#happy hlots au
iressails · 11 months
I'm going to have to do a plot gifset next for the rest to make sense. I need like 8 hours uninterrupted in bed to think it through. Instead I'm off to work where I will be thinking of other heaps more boring things.
It would be so much easier if I were writing this rather than doing an gifset epic in 500 words (total), which is an incredibly silly thing to do...!!! Do I do things simply or easily? No. Bring on more crappy shows to cobble together.
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bossymarmalade · 11 months
(It's iressails of the happy homicide AU). greetings fellow hlots enjoyer and one of the people who have thoughts about frankentim and what happened next after the movie. My question(s) for you are: how long do you think before Frank loosens enough to (if not forgive or offer absolution) to engage with Tim again? Will he ever? Or abandon him forever? <p> It's something I'm struggling with at the moment. I have to convince myself before I commit it to gif. Maybe if Tim redeems himself somehow (about something else) is where I'm going at the moment. Would Frank go for that? Or the original loss of respect, whatever, is too much for him? He's so rigid. Perhaps he softens in time? I need your help.
I am MONSTROUSLY answering this on main bc I will never pass up an opportunity to talk about Homicide Life on the Street lol
I think that in the moments after Tim's confession, Frank would absolutely march Tim right into Gharty's office and they'd give some kind of interwoven rehash of the details and Gharty would look at them for a while and then stand up from his desk and say, "I don't think I heard anything just now. Bayliss, get back on rotation" and Frank would be like, that's it??!? and Gharty would say "you're not a cop anymore. and i'm irish. i know what priests look like and you're not one" and Frank would do that angry laugh and nod and say yeah, okay, and leave the office, leave the building, and Tim would say, i'm going home, and Gharty would say "you do that."
They'd eventually get internal affairs to look into it solely because the higher-ups are familiar with Pembleton's 'attitude' and they'd be worried he'd go to the press. If it weren't for that they probably wouldn't pursue it at all. Bayliss is an upstanding white cop and they want that on the force, they even want him for being semi-openly bisexual because that's potential good PR, but. Too much hassle. Frank makes a point of not following the case but Mary does, very loudly.
I don't think Frank would consider Tim's making good on something else to be redemption; that's penitence, that's atonement. That's one step up from self-flagellation, which is what Frank assumes Tim has been doing behind bars. Atonement, that's at least got some value to some one, but not Luke Ryland. Killing him did nothing for anyone, not even Tim in the long run. Ultimately it doesn't matter whether or not Frank offers absolution or forgiveness, because it was a crime against God and order, not Pembleton, and he can't make it right.
I think after things go sour with Mary and she leaves him, Frank has a lot of time to reflect on the nature of letting things go because he's devastated but he has to learn this. He has to let Mary go, for her own sake, and ultimately for his own, and it brings him around to Bayliss and, Christ -- if Tim could let it go enough to help the uncle who molested him, surely that's where Frank can latch on, that's the entry point, that's where he can take Tim's hand and say, teach me how to do this.
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iressails · 11 months
There I ->fixed<- it! link will take you to the AU index page :)
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iressails · 10 months
I ... I think I may have two parts to go before the end. This one 2019 and post plague so 2023. Ah fuck. 2023 will be the end as it gets neatly to when they first met in 1993. the full 30 years. But 2023 will just be mush but good mush. I thought I would get it done this weekend but probs not I'm so fucking tired from a heavy week at work
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iressails · 11 months
The pandemic happens in my AU can't ignore it. Got to get the end sorted before that. Moved in together by then? Three more parts I reckon to get to the end. Maybe two.
I need to get this done for me, notes or otherwise, I don't even know if these sets are making sense to people now.
It sort of crosses (or assumes knowledge of SVU, Oz and Homicide) in the universe but nothing significant with the two former shows. I'm just cannibalising them for footage. It probably made more sense earlier for people I think. Now it assumes knowledge of previous parts of this AU and I'm not sure it's there.
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iressails · 11 months
my account for rent/buy episodes of things is looking absolutely mental thanks to the happy hlots AU. episode 5 of season 9! episode 21 of s2! episode 19 of s6! from a multitude of shows. but ill bet whoever is doing my data knows exactly what im up to nonetheless
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iressails · 11 months
Got five ish panels and maybe two sets or three sets left to get to the happy ending. Desperate to get there and move on. I probably don't have time in the next monthish as I'm bleeding from every orifice because of how busy I am at work. I'll just slowly work on getting the footage together so I'm doing something at least. But the plot is there and exactly how I want to say it so I'm frustrated that I'll not have time and have my rsi get worse. I flare when I'm busy at work and adding gif to it will tip me over the edge. Arrgh
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iressails · 11 months
Got my Frank got my Mary but making their different complexions match across two different shows with different filters and lighting is really really difficult. :( Reminds me that PS is not my forte
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iressails · 9 months
really fucking scary but given the circumstances i might try to finish the Frankentim series in fic. i have time in the next couple of weeks but not my giffing computer. the surface does a gif or two but it wont stand for the massive multiple gif canvases, but i do have it with me at the hospital. it can handle word.
i dont (havent) written prose for a couple of years now, just emails all bitsy at work bt it wont hurt to give it a shot??? i know the story roughly that i want to write so that helps. starting is another matter. i am so incredibly bored rn so maybe that,ll push me to get over it. if it doesnt work then there,s always story by gif later on. or even fic supported by gif, which,ll probably make more sense to people...
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iressails · 10 months
half year gif wrap
at the end of last year i got tagged a bunch of times to do the various year in gifs games and just didn't because reasons. so here i am starting a new one mid year for people who want to do it.
i'm tagging @mxrisacoulter, @significanceofmoths, @willsilvertongueblog, @willsilvertongue, @lordbelacqua, @elenas, @liquidsnvke, @yourgaydads, @ilackallhonour, @bellamuertes, @casualavocados, @famosoentrescalles, @hlotss, and @olincino yes i know some of you are artists and not specifically gifmakers but do this thing show off your creations. also no pressure
go ahead and pick whatever my dudes if a month doesn't work for you pick a month from a previous year. it's best if you're like me and can't remember or tag your creations poorly to go to https://[yoururl].tumblr.com/archive
my wrap
January (2023) - bit of a dead month so i'm doing december's effort, got reblogged this month, still really proud of this one
February (2023) - Sgt Cawood oh holy hells sexy - i darkened and highlighted the green to great effect yay
March (2022) - her flinging the baby gets me also the colouring here actually took ages and it was the baby one that took the most time
April (2022) - went all pink
May (2022) - this was nasty to gif and even though there were great lines in this play the source video was huge but also garbage at the same time
June (2023) - part 1 of my happy hlots AU, i snapped with this one. notes to effort ratio not good but i had a great time making it. Rediscovered gradient map
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