#happy birthday to the guy i'm sharing my last brain cell with
m-to-the-6th-power · 1 year
Happy WIP Wednesday here's chapter 2. Chapter 1 is
"You're my father?" Gideon asked slowly, as if turning the word over and over in her mouth, testing and finding it smooth and warm, like good bari. When his last sentence sunk in, her brain flashed to Drearburh, a sharp chin and pointy elbows, nails that had tasted her flesh and found it good. "I have a commission, I am not returning to the Ninth."
The man gave what was second cousin to a grin at her vehemence, causing her back to raise further before he opened his mouth. "Not the Ninth. Home, with me. With us, my family."
Gideon felt her head spinning, faster and faster. She looked up from her cot, the only bed she'd known outside of her cell at the ninth, at the man who said he was her father and said the first thing that came to mind, "My release from the Ninth was the commission. My pay was meant to be garnished to pay my debt off until I could start getting rewards and then that'd start paying it. I can't leave that, I won't let them have me back."
The lyctor shook his head, "They have been dealt with. That's part of what took me so long to collect you," He looked down at the floor, pausing for a long moment. "I talked to my boss. He's paid off your debt, and given that you're my kid, he wants  you to come to the first house. He also feels like he's missed 19 years of birthday gifts from Uncle John. He said that instead of giving you toys you'd hate or have outgrown that he'd just give you the cash he would've spent on every birthday instead."
He then said a number with a truly astonishing number of digits, not even considering the commas involved. Gideon felt her mouth drop. "Not like I'm not grateful, because believe me, I am. I most definitely am. But I made it here because of my training and willingness to work hard. I don't need a handout from some guy I've never met."
Gideon Pyrrha nodded, pacing back and forth, his center of gravity never once deviating as he said, "I understand that, I would expect nothing less from my daughter. So in the interest of getting to know my daughter, I'll offer you a job. In my advanced age, I find myself in need of an assistant. It won't be all filing and looking after me, I can make you one of the deadliest humans alive, not bound by the limitations or pain of lyctoral magic."
Gideon Nav snorted at the attempt at humor, the same warmth filling her as when she found out Aiglaminaie had staked her reputation on Gideon when she first heard the word daughter come from his lips. She thought of training under this man who moved with a grace she supremely envied, and she felt the faint stirrings of want bubble up inside her chest. "I'll do it," she said after a moment of thought."But I have a favor I want in return."
"Tell me what your heart desires, and I'll see what I can do."
Gideon approached, back straight and voice dropped low enough so that the sound wouldn't carry through the door. "I have someone here. I promised him that I'd look out for him too," Gideon said, "I want him as my bodyguard. I'm sure there'll be people who will try to hurt me once they learn I'm your daughter. You can't always be around, so someone watching my back would be appreciated."
The Saint of Duty looks thoughtful. "That job is normally done by your necromancer. You do have a necromancer don't you?" 
Gideon felt those fingers on her back, working over every knob of her spine slowly and deliberately as a pointed chin and elbows like knives flashed through her mind as she jerked her head back and forth. She couldn't speak through the knot of emotion, hatred certainly, that suddenly lodged in her throat. 
"We'll need to see about getting you assigned one. We'll be training hard, and I don't have the skill with healing necromancy that my colleagues have," The Saint admitted. "'Plus, the more you work with a single necromancer, the more in tune with your body they get. It's a good benefit to have."
Gideon remembered briefly, 'The Fourth is all about fidelity.' "I have a bridge that I'd really like to try to mend. She's a necromancer in the cohort. I don't know if she'd want to come with me, but I would like to try."
The Saint waved a hand carelessly, like it barely mattered one way or another to him, "You have 3 days. When John found out I was coming to the cohort, he asked me to look over everything here. After that, I'm going to cash in some vacation days, and we are going to travel a bit before going home."
Gideon nodded, her head jerking like a skeleton made by the same adept that had fixed up Aiglaminaies leg. That word again, home, filled her with visions of Drearburh dirt even with his assurances. "That... that sounds good," Gideon said, her stomach giving a low rumble. "I'll let you get to your task. I'm going to go and get food and talk to some people."
"If you need to find me, ask for the command room. Anyone on this post will be able to give you directions," The man said before glancing around the room, "I'll have your stuff moved to the guest quarters. Let me know how everything goes, if I need to update the travel plans it's better to know early."
Gideon nodded as she, unconsciously, took up a defensive sword stance and held out a hand, "It's good to finally meet you," Gideon finally said, leaving so much unsaid in her mind. 'I always wanted someone to find me. I wondered who would've ever wanted me. I can't believe it's you. I'm so glad it's you,' getting stuck in her throat, all crowded together like each had an arm or leg out of the door but none of them let the others through. 
The Saint took her hand with a grimace so full of sadness it almost hurt Gideon herself, "I wish I'd known you sooner," The Saint began before Gideon's stomach interrupted again, a truer grin spreading, "Go, talk to your friends. You can give me updates over dinner tonight."
Gideon gave another jerky nod before walking around the lyctor and out the door. On the other side she found Anastas leaning against the far wall. "Hey, I'm about to get some food. Any chance we could talk at some point today?" Gideon asked. 
Anastas grinned at her, "I'm off duty now little cousin. I'm gonna go grab a nap, but afterwards, I need to know everything."
Gideon gave him a grin in return, approaching and clapping both hands on his shoulders. "I'll find you. I have a favor to ask you, but I want you to be in a good mood."
Anastas turned, throwing an arm over Gideon's shoulder and leading her down the hall. "Heard from on high that you were gonna be getting out today after your visitor. Figured I'd take the opportunity to show my baby cousin around," Anastas said, ruffling Gideon's hair. 
Anastas kept talking as they walked, using his free hand to gesture around at places that he thought Gideon would need to know. After pointing out the library, the PX, sparring and exercise rooms, one of which had a pool, Anastas gestured broadly to a set of double doors. "This is where the magic happens. The cafeteria," Anastas said, ruffling Gideon's hair again, "Have a good lunch kid. I'm on the ninth floor, 969. (Nice!) Just find me once you're ready and we'll sit down and have a chat."
Gideon gave him a grin and a nod before turning to the doors, striding in bold as daybreak. A face turned towards the doors once they opened, tan skin and black eyes boring into hers. As Gideon met those eyes, her feet tangled together, tripping her up and splaying her forward. After a long moment of mentally kicking her own ass, Gideon used her arms to push herself up, "Eleanor? Hi, can I um, can I buy you lunch?" Gideon asked, the word fidelity rattling around in her brain. 
Eleanor sniffed, a sound that reminded Gideon forcibly of Harrowhark, before turning to meet her eyes. "If I say yes, will you explain where you've been hiding for the past two and a half weeks Gideon?" She asked archly, voice dripping with scorn. 
Gideon couldn't stop her fist from pumping at the reply, seeing Eleanor's eyes roll as her lips curled up minutely at the edges. "Yes, of course I will," Gideon said, approaching Eleanor and offering her elbow. When Eleanor wrapped one small hand around her elbow to help herself to her feet Gideon was unable to stop the thrill running through her. Once they started walking and Eleanor wrapped both hands around, Gideon thought she could die happily. 
That is until, after getting their food, Eleanor's hands tightened around Gideon's elbow like a necromantic vice grip. As they approached their table, Eleanor spoke with a low voice, "I told you when we were waiting that the fourth is all about fidelity Gideon Nav. After taking your picture, you disappear for two weeks, no notes, no messages, nothing. Then, a man who I can only assume is some family of yours, father perhaps, approaches me while I'm leaving breakfast and tells me that you're going to be in here for lunch. I want an explanation."
Gideon set the tray down, mourning the loss of touch as she said, "My dad was still in the cell when I left."
"The cell?!!?"
"Yeah, you know how I said they'd have to lock me up to keep me away? Well, they did. Apparently it was under suspicion of being Commander Wake Me Up Inside or something, like that classic song," Gideon said, running a hand through her hair. 
Eleanor covered her face at that, the skin around her ears turning a very fetching color with the blush Gideon could just barely make out. "I thought you'd ditched me after the pictures. That when you'd gone for the physical that maybe you'd met a nice other soldier and um, hit it off, you know cav for cav and all that." 
Gideon felt her brain screech to a complete and utter standstill at that, imagining the only cavalier she had ever known trying to romance her. Ew, gross, disgusting, the worst. Gideon couldn't help the noise she made at the thought, and got to see a smile bloom on Eleanor's face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My sister and her necromancer are really close, but after they got measles they missed the chance to join up this year, and right before I left she started dating another cavalier on the fourth. So it was on my mind I guess."
Gideon waved a hand, finally banishing the thought of Ortus Nigenad reciting poetry to her to the same box holding her imagining of Crux's butt and shoving it next to the box labeled 'Thoughts of Harrowhark Nonagesimus' the other box she would definitely never open again. "No, it's okay. Just the only Cavalier I've ever met was a dough-faced mommas boy with a persistent case of hyperthyroidism, so imagining him was... disturbing."
Eleanor gave a laugh that buoyed Gideon, like putting a padlock on those boxes, and took a bite of food. "Again, sorry about that. You were saying before my interruption?"
