#hashtag married lyfe
candlecanoe · 2 years
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Cicero Fryman the first guy to have Frybillion subscribers
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websthetics · 5 years
third playthrough of the game and I just realized that sdv has different themes that play for different npcs I’m *cries*
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thatonecurlygurl · 8 years
Guilty or Innocent
Tagged by my oh so wonderful and lovely CHBuddy @djfatchip :D Thank you! 
Gonna do my Rosario M. Shepard since she is my absolute fav 
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Art by @hashtag-no-lyfe
Asked someone to marry you? Innocent.
Kissed one of your friends? Guilty.
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? Innocent.
Ever told a lie? Guilty. 
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? Innocent. 
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? Guilty. 
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent. 
Kissed a picture? Innocent. 
Slept in until 5pm? Guilty. 
Fallen asleep at work or school? Guilty. 
Held a snake? Innocent. 
Been suspended from school? Guilty. 
Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? Innocent. 
Stolen something? Guilty. 
Been fired from a job? Guilty. 
Done something you regret? Guilty. 
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Guilty. 
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? Innocent. 
Kissed in the rain? Guilty. 
Sat on a roof top? Guilty. 
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? Innocent. 
Sang in the shower? Innocent. 
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Innocent.
Shaved your head? Innocent. 
Slept naked? Innocent. 
Had a boxing membership? Innocent. 
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Innocent. 
Been in a band? Innocent. 
Shot a gun? Guilty. 
Donated blood? Guilty. 
Eaten alligator meat? Innocent. 
Eaten cheesecake? Guilty. 
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? Innocent. 
Have/had a tattoo? Innocent. 
Liked someone, but will never tell who? Guilty. 
Been too honest? Guilty. 
Ruined a surprise? Innocent. 
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? Guilty. 
Erased someone in your friends list? Guilty. 
Dressed in a man’s clothes? Guilty. 
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? Guilty. 
Joined a pageant? Innocent. 
Still have communication with your ex? Innocent. 
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? Guilty. 
Cheated on someone? Innocent. 
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? Innocent. 
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? Innocent. 
Got so angry that you cried? Guilty. 
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? Guilty. 
Thought about suicide? Guilty. 
Thought about murder? Guilty. 
Actually murdered someone? Guilty. 
Thought about mass murder? Innocent. 
Actually committed a mass murder? Innocent. 
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? Guilty. 
Stalked someone? Innocent. 
Had a girlfriend? Innocent. 
Had a boyfriend? Guilty. 
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? Innocent. 
Tagging: @biotickitty @daisytje @inwersya @juleshawke @rock-paperback-scissors @continuousspec @stormcallart @commander-hot-pants @musicalheart168 @call-me-ryder @mrsruberduckyjr @reellifejaneway2 @felleyan @cactuarkitty @cloneshepard @fierce-like-dragonfire @hashtag-no-lyfe
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My New Normal
Hello. It's me. I know you just read that in key of Adele. How cliche of you. And me for that matter for even opening with that line. But here we are. Reintroducing myself and my blog for what seems like the hundredth time. What an evolution from drunk nights and one night stands, broken hearts, a dead dad, and a side of attempted suicide. I smell a Netflix original. Drunken nights are more like several night caps now because I'm old but vodka is still lYfe. My one night stands are with my husband... yupp, THAT happened. Hashtag Wifey. My dad is still dead which still sucks. On the plus side I don't want to die anymore so all's well that ends well! In fact, I'm so alive that I created life! You read that correctly, this isn't a joke, the universe thought it'd be a good idea to make me a mom. And so, cue my new old blog for all of the two people that actually read it. Here I am holding titles I never wanted. Mrs. and Mommy. My goal in life was success which I equated with a career, money, and New York. Marriage was for suckers and monogamy sounded awful. Children were annoying little creatures who were entirely too needy and took away from well, me. Flash forward to today. I managed to find someone who loves me enough to marry me and vow this one vagina forever, and I, his penis. I have a career. Although most of the time I don't know where it's going, I do have a career. I don't have nearly enough money and I'm back home in the shitty over-taxed boring ass state that is Connecticut. I have a child who is an annoying little creature. She is entirely too needy and takes away from all things me. In this moment, I'm more successful than I ever imagined. Marriage and parenthood are difficult tasks separately (yes tasks, because holy hell is it WORK). The two together is enough to drive anyone insane. Remember that scene in "The Dark Night" when The Joker blows up the hospital and he's all look, it just exploded, whateves, I dig it? That's what being a wife and mom feels like almost daily. But holy shit is it the best. I dig it, and I want to tell you all about it. I hope you'll enjoy my "new" wife and mommy blog. I promise to still make you laugh, cry, and love to hate me, and I promise to still not give one fuck about what you think. Stay tuned bitches. Have yourselves a FriYAY. Xox. PLB.
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