#happy birthday téa
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August 18: Happy Birthday Anzu Mazaki / Téa Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh!)!!!!
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favficbirthdays · 1 month
Happy Birthday
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Téa Gardner (18th August)
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themxtleycrew · 1 month
"Happy Birthday, Tea."
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Atem smiled, even so much as to plant a small kiss onto Tea's cheek before embracing her in a warm hug.
[[Anzu/Téa's birthday]]
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Her cheeks flushed red at the surprise peck, even with the differences in personality, she never thought Yugi or Atem were bold enough to try such a thing with her. But the hug itself is also appreciated and reciprocated as she pulls the Pharaoh into a tight hug. "Thank you Atem, so what should we do? I wanna hit the town with everyone while I'm still in Japan."
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cryptidsolo · 5 years
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I hope téa Leoni has a good birthday!! ☺️❤️
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yesmadamepresident · 5 years
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[ID: first image was posted on Instagram by Tim Daly. He stands smiling at the camera in sunglasses. In front of him is Téa Leoni looking to the side with her arm out as the wind whips her hair across her face. In the background is I think a beach and right behind them some flowers. Second image is a screenshot of Tim's caption: "HUMANS!!! My accomplice was born 37 years ago today...well maybe a little longer. Whatever the year I sure am glad she was born."]
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Happy birthday to my absolute queen
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alltheteayouneed · 6 years
happy birthday, téa leoni
may today and everyday be filled with love and happiness. thank you for your endless advocation for the world’s children and for being uniquely you. i’m proud to support a woman who isn’t afraid to be herself and puts others’ needs before her own. you have a heart like no other.
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Happy Birthday Téa Leoni 
February 25
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thepandadiamond · 3 years
Happy birthday to my best friend yugioh character I have. Téa Gardner!
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Téa Gardner (18th August)
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glacialsonnet · 3 years
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Happy birthday Téa Gardner !!!
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affcgato-archived · 3 years
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@ideasarewilder: Happy birthday! i hope you have the best of days!!!! <3
@gcroinya: oh my, is it your birthday??? look at me being a total doofus who is sometimes not in touch with the real world. anyyyyyways. my friend. my love. happiest of birthdays to you and many many more happy years! i hope this year will inspire you and will fuel you to be as amazing as you are. smooches!!!
@ncxile: I SEE THAT IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!! so happy escape from the womb day!!! you beautiful, amazing and lovely bean. i hope you have a wonderful day because that is what you deserve!!
@xthesparequeen: // HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
@aestheticdriven: Happy birthday!🥳🥳🎂🎂🎉🎉
@inkfated: All the happiest of birthdays to you, téa! I hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️
@skjebne: happy birthday jackass, you're still twenty right?
@immortalmuses: Ayyy! A Little bit late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Téa!! I hope you had an amazing day and wish you all the best things on this lovely day of your arrival! You're a much cherished presence on my dash, I hope you know how much I appreciate your immense talent and delightful friendship!!
@wcrstarter: happy belated birthday!
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chchanging · 4 years
Oc Interview — Téa Ittai
I saw other people doing this and used the template for a few of my dragon age ocs, but I haven’t written for Téa in a while so~
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Name “Full name: Téa Ittai. Lovelady, if I’m working.” She winks, leaning back in her seat casually. “Everyone seems to call me something different, nowadays—I’ve learned not to be picky.”
Are you single She giggles airily, unbothered by such a question. Her eyes sparkle with amusement. “Depends who’s asking.”
Are you happy “And why wouldn’t I be?” She asks slyly. It isn’t an answer, but it seems to be as much as she’ll give.
Are you angry “I could get there, if you really want me to.” Another wink, as carefree as the first.
Are your parents still married “I would assume so, although you’ll forgive me if I’m not in a hurry to dig them up and ask.” She smiles lopsidedly, either unbothered by the memory of them or very good at acting like it.
Birth Place “I grew up in Drummond’s Point. Nice little place...” Her voice trails off a bit, eyes glazing over before she shakes herself out of it. “Maybe it’s just the nostalgia talking, but I don’t think I’ve ever found a place quite like it.”
Hair Color “Ah, it’s pretty dark, isn’t it? I’m not surprised you can’t tell. It’s brown, actually—although a lot of people mistake it for black if they don’t get a good look.” It’s styled into braids, wrapped in a colorful silk scarf. She twirls the ends of the scarf in her fingers as she talks.
Eye Color “I understand it was something of a surprise when they turned out so light. This pale a green isn’t a common color for someone who looks like me.” She hums, “I suppose the little glow would be more easily missed if they were darker, but I’ve always sort of liked them.”
Birthday She grins wide, and it slithers across her face in a way that might remind one of a snake. “Are you asking my age?” A click of the tongue, teasing, “Awfully bold.”
Mood “I like to have fun and I’m easily bored.” She drawls, “My blessing and my curse, respectively. Not much else matters, I’d say.”
Gender “Now isn’t that a nebulous concept?”
Summer or winter “Such extremes! I hate both, honestly.” She snorts, “I’d rather take spring or autumn. Those moments in between, when the weather hasn’t decided what it wants to be, yet.”
Morning or afternoon “When it’s so early in the morning that it’s almost still night—that’s about as good as it gets all day.”
Are you in love She sputters out a little surprised laugh. “Good one.” She manages between strained chuckles.
Do you believe in love at first sight “If it does exist, it’s too rare to ever consider it a viable option. There’s too many other explanations for too many similar feelings.”
