#happy pilgrim arrival anniversary
cruger2984 · 8 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT JOHN PAUL II The Patron of Kraków and World Youth Day Feast Day: October 22
"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us." -from the Eucharistic Celebration Homily, October 1995
One of the greatest popes in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, and before he became known as John Paul the Great, he was born Karol Józef Wojtyła, on May 18, 1920 in Wadowice, Kraków Voivodeship, Poland.
When Karol was just eight years old, his happy family life was saddened by the early death of his parents, Karol Wojtyła, a non-commissioned officer of the Austro-Hungarian Army and captain of the Polish Armed Forces, and Emilia Kaczorowska, a schoolteacher who was of distant Lithuanian heritage, as he said: 'At twenty, I had already lost all the people I loved.'
His elder sister Olga had died before his birth, but he was close to his brother Edmund, nicknamed Mundek, who was 13 years his senior. Edmund's work as a physician eventually led to his death from scarlet fever, a loss that affected Wojtyła deeply.
Karol was an athletic youth, often played football as a goalkeeper, and also performed with various theatrical groups and worked as a playwright. During this time, his talent for language blossomed, and he learned as many as 15 languages including English and Esperanto. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, from 1940 to 1944, Karol worked in a limestone quarry and then in Solvay chemical factory.
In order to fulfill his vocation in October 1942 at the height of World War II, he entered the clandestine seminary of Kraków, run by Adam Stefan Sapieha, the archbishop of Kraków, and after finishing his studies at the seminary, he was ordained priest on All Saints' Day - November 1, 1946, a year after the war ended. He was first assigned in a small parish near Kraków, and then he served as professor and chaplain at the Catholic University of Lublin (now John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin). At a very young age, because of his exceptional talents, he became archbishop of Kraków and then Cardinal.
Following the death of John Paul I, ten days after the funeral, at the age of 58, Karol elected as pope on October 16, 1978, and chose the name John Paul II in honor of his predecessor. Having consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as his motto says: 'Totus Tuus', meaning 'I am all yours'.
He embarked in a tireless apostolate around the world. The Pilgrim Pope, as he was known, he visited 129 countries, and travelled more than all previous 263 Popes combined. Moreover, he is credited to be the spiritual inspiration behind the fall of Communism in 1991. While visiting Jerusalem in March 2000, John Paul became the first pope in history to visit and pray at the Western Wall. In September 2001, amid post-11 September concerns, he travelled to Kazakhstan, with an audience largely consisting of Muslims, and to Armenia, to participate in the celebration of 1,700 years of Armenian Christianity.
On May 13, 1981, the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, he was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca, an expert Turkish gunman who was a member of the militant fascist group Grey Wolves, and he miraculously survived the assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square. Ağca was caught and restrained by a nun and other bystanders until police arrived. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. Two days after Christmas in 1983, John Paul II visited Ağca in prison. John Paul II and Ağca spoke privately for about twenty minutes.
The pope made two trips to the Philippines: the first on February 18, 1981 where Lorenzo Ruiz is beatified in Manila, to which is the first beatification ceremony to be held outside the Vatican, and in January 15, 1995, during the X World Youth Day, he offered Mass to an estimated crowd of between five and seven million in Luneta Park in the Philippines, which was considered to be the largest single gathering in Christian history. And because of his special relationships with them, he is also known as the 'Pope of the Youth'.
As an extension of his successful work with youth as a young priest, John Paul II pioneered the international World Youth Days. He presided over nine of them: Rome, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Compostella, Częstochowa, Denver (in the state of Colorado), Manila, Paris, and Toronto. The total attendance at these signature events of the pontificate was in the tens of millions. The Great Jubilee of 2000 was a call to the church to become more aware and to embrace his missionary task for the work of evangelization.
During the final days of the pope's life, the lights were kept burning through the night where he lay in the Papal apartment on the top floor of the Apostolic Palace. Tens of thousands of people assembled and held vigil in St. Peter's Square and the surrounding streets for two days. Upon hearing of this, the dying pope was said to have stated: 'I have searched for you, and now you have come to me, and I thank you.'
After a long and painful sickness, John Paul II went home to the Lord, on a sorrowful Saturday, April 2, 2005 at the age of 84, at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. His final words were: 'Pozwólcie mi odejść do domu Ojca. (Allow me to depart to the house of the Father.)'
He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on May 1, 2011, and three years on April 27, 2014 on Divine Mercy Sunday, together with Pope John XXIII, he was canonized a saint by Pope Francis.
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Somewhat late but quick. Also, obligatory Connor gag!
Sooooooo how's everyone's Thanksgiving going? OwO *says the Asian child in Asia*
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gemsofgreece · 3 years
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Happy August 15th
Our Lady of Tinos is the major Marian shrine in Greece and it is located on Tinos island. The complex is built around a miraculous icon which according to tradition was found after the Virgin appeared to the nun Pelagia and revealed to her the place where the icon was buried. The icon is widely believed to be the source of numerous miracles. It is by now almost completely encased in silver, gold, and jewels, and is commonly referred to as the "Megalócharē" ("[She of] Great Grace").
The icon was found on the very first years of the Greek Independence War, henceforth Our Lady of Tinos was declared the patron saint of the Greek nation and the spot was visited by important Greek warriors such as Theódoros Kolokotronis, Giannis Makrygiannis, Andreas Miaoulis and Nikitarás. The icon was at the time thought to be the handwork of St. Luke the Evangelist, a possibility that can neither be confirmed nor ruled out, and a nationwide fund collection was carried out for the building of a church to house it.
The church is officially dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.  The major feast of the church, however, is on 15 August when the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is commemorated by the Greek Orthodox Church. Tinos island receives a lot of religious tourism as thousands of pilgrims arrive on the Eve of August 15 (and some of them kneel from the port until they reach the Church) along with representatives from the Greek government and the Army. The Army participates because this day is also the anniversary of the torpedoing of the Greek warship “Ellie” by the Italians in the port of Tinos, on August 15 1940, which signaled the beginning of World War II for Greece. At that time, Greece was still neutral and Ellie was anchored in peace, to celebrate the Dormition of Virgin Mary along with 10,000 pilgrims that had traveled to the island. Ellie was bombed and sunk in the port of Tinos after about 2 hours. After the Second World War, Italy compensated Greece for the sinking of Ellie by donating to the country the cruiser Eugenio di Savoia. This ship was renamed Ellie and served the Greek Royal Army till 1973.
The church is a complex made of white marble from the nearby island of Delos and houses another small church dedicated to John the Baptist and the Mausoleum of Ellie as well as archaeological, modern greek museums, galleries and the Sculpture Museum of Tinian Artists. In the museums of Our Lady of Tinos one can see, amongst others, a ring belonging to Theodoros Kolokotronis (the General of the Greek War of Independence) and the proposed Political Map of Independent Greece designed by the pioneer of the Greek Revolution, Rigas Pheraeos. Right under the main building of the Church you can find the small temple of the Life-Giving Spring, where the miraculous icon was found. The waters of the spring are considered sacred.
Photo by @john_tzimopou via Instagram.
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profgandalf · 3 years
Those Who Call Thanksgiving to be a “Day of Mourning” Show Their Historical Ignorance and Their Own Blighted Souls
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It is amazing to me, that the fact that this Thanksgiving marks the four hundredth anniversary of the contract between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag people (April 1, 1621) and yet few seem to be taking note of it. Even worse, I am hearing from some within the progressive camp who claim that this day should be not a day to give thanks but a day of mourning. Do a Google search and you will find multiple sites claiming to tell the sad truth about the first thanksgiving or how some of the current Wampanoag regret helping the early Pilgrims since their arrival began the genocide of native people. That is a bunch of hooie.
It is hooie because the Pilgrims committed no genocide and they were not even the first westerners to colonize the New World since Europeans had already been to this continent multiple times. Thus, those who put this idea forward and attack a day that has historically been set aside to be thankful, rob the culture of positive practice and refuse to see the goodness of a few who met in a strange time. One quality I see missing from our current culture is an awareness of gratitude as a way to happiness. Thus this day must be preserved.
Perhaps a little history is needed: On November 1620, The Mayflower arrived in the Americas, carrying 101 English settlers, commonly known as The Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were not Puritans whatever you will find in many misinformed websites. They were nonconformists who were rebelling from the rule of the Church of England. They were strict Calvinists but profoundly different than those who would come later to found the Boston Bay Colony.
The Pilgrims fled England to Holland but found that their children were being influenced towards a more secular world view and so 101 of them sailed for the New World. I mention this because a lot of the voices demanding that Thanksgiving be given over to the national guilt campaign immediately put together what the Boston Bay Colony Puritans did with those of Pilgrims of Plymouth. Mixing the Puritan perception of Native Americans with those of the Pilgrims is like mixing a pre-civil war white Southern slaveholder to blacks with that of a white abolitionist of the same period. Plymouth is located approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of Boston, The Pilgrims of Plymouth would have barely interacted with Puritans of Boston. As is so often the case in "woke" history, their ideas lack nuance and show no understanding of context. The Pilgrims had good relations with their native neighbors, what there were of them.
The Pilgrims were actually on their way to an already established colony in Virginia and were to land in late summer where the English had already established a patent by 1607 AD but, owing to delays, they left in September 1620 AD, were blown off course by the fall weather, and wound up off the coast of Massachusetts. In a time when COVID has struck fear among so many in the American populace, it would be a good moment to consider that this day of Thanksgiving was set in the shadow of great tragedy and bravery.
According to the History Channel's web page "half of the 101 passengers on the Mayflower died that first winter from starvation, exposure, and disease." Most of these casualties were women who gave up their own food for their children. If one visits Plymouth plantation, (which I recommend) there is a Pilgrim's Progress march in which every survivor is represented by a re-enactor. One is struck by the decimation of families with only fathers and children. The colony would likely have failed without native help.
This season had not been easy for the Native Americans at that time either. Squanto: the Patuxet warrior who had been kidnapped by an Englishman, sold into slavery in Spain, and released by Spanish monks, made his way home only to find his entire village wiped out by the plague. This was not genocide, this was the tragedy that occurs when people meet and are exposed to unfamiliar viruses. Our own experience with the pandemic should make that clear and few would be so insane to claim that the Chinese people committed genocide for an illness that has decimated so many which came from their land.
It is difficult to imagine the heartbreak of Squanto or Tisquantum who having traveled from Spain to England, (where he may have met the famous Pocahontas, a Native American from Virginia, in 1616–1617), returning America in 1619 to his native village, only to find that his tribe had been wiped out by an epidemic infection; thus Tisquantum who participated in that first Thanksgiving was the last of the Patuxets. When his tribe died, he went to live with the Wampanoags.
The Mayflower landed in Cape Cod Bay in 1620, and Squanto (Tisquantum) worked to broker peaceable relations between the Pilgrims and the local Pokanokets. According to one source “On Friday, March 16, the settlers were conducting military training when Samoset "boldly came alone" into the settlement. The colonists were initially alarmed, but he immediately set their fears at ease by asking for beer in English. (As an evangelical teetotaler, this cracks me up!). He spent the day giving them intelligence of the surrounding tribes, then stayed for the night, leaving the next morning. The next day (Sunday), he returned with five men all bearing deer skins and one cat skin. The settlers entertained them but refused to trade with them because it was the Sabbath, although they encouraged them to return with more furs.
Several sources say that for Squanto—who had lost his own people—these colonists in their need touched him deeply. He dedicated himself to their survival. Meanwhile, the Pilgrims hearing about Squanto being sold into slavery, rising in education, and returning to them to give aid paralleled the Old Testament story of Joseph. God had sent them "a Joseph." Squanto would play a key role in the early meetings in March 1621, partly because he spoke English but also his dedication. He then lived with the Pilgrims for 20 months, acting as an interpreter, guide, and advisor.