"So they locked me up. I managed to make friends with one of my guards, Anastas, and it helped me get through it. But earlier today my dad apparently showed up. He's an undead king's jester or something. Said he's gonna take me home with him and give me a job as his secretary," Gideon said, pausing to look over at her audience. " He said I would need a necromancer to look out for me, and I don't want some random stuffy cohort necro assigned to me. I was hoping you'd come with me? I'm sure you'll get paid too," Gideon added as Eleanor took too long to answer. 
Eleanor blinked once, twice, three times before opening her mouth. "Did he say he was a Fist and Gesture to the King Undying?" She finally asked, voice faint. 
Gideon snapped, pointing at Eleanor, "That's the bitch. Why? Is that important or something?"
Eleanor started at Gideon, mouth opening and closing wordlessly before she seemed to marshal her thoughts. "I thought the ninth was supposed to be hyper religious. Did you sleep through your church services?"
"Lyctors are immortal Gideon. They can't be killed. They don't age, they've been alive for a myriad. One being your father is not only astounding, but it gives you immense, and I mean truly immense political power," Eleanor said, voice growing faster as she talked. She slipped one hand over to Gideon, brushing her fingers over Gideon's knuckles as she continued, "I'll come with you. Not because your dad's a lyctor, but because you got thrown in jail after only getting your picture taken. I came to the cohort because I wanted adventure, and you seem like one hell of an adventure Gideon Nav." 
Gideon gave Eleanor a lopsided grin, turning her hand palm up and catching Eleanor's fingers gently with her own, "Does this mean I'm forgiven for missing our date?"
"You will be forgiven on two conditions," Eleanor began, holding up her free hand and ticking points off her fingers. "First, you consider this our actual first date," Gideon nodded emphatically. "Second, you walk me back to my room, a chaste kiss on the cheek is optional, but highly encouraged."
Gideon felt heat working up from her neck to the tips of her ears. "Yeah, of course, I mean yes, I mean that sounds like a great idea!" Gideon babbled, only pausing when Eleanor squeezed her hand. 
"Let's go then," Eleanor said, tilting her head. Bringing a hand up to hide a smile when Gideon stood entirely too fast, scraping the floor with her chair and causing every eye in the room to turn and look at them. 
Gideon bussed their tray, refusing to look away from any of the eyes following her. When she got back to Eleanor she offered her elbow again, and felt a surge of pleasure as she felt those thin fingers wrap around her arm again. Her second hand came to rest around Gideon's bicep, and she couldn't help but flex the tiniest bit. Eleanor's 'Ohh wow', sotto voce, gave Gideon the tiniest hint of a swagger.
When they approached Eleanor's room, 420, Gideon couldn't help but laugh. She had read the classics, she couldn't imagine the prim, proper, and put together necromancer next to her sitting in a smoky room with a shag rug staring at her own hands. 
Eleanor very gently pulled Gideon to a stop, letting her hands roam down Gideon's forearm. Eleanor's hands squeezing over Gideon's biceps before coming to rest in her hands. "Thank you for walking me home," Eleanor said, fingers squeezing Gideon's palm gently before letting go and taking a step back. 
Gideon felt her hand tingling as Eleanor stepped away, feeling her words stuck in her throat. She managed to raise her hand, fingers gently brushing against Eleanor's cheek, curling under the back edge of her jaw before leaning forward and barely brushing her lips against Eleanor's cheek. "No problem," Gideon whispered, afraid to break the moment, "Happy to be of service."
Eleanor turned her face into Gideon's palm, lips pressing firmly into the dip before turning back to Gideon with a grin. "A fitting thanks for your service," Eleanor said before turning and bolting into her room, leaving Gideon gobsmacked. 
Gideon stood in the hall for what could've been five minutes, five hours, or half a myriad, staring at her hand, expecting a smudge of... grease paint something for some reason and feeling disappointed. Once she felt time properly reassert itself, Gideon wandered aimlessly, finding her way back to the PX.
Once she was in, she found an empty store with an entire section of titerature, a truly astonishing number of magazines. 'First House', 'Cavs Cavs Cavs', 'Cavs Gone Wild', and 'The Kindly Price of Small Deaths'. She wanted so badly to show them to Harrow, her prudish brain would probably explode seeing the "sick pornographies" in front of her. 
Gideon browsed for a bit, wondering if they were just out of stock of 'Fidelity of the Fourth' or 'Naughty Nuns of the Ninth'. Once she stuck her courage to its sticking place, she asked a clerk if they had any old copies. The clerk, a very pretty girl, gave her an indulgent grin, seemingly biting back a smile. "Oh, those don't exist. They're a running joke. Like 'Frontline Titties of the Fifth', the older soldiers use it to rib the new recruits."
Gideon couldn't help it, she sank down to her knees in front of the counter, hands in her hair and elbows on the counter. "He lied to me?" Gideon wailed playfully, looking up at the girl beseechingly, seeing the smile finally break on her face. When she noticed the girl bite her lip to hold in a laugh, Gideon sprang back to her feet with a grin. "Well, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it!"
Gideon heard the girl laugh behind her, feeling her steps barely touch the floor. Finally, she had people who appreciated her particular brand of humor. She made her way to the ninth floor habitat level, she saw more than a few knuckle bone rosaries hanging on doors like talismans. It was nostalgic in a strange way. When she found Anastas' door, she began hammering it. 
Gideon stopped after an, "I'm coming," call came through the door. "You're gonna knock hard enough to roll away the boulder and wake up whatever's in that tomb," Anastas said as he pulled the door open, scratching at his stomach over a cohort undershirt and ice gray sweats. 
Seeing him like that, completely at his ease, Gideon thought he looked like a dad straight out of one of her more wholesome comics. She shoved that thought to the side and ruthlessly gave it a wedgie for good measure. "You lied to me," She said without preamble, crossing her arms. "And worse than that, you set me up on a date. And worse even than that, you implied that I was into (gag, ick) Harrowhark Nonagesimus."
Anastas rocked back on his heels, taking the accusations like the obvious punch in the gut they were intended to be. "Okay, starting from the end and working back," Anastas said, gesturing Gideon into his room. "I did not imply shit. You, little cousin, are the one who talks in her sleep moaning about the girl, saying 'I never wanted to leave you,' 'I miss you,' 'I can't wait to see you again,' every night like it's a prayer."
Gideon held up a finger, cutting him off. "About Eleanor. I did not want to get thrown in jail and miss my first ever date. I kept dreaming about getting to see her again," Gideon said, stridently ignoring how many of her dreams included the sneered word 'Griddle'.
Anastas spread his hands, as if to say, 'You're welcome'. "Which is why you're so angry that I got Eleanor to meet you. I understand completely," Anastas said, understanding nothing. "What's this about me lying to you?"
"You lied to me about something important. Something you should never lie to someone else about," Gideon said, walking around gesticulating wildly before leveling an accusatory finger at Anastas. "I went into the PX trying to find those magazines you mentioned. I expected to find some stupendous works of a titty nature. I found nothing but deceit!" Gideon couldn't help the grin she felt forming on her lips but she couldn't resist putting on a show when possible. "I asked the clerk Anastas, she was soooooo cute. I asked her for skin mags, and she laughed at me Anastas."
Anastas couldn't stop the grin forming on his face, trying admirably to look appropriately grave and serious. "Did the date go that badly?" Anastas asked, finally smothering his smile. 
"The date went fine," Gideon said, "But I doubt there'll be a second. There's all the cohort rules about necromancer and cavalier relationships. I figure I'd pick up some magazines to keep me company on those cold nights."
"No one cares about those as long as you can be discreet, and no one ends up in a family way, it's completely fine," Anastas said, waving a hand. "Especially around here it's mostly fresh recruits hooking up with people outside their house, and the cohort really cares about cross cultural sharing."
"Okay, so keep it on the downlow and wrap it up first, understood," Gideon said, watching Anastas flush before chuckling. "Where did you come up with the fake titles? I gotta know before the serious talk."
"Oh well, when I first started was right around the time they first put out the fake advert for 'Frontline Titties of the Fifth'," Anastas said, lounging against the wall. "Me and some of the other recruits at the time were laughing at it and came up with other joke titles to mess with newbies, each from our own house. The only other recruit I can remember the name of is Sarpedon. He came up with 'Seasoned Military Discipline of the Second.'"
"So you came up with 'Naughty Nuns of the Ninth'?" Gideon asked, aghast. Every thought of Anastas recalibrating in her mind in moments. 
"Have you ever seen pictures of the Reverend Mother from 20 years ago?" Anastas asked Gideon, looking off into the distance. "Homina homina homina."
Gideon gestured into the room, taking a seat after Anastas sat down, lightly slapping her face. "Okay, great, good to know, really. But time for a serious conversation, yeah?"
At Anastas' confused look and gesture, Gideon continued. "So, the guy that came today was my dad. He's apparently some big important dude. He asked me to be his secretary, I think more as a ploy to get to know me than any need for help, but I wanna do it. I promised you that when I moved up in the world I'd look after you, so I'd like for you to join me as a bodyguard. There's not gonna be any more Niner kids coming through needing your guidance. But you were my family before I met my dad. I still need you there. I trust you. "
Anastas looked gobsmacked, taking in the absolute torrent of information that Gideon had unloaded straight into his face. "You want me as a bodyguard? I've been on duty watching over prisoners for 19 years. I'm certainly not a good fit. I bet even Orty could take me down."
