fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The Villareal and Kenley family
Since I'm stopping with fundiechurch a bit of info of each family about their future.
Max and Grace Villareal are currently expecting their 6th child, another girl. Before she delivers she will find out that Max is cheating. He will finaly confess everything to her leaving her shocked and full of envy. She forces both Max and Raymond to tell Babette, Raymond's wife, the truth and to quit their relationship. She is very angry about it all.
Once Babette knows everything about Raymond and Max she finaly understands why Raymond didn't show any interest in her. Since she has been in a weird situation in the sort of relationship with Josiah and get's that you sometimes can't control your feelings. She will talk with Raymond and try to understand him. Once they have discussed his relationship and his sexuality they make a deal. They will stay married, he can have a relationship with a men in secret as long as he tells her about it. The deal also includeds that they will try for another baby. Six months later Babette will be pregnant. Raymond and she will be very happy. It will make Raymond a dad to his own biological child. He will love it and they will decide later that they want more children together. They won't have a lot but they will be very content with the children they will have.
Grace will still be very upset with all of it once Babette get's pregnant. She can't understand why Babette goes along with it. Raymond tries to talk to her, Max will but finaly Babette will make her understand. It will make Grace milder to Max and Raymond. She won't blame herself for being a bad wife to her husband for not being that attracked to him. She will confess that she had a crush for Raymond in the beginning of their friendship. She will finaly make a lifedeal as Babette and Raymond did.
By then Max and Grace youngest daughter will be over a year old making people ask Grace more and more why she isn't pregnant again and about the marriage troubles she and Max had. She doesn't want people to know about Max and Raymond. Grace and Max will have another child to sush all the rumors about their marriage. They will later decide to do so again just to not let their marriage be a discussion.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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Raymond Kenley: Max!
Max Villareal: Ray!
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Raymond: Sorry I was late. The twins were giving Babette a hard time so I thought I should help a bit before leaving her alone
Max: Sure, ofcourse. It's lovely out here
Raymond: It really is
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Max: And I now have good company
Raymond: Ah, Max, I love keeping you company
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Max: I love you, Ray
Raymond: Love you too
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The boys
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Max Villareal: He, Ray!
Raymond Kenley: He! Max!
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Max: Well, the girls are in the kitchen, shall we go to the livingroom?
Raymond: Yes, good idea. The girls can talk while cooking
Max: Exactly my thoughts
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Raymond: I haven't seen you since the wedding
Max: well, yeah
Raymond: Yeah
Max: It's a bit weird you are married now
Raymond: Well, it made sence for me to have a wife too
Max: It does hurt, Raymond
Raymond: Well, you have a wife too
Max: Yeah
Raymond: You get kid after kid and I'm suppose to stay single forever?
Max: you're right, it's better that we are both married now
Raymond: No one will suspect anything from our relationship. We are just two married men being friends.
Max: Yes, nothing else
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Raymond: We should be careful though
Max: yeah, we don't want to get caught again by one of the children
Raymond: You read my mind, Max
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The girls
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Grace Villareal: So nice of you all to come over.
Babette Kenley: Well, a change of senery really spoke to me. It has been tough being home all day with two baby's.
Shania: Are they still sleeping?
Babette: I hope so. You will probably hear them if they are awake
Shania: I don't hear them
Babette: Then they are sleeping
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Grace: It seems like yesterday when I was in your place. Home alone with two little children
Babette: And now you have how many?
Grace: five, Shania, Harry, Selah, Hailey and Stella
Babette: Do you guys want another son?
Grace: That would be great but I'm happy with my girls. And Harry enjoys his sisters too
Babette: I like it so much having both a girl and a boy
Grace: Yeah, that's great.
Babette: Does Max complain he doesn't has more sons?
Grace: No, not at all. He works a lot. And he is always at his happiest when he and Raymond can hang out together. They are good friends
Babette: I heard that
Grace: So we might have to become friends too
Babette: haha, yeah
Grace: haha
Babette: But Max and Ray are close in age. And I don't think we are
Grace: No, I don't think so. How old are you?
Babette: 20
Grace: Oh, men, 20. I wasn't even married when I was 20 years old
Babette: no?
