#havent made a music post in quite a hot minute
xanderbelt · 7 months
Holy Fawn // Candy
untie our hands cut through the cord teeth are knives glare like perfect swords i want to go where you go dying fox mountain witch you gave me a quiver made of stag skin then sent me away in the moonlight but i want to go where you go
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intrasport · 1 year
Meu Listens to Teenage Gizzard (2010-2011)
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Main Post - Optional Supplementary Post
Technically this was a 2020 release, but the songs are from the very very early days of gizz ^_^ then one day they decided to put them out into the world for real... some of these songs were made before Ambrose was even in the band!
It’s a garage punk, surf kinda psych rock compilation album. Its very lo-fi, like you can hear the noise bouncing off of the walls. Made back when Stu was still couch surfing I reckon, and they were just playing at random shows and probably weren’t even called King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard yet. it’s cool to think about that kind of era, for any band i think. The novelty of being just a whatever group of guys playing music just cuz! it’s kind of beautiful.
This is actually the first gizz album I got on vinyl (along with Butterfly 3000). It was a gift from my mother... ^_^ she must’ve just picked the first albums she saw on the Gizzverse store HA! I havent listened to it yet but the disc is SUPER pretty, honestly one of my fav I own. it’s the... blue cloudy holy water pressing by needlejuice. cool..!
Oh yeah... so given this is the first one I’m listening to, and I know that there won’t be much to say about the songs, this will be quite simple. That is the nature of this album.
I basically am just listening + writing + have the Genius page open on another monitor for lyrics. And then maybe I’ll look for related things about this album (and all the others) like live vids and trivia and yeah. ok.
king gizzard is born!!!
1. Hey There (3:57)
It’s a song about falling in love. It’s cute. I did not know that in the middle of the song he goes “Girl what’s in my hair?” a buncha times. I like how jumpy that part sounds! It’s a simple garage song. It feels really laid-back, like compared to how the gizz albums after this open. Like I think of Elbow from 12 Bar Bruise and it has a bit more of a punchy and organized vibe than this. Teen Gizz is like the most barebones sound… it’s cool.
2. Ants & Bats (3:13)
The like, bassline I think, that plays throughout the whole song is so cool. This song feels menacing. Ohh the part at around 1:40 where the key changes! What that’s so cool I didn’t expect that. This song feels like bugs crawling, I guess that makes sense. Bugs stalking around their environment being evil and awesome. These lyrics here are also very good:
Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo Woo woo woo woo woo
3. Sleep (3:40)
Stu loves writing songs about sleep! (Sleep Drifter, Sleepwalker, I’m Sleepin’ In) Wow!
I got up early And you've got up too And you pull me under And you say "My leg" But I don't wanna go back to sleep again But I don't wanna stay like this for five more minutes
This is cute, he’s writing about his partner. I guess that is kind of a theme in this album because you will hardly see that in the music going forward (here and there, like in Honey, or the Butterfly 3000 title track)
It’s very bouncy! A lot of these songs are just bouncy and are a little bit hard to distinguish from each other. And it seems Stu is always making noises like he sounds like he’s running around in circles in a chamber or something.
4. Summer! (2:48)
I’ve seen this before! In the future!
It's hot, it's mean, summer, to me Green grass, won't last, sky blue, me too
These are lyrics that are repurposed in the Gumboot Soup song Muddy Water!!! It’s cute. Absolutely a summer feeling song ^_^
Ah now this album is starting to make sense to me. It’s the kind of album I will have on in the background. But that’s good. Some music is like that, where it sounds better when they are played as “accompaniment music.” I’d listen to this while I’m outside and it’s really hot. Since I’m traveling this summer to go see Gizz play live, maybe I’ll listen to this a bunch while I am outside. I think that would be nice.
I’ve always loved how, in both this song and Muddy Water, that there’s kind of a movement the song simulates in my mind. It feels like stepping one foot in front of the other but not at the same time. Like the left foot stays in the air for a long time as you bring it over and the right foot comes over really quickly. And you wave your arms out like an airplane would make turns. Kind of like how a drunk person would walk maybe, lol? Like in a comical sense. A lot of songs can evoke this imaginary feeling of a specific kind of movement/kinesthetic sensation.