Gideon waved her hands as if she could clear away his objections. "He said he'd train me. I doubt he'd turn you down. Even if he did, you can exercise while I train with him, then I'll train you. We'll get you back in shape. Please Anastas, I made a promise, let me keep it."
Anastas slumped down, looking almost defeated. "Fine, I'll do it. I'm not cut out for this, the killing."
"You'll have to kill being a bodyguard."
"I don't mind killing people that will hurt me. But I hate flipping planets. That's why I'm a jailer. The kids I deal with don't come to me run through," Anastas paused as if contemplating. "Plus, I'll finally be able to get a beer in peace."
Gideon could feel the confusion writ large on her face as she looked at Anastas. His only response was a sneering, "Chicken shits don't get beer."
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stylistiquements · 3 years
Day 1 : Soap Bubbles.
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𐐪𐑂 Pairing : Sapnap x fem!reader {Playlist}
𐐪𐑂 Summary : You're being introduce to the internet in a peculiar way, it's up to you to decide what you're going to do with it.
𐐪𐑂 Word count : 1.4k | W: written part underneath
𐐪𐑂 Warning : very few swears
Masterlist | Previous | Next
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The coffee that sinks inside your stomach brings out a grimace and a click of your tongue where the taste stains; too bitter, too acidic but you’ll drink it anyway and to the last drop; there is something about the idea of spending time with three best friends that is so made of spring and honey that you wish to miss none of it.
“Someone is lurking,” George contemplates out loud, and the call goes silent for a second as if to look for the intruder. And it would so easy to flinch, to hit the back pedal, because you almost feel like one being exposed front stage like that. But today- today is not that day.
It's not that you don't want to join the discussion, it's that it takes a second to warm up, to absorb the energy and become one with it.
And sometimes, all it takes is Sapnap to exclaim, “Panini head, my beloved!” for your smile synchronizes with his chuckles. Somehow, once noticed by the right person, life flows back naturally.
George and Dream greets you in trailing unison, like two kids forced to greet their unwelcomed aunt on a sunday afternoon.
“H-hey troublemakers,” you finally say. Your voice is still quiet, not reluctant, but rather uncertain. It doesn't bother anyone.
“I’m beating Dream’s ass at chess and he’s bitter,” Sap explains, and you silently nod, as if they were able to see you.
A long silence follows along, rythmed by clicks of mouses and keyboards and it falls in your ears like high droplets. It's comfortable. It's intimate, shared with friends only.
"We haven't heard from you in a while," Dream says. "I mean ... before the clout fiasco."
You wouldn't exactly call it a fiasco, even though you don't really like the idea of being perceived a little too closely from the eyes of twitter.com, but you do agree anyway, "I've been caught up on college essays lately."
"That sucks," George probably adds.
“Good thing you’re here, then,” Dream notes, simple as a breath. “This is a worry-free zone.”
It hovers for a second, carried by George’s approval hum.
You squint suspiciously, detective mode, at the profile pictures that light on and off before your eyes, “Thanks, dream.”
He scoffs a “sure” and you’re not sure why you sense a bit of irony stuck on the back of his teeth. You're so tempted to call him out, but you don't. Instead, you write a mental note of this odd moment.
“It’s because I told him about your three brothers and now he’s scared they’re gonna find him and kick his ass,” Sap explains as if he just read your mind.
Sometimes, there’s this thing in the air, though you’re miles away. Something like a connection. There’s this thing when you don’t need to talk for Sap to understand. Sharing one brain cell, you dismiss ironically. Probably coincidences and predictability, but it always sounds a little special, a little like something you’d wish to be out of this world, like morning dew and fairy circles. And it makes you feel safe, at home, just like snuggling up in the sheets during a stormy night. Your smile washes up the sleeve of your hoodie, covered palm carefully hiding your chuckles.
“Three older brothers,” George muses, and there’s no telling if it’s something meant for you to hear. “That’s kinda scary.”
“You better be scared, one of them is probably your FBI agent,” you tease mindlessly, though there's nothing scary about those three grown men.
“I’m British, Bunny,” he points out. Whether the exasperation in his tone is fake or genuine, that, you can’t tell, but you play it cool, grin carved so deep it almost hurts. Dream’s wheezes rise and fall in the background.
“Say that to his face then,” you outbid smirkingly after a second of silence, heels growing into the carpet to make your chair spin slowly left and right, so breezily.
“I’d praise you for the rest of my life if you-Oooooooh your ass is wacked. Your ass is so wacked, dude. You fucked up so bad,” Sapnap chokes out between strings of giggles.
“Oh no, my streamer is losing his game?” You theatrically pout. “My streamer Dreamwastaken, have you met him? Guess you don’t need any of my brothers to kick your ass.”
“Okay yeah- no- it’s not my fault if your- they’re distracting me, okay?” Dream defends.
Slowly, the energy lowers again and the call remembers peace as Dream admits defeat.
“I’m not playing against you anymore,” he mumbles through greeted teeth, your hoodie shelters a muffled giggle. “Let’s talk about y/n’s twitter fame instead.”
“Let’s just not-” you mutter, both because seeing Dream lose at something is a miracle that has to be witnessed once and because you’re somewhat reluctant. “Let’s just not talk about that.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I had no idea it would draw this much attention to you,” Sap admits.
“Well, you talk about her all the time it was only a matter of time before twitter finds out,” George taunts and you secretly smile, listening to the way your best friend tries to defend himself, mind flooded with the last memories you have of when you were able to see those chuckles for real.
“Yeah, Quackity already told me you guys talk behind my back,” you fakely muse. “That’s totally fine, I don’t wanna know what you guys are talking about at all.” It’s a lie, obviously, the idea creeps upon your mind with assumptions you can’t quite get a grip of nor let go.
“You and Quackity talk?’ Sapnap asks, hint of surprise, and you hum.
“Or rather, he talks to me. He keeps calling-.” Shit. The forsaken word traps itself into your mouth. It’s too silly anyway.
“Come on, just say it,” Dream pushes as if he knew too much, more than you even do, and your cheeks flush mindlessly. You don’t notice.
“Dream, quit it!” You demand.
“Quit what?”
“You talk as if you knew more than anyone did.”
“Maybe I just do,” he coos, so dream-like.
Oblivious or careless, Sapnap asks, “Is Quackity bothering you or something?”
“He-" you begin but stop to look for the right way to put it, "He triggers my flight or fight response.”
"I mean, duh," Sapnap probably rolls his eyes.
"But I like him. He's funny."
After a second of silence, George says, “Well that was unexpected.”
“Not so much, I think we’re both chaotic neutral people.”
“What is that neutral chaotic thing anyway?” Dream is confused.
Roll up your sleeve girl boss because now is your time to shine! You offer your best dream smp alignment chart to the classroom. They're speechless, but they listen carefully.
"Then you're more chaotic good than neutral. You're too sweet anyway," Sap says.
"I'd even say lawful good," George debates.
"That's because you haven't seen Bunny during her crazy cat hour."
"True," you note.
"She'll go absolutely batshit."
“What?" George burst between confusion and surprise. "We've never seen you like that."
"A lady never reveal her secrets," you retort. No one answer.
It leaves a second for your mind to enjoy peace. For your eyes to lay on c!tubbo on lawful good and think true, then on c!dream on chaotic evil and think also very true. You huff and it's like a wave; as sarcasm leaves your breath, an idea comes in.
"Sap, check your DMs," you request.
Surrounded by the evening lull, Sapnap’s laugh pops like soap bubbles, "God, you’re so stupid. Why can't you just marry me?"
“So, is it Sapnap approved?” You chuckle lightly to prevent Sapnap’s morning fresh laugh to fill your chest and leak everywhere.
“Just press ‘send tweet’ please,” he confirms with leftovers of a smile in his voice.
"George, get me out of here. They're doing it again," Dream whines.
"Doing what?" He asks, unbothered.
"Act like they're alone in the convo. Just get a room." And you don't get to stand up for yourself that you and your best friend are actually sent to another room.
"Well this one is chaotic evil confirmed," you mumble as you roll your eyes but the vibes are much peaceful, much more comfortable in here. "So ... hi."
"Hi," he chuckles in return.
Maybe that's for the best; a moment that needs to stay a little timeless, secretive and special. It hasn't happened in so long, you don't even remember the last time it did.
"I'm glad you're here. I miss you, you know?" He says, and it's hard to not feel so bittersweet about it. It's hard when longing involves a craved touch, a real smile and an eye contact. Your shoulder sinks in the chair a little harder.
"I miss you too. I'll be here soon," you promise. And soon couldn't come any sooner.
But the conversation, soft and free, will wash up any worries, as always, and you'll end up talking about everything and nothing, about streams and planned videos and college and god knows what. As long as it makes the two of you happy and smiling. Just like the old days, you'll both think and it's fair to say until the evening turns into night and night turns into fatigue.
"Are you sure you're okay about that clout?" He asks once again. "I know you don't like being exposed like that."
"Yeah, yeah don't worry too much about it. I'll try to make good use of it."
"I'm sure you will," he murmurs, but oh boy did he not know what was about to come until you two meet.
