#have a san fran barbie and a vancouver barbie and a denver barbie and a London barbie and a paris barbie
katarafirelady · 2 years
ok it is also cool that pansexual merman's little sister uses a prosthetic tail
and that they didnt completely typecast each mermaid based on her hair/tail colour to an element. Green mermaid is water instead of earth, pink mermaid is earth instead of fire, and some rando who has 1 speaking line in the entire film is air :)))))
the problem is really the plot. it doesnt feel creative or exciting. we dont even KNOW the stakes. some woman who we dont know just says "the fate of our world depends on it ." but she doesnt seem at all concerned or worries or anything. and its like in what way? how will the world be changed if this doesnt go to plan? nobody knows. probably not even the writers.
i think what i really miss is when barbie and her friends had to be clever/creative/industrious in some way to solve their problems. Like Annalise finding that purple geode and using it to revitalize her kingdoms economy. Or even corrine in princess academy who had to figure out that she was the lost princess, and her friend who was a music genius helped fighre out that the Beep beep BEEP Beep of the door code could be deciphered. Now its all just "barbie is kind and a friend to everyone. that (+ magic) solves all her problems the end." but the truth is that being kind to a bully/abuser wont always make them stop being mean? (in fact i would say that a lot of the time it wont work!) barbie rapunzel and barbie nutcracker stood up against the evil people and defeated them.
also the music is bad and the backgrounds/animation in general arent as pretty as they were in video game hero or starlight adventure. They look more on par with backgrounds from princess and the pauper, but without the really loveable characters + compelling plot + amazing music to make up for it. also backgrounds rendered entirely in 3d just dont look as nice as the old more painted style ones.
final criticism is that the conservation of oceans message was really shoehorned in and even then it was pretty shallow bc if a bunch of mermaids can just zap the great pacific garbage pile into nonexistance, they can do it again right? like thats a bad way to show that garbage hurts sea creatures. They should have actually had a seaturtle try to swallow a plastic bag, or had fish get stuck in those 6 pack can connector things, and had barbie and co actually put in some WORK to help, rather than just do a <2 minute "battle" against the garbage and then immediately have a dance party?
ok compliment sandwich i guess their hair looked nice. Very shiny. made me want to look up hair care routines
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