The Wampanoag chief Massasoit was anxious to befriend these strangers since his own people had been so cruelly decimated by disease. According to Wikipedia “The Wampanoag suffered from an epidemic between 1616 and 1619, long thought to be smallpox introduced by contact with Europeans. However, researchers published a study in 2010 suggesting that the epidemic was leptospirosis or 7-day fever. The groups most devastated by the illness were those who had traded heavily with the French, leading to speculation that the disease was a virgin soil epidemic.” Again not the Pilgrims and certainly not genocide. Massasoit hoped these strangers would prove to be powerful allies. And do they did in several later conflicts with other tribes.
The meaning of the name Wampanoag is by the way beautiful: “People of the First Light.”
With the help of the native Wampanoag people, the Pilgrims learned to fish and farm their new lands, resulting in the famous feast of Thanksgiving attended by natives and new arrivals in 1621.
The actual day is unclear. The Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving began at some unknown date between September 21 and November 9, most likely in very early October. Harvest home was an already established holiday in England. The date of Thanksgiving was probably set by Lincoln to somewhat correlate with the anchoring of the Mayflower at Cape Cod, which occurred on November 21, 1620 (by our modern Gregorian calendar--it was November 11 to the Pilgrims who used the Julian calendar).
And so there you have it. For all involved, there had been terrible trials and yet together they created a tradition that we sorely need to remember—not of guilt and grief but of shared thankfulness and hope!
Thanksgiving 'redefined' into 'National Day of Mourning' https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/11/thanksgiving_redefined_into_national_day_of_mourning.html
This tribe helped the Pilgrims survive for their first Thanksgiving. They still regret it 400 years later. Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/11/04/thanksgiving-anniversary-wampanoag-indians-pilgrims/
What's the Difference Between Puritans and Pilgrims. History Channel: https://www.history.com/news/pilgrims-puritans-differences
Pilgrim-Wampanoag Peace Treaty World History Encyclopedia https://www.worldhistory.org/Pilgrim-Wampanoag_Peace_Treaty/
Squanto And The Story Of The First Thanksgiving. Pilgrim's Beacon: https://pilgrimsbeacon.com/squanto-story-first-thanksgiving/
Squanto Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squanto
Native America and the Mayflower: 400 years of Wampanoag history/ Mayflower 400: https://www.mayflower400uk.org/education/native-america-and-the-mayflower-400-years-of-wampanoag-history/
Squanto God Sent Him to Save the Pilgrims https://www.fggam.org/2021/11/squanto-god-sent-him-to-save-the-pilgrims/ The Pilgrim's Progress See Plymouth MA https://seeplymouth.com/listing/the-pilgrim-progress/
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scotianostra · 5 years
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On November 16th 1093 St. Margaret of Scotland died.
If you recall my post on Tuesday regarding Duncan II, which led on to Malcolm III and the Battle of Alnwick on Wednesdays post.....Margaret's death is relevant to this. 
Margarets religious beliefs and piety were famous, she was never a strong woman physically, constantly fasting, her body was weak, so it was that in 1093, as she lay on her deathbed after a long illness, she was told that her husband and eldest son had been ambushed at Alnwick in Northumbia. She died shortly after aged just forty-seven. The feast of St. Margaret was formerly observed by the Roman Catholic Church on 10 June but is now celebrated each year on the anniversary of her death, 16 November.
Margaret and Malcolm had eight children, all with English names. Alexander and David followed their father to the throne, whilst their daughter, Edith (who changed her name to Matilda upon her marriage, I covered Matilda on the 11th of this month), brought the ancient Anglo-Saxon and Scottish Royal bloodline into the veins of the Norman Invaders of England when she married and bore children to King Henry I.
Under Queen Margaret’s leadership Church councils promoted Easter communion and, much to joy of the working-class, abstinence from servile work on a Sunday. Margaret founded churches, monasteries and pilgrimage hostels and established the Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey with monks from Canterbury. She was especially fond of Scottish saints and instigated the Queen’s Ferry over the Forth so that pilgrims could more easily reach the Shrine of St. Andrew.
Malcolm was particularly protective towards Margaret! She initially refused his proposals of marriage, preferring, according to one account, a life of piety as a virgin. Malcolm however was a persistent king, and the couple finally married in Dunfermline in 1069.
Their union was exceptionally happy and fruitful for both themselves and the Scottish nation. Margaret brought with her some of the finer points of current European manners, ceremony and culture to the Scottish Court, which highly improved its civilised reputation
As well as the towns of North and South Queensferry, we also remember Margaret for the Chapel in Edinburgh Castle, the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh was built by her son David I around and dedicated to his mother. I would say the majority of Scotland's royals once knelt to worship in this serene private chapel, including Robert the Bruce, who in March 1314 ordered the castle to be razed,, he did however spare the fate of the small chapel.
Buried at Dumfermline Abbey, Margarets tomb was laid waste to during the Reformation and at this time her head somehow passed into the possession of Mary Queen of Scots, it was later secured by the Jesuits at Douai, where it is believed to have perished during the French Revolution.
Pics are first one, Malcolm greeting Margaret at her arrival in Scotland, on a frieze I keep going back to in my posts, on the wall of The National Portrait Gallery, second is a gorgeous precious marble statue of the saint is in the Jesuit church at Farm Street in London. And finally the stained glass window in the chapel at Edinburgh Castle.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 years
Home is where I want to be
Brie Larson x Reader
Summary- please give us the pregnant Brie x reader fic we deserve
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October 31
Brie was told by her friend weeks ago, that he will have a Halloween party and everyone has to dress up. Brie felt excited about it and she knows what to wear. She arrived at the party wearing a Princess Daisy costume. And she isn't happy, no one dressed up and she feels like an idiot. She went to speak with her friend ask what is going on.
”I thought you said, it's a costume party,” Brie said.
”Everyone chicken out,” He said.
”You too, jerk,” Brie said.
Brie walked away to get a beer and she can feel people staring at her. She sat down on the stool and started to eat chips. You arrived at the party wearing a costume and you can feel people's eyes on you. You walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink also. Brie noticed you and she looks at you up and down.
”Glad, I'm not the only one wearing a costume,” Brie said.
”Cool costume. It's Daisy from Super Mario?” You said.
”Yes. So you are a race car driver?” Brie said.
”Yeah. I got the costume at the last minute and it was the only costume with my size. I was excited to come because it's been forever since I dressed up for Halloween” You said.
”Apparently, we are the only two wearing costumes and everyone else I don't know. I'm Brie” Brie said.
”I know who you are. I saw you in, skull Island and Scott Pilgrim” You said.
You smiled at her.
”What is your name?” Brie asked.
”It’s Y/N,” You said.
You and Brie sat close to each other and shared chips and beers. All night, you and Brie just spoke to each other and no one else. Brie is really enjoying talking to you. She actually wanted to get to know you, she asked questions and you asked her questions also.
You keep rubbing your left eye too much.
”What’s wrong?” Brie asked.
”I think there's something in my eye,” You said.
”Let me see,” Brie said.
You moved your hand away and she touches your eye.
”Yeah, you got an eyelash inside,” Brie said.
”Take it out, please,” You said.
Brie took out the eyelash and you are relieved.
”Thanks,” You said.
”How about we leave the party and go somewhere else?” Brie asked.
”Sure. Like where?” You said.
”You will see,” Brie said.
You and Brie left the party. She knew a place where to get Halloween cupcakes, she bought a box of cupcakes and drinks. Now you are eating cupcakes with Brie and talking about horror films.
It was getting late and you walked Brie home.
”Y/N, do you maybe want to hang out or go on a date?” Brie whispered the last part.
But you did hear what she said.
”I would love to. Unless you are not busy with your friends at the castle” You said.
You made her laugh.
”I'm surprised you said yes because I thought you would be busy driving in a circle,” Brie said.
You laughed.
”That’s a good one,” You said.
Brie can't stop smiling at you.
~Time Skip~
You and Brie have been together for a long time. Now you and Brie love celebrating the anniversary and Halloween together.
Today you and Brie will find out the sex of the baby. You and Brie are feeling excited about it.
Brie is holding your hand and the doctor put the gel on her stomach. When the doctor showed the image of your baby.
”That’s our baby?” Brie asked.
”Not a baby. But you will have twins” She said.
”Twins!?” You and Brie said loudly.
She nods.
”Yes, twins. Right there they are” She said.
She points on the screen where the babies are.
”Y/N?” Brie said.
You kept staring at the screen, you are actually speechless. You look at Brie
”I can't believe we are having twins. It hit me hard, we are going to be a family and we have not one baby but two” You said.
”I’m scared too, but I know we be fine,” Brie said and she kissed your cheek.
”Do you want to know the gender of the babies?” She asked.
”We talked about it and we want to be surprised when I give birth,” Brie said.
”Okay. The babies are doing fine and everything is fine” She said.
”Thank you,” You said.
Later after leaving the hospital, you and Brie can't stop looking at the sonogram pictures.
Brie is five months pregnant, her emotions are up and down, has strange cravings and you are trying to keep her stress free. You and Brie made a list of names and it's a long list. Still, haven't agreed on the name for the twins.
Now you and Brie are shopping for baby stuff. Anything that she finds cute, she wants it.
”Y/N look, cute little Santa pajamas for the twins,” Brie said.
”It’s not even October and you want to buy Christmas pajamas?” You said.
”So? You are wearing Christmas socks and it's only September” Brie said.
You didn't know how to reply back, so you let her put it in the cart. Brie found everything cute and she puts it in the cart and you are hoping she doesn't buy the store.
You and Brie agree on how to decorate the nursery room. You trying to put the crib together and Brie took a picture of you and put it on Instagram.
”Babe, are you sure you don't need help?” Brie asked.
”I’m sure. You stay there and relax while I do this” You lied because you have no idea what you are doing.
Now you understand when people joke about Ikea. Brie did help you put the crib together.
Later, you and Brie put cute animals on the wall, put frames on the wall and then put clothes away.
You and Brie went out to a restaurant for lunch. Lately, she has been feeling insecure about her body, but she hasn't told you about it. A friend from high school greeted you then she hugged you. You and her smile at each other and talked. Brie starts to feel jealous and hurt because she thinks you are checking out your friend because she has a hot body. You are not checking out your friend then Brie cleared her throat.
”Sorry. This is my wife Brie” you said.
”Love your movies. Y/N, it was good seeing you” She said and hugged you.
You hugged her back then she left. You sat back down and Brie is unhappy.
”Y/N do you want to be with someone else? Because I feel fat and I don't like how I look” Brie said.
You got up and sat next to her, you hold her hands.
”Brie, I love you so much and I don't want to be with anyone else. And if I wanted to be with someone else, I would have left you a long time ago. You are still beautiful and I will never fall out of love with you. Have you been watching those daytime shows, where the partner always cheat and blame the women because everything is different?” You said.
Brie nods.
”I fear one day you will leave me because I gain weight and focus on our babies all the time,” Brie said.
”That will never happen. We are stuck together. I will help you raise our babies together. Please don't forget that I am in love with you always” You said.
Brie kissed you then you hugged her.
~Time Skip~
Brie gave birth to a boy and a girl a week ago. Brie has been mostly been resting, while you do everything. The babies start to cry, you and Brie are sleeping.
”Brie the babies,” You said.
She doesn't say anything. They keep crying and you wake up and turned around. She is still sleeping, you get out of bed and go to the nursery room. You didn't turn on the in the nursery room, you crashed into the chair and Brie heard a loud noise.
Brie gets out of bed and went to the nursery room. You turned on the light, Brie saw you limp towards the cribs.
”Y/N what happened?” Brie asked.
You and Brie pick up the babies. They stopped crying and they are hungry.
”I crashed into the chair,” You said.
”Are you okay?” Brie asked.
”I’m fine. Let's go make their bottles” You said.
You and Brie go to the kitchen and you helped her make the bottles.
”I’m sorry I haven't been helping much,” Brie said.
