animeheadcanonsblog · 5 months
Unpopular Opinion
I actually like Wish (Disney Movie). I mean its not as good as Encanto or Lion King or the other disney Movies. But honestly...I don't care enough about Disney (company) too complain. Honestly I think you all care too much about a movie for children. And you care too much Disney (The company). I mean yeah...it could've been better. But then again...this is Disney and everyone should know what matters to Disney the most...money. Do you know why they choose the star to be a star and not some star-boy? Because a star plushie is going to sell better. Now personally I am glad that there is no romance in this movie. Honestly I think Disney couples usual suck, if you think about it most of them are questionable. And unless Disney finally has the balls to have a non-straight couple (you know a lesbian or gay couple) I do not think that its going to change soon. Like I do think that some straight couples are great, but most of them are side characters like Julietta and Augstin, Felix and Pepa in Encanto. The straight couples only work in animal styled cartoons (Lion king, Lady and the tramp etc), but for humans...they usually make me mad. I cannot watch Ariel without being annoyed at her choosing to be a human for a man she doesn't even know instead of being a mermaid. Even tough I like the movie. But I'd prefer for Magnifico not to be a villain, but start as an antagonist and that the book has some sort of power over him + his paranoia and trauma makes him that way. And then at the end he would finally realize that he was wrong to keep away so many wishes. Then he and Aisha would work together to fullfill the wishes (non-dangerous ones) and only keep the ones that are dangerous. And at the end Amaya and Magnifico get a baby and they hold it like Rafiki does with Simba (to pay tribute to Lion King).
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animeheadcanonsblog · 5 months
Fandom: God there’s like NO content anymore. I wish we could get more art and fanfics :(((
Someone: Hey, I can’t draw anything digitally, because I can’t afford a tablet, but here’s a pen on paper drawing that I spent a lot of time and hard work on. Also, I took a shot at my first fanfic and I’d really like some feedback or at least some kudos if you enjoyed it :)
Fandom: Oh... yeah sorry no... not you. We actually meant writers that are already well known and popular to produce MORE content... I mean, if a popular blog shares your work then maybe. And we don’t really like pen to paper art. We just don’t think it’s professional or even looks good :/
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animeheadcanonsblog · 6 months
I'm actually glad that Indie Games/Animations are now getting the attention they deserve. I find myself way more excited the more Indie Game Studios/Indie Game Developers/Indie Animators getting attention and by their success then I ever was for any sort of game or show. Even if the game or the show is not my cup of tea... I'm still glad that they get more and more popular while big companies like EA/Bethesda or Disney get more and more shit on. Who would've thought that making a game/animation fun is all that people need instead of unnecessary "free to play", "pay to win", "the same bugs that always existed because Bethesda refuses to change their engine or at least fix the bug" OR that they do not forcefully try to make a strong female character, who hates all men and is a mary sue. I mean Characters like Toph, Katara, Kim Possible, Female Shepard, Lara Craft, Leia Organa and many more female Characters both in game and film media. There are so many good strong female Characters because they are not forced and no they are not all side Characters. Kim Possible and Lara Craft are literally the protagonist of their show/game... their names are even in the title.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 7 months
Today's going to be Matpat's final theory....I'm not sure if I can watch it honesty. Its like with AOT for me. I know Hanji is going to die, so I refuse to watch the final Season. As long as I don't watch it Hanji is alive. As long as I don't watch the final theory Matpat is not retiring. (At least that's how my brain works)
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animeheadcanonsblog · 7 months
Honestly...if someone buys RWBY. Not matter what they do with it. If Casey is not singing in it. I'm not watching it even if its good. Although I would probably also hate it when they have different Voice Casts. The soundtrack is the best thing about RWBY.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 7 months
2024 kinda sucks already.
