#harry styles famfic
aggresivelyfriendly · 5 years
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To Be So Lonely Harry Styles au pair AU-
Chapter 3
Another Day Till Paradise
HI! Thanks for reading, to @chasm2018​, for brainstorming, @papiermachecat​ for the catalyst, and @dirtystyles​ and @emulateharry​ for the read through!
"Just one more set of notes to go over and I get to put this case away forever! And we get to go to Malibu!" Vee sing-songed into the phone. Harry's  chuckle was in key with her happiness.
"It's a long time coming, I know." She could imagine his fond smile. "You've been working hard for months."
"Months and months." She stretched long and groaned a little.
"You tired?" He asked. "You were up before Maribel and out the house."
"I am, but also really restless. I was so excited about putting this one to bed, I wasn't able to sleep much myself." She started to get her auto dictating stuff together. She usually typed things, but she was feeling the 12 hours she'd been up and knew the words would blur. She'd do it like this and have her assistant proof and file. She was ready to go home. That meant she needed to get off the phone. "What are the babies doing?" She asked instead.
"Oh, well, they are thrashing about in their cribs." She heard him move the monitor. "Looks like Bel is up and staring at Teo, willing him awake."
"Seems late for them to sleep." Since they dropped to one nap it was just after lunch until 2:30.
"We had that date with Jameson's nanny from playgroup, remember? They are on a slightly later schedule, so I fed them and then had them walk the short distance home."
"How did you do that?" Her mind boggled trying to picture it, she was sure her eyes goggled too.
He laughed. "I alternated. One by hand, the other on my hip, and when one started whining while the other started to drop off, I switched them." God, he was strong.
"Nice." Vee really should go.
"Yeah it worked a treat. You done typing the brief? when will you be home?" She heard him click off the monitor. "Teo is more than stirring now."
"Um," she'd be about done had she either got off the phone to dictate or typed it while they spoke. She opened a doc and started typing. She may be tired, but this was faster. "Give me a half an hour."
"Need to let me go?" She kinda did. He was walking, his breath was a little faster.
"No, put me on speaker and let me talk to the babies. We can wake them together." She heard a cry.
"Oh no need to wake them. But mamas voice may quiet them." She put her own phone on speaker and talked with Teo while she heard Harry with Maribel in the background.
She'd be jealous she wasn't there except she would be for the next two weeks. Harry had a friend in LA, a wealthy one (she'd have to ask about that), who had offered his beach house. She'd been bandying about vacation ideas when Harry's face brightened in that way he had. His ideas were usually brilliant, and he told great stories, though usually his tales of their day revealed more about himself than any direct question she had asked him. When she asked about him, he'd shrug and go over his CV. Born in the north of England, divorced parents, amazing mum, lovely sister, moved to the states to do his doctorate, couldn't keep up with the expense, was in sabbatical to earn some money to finish.
Those were all pleasant facts, except the divorce, his face scrunched like bitter lemon on that tidbit, but they weren't really about him. The thing she knew, were from observation, or his long asides.
He liked his coffee black but his tea strong and sweet, and only from a pot, not a bag. His favorite meal was breakfast and he ate it at all times of the day and night. Once she'd found him making pancakes at 2:30 am. "Couldn't sleep, and it's always a good time for pancakes," he'd grinned. "Try it." So she'd sat at the breakfast bar and been a good student of anytime breakfast. He also liked to grab cold pancakes as a snack, as did her babies now. "I use the whole grain mix and put in eggs, so they get protein." He'd looked for approval.
He looked for her approval a lot. She wasn't sure if he was trying to keep her involved, was being polite, or really was unsure. Harry's ideas and ways were nearly always A+.
He had asked for approval on the Malibu idea. And he'd told the story in that meandering way of his. Vee, how she'd come to think of herself since he adopted the nickname, usually left with more information about him, and less about whatever the actual topic.
The day they'd been talking about vacation ideas was a perfect example. Harry had been sitting across from her with that sweet little cock to his head he got when she was talking at length. It might be the first time in her life she felt like somebody listened to her and really liked it. Her mama did too, now, but when she was little her mama had been so tired. She worked too hard, too much, and too many jobs. Mama was tired when she got home, and she never had the money or paid time off for a vacation. Because of that, all that scarification, Vee did.
"I should be done with this case at month ends I think I'd really like to go somewhere, relax, play with the babies, sleep in."
