#harriet and harry would absolutely destroy anyone who hurts CJ
Question, when did my Dead Beauty AU go from "Isle teenagers with no survival instincts getting into relationships drama and maybe regicide" to "Isle teenagers with no survival instincts getting into relationships drama and maybe regicide, going absolutely feral when their younger relatives are in danger"?
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Third film. After “ready as I’ll ever be”. In the woods of Auradon)
Lonnie (on her cellphone to Elsa): thank you your majesty. See you soon. (She hangs up). Ok. So we got Agrabah, Arendelle and New Orleans on our side.
Dizzy: what about Auroria and Cinderellasburg?
Jane: you know it just occurred to me how stupid some of these names sound
Lonnie (shrugging): we didn’t name em. Auroria. Possibly. Cinderellasburg. I dunno. Remember it’s her son who’s the homicidal maniac.
Dizzy: true
(In Ben’s office the three villains are looking at smoking hole in the carpet where the king once was)
Maleficent: is he dead
Chad: I dunno. Never done this before. Just thought of what would hurt him and did that. Dunno where that ball came from
Adam: what exactly would hurt him.
Chad: I think it was something to do with you sir
Adam: well he did destroy my portrait. And you had better hope he’s not dead. If he is then he’ll be used as a martyr and the bastards will be even harder to subjugate.
Maleficent: oh don’t worry. The bodies scattered throughout the kingdom? They’re merely asleep. The wand won’t allow otherwise. And a rookie did perform it after al
Adam: so what next?
Maleficent: I need to hunt down the ember and hopefully capture my daughter. You two make sure that the boy isn’t found by his allies.
Chad: Roger
Adam: we are not on a walkie-talkie
Chad (hopefully): but we could be?
Adam: no. You still have your cell
Maleficent: and you have a telapthic link with me. Adieu gentleman
(She disappears into purple smoke)
Chad: ooh I almost forgot. Where’s Audrey
Adam: don’t know don’t care. She’s not important. And she’s thrown in her lot with the villain spawn. She’s not worth saving son
Chad: I did this for her. I need to tell her. She can finally be my queen
Adam: and if she doesn’t want to? Because your skin is peeling off on your cheek
Chad: then I’ll make her. I have the wand. A little trance and then we dance.
Adam: whatever you think is best. Prince Chad of Auradon
Chad: I like that name
(On the island Facillier Celia and the boys have just sat down for lunch)
Carlos: god I forgot how good your cooking was
Facillier: well I’m glad I can still do something for you children. Even if it isn’t much
Gil: this is more then enough sir
Jay: to be honest I kinda missed this. Running away from Jafar. Coming here. Playing arcade games. Having proper good and not glass lined stew. Thank you
Facillier: your very welcome Jay. I have two extra slices for the girls when they come back from their fathers. Would they be interested
Gil: Evie would
Carlos: mom won’t. Vegetarian. But dad probably wil. If not then 🎶more for me🎶.
Jay: I’m done. I’ll put them on the bikes. You go play some games.
Carlos: ahaha I don’t think so. Not after yesterday. I’m coming with you. Don’t even try to stop me
Jay: and miss out on quality time with you? What am I? And idiot? Don’t answer that, just assume the position
(Carlos happily jumps in Jay’s back and they leave the arcade. The silence doesn’t last long)
Jay (from outside): HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!!!!
(Carlos scurries back in slightly out of breath)
Carlos: the Hook’s stole our bikes. Jay’s chasing them. How long do you think mom and Evie will be at their dads?
Facillier: I don’t know. Why do they want there bikes
Carlos: the blonde said something about revenge redemption and repentance
Facillier: shit
Carlos: what
Celia: Harry’s alive. And they know.
(Outside the sisters Hook are on the bikes and Jay is chasing them. The give him the slip and he takes a shortcut which ends with him crashing through the apartment of someone he knows)
Jay: good thing I can’t get hurt
Cassim: Jay?
Jay: Cassim? You moved?