”Don’t be sorry. I'm not mad about anything. We are both still learning and it takes time. Remember, you laughed at me when I put the pamper backward on our daughter” You said.
You and Brie laughed about it.
”Since the twins are too young to go out. I thought, why not have a movie night on Halloween. And we can give out candies” Brie said
”I love it,” You said.
Brie smiled.
You and Brie went to the Halloween store to buy some decorations. Once at home, you and Brie start to decorate the house. You and Brie take turns watching the twins and feeding them.
”You think, they won't get scared?” You asked.
You are holding a skull and eyes light up red.
”No. Look she is trying to grab it” Brie said.
She is holding your daughter and she is trying to touch the skull. Your son starts to cry and you picked him up.
”Y/N don't feed them chocolate,” Brie said.
”That was an accident. I didn't know he grabbed it” You said.
Brie glared at you.
”I just went to the bathroom quick and I didn't know the chocolate was next to him. Please forgive me” You said and pout.
”Make snacks for movie night and I would forgive you,” Brie said.
You kissed her.
Brie watched you put fake spiders on the wall. The twins are only three weeks old. Brie is really feeling happy with you, this is the happiness she always wanted.
You and Brie are watching family horror movies with the twins. They do have on Halloween onesies. Brie has on a Jack Skellington Onesie and you have on a shark onesie. You and Brie heard the doorbell ring.
”Our first trick or treaters!” Brie said and she is feeling excited about it.
You and Brie picked up the twins and you opened the door.
”Trick or treat!” The kids yelled.
”Cool costumes very cool,” You said.
”Thank you!” They said.
Brie gives the kids King size candy bars.
”Awesome! We got huge candy bars! This is great. We just got small candies” She said.
”You guys are the best!” He said.
You and Brie smiled at them and watched them leave. Then you and Brie went back to watch the movie and drink hot chocolate and eat junk food.
”Happy Halloween, Y/N,” Brie said.
She kissed you.
”Happy Halloween, Brie. Next year, we will go get our own candies” You said.
”Can’t wait,” Brie said.
You and Brie cuddle on the couch.
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felipeandletizia · 5 years
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January 30, 2004: For the first time in a long time, the Prince of Asturias celebrated his birthday without anyone being able to remind/mock him that he was still single. With less than four months to go before their wedding, Don Felipe and his fiancée, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, decided to celebrate his thirty-sixth birthday by visiting the impressive Sanctuary of Covadonga and praying before the Virgin. A very important place in the life of both, since this was where in 1977 Don Felipe received his title of Prince of Asturias; In this same region, Doña Letizia was christened. "We have asked for many things from the Virgin, but that is between us and the Santina," said the Prince at the exit of the cave where Our Lady of Covadonga is venerated.
At first, they wanted it to be a simple religious visit, because they intended to arrive as pilgrims; but as soon as the news began to air, numerous authorities showed their desire to accompany the couple. Together with them, about two hundred Asturians went to the Real Sitio de Covadonga to greet the couple and sing the traditional "happy birthday" to the Prince of Asturias.
The visit began shortly after 12:30, when Don Felipe and his fiancée arrived to the Chapterhouse. Doña Letizia wore a beige, black and red skirt matching the scarf, a black satin coat and high heels. The archbishop of Oviedo, Carlos Osoro, and the president of the Cabildo, Abbot Florentino Hoyos, were waiting for them at the door, as well as Doña Letizia’s paternal grandparents: Menchu ​​Álvarez del Valle and José Luis Ortiz, who reside in the municipality bordering Ribadesella.
But the most emotional moment of the day was when they visited the Cave of the Santina, where they prayed and kissed the medal of the Virgin. There, the archbishop of Oviedo delivered a prayer for the Prince of Asturias and his fiancee. Monsignor Osoro asked the "Santina de Covadonga, Queen of our mountains, help in his high mission to His Royal Highness Don Felipe de Borbón and his fiancée, Letizia Ortiz. The archbishop also asked the Virgin to encourage "in them the bonds of Christian love and service to Spain." During this brief liturgical event, the Escolanía de Covadonga sang, among other pieces, "Como la Estrella de Alba" and "Anthem of Covadonga" and, after descending the steep steps of the cave, and in front of the Sanctuary's pond, they sang happy birthday to the prince and the Anthem of Asturias.
On the esplanade, the Prince and his fiancee spoke briefly with the numerous journalists who came to Covadonga. Don Felipe affirmed that it was "one of the best birthdays of my life" - "the best", added Letizia. Asked about the fact that, for the first time, nobody can remind him that he is still single, Don Felipe answered: "It was about time to have a symbollic birthday close to the wedding" and added that "there are other things to remember”. Meanwhile, Doña Letizia introduced the prince to some of her former colleagues. The Prince clarified that, for now, they do not plan to make visits like this to other places in Spain, because "there is a long time in the future to do it".
This was also the place chosen for journalists who regularly report on the activities of the Royal Family to deliver birthday gifts to the Prince of Asturias, the first gifts that Don Felipe received, since his fiancée had not given hers yet. The gifts were a pink tie with blue drawings and two cookbooks for the future newlyweds: "Flavors and knowledge of Asturian rural women", edited by the Association of Peasant Women of Asturias, and a facsimile edition of “The practical cook” by S. Calleja, which is a treatise on cooking, baking and confectionery of 1905 with "interesting articles on household economics and horticulture".
From Covadonga, the couple moved to a restaurant in Cangas de Onís, where the president of the Principality offered them a lunch that ended with the traditional birthday cake. After the meal and before leaving for Oviedo, the fiancés said goodbye to the civil and ecclesiastical authorities and both Don Felipe and Doña Letizia bowed to kiss the archbishop's ring. Meanwhile, many residents of the area came to the door of the establishment to greet the fiancés and a lady asked the future Princess of Asturias to take a picture with her six-month-old baby, little Iker.
Later on the couple went out to dinner to celebrate the special day.
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See more here: 1, 2, 3, 4
To celebrate Felipe and Letizia’s 15th anniversary of their engagement (November 1, 2018) and their 15th wedding anniversary (May 22, 2019) I’ll publish a series highlighting important moments of these past few years.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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A Padre Pio Inspirational Story
Charity is the measure by which Our Lord judges all things. – St. Pio of Pietrelcina __________
In the summer of 1957, Mario Bruschi and his mother Adele, traveled from their home in New York City to the town of Ponte Strambo, in northern Italy, to visit relatives. Mario’s mother had just read a biography of Padre Pio which she had enjoyed immensely. She shared some of the details of Padre Pio’s life with Mario. She decided that she wanted to travel to San Giovanni Rotondo to attend Padre Pio’s Mass and she asked Mario to accompany her. But to twenty-three year old Mario, the prospect did not sound very interesting. He was having a great time in Ponte Strambo, meeting new friends and going dancing at the local night clubs in the area. At that time in his life, his Catholic faith meant very little to him. To his mind, he had a lot more interesting things to do rather than to go to a monastery to see an elderly friar. He declined his mother’s invitation.
However, Mario’s aunt Rina spoke to him about Adele’s plan and convinced him otherwise. “Your mother should not make the trip alone,” his aunt said. “It will be much safer if you go with her.” Mario realized the truth of his aunt’s words and decided to accompany his mother. He thought that they would probably spend one day at Padre Pio’s monastery and then be on their way home. He wanted to spend as much of the summer as he could with his new found friends in Ponte Strambo.
Mario was irritated with his mother for not telling him until after they boarded the train that it would be at least a twelve-hour trip to get to San Giovanni Rotondo. When they finally arrived at the monastery of Our Lady of Grace, the first order of business was to get a ticket for Padre Pio’s confessional. Adele was informed that she would have to wait ten days for her number to be called. The thought of being stuck in San Giovanni Rotondo for ten long days was hard for Mario to accept. There was the monastery and the church and practically nothing else in the area. Adele encouraged Mario to get a ticket for the confessional and told him that she was sure he would not regret it. It would be a wonderful opportunity. Reluctantly, he asked for a ticket from the Capuchin in the booking office.
As the days passed, Mario and Adele became accustomed to the daily routine at Padre Pio’s monastery. Everything revolved around the small 16th century church of Our Lady of Grace. Almost all of the visitors to San Giovanni Rotondo spent their days in the church because that was where they could find Padre Pio. Mario and his mother were surprised to find that the people in the church were often noisy and rude. The Capuchins would frequently stand at the front of the church and order everyone to stop talking. “Silencio!” they would repeat, but no one paid any attention to them. However, when Padre Pio called for order in the church, everyone stopped talking at once.
Mario and his mother attended Padre Pio’s early morning Mass which began at 5:00 a.m. For the pilgrims, it was the highlight of the entire day. For Mario, it was a test of patience. It was the longest weekday Mass that Mario had ever attended in his life. Padre Pio became deeply absorbed in prayer during the Holy Sacrifice, hence the long and extended periods of silence. Mario found himself becoming annoyed with the time it took for Padre Pio to say the Mass. To him, it seemed excessive.
Because the little church was too small to accommodate the crowds and because of the summer heat, the Mass was held in an outdoor arcade. Mario attended the Mass each morning with his mother. He made sure to avoid making eye contact with Padre Pio during the Mass. Having heard that Padre Pio had the gift of reading hearts, the thought of direct eye contact with him made Mario feel uncomfortable.
It was the custom for the Capuchins to invite the pilgrims who had traveled from a distance to serve at Padre Pio’s Mass. Mario was asked if he would like to be the altar server but he declined the invitation. Kneeling on the hard stone by the altar for such an extended period of time was not something that he wanted to attempt.
However, as the days passed, the annoyance that Mario had initially felt during the Mass vanished and instead, he began to feel greatly uplifted. The Mass was still long but for some reason, the time seemed to pass quickly. Mario watched Padre Pio’s movements closely. Sometimes Padre Pio’s eyes would twitch. At times, he would stare upwards in a fixed spot and remain completely motionless. Tears would fall freely from his eyes. He seemed to be seeing something that no one else present could see. His deep communion with God was so apparent.
After the Mass, people stood along the corridors and in the hallways, hoping to catch a glimpse of Padre Pio as he passed by. At noon, the Angelus was recited. Daily, Padre Pio blessed religious articles, and on occasion he also blessed automobiles and sometimes even animals. Mario and his mother attended the afternoon Rosary followed by the Benediction service at which Padre Pio presided. In the evening, the pilgrims made their way to an open field outside the monastery. With lighted candles, they prayed the Rosary and waited for Padre Pio to come to the little window of his cell. He would then open the shutters and wave a handkerchief and say goodnight to the pilgrims. They all waved back in turn and often called out to him, “Padre Pio, pray for my family. Padre Pio, pray for my intentions. Goodnight, Padre Pio. We love you!”
Every day was just like the previous one for Padre Pio. His world revolved around the altar, the confessional, the choir loft, the monastery garden, and his solitary cell. Once in a while there was a special ceremony in the church, a baptism, a wedding or an anniversary celebration.
One afternoon, Mario walked into the monastery church of Our Lady of Grace while a wedding was in progress. Padre Pio happened to be the celebrant that day. Mario had his camera with him at the time and was happy for the opportunity to take some photos. Padre Pio noticed that Mario was taking pictures and motioned for one of the Capuchins to speak to him. He was informed that he was not allowed to take photographs inside the church, so he quickly put his camera away. He was happy that he had been able to take about seven pictures before he was advised to stop. When he went to get the film developed, all of the pictures came out blank. He asked the film developer for an explanation since he had used brand-new film. He told Mario that he could find no reason for the malfunction. Later, Mario learned that it was not unusual for photos to come out blank on the occasions when Padre Pio did not want to be photographed.
Another time, Mario happened to be in the sacristy of the church as Padre Pio was putting on the special vestments in preparation for Benediction. Padre Pio first wrapped a short, white linen cloth called an amice, around his neck and shoulders. Next came the white robe called an alb, then the rope around his waist called a cincture, and finally the stole which he placed around his shoulders, over the alb. The moment that Padre Pio put on the amice, Mario perceived the beautiful fragrance of roses filling the sacristy.