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Taglist : @open-minded-chip-101 ; @itsoakaa ; @gaysludge
A/N : so first of all it has come to my attention that 129 days from now on is actually my birthday so that's a weird coincidence lol. Hi how are you guys?? welcome to the first part I hope you liked it. I'm fairly new to the mcyt community and that's the first time I write for them, so bear with me. Feedbacks are always appreciated. Until next time (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
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yoonpobs · 3 years
know your worth | myg | m
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pairing: min yoongi x oc (ft. maknae line and an unsuspecting joon)
genre: fluff, SMUT
warnings: jealous yoongi, smut, penetrative sex, fingering, dom!yoongi
words: 9, 610
summary: happy birthday yoongi
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"You could always offer something else," Jimin whispers conspiratorially.
You raise an eyebrow, chopsticks stopping halfway as you reach for your vegetables, piqued by Jimin's suggestion.
"And that is ...?" You pry.
Jimin shrugs his shoulders, a slight smirk on his lips as his eyes narrow at you when he leans forward with a suggestive look on your face.
You still looked as clueless as ever, and Jimin wants to pat your head and tell you that you were far too pure for this world because ... well, a lot of things flew past you. Even after you and Yoongi crossed the lines of more than just trainer and trainee, you were still the sharp yet sweet girl that lived life simply.
"What else can a man and a woman do together?" He hints at you, voice still low.
Your brows furrow when you shove another bite into your mouth and chew, pondering his question before you decide that you weren't sure.
"You know going on dates is difficult here," You sigh, "The council is always popping by for inspections and you know how Yoongi gets when his superiors are here."
Jimin snorts, stealing a bao from your plate.
"Yoongi has a sword up his ass half the time. You need to loosen him up—if you catch my drift." He winks.
You huff, folding your arms across your chest, wondering why on earth was Jimin speaking in riddles around you as if you weren't close enough to discuss any matter. You always thought of Jimin as a brother to you, even if you were older than him—he often pampered you and took care of you on days where your body was weary.
"Will you just tell me what you mean? Enough of this talking in circles." You frown.
He pats your head and you want to bite his arm off like an animal, but that would probably just get him to tell on you to Yoongi. Even if your relationship had escalated, Yoongi is Yoongi. Stern, professional and truly—uptight.
"Oh dear _____," He sighs, leaning his cheek against his palm as he stares at you, "Have you not had any experience with men before you arrived at the temple?"
You glare at him when he snickers at your abashed expression, cheeks reddening at his bluntness.
"I-I never had the time. And men weren't interesting from where I was," You mumble.
"More like you have a type," He points out.
You scoff and take the last bite of your meal before pushing the plate forward, more curious about Jimin's observation for the day.
"I don't. I like people based on atmosphere,"
Jimin scoffs like he doesn't believe you, and as if he knew how to read you better than yourself. But Jimin had always been very observant and he would say that he was right on people-reading ninety percent of the time.
"You, my friend, like being bossed around. You like men who are mean to you." Jimin snickers like a child as you gape at him, appalled at his suggestion, "Men back in town were far too polite. You like the assertive man who knows how to put you in your place."
You burn brightly when he laughs harder at your mortified face.
"I-I do not!" You vehemently deny, but the stutter in your voice only causes Jimin to sigh tauntingly.
"_____, Min Yoongi is mean as mean can get—don't get me wrong—he's a fundamentally good person but that man has no idea how to be nice to people. It's like his default method of social interaction is to insult people or scare people off with his face" Jimin says pointedly, "And you are one of the sadistic folks that like that."
You pout, sulking as you lean into your seat.
"He's nice to me ..." You mumble.
Jimin gives you a knowing look.
"Occasionally. But you like it when he's a little mean, don't you _____?" He smiles devilishly.
"Who's mean?" Jungkook slides into the seat next to you, whining at the both of you when he sees that you've eaten without him.
"Yoongi," Taehyung answers even if he's just joined the conversation.
"Oh. Totally. Did I tell you guys he told me I looked like wore the same underwear for a week?" Jungkook nods.
You look at your friends blandly, then shoot Jimin a glare as if to tell him he's started all of this.
"Jungkook. You do wear the same underwear for a week ..." Taehyung adds dryly.
You wince at the new set of information as Jungkook just shrugs nonchalantly as if he hadn't just exposed himself into being the poster-child of a boy.
"Why are we even talking about whether or not my boyfriend is mean or not?" You snap.
Taehyung's brows shoot up to his hairline as he shoots you a teasing smirk.
"Oh, are we on the boyfriend-girlfriend stage now?"
You hate the fact that you turn red at any moment where they opt to tease you, but the reminder just makes your heart flutter every time you think of Yoongi.
"Not really—I mean ... you know Yoongi," You parrot for the millionth time, "He doesn't really—he doesn't do things like that."
Jimin purses his lips.
"Aish. This hyung is really emotionally constipated."
Taehyung and Jungkook nod in agreement but all you do is brood further.
After the night that you and Yoongi took things ... further ... he never really explicitly said anything about where the two of you stood. In fact, you didn't expect him to either. Yoongi was a take-no-shits kind of person and he didn't fall into the trap of mediocrity. The way he expressed his affection was far different from the average individual and you saw that.
You knew that him holding you close that night to say that he believed in you was his way of showing you that he wanted you.
The secret and desperate kisses that you share from time to time when people weren't looking was also another method of his to show you that he was in this.
But sometimes you needed a little reassurance.
"_____, you need to be a little more proactive, which—" He looks up as if he remembered something, "—brings us back to the beginning of our conversation. You need to have sex with him."
Your eyes bulge out of your sockets as you begin choking on your own spit at the explicitness of his words. Even Taehyung and Jungkook are caught off-guard but Jimin simply looks like he's asked you about the weather forecast.
"How did you even come to that conclusion?!" You cry.
"Don't look at me like that! You said it yourself it was hard to go on dates here. Just fuck him in your private chambers and have him claim you with your magical pus—"
"I will literally slaughter you if you finish that sentence," You warn Jimin.
He puts his hands up in defense as he shrugs his shoulders.
"I mean, he's not wrong ..." Taehyung adds in.
"Of course you'd say that! The two of you are half a brain cell combined." You complain.
When you look over to Jungkook, the tips of his ears are red and you're as mortified as he is, but you've always known Jungkook to be a little shier than his hyungs.
"I mean you've kissed and stuff right? Over the clothes action?" Jimin gestures to his crotch area when he speaks of the activities that you and Yoongi have engaged in as you cover your face with your hands.
"Oh my God! How is that any of your business?" You shriek.
"You're complaining to me about the fact that you don't know what to get Yoongi for his birthday! The moment you came to me for advice is when this became my business!" Jimin retorts back, as loud as you were.
You were sure some of the maids were eyeing your bunch oddly but didn't pay too much mind because the four of you were the rambunctious types. Debatably, you only got dragged into their antics because you carried more authority in the temple than they did, and they came to you for help causing mischief.
"So, have you?" Taehyung pries for his friend.
You look away with flushed cheeks.
"We've kissed and stuff. He's like ..." You shudder, remembering his hands on you, "... maybe some light petting? I guess? That's it."
The fact that you've admitted that to your friends just makes you want to crawl into a hole and never come out.
"Wow. You really are a saint," Jungkook whistles and you feel a little betrayed that he's beginning to take Jimin and Taehyung's side.
"Shut up. It's not like you're any different," You snap, feeling your face get hotter when the men just snicker, “Besides … it’s not like I haven’t … tried … it’s just that I think Yoongi has this idea in his head that I need petals and roses and candles for my first time.”
You clamp your mouth shut in embarrassment, mortified that you’ve revealed too much. But your friends just blink at you, unmoved.
“Have you ever just … asked him? Or told him what you’re into?” Taehyung asks slowly.
You sigh deeply, “It’s not that easy … I have tried but he’s just so—gentle.”
Jungkook snickers and Taehyung thwarts him over his head as you glare at him.
“What? Do you want him to be rough or …?” Jimin raises an eyebrow.
You blush as you cover your face with your hands.
“Why are we talking about this.” You whine.
Taehyung scoffs, “Look. What better way to have this conversation if not with men themselves?”
You pin him with an unimpressed look before exhaling.
“It’s just … awkward …” You mumble.
“Noona, we’re not going to judge you for being a virgin. We were all virgins at one point.” Jungkook says.
Your eyes widen as you gape at him.
"Oh Noona," Jungkook pats your head, "I'm not as innocent as you think I am."
His hyungs snicker as you tilt your head in confusion, but decide to ask him about it to preserve the image of your friend in your head to be one of his purity. The three of them were handsome, and if you were any younger and if you lacked coherence, you would probably find yourself swooning over them as some of the temple ladies have as well.
"Look, _____," Jimin says, "It's not like Yoongi is gonna hate you if you be a little more forward. Trust me. He's just too conservative to actually do anything on his own. He probably wants to blow your back out."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Blow my back out ...?"
Taehyung snorts.
"Did you forget that _____ has been cooped up in this temple for months?"
Jimin opens his mouth to say ah as if he remembered that he had more freedom compared to you in returning to town to meet with the townsfolk, occasionally learning new slang with every visit.
"Doesn't matter—but—Yoongi is into you. I know hyung well enough to see his resolve slowly crumbling. All you need to do is take the first step. What better birthday present than the classical birthday sex?" Jimin shrugs.
You bite your lips as you mull over his words, considering his proposition even though you were terrified of embarrassing yourself in front of Yoongi.
"H-How do I do that?" You ask meekly.
Jimin smirks, and you can see the devil horns appear on the sides of his head.
