rollercoaster59 · 7 months
Haroin, food... intake...
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House of 1000 corpses is like haroin and cocaine had a baby, but it was raised by meth and LSD.
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The fuck did I just watch?
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rjjaczko · 4 years
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Haroin Father Contax G2 Kodak Portra 400
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teambarz · 5 years
SURF! by Mike $aatchi s/o all my fans & supporters, love y'all ♡ produced by @destxmido mixed & mastered by @mchi400 ig: @mikesaatchi twitter: @mikesaatchi
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The Opiod Crisis: Now it’s A State Of Emergency
The Opiod Crisis: Now it’s A State Of Emergency
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There was a long held belief concerning the war on drugs was to arrest more people and lock them up using some draconian – long sentence – when it was about black people. This was dangerously unfair because it has been proven that they were supplying the heroin and crack to our communities and they did nothing. Today there has been a major shift – white people are the ones addicted. So you see…
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bari-art9 · 5 years
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Haroin Father
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eksopolitiikka · 9 years
Skeptikko Hynek toi uskottavan järjen äänen ufologiaan
Skeptikko Hynek toi uskottavan järjen äänen ufologiaan
On aikamoista vähättelyä sanoa skeptikkojen ja ufologien välillä olevan juopa kun puhutaan UFO-keskustelusta. Erittäin harvoin nämä kaksi vastakkaista puolta tulevat puolivälissä vastaan. Kuitenkin silloin haroin kun niin käy, UFO-tutkimus hyötyy kaikkein eniten.
Juuri näin kävi kun J. Allen Hynek, entinen UFO-skeptikko, alkoi luokittelemaan vastustamattomimpia ja lupaavimpia tieteellisiä  UFO-havaintotapauksia.
Kun hän tutki ja luokitteli erilaiset UFO/avaruusolentotapaukset, Hynek alkoi muuttua vähemmän skeptiseksi. Hänen tutkimuksensa ja osaamisensa johti elokuvaan Kolmannen asteen yhteys, jota pidetään yhtenä tarkimmista avaruusolento/UFO-silminnäkijäkuvauksista fiktionaalisissa elokuvissa. [1]
Kuten kuka tahansa tutkija (UFO, rikos-, paranormaalien ilmiöiden jne) voi kertoa, silminnäkijätapaukset ovat yleensä epäluotettavinta todistusaineistoa tutkimuksessa. Kuitenkin usein se on ainoaa todistusaineistoa mitä tutkijoilla on työstettävänään.
Mitä monimutkaisempi ja traumaattisempi tilaisuus on, sitä vaikeampaa on luottaa näihin todisteisiin. On vieläkin vaikeampaa luokitella ja järjestellä näitä tapauksia koherentisti joka mahdollistaisi niiden tutkimuksen. Tämä vaikeus luokittelussa pätee ainakin silminnäkijäkuvauksiin UFO-havainnoissa ja avaruusolentojen kohtaamisissa.
Vaikeus on siinä kuinka eri silminnäkijäkuvaukset eroavat toisistaan. Kuten UFO CaseBook sanoo:
”UFO-silminnäkijäraportit tulevat monissa muodoissa ja kokoluokissa. Levyistä sikareihin ja kolmioihin ja lähes mihin tahansa kuviteltavissa olevaan.” [2]
Tällaiset vaihelevat tapaukset tekevät niiden luokittelusta lähes mahdottoman. Kuitenkin tohtori J. Allen Hynek, UFO-skeptikko, päätti ryhtyä tekemään niin. Hynekin mukaan vaikka UFO-havainnot ja avaruusolentojen kohtaamiset eroavatkin toisistaan, yleensä punainen lanka sitoo havainnot/kohtaamiset toisiinsa, kuten etäisyys, vuorokaudenaika, esineen muoto jne. Tämän teorian pohjalta Hynekin järkeily sai alkunsa.
Hynek ei ollut aito uskovainen aloittaessaan UFO-havaintojen tutkimustaan USA:n ilmavoimien tieteellisenä konsulttina Project Signissa (josta myöhemmin tuli Project Blue Book).
Hynekin tehtävänä oli periaatteessa debunkata silminnäkijätapaukset luokittelemalla ne joko luonnonilmiöiksi tai ihmisen luomiksi esineiksi. Kun hänet otettiin projektiin mukaan, Hynek kuvaa koko UFO-silminnäkijän idean olevan ”täydellisen naurettava”.