Harry laughed. "Vacation with the twins means you won't be getting to sleep in much."
"Not if you come with us." She raised her eyebrows at him. He deserved a vacation too. He'd been working a lot right along with her. She'd paid him extra, but wanted to do more, and there was the other benefit. "Then we can switch off days, I'll keep them most nights, but maybe you can keep them a few mornings?" She hoped he liked the idea, or maybe he would like to just have the time off to see friends, or maybe even go home. "If you want too." She tried to take the pressure off, scale back the hope in her eyes.
"I think that vacation sounds amazing!" His dimples were so huge, she liked that they showed sometimes even when he wasn't smiling. He was now. "What kind of vacation were you thinking, mountains, beach, big city? Driving or flying?"
He was about to keep going when she cut him off. He might start talking about his favorite vacation when he was 12, or something, and entertaining as that time in Portugal may have been, it wasn't germane to the moment.
"I would actually just love to get out of the city, but still have city amenities. Beaches, and laying around, with nice food and hiking, but not an all inclusive. Ya know. And sunsets. I'd really love some devastating sunsets." She missed heat too. "Somewhere warm. And flying. But not too far. And no layovers. Not with Beli and Teo."
Harry had straightened up in his chair and smiled with flashing eyebrows. He'd put a finger up while he stood before disappearing into a room. He came back 15 min later with the same light on his face stirred together with a bit of triumph.
"I have the perfect vacation for us!" He grabbed the barstool he'd vacated with one dinner plated sized hand and sat across from her. Then leaned in with his chin on his fist. "Have you ever been to LA?"
Victoria wasn't able to school her face.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But there are some really amazing things to do and see there, if you avoid the star walk and such." She'd not been to the star wall. She'd been there for a conference and hadn't seen much but the walls of it, and the immediate area in downtown LA. She hadn't been impressed.
"How'd you know so much about LA?" It was on the other side of the world after all, from the place that imprinted on his voice.
"Oh, I have family, although I guess more close family friends there," he stopped to puzzle over the tree and its branches. "Yeah, just my dad's old college mate, not actually blood relations, though I called him uncle my whole life. Anyway, I wasn't sure where I wanted to go for my post grad. I talked to myself about the requisite places in England. But Oxford and Cambridge seem so stuffy."
"And Harvard isn't stuffy?" She'd gone to Brown.
He had a goofy snicker sometimes. It might be her favorite flavor of his laugh. "Not nearly as cool as Brown. Who went there?" He rapped his chin. "Oh JFK Jr! That's right. Who else?"
There was a list but she just narrowed her eyes.
"Anyway. The opposite of stuffy seemed like California. So I decided that Stanford might be nice. So I called my 'uncle' in LA to see if I could stay with him and commute to school or something."
Vee giggled.
"Ya, I had no idea how big California was. I guess I figured it was like San Francisco, Stanford. LA. Three hours tops, make a tour, see the sights, catch the vibe," he mimicked a surfboard and she lost it.
She was full out laughing by now. His hand illustrations and the little literal hop, skip, and a jump he performed before that. He should go to Disneyland too with that level of animation. "Did your uncle teach you different?"
"Well, no, like kinda. He mostly just was excited to have me. But we went to his house on the beach in Malibu first and then drove to Stanford. Which was beautiful. Up the coast."
"Isn't that like 12 hours?"
"Like 10, I dunno, forever, but we stopped in Monterey. That was nice. And beachfront. By the time we got to Palo Alto, which means high stick by the way, that's a weird name for a town, I was disappointed. The weather was way better in Malibu. Also I had imagined Stanford was waterfront."
"It's not far. The whole state can't be on the ocean."
"Think my expectations were ruinous. I had no idea how big the place was. But, it wasn't what I had in my mind." He shrugged.
"And Boston was." That was the puzzle. It was cold here, and definitely not postcard beaches.
"Well, it's waterfront."
"Do you do much swimming?" She asked.
"I had it in my mind to go abroad by then, and  Boston seemed to have shit weather like home."
"Shittier." Vee flashed her palms like that was a given. There was more to this story, something she wasn't getting.
"Oh, Texas has better?" Harry derailed her and got up to move behind her in the kitchen. He was grabbing food now. Oooh, nap snack time. She loved when he did this. It was like an informal nosh, so different from the stuffy steak lunches at work when she had to go to client things.
