#have I meantioned Garnet
animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
Best part about Steven Universe? Garnet.
Most favourite scene in Steven Universe? Any scene where Garnet is in it.
Worst part about SU? Any scene where Garnet isn't in there.
Best song in SU? Stronger than you because Garnet.
Guess my favourite Character? If you guessed Garnet then you're wrong my favourite Characters are Pearl & Lapis.
Garnet is my comfort Character.
What's the difference? Everything about Garnet makes me calm, comforted and loved.
I like Pearl I want her to be my mom (or Toriel UT)
I like Lapis because I like Lapis.
But Garnet? I need a Garnet in my life. I need a Garnet that gives me advice, that is supportive, that helps me calm down when I'm anxious.
I don't need a Steven in my life I need a Garnet in my life...actually I need Crystal Gems+Steven+Lapis in my Life.
Any show without Garnet is just...okay I guess...
I conclusion I love Garnet. Garnet is the best Character period. Anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong. Garnet is best mom!
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