fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
On daddy's computer
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Hailey Villareal: da
Shania Villareal: Come, Hailey, your doll can be the baby of my doll.
Hailey: yes
Grace Villareal: Oh, that's sweet
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Harry Villareal: mom!
Grace: Yes, Harry
Harry: can I go do school on daddy's computer?
Grace: Well, I don't know. I'll have to find daddy first. I don't know if he is done with his work yet.
Harry: Can you ask him, mommy?
Grace: Ofcourse I can, I'll be right back
Harry: Thank you mommy
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Max Villareal: yes, yes, bye
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Max: I love you too
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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Raymond Kenley: Oh, Max
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Harry Villareal: Dad? Raymond?
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Max Villareal: Eh, Harry
Harry: Why were you kissing Raymond, dad?
Max: Eh, Harry, eh
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Max: you can't tell anyone, Harry
Harry: oh
Max: Raymond and I are friends, adult friends
Harry: I thought only you and mom kissed
Max: Eh, yes, but sometimes adult friends can kiss too
Harry: Oh
Max: But you can't tell anyone
Harry: Alright
Max: Do you promise that?
Harry: I promise dad. I won't tell anybody
Max: thank you, Harry
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
A fight
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Shania Villareal: le le, I can already do that
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Harry Villareal: I can too!
Shania: Don't push me!
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Harry: You don't push me!
Shania: No! You don't push me! You started!
Harry: I'm going to get mommy
Shania: You can't, she just got a baby!
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Harry: Then I'm going to daddy
Shania: Good luck
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The party
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Grace Villareal: The cake is ready!
Harry Villareal: Yeah!
Shania Villareal: Hi dad, hi Raymond
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Max, Raymond, Shania, Grace: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you
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Max, Raymond, Shania, Grace: Hoeray, Hoeray, Hoeray, Hoeray
Raymond: Now you can blow out the candles Harry, I want some chocolate pie
Harry: Yeah, me too!
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Preparing Harry's birthday
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Grace Villareal: Harry? Your birthday is coming up. What kind of birthday cake do you want?
Shania: Strawberry!
Grace: It's Harry's birthday, so Harry can pick
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Harry: I want chocolate
Grace: Good
Harry: And Raymond!
Shania: In your cake?
Harry: NO! Ofcourse not! At the party
Max: I'll invite Raymond
Selah: yeah! Raymond is coming!
Grace: I'll get buzy then
Shania: Can I help bake the cake?
Grace: Sure
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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We are overjoyed with the birth of our baby girl, Annie. She is adored by her parents and all her siblings. It's like she has always been part of our family. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson, Julian, Owen, Annabell, Meghan, Nancy, Derek, Addison, Maggie
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We can't believe it! We are expecting baby #5! We are so excited and can't wait until this baby arrives. Max&Grace Villareal, Shania, Harry, Selah and Hailey
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
As usual
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Max Villareal: It's so hot!
Raymond Kenley: yes, it certainly it
Max: But it's nice out here at the pool
Raymond: yes, indeed. And you need some tanning
Max: haha, you don't
Raymond: haha
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Harry Villareal: Ray!
Selah Villareal: Ray!
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Grace Villareal: Hi Raymond, how are you doing?
Raymond: Great! But it's very hot
Grace: Yes, it's, Hailey doesn't like it
Raymond: That makes sense, that poor baby
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Harry: Boe
Raymond: Hahaha, hi, Harry
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Harry: Hi Ray
Grace: Max? Do you watch the kids? I have to go back inside, teach Shania and care for Hailey
Raymond: We will watch the kids, Grace
Grace: Don't let them in the pool. They aren't big enough
Max: Yes
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Diner with Raymond
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Max Villareal: Hi, Raymond! Come in!
Raymond Kenley: Thanks, Max, thank you all for the invite
Shania Villareal: Hi, Raymond!
Raymond: Hi Shania, you are so big!
Shania: Yes, I'm four now
Raymond: You are such a big girl
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Raymond: Diner is amazing, Grace, as always
Grace: Thank you Raymond
Max: Yes, it's good
Shania: Should I clear the plates, mommy?
Grace: Yes, please
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Raymond: You are such a big girl, helping your mother
Shania: Thank you, Raymond
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Getting ready
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Grace Villareal: Thank you, Shania, for helping me clean
Shania Villareal: Ofcourse mom
Grace: you are such a good helper and servant to others
Shania: thank you mom
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Grace: I'll have to work hard to get things ready
Shania: Who is coming?
Grace: Raymond Kenley
Shania: Really? Raymond again? Yeah!
Grace: Yes, nice for him to come again. We have missed him here
Shania: Yes, why didn't he came?
Grace: Daddy and he had a discussion
Shania: Oh, about what?
Grace: I don't know dear, but they worked things out and I'm happy he will come to diner tonight
Shania: Me too
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Meddling again
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Grace Villareal: Come kids
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Grace: So, Raymond, how are you doing?
Raymond: Good, thanks
Grace: So, are you and Max back in touch?
Raymond: No, not really
Grace: Why not?
Raymond: Well, you were at the diner the other night
Grace: haha, alright. You are right
Raymond: Max and I are simply a friendship from the past. That's how life goes
Grace: No, that isn't how life goes. You stick with your friends. You make up with them. So, I'm not taking no for an answer.
Raymond: of what question?
Grace: hahaha, you are funny
Raymond: thanks
Grace: But..
Raymond: But?
Grace: the question is, are you going to contact Max?
Raymond: eh
Grace: May I remind you I don't take no for an answer
Raymond: haha, you are funny too.
Grace: And....
Raymond: I'll try...
Grace: Good.
Raymond: and now it's time for these three to get some tickles!
Shania, Harry, Selah: hahaha
Grace: You are great with children! Max and I should find you a wife.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Grace, Zara, Rachel
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Grace Villareal: So happy you two could come over.
Zara Rogers: ofcourse! It's so much fun coming together. Mia and Winston both love it
Rachel Leppert: Yes, James too
Grace: It will be great for him to finaly have a sibling soon
Rachel: Yes, indeed
Zara: It's so much fun being pregnant together. Your pregnancy is the cherry on top, Grace
Grace: haha, thanks. I'm happy to be expecting too. Selah is getting so big!
Rachel: Well, James was bigger then Selah is now when I got pregnant
Grace: That's true.
Zara: We all have different spaces between our children. But that's alright. We all get what we can handle
Grace: Yes, indeed.
Rachel: I guess so
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Grace: Oh, look at them. Shania and James will be good friends
Zara: I was about to say they might get married later but that's not possible
Rachel: haha, no, that would be wrong. They are niece and nephew.
Zara: yes. Sometimes I do feel left out of your family things, I want to be part of your family too
Grace: Well, we can match Mia with James or Winston with Shania or Selah.
Zara: Yes! That's a good idea
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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Harry Villareal: Da, da
Shania Villareal: No! me!
Grace Villareal: Harry? Let it go, that's your sisters doll
Harry: da, da
Shania: Me!
Grace: Come, Shania, you do have to share with him. Here, this one is yours, and the other one is Harry's.
Shania: yes
Harry: da
Grace: Oh, boy, I hear Selah crying. Don't start fighting again! I'll be right back
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Merry christmas from the members of fundiechurch
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