Cassim: I’m squatting.
Jay: of course. When this is all over I’m coming back for you personally. I need my grandpa after all
Cassim: Aladdin adopted you?
Jay: yup.
Cassim: I’m glad. Now what the hell are you doing
Jay: the Hook bitches stole two of our bikes. Trying to get them back.
Cassim: then go son, go
(Jay teleports away from the apartment straight into the girls path. They crash into him, flip over and land in a pile of crates against the wall)
Jay: you know. I have it on good authority that this is where your brother landed last year. After my friend stabbed him in the dick
Cj: don’t speak his NAME!
(She screams and aims a knife at his throat. He holds her wrist stopping her in the process. There’s a cracking sound)
Jay: do you really think you can hurt me. (Harriet tries to att ack him but he sweeps her legs from under her, she land on her back and he puts a foot on her throat) both of you are just as pathetic as your brother. Now. Tell me (his eyes glow bright gold) why did you steal the bikes?
Harriet (slowly suffocating): Harry. He’s, he’s
Jay: he’s what?
(In hades lair mother and son have just finished their talk)
Harry (still in disbelief): he though she was a mermaid. Oh god the injuicetus of it all
Hades: the what
Harry: it’s not fair. I can’t be related to those. Hold on. Do I have magic?
Hades: I don’t know. You might be a Vernon. James, while very bloodthirsty and oh so confident
Harry: yuck
Hades: is 100% fully human. So I don’t know if you have it in you.
Evie: and besides what do you care if you’re half mermaid? Your owner is an octopus. You haven’t got a leg to stand on
Harry: ohoho neither does the king kid sister
Evie: don’t call me that you have NO RIGHT
Harry: if I have magic. I’ll be more powerful then you
Evie: oh you think so do you? You’re only half god. The rest of you is stanky part human. I’m half sorceress. Mal’s half dark fairy. We’re better then you. In every way shape and form.
(This is when “anything you can do” happens. After the song)
Mal: are you two quote finished? Only cause I really want to get home before the kingdom falls and my fiancé dies
Evie (scoffing): of course. It’s always about what you want. You don’t even care that I’m in a crisis
Mal: I’m sorry what was that?
Evie: oh nothing. As always you’re too wrapped up in your own crap to see I’m suffering
Mal: oh my apologies dear sister. But who’s god awful advice last year led to the deaths of sixteen members of the paparazzi?
Evie: you’re the one that lost control. And then tried to kill me.
Mal: I was pissed that Ben got kidnapped. I also tasered Harry in the neck and nearly crushed Gil’s aorta in a fit of magic induced psychosis. You’re not special
(At this point the guys speak simultaneously)
Harry: you did what to Gil?
Hadie: you killed sixteen people?
Hades: that explains the magical history tour
Mal: Uma tore out my own heart and made me put it back, we used the book to resurrect them and yes the attempted sororicide is what led to it
Hades: wow. And. After all that. You still want to help.
Mal (shrugging): I live there. I have to help. Who else will?
Hades: the authorities. I don’t get it. After everything you’ve been through. Your mother. The coronation. The whatever it was the news called it last year
Evie: the green cyclone. It a lot PR to get rid of. I should know. I was in charge of it
Hades: and now this boy your mother possessed. You’re not thinking about yourself when you really should. By all means. Be all who you think they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don’t owe them or this world a thing. You never did.
Mal: is that from man of steel?
Hades: possibly. We get a lot of old used up films here
Mal: I never really paid attention to the movie besides the two leads
Mal: ...I think we need to talk. We can use your den right dad?
Hades: be my guest
Mal: thank you. CMON!
(She teleports Evie and her self to the den and seals the place)
Mal: now c’mon. Spill. Out with it
Evie: out with what?
Mal: the reason you’ve been pissy since the altercation we all had with Adam
Evie: I just...don’t...see...why you’re... ok with all this
Mal: oh?
