hiskites-blog · 7 years
@happy-kahl / ❤
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HE GAZED && glared , blinking just a few times before raising mitten hands to rub all over his eyelids . what in the absolute fuck was he seeing ? kyle was speechless from the other red-headed jew in front of him . oh , this was a PRANK .
   “ .......... oooohhh , fuck youuuuuu . you’re fucking with me . ’
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c137 · 8 years
jasper's boner :'(
rip :’,’(
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c139rick · 8 years
“Okay first off, I-I said to not kinkshame, it’s just a preference. Secondly, don-don’t flatter yourself over it. I don’t go after every redhead, especially ones that are hardly legal.”
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cartmanandbutters · 8 years
The redhead sighed in frustration as they clutched his phone, now returning his full attention toward the one with the stretched malicious grin. "Are you planning on getting off me? If you're trying to kill my breath, then it's fucking working."
“Hmm, let me think about it” he wiggles his groin against the other just a little, shifting his weight so that they could both be more comfortable, though the brunette stayed right on top of him, arms on both sides of the other so that he was trapped below him.
“Come on Kahl, I’m seriously. Why are yew even with that dickbag? He’s such a pussy.”
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
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nicoledaney · 11 years
kevinjedistoley ha contestado a tu pregunta:Okay but who is Toby and Lawrence and why do they...
son sus amigos de internet (?)
No creo, ellos no siguieron a Eric en Shitter
happykahl ha contestado a tu pregunta:Okay but who is Toby and Lawrence and why do they...
he probaly got pedo adult friends again xD
They sound like little boys to be honest
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c137 · 8 years
LOVE U BYBY ;//3//;;
ILYSM ;3;3;3;
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
NO >8(
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
W H A t
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
Continuation: http://happy-kahl.tumblr.com/post/132235400378/well-since-were-not-really-friends-friends
“Everytime? That means for the whole day right?” He asks, voice coming out smoothly as he leans in closer once Kyle has his arms around him. His eyes glance down to his lips but pulls away as soon as the redhead does, his heart fluttering once again. He bites the inside of his cheek as he watches the other complaining about the hygiene of his household and for a moment, he sees someone else.. Like Kyle, but with slightly different features. He blinks a few times and the vision falters, leaving him staring at Kyle running a finger through dust. He visibly stutters for a moment as he has to replay Kyles words in his head to realize what he actually said before replying “Pfft maybe he doesn’t have time to clean because he’s too busy looking for me? Huh? Ever think of that?” He squints, eyeing kyle before smirking “But yew know what? I think I will take yew up on that offer”
He can’t help but roll his eyes as a natural instinct to Kyles words “Oh please Kahl. I still haven’t gotten caught yet which means I’m doing something right. Apparently, I’m super smart. I just.. I just gotta get the screws working again” he says as he taps his temple. “And like yew said, we’ll get my memories back, so I’m not too worried about it” That’s a bit of a lie but he doesn’t take back what he said. He does stay quiet as Kyle talks about his tutoring. Eyes locked on him the whole time, taking in Kyles distinct features while trying to remember the vision he had seen of another Kyle? He wasn’t too sure but the next thing he knew, the corners of his lips turned upward into a genuine smile at Kyles blush. The redheads attitude was rough around the edges it seemed, but he was indeed really cute. He wouldn’t let himself admit that though.
“It seems like yew need a little fun in your life while I, apparently, need to slow mine down” he says, referring to the whole drug dealer thing. “Maybe that’s why we’re kinda kewl.” He rubs the back of his neck and is about to stop Kyle from apologizing, when the blonde enters the room.
“I-I wasn’t just ‘chilling’ around town, Kyle! I have a life too and I was worried sick about Eric” he pouts but sighs a bit, his bandaged covered knuckles bumping against each other nervously “T-Thank you though.. I really do appreciate you helpin’ out Eric.” Butters gives a sympathetic smile, knowing that the brunet could be a real handful.
At the cut off sentence, Erics eyes immediately look over at Kyle, an eyebrow raising at his sudden silence. His mouth opens to ask about it but Kyle seemed to shrug it off and something deep in Eric holds him back from bringing it up. He closes his mouth as he finishes picking up the groceries and goes over into the kitchen, setting the stuff onto the kitchen counter. Butters grabs Kyles shoulder before he could follow “He lost his memories? Oh… Oh no.. That’s bad. That’s really bad Kyle.” The blonde looks over towards the kitchen walkway and sees no sign of Eric, before speaking up again in a hushed whisper “If he gets his memories back, he’s-hes gonna be real sore at you AND me. If he really is afraid- this isn’t gonna end well.” Before he could try and hear out the other, Butters walks over to the door and holds it open “I don’t want to be rude, but I think you should leave. I can take care of him now and-and it’d just make things easier once Eric remembers everything.”