MatPat is retiring from YouTube RT is shut down -> now more RWBY (at least the one we know) -> people lost jobs Overwatch 2 still sucks and I want Overwatch 1 back, the game that I paid with money which then was turned into a free to play crap Somehow the world start to suck even more ever since 2020...or maybe I just got more aware off all of this. Since most shows I used to escape from the real life are finished and now I have to face the reality. Nothing is worse for my mental health than getting face with the reality. No wonder so many people try to Reality shift away from here. I sadly cannot do that because reality shifting hasn't been good for my mental health. When I tried to do it few times (months) I was so focused on getting out of here, that I didn't even care what reality I'm going to shift to that I neglected everything include taking care of myself. But escaping reality in general is something I do all the time ever since I was a kid. All I can do is try to move on and hope that one day I wake up in the Steven Universe Reality and Pearl and Garnet are my mothers.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 7 months
"Liking HP makes you a Transphobe" says the person and then uses Twitter/X even though it is now owned by a Transphobe. Hating JKR is understandable, but hating on people for simply liking Harry Potter is dumb. At this point a lot of artists/singers/authors/etc have done bad things and people still listen to their songs/watch their movies/ etc. Like for example listening to Ramstein, using Twitter/X. The problem is that you do not know if the product you by or the media you consume is made by a homophobic/transphobic or any other bad person. Liking HP doesn't make someone a transphobic/homophobic or racist person liking AOT or Hetalia doesn't make you a Nazi Supporting JKR and her opinion does. I don't care about JKR. She has no place in my life. The HP world and the Hogwarts that exist inside my headcanons is the gayest place on earth. For some people its hard to let go of Harry Potter...for me Harry Potter was one of the few good things that happened to me in my childhood. It was a way for me to escape the hell that was going on. I cannot let go of Harry Potter because its a safe space for my inner child. The same goes for other shows and medias of course. I have a hard time letting go of the few things that were good in my childhood. Because if I let those things go...there is nothing left, but for me to feel sorry for the child version of myself. To be honest all those hate that exist towards people that like HP makes me anxious. I do understand why people hate JKR (I hate her too) and do not want to support her. But hating on people just for liking HP is stupid. It makes me anxious and it only makes me overthink things. Its usually start with me questioning myself and ends with me hating myself even more than I already do. Even though none of this is true. I am not transphobic or homophobic or anything like that. They're all just people. As long as they are good people that's all that matters. (Honestly everything that has to do with genders or pronounces scares me because they're so many of them and I am usually so anxious when talking to people that I forget their names. People in general scare me because there are so many people that have nothing better to do than hate/bully/harass people on the internet.) If you truly care about the transgender people than maybe you should do stuff to truly support them like boycotting Universal Studios or Legos (because JKR is getting a lot of money from the lego stuff). By hating/bullying/harassing people on the internet for simply liking HP is a bad way to support transgender people. I am aware of the hate I might get for this, but the only hate I accept are from the Transgender people. The transgender people can shit however they please its their right to disagree and even argue with my opinion. But I refuse to listen to people that use twitter/X because they were programmed on sending death threats to people instead of having civil discussions. Thank you for coming to my random anxiety rant. Please stay respectful when you shit on me...(Also if I used a wrong term for something please correct me. English is not my first language and when I randomly have anxiety rant I rant first and think later)
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animeheadcanonsblog · 8 months
It's a shame that I still haven't found a single poly 3-E class (Assassination Classroom) fanfiction. Like there is Poly Class A1 from BNHA, Poly Class B1, Poly classA1 and poly Class B1, and there is also Poly Strawhats. But the Assassination Classroom fandom is lacking poly ships.
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Having OC's (self insert or not) that are completely overpowered is okay. Who cares if its cringe? Most of my OC's are OP in some areas. I don't know, but the thought of being more powerful than the main Characters does feel amazing. I seriously do not understand peoples problem with OC's...Some of my self insert OC's developed into their own Characters. Technically all of the OC you create are still somehow a self insert....since the OC does shares your world view and personality at some point. I mean I don't think you're going to create a Racist or something? No matter what you do there will still be a part of you in the Characters.