Evie: he left us. With them. And I know he had his reasons. But they doesn’t excuse or lessen what he did. And I’m so...angry. That you seem fine with it. And it’s not fair. You have the height. More magic. The title. I love Doug and I can’t even say it to him. You’re the main character in this little soap opera that is our lives and I’m on the fringe of it all trying desperately to get a major part. But of course. Your story way isn’t it. And it’s always been like this. Ever since we were thirteen and I stabbed it in the leg. Got a quick hug from Carlos and he rushed straight into your arms and you punted next into the barrier. It’s irrational. And illogical. But I’m not a Vulcan. I have my own shit to sort out and it just feel like I’m constantly waiting out there for it to be my turn. I I.
(This is when “waiting in the wings happens”)
Mal: wow. And yet you’ve never tried out for choir
Evie: hey!
Mal: sorry. But seriously. You’ve been holding onto this whatever this is. For what? Ten years?
Evie: I hate that you’re right. I hate that you’re coining and I’m not. And I hate
Mal: you think I’m coping? I hate it too. I hate that he left us just as much as you do. But I do understand it. If I couldn’t be near Carlos I’d do whatever I could to keep him safe. Even if it meant ceasing all contact. And I know you’d do that for Dizzy and Gil would do that for the twins. I don’t like it but I understand it.
Evie: I guess.
Mal: ready to go back in now?
Evie: fine
(They go back to the main room only to seek new problem)
Harry (absolutely incensed): WHADYA MEAN I LOST A YEAR OF MY LIFE!
The sisters (unimpressed): this should be interesting
(At the arcade. The Hook sisters are ties back to back on the dinner table. Carlos is having a minor breakdown)
Carlos: woah woah wait. So you’re telling me. That the bastard that’s haunted my nightmares since I was eleven years old. Is the son of hades, Mal and Evie’s older brother. And you never THOUGHT TO TELL ANYONE
Harriet: why would we AAAAAAAAARGH
(Jay just flexed the cord binding the two sending an exceedingly painful electric shock through both of them)
Jay: yeah. You don’t get to talk to Carlos. Neither of you deserve to talk to Carlos.
Cj: we only require the presence of one.
Jay: English please
Gil: me. CJ’s talking about me. What do you want.
Cj: do you even care. Did you even think about them. All year long. You forgot them. Traitor
Gil (with more calmness then they deserve): I do care. I come here with my brother and our friends every Friday and I help with the relocation. As for Uma and Harry. They terrify me. They gave me the same look you’re giving me right now when I left. Uma wanted to get out of here, who wouldn’t, but when anything doesn’t go her way she turns cold and horrible. Harry, well, you know how he is. I loved them. And I know they loved me. But they terrify me. And you don’t terrify people you love. So no. I’m not the traitor. No matter what you say.
Jay: how long have you known?
Harriet: since Hadie brought him to the ship 19 1/2 years ago. I was three. I named him after meself.
Celia (unimpressed): huh inspired.
Harriet: if pa knew he had made it with a god who can take a lady’s form at will and sired a child in the process. Harry wouldn’t have lived to say his first words. And don’t either you dare say that it woulda been a good thing
Carlos (muttering): well
Harriet: SHUDDIT. It didn’t help. Father hated him. Insulted him. Tried to hurt him. It’s why I broke both his legs and poked out his eye. Everything I’ve ever done is to protect my brother and sister. And I’ll not have him be put at risk because his whore of a mother couldn’t keep her pissing mouth shut!
Jay (chuckling): I’m sorry have you MET your brother?
Harriet: yes. He’s an angel has a great respect for women. Would kill for his family. I raised him right
Jay: you raised a perverted overly violet ambiance is what you did
Carlos: I just hope that mom and Evie kill him before he gets here
(In the lair Harry’s having one of his patented meltdowns)
Harry: I remember HAHAHAHA I rememhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA
Evie: May I?
Hades: May you what?