Mario’s attitude underwent a change as the days passed. There were a peace and serenity in San Giovanni Rotondo that could be tangibly felt. It seemed to envelop the whole town. Mario described the beautiful church of Our Lady of Grace as “Heaven on earth.”
The day for Mario to make his confession to Padre Pio finally arrived. He grew increasingly nervous as the time approached. He had heard about Padre Pio’s gifts of discernment and dreaded the thought that Padre Pio might be able to read his soul. Mario was afraid that Padre Pio might see and reveal to him, the sins in his life of which he was ashamed.
He was standing near the front of the confessional line when he saw an incident that filled his heart with trepidation. Padre Pio, in a voice full of authority, reprimanded a man and ordered him out of the confessional. Deeply embarrassed, and with his cheeks flushed red, the man had no other recourse but to walk past all the men who were waiting in the confessional line. Everyone saw what had happened.
Upon seeing the unfortunate man leave the church, Mario lost his courage. He began to tremble and to fear the worst. He hoped that it was time for the confessions to end for the morning, but no such luck. “The same thing will probably happen to me, as happened to that poor man,” Mario said to himself. “After all, I am not in the best shape spiritually. I have been negligent in the practice of my faith for a long time. I am sure that Padre Pio will see it at once.”
Mario told the man who was standing behind him in line that he could go in front of him. “But Padre Pio is pointing at you. He wants to see you,” the man replied. Mario looked in Padre Pio’s direction and found that it was indeed true. Padre Pio was looking directly at Mario and beckoning him to come into the confessional. The man standing behind Mario in line gave him a shove forward.
At that time, the men’s confessions were heard in an open confessional in the sacristy of the old church. Padre Pio sat on a chair and a wooden kneeler was placed in front of him. A curtain was provided for privacy. Very slowly, Mario walked toward the confessional. Slowly, he reached for the curtain and pulled it closed. He was hoping that by his slow and deliberate movements, he would have at least a few minutes to buy some time to collect himself and to regain his composure.
After Mario closed the curtain and knelt down, Padre Pio patted his hand lovingly and said to him gently, “Be tranquil, my son. Calm yourself.” The words seemed to be charged with power for at once Mario felt a great tranquility, a wonderful peace take possession of his soul. The trembling in his body stopped altogether. Padre Pio then asked Mario a number of questions. “Do you say your morning prayers?” Padre Pio asked. “No, I do not,” Mario replied. “Do you say your night prayers?” Padre Pio asked. Once again Mario had to say no. “Do you tell lies?” “Yes, I have told lies,” Mario replied. It went on like that with more questions, more admissions. Padre Pio seemed to know exactly the right questions to ask. They were all related to Mario’s areas of weakness. Mario had the feeling that Padre Pio knew the answers to the questions, even before he asked them. Mario had no need to tell his sins; Padre Pio was naming them for him.
As Padre Pio continued with his questions, Mario could not help but stare at him. Padre Pio’s face was beautiful. There was a luminous quality about it, something Mario had never seen before. Mario felt like he was looking at goodness itself. Padre Pio’s cheeks were rosy. He looked robust and healthy. Most impressive of all were his dark and penetrating eyes. Mario stared at Padre Pio in awe. He was at a loss for words. He felt himself lifted into a heavenly place. A deep and profound feeling of spiritual joy coursed through his body and his soul. “Padre Pio’s eyes were piercing my spirit,” Mario said. “I felt that Christ himself was there hearing my confession.”
“I do not know what to do with my life,” Mario said. “I don’t know what field of study or career to pursue. Could you give me some advice?” “Preghiamo, figiu mi,” (Pray, my son) Padre Pio answered. Padre Pio’s voice was so sweet, so tender. He spoke Italian in the Pugliese / Neopolitan dialect. Mario felt fortunate that he could understand the dialect. Mario then asked Padre Pio about a matter concerning one of his brothers. Padre Pio’s response was, “Preghiamo, figiu mi,” Lastly, Mario spoke to Padre Pio about his mother, Adele. Once again, Padre Pio advised him, “Preghiamo, figiu mi.” Padre Pio was so kind, so gentle. “Go in peace, my son,” Padre Pio said as Mario kissed his hand. He gave Mario a blessing. The confession was over but Mario did not want to leave the confessional. He wanted to stay with Padre Pio forever.
The thought came to Mario that if Padre Pio had asked him to stay on in San Giovanni Rotondo, he would have agreed to it in an instant. He would gladly be willing to do any work, no matter how small or menial, just to be able to be near Padre Pio. But Mario knew that was just wishful thinking. He and his mother would soon be going back to the northern part of Italy and later they would return to their home in New York City.
Mario thought about the long line of men just a few feet away, waiting patiently for the same opportunity, the same blessing that he had just received. He forced himself to get up and walk out of the confessional.
Later on in the afternoon, Mario saw Father Giovanni Battista who asked him how his confession to Padre Pio went. Mario shared that it had been a true gift, a truly “heavenly” experience. He told Father Giovanni Battista some of the details of his confession to Padre Pio. “Did Padre Pio say the words, “Ego te absolvo?” Father Giovanni Battista asked. “No, he did not,” Mario replied. “That means that you received a blessing from Padre Pio but not absolution,” Father Giovanni Battista explained. “Don’t worry about it, though. Padre Pio on occasion withholds absolution. Believe me. He knows very well what he is doing. He has his own reasons and we trust his judgment completely. He is guided by God. Just follow me into the monastery and I will be able to hear your confession and give you absolution. Padre Pio knows that we Capuchins hear the confessions and give absolution to those who, for one reason or another, have not received it from him. That is what we always do in these cases. Everything will be all right.”
But Mario was disappointed, deeply disappointed. He had the highest esteem for Father Giovanni Battista but he had wanted to receive absolution from Padre Pio. Although Father Giovanni Battista tried to assure him that everything was all right, in his heart, Mario wondered what had gone wrong.
There were usually three reasons why Padre Pio would withhold absolution. Those who were insincere, or those who came to see Padre Pio simply out of curiosity, were usually turned away. He would frequently withhold absolution from those who were not properly disposed and had not made a good preparation to receive the sacrament. He would also withhold absolution from those who were not sorry for their sins and had no desire to change.
Many people made their confession to Padre Pio but had no real desire to amend their life. They knew that they would continue to commit the same sins; they were not ready to give them up. It became easy for them to go from sinful acts to confession and right back to the sinful acts. Their souls were in grave danger but they remained completely indifferent to their situation. Padre Pio knew that they had to be shaken out of their spiritual lethargy. Something had to grab their attention. On occasion, he withdrew absolution. Being denied absolution was a definite “attention-grabber.” In this way, Padre Pio let the penitents know that by their own decision, they had forfeited the grace of God. The shock of not receiving absolution often woke them up and brought about the spiritual change that was needed.
Padre Pio was keenly aware of his responsibility to those who made their confession to him. His greatest desire was to help people draw closer to God. It hurt him to see the way people neglected God, their highest good. He wrote a letter to his spiritual director on one occasion and said, “I am alone in bearing the weight of everyone. And the thought of not being able to give some spiritual relief to those that Jesus sends to me, the thought of seeing so many souls who want to justify their sins and thus spite their highest good – afflicts me, tortures me, makes me a martyr. It wears me out, wracks my brain, and breaks my heart.”
Mario followed Father Giovanni Battista into the private quarters of the monastery. Once again, he made his confession. He received absolution and was assured that he was in a state of grace. As Mario and Father Giovanni Battista left the small chapel and walked down the corridor, they passed by Padre Pio’s cell and noticed that the door was open. A young altar boy was assisting Padre Pio and helping him put his sandals on. Mario was startled to see that Padre Pio’s bed was completely covered with letters. The amount of letters was so great that not even the blankets on his bed could be seen.
“Mario, this is your chance,” Father Giovanni Battista said. “Padre Pio is in his cell. Stand right by his door and wait for him. You can ask him for the absolution that he did not give you.” But Mario knew that he did not have the courage to ask Padre Pio for absolution. Just the thought of it was frightening to him.
Padre Pio walked out of his cell and saw Mario standing in the hall. For some reason, Father Giovanni Battista was no place to be seen. As Padre Pio drew closer, Mario knelt down. “What is it you want?” Padre Pio asked. “I think that you forgot to give me absolution when I made my confession to you,” Mario replied. “If it is possible, I would like to receive it at this time.” Padre Pio placed his hands on Mario’s head in a blessing, just as he had done before. Mario once again kissed his hand and waited, but the words, “Ego, te absolvo,” were not spoken. Padre Pio then started to walk down the corridor but before he had gone even ten steps, he stopped and looked back at Mario. With deep concentration, he stared at him in silence. Then he raised his eyes heavenward and remained motionless for some moments. He then turned and continued to walk down the corridor until he disappeared from view.
The next day, Mario and his mother would be leaving San Giovanni Rotondo to take the train back to Ponte Strambo. Father Giovanni Battista knew that Mario wanted to say goodbye to Padre Pio. He told Mario that Padre Pio would be at the monastery stairway at 11:00 a.m. the next morning. If Mario could be there at the same time, he could receive a final blessing from him.
At the appointed time, Mario was standing at the stairs where Father Giovanni Battista had indicated. He was able to speak to Padre Pio briefly. Mario told him that he and his mother were leaving that day and he wanted to bid him goodbye. Padre Pio gave him a final blessing and said, “May the angel of God accompany you on your journey.”
As Padre Pio started to walk down the stairs, Mario took hold of his arm to assist him. One of the Capuchins held his other arm for support. As they descended the stairs, Mario could tell that Padre Pio was suffering greatly. He had to walk slowly for it was very painful for him to walk on his stigmatized feet. Mario knew what a privilege it was to be able to help Padre Pio down the stairs. As they made their way toward the landing, many people were reaching out their hands, trying to touch Padre Pio and speak to him.
Before they left San Giovanni Rotondo to return to Ponte Strambo, Mario’s mother, Adele, obtained another ticket for Padre Pio’s confessional. She explained to Mario that they were going to have to return to the monastery in just a matter of days. She had been so excited about being able to make her confession to Padre Pio that she forgot to kiss his hand, and she had a great desire to do so. When getting her new ticket, she tried to estimate how many days the wait would be before her number was called. She estimated correctly, for she and Mario returned to the monastery on the very day that her name and number were called. She had a chance to see Padre Pio once again and to kiss his hand. To Adele, it was well worth the twelve-hour train trip.
Mario reflected many times on every detail of his trip to San Giovanni Rotondo. It had been a painful experience for him to realize that Padre Pio had not given him absolution. It caused him to do some very deep soul-searching. Mario knew that he had been negligent in the practice of his Catholic faith for a long time. Before visiting Padre Pio, Mario had been fully engrossed in worldly pursuits. He was completely indifferent to the state of his soul. The only reason he went to Mass on Sundays was because his mother expected it of him. Other than that, it meant nothing to him. Although he went to confession on occasion, he knew he would go right back to committing the same sins that he had previously confessed. He was attached to his sins; he did not want to give them up. In San Giovanni Rotondo, while waiting to go to confession to Padre Pio, Mario had not really made a good preparation. He had not made a serious examination of conscience before receiving the sacrament.
Visiting Padre Pio had made Mario aware of the great spiritual distance which separated him from God. He came to realize that he had been offending God by his lifestyle. If Padre Pio had not denied him absolution, he probably would never have realized that his soul was in grave danger. The times that he had made his confession in the past had brought no real change for him. But making his confession to Padre Pio marked a turning point in his life. He would never be indifferent to spiritual matters again.