How the hell did he pull together a bruschetta bar so quickly? "Made it last night." He answered her face. "Had a craving, made loads." She'd been around the office late again Friday evening, but only two more weeks until the case officially ended. Her part anyway. But she answered his cheek while she loaded up a toast point.
"Claro, San Antonio at least. Houston's a bit shit, Dallas gets cold, and hellishly hot—"
"Isn't San Antonio really hot?" He interrupted.
"Yeah, but it's a little drier, and there are hills and Austin is close, and it's just better. Certainly than Boston." She sighed. Sometimes she missed how big the sky was and that the clouds looked like cartoons.
"You'll have to show me." She'd like to. The house that built her. That was like the only country song she liked.
She smiled and nodded looking. "Yeah, sometime, you can come to when we go we abuelita. But, much as I love my mother, that's not a vacation exactly."
"Right." He nodded along. "So I just called James, my pseudo uncle, and they are going home for a month. He said we could use his beach house...." Harry's eyebrows  were as high as they could go, floating on hope.
"I only have two weeks."
"Yeah, that's enough, you'll be missing the east-coast-no-bullshit by then. Everybody is fake happy and nice in California." He sounded like he was standing behind a lectern.
"Like you." She felt the need to remind him. He was the happiest person she knew.  But she knew a lot of lawyers.
"Oh, mine's not fake." He shook his head.
That was true. He really was just ridiculously nice.
"But it has its perks. Last time I was there, I found this smoothie shop, amazing wheatgrass shots, and they have a vegan restaurant." he responded to her face, again. He read her like a favorite book. "When in Malibu, Vee." His smile required an answer and a question.
"What the fuck is wheatgrass?"
"You just cursed!" He covered the speaker of the monitor.
She smirked, "That's so we can hear them, not them us, tonto."
"Did you just curse again, but in Spanish?!" He made his offended face. "You def need some California vibes and lots of wheatgrass to detox that liver. All that anger!" He was s shaking his head.
"What my what? None of what you just said makes any sense." She was giggling.
"I dunno, I'm making it up, based on what I can remember about how the guy got me to drink juiced grass. He said anger lives in the liver or the pancreas or some such. But it was good! The grass, kinda. And I felt good and my skin glowed after a few days of it."
His skin always glowed.
He misunderstood her incredulity. "You'll see! We can try some—"
"I'm not drinking grass, like I never ate mud pies." Victoria insisted, shaking her head at him, but carefully keeping her elbow against him. His had come to rest against her a moment ago. He was warm. It was hard for her to find the right temperature. She didn't have that trouble when they were adjacent.
"It's a thing. A Malibu thing, guaranteed to chill you out." That phrase sounded weird and wonderful in his accent. "All we need is flights, a car, everybody drives there, and bathing suits!" He picked up his phone. "Where do they have bathing suits right now? It's outta season."
The snow was black and melting. They may get one more blanket, or not. It was technically spring, just not in Boston.
"Target, it's almost Spring break." She reminded.
The corners of his lips turned down and she cocked her head to the side. She needed to look at his timeline. He seemed to really want to go back to school. She'd miss him dearly, but maybe they could work something out. Maybe she could hire somebody else for when he was in class and studying?
His brow cleared and brightened with an idea. "Wanna go pick stuff out while they finish their nap? Then we can meet you at the green. I'll bundle them up."
She checked her weather app. "Layers, the actual sun may come out!" She was already putting on her purse.
Vee had essentially been packing since that day, little by little. Well, shopping was probably a better word for it. She bought her first mum suit, and tried not to think much about it. Her old suits still fit, or fit again, just not like they used to, and her stomach had new pink welts, like veins of cotton candy, down the sides. She supposed there was nothing to be done about it, two humans had lived in there for a time. That had to leave a mark, right?
She still packed her old high cut black one piece. It looked good and she felt great in it. Victoria caught herself wondering what Harry would think of it before she switched her focus to the babies' suitcase. Like that mattered.
This mattered. Traveling with small children required stuff.
She'd been shopping for Teo and Bel as well. Who knew that resort wear for near toddlers were so adorable? There were a few pieces she knew would be super frustrating, long dress style things, cover ups she supposed.  She just wasn't sure what a baby needed to cover up. But it was so damn cute she'd bought it. There was a little voice in her head that said the inhibited movement may be worth the squalling near a pool. And what a pool it was.