"Yoongi looks calm and composed but ... there's always been a flaw of his that he doesn't show often," He giggles under a low breath, earning nods from both Taehyung and Jungkook.
"And that is?" You ask slowly.
“So you want me to manipulate him into having sex with me by making him jealous …” You deadpan.
Jimin snorts.
“God, why do you word it like that? It’s not manipulation if Yoongi wants to do it regardless of the context. All he needs is a little push and you’ll have him destroying your uterus.”
You burn harder and hit Jimin’s arm so hard that he whines and clutches his arm, shooting you a vehement glare before Taehyung steps in with a grin.
“And we’ve got just the plan.”
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"This is dumb. He won't react. He knows that you're like my little brother," You frown at Jungkook, as the two other men only rolled their eyes at your doubt.
"He will. It isn't rare knowledge to know that Jungkook had the fattest crush on you when you first came." Taehyung exposes his younger friend who's eyes only widen as you gape at him, information being unveiled to you.
"You did?" You ask in disbelief.
"Look. It lasted like—a day." Jungkook hastily defends himself, glaring at Taehyung.
Jimin shrugs his shoulders as he looks over yours to keep an eye out for Yoongi.
"Try a month, kid." Jimin snorts, "He used to drop tiger lilies by your door every night."
You gape at him in realisation.
"So that's where they came from ..."
Jungkook huffs, ears turning red as he quickly attempts to deflect the attention away from him.
"Okay, the point is: Yoongi knew too, which is why he wouldn't take so kindly to see his girl with Jungkookie," Taehyung reminds you.
You sigh.
"Not his girl ..." You mutter.
"Yada, yada," Jimin mocks, "I know you're your own person and stuff but like ... theoretically speaking, you aren't his girl ... yet."
You purse your lips, about to retort until Jimin shoves you and Jungkook aside, causing you to stumble into his chest with an oof as he catches you by the waist.
"Hyung. There you are!" Taehyung calls out cheerily, as Jungkook keeps his hold on you, blinking down at your confused face.
Only when do you turn your head do you see Yoongi walking over to the four of you, robes flowing behind him as he walks.
No matter how many times you're greeted with Yoongi's presence, it's like he takes your breath away every single time. His black hair is tousled across his forehead, with the occasional wind blowing strands of hair away. The deep-navy satin of his robe looks elegant, and you know that it's a precious fabric that comes with his experience.
His sword is tucked away in his belt as per usual as he nods his head to greet your friends, then his gaze is set on you.
More specifically, the way Jungkook is holding you by the waist.
"Careful." Is all he says.
You know it comes from a good place, Yoongi opting to be kind in his own way. That night with his sweet words was a unique experience for you both, and you still hear words of encouragement from time to time, but Yoongi was unalterably himself in a way that he knew how to make you feel wanted with more than just the number of words he says.
"Yeah," You say breathlessly, thanking Jungkook as you tug away from him.
You see Taehyung behind Yoongi, gesturing for you to grab Jungkook's arm to link it around yours.
"Thank you Kookie," You hum, albeit a little awkward, but enough to have Yoongi raising his eyebrow when you pat his head and caress his cheek.
"... I see you're enjoying your break," Yoongi acknowledges all of you instead of your tiny action towards Jungkook and you scrunch your eyebrows at the lack of care.
Jimin doesn't look too bothered, but instead, he uses his mischievous mind to plant another seed into Yoongi's.
"It's been good, hyung," He smiles but you see the mirth behind it, "Jungkook's been teaching ______ calligraphy."
Your eyes widen when Yoongi looks over at you, eyes momentarily darting to the way you're still clutching at Jungkook's robes.
“Um. Yeah," You choke awkwardly and Taehyung nearly facepalms himself at how bad you were at this.
"Jungkook's really good. I'm glad he's the one teaching me," You smile softly at Jungkook.
He returns your smile with a grin of his own, enjoying the way you're cuddled up against his arm. Even if this was all a show, he still had a soft lingering spot for you.
"Anything for my Noona, right?"
You're caught off-guard, and the blush on your cheeks is a genuine reaction when he smiles cheekily at you.
You roll your eyes at shove at his shoulder, but instead, he takes an opportunity to wrap an arm around your shoulder to tug your shoulder.
"She's a natural, hyung. Didn't even need much help," He taunts Yoongi.
Yoongi's face is still as impassive as ever as if he were speaking to his colleagues on town matters rather than his friends and unofficial 'girlfriend'.
"That's ... nice," He hums, eyeing you over once again.
He was never fond of too much affection in front of your friends, to the point where the dynamic between the five of you still remained pretty much the same before the night happened. The only difference was the knowledge of your feelings for Yoongi, and his apparent ones to you.
"By the way, Noona ..." Jungkook says, causing all your heads to turn to him.
You tilt your head, wondering what he wanted to say.
"These are for you." He smiles cheekily, handing over something from behind his back that you didn't catch earlier.
"Oh?" You receive the gift, and the flowers sit prettily in your grasp as Jungkook smiles down at you, looking more like a man by the second.
Where did he even get these?
"Remember the tiger lilies?" He teases.
You scoff but blush anyways, thanking Jungkook as you sniff at them, sighing at the pleasant fragrance.
"Looks like his crush is back ..." Taehyung mutters, and you know he's baiting Yoongi.
Yoongi simply purses his lips and rakes his eye across Jungkook before nodding curtly, bowing his head to excuse himself.
"Very well, then. Enjoy the rest of the day." Is all he leaves you with before he stalks off in the other direction.
You gape, displeased with the fact that Yoongi had shown little to no reaction to Jungkook's obvious flirting with you.
You sigh dejectedly, plopping to sit on the stoned floor, cradling your chin in your hands.
"It didn't work," You mutter, feeling all the more childish.
Taehyung snorts, patting your head as he sits next to you.
"Oh trust me, it worked. That was Yoongi mad,"
Jimin and Jungkook nod in agreement, and you're slightly baffled to see even Jungkook agreeing with him.
"What? He barely moved an inch. That's how he's always been." You tell them.
Jimin rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"I'm pretty sure he was thinking of a million different ways to detach Jungkook's limbs from his body so he'd never be able to lay a hand on you ever again," Jimin says out loud.
Even Jungkook flushes, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sorry about the flowers, ______," He mutters, "I thought it would do the trick."
You smile softly at him as you pat his head.
"It's okay Jungkook. I needed some life in my room anyways,"
Jungkook sees what Yoongi sees in you.
"Well that was phase one so ..." Jimin clasps his hands together as you raise an eyebrow.
"There's more ...?"
Taehyung snorts, "Of course there's more. Consistency is key _______."
You sigh, pushing yourself up as you head towards the ladies.
"You guys continue scheming, but I need to head to the bathroom,"
"Freshen up for your night with him, will you?" Taehyung calls over, and you flip him off with your finger.
The three men have surrendered themselves to work, apologising that they couldn't help you carry out your plan of making Yoongi jealous.
You laughed it off, waving them goodbye when they pouted at you. You weren't upset, realising that it was childish for you to do so in the first place.
You're sitting by the pavilion, admiring the fresh bloom of flowers as Spring nears when you hear a swoosh of feet by your ears as you turn your head to be greeted with—
"Hi, I'm sorry to disturb but I was just wandering around the grounds," You bow your head at the greeting of the stranger, a man who wears a robe similar to Yoongi as you stand up, offering him a small smile.
"Hello! And you are ...?" You trail off, awaiting his introduction.
He smiles bashfully at you as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Ah, my apologies. My name is Namjoon. I'm one of the new trainers here?" He finishes up with a question as your eyes widen.
"Oh! You're Kim-ssi?"
You've heard Yoongi mention to you once or twice that he would be needing an assistant with the influx of swordsmen coming to this particular temple to be trained, especially since his priority was training you—he needed the extra help.
Namjoon, or Kim-ssi, was extremely tall. He basically towered over you, and you think he's even taller than Taehyung. He's all limbs and stature, but you can tell that he's strong—his physique only further proving that he was fit to be a trainer, to be hired under the same roof as Yoongi.
He nods his head as he looks you over—in a way that was like he was admiring you, and not particularly distasteful.
“And may you be ______-ssi?” He asks slowly.
You nod your head at him and give him a kind smile.
“Yes, I am. I’m surprised you knew who I was.” You joke lightly.
Namjoon breaks into a dimpled grin before nodding his head, eager to continue the conversation.
“I’ve heard many things about you, especially your sword-wielding skills and the fact you are the first woman to be selected as the chosen one.” Namjoon informs you, “I must say that I was thoroughly impressed. I’ve seen your practices be replicated and it is highly complex.”
You bow your head in gratitude as you find your ears heating up at the praise.
“Thank you, Namjoon-ssi. That means a lot to me.”
“And you are much more beautiful in person, _______-ssi," He breathes.
Your eyes widen, hands falling limp as you bow your head in embarrassment at the sudden compliment.
Even though he practically towers over you, and is large in stature as well—he seems like a very genuine person, with pure intentions when he complimented you.
You also notice how handsome he is, dimples indenting his cheeks when he grins at you and eyes that scream comfort.
"O-Oh, thank you Namjoon-ssi," You mumble.
He offers you a genuine smile as you awkwardly fiddle with your thumbs, a lot more flustered with the sudden interaction.