5. Eddie Cousin (2:38)
The lyrics here are very simple!!! OK, kind of goes without saying because thats how this album is. Hehe. Also there’s a female vocalist in the back here huh? This definitely seems like the most garage song so far. Like I actually feel like I’m in a garage with a buncha people because some friend told me that they know some guys who play music and they invited me to go listen and it’s just this really freeball kinda party thing happening its sooooo funny. This song is cool.
Also they played it on TV? Lol. This is a funny video. Look how young they are ‘_ `
6. Fried (3:10)
Ohh, the beginning kind of reminds me of how Eyes Like The Sky sounds. But then it gets back to more garage. Yknow how it is !!!
I suppose another part of the album where I am thinking, “this is so funny, to think about the kind of music Stu is writing nowadays, and how complex it all has become.” And that’s literally just how evolution is. Over 12 years or so. But even then this is still good ^_^
7. Good To Me (2:23)
Oh yeah I like this one! It has a more sudden start and it’s just a catchy tune idk. It’s swing?? ohhh. And that female voice is back. Oh but “The repetitive lyrics make it very clear that the girl in the song doesn’t treat the narrator well.” Oh How Unfortunate. Neat song though.
8. Tomb/Beach (3:46)
OHH ^_^ Woa this one is especially good! Like all the rest are nice quaint songs but this one has a much cooler vibe to me. It has more interesting lyrics, I love how it opens, it sounds like a wave crashing a lot into like a really small cave so there’s a lot of pressure into one small space. Like a whirlpool.
Lie in the whirl Makes you hurt Lie in the sky Makes you high In my tomb, in my tomb In my tomb, in my tomb
Definitely makes sense!!! But yeah, the guitar soundsss or whatever that play in the beginning and the end of the song cus that’s where you hear them more isolated. I love those. Awesome song.
9. Trench Foot (1:55)
AHHH this song is hitting me with a pool noodle thats what it feels like. OHH THERES HARMONICA!!! Hello Ambrose =D I love all the chanting and yelling.
There’s a lot more instrument sounds here with that harmonica like I kind of hear some kinda clanging and ohh its cool. Short song but cool.
10. Life Is Cool (2:10)
YEAHH!!! I already listen to this a bit, out of all the songs in the album! This my favorite! It’s so so so fun and I think encapsulates very very early gizz the best!
Life is cool Then you die Stick a needle in your eye Cars are fun Then you crash
Omg, there’s also a little more lyrics about self harm… Interesting because this is the most cheerful sounding on this album I think. But I suppose I can understand it. It’s kind of a careless attitude song.
I can not describe specifically how wondrous this song is though. Like the rest of this album it’s like awesome crashing waves. No wonder the album cover is Like That. But it’s so so cute. I like that it’s the closer.
This is such a “King Gizzard” song to me. The gizz songs that have this particular effect on me, where they make me particularly happy in a sense separate from how usually makes me happy. From the specific composition of the song, there is like this Minutia of high twangy guitar notes that play at the second set of verses about a minute in the song and I think they are cute. All the woos and chanting and stuff. They’re in all the other songs but it seems special here I think. It is sooo joyous on somewhat of a more overarching scale. OK, I realize now that it literally just makes me think about how “life is cool,” isn’t that so silly. Well it’s awesome and I love it.
And that is kind of a feeling that I experience throughout all of the discog. This really intense feeling of insurmountably and awe and like gratefulness, or something. Some songs just REALLY capture that and so. Life Is Cool is definitely one of those.
I wish I could hear it live someday but. They’ve only played it once ever. Alas!
Theres so much noise in this album. I love the guitar feedback sounds and how rough it is. It sounds like they made the songs on this album with a metal can and some nails. And they kicked some dirt around and it got eeeverywhere <- they just did that for fun though.
I think it’s cute! There really is not much else to say but having the context of all the music I have to listen to next is really cool... Because I already see the path of progression and evolution of the band and whatever. Humble beginnings... ‘w` Consensus: cool kicky summer album. life is cool is my favorite. so cute, so youthful.