More like an oasis from Harr's pictures. The lush greenery around the deck was like ivy, made it private from the beach the stairs led to. There was a gate, so the kiddos couldn't fall down the path or into the foliage, and the lounge chairs looked so plush, they made her want to nap immediately. "The fabric is moisture wicking, so you don't really need a towel." Harry had told her. She felt like it was made so you could swim naked, all the privacy screens and no need for linens. Not that anybody would be doing that. Small children and platonic nanny relationships and all.
But the moonlight glinting off crystal blue water and the night lighting of the pool were ethereal. Still took the swimmer to a new place it looked like, but instead the island oasis of the day, it was more a fairy hill, where magic things happened.
She missed magic. She wasn't sure she'd ever really had it. The ex, well they'd had some good days, hanging out on quads and dancing late into the night. But, they'd gone straight to law school, then to a firm. There hadn't been much frolicking. Even their honeymoon had been serious, a tour of St. Petersburg and Poland. It was his dream trip, but some of the things they saw killed the libido. There were certainly no fairy lights or naked swimming.
Had she ever skinny dipped? That seemed like something that should have happened, and she was too old now to add it to her bucket list.
Was she too old?
Maybe it was time to start dating. She felt lonely. And was thinking about Harry in weird ways. She supposed it was just that they were going to a beautiful place that could be romantic. They made good friends, partners really, but he was younger, and they maybe flirted a tiny bit sometimes, but there was nothing romantic. He was just the nearest male. She needed some attention maybe. She hadn't in ages.
Victoria imagined kissing someone, a faceless someone, on one of the loungers, after a delicious midnight dip, of the thin variety. Wet lips and cool skin, hot breath. The feel on long fingers on both sides of her cheeks holding her still to deepen the kiss. The slide and wiggle of a rough tongue along her top mouth. Vee could feel the plump bottom lip  she imagined, and the broad back under her hands as she was rolled under most of the 60's, if the dates on his shoulders were a timeline.  The v of the back to a slim waist against her palms as they slid over skin beaded with cool water, and strong thighs with bits of text and fauna etched against the crux of her. She stood and defiantly closed the zipper.
That got oddly specific .
She needed to go on a date. But, obviously, after they got back from Malibu. Could she make up an excuse to leave the kids with Harry one day and meet with someone at the four seasons? Could she swipe right? She didn't think so. She'd just book a massage instead. The reviews there were amazing.
The knock startled her attention away from her suitcase. The door was open, the knock was courtesy.
"Hey, Harry!" She brightened her voice and smoothed her hair. For a moment, she thought about avoiding eye contact, but that would be a tell. She never did that. Especially not in court--a good suit and strong eye contact were good armor. He'd know something was up, she just had to pretend she wasn't just thinking of him on top of her or a liaison with a random to distract her from it. "You packed?"
"Yeah, did it during nap time today. Thought I'd see if you wanted help with the twins' bags?"
"No, gracias." Ohhh she was distracted. "I did them mostly yesterday, just got together the things that came today."
"And you are done?"
She fidgeted with the zipper her hand was still on, looked at it, so she didn't have to be staring into his eyes anymore. Eye contact was good, until it was eye fucking. She didn't want to get caught there, and her mind was still under the moon. "Yes!"
"It's easy to pack when everything is new huh?" His voice was lined with laughter. His teasing voice; she loved when she caught him talking to the littles in it. The dimples pressed into his voice and his cheeks.
"I put a few older things in there." She was looking in his eyes again. The smile was there too, and in her answering grin.
"Swimsuits, a dress or two you don't intend to wear?" He guessed expertly.
"How do you know that."
"Sister, mum." He shrugged. "But, since you're done, nightcap?"
It was only 9 pm, but their flight was ungodly early, so the kiddos would hopefully sleep until the airport, and they could get a full day on top of travel. "No, a melatonin is probably a better idea. Thanks though." Wine or anything like it, was a bad idea. Red wine made her languorous and chatty. Nope. And horny, which she was already battling, for the first time in a good while.
"Ok, see you before the sun."
"Yes, what a way to start the day!" She felt lame. That was lame, right? But he giggled.
"Oh yeah, I usually like it from the other side more."
"I used to, when you get to be my age, you'll see."
He rolled his eyes, but they had had this discussion before. "Sleep well, Victoria."
He didn't really call her that. She liked the way the syllables rolled off his tongue.
She needed that melatonin. No thinking about his tongue. Anymore thinking about his tongue. She'd need the moon medicine and to meditate, or something, to sleep.
