#haunted guy’s sister that was traumatized by an alt encounter
localvoidcat · 1 year
just realized how fucked up all of the ml!au transmascs are. i’m so sorry
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lotrewrite · 7 years
LOT Season 2 4.17.17 Recap
All right! Here is the recap of ideas from Monday’s chat sessions. It’s still fairly rough, since I’ve mostly devoted my time to incorporating all of the below into what my next post is going to be about, which is the episodes layout for the season. I’ve tried to group them by subject for convenience. 
TL;DR: you should probably go look at the post with the episodes instead, it'll have the ideas that we discussed (below) incorporated into episode
Oculus Len: Len: well, I was thinking that Oculus!Len would actually appear gradually throughout the season Mick assumes he's a hallucination, and when Len corrects him Mick doesn't believe him? maybe Len doesn't know what he is we have them scattered to the spear pieces so maybe the spear pieces, when activated, "draw in" unusual activity so it's indirectly because of the spear that's how he finds them – therefore he can also find the Legion when they have spear pieces; Like beacons that disrupt the flow of time. they're rocks in the river of time Mick can see him because he was exposed to the Oculus energy in the chair during his time as Kronos sort of a sub-theme I want to work on with Len is that he doesn't always communicate well with people even Mick, he often relies on Mick just getting what he means and that would make it all the more frustrating that Mick goes with Legion!Len even when Oculus!Len tells him not to Episodes where Len appears Episode where this is explained (by magic user?)
Gideon episode More exploration of the ship and Gideon’s limitations now that the Vanishing Point is gone It would also explain why they need to go find "experts" to learn about the spear and other things because they can't just ask Gideon any more Gideon is grieving the AIs in the Vanishing Point and Rip, as well as her isolation/dehumanization by the team, traumatized by Rip hacking her if that’s there Gideon episode: they find a mostly destroyed ship with an AI gone crazy from grief or something and none of them realized that could happen; creepy ghost ship with insane AI Gideon steps in to save the Legends a haunted ship episode would be a great time to introduce Len-the-full-ghost instead of as a hallucination This is the first episode where Oculus!Len interacts with something and is recognized by Gideon, identifying him as a ghost instead of just a hallucination Episode at the midpoint
Kronos’ ship Possibility: solving where Eobard got his own Gideon? From Legion!Rip? from Kronos’ ship? Legion finds Mick’s old ship, gets his AI from there?
Episode 3 - 1942 Episode 3: Sara in 1942: She teamed up with them while waiting to be picked up because otherwise she'd get bored and go back to the League of Assassins and really, twice is enough bet she and rex would have some issues about leadership So the JSA was in Russia/Finland and Sara went: Heeeeeeeyyyyyyy, guys... :D Amaya had seen lightning just before finding Rex's body but didn't actively recall it until seeing Barry run during the crossover. When she mentions it to the others, they realize they're dealing with a speedster
End of Legion Team uses the spear's relative immunity to the time stream to go back in time to interfere with a prior timeline by simply stopping Eobard right after flashpoint, using the spear to rob him of his time travel powers and ditching him right after he killed Barry's mom thereby kickstarting his evolution to become Flash season 1 Wellsobard. Eobard gets exactly what he wants: to be saved from the Black Flash. By stopping Eo at that point, he doesn't ever recruit Damien or Len, so they are back in their timelines WITHOUT a memory wipe and the subtle differences between pre-Legends Eo and post-Legends Eo could also excplain some of the differences in post-Flashpoint Flash universe Possibly emotional farewell between Mick and past!Len before he fades away, then he goes back to Oculus!Len Oculus!Len decides to sacrifice himself again (end of his arc – accepting his choice to be a hero as well as a villain, accepting it’s a part of who he is) and grabs the spear to destroy it, but it actually brings him back because it is immune to time aberrations (ALT: Len regrows body from hand?)