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meloncholy-words · 2 years
We Shall
ah jeez i havent posted here in like a hot minute. its been, what, a little over a year?? i said id post a story i was finishing and then i,, didnt. in my defense i forgot i had this blog. and also i don't like how that one ended so I'm not going to. but anyways, if you'd followed me previously, you'd know i posted TSS content, but I'm not really in that fandom anymore, so now you can have cookies
i posted this a while ago on AO3 but im getting back into writing again i think so imma start posting here. enjoy i guess.
im ass at making summaries but the basic idea is that the gay people are gay and then one dies but like not really but also really yknow?
Pairing(s): Earlstar (Earl Grey Cookie x Rockstar Cookie)
Warnings: Character death, violence(the violence itself isn't explicit but i describe someone bleeding out so. could be explicit?), angst, gay people(/j), technically hurt no comfort but also not if you dont think about it
Rockstar Cookie was an interesting character. He was loud and destructive by nature, and quite messy. His long, white hair was typically left to be a thick mess of tangles. He decorated his body in a range of piercings, rings, chains, and the occasional tattoo. He was rather clingy and adored being the center of attention, even if he has to go to lengths to get there.
In direct contrast, was Earl Grey Cookie. He was quite reserved, too nervous to be in the direct spotlight, much happier to be standing on the side. He stuck to strict routines and schedules, as well as appearances. He had wardrobes full of the same suits and only ever did his hair in the same tied-back style - he couldn’t stand out if he only ever looked the same. He kept things nice, organized, and clean, fussing if something wasn’t.
Truly, they were exact opposites. If they were puzzle pieces, they would be corners, opposite on both sides. If one should be the earth, the other shall be the sky. The sun and the moon, a flame and a sprinkle, and officer and a criminal. Opposite.
And yet, their hands interlocked as if they were made to be forever held together. Their lips meet with passion and grace and move perfectly in sync. They nestle into each other, arms wrapped tightly against the waist of the other, as though they were two statues carved from the finest marble, blessed to forever hold.
Their fingers find the others’ hair, and they gently begin to comb. Earl struggles to get far through the mess, but neither says a thing. Gently, their foreheads press together, and this is how they shall fall asleep.
When they wake, they shall become occupied. Earl will tend to his guests and his children, and Rockstar shall do as he pleases. They shall sneak a kiss or five through the day, and a few squeezes of the hand. And in the end, they will wrap around each other once more.
When they are to separate, they will not be lonely. Rockstar shall keep a stolen teal ribbon wrapped tight around his wrist - another precious jewel to decorate his body. Earl shall hold Rockstar’s favorite pillow close - an attempt to suffocate himself in the scent left behind. The singer shall indulge in the sweets Earl has delicately wrapped up for him, and the hotelier shall indulge in the music which holds the voice and passions of his lover.
They shall reunite with deep emotion and a long kiss. The twins shall complain and feign disgust, and they shall roll their eyes, still comfortable in each other's arms.
And of course, there shall be secrets. Ones Rockstar shall stumble upon.
He shall come across the Darkness. The Darkness shall glance back, and it will strike. He will run, or he will try, but for certain, he will fail.
Earl Grey shall experience things he never wanted to.
He shall know what it feels like to be held in the grip of a dying man. He shall know how strong the stench of blood and tears is over his boyfriend’s favorite cologne. He shall know the sound of broken sobs through a scratchy throat burned deep into his mind. He shall know the feeling of a body growing cold and heavy as he tries to hold it close to his chest.
He shall know what it feels like to scream his throat raw. He shall know what it feels like to become stained red and dirty, and for once, not care.
He shall know the feeling of sleeping in a bed that has lost its warmth. He shall know the feeling of no longer wanting to wake up in the morning. He will know he has to get up, to care for his children, for himself. But he will fail as he tries.
He will know how deeply crimson stains white.
But for now, they are. They are curled under the sheets, hand in hand, whispering sweet nothings that keep them giggling like school children.
For now, they are happy.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
i’m tired too | shawn mendes
university au summer vacay babey, shawn x goth gf
*******just letting yall know that the chapter before this, girl you’re trouble did not appear in the tags when i posted it, so if u havent read it go ahead and do that now :P
masterlist | series playlist
My tongue was between my teeth as I focused on my reflection in my little compact mirror. Carefully, I filled in my eyebrow with dark brown powder, ignoring the people sitting on either side of me on the couch. Having two sets of eyes on me made it hard to carve out the enhanced version of my face, though. I tried to shift in my seat to get them to focus on literally anything else, but neither of them let up.