Eric walks back into the living room and frowns at the site of the front door being held open for the redhead “Are yew leaving?” He asks, looking over at Kyle with confusion.
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
Continuation: http://happy-kahl.tumblr.com/post/131291410028/he-sat-back-on-the-bed-and-shook-his-head-as-no
Cartman just nods at his question. Deep down, he felt relief that he hadn’t asked. He wasn’t sure why but he figured maybe it was his old self trying to hang on to any dignity that he had left. He wondered what kind of person he was before, but as the redhead promised to help him remember, he wasn’t too sure that he wanted to with a fucked up dream like that. It had to have meant something, right?? He didn’t know for sure but parts of the dream almost felt too real.
“Yeah. Hella better” he smiles back to try and show that he was being honest, even though he wasn’t. It dawned on him how easy it was for him to lie, it was like an automatic response. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that either. At least when Kyle got closer, it was starting to become true, he was starting to feel a little better, but even though he was realizing that he liked the closeness, his body did the opposite of what he was thinking and scooted back. Confusion was written on his face and he inched himself closer to the redhead once again “heh- I had to adjust myself” he lied. It only made him more curious of the type of person he was with his memories. He had to admit that the compliment about him being strong made him feel really good. He wasn’t even sure what to say but a small smile made its way on his face again, this time, it was a real genuine smile and he hesitantly draped an arm over Kyle and closed his eyes “Goodnight Jew” he whispered.
Unlike last time, he drifted into a dream like state. He even sighed in relief while he was asleep, content with the fact that he didn’t have to go through another nightmare. By the time he woke up, he wasn’t sure what the dream was about exactly, he just remembered Kyle being there. His eyes slowly blinked, squinting at the ray of sunlight seeping through the blinds and he lets out a groan. Suddenly, he sits up quickly and glances around, realizing Kyle wasn’t there. He jumps out of bed, thinking that Kyle had left, but immediately regrets it, pain shooting throughout his body as soon as he did so. He had to lean against the wall for a moment to try and relax himself. Once the pain had eventually subsided, he pushed himself off the wall and walked out the room.
The panic from earlier starts to hit his chest again as he makes his way down the hall. What if Kyle got tired of him and really did just leave? He peaks his head into the living room but doesn’t see the redhead but he hears something and he walks to the doorway of the kitchen to see Kyles back to him, sweeping the floor. He blinks, looking him over and he ends up leaning against the doorway, continuing to watch him. He couldn’t help but smile because apparently they were frienemies but he’s the only one here helping him out and even cleaning his house.
“Yew make a great house wife” he breaks the silence, the smile he had now turning into a grin as he crosses his arms over his chest. As soon as he does however, his stomach growls loudly “Oh God- Kahl if you’re gonna be my house wife, yew gotta feed me too” he snickers at his own joke as he makes his way to the fridge “I’m just kidding but I’m seriously so hungry I’m gonna die”
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
He smiles to himself, trying to imagine Kenny and Butters the way the redhead had described them. “I wonder how long I was at the hospital for” he mumbles as he rubs the back of his head, fingers going along some stitches that the doctors had given him while unconscious. “Nah I’ll look around the house tomorrow. Today has been pretty eventful on its own, now I’m just hella tired.” He replies, wondering what he’d find.
At Kyles statement about his memories, he frowns for a split second but quickly puts a smile on his face to cover the fact that the thought kind of scared him. What if he never got his memories back? Was he such a horrible person that he was better this way? Maybe Kyle was right. Maybe this was like a second chance? The brunets looks away and nods “Ha- yeah of course we will… But why wouldn’t I want to remember?” He asks as his eyes shift back to Kyle for answers. Even if this was a second chance, he was too curious, too.. Selfish. Who was he without his memories? He wasn’t sure if kyle would tell him but he had to ask anyway, though he was scared for the answer.
At Kyles expression, he couldn’t help but laugh “Screw my old self. He’s not here at the moment, he’ll take a message” he grins, happy that despite what kyle was saying, he was laying down beside him. He watches intensely as the other starts to doze off. He was secretly happy not to have to be alone with his thoughts. “Shh it’s fine. Goodnight Kahl” he whispers and reaches over to turn off the light. He settles back in bed and lays on his back but as soon he as does, he catches site of the glow in the dark stars that covered his bedroom ceiling. He stares up at them for a long while, not so much thinking about anything other than how the day went, which was nice. Better than it had started out anyway, but his peaceful thoughts didnt follow him as he drifted off to sleep.
His dream started off really quiet and his surroundings seemed more like static than anything else, but eventually black and white started forming shapes and he ended up in his old preschool classroom, though he had no recognition of this place because of his lost memories, it seemed familiar to him.