Laurel Sending Laurel to E-2 – they know she’s not Black Siren because of watch detectors one way to give a reason for her to go is because Laurel's death is such an important moment, rescuing her as a speedster abberation - which makes her a target for the Black Flash. Meaning that Eobard saved Laurel not only to get the spear pieces from Sara, but ALSO to give the Black Flash an alternative target Does Laurel like being E-2? It’s better than being dead
Doomworld Doomworld: Wanted!AU – superheroes are miserable regular humans, lots more villains, villainous superheroes and ALL the cameos; actual dystopia going on Lisa is ice skating and queen of a country
Legion composition Some people proposed Queen B, some people proposed Zazzala merger of characters – past!Damien knows a magic user who will be helpful and calls for Queen Bee, who has obtained a mystical artefact (Emerald Eye), which gives her mind-control powers. Damien protects himself and Eobard against it by obtaining amulets against mind control? (Len later demonstrates himself to be capable of picking them off without them noticing, rendering them all vulnerable) Joke about Poison Ivy not returning their calls Queen Bee is an antagonist of Mari-Vixen, both in terms of causing the civil war that caused her to leave her home and stalking her for her token, and this incite Amaya to be curious about her future
Mick moments Finale: Mick and Oculus!Len to team up with Jax and the Legends and fight the Legion Mick moment: at some point he has a moment where he can choose between himself (the chance for the heist or burn of the century) or a teammate and realizes he values the team and wants to stay with them At some point Mick and Ray talk about suicidal ideation they have; Amaya talk to about grief Mick has worsening hallucinations – doesn’t reveal it too soon; concern about mental illness explicitly mentioned; so he's at first an echo, then a whisper, then a glimpse, then a full fledge appearance
Sara arc Sara: saves her sister, then has to step up as leader, then becomes overprotective, confrontation between her and Jax at the end; she goes to talk with Laurel and returns to take up the mantel of captain before going into final fight
Nate Nate’s lucky never-goes-dull pencil is a spear piece He is a grad student and does not question it
Jax/Stein rescue Jax/Stein – medieval constantinople or crusades – people were certain they were right and it goes horribly wrong – stein: so much scientific knowledge being destroyed! jax: also people dying?? Sets up Jax’s arc and helps him realize he knows what the morally right thing is, but he lets himself get overruled
Vikings Jax romance during the Vikings episode Pagan period, everyone addresses their grief, plot happens and at the end they’re at a funeral, a skald singing a tale to trigger the funeral/grieving part of the vikings ep, so there's a big story swap between the legends – make them get up and talk about their dead (Stein is chosen, ends up talking about Ronnie; Mick throws his bottle into the fire, gets up, talks about Len; Ray about Anna) – Sara letting go of rage and grief over Laurel – recognizing she didn’t react well Lisa had been told long before, but she’s still upset; she talks with Mick about his presence with the Legends Jax meets a shieldmaiden who gives him pointers on defending himself without Stein/remind him to be awesome on his own as well – Jax is shocked his flirting actually worked
Episode 6 – cyberpunk heist Could be in the future, cyberpunk, Lisa runs the heist Ray insists on being too clever and going off-script, the suit is damaged, but it’s only destroyed in Invasion; brief mention of Batman Beyond Stein initially protests but gets into it; Ray treats it like a heist movie instead of a real heist, thinks he’s going to save the day despite being told not to use his suit, it all goes badly instead Ray losing his suit not only to excessive heroism but to a there-was-a-better-way-if-you-thought-about-it/possibly unnecessary heroism. Lisa needs to go to back-up plan and succeeds regardless Lisa and Mick get to show off their competence and positive interactions
Invasion rewrite portions of it; everyone will be acting decently to Mick, Felicity and Kara make friends with him; not to mention a better use for time travel than "go back to the 50s to get an alien and do nothing with him"
Magic-user episode Episode 8 – they hunt up a magical expert about the spear, possibly several – So Sara asks Oliver for Constantine's info – each one directing them to another (Constantine to Zatanna to Madame Xanatu and back) Constantine flirts with everyone Zed gets an image of the Legion hunting Rip down by touching the Waverider Rest of the episode: Legends go to try to save him, but fail They return to Constantine, who is apologetic but gives them the compass which he found Rip: Eobard finds him first, initial encounter between them where Rip is happy to meet an old friend from the future (he knew Eo from before Eo became a speedster; asks about if the time sphere worked out for him) and then realizes that Thawne is a villain kidnapping This ties in with Rip’s arc about his “Time Master” knowledge not helping him
American Rev Episode 9 – keep American Rev, keep rat, keep statute; Amaya gets secondary arc: she’s so mission-focused she nearly lets innocent people die, the others stop her and rescue everyone, shows her that being 100% mission above all else is bad
Later magic-user episode Later episode: Constantine sends a message/they call Constantine to ask; telling them that the Spear was last owned by Merlin so they need to go back to Camelot to figure out how it works
Pirates Pirates – maybe not in the Caribbean Ninjas v Pirates argument between Mick and Ray Pirate democracies? Ray and Amaya – Amaya learns pirates are not so bad, law and order isn’t everything, Ray sees that adventuring isn’t all that and requires discipline to be successful
Ray B-plot for one episode to be Ray trying on new identities and they don't work we could also bring Nate back later on for another conversation