Grace: No, I got married when I was almost 21 years old. Just two, three months before that.
Babette: How old are you now then?
Grace: Almost 28
Babette: oh, you are 7 or 8 years older then I'm.
Grace: Well, that's not to bad. We still could become friends.
Babette: Yeah, you're right
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Raymond's dairy
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Dear diary,
I got married. I have a wife. I still have to get used to the idea. Max wasn't thrilled about it and we haven't spoken much since Babette and I announced our engagement. I hope Max will one day understand it's better that I'm married too so no one will start asking questions.
While I'm now married I haven't slept with Babette. I don't really feel like it. Besides, she is pregnant. She has other things on her mind. She was nice telling me I could but I bet she wasn't into it either. Maybe one day... But not right now. I don't know how Max does that with Grace. He has five children so proof he can.
Sometimes I think about how it would be for me and Max to be that intimate. We have kissed, a lot, but haven't done much more then that. Sometimes I do want that. I hope he does too.
Love, Raymond
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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The official weddingphoto of Raymond Kenley and Babette Pancakes. Babette wore a off white dress because she is already pregnant. They will live in this three bedroom house
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They aren't going on their honeymoon because Babette will deliver soon.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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It's the weddingday of Raymond Kenley and Babette Pancakes
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Their first kiss (a bit weird since she is pregnant, but it's true, Raymond&Babette's first kiss together, not Babette's first kiss to a men)
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The Kenley family (Without the grandchildren). Jacob&Sandra now have four married sons. Dylan is married to Alexis, they have two children. Ralph is married to Leah Barrow, they have one child together. Jordan is married to Susan and they have three children together. Youngest Raymond is now married to Babette Pancakes. Jacob&Sandra are pretty happy with all their sons married off. It sure took some time to get Raymond married off.
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The Eliza Pancakes family. Babette is the first to get married of the Pancakes children. But the family isn't too excited because Babette is already pregnant. Besides, the family is a bit angry because Bob decided not to show up for his daughters weddingday. But one happy thing, Eliza has one mouth less to feed from today on.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The decision
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Eliza Pancakes: So, Raymond, thank you for coming by
Raymond Kenley: I keep my promises
Eliza: You are a good men. But I'm very curious what your decision is.
Raymond: I would like to agree to your proposition
Eliza: really? Oh, Babette!?
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Babette Pancakes: Yes?
Eliza: Look who is here for a visit?
Babette: oh, hi Raymond
Raymond: Hi, Babette, how are you doing?
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Babette: Alright, thank you
Raymond: I have something important to ask you
Babette: oh
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Raymond: Babette, you are a beautiful woman and I would really love to become your husband.
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Raymond: Will you marry me?
Babette: oh, eh, yes
Eliza: Yeay! Congratulations Babette and Raymond!
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Babette: Thank you mom
Eliza: Now we can start the wedding planning
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Raymond's diary
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Dear diary,
A lot has happend. Really a lot. Max and I, we got discovered, kissing, by his son. I was so scared. I fled as fast as I got, out of that house. Max is wonderful but I keep getting myself in trouble with him. Thankfully he called not soon after the fact and Harry will be quiet about Max and me kissing. Somewhere in my heart I feel so scared, still. Harry is only 4 years old, those little children tell so much by accident. We can't relly on him to hold his mouth for long.
And then Eliza Pancakes came by. Out of the blue with a proposition. That I'll get married to her daughter, Babette. Apperently it's a very difficult situation. Mom things Babette got pregnant by an other men. I'm not sure what to think of what happend to Babette but I feel sorry for her. That must be an awful thing to go trough at that age. She is still very young. And I can't help but think that maybe getting married to her might solve some problems for me. No more questions about girls or when I'm getting married. And when Harry will tell about Max and me, I can say I'm married to a woman and aren't attracted to men at all. Everybody will believe me, especially when Babette is already pregnant. I still have to think about it but maybe I should say yes.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Arranging a marriage
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Eliza Pancakes: Thank you for recieving me, Sandra and Raymond
Sandra Kenley: Ofcourse, you are always welcome here
Eliza: I have been thinking about you Raymond
Raymond Kenley: Oh
Eliza: How old are you now?
