out of anything, but he still couldn't figure out for the life of him why--
"What the fuck?"
His cry of pain slithered out through clenched teeth like a hiss, and he subconsciously shrank away from Ariella, trying to get out of her grasp.
She yelped and scooted away of her own according, much to his relief. "S-sorry!"
"What was that about? Did you just drive a damn rock into my back?" His minty eyes, usually glassy and apathetic, were now burning with the intensity of the hottest blue flames. He hated lashing out like this, but a caged animal caught in a trap will bare its teeth and claws to defend itself.
"I... I..." Saeran scowled as the pastel princess whimpered and stammered from the other end of the living room. "Your... posture..." She inhaled sharply. "You always... hunch over... I thought... your neck and shoulders... could use... a massage...." Her voice got higher and quieter, until she was practically squeaking at the end of her explanation.
"A massage?" Saeran echoed. His brow furrowed in his frustrated confusion. "What's a massage?"
"Ah... uh..." Ariella stretched her arms out in front of her. "You find... stiff, sore muscles... and pound or rub them... to loosen... them...." She began demonstrating feebly with her shaking hands, making chopping motions and then circling her thumbs rhythmically where he assumed his shoulders were supposed to be. "I'm... not very strong, so--"
"Strong enough," Saeran gruffed, feeling an embarrassed blush rise to his freckled cheeks at the thought of Ariella having enough strength to send him spinning like this.
"Um. Thank you," she murmured, chuckling softly. "Ehe." What an odd woman. "My family... deals with back problems. So I thought... I'd help loosen the knots... in your back."
Suddenly a familiar light began sparkling in her eyes, a telltale sign that she was getting excited about something. A sign that usually spelled trouble for Saeran, who had once thought that nobody on this planet could match his twin's penchant for new projects and bizarre adventures. (Saeran had since realized that he was horribly mistaken, and this glimmer was usually the precursor to another exhausting day.)
"I bet if we fixed your posture, you'd be super tall! How tall are you, anyway, Ranran?"
A cold shock raced through Saeran's body, chilling him to the bone. Murky memories in a thick, intimidating fog, one that he was told to never explore or else face his doom. A chart on a wall, with a brother who was once his reason for breathing--
And even now, the only reason he was forced to stay breathing in this god-forsaken world.
"Don't know. Don't care."
He could tell that his words stung Ariella, who'd turned her head downward and folded in on herself. "Aha. Fair enough. I was just curious... because sometimes you look taller than me, and sometimes you don't, so...."
Before Saeran could shut down her curiosity for good or escape to his room, a door flung open with a resounding slam that cut off both him and Ariella in their tracks.
"My dear brother! How tall are you?"
Saeyoung had made his grand entrance, and if he had overheard Ariella talking about height...
Then Saeran had no hope of escaping.
"Aaaand step aside, please!"
Ariella leaped away from the door post, then spun on her heel to eagerly watch Saeyoung carve a pink notch into the wall. She handed him the tape measure and watched with bated breath as he stretched it out.
"171 centimeters," he announced, and Ariella puffed her chest out proudly.
"No way," Saeran scoffed, leaning against a nearby wall. "Your hair is so big that it probably added a centimeter. Your idiot husband is just too smitten to tell you otherwise."
Ariella groaned and stomped her foot. "Saeyoung would never rig it for me! He knows I'd rather be honest than tall! Right, my catstronaut?"
"Saeran, come measure me! Then I'll do you!" Saeyoung clearly wanted to avoid the subject. Silently, he mouthed the addition: "Just like we used to."
Saeran let out a grumble of disapproval and turned away. His brother needed to stop living in the past. They weren't those same kids anymore, and they never would be.
And yet...
"If I smack you with the ruler, you asked for it."
Maybe he just wanted the satisfaction of finally being taller.
175 cm. 173 cm.
'He's still bigger,' Saeran thought with a huff, as he rubbed his shoulder after getting Ariella's instructions on how to stand up straight for proper measurement. 'Of course I wouldn't be so lucky.'
But at least he didn't need to stand on his toes anymore to reach his brother's heights.
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Birthday surprises
On the early morning of Saeyoung and Saeran’s birthday, they slip out of their house unnoticed. Their mother is passed out at the kitchen table, and Saeyoung knows that it will be a long time before she wakes up again, giving them more than enough time to go out and celebrate a little bit. Saeran deserves more than anything to spend today outside enjoying himself.
He had been preparing for this day for a while now. He had had a plastic bag stuffed under his mattress for the past few weeks, where he stashed most of the treats that he either received from V and Rika or from the church. There are even some he stole while out doing errands for his mother. He’s not so proud of those, but he’s hoping that just for today, he will be forgiven.
He brought it with him on his way out, making sure that Saeran couldn’t catch a peek of its contents. Hand in hand, he led his brother down a route he knew well, the one that led towards the church. There were less people around there, especially at this time of day, so the risk of an adult catching two children by themselves outside was lower. It only took one concerned adult to get them into big trouble.
Behind the church there was a small grassy clearing that Saeyoung hoped would be good for watching the clouds from. V had brought him there a while ago to show him the view, and even then Saeyoung knew it was somewhere he wanted to bring Saeran too. The greenery was a far cry from the dullness of their bedroom.