Kuitenkin hänen jatkaessaan tutkimuksiaan silminnäkijätapauksista ja suunnitellessaan omaa luokittelujärjestelmäänsä Hynekin mielipiteet aihetta kohtaan alkoivat muuttua. Kuten About.com sanoo, Hynekin mielestä ”UFO-arvoitusta ei voi selittää niin helposti…” [3]
Modernin ufologian isä
Hynek sanoi, ”ja kun kerran avaa mielensä mahdollisuudelle että nämä ihmiset eivät mitenkään voi olla väärässä, silloin näkee paljon tapauksia täysin eri valossa.” [4]
Hän alkoi tarkastella silminnäkijätodistuksia uudessa valossa. Kun hänen uransa loppui ilmavoimissa, entinen skeptikko alkoi tutkia näitä tapauksia itsenäisesti; edelleen käyttäen itseluomaansa luokittelujärjestelmää. Tähän päivään asti Hynekin systeemi on laajimmillaan käytössä oleva UFO/avaruusolentotapausten luokittelujärjestelmä. Hynekia pidetään, luokittelujärjestelmän ja aiheeseen tuomansa uskottavuuden takia, modernin ufologian isänä.
Tohtori J. Allen Hynek otettiin mukaan Kolmannen asteen yhteys -elokuvan tekoon konsultiksi. Hänen asiantuntemuksensa mitä aidot silminnäkijätodistukset sisältävät antoi elokuvalle realismin tuntua UFO-silminnäkijätapauksien suhteen, joka oli tuon ajan fiktionaalisille elokuville ennenkuulumatonta. Hynek meni jopa niin pitkälle että esiintyi elokuvassa cameo-roolissa kahdeksan sekunnin ajan. [4]
Ei ole epäilystäkään siitä etteikö J. Allen Hynekin, entisen UFO-skeptikon ja hallituksen UFO-debunkkaajan, luokittelujärjestelmä olisi tuonut uskottavuutta ufologian tieteenalaan.
Lähteet ja kuvat: [1] YouTube [2] UFO Casebook [3] UFOS About [4] CSI Cop [5] Movies Pictures [6] Wikipedia: Allen Hynek
Artikkelin julkaissut Top Secret Writers.
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Bro...is that haroin
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ydouseekme · 6 years
I wrote this to someone earlier and i felt everyone should hear it:
most people look a drug addiction the "Wrong Way" and "sometimes tough love is the answer" - but most of the time its not!
realize people use drugs and get blackout drunk to escape "their reality". that reality that they need to escape from 95% of the time comes "from the home and familys they grew up in" (and thats NOT saying that their was any mlicious intent on the part of the familys - it simply means that the parents most likely suffered some form of abuise even worse than the adicted child - and simply dont know any better.)
The Point is you incouraging "tough Love" could be telling the very people who make his realiy (and the judgement he suffers in it) so bad that he "Needs to escape it" to begin with to "rachet it up a notch"
if you really love him "you dont what that to happen" which his brother obviously does!
And in this case "Heroin is involved" so if his brother does not keep a certain level in his system then "the PAIN will get so bad he can actually DIE" its the reason getting someone off of haroin is so hard...I cant imagine what it would be like to "actually die of pain"
and why heroin addicits will degrade to the point where they will literally do anything to get the next fix...
The only way this does not end in his death...is if someone gets him serious medical help to ween him off the drug....and then he gets release into a loving environment that he does not need to escape from...and only then will he be in an environment where he can fix himself.
