funkinren · 3 months
So this just another reflection.
It was 2020 and I had moved out my moms after being with my gf for a year, and I moved in with my gf and her family. It was around I want to say spring. So I moved out and moved in with my gf family, I was 26 at the time. So anyways I was living in a new place and would feel out of whack and feel uncomfortable and not knowing what to do around them. And I was finding ways to cope, smoking was a way to cope, I was so indulge with school as well, and work 3-11:30pm and going to school at 8 and doing it all over again. Well I don’t know what happened I was feeling so empty like my body was a shell and I was running on fumes. I remember breaking down and my mind felt shattered, and I didn’t know why. But I think now I know why cause I remembered the feeling… in 2014 I had moved out of my mom apartment and lived with my younger brother down the street and paying rent… the first time I moved out my mom’s apartment to do this living situation by my self. I feel into a state where I felt like burnout and depression, my routines were off and my safe place of my mom and home was gone. But I didn’t understand my feelings.
So back to 2020 I’m having mental breaks every few weeks and was angry and sad, so I went to see a specialist and not knowing what was wrong I said to my gf,” I may be bipolar” but after looking for a psychiatrist and getting my dx if “bipolar disorder” I kept having a doubtful feeling about it.
The reason I kept doubting my self was first I was going along with what my psychiatrist was telling me,
Second I had more life changing events and I was regulating my self better with going out and changed my job.
And well I never experienced the mania or depression that most ppl with bipolar disorder have.
Well as I was at Morro Bay my GF sister who works with autistic kids. Thought I had autism.
It was because of the tell tell signs of how I always wore socks and sandals in the house, how I was always walking on my tippy toes, how I wore my earphones in my ear 24/7, and how I ate spicy noodles like everyday.
But what I thought autism was , was the kids in class who were having meltdowns and couldn’t do anything for themselves.
So I did research and it made so much sense…. I was flabbergasted to say the least( my mom told me as a side note that I was dx with adhd before the age of 5) and kept it to herself. I was having sensory aversion since I was a kid as well, and had many explosive outburst and crying and would shake, sing, and do other stimulators activities to regulate my high emotions.
It all made sense to me.
From sensitivity to lights, the pain tolerance,
To how my family triggers me, how I always stim by singing.
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funkinren · 3 months
Extra love today to Autistic people who:
Can't drive
Struggle with shopping
Struggle with cleaning
Need help with simple tasks sometimes (or frequently)
Cannot follow directions that are simple for others
Noticeably lack motor skills
Have interests or hobbies associated with children
Stim in noticeably out of the ordinary ways and can't mask it
Have learning disabilities.
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funkinren · 3 months
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funkinren · 3 months
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Hey everyone! In today’s post, we’re diving into an online Autism test available on my website. This test can help you determine if you might need a formal autism assessment or if certain behaviors you’re experiencing are just unique quirks. Let’s get right into it! Welcome Back to The Aspie World Hey guys, welcome back to The Aspie World! My name is Dan, and I have autism, ADHD, OCD, and dyslexia. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a test on my website. Yes, that’s my face up there! This questionnaire is designed to help you understand where you or your loved one might fall on the autism spectrum. While it’s not a definitive diagnosis, it’s a useful tool to consider before seeking a professional assessment. Before We Begin: Mental Health Resources Before we jump into the test, I want to mention that if you’re struggling with mental health issues, BetterHelp offers fantastic online therapy services. You can communicate with a therapist via phone, text, or video call. They match you with a counselor specializing in your needs, such as ADHD, within 24 to 48 hours. I personally use BetterHelp and find it incredibly beneficial. If you use the referral link in the description, it helps support my work. So, definitely check it out if you need help. Taking the Autism Test Alright, let’s dive into the test! Head over to my website, The Aspie World, and navigate to the Autism Test section. You’ll find the AQ (Autism Quotient) Test, a diagnostic questionnaire that measures autism spectrum traits based on your self-assessment. This test was developed by Simon Baron-Cohen (yes, related to Sacha Baron Cohen) and his team at the Cambridge Autism Research Centre. It’s a well-regarded tool in the field, and you can find all the references at the bottom of the page. Understanding the Questions The AQ Test includes statements that you’ll agree or disagree with based on your personal experiences. Here are some examples: - “I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own.” (I disagree, as I love doing things alone.) - “I prefer to do things the same way over and over again.” (I agree.) - “I often notice small details that others do not.” (That’s me for sure!) More About Me As you go through the test, you’ll find that the questions help you reflect on your behaviors and preferences. If you’re new here and interested in learning more about autism, ADHD, and related topics, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and follow my social media pages. I post daily videos on these subjects! Conclusion: My Test Results After completing the test, you’ll see your score. Non-autistic individuals typically score between 0 and 32, while those with possible autism score between 33 and 50. I scored 45 out of 50, indicating that I should consult with a specialist about an autism assessment. If you’re interested in more content like this, let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for future videos, whether it’s about dyslexia, ADHD, or any other related topics. Make sure to subscribe and share this post if you think it could help someone. See you in the next video! Peace out! Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c7AxOPdKsI&t=93s Hashtags : autism,autism test,autism spectrum disorder,autism spectrum test,autism testing,autism diagnosis,adult autism,autism test online,online autism test,do i have autism test,autism test for adults,do i have autism test free,how to test for autism,test,do i have autism,autism symptoms,child with autism,autism test uk,aq autism test,autism signs,autism in females,autism resources,autism test video,adult autism test,high functioning autism https://bit.ly/3RvWnSW
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funkinren · 3 months
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Dream Drop Distance
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funkinren · 3 months
Goodnight to the ghetto black girls
Goodnight to the queer black girls
Goodnight to the autistic black girls
Goodnight to the weird black girls
Goodnight to the nerdy black girls
Goodnight to the strong black girls
Goodnight to the mentally ill black girls
Goodnight to the trans black girls
Goodnight to the crybaby black girls
Goodnight to the black girls all about self-preservation
Goodnight to the artistic black girls
Goodnight to the "fast" black girls
Goodnight to the nonbinary black girls
Goodnight to the black girls, who had to grow up too early
Goodnight to the fatherless black girls
Goodnight to the motherless black girls
Goodnight to the black girls, who are the eldest sibling
Goodnight to the black girls who have made it this far
Goodnight to the black girls that don't fit in
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funkinren · 3 months
We should let praying mantises and other bugs play on ipad
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funkinren · 3 months
Neuro diversity
Hey long time no see I’m posting this post just to write my thoughts.