Mario returned to his home in New York City, but it was not to business as usual. In order to learn more about Padre Pio, he bought a biography of his life and read it with great interest. He prayed for Padre Pio’s guidance and intercession. He began to attend daily Mass. He had the desire to spend time in church in front of the Blessed Sacrament and he asked his pastor if it would be possible to have an all night prayer vigil at the parish. The pastor thought it was a good idea. Mario organized the prayer vigil which began at 9:00 p.m. and continued until 6:00 a.m. the next morning. It was held on the first Friday of the month and was always well-attended.
Continuing his education, Mario graduated from St. John’s University in Queens, New York and went on to get his Master’s Degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City, New York. He felt very fortunate to find a very good job with the state of New York in the field of social service.
It was in the beautiful church of Our Lady of Peace in New York City that Mario met his future wife, Sarojini Kannangara, a native of Sri Lanka. They married in 1972. Their first child, Pia Angeli, was a true blessing from God. In 1973, the Bruschis’ traveled to Sri Lanka to visit family members.
While in Sri Lanka, a country that is only 7 percent Catholic, Mario gave a talk on Padre Pio and showed a documentary film of his life. The presentation was very well received by both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Mario had only planned on showing the film once while on his vacation in Sri Lanka. He was surprised to receive many requests for additional showings of the film in other parts of the country. He was very happy to answer the requests. The response to the documentary was so enthusiastic that double showings had to be given on many days. Mario spent almost the entire three weeks of his vacation traveling from one end of Sri Lanka to the other, showing the film. Quite unexpectedly, his first trip to his wife’s homeland, turned out to be a “working” vacation. He hardly had time to relax, but sharing the message of Padre Pio proved to be very rewarding.
Mario also received many inquiries regarding the Padre Pio prayer groups. Through his assistance, many Padre Pio prayer groups were established in Sri Lanka for the first time. When his three-week vacation was over, Mario knew that his work on the beautiful tropical island of Sri Lanka was not. He returned to Sri Lanka nine more times, sharing the story of Padre Pio from town to town and village to village.
Most Reverend Dominic Athaide, the archbishop of Agra, India invited Mario to show the documentary film of Padre Pio to the people of India. The archbishop had a great devotion to Padre Pio. He had previously visited San Giovanni Rotondo and had met Padre Pio. Mario accepted the archbishop’s invitation and traveled to India three times, showing the film of Padre Pio in the cities of Madras, Bombay, Agra, Delhi and many others. Although India is less than 2 percent Catholic, Mario noticed the same interest and receptivity as he found in Sri Lanka. In India, he spoke in schools, seminaries, parishes, private homes, hospitals and cloistered convents.
During his travels, Mario made his lodging in the Capuchin monasteries of southern India. He came to have great admiration for the Capuchin priests and brothers who lived in India. Their lifestyle was simple and austere, true to the spiritual ideals of St. Francis of Assisi. In accord with the monastic custom, Mario slept each night on a straw bed with a hard pillow. He traveled to each new destination, not in an automobile, but in a simple rickshaw. He was able to adapt to the culture of India in all ways, except one. The traditional food, namely the very hot and spicy curry dishes, proved to be more than Mario could handle. He finally settled for boiled vegetables only, with no spices.
While in India, Mario showed the film of Padre Pio’s life to the members of a leper colony in the city of Agra. The lepers were very inspired by the presentation. They told Mario that the film on Padre Pio gave them a great sense of hope. Mario was very impressed with Archbishop Athaide’s important work at the leper colony in Agra. In an effort to provide assistance, the archbishop asked the lepers to list their fifteen most immediate needs. After reviewing their comments, the archbishop finally asked the lepers, “What is your greatest need?” Their answer was, “spiritual consolation.” It was the same great need that Mario saw in all of his travels. Everywhere, people were hungry for spirituality, the consolation of a deep prayer life, the need for God.
Through his public lectures as well as the showing of the documentary film, Mario was able to introduce thousands of people in the Far East to Padre Pio. But Mario thought of a way to reach even more. He contacted one of the executives in charge of television programming in Sri Lanka and asked if it would be possible to have the film of Padre Pio shown on Ceylon television, which broadcasts not only to Sri Lanka but also to southern India. The executive viewed the film and approved it. When the program was aired, it is estimated that between 17-20 million viewers watched the program and were introduced to Padre Pio in that way.
It was Mario’s dream that one day the country of Sri Lanka would have a church named in honor of Padre Pio. He spoke about it to Most Reverend Marcus Fernando, the archbishop of the diocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The archbishop was very supportive of the idea. The following year, Mario returned to Sri Lanka. He and his brother-in-law, Gamin Kannangara began making plans for the new church. With the help and guidance of Father Bertram Dabrera and Father Kingsley Jayamanne, the dream began to materialize. Mario went back to the United States and raised most of the funds for the project.
On September 23, 2007, Most Reverend Oswald Gomis consecrated the beautiful and stately St. Padre Pio Shrine Church in Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka. It is the first church in Asia to be dedicated to Padre Pio. Several first class relics of St. Pio have been enshrined there for public veneration. A Padre Pio prayer group has also been established there. People now travel from all parts of Sri Lanka to visit and pray at the St. Padre Pio Shrine Church in Athurugiriya.
Back home in New York City, where Mario and his family make their home, Mario has shown the documentary film on Padre Pio’s life in more parishes than he can count. A number of people have told Mario through the years that seeing the film on Padre Pio changed their life. It was the wake-up call that brought about their return to the Church and to the Sacraments.
For more than twenty years, Mario has organized the annual Padre Pio Mass and celebration that takes place every August at the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Washington, New Jersey.
Three thousand people attend the full day of prayer, adoration, holy hour, Mass and procession. In New York City, Mario is the organizer for the annual Mass for St. Pio at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Mario has personally started twenty-five Padre Pio prayer groups. One of the most rewarding of the Padre Pio prayer groups that he has organized and that he leads each Thursday afternoon, is held at the Metropolitan Correctional Facility, a branch of the federal prison in New York City. The format for the prayer group includes the recitation of the Rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, prayer for the intercession of St. Pio, and a talk on the life and spirituality of St. Pio. One of the inmates who attended the Thursday afternoon Padre Pio prayer group felt the beneficial spiritual effects, and wanted to share what she had received with others. When she was released from the Correctional Facility, she returned to her home in Columbia, South America and started a Padre Pio prayer group there.
Mario has also given Padre Pio presentations at the federal prison in Otisville, New York, showing the documentary film on Padre Pio in both English and Spanish. He regularly visits Catholic schools, sharing the story of Padre Pio with children in elementary school and junior high school.
Mario attributes the conversion of his late brother, Dr. Walter Bruschi, to the intercession of Padre Pio. Walter worked as the Chief of Psychiatry at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas. Mario frequently had discussions with his brother about Padre Pio. Walter had a brilliant mind and could hold his own in any conversation. However, whenever Mario talked to Walter about Padre Pio, he felt that his words were falling on deaf ears. Walter had been away from his Catholic faith for most of his adult life. He doubted every word that Mario said about Padre Pio. “It is science that I believe in, not religion,” he would say to Mario. But a turning point in Walter’s life came when tragedy struck the family. His twenty-three year-old son died suddenly, leaving the entire family devastated.
Walter visited Mario in New York shortly after his son’s death. He told Mario that he wanted to find a spiritual director and asked him if he could recommend a good priest to him. Mario gave him the name of an excellent priest who was gifted in the field of spiritual direction. “I would also like to have a Rosary,” Walter said. “Would you happen to have an extra one?” Mario was happily surprised at the request. He gave Walter the Rosary that Padre Pio blessed for him when he visited San Giovanni Rotondo in 1957. Walter told Mario that the grief he experienced over the loss of his son, made him aware for the first time in years of his need for God. Walter began attending Mass on Sunday and eventually became a daily communicant.
After Walter’s conversion back to his faith, he saw his work as a psychiatrist in a whole new light. For his clients who were Catholics, Walter often recommended to them that they go to confession. He would say, “I am only a man. I want to help you but I am limited in what I can do for you. I am not able to relieve you of the guilt that you feel. But God can. Make a good confession as soon as possible and you will experience the healing power of the sacrament and a great sense of freedom.” Later in his life, when Walter was diagnosed with cancer, he united all of his suffering with Christ’s sufferings, and offered it in reparation for sins. When Walter passed away, he was at peace with God. He was buried with the Rosary that Padre Pio had blessed.
Mario continues to lead the all night prayer vigils on the first Friday of each month at Our Lady of Peace parish in New York City. This year, 2009, will mark his 40th year as organizer of the vigils. He is very happy that his son has agreed to continue the prayer vigils and the annual celebration Masses for Padre Pio when Mario is unable to do so.
Mario has recently been invited to Africa to speak to the people there about Padre Pio. He is enthusiastic and excited about future possibilities. “Perhaps God has some new work for me to do,” he says. “Preghiamo, figiu mi,” (Pray, my son), Padre Pio advised Mario each time he asked him for guidance. Mario has learned to entrust all of his plans to prayer.
Mario, through the years, has learned the supreme importance and value of seeking the deep spiritual realities of life. Once, he found his soul to be in a precarious state. His brief encounter with Padre Pio in 1957, changed all of that and set him on a completely new path. Since that time, Mario has seen miracles both great and small. Most importantly, he has seen countless lives transformed and restored through the message and the intercession of Padre Pio.
There is a quotation which says, “I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” Mario Bruschi is only one person. Of course we know that he cannot do everything for the Kingdom of God. No one can. But he has never refused to do the work set before him, the work that he has felt especially called to do. And he has done a lot.
Ed Note: Tedy Bruschi of the New England Patriots, is the nephew of Mario Bruschi.
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phgq · 3 years
‘First Baptism’ rites in Cebu to allow 700 attendees
#PHnews: ‘First Baptism’ rites in Cebu to allow 700 attendees
CEBU CITY – The Archdiocese of Cebu announced on Tuesday that only 700 people will be allowed to join and witness the First Baptism reenactment on April 14, 2021 in this city.
The event will be part of the quincentenary celebrations of the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines.
The announcement was made during the Chrism Mass and renewal of priestly vows at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral led by Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma.
Speaking during the event, Fr. Mhar Vincent Balili, secretary-general for the 500 Years of Christianity (500 YOC) of the Archdiocese of Cebu, said the city government and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases have allowed the event to push through, given that stringent health protocols will be imposed.
The First Baptism ceremony will be held at the Magellan’s Cross at Plaza Sugbo in downtown Cebu City at 2 p.m. on April 14.
Organizers will be closing all roads within the 300-meter radius of Plaza Sugbo, and will be limiting the maximum number of guests to 700.
Balili said the participants will include 300 people who will attend the Mass, including the concelebrating priests, and 400 people composed of ministers, policemen, ushers, technical group, media, and first aid personnel.
Organizers will also implement a no-car pass, no-entry policy, and only authorized vehicles are allowed to enter and pass near Plaza Sugbo.
Palma expressed his happiness and excitement that the Archdiocese is marking the quincentennial anniversary of Christianity’s arrival in the Philippines despite the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) crisis.
“If there’s an epicenter of Covid, there is also an epicenter of the celebration for the 500 Years of Christianity and that is Cebu. We are Cebu. We are the epicenter and the heart of the celebration and the remembrance 500 years ago, the first baptism was held here in Cebu,” Palma said in a mix of Cebuano and English during his Homily.
Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Charles Brown will also preside over the Pontifical Mass after the reenactment, which will be followed by cultural celebrations at the Pilgrim Center of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "‘First Baptism’ rites in Cebu to allow 700 attendees." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1134572 (accessed March 23, 2021 at 10:58PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "‘First Baptism’ rites in Cebu to allow 700 attendees." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1134572 (archived).
