If this post has reached you it’s very likely that you are:
A. A reader
B. Gay
C. A gay reader
As someone who identifies as option C, I noticed a lack of LGBTQIA+ book recommendations on social media and when LGBTQIA+ books were recommended they almost always consisted of 5 Achillean books and one sapphic book thrown in for good measure and they were almost always the same 6 books thrown around.
So I created lgbtqiabooksmasterlist.com and scoured the internet to find as many books that contained LGBTQIA+ themes and characters and put them all together in one giant masterlist, sectioned off by community.
Currently the communities that exist within the site are: Sapphic, Achillean, Exploration of Gender, Bisexual/Pansexual, A-Spec, Unlabeled/Queer and Polyamory. Many books are shared between several communities.
For every book added I put the title, author, age rating (Children’s, YA, NA, Adult), genre tags (Contemporary, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, etc.) and a small comments section for books that may be controversial.
I hope this post reaches as many people as possible and if you do see it, please reblog as I would love for as many people to find new books to read and for LGBTQIA+ representation to be less hidden.
I also hope that more of these authors within the masterlist receive more recognition and their books to be read by more people.
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