In the end, meditating turned into masturbating, and she slept like a baby, for longer than she had in two months thanks to the case. She was thankful, the flight was hell. They were delayed, their early flight for baby sleep plan backfired, and they didn't make it to the beach house until sundown. And the kids were already sleeping as it was almost their bed time by their internal clocks.
She wished she could pretend she had jet lag, or she was tired at all. Instead, she was shaking from all the coffee she had consumed. Harry, too. They both drank iced coffee the way you were supposed to drink water.
They'd put the babies in the appointed room, where their hosts had put a lovely crib for them. It was only a minute to get the pack and play up. They'd have to alternate nights, seemed fair, though the babies would never know.
She watched them for a second. Two years ago, in the throes of a dying marriage, she'd have never imagined this life, this new life.
Part of that was Harry, he was a godsend. They had  dealt with the rough travel day together, baby switches and breaks included.
Apart from the shakes from all the iced coffee he kept producing, she could not fault him. He'd make somebody a great partner one day.
"Victoria?" She heard and followed the voice. The house was a good size, but not so large she couldn't hear him, and most of the place had a fantastic view.
The view outside was way better than the pictures. The sun was going down and the sunset started like cotton candy, there was a widening purple streak, and from the stairs down to the desk she could see the sun sinking into the ocean. It looked like it went on forever. It stole her breath.
Here sense was taken as well, because the view on the deck was better, Harry was stood between two of the plush deck chairs she had dreamed of and had fantasies about. He had two glasses of champagne, and was backlit by the sunset.
The worst of it, was that he was shirtless.
"Dios mio!" she exclaimed.
"Right," he opened his arms and turned around. His back was broader than she imagined. "Could this view be more gorgeous?
No, no it couldn't.
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tatertotthethot · 4 years
Haaay Baaaeee, ew that was cringe 😂 OK so, I feel kinda beat down at the moment? Today is one of those days where I'm sick in bed and just binge watching YouTube and I stumbled across this channel that did a watch/read review on After(that Harry Style's FanFic turned book turned movie series) now I've never been into it but it's a solid over 30min long video and I wanted to kill time, so I'm watching it. I made the mistake of reading through the comments as the reviewer was on a tangent about the book and I started reading people saying a lot of nasty things about FanFic writers. And specifically people who write fanfic about real people. I even saw some recently comments about BTS in there and I just couldn't switch off my phone and stop reading. I dabble in writing myself and it just broke me down. Are we really that creepy and wrong for writing and enjoying fanfic over really people? (in this case BTS) They were bashing everyone from OC's, Self-inserts, shipping EVERYTHING. I felt so gross seeing so many people indirectly (but very much directly?) felt about me, my mutuals and people I look up to in the fanfic community. I even saw some fanfic writers saying how much better they are because they only write about fictional characters not real life people! Sorry just feeling really blue about this and it's just brought a whole new level of self doubt on me and what I enjoy 😣
Oof I remember reading “After” when it was growing popular on Wattpad and I only read it cuz of its clout and... no hate.. but I still can’t believe they made until a movie even though it’s a lot different than the book lol. But Omg I know exactly what you’re talking about and yes it pisses me off too. It’s local mentality tbh lol. I know some people write fan fiction just for smut but that’s merely on the surface— if they actually dug deeper into the millions of literal stories that star idols without automatically deeming it as “creepy” then they’ll be able to detach the actual persona away from the character and realize it’s just a way of using a persons face and name, and the inspiration from an idol that we love and support and interpreting that into something we’re more passionate about. Mostly just using the “idea” of them as a way to excorsize our creative writing skills. They’ll also see that when an idol is used as the main character in these stories than it’s already 10 times easier to visualize their characteristics and become invested being as they’re already familiar— and it makes the story itself all the more riveting. But what they don’t realize or seem to even care about us that at the end of the day, fan fiction ain’t hurting nobody. I see that shit on Twitter all the time. If we’re not getting criticized for writing famfics in general then we’ll get criticized about how we portray them. Ironically one of my favorite nsfw artists threw shade at writers here recently saying that it’s so unappealing and unrealistic when they see a certain member smoking cigarettes and having a bad attitude and I sooo badly wanted to point out how ironic it was that someone who can draw a member getting fucked by a 6 dick’d incubus clone of himself, draw the line at bad boy tropes that smoke cigarettes in fanfics and basically say that it’s ridiculous and therefore “off putting”. Like if it’s not your cup of tea fine, but for some reason I was under the impression that they were apart of a judgemental free zone as they could empathize enough to not bash other people’s form of creativeness just because it doesn’t appeal to them? At least not publicly, on an account with hella followers that has a good bit of writers following them? But thankfully I had already seen people say that a character is a character and doesn’t have to be true to the actual person, and that’s something that also needs to be said to ppl who frown upon fanfic writers in general. Don’t generalize an entire group based off the little bit of cringe shit you’ve read. There’s THOUSANDS of us fanfic writers that blow after clear out of the water but they’re too stuck up to give it a chance. I get soooo fucking heated cuz I never see any YouTuber hyping up good content, they just find the worst ones to shit on for clout. Fuck those people.