(Evie walks up to her mortal older brother and slaps him around the face so hard he spins in perfect 360 and falls on his face slapped cheek landing on the floor painfully)
Harry: owwww
Mal: you’ve lost a year of your life. Big rotting whoop. You’re still nineteen
Harry: that’s even worse. I should still be young and beautiful
(The girls burst into hysterical laughter. So much so they actually start choking on air. Their brother is unimpressed)
Harry: so not only do you hate me. You think I’m ugly
Mal (trying very hard to keep a straight face): you are not a 12 year old girl and I am not your mother. So yes. Your hideously repulsive to me. More to the point. You’re nothing. You were born nothing. And god willing you’ll die nothing. You repulse me and everyone you know. The only reason our cousin ever kept you around is because she felt sorry for you
(Harry slaps her around the face. In turn she punches him in his face. Then uses magic to screw him up into a tiny little ball. And kicks him into the tv. After which he unfurls himself looking very much the worse for wear. This is when “you’re a mean one mister Hook” happens. After the song)
Evie: so you think we can leave him here as a moulding husk?
Mal (ruefully glancing at their father): I highly doubt it. The Samaritan here will probably heal him.
Evie: ooh idea time
Mal: yeah.
Evie: a repeat of last year. We take it hostage. And make Uma comply to our demands.
Mal: hmmmmm tempting. Can we still keep it beaten bloody and broken.
Hadie: ok this has been alluded to but I gotta know! What did he do. If he’s just in a different gang to you what could he have possibly done to make you hate him so much?
Mal: he attacked my son five years ago. He kidnapped my boyfriend and tried to throw him to sharks
Evie: he extorted my daughter for protection money. He fought my boyfriend last year
Harry: the dwarf stabbed me in the dick
The sister rotten: YOU DESERVE IT
Mal: he’s a foul vile disgusting little troglodyte who deserves eternal torment
Evie: he’s literally a bastard son of a bitch, father
Hades: somehow I think that was directed at me
Evie: ohoho if you’re ever going to be sure of anything in your too long life, be sure that every insult I currently have racing around in my brain is directed at you
Hades: thank you dear
Mal: we should get going
Evie: agreed
Mal: first though dad. Two questions. One. May I have the ember please? (He tosses it to her). Much obliged. Two. Come with us. Please?
Hades (looking guiltily ashamed): ah
Hadie: our dear old dad has barely left the lair. Yesterday’s incident was the first time he’s gone that far since
Evie: my second birthday. Of course
Hades: I’m sorry. I am so so sorry. I just. I can’t risk you, any of you, getting hurt because of me.
Mal (disappointedly): ah. Oh well. That’s fine. Long shot anyway. C’mon E. Wait.
Hadie: what’s wrong.
Mal: that (she points at Harry’s unconscious form). What’re we gonna do with it?
Evie: we’re gonna have to take him with us. A genuine hostage situation. If Uma tries anything. We threaten it’s life
Mal: I like those odds. (She conjures up a hair thin coil of rope and hogties Harry with it). There. That should do the trick
Hadie: doesn’t that hurt him
The sisters rotten: who cares?
(They leave the lair with the pirate railing behind like a deformed balloon. Once they’re at the arcade Evie stops Mal just before the dragon goes inside )
Evie: wait wait wait!
Mal: what what what?
Evie: ok. First of all. Uncalled for. Second of all. What do we tell the others about that?
(She points to Harry)
Mal: the truth
Evie: ok I know you have this “I don’t lie” policy, which is frankly bullshit, but sometimes lying is better
Mal: they’ll find out anyway. No use in letting it fester. C’mon
(They enter the arcade. And immediately notice the hook sisters chained up on the table)
Mal: hey guys. What’s going on?
Jay: they stole our bikes. Mine and Carlos’s bikes they were trying to find Pennywise
Harriet (happy cry/laughing): oh my god. You’re alive AAAARGH
Jay (holding the ignited and still burning chain): hush bitch.
Carlos: is it true mom?
Mal: yes.
Carlos: you and Evie I understand. But him. Dear god hades have some self respect
Evie: Hook thought she was a mermaid
Carlos: she?