“She’s so good at that,” Mom said in admiration. She was sitting on my left.
“Isn’t she?” Shawn agreed in the same tone. He was on my right.
I paused and sighed. The previous evening, Aaliyah pointed out that my mom and her brother had some uncanny similarities. I thought she was just bringing light to the fact that they both… adore me. But they had the same mannerisms, like talking with their hands. They were both optimistic as well, unlike me… and my dad. I pretended not to see any similarities until now. I was just glad Aaliyah wasn’t here now to triumph in her discovery.
“Are you guys gonna do this the whole time?” I asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.
“Well, you’re so pretty,” Shawn said, bringing a hand up to stroke my cheek.
I leaned away from his touch. “I just did my foundation!”
My mom laughed. “She won’t let you touch her either! I’m glad it’s not just me!”
Shawn gave me a surprised look. He learned just a little too much about me in the last twenty four hours, and it wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
Luckily, my dad, who had been scrolling through his phone on the other side of the couch, piped up. “Shawn, I heard you play guitar?”
That started the music conversation. I was glad to have the attention off of me for once, all anyone asked me about these days was my stupid hospital stay. Plus, I could finish my makeup in peace. Not to mention, Shawn was still convulsing and crying in his sleep, so things were… not ideal at the moment. But he got to talk about his love of music, which was something my dad could relate to.
“You know, I used to be in a rock band,” he said. “Back in eighty-seven, me and my buddies played shows from my parents’ garage. That’s how I met Lucy. She was standing at the front of the audience for every show. We only had about ten people attend if we were lucky, but she was always there.”
Mom placed her hands over her chest fondly. “I think music has a beautiful way of bringing people together.”
You wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking at my mother, but she lived for heavy metal. She was the one who introduced me to the symphonic metal bands I listen to now.
“Oh, a hundred percent,” Shawn agreed. Then he told me parents that he and I met at one of his shows at a coffee shop.
Today was much more calm than the last. My parents slept on it, and they decided that they were just happy that I was live. I was just glad they stayed at a hotel, too. I couldn’t imagine being holed up with them after not living with them for a majority of two years. I also wouldn’t know how to explain why my boyfriend was yelling in his sleep every hour.
I really did miss my mom and dad. It kicked in when they had to go home at the end of the week. I was supposed to be home too. None of this was supposed to happen this way.
After my parents were gone, I was able to get around the apartment by myself. I didn’t need a babysitter anymore, so I tried to be happy about that. However, my incisions still kept me from doing anything strenuous, which meant I had no excuse not to return to work anymore. Most of what I did was sit behind a desk in a tiny office, so I made my first day back that Friday. I figured I might as well make some type of income to, you know, pay for my books for the next semester and uhhhhhh fucking live. I had to find my independence again somehow.
Anyway, my first day back at work was as mundane as it always was. It was like I wasn’t even gone for three weeks. Stacy gave me a professional “welcome back” and then hit me with the work I missed that I needed to catch up on. I spent the morning adding up gas receipts, entering vehicle information into the computer, and booking service appointments over the phone.
In the afternoon, Jason and Luca came in for their shifts. They approached the window of the office and stopped in their tracks.
“You’re here?” Jason asked in disbelief. “Weren’t you quitting?”
Clearly, no one knew or cared where I had been lately. I mean, I must have told Stacy to keep it confidential while I was high on morphine. Even then, I wasn’t exactly popular here.
“I had surgery, and now I can’t hop on a plane home,” I explained shortly.
“Oh, so you were dying and you weren’t planning on telling us?” Luca said, holding a hand up to my face in a dramatic fashion. “How dare you.”
I blinked once and then got back to adding numbers from the stack of receipts. The two of them entered the office, and that was when another question popped into my mind.
“Who covered me while I was gone?”
“Not me!” Jason said as he went to his desk at the back of the office.
Luca stood by mine and puckered his lips like he was thinking to himself. That said it all for me.
“Shoulda known.” I rolled my eyes. “Not a goddamn thing was done, and it’s month-end.”
“Hey, Stacy told me to book appointments,” Luca said defensively. “I lost commission these last few weeks because of that. I sell cars. I’m no receptionist.”
