#haven't caught up to ososan yet so i hope this isn't too similar to another fishing skit dkshfldsh
contrastrio · 8 months
@nosomatsu // closed starter.
The sequence of events goes like this: Yuzu finds a busted up stray lure on the side of the road and takes it as a sign to go fishing. She arrives at the fishing area, rents a rod, ties the lure on, and proceeds to settle not in the one of many empty spots with space on either side, but directly beside one of the only other people there, some guy in a leather jacket and a shirt whose character she can't discern from this angle. No time to look closer at that right now, though. Fishing time. Rising from her seat, she does a few cursory swings back and forth with her rod like it's some sort of longsword, then whips it back and releases the line. It sails through the air, it hooks something--
Well, it's worth noting that the line has sailed backwards rather than forwards, and that the 'something' in question she hooks is a hefty tree branch about a dozen feet behind her. She pulls, pulls, pulls--and with it the branch whips back, back, back before finally it springs free, the lure twinkling overhead as its released from the pine in tandem with the distinct sound of wind whipping, then a weighty thwack of a pine branch connecting with an ill-fated group of passing bicyclists, whose leader is knocked cleanly off his bike, taking the rest down with him like dominoes.
"...Hm?" By the time Yuzu turns around to the source of the clamour, their spot in a heap on the pavement is obscured by the nearby shrubbery. "...Guess it was nothing." Turning back towards the pond, she reels in the now-limp line sprawled across the pavement. This time, she passes the fishing rod from hand to hand, plants one foot forward into a half-lunge, rears back, and throws out the line again. It sails through the air, it hooks something--
Well, it's worth noting that the line has sailed forwards this time at least, though it far surpasses the nearby pond, and the 'something' it hooks is hair this time--more specifically, the toupee of a nearby businessman who ducks into a taxi just as the voluminous rug is yanked off his head, and closes the door mere moments before he realizes what's happened. By then, it's too late. Yuzu reels in her catch with a powerful yank and catches the clump of hair in one hand like a prize bass. Briefly, she locks eyes with the newly-bald man with his face pressed to the glass of the window, but in a flash he's gone as the taxi driver speeds off.
"...Hm." Yuzu's head turns to watch the cab go until it's a blip on the horizon, an unreadable expression on her face. She looks at the wig. She looks to the neighbouring fisherman. She looks back to the wig, then slowly crouches down. Let's just not think about this for now... "Ahh... endangered species. Catch and release, catch and release..." With that, she lets it drift quietly into the water, watching it float further downstream until it, too, disappears from view.
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Yuzu stands back up, rubbing at the back of her neck with a blank, thoughtful expression. In a low voice, she murmurs: "Comedy rule of threes... So, let's try one more time..." Holding the fishing rod overhead and rearing back, she winds up like a star pitcher about to make a throw. A concerned third party has but a moment, maybe two to intercept this before it spells certain disaster again.
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