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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5th May >> (@zenitenglish) Pope Francis’ Message to Neocatechumenal Way: Go! “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28: 19). (Jim Fair @zenitenglish) Reflecting on Christ’s message to evangelize all the nations, Pope Francis on 5th May 2018, had a simple message to the members of the Neocatechumenal Way on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the group’s founding: Go! Holy Father traveled to the esplanade of Tor Vergata, Rome, where the Meeting of the Neocatechumenal Way took place, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its founding. During the celebration, Pope Francis blessed the crosses and gave to the leaders 34 new missio ad gentes, to take the Gospel to various parts of the world. “Go. The mission demands that we leave,” Pope Francis urged the crowd, estimated to be 150,000. “But in life, there is a strong temptation to remain, not to take risks, to be content with having the situation under control. It is easier to stay at home, surrounded by those who love us, but it is not Jesus’ way. “He sends us out: ‘Go’. He does not use half measures. He does not authorize reduced transfers or reimbursed trips, but he says to His disciples, to all his disciples one word only: ‘Go!’ “Go: a powerful call that resonates in every corner of Christian life; a clear invitation always to be outbound, pilgrims in the world in the search for the brother who still does not know the joy of God’s love.” In addition, the Pope charged some communities of the parishes of Rome to take their mission of faith and assistance to the peripheries of the capital. The Way, as it is often called, was launched in Madrid in 1964 by Spanish artist Kiko Argüello. The movement focuses on Christian formation and claims some 40,000 parish-based communities worldwide. The following is the address the Pope gave during the meeting: Address of the Holy Father Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! I am happy to meet you and to say today with you: thank you! Thanks to God, and also to you, especially to those who have made a long journey to be here. Thank you for the “yes” you have said, for having welcomed the Lord’s calling to live the Gospel and to evangelize. And a big thank you also goes to those who began the Neocatechumenal Way fifty years ago. Fifty is an important number in the Scripture: on the fiftieth day the Spirit of the Risen One descended upon the Apostles and manifested the Church to the world. Earlier still, God had blessed the fiftieth year: “The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you” (Lev 25: 11). A holy year, in which the chosen people would have experienced first-hand new realities, such as liberation and the return home of the oppressed: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants”, the Lord had said. “Each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan” (v. 10). So, after fifty years of the Way it would be good if each one of you were to say, “Thank you, Lord, because you have truly freed me; because in the Church I have found my family; because in your Baptism the old things have passed and I savour a new life” (cf. 2 Cor 5: 17); because through the Way you have shown me the path to discover your tender Father’s love”. Dear brothers and sisters, at the end you will sing the “Te Deum of thanksgiving for God’s love and faithfulness”. This is very beautiful: thanking God for His love and for His faithfulness. Often we thank Him for our gifts, for what He gives us, and it is good to do this. But it is even better to thank Him for what He is because He is the God who is faithful in love. His goodness does not depend on us. Whatever we do, God continues to love us faithfully. This is the source of our trust, the great consolation of life. So, take courage, do not be sad! And when the clouds of problems seem to gather dense and heavy over your days, remember that God’s faithful love always shines, like the sun that never sets. Keep in your memory His goodness, stronger than any evil, and the sweet remembrance of God’s love will help you in any distress. There is still an important thank you to be said: to those who are about to go forth in mission. I would like to say something to you from the heart, precisely on the mission, on evangelization, which is the priority of the Church today. Because mission is giving voice to God’s faithful love, it is announcing that the Lord cares for us and will never tire of me, of you, of us and of this world of ours, of which we perhaps tire. Mission is giving what we have received. Mission is fulfilling God’s mandate which we have listened to and on which I would like to reflect with you: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28: 19). Go. The mission demands that we leave. But in life, there is a strong temptation to remain, not to take risks, to be content with having the situation under control. It is easier to stay at home, surrounded by those who love us, but it is not Jesus’ way. He sends us out: “Go”. He does not use half measures. He does not authorize reduced transfers or reimbursed trips, but he says to His disciples, to all his disciples one word only: “Go!”. Go: a powerful call that resonates in every corner of Christian life; a clear invitation always to be outbound, pilgrims in the world in the search for the brother who still does not know the joy of God’s love. But how do we go? It is necessary to travel light, you cannot take all your household goods with you. The Bible teaches this: when God frees the chosen people, He makes them go into the desert with only their trust in Him as baggage. And making Himself man, He Himself walks in poverty, without having a place to lay His head (cf. Lk 9: 58). He asks the same style of His followers. To go forth it is necessary to travel light. To proclaim it is necessary to renounce. Only a Church that renounces the world can proclaim the Lord well. Only a Church freed from power and money, free of triumphalism and clericalism, can bear witness in a credible way that Christ frees man, and those who, for His love, learn to renounce passing things, embrace this great treasure: freedom. They are no longer bridled by their own attachments, which always demand something more but never give peace, and they feel that the heart broadens, without restlessness, available for God and for brothers. “Go” is the verb of the mission, and it says another thing to us: it must be conjugated in the plural. The Lord does not say “You go, then you, then you”, [one by one] but rather “Go together!” Those who go alone are not fully missionary, only those who walk together. Walking together is an art always to be learned, every day. It is necessary to be careful, for example, not to dictate the pace to others. Rather, one should accompany and wait, remembering that another person’s journey is not identical to mine. Just as in life, no-one takes exactly the same steps, it is thus also in faith and mission: we go ahead together, without isolating ourselves and without imposing our own direction, united, as Church, with the Pastors, with all our brothers, without rushing ahead, and without complaining about who has the slowest pace. We are pilgrims who, accompanied by brothers, accompany other brothers, and it is good to do so personally, with care and respect for the journey of each person and without forcing the growth of anyone, because the response to God matures only in authentic and sincere freedom. The Risen Jesus says: “Make disciples”. This is the mission. He does not say: conquer, occupy, but rather, “make disciples”, that is, share with others the gift you have received, the encounter of love that has changed your life. It is the heart of the mission: bearing witness that God loves us and that with Him it true love is possible, the love that leads us to give life everywhere, in the family, at work, as consecrated persons, and as spouses. Mission is to return disciples, with the new disciples of Jesus. It is to rediscover part of a disciple Church. Certainly, the Church is a teacher, but she cannot be a teacher if first she is not a disciple, just as she cannot be a mother if first she is not a daughter. This is our Mother: a humble Church, daughter of the Father and disciple of the Master, happy to be the sister of humanity. And this dynamic of discipleship – the disciple who makes disciples – is totally different from proselytism. Here lies the strength of proclamation, so that the world may believe. What counts is not convincing arguments, but the life that attracts; not the ability to impose oneself, but the courage to serve. And you have in your “DNA” this vocation to proclaim, living as a family, following the example of the Holy Family: in humility, simplicity, and praise. You bring this family atmosphere into so many desolate and unconcerned places. Let yourselves be recognized as the friends of Jesus. Call everyone your friends and be friends to all. “Go and make disciples of all peoples”. And when Jesus says everyone, He seems to want to emphasize that in His heart there is room for every people. Nobody is excluded. Like children to a father and a mother: even if they are many, large and small, they love each one with all their heart. Because love, in giving itself, does not diminish, but increases. And it is always hopeful. Like parents, who do not see first of all the defects and shortcomings of their children, but the children themselves, and in this light, they welcome their problems and their difficulties, missionaries do likewise with the people loved by God. They do not highlight the negative aspects and the things to change, but rather they “see with the heart”, with a look that appreciates, an approach that respects, a trust that is patient. Go in this way on your mission, thinking of “playing at home”. Because the Lord is at home with every people and His Spirit has already sown prior to your arrival. And, thinking of our Father, Who loves the world so much (cf. Jn 3: 16), be passionate about humanity, collaborators in the joy of all (cf. 2 Cor 1: 24), authoritative because you are nearby, listenable because you are close. Love the cultures and traditions of peoples, without imposing pre-established models. Do not start from theories and fixed mindsets, but from concrete situations: it will thus be the Spirit Who shapes the proclamation according to His times and His ways. And the Church will grow in His image: united in the diversity of peoples, gifts, and charisms. Dear brothers and sisters, your charism is a great gift from God for the Church of our time. Let us thank the Lord for these fifty years. An applause for the fifty years! And looking at His paternal, fraternal and loving faithfulness, never lose trust: He will guard you, spurring you at the same time to go, as beloved disciples, to all peoples, with humble simplicity. I accompany you and encourage you: go ahead! And please do not forget to pray for me, as I remain here! © Libreria Editrice Vatican 5th MAY 2018 19:13ECCLESIAL MOVEMENTS
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doug-peabody · 4 years
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The is the ship that started it all. 2020 commemorative stamp. 400th anniversary of Mayflower's arrival in Plymouth Harbor. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🇬🇧🇺🇲🍗🥧 . . . #thanksgiving #happythanksgivng #mayflower #pilgrims #turkey #pie #plymouthma #plymouth #plymouthharbor #massachusetts #ma #newengland #processed (at Plymouth Harbor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIEGCHEl_Ym/?igshid=3fjl1smdexi3
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technologyinfosec · 5 years
Pakistan PM Imran Khan inaugurates Kartarpur Corridor
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Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday inaugurated the much-awaited Kartarpur Corridor in Punjab province, paving the way for thousands of Indian Sikh pilgrims to visit the highly revered Kartarpur Sahib Gurdwara. The inauguration comes ahead of the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, on November 12. "Want to congratulate those worked on the temple," Geo News quoted Khan as saying while addressing the inauguration ceremony here. "I did not know my government was so efficient. Want to congratulate them again for completing the complex in record time." Khan arrived at the corridor inauguration ceremony using the shuttle service being used by pilgrims. He was accompanied by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Special Assistant on Information Firdous Ashiq Awan, Senator Javed Khan, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Overseas Pakistanis Zulfi Bukhari and other officials. The shrine is where Guru Nanak Dev spent 18 years of his life and is his final resting place. Meanwhile, former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh led the first delegation of Sikh pilgrims as they crossed into Pakistan through the Kartarpur Corridor. Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh was also part of the 'jatha' (caravan). "I hope India and Pakistan relations improve enormously as a result of this beginning," Manmohan Singh told PTV as he walked towards the Pakistan side, terming the occasion a "big moment". Amarinder Singh told Dawn news they were all happy because it had been a desire of Sikhs to visit their religious sites in Pakistan for 70 years. "This is a beginning, I hope it's going to continue and many more gurdwaras are going to be allowed," he added. Former Indian cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu was also in attendance at the inauguration ceremony and thanked Khan for taking the bold step to build the Kartarpur Corridor "without looking at gains or losses". Before seeing off the first group of pilgrims from India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed members of the Sikh community and hailed the opening of the corridor. "I also thank Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan for understanding India's wishes and turning Kartarpur into reality," Modi said in his speech. Meanwhile, members of the Sikh community on Saturday continued to arrive from all over the world, according to Geo News. About 8,000-10,000 pilgrims are expected to arrive from around the world to mark Guru Nanak's 550th birth anniversary. To facilitate the Sikh yatris, the Pakistan government has installed 130 counters, where their passports will be confirmed or scanned, and permit will be verified. Read the full article
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eqpablo-blog · 5 years
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I was a high school classmate and friend of Jerry’s from UP Prep. I have a number of high school friends with me tonight. Just last February, we commemorated the 60th anniversary of UP Prep’s founding. Jerry wasn’t with us when we marked the occasion with a grand alumni homecoming at the Sofitel—he was at the ICU of the Makati Medical Center following a heart attack, which he had miraculously survived.
He did, however, contribute what could very well have been the final piece he would ever write, which he did not even want attributed to him but which I being Chair of the Legacy Committee heavily quoted in our Commemorative Book.
Let me thus share with you in the words of the late great Jerry Barican himself, the context of our 50-plus year friendship. He wrote: "We are the Prepian Class of 1966. We first climbed those pitted but stately steps to the third floor of Rizal Hall in the late summer of ’62. John Kennedy was in the White House; Pope John XXIII had just convened Vatican II; Diosdado Macapagal was newly-installed in Malacanang; Carlos P. Romulo had just become UP President; and a streamer at the top of the stairway landing proclaimed the admonition in greeting that ‘Punctuality is the courtesy of kings.’
