#have a fabulous day my friend and please stay safe + hydrated!!!
inkykeiji · 2 years
first off ty for the wardrobe advice (yes i did maybe go to the aritzia site after and move maybe a few items to my cart)
second of all aRE WE ON THAT STRANGER THINGS SHIT??? i gotta ask how are you feeling abt the current nancy/steve/jonathan situation because me personally i am feelin very not happy about it mostly because i love jonathan but this season is making it very hard to actively love jonathan and prefer him over steve when he’s a) not there and b) on some dumb bitch shit. like literally rewatching s2/3 to remind myself why i love jonathan but at the same time i love steve i just,,, dont love steve with nancy so why are the writers seemingly pushing steve and nancy?? very upsetting to me so i wanted to see your thoughts (also very upsetting that i have to wait till jUly for pt 2 but oh well we cope)
hope you’re doing well!! lots of love to you and lil baby touya 🐟🥺<3
snowflake!!!! (´∀`)♡
omg ur welcome!!! i’m glad to have been of a lil help!! c: yeah aritzia has some really nice stuff!!
oh gosh honestly i’m not a huge fan of it, steve is one of my faves and i hate to see him being almost like ??? jerked around by the writers, if that makes sense??? like he just can’t seem to catch a break especially in the relationship department (my boyfriend rly wants steve to find a good girl and settle down and be happy LMAO) and they’re dangling nancy in front of him like a piece of meat, which is imo disrespectful to nancy’s character, too.
i like her with jonathan. i think they have a really interesting dynamic and that they each bring something to the table in their relationship, and they’re a lot more interesting to watch than her and steve (who is obviously the ‘safe’ and generic choice for somebody like nancy; somebody who comes from a good home and a good family). it’s fun and intriguing to watch her and jonathan try and navigate + reconcile these differences in a way that works for both of them, and i really love that good girl/troubled boy trope (tho jonathan isn’t necessarily what i’d call ‘troubled’, but he’s definitely had a rougher home life than nancy).
so yeah, i agree with you, it’s annoying!!!!! i wish they’d give steve like his own romantic storyline apart from nancy. i get that she was like his first love or whatever and that’s sweet, but i think it would be super interesting to see steve fall for a more ‘troubled’ girl and explore those dynamics there. i think he’d be sooooo sweet 🥺🥺🥺
omg i’m upset we have to wait too!!!! but i’m really excited to see how this season ends, for the most part i’m really enjoying it so far!! AWW HEHEHE isn’t he just the most precious thing!!!!!! <333 ahaha thank you bb, i am always sending love and health ur way!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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