It was rewarding enough to see the look of wonder on his brother’s face when they arrived. They sat down side by side on the grass, legs stretched out in front of them, and Saeyoung finally brought the bag out.
Saeran looked at it with wide eyes. “What’s in there?”
Saeyoung smiled brightly, holding out the bag to his brother. “Birthday surprises. Close your eyes and pick one!”
Saeran shut his eyes and excitedly reached into the bag. His fingers closed around one of the treats – a chocolate bar – and he quickly opened his eyes to see what he got. He looked at the chocolate with surprise, it had been a long time since he had had one.
“This is for me?”
“Every last bite! You need all the chocolate you can eat to grow this year. It’s a rule!”
“What about you?” Saeran asked.
“I get my own turn with the surprise bag! Will you hold it for me?”
Saeyoung covered his eyes with one hand and reached into the bag with his other. He emerged with a bag of little gummy bears and cheered.
“Let’s eat them! There’s more in the bag that we need to get through before our birthday is over!”
They both opened up the packages, and Saeyoung watched Saeran break off a square of the chocolate and eat it. Watching the smile appear on his brother’s face made the guilt he felt after stealing the chocolate fade a little bit. Surely, something that made someone as kind as Saeran smile couldn’t be that bad.
Saeran broke off a second square and handed it to Saeyoung. “Here, you should have some too.”
Saeyoung offered him a sweet of his own in exchange. Slowly, they worked through their treats while watching the clouds move slowly across the sky. They made a game of trying to spot the strangest shapes and took turns imagining a house hidden amongst the clouds that they could live in. Little games, but enough to make them both laugh more than they had in a while.
As far as birthdays go, this one is one that they both remember fondly.
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lusree · 1 year
Hey guys, I've become quite infrequent on this site. I still have so much fandom stuff I have to catch up on I plan to log in as much as I can and check everything I missed!
Meanwhile please enjoy my and @wendy-606 's little Choi twins birthday celebration <33
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The cake was supposed to be a galaxy cake, but we couldn't get the colours to be as saturated as we wanted to. So we went for an ombre cake instead. This was our first time making such an ambitious cake so I think we did well ♡
Saeyoung once said in a birthday chat that he would like to have a fresh cream cake with fruits. We tried to make whipped cream from scratch but that didn't work either so we used buttercream. But the flavour is mango! 🥭 which is a really sweet and refreshing fruit, so I think Saeyoung would love it and Saeran too!
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Now for the cuties! <33
We have Saeyoung, Saeran and little Saeyoung at the top! Saeyoung enjoying his snacks and Saeran with his lily of the valley.
They also have their little popsicles they had as kids 🍦
Oh and Longcat was our chief guest :3
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Even though not everything went according to plan with the cakes and cookies we tried our best and had a lot of fun doing it! ^^
We also sang them the Happy Birthday song in Korean (we tried basically ^^ , I didn't include that here bcs I'm shy;;)
I hope we were able to make Saeyoungie proud and give them a happy and memorable birthday ♡
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anas-tasiaa · 1 year
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"Hyung, let me measure you too!" Saeran's eyes sparkled with excitement, his heart racing as he held a measuring ruler in his tiny hand. "Oh? My little angel wants to measure me too? Aw, sure, come here." Saeyoung replied with an affectionate smile as he ruffled Saeran's hair. He stood still, leaning against the wall, eyes never leaving his little Saeran. Saeran gave away a toothy smile and stood on his tiptoes, trying his best to reach Saeyoung's height. Saeran furrowed his brow as he extended his arm as far as he could, trying to place the end of the measuring ruler at the top of Saeyoung's head. Saeyoung watched his little brother with a mixture of pride and amusement. "Come on, Saeran-ah! You can do it! A little more!" Saeyoung encouraged, a proud smile spreading across his face. "A-almost there!" Saeran strained on his tiptoes; his determination was unwavering. After a few seconds of effort, he managed to touch the tip of the measuring tape to Saeyoung's hair. With a slight tug, Saeran successfully measured Saeyoung's height. "Hyung...you are...ah...115 centimeters! Wah..." Saeran stepped back, his lips curling into a smile as he looked up at Saeyoung, a twinkle of admiration in his eyes. "You're growing tall, hyung!" Saeyoung could not help but widen his smile, a warm glow spreading through his chest. He pulled Saeran into a warm embrace, feeling a small frame of his little brother's body in his. "You're growing taller too, Saeran-ah. Soon you would catch up to me." Saeyoung grinned; he did not want to miss out on this opportunity, so he tickled Saeran's sides. Saeran burst into a peal of cute laughter, a melody to Saeyoung's ears. The room soon fills with the joyous sound of their laughter, creating a symphony of twin delight. The memory that they would forever hold in their dear hearts.
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zyandraws · 1 year
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Hope u guys likes this draw, i enjoyed a Lot Drawing him
Ily silly
Happy Birthday to the chois
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k0kichiimagines · 1 year
its midnight happy birthday choi twins i love u both sm i hope you have a lovely birthday and day today tomorrow and forever, (romantic) kiss on the forehead for saeran and (platonic) kiss on the forehead for saeyoung ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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sonendan · 3 months
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🎉Happy birthday Saeyoung and Saeran!🎀
"Making your inner child heart happy"
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