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onlysweetkiwii · 7 years
The heir/ harry styles famfic/ part 18
Harry's POV
From the moment I saw Stella my heart is beating fast and worry eat me alive. Intruders weren't the one we thought, they didn't attacked to capture castle, they're here because my dad hired them to kill me. That's the reason there's no soldier in sight. I don't know what to feel about what he did when he want his own child died, all I can care is Arabella's safely right now.
After we found out about intruders navigate ,had no other way only to kill them whenever we found them and don't let the castle's residents informed of the incident , I was hide in a room back of my work room with extra guard , and alowed Louis and Liam manage the situation, when suddenly Stella ran in. First guards thought she's a rebel but I informed them she's an insider and they allowed her in my room.
She explained everything to me from the moment they were working at kitchen till they end up hidden and Stella came here , and The worst part was about Arabella whose still out there in danger, according to Stella ,she's still in kitchen.
I sent guards to get her but they didn't found her yet and I'm worried sick. If anything happens to that girl I'll kill my beloved father with my own hands.
I don't know why the hell they were in kitchen at midnight but I can't wait any longer for guards come back and bring her safely here.
I look around the room seeing Stella is worry and mumbling about how she shouldn't have let her alone back there and Niall is beside her comforting her. After all this time it's good to see them back together even for a short time but I can't deal with her right now because of that stupid decision of her back at kitchen .
I can't imagine what gonna happen if they don't find her or imagine her in hands of some rubbish who don't care about anything and don't have any mercy makes me furious ,I can't help but punching the desk in front of me. Stella jumps in horror and stare at me with guilt in her eyes, I know she'll never forget herself if anything happen to my girl.
Zayn puts his hand on my shoulder but I shake him off I don't need his sympathy, I just want Arabella safe beside me.
Door gets open my guards walked in ,without Arabella, they bow making me more impatient "where's she?" I asked firmly, my teeths almost break of clenching my jaw.
"Sir we looked everywhere, intruders are using darkness as .." "Don't dance around, WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled make everyone frustrated but I care less about them , that girl is out there and I can't stand her being hurt anymore.
A silence surrounds us, i clenched and unclench my jaw, all eyes are on me and I can feel fear that runs through guard's blood.  "You didn't find her " he shakes his head as no "we searched everywhere" he's still staring at ground. Stella jumps off her seat "she's hidden behind a closet at corner, I'm sure she's there, perhaps you didn't see everywhere attentively." He shake his head as no , where the hell is she?
"No , I'm sure she's behind .." "stop it" I shout at Stella can't stand her voice anymore "Harry calm down " zayn told me and I noticed Niall annoyed glances. He's the one with his love in his arms not me so he has no right to be annoyed and better stopping his attitude before I loose my control.
"Send more men to find her" Zayn dismissed the guard and he left room with a bow. I stare at wall have no idea what to do and where she must be.
"What gonna happen now?" Stella asked Niall crying "what if it happen to her again , she can't stand it, Niall " Niall hug her to his chest tightly and whispering comfort things in her ear.
What she's talking about? What shouldn't happen again?
"She can't stand what? What happened?" I ask her leaving my desk getting closer to Stella , zayn is hot on my feet scared if I do anything wrong. Niall takes a step in front of Stella. "Tell .me" I told between my clutched teeth.
Her eyes bugged out of hers, surely she didn't meant to say what she said out loud but now that I heard it I should make sure she's ok. "TELL ME" I yelled at her make he jump behind Niall , I just want this night to end sooner and she being difficult won't make it any better.
"I-I'm not s-sure , I just think s-she gots r ..... r-raped" she said makes my heart stop for seconds, she what? "By w-who" I whispered. I'm not really sure if I want to know but I asked anyway. she closed her eyes and sighs "b-by kn-nights" Oh god I can't believe it.