Len Len joins Legion willingly He is surprised that Mick is with them and seems okay with them; he objects to plans that involve manipulation of Mick/others based on emotions because it’s “too easy”; He starts questioning, starts hesitating; "if I trust Mick's judgment - which I do sometimes - then what am I missing here?" Sara mentions kiss to Past!Len, who flirts back but doesn’t remember it Line he doesn’t want them to cross – gratuitous torture of someone for pleasure rather than to really get anything out of the person, Len decides to kill the person (mercy kill) and they’re pissed; Len fights the Legion with the help of Oculus!Len (still invisible, but able to interact) Eo thinks it’s easy but Len’s good against speedsters and ices him; Damien pulls out rarely used magic skills and puts him down; they put him in the same chair as torture victim, zoom in on his face, end of episode Next we see of Len, he’s fine - someone jokes "i'm so happy you had a /change/ of mind" - and he says nothing at all. no reaction to the pun, nothing Post-BW manipulates Mick to come with him Oculus!Len is horrified by brainwashing and tries to communicate with Mick, who doesn’t listen He hurts/insults Mick at one point and Jax/Legends realize that’s OOC based on stories of Len Mick in Doomworld realizes he's done something wrong but doesn't know how to fix it and only after he's made the decision to leave Legion!Len does Oculus!Len show up he probably thinks he's hallucinating /again/ but then they're actually able to talk During Doomworld, when Mick realizes Len has been brainwashed, that's the final push that gets him to regather the team The Legion decides to deal with Mick and capture Mick, ordering Legion!Len to torture him Oculus!Len appears and uses that to fight Legion!Len, causing him to BSOD/become confused because the manipulation of Mick (which he was also less willing to do before the brainwashing) is one thing but torturing him is another
Gangs of New York Sadie the Goat Farrel 1869 NY Gangs, headbutts her victims and a cohort shoots them with a sling shot and steals their money, gangs of NY; her nemesis was this other lady who is equally awesome a 6 plus bouncer called Gallus Mag who bit off Sadies ear in a fight and kept it pickled in a jar  - gang war between historical ladies and the Legends jump right in the middle specifically, 1860s Gangs-of-New-York NYC could feature Jonah Hex who haaaaaaaaaaates this place; If we have Hex, maybe include at least a reference to the fact that he was Confederate and uncomfortable with Yankees If we move episode 1 to being London or DC, the later episode with Jonah Hex could involved gangs of New York – he got called to solve a problem
Tudors episode Rip: Time Master’s knowledge is wrong/one-sided and colonialist overtones; could tie in with Amaya’s arc; Episode where Rip (after he comes back) tries to do things based on typical Time Master protocol (team goes one way, he goes another b/c he's sure he's right and he wants to redeem himself) except it's totally wrong, possibly just checking Gideon instead of looking himself, and it goes wrong; he is forced to realize that he’s lost everything: his family, his faith in the TMs, his captaincy, etc. -> Rip also realizes that if his Time Master info is wrong, he might have taken IMPORTANT people from the timeline, thereby robbing them of their potential (possibly they are now creating ‘new’ potential) Possibly to happen in Tudor episode - he thinks the spear has to be THIS THING but it turns out it's another thing during the Tudor episode Mick burns down the building which will then be rebuilt to be the Globe other episode ideas New Zealand episode South America episode – Chile/Argentina – could be Amaya episode for finding out about colonialization possibly an episode where they encounter some Really Bad Thing the Time Masters did (and Rip did, not realizing it was bad) Mystery Machine parked in the background
Maze episode Maze: Legion and Legends both go to future where there is a maze, it’s a TV competition (“Legends of the Hidden Temple”); there are “puzzles” you have to solve but it’s not logic, it’s references, humor, brawn, compassion, puns; O!Len cracks a joke and Mick says it out loud Some overarching minotaur threat Episode where Stein keeps trying to use logic and fails, needs to rely on others, especially Mick Eobard tries to go through walls and pays a penalty for cheating – it’s Jumanji questions is "please name the secret identity of batman" and the answer is "I don't know, nobody knows that!" possibly Lily is in danger? At least, Stein thinks she is; he needs to be scared about the fact that his intelligence isn't going to save her – this can follow up on episode where he doesn’t reveal she’s an aberration thereby getting her angry at him; she refuses to forgive him until she sees him really stressing out about her, he gets advice from emotionally mature person about how to apologize in a way she understands he means it
Filler episode filler episode/Jax's 21st birthday? that particular one doesn't have to be an aberration they go to celebrate Jax's birthday and cause chaos maybe a filler episode that has the legion fighting v the team bonding  shows off the differences between the groups Legion starts sniping about brainwashing to each other
Spear Idea: but the idea is that the spear essentially immunizes the bearer from the effects of time travel this would explain why Nate noticed his thesis going wrong but to expand on the idea a /time traveler/ with the spear would be able to "fix" time aberrations into place, making them more difficult to fix by other time travelers explaining, presumably, why the death of Jesus Christ is another "fixed" moment thus the "change" in reality idea that's why they can 'change' Eobard's reality later on and also why it would bring Oculus!Len back from the dead he's 'fixing' his own aberration Len becomes Schrodinger's cat. He is both alive and dead which only works with something immune to time or the “reality change” can be Rip getting another thing wrong
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