So I was having meltdown during the lockdown of covid,
My first big Meltdown was when I moved out my mother’s household. I had moved to my GF’s household and didn’t know what was wrong with me, my emotions would be high and then sad, if have outburst and cry with my gf at her household.
I remember doing this before in my adult life and never understanding why.
I felt as if my world turnt upside down and I couldn’t regulate myself. I just moved and my routine and my safety Blanket was taken from me.( my mom’s household),
I realize something was wrong after wards and went to see a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, however after being on medication for a few months for bipolar disorder I felt no changes. I was stable our apartment and wasn’t in a dysfunctional household or anything else, I felt safe.
( it’s been 2yrs since moving out of my mother’s household and not being triggered by the dysfunction. The meds (lithium) did nothing for me, I have bipolar friends who have been manic and depressed, and k realized I don’t have the symptoms they have like the random days of mania for two weeks and the fall off)
Back to the story,
Well a few weeks after, my gf sister and her were talking, and she tells her that “ I always figured “Ren” was autistic and he knew. I just observed his behavior and he reminded me of the people I worked with.
Then I realize , she may be onto something. I have used my earphones in my ears since I was 9yrs old when they were wired because outdoor public spaces have always been loud. I always felt overly anxious in public and would bounce and fidget to have a calming environment. When I go out occasionally town I get antsy and then my mood changes and I’m low energy and worried about how to talk, what people think, how to engage, and when people are talking to me, I over analyze on how to speak with them. I constantly leave jobs after 2 yrs because I’m burnt out. And I have constantly felt like this as a child. And never could articulate my feelings because I thought everyone felt out of place in the world they live in.
So I did some deep diving into the topic.
(Side note: I was diagnose as a child and the again at 29 with adhd. )
And well it make. So much sense. I believe my father had autism, him and I are the same way, we learned to cope by being funny and him working out 24/7.
I also looked into schizophrenia, depression, Bpd. But those didnt really make any sense to me.
What do I do now?
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funkinren · 1 year
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Mobs lynched Mary Turner on May 17, 1918 in Lowndes County, Georgia because she vowed to have those responsible for killing her husband arrested. Her husband was arrested in connection with the shooting and killing Hampton Smith, a white farmer for whom the couple had worked, and for wounding his wife. Sidney Johnson. a Black man, apparently killed Smith because he was tired of the farmer’s abuse. Unable to find Johnson. the killers lynched eight other Blacks Including Hayes Turner and his wife Mary. The mob hanged Mary by her feet, poured gasoline and oil on her and set fire to her body. One white man sliced her open and Mrs. Turner’s baby tumbled to the ground with a “little cry” and the mob stomped the baby to death and sprayed bullets into Mary Turner. (NAACP: Thirty Years of Lynching in the U.S. 1889-1918 )
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funkinren · 2 years
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This is Dominique. She’s one of my best friends of over 20 years. Please help me bring her home to her family.
Her bright orange Jeep should stick out like a sore thumb, so if you live anywhere in or near Washington/Oregon please be on the lookout and contact the police with any tips.
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funkinren · 2 years
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funkinren · 2 years
So got re-evaluated for adhd and my psych was not shocked at all and she was actually more so comforting.
She told me,” many folks with adhd feel like everyone think they’re incompetent.”
It’s so true. She hit it right on the head. When I was younger and early twenties, I got spoken to as if I was the most incompetent person, bosses would talk to me as if I was a child, teachers would be confused when I didn’t understand what they were talking about in class.
I’ve struggled with money, bills, credit, school, and doing the basics for the longest. I’ve masked as if I was doing good for the longest time. I found things I was good at and made it my personality,
It’s hard realizations mix that with bipolar episodes,My first recollection of dealing with mania was 2013.I had just felt energetic and unstoppable for days and was going out for parties and smoking like wild. So I remember just going out and well being manic, then the depression hit hard and I was feeling hopeless. It subsided and I went back to baseline.
At 28yrs of age I’m navigating my life to figure out who I am underneath the mask, because I was hiding the real me out of fear of being exposed as different.
It’s a hard journey so far.
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funkinren · 2 years
just saw a post complaining about how hard it is to find adhd resources for adults and one of the comments said “tiktok has a lot of adhd tips” as if telling someone with adhd to enter the algorithmic quicksand of perpetual dopamine hits isn’t the most insane thing you could suggest for someone with adhd
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funkinren · 2 years
Dear 2023 what I want from you,
-learn more about adhd and bipolar disorder
-get my meds for adhd
-earn my degree
-Get into my dental hygiene program
-do a journey of self discovery
-Love myself more
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funkinren · 2 years
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Batman: The Animated Series 1.10 'Nothing to Fear’
R.I.P. Kevin Conroy, 11.10.2022 🖤
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funkinren · 2 years
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funkinren · 2 years
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