I shake my head as no, it can't be possible , they can't do such a horrible things to my people, how could they touch an innocent one like her?
How I didn't find out? I should've noticed it , maybe that's the reason she's always scared when males are around her.
I took a deep breath, now that I know what happened , I can't stand here ,let her battle for her own life and safety alone , "I should find her" I mumble gathering some gun with bullets.
"What the hell harry? You can't, don't be stupid, I won't let you out there, it's too dangerous " zayn hold my shoulder tried to stop me "no step away zayn" he shake his head hold me tighter.
"Harry, he's right, if you get out of here they'll find you easily" Niall now beside me holding me with zayn.
I tried to protest but doors burst open reveal some guards, he bowed "sir we find one intruders that was died in hallways and it wasn't us who killed him " he told us
"Who killed him then?" Zayn let me go and asks him "we don't know, he was killed by knife"
Stella gasps getting our attention "it was her, I gave her the knife" with this I can't take anymore, I stormed out of room while zayn called my name lowly doesn't want to get any intruder's attention.
Arabella's POV
"Shh madi baby, everything's gonna be ok" I hold her tighter in my chest , we're in some room not sure where to hide, after we found Harry's empty room, we couldn't stay there anymore, sooner or later they would find Harry's room so I decided garden is safer for us where we can hide easily out there but me being unlucky ,all the halls were full of intruders, so we decided to stay in one of rooms that I know it's empty.
Right now we're sitting in a closet , Madison on my knees while his head's on my chest , crying her eyes out. "Hey baby, do you want me to sing for you?" I asked her "y-you can?" She mumbled clearing his eyes off tears. "Of course " I start to mumble a short lullaby I heard somewhere when I was younger. My own mother never sang a lullaby for me. As a child I never felt motherly kindness.
"somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true" I caressing his hair softly while I sing it , her breaths gets even and her eyes get closed slowly
"Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like Lemmon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me"
My breaths get cough in my chest when I heard door gets open and boots conflicting with floor.
I look at the girl in my arms , she's fast sleep. I grip the knife harder waiting for them to get closer to closet. I don't know how I'm gonna defeat myself and Madison while she's sleep in my arm but I should manage a way.
From the boots sound I can tell they're more than one. Maybe three or two, and they're walking around searching for something or someone. I just prayed for them to past closet without noticing it. But you know I'm not that lucky, I never was.
To my luck they opened the door of closet makes me flinch "oh wait johnson, look what we have here" he told his friend and I recognized him as the one who were at hallway.
His friends came closer, rounding closet. "Please let her go, she's a child" I told them asking for mercy. Not for me but for Madison, I'm not scared to die but I don't want for Madison to be died while she can have a good life ahead.
Their laugh echoed through walls wakes Madison up. She looks around herself and immediately hide her face in my arms "p-please" I plead them one more time but they didn't care about anyone, they're so heartless. And I wonder what happened to humanity? How we turned into animals start killing others for our own pleasure or our own believes.
I hold Madison tight standing up, she tied her legs around me again this time tighter, slowly shaking in my arms. Poor girl experienced a total hell in one night.
One of them hold his dirty hand for Madison but I shake my head , when he gots closer I shake knife in air ,cutting his hand  "ohh you bitch" I think it wasn't a clever idea to cut him, because now he's furious. His friends look at us amused, like they're watching a movie. I hold Madison tight in my arms focus on them ,ready for their next moves.
He slapped me suddenly make me almost fall. Whimpers left Madison's mouth, he hold my hand in the air and gets knife from me.
Now we're harmless and defeat less. He gots out a gun pointed to me "I think you're no fun, slut" I turned around, blocking Madison bodies with me.
I don't know where I was wrong? The moment I came looking for Harry or the moment I get Madison with me. Maybe she would've been safe and sound after drinking her water.
After being through so much I thought I would die another way, maybe older, in arms of the one who loves me while we got older together.
Madison's cry get heavier, I wish she would know that I was so strong for her, once in my life I was so strong to defeat myself and her but I'm sorry that life is so cruel and stronger.
A/N: if you want to continue this or even read before and after it just check my story in wattpad 👇🏼
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kiwiviews · 11 years
Everyones getting boyfriends..While I'm just sitting her like
thats amazing
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who needs a man anyways
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there not that great
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