"I was just exploring the grounds before I start tomorrow. Thought I familiarise myself first, right?" He chuckles a deep rumbling through his chest.
You look up at him brightly.
"The temple is truly beautiful. My favourite place is this pavilion," You gesture to the space you were in.
His head follows your hands as he takes in the place with his mouth open in awe.
"It is. Do you mind if I accompany you?" He asks.
You nod your head, patting the spot next to where you were sat previously.
"Of course—"
A voice breaks you out of your interaction with Namjoon as you turn your head to spot Yoongi standing behind you, arms tucked behind his back as he levels a firm stare on both of your figures.
Namjoon reacts before you do, standing to his feet and bowing ninety-degrees to Yoongi, who only keeps his expression vacant.
"Min-nim, it's nice to see you here." He bows hastily.
Yoongi doesn't pay you any mind when he simply hums in acknowledgement at his greeting.
The oddly cold exterior doesn't slip past you as you raise an eyebrow at him, attempting to get his attention when you fold your arms across your chest.
"I see you've met ______-ssi," Yoongi says curtly.
The honorific and lack of familiarity in his voice doesn't slip past you as you narrow your eyes to him, wondering what he was playing at.
"I have. She was kind enough to allow me to accompany her by the pavilion." Namjoon smiles.
Yoongi clicks his tongue, taking a step towards you as he observes the view of the garden that lays within the pavilion.
"Kind indeed ..." Yoongi says.
You huff.
"She is truly as beautiful as the town folks have said," Namjoon admires shyly once again when he looks you over.
A blush reappears on your cheeks, and even under the dim lighting, Yoongi can see the tint on the apple of your cheeks.
His eyes harden when Namjoon looks at you with pure fondness.
"And so they have." Yoongi clips.
"Maybe even more ..." Namjoon adds shyly.
You smile, appreciating his generosity and honesty.
Yoongi, on the other hand, only hardens his jaw when he sees the way Namjoon's eyes basically twinkle when you shoot a stunning smile at him, probably captivated by your beauty that was far more than just your appearance—but your reputation.
"Thank you Namjoon-ssi," You bow, hair falling by your face.
Namjoon notices, and as the gentlemen, he is—he reaches out to tuck it behind your ear.
But Yoongi's hand reaches out to stop him before he can reach you.
Namjoon's eyes widen at the sudden grip on his wrist, glancing over at Yoongi who still has an expression of nothingness on his face. Even you're shocked at Yoongi's blatant act of prevention.
"I believe that the council would like to meet you, Namjoon-ssi."
Yoongi sounds oddly collected for a man who has a tight grip on Namjoon's wrist. Namjoon looks between the two of you, and it was as if the atmosphere breezed past him, he knew exactly why Yoongi acted the way he did.
"O-Of course Min-nim." He quickly bows, bidding farewell before he scurries off—unable to meet your eyes when Yoongi presses his stare until his figure disappears.
You glare at Yoongi with your arms folded across your chest.
"Why did you scare him like that?" You scold.
Yoongi doesn't say anything but keeps his gaze focused on the garden.
"I did no such thing."
You scoff, stomping towards him until you're right by his side, willing him to look at you.
"Namjoon was being nice," You huff petulantly.
Yoongi simply side-eyes you for a brief second before he brings his sword to his front.
"Was Jungkook being nice too?"
So he noticed?
Your eyes widen when he casually brings up the younger boy as you splutter for a response.
"What? Of course! Jungkook's always been nice to me." You frown.
Yoongi hums, still uncharacteristically quiet for when the two of you were alone. Especially after the shift in your relationship.
"He has a crush on you," He deadpans, eyes focused on you now.
You roll your eyes.
"Had, Yoongi. He has a kind heart," You reason with him.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at your statement.
"So you knew about his crush, then? The tiger lilies?" He pries.
You furrow your eyebrows at his questions.
"Yeah?" You say, confused, "I thought it was really sweet."
He tongues the inside of his cheek the way you found unreasonably attractive as you attempt to focus on the conversation rather than what Yoongi was making you feel.
"Sweet. Huh."
You sigh, pulling at Yoongi's robe so he'd properly look at you, even if you were inches shorter than he was.
You're about to speak, but Yoongi interrupts you.
"What about Namjoon?" He prompts.
You blink at him.
"... what about him?" You furrow your brows.
Yoongi has the ability to master his stoic expression given any context, and it's slightly unnerving how hard it is to read what exactly he's getting at when there isn't an inch of emotion on his pale face.
"Is he sweet?"
You snort.
"You've met him, right?" You joke, "He called me beautiful from the moment we met."
Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
"And how did that make you feel?"
You tilt your head to the side when you see Yoongi's eyes harden a little. But you allude it to the dark of the night approaches.
"Flattered? I mean—he isn't too bad on the eyes either." You tease, only meaning it to be a light quip.
But then Yoongi tugs you into his chest, hand wrapping tightly around your waist as he uses his other hand to tilt your chin up to look at him.
Your eyes widen as you place your hands on Yoongi's chest, attempting to place some distance at the sudden proximity.
"Do you want him to be your trainer then?" He asks, voice low.
Your breath hitches when his finger twirls the stray hand of hair from your face, fingers then proceeding to trail down your jaw as you attempt to think of an answer.
"I-I ... I mean if he must."
Yoongi's grip on your waist tightens.
"It's a yes or a no, _______." His tone warning when he leans closer to your face.
"Y-Yoongi ... people can see." You chuckle nervously, hands resting on his chest but making no real effort to push him away.
He ignores you and squeezes your chin between his thumb and index finger.
"Hm. So you're okay with Jungkook's hand on your waist as you coo at him while the maids walk past but not me just checking on my apprentice?"
You glare at him while his grip remains tight on your chin.
"Oh, I guess I'm back to just an apprentice, huh? That's better than ______-ssi," You say, indignation laced in your voice.
He doesn't respond, but you see his eyes trail over your face as if taking in the slope of your nose, the pores on your skin and the way your eyelash flutters with every blink of your eyes.
“So is that a yes or no, ______."
You sigh.
"Of course not," You frown, "I ... I like you training me."
He purses his lips, nose brushing against yours as you're as captivated by him as he seemed to be with you.
"You're such a silly girl." He sighs.
You gape at him when he releases your chin, turning his back to you.
You tug on his robe, attempting to get his attention as you wriggle against his back.
"What—why?" You cry.
His back is warm against you when you lean your chin against his shoulder blades.
"You don't see it, don't you?" He hums.
You whine, pulling at his sleeves so at least he'd look at you when he spoke to you.
"Yoongi!" You huff.
He sighs, turning around, eyes still dark.
"The way those men look at you." He growls, demeanour suddenly shifting to a much more ... animalistic one.
Your eyes widen when he tugs your body to his again, pushing you up against the pillar by the pavilion.
Your words are cut short when he nuzzles his nose into your neck, mouth biting at your skin that causes you to gasp, melting into his embrace.
"Do you know how tempting you are?" He snarls into your neck.
Your knees are weak as his hot breath fans against the nape of your neck that makes you hold onto his shoulders for support.
"I'm not ..." You weakly mumble, eyes blown out when you look down at Yoongi's black mop of hair in the space between your collarbones and your jaw.
He chuckles darkly.
"Namjoon looked absolutely taken with you. Like he wanted to make you his. Like he doesn't know that you train under me," He spits as if the idea disgusted him.
Your eyes soften, loosely wrapping your fingers around Yoongi's hair.
"But you—"
"Shut up." He snaps, tugging at the ribbon that keeps your robe and bottom half modest.
Your eyes widen at where his hands swerve too but don't make any effort to stop him.
"Even Jungkook," He hisses, hand rubbing tight circles against your thigh.
This was the most forward Yoongi has been, both in public and in private and you're revelling in his touch. You don't dare to ask where this is going, but the way his hands drift upwards between your thighs tell you enough.
"That brat looked at you with stars in his eyes as if his hyung wasn't right there."
"Jungkook is—"
"Sweet. I heard you the first time, ______." He snaps back.
His hand is occupied between your thighs but never reaching far enough to satiate the head in your lower region.
You feel the fabric of your underwear turn uncomfortable, the wetness undoubtedly pooling between your thighs with the way Yoongi is treating you.
"It took everything in me to not rip his limbs off."
Jimin was right. You wanted to laugh, but there was nothing funny about the way Yoongi looks at you with carnal desire.
"I-I'm ..." You stutter, when he spreads your thighs, hooking his own thigh between your own so you'd have some form of support.
"What?" He snaps, noticing the way your hair is sprawled across your face. His hand sweeps it away, but his eyes are still stressed on your flushed cheeks.
You can't seem to get the words out, especially when Yoongi's looking at you like that, his strong thigh between your legs as the thin fabric of your pants left little to imagine of how he feels against your clit.
You gasp, when Yoongi grabs your hips to grind you against his thigh, the silky yet rough texture of his pants brushing up against your throbbing bud. You can feel your wetness seeping through your pants, and potentially staining his.
He smirks at your open mouth as you try to level out your gasps, your own hips acting at their own accord.
"Bet Namjoon and Jungkook would kill to see you like this." He boasts.
A hand reaches to your chin to snap your head firmly enough to look at him.
You whine when he squeezes your cheeks mockingly, tensing his thigh as he hisses—your wetness sopping through both fabrics.
"Noooo." You whine, voice turning into a moan.