"Even the Beatles hadn’t yet burst in on the scene, and Woodstock and the hippies were still years away. ‘Downtown’ was Avenida Rizal and Escolta, not Makati...The price of a ticket to a first-run movie cost one peso and twenty centavos. Hi-tech was ‘Ban-Lon,’ Japan’s expensive and shimmering synthetic cloth. It was still the two-lane Highway 54, built by the Americans in 1945 to bypass Manila, not today’s EDSA. The hangout was A&W Drive-in in Cubao. It was a season of happiness and an age of innocence unencumbered by the worries of adult life, though we were as yet unaware of it. The drug culture had not yet arrived and our rebellion was confined to the occasional surreptitiously-smoked cigarette.
"Padre Faura was a quiet street flush with bookstores like Erehwon and La Solidaridad, restaurants like Cucina Italiana, and Acme supermarket. Ateneo was at the corner of Dakota, now Adriatico. We would occasionally hie off to lunch at the Phil-Am Life Building’s air-conditioned cafeteria on Isaac Peral (now UN Avenue). Saturdays were for swimming and PE classes on faraway Diliman.
“What we learned in those four years changed us forever. But even more so, we acquired values and treasured friendships.”
That’s what Jerry and our high school classmates were first and foremost to each other: Friends, we just cared for each other, nothing profound about it.
However, another of our high school friends, Boo Chanco, recently wrote in his Philippine Star column, “I have known Jerry since we were in the same UP Prep freshman class way back when. We were together for four years of high school in UP’s Padre Faura campus.
“Jerry was the star in our UP Prep 66 class. He was a bundle of talent in one neat package. He won the declamation contests, bagged best actor for the two years we staged Broadway musicals, edited the school publication and graduated first honorable mention too.
“Of course, in college Jerry was the student leader who was at the thick of it during the First Quarter Storm. Jerry, while still an undergrad, defeated several College of Law seniors for the chairmanship of the UP Student Council. He was the first Student Regent.
“In the 70s, he pursued a law degree. He taught at the UP College of Law, went to Harvard for a Masters.”
In fact, Jerry was newly-arrived from Harvard when in January 1981 I married Clem Luciano, also from UP. I remember very well standing at the driveway of the Archbishop’s Palace anxiously awaiting the arrival of my bride, when who should draw up in a taxicab but Jerry, wearing a suit and all. He alit and promptly approached me to ask for money to pay his fare! Which is not to say that Jerry didn’t have any of his own—he was one of the most gallant and generous people I knew. There was one time that he treated me and another classmate and close friend in grand style to an all-expense paid weekend at the flagship Peninsula Hong Kong. Each of us had been booked into a suite of our own, courtesy of Jerry, and it was the first time, probably the only time, in my life that I would ever ride a Rolls Royce—with its trunk tied down with a rope because it could not be properly closed, what with all of Jerry’s luggage and balikbayan boxes. That was Jerry for you.
I forget now what it was that we were talking about, but once, when we were both serving in government during the Estrada Administration, me with the Department of Public Works and Highways and he, of course, as Presidential Spokesperson, Jerry asked me what it was that I was doing with Erap as though I had absolutely no business being there with the President. That was also Jerry for you, thinking that it should only be him.
Last March, after I lost my wife Clem to lung cancer, Jerry texted me: "Hi, EQ. I just found out from Vic about Clem’s passing. She was a good person and the world is a lesser place without her. I will pray for her and all those she left behind, especially you. Don’t reply. You have other things to do. Jerry." That was also Jerry for you, brief yet sensitive. He made it a point to stop by Mount Carmel to pay his last respects to Clem in person, even though he was still recovering from his heart attack. In fact, he couldn’t stay very long because he had just come from the hospital for a check-up.
The last time I saw him was about two months ago, prior to my departure for Spain to walk the Camino to Santiago de Compostela. He was at CIBO in Greenbelt with Lenny De Jesus with whom he had become good friends from his Presidential Spokesperson days and remained so. He looked good, and was his old jolly self. He told me that he was fine and with a laugh, tried to reassure me: “Don’t worry about me, EQ—a lot of people are praying for me to stay alive.”
My last SMS exchange with him was when I was on my way to the airport for Spain, on August 26. At that time, he was already confined at Makati Med. "Praying for you, Jerry", I texted him. "TY", he replied.
After that last SMS exchange I prayed for Jerry, along with Clem and my family and friends, on the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, wherein I had to walk an average 25 kms a day in about 10 hours for six days. The regular pilgrim would cover the same distance in six to seven hours. He would start at 7 AM and finish up by 2 PM in time for the late Spanish lunch. Setting my own senior pilgrim pace, I would start at 11 AM so that during the first half of my walk, I would find myself in the company of other pilgrims, but by the second half, for about four hours, I would have the Camino all to myself, sometimes up to 9 PM, at times walking through densely-forested areas. If for nothing else, this only made my experience highly conducive to deep thinking and I made sure to use that special time and opportunity I was given to pray and reflect on my relationships—with my God, with my Clem, with my family, with my friends, including Jerry who by that time had lapsed into the coma which would prove irreversible. The end result was that I found myself cocooned in peace as I led the simple life on the Camino which made it feel like a little corner of Heaven here on earth.
Jerry, you and I also had a little corner of Heaven here on earth when for four years, from 1962 to 1966, we, together with our friends, led the simple life of high school students. To this day, I still remember how we celebrated our graduation and friendship with a trip to the beach in Bauang, La Union on a passenger jeepney provided by your Mom. From there, we proceeded to Baguio where the lot of us descended en masse upon my grandfather’s house. Baguio was very memorable to us because it was there that we had gone on our first educational tour ever at UP Prep, back when we were freshmen. Coincidentally, when news of your passing reached me it seemed only fitting that I was once again doing the La Union/Baguio trip again being friends—this time with my children, Lia and Joao.
Jerry, you were always a good man as well as a good friend. Now, it is my turn to reassure you. It's all right. Everything's fine! I know where you are—at peace on the Camino. Have a great walk. No need to reply—you have other things to do.
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spicynbachili2 · 6 years
Kartarpur corridor updates: It will become a symbol of love, peace between both countries, says V-P Naidu | india news
Vice-president M Venkaiah Naidu laid the inspiration stone for the development of a street hall linking Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab’s Gurdaspur district with Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan, which is able to assist lakhs of Indian Sikh pilgrims to go to the holy place all year long.
Kartarpur Sahib in Narowal district of Pakistan’s Punjab province is positioned throughout the Ravi River and is about 4 km from the Dera Baba Nanak shrine. The demand to construct a hall linking India’s border district of Gurdaspur with the historic gurdwara, the ultimate resting place of Sikhism’s founder Guru Nanak Dev, in Pakistan has been a long-pending demand of the Sikh group.
The Indian aspect of the hall begins from Dera Baba Nanak in Gurdaspur district of Punjab and extends as much as the worldwide border between India and Pakistan.
Listed below are the dwell updates:
1:36 pm IST
Punjab CM questions Pak military chief over cesefire violations and killing of troopers
I wish to ask Pakistan Military Chief Qamar Bajwa one thing, as a soldier. Which Military teaches to violate ceasefire and kill jawans on the opposite aspect? Which Military teaches to ship ppl to assault Pathankot and Amritsar? That is cowardness: Punjab CM Capt Amarinder Singh
1:22 pm IST
Kartarpur hall will turn out to be image of affection between each nations: Naidu
“I’m completely happy that Pakistan accepted the long-pending demand of Kartarpur hall fulfilling the calls for of Sikh group. Now, you wouldn’t must take a protracted and arduous route by means of Attari border. The hall will turn out to be an emblem of affection and peace between each nations. Now, you’d be capable of go to the holy Kartarpur website instantly,” stated V-P Naidu.
1:15 pm IST
It is a momentous, historic day: V-P Naidu
It is a momentous and historic day that in the present day we’re fulfilling the want of hundreds of Sikh devotees,” says V-P Naidu
1:29 pm IST
V-P Naidu lays basis stone for Kartarpur hall
Vice-president laid basis stone for Kartarpur hall linking Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab’s Gurdaspur district with Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan.
1:33 pm IST
Punjab CM warns Bajwa, says Pak gained’t be allowed to vitiate environment
“I’m warning you ( Pakistan military chief Qamar Bajwa), we’re additionally Punjabis, you’ll not be allowed to enter right here and vitiate the environment,” stated Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh
12:49 pm IST
Kartarpur hall will promote tourism in Punjab: Nitin Gadkari
“The Kartarpur hall will promote tourism in Punjab,” stated minister for street transport & highways, transport and water assets, river growth & Ganga rejuvenation
12:38 pm IST
Lengthy wait of Sikh pilgrims over: Harsimrat Badal
Union minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal whereas talking on the occasion hailed PM Modi and stated that with the hall, the lengthy wait of Sikh pilgrims is over now.
12:28 pm IST
V-P Naidu arrives at occasion to put the inspiration stone for Karatarpur hall
Vice-president M Venkaiah Naidu arrives on the venue to put the inspiration stone for the development of Dera Baba Nanak-Karatarpur Sahib street hall. Punjab CM Amarinder Singh,Governor VP Badnore,Union Ministers Nitin Gadkari, Hardeep Puri and others are additionally current on the ceremony.
Gurdaspur(Punjab): Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu to put the inspiration stone for the development of Dera Baba Nanak-Karatarpur Sahib street hall. Punjab CM Amarinder Singh,Governor VP Badnore,Union Ministers Nitin Gadkari, Hardeep Puri and others additionally current on the ceremony pic.twitter.com/OA7rvV3jHo
— ANI (@ANI) November 26, 2018
10:40 am IST
Hall to supply easy accessibility to devotees to pay obeisance: Arun Jaitley
At this time is a historic day, when basis laying of Dera Baba Nanak-Kartarpur Sahib hall is going down. At the present time will probably be cherished in occasions to return when pilgrims will frequently go to the holy shrine throughout the worldwide boarder problem free, tweeted Union finance minister Arun Jaitley.
Non secular devotees in India will probably be facilitated by basis laying of Dera Baba Nanak-Kartarpur Sahib street hall as much as worldwide border with Pakistan. This hall will present easy accessibility to devotees to pay obeisance on the historic and sacred shrines, added Jaitley.
10:05 am IST
Kartarpur opening not a BJP-Akali occasion: Punjab minister SS Randhawa
Simply three hours forward of the operate to put the inspiration stone of a street which is able to hyperlink to the religiously important Kartarpur Sahib gurdwara hall, Punjab cupboard minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa on Monday appeared upset.
Randhawa put black tape on the names of the ministers on the inspiration stone.
Punjab Minister SS Randhawa places black tape on his,CM&different Punjab ministers’ names on basis stone.Says ‘I did this in protest towards Parkash&Sukhbir Badal’s names on stone. Why is their identify right here? They don’t seem to be a part of government, its not BJP-Akali occasion’ #KartarpurCorridor pic.twitter.com/SoLhVIPWxI
— ANI (@ANI) November 26, 2018
9:20 am IST
Sushma Swaraj declines Pak invitation to attend groundbreaking ceremony
In October, Pakistan had invited Exterior affairs minister Sushma Swaraj, Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh and Navjot Singh Sidhu for the stone basis ceremony in Pakistan.
Swaraj declined the invite and stated that she wouldn’t be unable to journey. India stated ministers Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Hardeep Singh Puri would signify the ceremony in Pakistan.
9:05 am IST
India pronounces Kartarpur
On November 22, India introduced that it has determined to develop the Kartarpur Sahib hall from Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab’s Gurdaspur district until the gurdwara in Pakistan.
The announcement was made by the Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley at a press briefing in New Delhi. The choice to construct the hall was taken retaining in thoughts the 550th start anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev in 2019.