Raymond: eh... 28
Eliza: See, I figured you would be a little older
Raymond: Eh...
Eliza: See, my daughter Babette has gotten herself in a somewhat difficult situation
Raymond: Oh, what's happend
Eliza: That doesn't really matter. I thought you might want to marry her
Raymond: Hmm
Eliza: Just think about it for a couple of days. I do like to have an answer soon.
Raymond: What has happend to Babette? What kind of trouble is she in?
Eliza: She got in some horrible situation with a men. It's all Bob's fault. Since he left the girls don't have a father to protect and guide them.
Raymond: Oh, I see
Eliza: She has to get married, you see
Sandra: How far did she get herself in trouble with that guy
Eliza: To far
Sandra: Thank you for coming, Eliza. Ray will think about your proposition and he will give you his decision in a few days
Eliza: Thank you both for hearing me out. I hope to see you soon, Raymond
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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Raymond Kenley: Oh, Max
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Harry Villareal: Dad? Raymond?
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Max Villareal: Eh, Harry
Harry: Why were you kissing Raymond, dad?
Max: Eh, Harry, eh
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Max: you can't tell anyone, Harry
Harry: oh
Max: Raymond and I are friends, adult friends
Harry: I thought only you and mom kissed
Max: Eh, yes, but sometimes adult friends can kiss too
Harry: Oh
Max: But you can't tell anyone
Harry: Alright
Max: Do you promise that?
Harry: I promise dad. I won't tell anybody
Max: thank you, Harry
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The party
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Grace Villareal: The cake is ready!
Harry Villareal: Yeah!
Shania Villareal: Hi dad, hi Raymond
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Max, Raymond, Shania, Grace: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you
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Max, Raymond, Shania, Grace: Hoeray, Hoeray, Hoeray, Hoeray
Raymond: Now you can blow out the candles Harry, I want some chocolate pie
Harry: Yeah, me too!
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Greating Raymond
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Max Villareal: Hi! Raymond!
Raymond Kenley: Hi
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Max: So nice you could come. The children are pomped
Raymond: So glad to be part of your family, Max
Max: Ofcourse you are
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Raymond: Shh, we better do not do this in front of the door.
Max: Yeah, the basement is better but the children are in the kitchen so we can't go to the basement
Raymond: haha, right. One more kiss then and then it's time to party
Max: haha
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Telling eachother (part 3)
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Max Villareal: do you feel your heart pumping hard too?
Raymond: hihi, yeah
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Telling eachother (part 2)
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Raymond Kenley: It must be difficult to feel things for a men
Max Villareal: eh, yeah, it is. You don't condem me for feeling things for a men?
Raymond: no, eh
Max: Why?
Raymond: Well, sometimes I have those feelings too
Max: For men!?
Raymond: Shhh
Max: Sorry
Raymond: Yes, sometimes I feel things for men
Max: Really?
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Raymond: Yes
Max: I like you
Raymond: eh, I like you too, Max
Max: I'm sorry I kissed you way back
Raymond: I'm sorry I ran away
Max: Do you like to try it again?
Raymond: eh...
Max: We aren't really private here. We should go to the basement
Raymond: yeah
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Telling eachother
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Raymond Kenley: Congratulations!
Max Villareal: Thanks, I wasn't expecting her to be pregnant again so soon
Raymond: Well, that's what happens when you sleep with your wife
Max: Yes, but Grace is a different kind of wife. She get's pregnant after one time
Raymond: Hahaha
Max: Really, one time, and again, pregnant
Raymond: Well, you are a lucky men
Max: Thanks
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Raymond: I don't really know what it's like, sleeping with a woman
Max: It's not that big of a deal
Raymond: No?
Max: No, eh
Raymond: What?
Max: well, eh
Raymond: Max?
Max: Sometimes I feel more excited around someone else
Raymond: Oh
Max: Yeah
Raymond: Who is she?
Max: Eh
Raymond: If you don't want to tell me, that's alright
Max: Well, it's not a woman
Raymond: oh
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