"Exactly," He snarls, sucking a mark onto your neck so roughly that it causes you to push up against him.
"Only I get you like this, right? This is for my eyes only?" Yoongi spits, his hands busy with groping up and down your body, hand reaching to your slacks until he moves his thigh away, hands replacing them.
The moment his hand cups your mound, you gasp, feeling the way how his big hand covers it entirely.
"This pussy gets wet for only me, right?" He prompts you with a growl.
You nod your head, voice failing you, afraid of revealing your activities to the temple's maids that stayed at nearby quarters.
The feeling is foreign but definitely not unwelcome. Yoongi had a way of navigating his way with your body that made you fall limp in his arms, eager to wait for his next moves.
Yoongi's hand expertly slips inside the waistband of your pants as his knuckle presses against your clit directly, causing more wetness to pool out.
You hear his curse under your breath, and you're not far off when you clutch his hair as his head rests against your neck to continuously suckle marks as a symbol of his desire.
"I've barely done anything and you're this wet?" He taunts and you burn at the way he looks up at you after what seems like a long time, his lips curling into a smirk and eyes blown out with his primitive wants.
Your lips are swollen even though he's yet to connect his lips to your own, purely because you've been biting on them so hard as you await Yoongi's next moves.
You've heard fellow peers speak of their experiences with the temple's men, saying that if done correctly, fingers is all it took for them to wash over in pleasure.
The way Yoongi navigates his thumb between the fabric of your panties to the throb of your clit is done perfectly, and you almost turn sour to think of his past lovers that he's touched so intimately.
You're distracted when he presses down firmly on your clit, wetness lubricating his digits that cause delicious pleasure to bloom in your core.
"F-Fuck," You whimper.
He smirks as his other hand that was used to hold you up against the pillar, yanking your robe open to be greeted with your bra. You flush, feeling all the more exposed against the cool air as the tugs your cups down, mouth latching immediately onto your nipple.
"Y-Yoongi—ah—" You gasp when he focuses kitten licks to your nipple, while the rest of his other hand tugs your panties aside to glide his fingers along your slit.
The feeling is overwhelming, both as his hot mouth seems determined to leave bruises on your breasts, as well as his other hand teasingly prods your quivering hole that only seems to release endless streams of your honeyed essence.
"You're a sight to behold," He exhales, breath caught against your breast.
You can't respond because you're too captivated when you see his hand in your pants, firmly pressed against your core in suspense for more. Yoongi's eyes harden as he bites down on your breast, causing you to let out a cry far too loud for your liking.
Your eyes widen as you clamp your mouth shut, attempting to labour your breathing.
"Do you want to get caught, hm? Is that why you can't keep that mouth of yours shut?" He growls, mouth licking a stripe up your neck—to your chest until he's whispering the words against your mouth.
"F-Fingers, Yoongi," You mewl.
He envelopes your mouth with his, tongue immediately making a home in your mouth as you whine against his lips, sounds of pleasure getting swallowed by his tongue.
"Do you think you're in the position to be making demands?" He snaps, pulling away as you chase his mouth, whining when you miss the contact.
You whimper, shaking your head; absolutely loving the way Yoongi is treating you.
Jimin's words ring in your head momentarily, but you're interrupted yet again with the way Yoongi slips a finger in.
Your mouth opens in a gasp, finally feeling his long digit enter you.
You're wet enough that your pussy welcomes the intrusion with even more lubrication, and his finger becomes familiar with your heat as if you've done this a million times before.
"This okay?" He whispers softly against your cheek, snapping out of his persona for a moment to check on you.
You nod fondly, eyes soft as you respond with an equally soft yes.
With your consent, he's then knuckle-deep into your pussy, finger curling up, wiggling to find the spot that would—
"Fuck!" You squeal, unable to keep your voice down.
He smirks when he prods the pad of his finger against the spongey spot in you.
"There?" He huffs, slipping another finger in and expertly finding the same spot.
You rapidly nod your head, mewls of pleasure escaping past your lips when he begins to thrust his fingers in-and-out of your pussy, wetness squelching as the proof of your pleasure and desire.
"Y-You're in so d-deep—" You wail.
His palm is snapping against your clit, putting just enough pressure to make your eyes roll back into your head. Yoongi is absolutely ruthless when he pounds into your pussy, fingers hooking up deliciously to a spot that makes pleasure explode.
He shoves his fingers impossibly deeper, so deep until—
"Y-Yoongi!" He's at a place where you never knew existed, not that you experimented enough to know but deep enough for you to make a sound that you've never heard come out from you.
Even Yoongi's eyes widen, eyes hardening along with his cock against his pants. He's been hard the moment the night escalated, but he's sure he's going to use your face, the visual along with your moans as the star of all his masturbation sessions.
"P-P-Please!" You wail, "Stay there—oh my God Yoongi—you're so d-deep—fuck—you're so good—to m-me—"
For the first time, your hands reach out to clasp his hand right into the position that he's settled against your pleasurable spot, as your whimpers get louder and your legs shake next to your hands.
Yoongi is so fucking hard that it takes everything in him not to cum right then and there. So, he just looks out you, his own breathing laboured as he admires the way beads of sweat drop down the side of your head. Your cheeks are beyond flushed and eyes shut tight, as if you couldn't believe the pleasure you were feeling.
It's because you truly couldn't.
You've always wanted to take a step further with Yoongi, but too timid to ever do anything about it. But the way he's hooking his fingers up, pressed tightly against your spot makes you lose all rationale. You almost forget that you were out in public, the pavilion open enough for anyone to walk past and know exactly what's going on.
You're grinding yourself against the palm of his hand as you will yourself to take his fingers deeper.
The coil is unfamiliar but so so welcomed as you feel your hole clench erratically at how good he's making you feel.
Yoongi betrays you for a moment and goes against your words to stay still because your face is absolutely stunning under the moonlight, and all he wants is to see you unravel; quite literally in the palm of his hand.
He begins finger-fucking you with rapid snaps of his wrist with a vigour you only see in his sword-training sessions, and the calloused palm of the man who spent years wielding the sword is proven delirious against your pussy.
"You're gonna cum for me, aren't you? My pretty girl?"
The term of endearment falls from his lips and you think that's the first time he's called you anything but your name or alluded to the fact that you were his.
The thought itself is what sets you free from the coil in your stomach, pussy clenching tightly against his fingers as he rubs rough circles against your clit with his thumb to prolong your orgasm.
"F-Fuuuck," You drawl, becoming lose-lipped as you gasp for air, squelching still echoing as he fucks you through the orgasm, "Y-You're so—good to me ..." You mumble, coming down from your high.
You've stained your robes with sweat and your release, and you feel absolutely satiated when he pulls out of you.
You've never seen Yoongi look anything less than composed, so when he brings the fingers that were drenched with your arousal and cum to his mouth to suck on it, you already feel your pussy flutter back to life.
"You taste so fucking go—"
You cut him off by throwing yourself onto him, lips locking with his even as you taste yourself on his tongue.
You thought after an orgasm that you'd have enough, but there was something about Yoongi sucking your essence into your mouth without any hesitation that made you want to make him feel good too.
Your hand cups him through his slacks, groaning into his mouth when you feel how hard he feels against your palm—big under your small hand.
"_______ you don't—"
You bite his lip in retaliation, squeezing his cock in your hand and rubbing your thumb across his slit as you feel his pre-cum leak out of his tip.
"Fuck ..." He hisses when you lick into his mouth, unbothered at the fact that you taste yourself on your tongue.
Yoongi reaches his hand to the back of your neck to bring you closer, all while tugging your hips to meet his own.
"Wanna suck your cock," You pant.
Yoongi's unbelievably hard that he actually thinks his dick is going to fall off.
Seeing you with your salacious expression of pure, unadulterated lust shocks him all while pleasing him, knowing that he's able to evoke this type of effect on you.
While your mouth was collateral on its own, never missing a remark or to remind him that you were unafraid of his stereotypically terrifying persona—you were real. Soft and honest when your eyes allowed him to get a glimpse of the woman he's learned to ... the word so real and scary in his mind, but his heart speaks for him, while his actions paint the picture.
"_____ ..." He pulls away, biting his lip at your fucked out expression.
You whine, pressing your hips tighter against his while he hisses at the contact of your wet folds against the outline of his cock.
"Call me yours," You ask, wide eyes looking up at him.
Yoongi fingers stop at your hips when he looks at you—properly that is—your eyes begging him with the plead you've uttered. He likes you like this. Hot for him, a little desperate.
"Hm?" He feigns disinterest as you whine at him, clutching at his robes.
"P-Please Yoongi—just wanna be yours," You whimper.
"Do you ______? What about Namjoon? Jungkook?" He taunts, eyes locked on yours.
You shake your head vigorously.
"N-No! Y-Yours, Yoongi."
And his, you were.
He leans in to kiss you, much gentler than previously but still full of desire—a mark against the flesh to claim yours as his.
"My pretty girl?" He questions and you whine so loudly that his eyes blow out in shock.
"Yours—I'm yours, Yoongi."
He growls, hooking your leg around his waist as he grinds against your centre; causing you to mewl in pleasure at the friction.
"You can have my cock in your mouth another time, okay?" He whispers against your cheek and your pussy clenches at the prospect of another time.
You nod your head, looking up at him with obedient eyes.