The post Kartarpur corridor updates: It will become a symbol of love, peace between both countries, says V-P Naidu | india news appeared first on SpicyNBAChili.com.
from SpicyNBAChili.com https://www.spicynbachili.com/kartarpur-corridor-updates-it-will-become-a-symbol-of-love-peace-between-both-countries-says-v-p-naidu-india-news/
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Padre Pio and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Story with images:
Written by Most Rev. Paola Carta, Bishop Emeritus of Foggia
When I spoke on the theme: "How I saw Padre Pio during my seven years as Bishop of Foggia from 1955 to 1962," I presented Padre Pio's spirituality as "A man of God who prays—absolves—suffers—offers."
Invited again by the Capuchin Friars, custodians of the tomb which is the destination of pilgrims from all the corners of the world, I am most happy to celebrate today and tomorrow the Mass with you and for you, my very dear brethren, inviting you to meditate with me on two other fundamental aspects of the spirituality of Padre Pio. Today Padre Pio and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Tomorrow, God willing, Padre Pio and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I wish to consider Padre Pio in the light of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as our Lady revealed it to the three children of Fatima. Having meditated on the personality, spirituality and work of Padre Pio in connection with the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us try to penetrate as far as possible with the grace of the Holy Spirit into that marvelous world of the spirit where Padre Pio's heart appears in full harmony with the heart of our Heavenly Mother. For our mutual edification we will meditate on the love and trust Padre Pio placed in Mary Most Holy, on his personal reply to the message of Fatima and on the visit of Our Lady of Fatima to Padre Pio, concluding, as we did yesterday with a confidential talk with the Padre.
I - Love and trust of Padre Pio for our Lady
To understand the love and trust Padre Pio had for our Lady, it would be enough to tell you, my very dear brethren, to look around you! This splendid shrine is a hymn, a poem which sings and praises Padre Pio's devotion to Mary Most Holy! Each stone of this magnificent temple will repeat his name in centuries to come! He wanted this shrine! He succeeded in its incredible realization! People from all parts of the world replied to his moved and moving call for necessary funds to erect this palace to the Queen of Heaven and Earth, honored as Our Lady of Grace! And permit me to remind you of Padre Pio's joy on the day - 1 July 1959 - when, according to his wishes, I had the honor and immense joy of consecrating this church with a solemn rite which lasted exactly four hours!
But apart from this, the whole of Padre Pio's life was lit up with the gentle light of our Lady.
In a letter of 6 May 1913, he gives vent to a delicate filial gentleness, writing: "Here we are at last in the month of our beautiful Mother once again.... This dear Mother continues to lavish her maternal care upon me, especially during the present month. She takes care of me to an exceeding degree.... I am all aflame although there is no fire. I feel myself held fast and bound to the Son by means of this Mother.... I'd like to fly off to invite all creatures to love Jesus and Mary."
The Council and Pope Paul VI proclaimed and acclaimed Mary as Mother of the Church and Padre Pio will continue to repeat for centuries to the faithful who flock here from all the Churches scattered in the world that they must grow in the love of the Mother of the Church.
II - Reply to the message of Fatima
To be our Advocate, our Help, our Mediatrix, our Sign of certain hope and consolation our Lady wanted to manifest her Immaculate Heart to the world. She appeared to three children at Fatima, exactly 80 years ago. It is a beautiful story. It is a story, not a legend. This was confirmed by the pilgrimage of Paul VI, years ago, for the fiftieth anniversary of the apparitions, with the participation of an immense crowd and Lucia, the survivor of the three small seers, still alive today, a nun in the Convent of Saint Teresa at Coimbra in Portugal with the name of Sister Lucia of the Immaculate Heart.
At Fatima our Lady gave a message, a message from Heaven, a message of salvation, that is included in the story of salvation as a new divine intervention of salvation. The summary is contained in these precise words heard by the three children during the apparitions from May to October 1917: "You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them our Lord wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. Pray a lot and make sacrifices for sinners. Take note that many souls go to hell because there is no one who prays or makes sacrifices for them. Do you wish to offer yourselves to God, ready to accept all the sufferings He wishes to send you in reparation for the sins with which He is offended and to obtain the conversion of sinners? Say the Rosary every day. The most holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary listen to your petitions."
This message of Fatima called for a reply on behalf of the whole church; a reply of prayer and sacrifice, animated also with a spirit of reparation for sins.
I think I can assert that in the half century which followed, no one in the Church has given a more complete reply than Padre Pio. The maternal anxiety of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the souls going to hell had profoundly and completely invaded the heart of Padre Pio, who made of his whole life a great sacrifice to our Lord to snatch souls away from eternal damnation.
1. Our Lady of Fatima asked especially for the prayer of the Rosary. And who could count the hours Padre Pio spent in prayer for the conversion and salvation of sinners? And who more than he held the rosary in his hand, night and day, filling all the free moments of the day with the most devout recital of the Rosary? And with how much loving insistence did he not recommend the Rosary to everyone as a means of salvation!
One day one of his penitents said to him: "Padre, today they say the Rosary is out of date, that it is no longer in fashion. It is no longer said in many churches." He replied: "Let us do what our fathers did and all will be well with us." "But Satan rules the world." Padre Pio replied: "Because they make him rule; can a spirit rule by itself if it is not united to the human will? We could not have been born in a more depraved world. The one who prays a lot saves himself. The one who prays little is in danger.
The one who does not pray loses his soul."
"Padre, say something to us."
"Love our Lady, make others love her. Always say your Rosary and say it well. Satan always tries to destroy this prayer, but he will never succeed. It is the prayer of her who triumphs over everything and everyone."
And two days before he died, he repeated: "Love our Lady and make her loved. Recite the Rosary and recite it always. And recite it as much as you can."
2. Our Lady of Fatima also asked for sacrifices, acts of mortification, penances and sufferings accepted or spontaneously embraced to save souls from hell.
How well did our dear Padre Pio understand this need! In fact he said: "Souls are not given as gifts; they are bought. You do not know what they cost Jesus. Now they still have to be bought always with the same coin."
And Padre Pio paid and bought souls at a most high price: with heroic penance, with food, with sleep, with rest, with the martyrdom of fifty-eight years in the ministry of confession; with sufferings derived from misunderstandings and prohibitions and serious disciplinary measures taken against him at various times of his life, through no fault of his; with enormous difficulties to overcome to build the Home for the Relief of Suffering; and above all with the crucifixion which lasted exactly half a century with open wounds. A victim completely sacrificed for sinners. And that was Padre Pio's reply to the message of Fatima.
III - Our Lady of Fatima visits Padre Pio
This heroic reply of Padre Pio's deserved a sign of maternal pleasure from our Lady. And the sign was marvelous.
Towards the end of April 1959 a statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that had come specially from Fatima was traveling all over Italy by helicopter, stopping at the provincial capitals. But San Giovanni Rotondo is not a provincial capital, and on the other hand, Padre Pio could not go to Foggia where at that time I was bishop of that dear and beautiful diocese and had prepared a triumphal reception for the traveling Madonna. Amongst other things he could not come because just when the statue arrived in Italy, Padre Pio was struck down by a bad attack of pleurisy, that made it impossible for him to even celebrate Mass from 5 May onwards. And the illness continued so that he was still prostrate when our Lady arrived in Puglia.
But could the Mother with an Immaculate Heart so sensitive and delicate not visit her dearest son, Padre Pio? And the extraordinary exception, the change of schedule was granted!
The arrival of the Marian statue was fixed for 5 August. The people had to be prepared to receive our Lady with great fervor, with immense joy, with filial love and abundant spiritual fruits. And it was Padre Pio who from his sick bed spoke with a loud speaker to the faithful gathered in the church for a novena.
I now give some edifying particulars from a biography of Padre Pio.
On 27 July Padre Pio announced the beginning of the novena "for the visit the Heavenly Mother wants to make" and he exhorted to prepare for it with Christian renewal. Every evening he reminded them of the joy, the good fortune, the "very special grace" of this visit and the obligation of a worthy welcome above all with the practice of some virtues. On the evening of 4 August he announced that "the visit of our Mother" would be within a "few hours" and it was necessary not to be found "with empty hands." On 5 August he announced with emotion: "In a few minutes our Mother will be in our house... Open your heart." Finally on the evening of 6 August, he urged them to give thanks, to commit themselves "enthusiastically... permanently just as our Mother's eye is permanently on us."
During the morning of 6 August, the Padre was able to go down to the church. He stopped in front of the statue of our Lady — but had to sit down because he was exhausted — and he gave her a gold rosary. The statue was lowered before his face and he was able to kiss her. It was a most affectionate gesture.
Between two and three in the afternoon of 6 August the helicopter carrying the statue of our Lady rose from the terrace of the Home for Relief of Suffering headed for Sicily. It did three turns over the crowd gathered on the square in front of the church and flew away.
From a window Padre Pio watched the helicopter fly away with eyes filled with tears. To our Lady in flight Padre Pio lamented with a confidence that was all his own: "My Lady, my Mother, you came to Italy and I got sick, now you are going away and you leave me still ill."
At that instant he felt a shudder in all his person. As long as he lived he repeated. "In that very instant I felt a sort of shudder in my bones which cured me immediately." His Spiritual Father confirmed it saying: "In a moment the Padre felt a mysterious force in his body and said to his confreres: 'I am cured'." He was healthy and strong as never before in his life.
Informed about an article that appeared in Foggia, which asked why Our Lady of Fatima had gone to San Giovanni Rotondo and not the shrine of Saint Michael at Monte Sant' Angelo, Padre Pio explained with enchanting simplicity: "Our Lady came here because she wanted to cure Padre Pio."
I like to add that she also came because the example of Padre Pio's ardent devotion and his prodigious recovery would rouse in Italy and the world a fervent increase of love and confidence towards the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
And from this marvelous episode we must make a holy resolution to grow always in this devotion with a generous reply to the message of Fatima, reciting fervently the Rosary every day, praying and offering our sufferings for the conversion of sinners, receiving Communion on the first Saturdays of the month in the hope that the consoling words will come true for us: "I promise salvation to all those who practice devotion to my Immaculate Heart. These souls will be most dear to God, and like flowers I will place them before his throne." Like this we can even look to the future of the Church and humanity with serenity, trustful in the prophetic word of Mary who in her third apparition of 13 July 1917 announced: "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."
Conversing with the Padre
Allow me to conclude this meditation with a confidential talk with the Padre.
Beloved Padre Pio, I remember an episode that took place one day during a civil war. On the facade of a church someone had written in large letters this appeal: "Fratelli, armatevi!" (Brothers, arm yourselves!"). A woman, a mother who had gone to church to pray fervently for peace, saw that writing, was profoundly struck and afflicted. Then she had a bright and marvelous idea. She went up to the word "armatevi" (arm yourselves) and cancelled the letter R. And the appeal was transformed. No longer: "Fratelli, armatevi" but Fratelli amatevi!" (Brothers love each other).
Beloved Padre you know that today in Italy there are those who spread in various ways this fratricidal appeal: "Fratelli, armatevi." And in fact how many young men belong to armed groups, how many go around with weapons ready to shoot! And how many acts of violence, how many murders have stained with blood the streets of Italy in these last years! And how many mothers in tears, how many brides, widows, how many orphaned children.
Dear Padre Pio, listen to me. Now that you contemplate our Lady in the brightness of her celestial beauty, you who see her sitting at the right side of her Son, who refuses her nothing, pray to her so that she intervenes with her Immaculate Heart, with her Mother's Heart and from the word "armatevi" cancel the R so that the cry "Fratelli, amatevi, amatevi!" is taken up by all and echoes from one end of Italy to the other.
Yes, dear Padre, I recommended the whole world to you for the triumph of the Civilization of Love. Today I ask for the salvation of Italy in particular, in this grave hour of its history. You who have so loved and honored it with the splendour of your sanctity, see to it that Italy faithfully fulfills the mission given it by Divine Providence of announcing from Rome the message of the Gospel of Christ, from Assisi the Franciscan message of Peace and Good and from San Giovanni Rotondo your message of love for our Lady!
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