#happy six monthssss i hope u like theseee
yomiurinikei · 4 years
owo?? what's this??
its hcs of beta haru, and canon haru, in a relationship! (separately, bc that phrasing is weird) im not,, too happy with how they came out, but!!
also: happy 6 months babe!!!! it's okay if u leave me for the haru harem, i get it 😔😔
~*~ canon haru!
•stupid fucking man has no thoughts but love u
•he's really uplifting???
•if u feel bad abt any part of urself he's probably caught on to that in .3 seconds and will remind u that he loves each and every bit of you, and always will no matter what
•"okay so i was gonna write u a love letter but then i realized i don't know how to read or write so i'm just gonna blabber on to u for a few minutes until u make me stop"
•constantly looking for opportunities to give u something of his to wear
•he's gonna serenade u. it is inevitable. this is ur fate now
•haru,, really needs ur praise/approval??
•he'll do things just to impress u and he'll be really thrown off if u ignore him/don't think anything of what he did
•the lad just really looks up to you!!! he cares so much about you and it's so important to him that u see him as someone who can keep u safe
•when anniversaries/ur bday happens, he goes,, all out
•as in, he somehow manages to decorate ur room while u slept??? and. got every room u generally go in decorated with at least a sign. how did he do this
•if u let him carry you he's gonna b super hyped
•he just loves being able to run around and help u + show off to everyone that "this is my partner and i love them!!!!"
•alternatively, if ur in a wheelchair or anything similar, if he can push you and he comfortable with that? he'll feel more honored than anything has ever made him feel honored before
•of course if u don't wanna b carried/pushed, he's more than happy to just opt for showing u off!! and maybe,, holding hands,, 🥺🥺👉👈
•almost 24/7 thinking abt his future with u
~*~ beta haru!
•"hey babe it's 2 am which means there's less planes do u wanna go fly with me"
•say yes. u want to go fly with haru. it will be fun and he will be doing his favorite thing with his favorite person!
•i,, really hope u like planes bc he is going to infodump about them to u
•big on bouncing ideas off of u, even if u don't get what he's talking about, actually putting his thoughts into coherent words helps him work out what he needs to do for the thing to work
•sends u texts when he knows ur asleep so you'll have surprises to wake up to
•ur either gonna have to confess to him urself, or wait for him to confide in someone his crush on u, u do the same, and let the news circulate until someone learns abt ur mutual crush and tells u two
•oh! he's a vv blush's lad, if u hold his hand he's gonna get super excited
•haru tends to fidget with all of his jewelry, his rings and the like, so if u get him any he's gonna be really happy
•he's so good at gift giving??? it's crazy
•likes dancing with u, if you'll let him!
•it doesn't matter if it's something slow and sweet, or just bouncing around in the kitchen, it's easily one of his favorite things to do with you
•if u learn jsl for him he's gonna cry. i'm sorry it's inevitable he's going to cry bc of how happy he'll be.
•it feels like his language!! if ur together, it's only a matter of time until he's comfortable talking with you, and there's of course the texting/written forms of communication he generally opts for, but sign just always felt right for him, so it means so much to him if u learn it for him
•he really likes using nicknames for u!
•lovingly refers to himself as ur minecraft bf
•constantly thinking abt u - how you'll react to certain things, if you're alright, etc!! he cares a lot abt u
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