#happy fourth replica (etude ;; ichon)
specialgels · 2 years
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Purposefully oblivious and eating cake!
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specialgels · 3 years
@astrumballade​ liked for a starter!
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“Ah, Mana--! Um, I made something for you...!” Rocking back on her heels, she reached out to place a bracelet into Mana’s hands. “I’m not very good at jewelry making, but I hope that it, well... that it looks good enough for you...”
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specialgels · 3 years
@azotas​ [x]
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“Hmm...” How to best explain... there’s an empty feeling within Etude’s chest at the other’s admittance of his lack of memory, but that wasn’t what was important right now. Though... Sync looked so.... was innocent the right word? Not entirely, but it was close. They would have thought that Sync would be too suspicious to let them approach him when he didn’t remember anything, so they were lucky in that regard. 
“I don’t think now’s the right time to tell you. Isn’t there someone trying to kill you?” Does Sync even remember his own name? Absentmindedly patting the other’s head, they continued walking, looking around to make sure they were alone. For now, getting back to the inn and getting Sync a change of clothes might be best, if only so Sync wouldn’t be so recognizable. “But, well. We’re related, and my name is Etude. Decide for yourself if you trust me enough to help you escape.”
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specialgels · 3 years
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“... Is that a military uniform you’re wearing, sir?” Etude blinked, frowning as she stares up at the man. Red eyes, glasses, of the Malkuth military... such a person would surely know what the Fon Master looked like. Could she get away with pretending she knew nothing...? “Is... is there something happening around here...?” 
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specialgels · 3 years
@originalion​ [x]
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“I personally prefer classical music! String instruments sound so soothing for me...” Not at bothersome to play as brass instruments, nor was it too loud for Etude’s preference. Clapping their hands together, they gave Ion a bright smile. “What kind of music do you consider trash, then?” 
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specialgels · 3 years
@azotas​ liked for a starter!
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“Hello, Sync~! Long time no see! Or something like that...!” A cheerful but polite smile as Etude plopped down on the opposite side of the table that Sync was sitting at. Usually they’d have their lunch outside, but it was raining today, so that’s a shame... imagine their surprise when they happened to see Sync in the cafeteria!
“How have you been?” Reasonable for a first question, it’s been... a while since they’d actually talked. Getting out their lunchbox, Etude hummed to themselves as they waited for a reply.
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specialgels · 3 years
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No teefs but why are there kinks on the dash--
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specialgels · 3 years
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Ehhh, what’s going on? They seem like they’re having fun!
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specialgels · 3 years
What Tarot Card Are You?
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A cheery woman’s voice chimes from above. "Game over! Please restart and try again." The old woman holds a baby in her arms and makes to pass it to you. Will you take it?
Tagged by: @azotas​
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specialgels · 3 years
@chxrishxd​ [x]
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White lilies suit Ion quite well. Gently taking a lily from the bunch that he delivered, he reached over to tuck the stem behind Ion’s ear. White lilies... commonly mean purity and virtue. And Ion truly was both of those, if he would believe in something like that.
“... Mm, I guess.” They kept their voice quiet and light, hesitant as if it’s something they’ve never considered before. “Would we have been happy like that? It sounded like you’ve thought of it before... if we were allowed to live like that, no one would be hurt by, well... everything that I heard had happened, right...?”
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specialgels · 4 years
@fleurforge​ liked for a starter!
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“Look, Mana! I made you a flower crown!” 
He had found a bunch of flowers, and spent his time carefully weaving them into the crown he held in his hands. Mana is adorable, and he liked her, so he does hope that she liked his little gift. 
“Is it okay if I put it on you...?” 
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specialgels · 4 years
@azotas​:  “You may be elder than me, Etude. But I want a proper answer.” He’s frowning
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Aww, how cute. “But that is what happened to me. I’ve had a kinder life than I should have. But since you’re so curious... what part of my story do you want to know more about?” 
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specialgels · 3 years
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For a volcano it sure had a low kill rate!
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specialgels · 3 years
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Would love ships with Etude but the problem in their main verse is that... it’ll always have to start out one-sided first. Etude lacks empathy and compassion, and their emotions are extremely muted from their constant boredom. They won’t understand romantic love, but it’s something they’d be fascinated by, so if someone started showing interest of that nature in them, they’ll intentionally act like they’ll reciprocating just to see if somehow, they’ll learn what romantic love is like through that. 
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specialgels · 3 years
“ if you don’t take your ass back to bed , i will carry you there myself . ” or “ i trust you more than anyone else . ”
“   i  trust  you  more  than  anyone  else  .   ”
“... Eh, really? Me?” That wasn’t something Etude was expecting out of Sync, even though he knew the list of people that the other knew were... not those that were trustworthy. After all, most of what he got to hear was when Sync was in a bad mood. It would actually be less of a surprise to him if Sync said he didn’t trust anyone at all.
... But still, to hear that Sync trusted him the most...
Trusted Etude, who was a liar from his words to his behavior. Who had already hurt Sync once before. He should be the exact opposite of trustworthy, and yet...
The brief, yet noticeable look of surprise on Sync’s face was enough to catch Etude’s attention, and he had to wonder why... oh. A hand moved up to cover his own mouth, as he recognized the familiar upturn of his lips.
Why was he smiling? There’s no reason for Etude to be lying here... hm. Sync was surprised too, so...
Smiling was something he’s far too used to doing, but to be doing it involuntarily... in other people, it was a clear sign of happiness, or at least some sort of positive emotion. So... would it be the same case for himself? Was he feeling some sort of happiness from that one simple, unexpected sentence?
A twitch as he felt Sync grab his arm, moving it away from his mouth and forcing him out of his thoughts. Etude... admittedly, can’t understand what his own emotions were, but... would vulnerable be the closest to what he was feeling?
“I’m...” Surprised. Why would you say that to me? What should I say? What are you expecting me to say? Am I still smiling? Is it still genuine, now that I know? Do you think it’s genuine? It surely is, right?
... Etude relaxed slightly--the only real way he knew at this moment that would convey his honesty in a way that Sync could easily read besides just eye contact. Because to make his expression without any emotion in this instant would be a lie. Because Sync was one of the very few people that Etude would be honest to. Would be willing to be honest to. And even then...
“... Me as well. You’re the one I trust the most.”
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specialgels · 3 years
Victor eyes Etude from head to toes, "Are you sure do you eat well, kid?" call it a father instinct kicking in or the chef inside of him but he was ready to find the nearest kitchen to cook something for the florist. plus, it does not hurt learning new recipes from this area
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“I--ah, eat as well as I could...?” Her dresses were cute and frilly, which helped hide some of her thin figure, but nothing hid the thinness of her legs. Well, it couldn’t be helped. They were made this way, and it’s a bit... difficult to change even with a healthy diet. “Um... why do you ask, sir...?”
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