Mal: Hades is Harry’s mother. Mine and Evie’s father. Harry’s mother
Carlos: huh, makes sense
Evie: in other news. I’m a day younger than Mal. The result of a rebound apparently
Mal: Maleficent left the morning after the wedding night.
Carlos (massaging the bridge of his nose): that’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds
Mal: sorry hon.
Celia: what do we do now?
Jay: take all three of them hostage. If Uma tries anything. Off them one by one
Carlos Evie and Celia: agreed
Mal: Gil, buddy, you’ve not said anything yet. You ok?
Gil: how is he?
Facillier: he’s fine son. He’s preserved. Intact. He’s
Gil: is he still mad. About last year.
Cj: if he’s retained the sense Harriet taught him he’ll be mad as all get out
(The core four and Celia exchange a look that says “this explains so much)
Carlos: we’ve got to wake it up don’t we?
Mal: sadly yes. Jay you’re much more level headed than oh no...
(Her attentions turned to the tv where an emergency news report is airing. In Arendelle Elsa is preparing her leave)
Anna: how long are you gonna be gone?
Elsa: as long as my daughter needs me.
Anna: well then. Beat the bastards.
Elsa: oh believe me. I will.
(She takes her rucksack and teleports away to Auradon. She slams into a dome two hundwred miles from the castle and falls to the forest floor. Back on the island Hadie’s on his exercise bike. Hades however)
Hades: I made the right choice didn’t I? It’s not a good idea for me to go. So I shouldn’t. But I should. Bugger it. I don’t know. What do you think? What should I do
(Hadie hops off the exercise bike and faces his dad)
Hadie: what do you want me to say father? You did what you thought was best. I told you not to go try and give her the ember yesterday and look what happened. And now you’re asking me if you made the right decision? I can’t tell you that. Sorry but I can’t
Hades: I know. And don’t be sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have put you in that position. Oooh. Idea.
Hadie: what?
Hades: go with them. Protect them.
Hadie: really?
Hades: yeah. Iri...Mal has the ember
Hadie: oh but they still don’t like you
Hades: but Mal likes you
Hadie: good point. I better get ready then
Hades: HAHA!
(This is when “I’m so sorry” happens. After the song. In the arcade. The news caster is fear-mongering)
Newscaster: we don’t know what’s happening. The black smoke descends and leaves people unconscious. It is believed that a villain may have escaped the barrier after Hades’s attempt yesterday afternoon. The king is missing and lady Mal is nowhere to be fargh (he lets out a strangled scream as his heart is ripped out of his back. His face goes slack and he speaks with Maleficent’s voice) I know you are watching dear. So do me the courtesy of paying attention for a change. I know he gave you the ember. For some reason he took quite a shine to me so it would make sense that you are the favourite. Can not fathom why though. You are basically useless and very difficult to love. Anyway. Give me the ember at your earliest convenience and return to the isle with me and the toffs will live. Fail to do so. And I shall kill every last man women and child in Auradon until only tour pathetic little friends are left. And I will make you do away with them. Just know Maleficent Bertha that if you deny me what happens is your fault. You’d choice sweetie. (The heart is placed back into the mans chest) I’m sorry I don’t know what happened for a minute there urk
(His neck twists violently to the left and he falls down dead)
Mal: oh no. Oh nononononononono.....
(She enters a verbal cycle that only Jay notices. He switches off the tv and gets on the dinner table)
(Everyone hightails it outside and he sits down beside Mal on the floor)
Jay: it’s ok. You’ll be fine.
Mal: you don’t know that
Jay: I do. I do know that. You know how I know that? This sort of thing has happened to us so many times before. And you know what we do? We win. Every. Single. Goddamn. Time. And besides. You have the one thing Maleficent or chad will never have.
Mal: what? What do I have
Jay: you have me. You’ll always have me. I’m always gonna be there for you. Whatever happens. Be sure if this. I’m here for you
(This is when “I’ll be there for you” happens.)
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