I have so many OC's...since I discovered the AU's (mostly because of Undertale) Most my OC's have an AU version of themselves (mostly when I am unsure with whom I want the person to be with. So I think of scenarios what would happens if my OC would date this person instead of the other one)
The funny thing is most of my OC's don't even have names, because i can create everything, their appearances, their backstory, their trauma, their powers, their personality...but giving them a names? So I just have placeholder names until I decided to change it.
Embrace the cringy side of you.
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Genshin Impact: Ideas on using Visions in Pop Culture Witchcraft Practise
(Disclaimer: I am re-starting my Journey into the Pop Culture Witchcraft while finding a way to use stuff like Genshin Impact, Undertale and maybe Steven Universe. (Maybe some more stuff) I basically try to use stuff, which I am passionate about and which have a big meaning in my life because I tried to get into Witchcraft before, but I was overwhelmed and I had no idea where to start. But since I started researching/brainstorming in ways to use Genshin Impact it made this much more fun and enjoyable. SO I am still new to the Witchcraft stuff.)
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Since the Geo Element when it reacts to certain other Elements like: Electro, Pyro, Cryo, Hydro. It's Elemental Reaction is called Crystalized, which basically creates a shield.
So you can technically use the Geo symbol as a Sigil. Additionally you could combine in with the Elemental skills of Characters: For Example the Geo Symbol + Noelle's Elemental Skill (Breastplate) Symbol + Her Voice Line "Steady as Stone" as a Ward sigil/Protection spell.
You can also use the Geo Element with Electro, Pyro, Cryo, Hydro for the Crystalized effect.
Also the Geo Element is connected to Rex Lapis/Morax/ Zhonghli, so it is connected to Money, prosperity, construction and contract.
I personally associate it with: Earth, Contracts, defence, protection, hardworking, money, shields, trust, friendship, yellow/gold colors, rocks, crystals, (some of them are technically canon in-game)
Extra: According to -> https://genshin-impact.fandom.com <- the Geo Element is Associated with the in-game gem Prithiva Topaz (which is always used in ascensions)
Prithiva Topaz (Descriptions):
"The currencies that flow through this land are my flesh and blood."
"For thus did I become the guarantor of the people's hard work, wisdom, and future."
"This is the trust I have placed in them. Betray it, and you taint my blood."
Topaz = is a yellow Topaz so you could use a yellow Topaz for idk maybe as an offering ?
The English name for this item derives "Prithiva" from Prithvi, a Vedic goddess of earth with many epithets, including "Mother Earth" and "Steady One."
In the Chinese version, "Prithiva" is instead 坚牢/堅牢 Jiānláo, "Firm" or "Steady."
Just some brainstorming ideas since I've spent a lot of time researching all of the Visions and adding what I associated them with.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
Random thoughts about the Multiverse Theory
So, I actually believe in the multiverse theory, because it just makes sense in my head. The same way the Evolution theory and the gods makes sense in your head.
But there a few things that made me wonder...
Like I remember reading somewhere that or heart cannot see/feel the difference between fictional crush or real crush. So, if we have a crush on a fictional character we are truly falling in love.
I also read somewhere that if we are feeling pulled towards a characters than there is a high chance that they might be our soulmate in a different universe.
The way I see it that there is a difference between having a crush someone, finding them attractive or falling in love.
Like just because you find someone attractive it doesn't mean you have a crush on them or that you are in love with them (at last romantically)
The same way a silly crush is not the same things as falling in love. Crush can turn into love, but only after you spend sometime with this person.
But I do believe that there are some people that truly fall in love with a fictional Character, and I honestly cannot blame them since I also have Characters that I fell in love with. Both platonically and romanticallyl
This is why I think that reality shifting makes sense and is real. Because these character/s are our soulmates. This means that no matter in what universe we are living in, these character/s are still our soulmates.
SO, why should it be wrong to wish, try and succeed shifting in the same Universe they live in.