“Stay away from that Cartman boy” “Don’t you know who’s son that is?” “Oh that’s /her/ son? He was probably born with STDs because of her.” “Make sure you don’t get too close to that fat kid over there, my mom said he’s bad news”
Eric turns around at the many voices and he sees all the other kids and parents on the other side of the classroom, away from him. They all keep glancing at him and turning away, whispering things amongst themselves. He even sees a curly redhead with a green ushanka playing with a few other kids and he realizes it was Kyle.
“Hey Kahl!” He shouts and he looks like he’s about to wave until Gerald takes hold of his hand and pulls him away.
“It’s all your fault!” when he turns around, he’s somewhere else, sitting across from another curly redhead who looks like he’s about to be sick. He didn’t know who he was but he looked down at the bowl that was sitting in front of him and saw a bunch of grounded up body parts in it. Eric immediately gets up from the table and turns away. It’s like he could even smell it and the stench was intense. The rotting flesh that was sitting in that bowl struck a cord from within him and he slapped it off the table, making it break against the ground. He could hear the crunching of bones and the slicing of skin and-
Eric ran away from the table “You can’t run forever!!” Scott shouts but he becomes a distant blur and Eric suddenly finds himself running up the stairs of his childhood house. He makes it to the top and looks down the unfamiliar hallway that seemed to get longer and farther away. The lights were flickering but he was too afraid to look behind him, so he takes a few hesitant steps down the hall. The sound of sex could be heard but he also heard yelling and crying and they all seemed to come from different rooms. His heart was pounding hard at every step he took, making his way over to his bedroom door without even realizing it. He stops in front of the door that had caution tape over it, along with scratch marks and a huge crack going along the door.
“Maybe you don’t need to get everything back.” Kyles voice echoes and he turns, seeing him at the end of the hall “We’ll have a great time too, maybe it’d even replace some of the memories you need or probably wouldn’t want to remember” he frowns but looks determined. He looks away from Kyle and grabs the doorknob shoves it open but he sees nothing but completely darkness; so dark that when he steps inside, he can’t even see his hand in front of his face. Suddenly, the door slams shut behind him and he turns to run but he can’t move his legs, it was like he was in quicksand. Blood starts to cover the floor and the stench from earlier is even stronger. A hand comes from behind him and is placed over his mouth, another hand trying to force him onto the ground. The quick movements make him have a few flashes of old memories of being manhandled in his room by random people and it makes him thrash his body around, not quite comprehending what was happening in those memories but he’s sinking into the ground and too much is happening, he’s too overwhelmed.
“HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!” Eric is screaming on the top of his lungs, yelling and thrashing around in his bed from the nightmare he was having. He’s not aware it’s a dream and everything was feeling so real. He wasn’t even sure exactly what was even happening, but it felt like the world was spinning and he couldn’t breath.
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cartmanandbutters · 9 years
He frowns, feeling himself get defensive “Ay! Don’t call me fat, asshole!” It was more of a natural response than him actually getting angry about it, though he was a bit offended. “No wonder why we’re frienemies” he let out a small laugh, now realizing it for the first time how true that was. The laugh ended with a small pout and he flicks Kyles hand away from his stomach.
When Kenny is mentioned, he sits up and listens but by the sound of it, Kyle didn’t know too much about their relationship. He was very intrigued by what he was being told though “What’s he look like? Have yew seen us hang out together at all ever?” Like brothers.. He really wanted to meet this Kenny. The word ‘brothers’ made him think of family. There was nobody at the hospital for him when he woke up but he hadn’t even thought about it. Did he even have a family? That was a question he decided to keep to himself for now. Kyle hadn’t mentioned them at all so he wasn’t sure what that meant. Maybe he didn’t know them?
“Wow I really do sound like an asshole though. I make fun of Kenny because he was poor and Butters is afraid? Goddamn. Maybe that’s why they aren’t here” he laughs though he wasn’t sure how to feel about it since he couldn’t remember.
As he was lightly running his fingers over his pale skin, he watched Kyles facial expression distort into one of fear. The smack to Erics hand made him jump and he quickly pulls his hand away, confusion clearly shown on his face. The brunet stays silent, looking like a puppy that just got scolded by its owner. What exactly happened here? Even when Kyle grabbed his hand and apologized, something didn’t feel right. Kyle had looked like he’d seen a ghost and now he’s shrugging it off like it was no big deal. Erics frown deepens but he looks away, saying nothing. Was it his fault? No… Kyle wouldn’t be here if he had done that.. Right?
“Yeah I don’t think a tan is really gonna help. Besides, you’d probably get a sunburn anyway” he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood a little. Obviously Kyle didn’t want to talk about it.
He offers a smile in return as he lays back into his own bed "Well I can't really tell yew how I felt before, but I like yew now. Yew seem pretty kewl" he scoots over, wincing at the pain from his movements but then settles once he made room "Yew can sleep in here if yew want?" Eric had a king sized bed so there was plenty of room with lots of pillows and blankets "Only if yew want to though.."
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