bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Courage isn't always the roar of the lion, sometimes it's the faint whisper from within that simply says, "enough." #FearIsALiar #Courage #NeverGiveUp #Success #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Start believing in YOURSELF. #Breathe #Believe #Become #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Always remember this. #Breathe #StayFocused #NeverGiveUp #Success #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Don't compare yourself to everyone else. Take your time, you will bloom when you're ready. #Breathe #Believe #Become #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen #TyHarrell (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Let it go, and keep moving forward. #Breathe #LetItGo #Smile #KeepMovingForward #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 6 years
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Trust me, they wonder how you do it. Just smile and keep moving forward. #Breathe #Smile #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen #TyHarrell (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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I can attest to getting some things perfectly right, and other things woefully wrong; but, no one can ever say that I gave up. Keep moving forward. #Breathe #Believe #Become #Success #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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"You'd better make it two extra shots of espresso...It's the 1st of the month, and my goals don't give a damn about how tired I am!" #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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Make a list of five people you love and want to be happy, healthy and prosperous. Now, look at that list. If your name is not on it, you need to start the list over again. You must become a priority in your own life. #LoveYourself #RespectYourself #NeverGiveUp #Success #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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It's just that simple. #Breathe #LetItGo #Relax #Repeat #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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Never stop learning, growing, challenging yourself and the people/traditions around you, imagining and creating, being happy, inspiring, and evolving. But, perhaps, most importantly, never stop loving and believing in yourself. One day, you'll be very glad you did. #Breathe #Believe #Become #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen #TyHarrell (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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The first week of 2018 has been good, and I hope that has been the same for you. Either way, keep moving forward, everything will be alright. #Breathe #KeepGoing #Success #Namaste #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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It begins now! #Breathe #Believe #Become #NeverGiveUp #Success #HarrellMen #TyHarrell (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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You don't need anyone's permission to start believing in YOURSELF! Your relationship ended? Alright, move on. You were great before the relationship, you'll be great without it. Didn't get the job/promotion you wanted? Well, it was never yours to begin with, so pull yourself together, and keep moving forward; there are other jobs, even if you have to start your own. You want to lose weight? Well, stop talking about it, and be about it. Park your car at the furthest spot from the store and start walking more; reduce your consumption of sugar and salt, and DRINK MORE WATER; connect with others who want to make a change in their life, and encourage or challenge each other to actually do it! And, if you stumble with any of these things or something completely different, it's OKAY. Don't beat yourself up, just breathe, and start again...because now, you're one step closer to your goal than you were before. #Breathe #Believe #Become #HarrellMen (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
Give the gift of life, donate blood! #DonateBlood #GiftOfLife #RedCross #HappyNewYear #Namaste #HarrellMen #TyHarrell (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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bowtyharrell · 7 years
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You are going to make it, keep moving forward! #Breathe #Believe #Become #KeepMovingForward #Persistence #Success #NeverGiveUp #HarrellMen #TyHarrell #SlowProgressionYogi (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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