Because there is an Universe where they try to shift for us.
Another thing:
I've been scrolling through the Pop Culture Witchcraft/Paganism stuff (because I think it's interesting) and a though appeared in my head.
Since there are people that worship, believe, work and pray to fictional Characters/deities.
Those that mean that there are Universes where people are worshiping us? Or at least our Universe selves?
Would it be technically be possible to worship our Universe selves? Or a Universe version of a person that exists here?(Not that I would do it, but is it possible?)
There is probably a Universe where our comfort Characters are worshipping us...which is an interesting thought?
This would depend on your comfort Character though...I cannot imagine Sans worshipping anyone...
Would you prefer being worshipped as a deity? A spirit? Or instead of worshipping...being honored?
(Also, any hate against reality shifters/Pop Culture Witchcraft/Paganism or Witchcraft/Paganism in general will be blocked and deleted. This blog is safe place for them.)
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
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Teyvat letters/alphabet. It's also the written language from Mondstadt. Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru have their own letters,too.
For Genshin Impact Fans, writers, reality shifters, Genshin impact pagans and basically anyone who's interested.
I already tried to write Jean and Raiden Shogun using these letters.
(Any haters against Genshin Impact, reality shifting and Paganism/Witchcraft will be blocked.)
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
Best part about Steven Universe? Garnet.
Most favourite scene in Steven Universe? Any scene where Garnet is in it.
Worst part about SU? Any scene where Garnet isn't in there.
Best song in SU? Stronger than you because Garnet.
Guess my favourite Character? If you guessed Garnet then you're wrong my favourite Characters are Pearl & Lapis.
Garnet is my comfort Character.
What's the difference? Everything about Garnet makes me calm, comforted and loved.
I like Pearl I want her to be my mom (or Toriel UT)
I like Lapis because I like Lapis.
But Garnet? I need a Garnet in my life. I need a Garnet that gives me advice, that is supportive, that helps me calm down when I'm anxious.
I don't need a Steven in my life I need a Garnet in my life...actually I need Crystal Gems+Steven+Lapis in my Life.
Any show without Garnet is just...okay I guess...
I conclusion I love Garnet. Garnet is the best Character period. Anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong. Garnet is best mom!
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
My thoughts about Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz
I don't understand the hate that Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz gets. I also don't understand when people call her the real Villain while White Diamond is right there.
Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz did something that a lot of people in real life do. She left her parents house and became a new person.
Pink Diamond did something that is a normal thing to do for a traumatized person. She ran away.
People that judge Pink Diamond for the things she did they probably don't know what its like to be surrounded by toxic/abusiv family members.
When you are traumatized you do everything that leave that toxic place. You don't think about everyone else at first because you should always put your mental state first. You can apologize later and I am pretty sure that most people would forgive and understand.
I think the only person in SU that was never angry at Pink was Greg. Because he also ran away from his home. He knows what it's like to have toxic parents.
She never told the other Crystal Gems that she is Pink because she hated being Pink Diamond. She preferred being Rose Quartz. Also maybe she didn't want them to treat her different just because she is a Diamond.
Yes, she did left Spinel. Like a lot of older siblings are sadly forced to leave their younger siblings the moment they turn 18. Should we make them feel even more guilty than they already do?
She didn't brought Steven in the world so that he can fix her mistakes. How was she supposed to know what would happen in the future? She gave away her existence so that Steven could live.
How is that everyone can forgive space nazis (The other diamonds) for the things they did, but Pink Diamond is the true Villain?
Whatever. I truly believe that Pink Diamond was truly happy as Rose Quartz. Especially after being traumatized for probably centuries.
She was finally happy in the end. Good for her.
Sincerely, a Rose Quartz apologist
PS: Her name is Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond is her dead name.
PS: Rose Quartz did nothing wrong and I die on that hill.
PS: Rose Quartz x Greg is the only straight couple that I'll defend and fight for.
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animeheadcanonsblog · 2 years
Genshin Impact Meme
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