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di-royal · 7 years
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# BOOK REVIEW 📖 A THOUSAND NIGHTS 🎑 . # "Good men fall to monsters every day." . # This book was like a fairytale! An entire trip to a foreign land where the spirits rule the world of the living. The desert is not a place for everyone. Wild animals and evil souls could anytime destroy you. Somewhere, in a "ued", two sisters are living in peace. That till one day when the king Lo-Melkhiin decides to search another wife. Since the accident, the king wasn't the same. He marries and then the next day the girl is found dead. Now, to save her sister, our "Scheherazade" (because we don't know her name) decided to sacrifice herself. Her sister promised her to make her an altar and turn her into a goddess. But will our heroine survive the nights in the qasr (palace)? . # This book was different for what I read so far and that's because the feeling that you get when you read it - it's like you're somehow hypnotized. Like in a dream, the story was so unreal, but yet so veridical ♡ I liked how the mithological, the fictional and the real were mixed together 🌟 It's really curious how you can know a person without knowing her name. Because our haroine doesn't have a name. Neither the other characters, but ony the ones in the palace 😮 . # There were some missing puzzle pieces in the story and somehow that annoyed me 😅 I felt like the main character was some king of a "fate", a mithological creature who weaves the future or the destiny. I liked the fact that even if she wasn't a royalty, she was a strong woman who "fighted" the king. This little particular aspect made me ADORE this story and the author's style 😍 you know how much I adore the myths and history and girl power 😆 if you haven't read this book yet, you should try it ASAP. Because you won't love it, you will ADORE it 👑 ! . # Goodreads rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟☆ . # Thank you so so much, @edituratrei 💞 ! . #book #books #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #cititoripasionati #cititoridinromania #cecitim #DreamsHaveWingsBlog #booklover #bibliophile #epicread #iubescsacitesc #bookblogger #blogger #vsco #vscocam #igreads #photographer #bookreview #athousandnights
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and karra you are about to get legally executed by abot 17 niggas jumping around here you asked me when we was 16 adrinne is that lil boy yours and lil wayne bitch be gone and all yo  know is wade sold weed ou are the one who brough up false haroin charges again wayde
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rjjaczko · 4 years
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Savage Ga$p & Haroin Father Contax G2 Kodak Portra 400
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going7to7be7me · 7 years
Do not asume you know some one from what they look like on the out side and im not talking about the hippi with the dreds are atomaticly a pot head or the guy with the saging pants a thug or the guy with the tats a biker. Im talking about your every day person that you see all the time but you have made assumptions of. I have been judged most of my life. First it was because of my older siblings. Because of my sister people thought i should be super smart and then because of my brother people thought i should be a trouble maker. I actually had teachers on the first day of school say oh your **** **** sister? Well ill be watching you. So i was quite and tryed to stay under their radar. And then when i got older. I was never known by my real name. People called me by the people i would hang a round. Oh your ****'s friend or aren't you **** ****'s girlfriend. I always hated people not knowing who i was. I was in a relationship that turned bad and i left. And after i left he started cashing fake checks every where i cashed my pay checks and sense everyone new that we had been together i couldn't cash my checks. I was actually run out of one place with the lady jumping over the counter and a long line of people behind me. I was so humiliated. It took me a couple years before i was able to over come that and there are still some places i can't go. But all this is leading up to my current state. So like you've guessed i havent really had things perfect and because of this i have pretty bad depression and anxiety. Which makes it hard to go about my daily tasks and these past couple years have been really hard (not the hardest but hard none the less). I had a surprise pregnancy that the father told me he didnt want a part in so i was left with 4 kids to raise on my own. My father flipped on me and is now having health problems. I have a couple other family members that are having health problems my brother decided to take his addiction to a hole new level and is currently on haroin. He has tryed to kill himself several times and we can't help him. So he is homless and we dont know where he is how hes doing or if he is even alive. And my sister is having a hard time with her kids wirh them following in his steps. I am trying to hold myself together while dealing with all that and like i said i am a single mother of 4 and i am a survivor of domestic violence so i am terrified to get a job thinking that he will find me and finish what he started years ago. And raising teenagers that have a bunch of stuff going on with them. They are awesome athlete's and and extremely cute and because of that they get alot of hate. So i am constantly dealing with bullies and with the internet its even worse. My oldest his going into high school with the people that have harassed him for years and he had a fight with them in 6th grade and was bullied relentlessly in 7th grade because of it to the point he had a mental break down. I am scared that it will happen again. I have told him i will switch him schools but with school pride and all his friends he said no. There is a bunch of other stuff that i have not metioned because i have typed enough but not all people see when they look at me and my house is just a lazy person that doesnt want to do shit except feed off any hand out i can get. But in reality i am fighting day in and day out to stay afloat so yes my house it a mess my grass isnt always mowed and there have been times that me myself have not taken a shower in a week or changed my clothes. But i guarantee. My kids are clean. My kids have been fed. My kids have more then what they need for basic survival. I have been at everyone of their games and if im not i have made sure someone is. And my kids will never want for anything. So go ahead and say what you want. I have taken care of all there friends and when one of them need something i am there for them as well. .......
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