recklesshothead · 10 years
Throws a dog biscuit at the back of his head. "I AM NOT A FREAK YOU RED HAIRED MUTT FACE!" she screamed.
Sees the biscuit and crunches it. “Get your eyes checked I am not a dog.” He growled as he starred at the girl. “Don’t throw things at me. Who are you supposed to be?”
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gisellethezombie-blog · 10 years
"Oh I found another girl~ Yay~!"
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belying-loyalty · 10 years
hatsumi-lindocruz replied to your post:Fit a reply in before bedtime? Probably not Am I...
-POKE- you snake
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"Y' called?"
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eiennosaku-blog · 10 years
Glaring from the other side of the pile, the Hollow wasn't very impressed. "You're not going into labour, are you?" He asked negatively. There was no way he was delivering another baby. He had done his baby delivering time. But, he was certain that it would be best to sit on the couch instead of his book mess anyway. He didn't want to crush any pages.
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"Oh I… I’m sorry…" she said and then leaned on the wall for support. "I.. it’s important…" the female said and huffed some. "Can we uh.. go sit on the couch, trust me… you’ll um want to be sitting for this." she said and went to sit down. Her tone was half tired but all serious, making it clear it was important.
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shi-sasa-blog · 11 years
Creeps around the corner in Resurrección form, tail wagging she was low to the ground and then wiggled a little before leaping and over shooting it completely slammed into the wall and fell to the floor. "..." lays there dazed.
"What even…?" The Ciento Uno slowly moved over and kneeled down, a confused look on his own features as he nudged the other with one hand. "Ya alright~?"
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beckoning-silence · 11 years
hatsumi-lindocruz replied to your post: {{☯}}/ "The lot of you have moved from here. It...
{{☯}}/ Although he wasn't to keen on being touched, Ulquiorra allowed the child to embrace him, cold eyes blinking in turn downward. "What is the reason behind such an act, Lindocruz?"
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bleachheadcanons · 11 years
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Aizen is not allowed to drink sake anymore. When he gets drunk he dresses in drag and does the hula.
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sonrisa-tranquila · 11 years
"Fine just don't take anything else off Fox Face." she said and giggled.
    ☕||; — "Wouldn't dream of it.~ That's private.~"
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eiennosaku-blog · 10 years
hatsumi-lindocruz replied to your post:We are a curious lot, don't get upset. Your...
”.. I do..”
"-- Hatsumi-san?"
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wavesofmassacre-blog · 11 years
She approached slowly and stood before her, giving her space. "Aunt Harri?" she asked looking up at the other. Hatsumi had grown, her eyes softer then before.
Her attention had ben brought elsewhere and remained there, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t noticed the presence of the other, whose spiritual pressure apparently had changed quite a bit. Without a given glance, she could tell she had missed a lot from the physical progression during the passed time. Missed far too much to be claimed as the one responsible for her actions in the other’s stead and had been absent for too long. For a while Tercera remained silent, back of hers had been curled forth a tiny bit as she sat nearby the opened windows, curtains pulled away from covering the horizon. Her posture was constant, no changes could be noticed as well as from the blank half-hidden features behind the collar. There was nothing to say, after all it was only a callout for her name. Slowly her gaze turned at the younger girl’s side and held the lacklustre stare before she turned away to heed the sight in front once again.
Her expected appear wasn’t unwelcome. Not at all. Très had fallen into her own thoughts perhaps for a little too long for now, but company was always so easily embraced by a simple statement, like a spark in the embers.
"…beatiful, isn’t it?"
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sonrisa-tranquila · 11 years
Angry fox chatters and then barks. "You butt!"
    ☕||; — "Is there a problem with that?~ I like my own body.~"
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arrogancia-y-sarcasmo · 11 years
Peers in and grins some. "Hi Yylfordt."
"What could it possibly be this time…?”
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