"Wanna fuck you so bad ..." He caresses your cheek as your eyes widen, a grin teasing your lips.
"P-Please," You pant.
"But you deserve a proper first time, hm?"
You weren't one for social constructs and you didn't care where Yoongi first had you, even as your first—all you wanted was him and you'd have him anywhere, anytime he'd have you.
“Fuck I don’t care—just—fuck me—p-please …“ You whisper.
He observes your features for any sign of hesitation but finds none, only desire.
“You sure? Because once my cock comes home I’m never letting you go.” He whispers like it’s a threat but you’re only more turned on.
“T-This pussy—yours,” You gasp and Yoongi groans at your crude words, “I-I don’t care—just want you—only you.”
Yoongi feels the need to kiss you so he does. He kisses you hard and deep like he’s mapping every inch of your mouth while you whimper into his own. When he releases you, he feels his heart and stomach clench in desire.
The moment Yoongi brings his cock out as your eyes follow his line of vision, you feel like you could cum just by the visual alone.
He's huge.
It's as if his overwhelming aura was every aspect of him, from his stature to his walk and to his cock. The tip was leaking with pre-cum, an ooze that makes your mouth water and pussy clench for more. You've never seen a penis up close—but it's rough and delicate, but like Yoongi—and you decide you need him—soon.
"Fuck me—p-please,” You beg, breath hitching.
He aligns the tip of his cockhead against your quivering hole, and you release more wetness just at the thought of him fucking you out here—where your moans accompany the moonlight and his heavy breathing.
"Relax for me." He hums, pushing in ever so slowly.
The tip is the largest part of his cock, but you push through as you welcome the stretch. You didn't fight with swords day and night just to tap out now, not when Yoongi looks at you like you're the only thing that matters.
With every inch that he enters you, you feel yourself feeling fuller and fuller.
If his fingers felt overwhelming, his cock was the greatest gift bestowed upon you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, especially when he bottoms out, hips flushed against yours as he pushes the remainder of his length in.
"You see that?" He grips your chin so you'd look at him, "Look at how your pussy sucks up my cock."
You wail, hitching your hips up to chase friction and you whine when you feel his cock nudge every corner of your wet heat.
He hisses, other hand tightening against your hip as a warning.
"M-Move—please," You're extra polite because all you want to do is fall apart on his cock.
Yoongi doesn't drag it out any further when he pulls out just so the tip remains, and slams into you with a brutal force that quite literally knocks the wind out of you.
He's rough with his thrusts, never faltering when he hikes your leg higher up his waist so he'd be able to angle his cock against the spot that makes your heart accelerate, and legs shake.
He shows the stamina he's developed over the years as a sword-master with the way he's locking his hips with precision and keeping his eyes on yours the entire time—observing every scrunch of your face along with the breathy gasps that escape your mouth.
At a particularly hard thrust that he stills for a moment, ensuring his cock is rubbing against that spot deliciously—you scream, back arching into his chest as he swallows your wails of pleasure with his mouth.
"What would people say if the noble _____ fucking herself on her sword-trainers cock like this? Hm?" Yoongi spits and when he points it out only do you realise you're moving your hips at a rapid pace, unaware of how they move in their own accord.
You can't keep your mouth shut nor can you respond because Yoongi is fucking you so good, and even with the brutal force of his hips he's able to hold you up with the strength of his arm. You feel the muscles of his bicep flex against you because he has his arm wrapped around your body so tightly, tits flushed against his chest.
You have the sudden urge to reach out to him and hold his head close, a contrast to the dirtiness of your actions.
Yoongi leans into your touch even as he fucks you to the brink of your release, his hips beginning to stutter as you look at him with dazed eyes.
"So pretty like this.” He grunts.
You feel a sense of pride to know that you're what it took to get Yoongi—the man who has everyone on their toes—like this. Feral, giving in to his animalistic desires as he reaches out for your warmth.
"M' gonna cum," You gasp when he pulls your hips down to meet his last thrust.
“Where do you want my cum, pretty?”
"A-Anywhere!" You choke on your breath when you feel your orgasm hit you all at once, your body falling limp in his embrace as his arms keep you up.
You feel Yoongi's cock twitch inside of you until he's releasing gushes of his hot cum into your walls. He cums so much that you feel him slowly slipping out of your heat as it trickles down your thighs.
The two of you attempt to catch your breath as he still keeps a firm grip on your body; knowing your knees would give out if he weren't there to help you. Your hand is still gentle on his cheek as you brush the matted hair away from his forehead, offering him a dopey smile.
Yoongi leans into you, capturing your lips into a soft kiss, one that wasn't rushed nor expected to lead anywhere.
The two of you bask in each other's presence for a few more moments, until you realise that you're still very much in public with Yoongi's cum spilling out of you, a hair breadths away from staining the floor.
"Yoongi—your cum," You hiss.
Yoongi looks down and smirks, appreciating the view and only is disrupted when you thwack him on the head. He helps you pull up your undergarments, even as you wince through the discomfort as he wraps an arm around your waist to steady you on your feet.
“You seemed to like it a lot.”
Your ears burn as you glare at him, but it lacks any real anger when he chuckles at your reaction.
"I think the real conversation here is about your jealousy issues," You retort petulantly.
You see Yoongi's lips purse as he narrows his eyes at you.
"I don't like sharing what's mine."
Your heart stutters even though Yoongi doesn't look at you directly when he says so, his facade returning but you see his heart above anything else.
“Am I, Yoongi? You never asked." You shrug your shoulders.
He tongues the inside of his cheek, absorbing your words without responding for a few seconds as you wrap the robe tightly around your abdomen, cold air sending shivers down your spine.
"Would you ..." He clears his throat, and you don't think you've ever seen Yoongi look anything but assured. So, to see him with flushed ears and nervous eyes make your heart grow fonder.
"Would I ...?" You bite your lip, offering a teasing smile up at him.
He huffs, wrapping an arm around your waist as he brings your head to lay on his chest.
"Don't look at me like that," He snaps.
You giggle, clutching his robes when you feel and hear his heart beating against his chest.
"Why not?" You provoke him even further.
His grip around your waist is still tight as if he's afraid you'd slip away.
But who would tell Yoongi that you were always his?
"I don't want you to look at me when I ask," He tells you, fingers tapping your hips.
"Ask what Yoongi?"
You continue prompting him because you find it adorable how a man like him who has people quivering in fear and doesn't give most people the time of his day is so nervous on asking you a question with an obvious answer.
"Would you ... would you like that?" He coughs.
You raise an eyebrow as you look up at him, chin resting on his chest when your eyes fill with deviance.
"I like a lot of things Yoongi—you have to be more specific."
He still avoids your eyes and grunts, squeezing your hip when you continue to tease him.
"Would you want to ... bewithme?" He rushes his words.
Your eyes gleam when you lean forward, face close to his.
"Could you repeat that—?"
You yelp when he places his large hands on your cheeks, finally looking at you with earnest.
"I'm really bad at this so please don't do this to me.” He snaps.
You giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"I really like you, Yoongi."
You think this is the first time you've explicitly told him how you've felt for him, and you can tell he's shocked when the words leave your lips.
"I was yours since you told me you believed in me." You whisper, lips grazing against his.
He swallows as you smile softly at him.
"I've never felt this way about anyone before," He confesses, "You're the only person that I look forward to seeing and ... when I saw Jungkook and Namjoon."
He shuts his eyes as your lips twitch, a giggle bubbling in your throat.
"I really want you to be mine," He sighs.
You nod your head, pecking him on the nose as you nuzzle your head into his broad chest, feeling the way it moves up and down with every breath that he takes.
"Happy birthday to you then," You smile cheekily.
He fondly grazes your cheeks, holding you unbelievably closer.
"Happy birthday indeed." He sighs, and you can feel the smile on his face when he kisses your forehead.
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extra scene
"Happy birthday hyung!" Jungkook greets Yoongi the moment he steps out of his chambers in a large hug.
Yoongi grunts at the force, as he notices Jimin and Taehyung following behind him with a bowl of seaweed soup in celebration.
"Thanks, kid," Yoongi mumbles.
"How're you spending your birthday?" Taehyung asks when he settles the bowl on the table in front of his room.
Yoongi bows his head slightly thank the younger man as he shrugs.
"Same old. I have a session with _____ later and I need to assign Kim-ssi to his students."
“Bo-ring. Why don’t you ever do anything fun?” Jimin scoffs, “What did _____ get you for your birthday?”
The older man stutters for a second when he recollects the night you shared out on the pavilion and more after the two of you returned to his chambers in tangled limbs.
“She wished me,” Yoongi says curtly.
Jimin tries to spot any sign of unsureness but Yoongi was a hard book to read.
"Speaking of, where is ______? Shouldn't she at least be celebrating—"
Speak of the devil and she shall be summoned.
"Yoongi where are your—"
You step out of Yoongi's chambers, draped with his luxurious robe, chest slightly exposed enough to see the marks Yoongi littered on your chest after he took you back to his private chambers.
You freeze when you see three pairs of wide eyes staring back at you as you yelp, tugging the robe shut across your chest as your cheeks redden.
The only thing you hear when Yoongi tugs you closer to him by your hand and greets you with a kiss is:
"Hope the gift was good, hyung!” Jungkook cheers.
"You're not off the hook yet, brat."
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