#hated the whitney and her lab partner storyline/relationship
lvrspice · 2 years
This season finale of SLOCG? Not feelin’ her. I don’t know these seasons are too short. There’s not enough episodes and it’s rushed. Too much is happening and it feels forced. I like Alicia, but having Leighton get back with her so quickly? And writing Tatum off. Why would Tatum go from reassuring Leighton/telling her there’s no timeline to coming out to then being bratty and rude at that fundraiser? They’re both judgmental, but c’mon. They could of explored their dynamic a little more. Maybe Tatum could of turned a new leaf after being educated by Leighton on the importance of the Women’s Center to her. And Alicia and Leighton could of still ended up together down the line, I just wanted to see more development with Tatum and Leighton is all.
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