Who ended your last relationship “I did,” She mutters, casting her eyes downward for the briefest of moments. “Was better that way. I was leaving, and he...he had plenty of other options. Probably didn’t even notice I was gone.”
She sighs and reclines further, eyes cast skyward thoughtfully. “It’s been nice to see him again, but I don’t regret it. Not really. I’m not the type to get mixed up with for too long, if you know what’s good for you.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart “I doubt that very much,” She laughs aloud, “I generally don’t bother the ones looking for something deeper. That’d just be cruel of me, I think.”
Are you afraid of commitments There’s a mischievous spark in her eye at this. “Who’s to say I’m afraid of anything? I’m a mage—things are usually afraid of me.”
Have you hugged someone within the last week “Of course!” Abruptly, she straightens up in her seat, face uncharacteristically serious. “I have a daily quota to fill.” It’s unclear whether or not she is joking.
Have you ever had a secret admirer She waves the question off, barely even sparing a second to think it over. “That would be awfully foolish.”
Have you ever broken your own heart Unblinkingly, she smiles. That’s all she does.
Love or Lust “Well, one definitely comes with less entanglements.” She tilts her head, “Moving around as much as I used to, I didn’t often participate in much of either, to be honest.”
Lemonade or iced tea “Iced tea! Extra sweet, of course.”
Cats or Dogs “Don’t you think it’s kind of rude to ask a wild mage to choose?” She folds her arms behind her head casually, “But cats. Definitely cats.”
A few best friends or many regular friends “The more the merrier, right?”
Wild night out or romantic night in “I’m more used to being out and about at night. I’m usually working, now, though...or too exhausted because I was just working...”
Day or night “Night. Used to be that there were less people around to give me trouble if I was out and about. Now if I’m wearing the uniform it doesn’t really matter.” She shrugs nonchalantly.
Been caught sneaking out “If you can believe it, I used to be too worried I’d be caught to break rules too often.” There’s a wistful sigh to go along with the faraway look in her eyes. “Life comes at you fast, I guess.”
Fallen down/up the stairs “I refuse to answer on the grounds that Chase might be listening from somewhere nearby.”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt “My, aren’t you digging deep?” She tilts her head, tone nonchalant but eyes twinkling sharply.
Wanted to disappear “I’ve been disappearing periodically since I was a kid,” She kicks one leg over the other, stretching them out in front of her, “If I suddenly get the urge again—you’ll know in that you’ll never see me again.”
Smile or eyes “Eyes tell you everything you need to know about a person if you know how to read ‘em.” The look in hers is almost clinical in nature. A scholar studying her subject with incalculable experience. The careless smile she wears belies the intelligence in her gaze.
Shorter or Taller “I’m not picky—height never really seems to have much impact on overall appearance, I don’t think.” Her shoulders bounce again in an uncommitted gesture, “I’ve been attracted to people taller and shorter than me. It doesn’t generally factor.”
Intelligence or Attraction “You could be the smartest person in the room and it isn’t gonna replace what isn’t there. If I don’t feel it, I don’t feel it.” She tilts her head, “I’ve too often seen intelligence translate into arrogance or cruelty. It isn’t all that.”
Hook-up or Relationship She sighs heavily. It would seem that the subject matter is finally starting to weigh on her for some reason. “Turns out relationships aren’t for me.” Is all she says.
Do you and your family get along “We certainly did at one point.” The smile slowly returns to her face. It’s different than some of the others she’s worn since the questions began—softer, in some ways. “My parents loved each other, and they loved me. That’s all I really could have asked for.”
Would you say you have a “messed up life” She laughs out loud, seemingly caught off guard. “I’d say I’m pretty cursed, wouldn’t you? Or maybe I am the curse...I can never decide.”
Have you ever ran away from home “Nope.” She pops the “p” sound, smiling widely. “I was perfectly well-behaved. Sort of.”
Have you ever gotten kicked out “Nah, my parents were never that heartless. Can’t work out a conflict if the other half isn’t there.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends She snorts derisively. It looks as if the idea puts a bad taste in her mouth, the way she scrunches her eyebrows together. “Sometimes it’s useful to stay on good terms with people you don’t particularly like—but if I hated them I wouldn’t call them a friend in the first place. Even if I was that type, I’m not so good at lying that I could hide something as strong as hatred.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends “All?” She hums thoughtfully, casting her eyes skyward and bobbing her head from side to side, “No, probably not. I do what I can to keep things sweet, but there’s a lot of us now, Y’know? Not to mention it’s unrealistic to expect your personality to mesh well with everyone outside of a working environment.”
Who is your best friend “Chase gets me.” She chuckles fondly as if recalling a pleasant memory. “More than people usually do, I mean. Didn’t think much of him to begin with, but he’s...alright.”
Who knows everything about you One corner of her mouth lifts bitterly. “I don’t believe anyone’s had the privilege, now that I think about it.”
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beautifuldisastr · 5 years
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happy birthday, téa ♥
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life-0r-death · 4 years
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Happy birthday to our wonderful girl, Téa Gardner (Anzu Mazaki)! At the behest of my wonderful @ygocollablove Discord server, I put Téa in a cute unicorn onesie. She was lots of fun to doodle, and I hope you all like her too! <3
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evergreenxbess · 4 years
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happy birthday téa!🎉🎈 I hope you’ll have a nice day. ilysm💕
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