Bet he didn’t even book appointments either. Bet Stacy told him to cover all of my responsibilities. Luca just did not give a flying fuck about anything.
I spent my lunch hour in the car. Normally, Shawn would have come to meet me so we could eat together… or not eat. He was working too, though, and from the texts he sent me, he had been working on a flower arrangement for a wedding. He was going to be busy all day. When did we become a boring, married couple?
“You’ll never believe who they put to cover me while I was out,” I typed out in a text to Shawn. I munched on my white rice as I sent it.
“Who?!” he replied within a few minutes. I could almost hear the enthusiasm.
“Fucking Luca. He did fuck all, so I have a bunch to catch up on. Plus, it’s the end of the month, so we all have to close a bunch of sales and warranties and all this other boring crap. I’ll be home a little late.” Send. More white rice. God, I’m tired of rice.
My phone buzzed again while I was scrolling on Instagram. Shawn had replied. “Aw. Ok hon. I’m gonna have a couple of friends over tonight, just letting you know. Some of them want to see how you’re doing.”
“Ok. I’ll see you at home.”
“Love that you see my place as a home now :)”
Uhhhhhhhhh… Who’s gonna tell him? Who has to remind him that I was staying at his place for convenience, because I am recovering from a surgery? That I literally almost died and my complications kept me from travelling long distance…? Who’s gonna tell him?
I was horrifically fatigued when I got home. I seemed to have forgotten that stressing over numbers and annoying phone calls was mentally straining. Maybe travelling by car wasn’t a great idea either, but how could I not drive? I had a job to go to. I had an apartment to get back to. As I walked up to the front door, I wished that I didn’t have to worry about things like income and bills to pay. I just wanted to lie down and not get up again.
Walking into the apartment, I realized I probably wouldn’t even get to do that.
First of all, the door was unlocked. Shawn had given me a key, but apparently I didn’t need it this time. I was met with music and laughter as stepped over the threshold. I found people, strangers, when I peered into the kitchen.
It was a small kitchen, but there were five frat boy looking guys all holding plastic red cups. Among them were three breathtakingly pretty brunettes. I’m talking Instagram models, wearing sparkling crop tops and skin tight leggings. They were all laughing about something until they saw me at the doorway.
“Rock on, emo queen,” one of the frat boys said, holding up the rock and roll sign.
Yeah. Even in my work uniform, which was a button up with the company name on, was in fact black. Not to mention, the eyeliner I had put on in the morning smudged so much throughout the day that I now looking like a raccoon having a mental breakdown.
Awkwardly, I continued padding down the hall, finding more people standing and talking amongst themselves. Again, more ridiculously pretty girls and their dates. All I could smell was weed. I tried to keep a stink eye off my face, but it was the only thing that made people move out of the way so I could get to the living room.
Finally, there were people I recognized. Brian, Connor, Teddy, and Shawn were among a bigger group of strangers sat on the L-shaped couch. So this was a couple of friends?
Shawn noticed me first and raised his arms in the air, making me notice the red cup in his hand. “Look who’s here!”
That caused several pairs of eyes to turn to me, causing me to feign a smile. Everyone raised their drinks and cheered. Oh god, I was in a room of drunk toddlers. I was in a whole ass apartment of drunk toddlers. And my fucking boyfriend was the toddler hosting the other toddlers.
“Come, sit here,” Shawn said, waving me over. “I missed you!”
I still felt awkward and tired and far from the vibe everyone else was currently on. I stepped over and went to take the empty space next to Shawn, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. My face went hot at the gesture, but not because of the affection, or the fact that he chose to rest his hands on top of my thighs. His chin rested on my shoulder, and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Oh jeez.
“Man, let your girl breathe!” Brian joked, seeing the discomfort on my face.
“It’s fine,” I said sheepishly. I noticed several empty plastic cups and shot glasses on the coffee table. It wasn’t even ten o’clock yet.
“Yeah,” Shawn agreed, “I mean, I’d sit on her lap, but my poor baby had surgery. Wouldn’t wanna hurt her.”
Before I could retort, Teddy spoke up. She, too, had her own cup and was very obviously under the influence. “Oh yeah! How did that go? What even happened?”
I was going to reluctantly explain, but Shawn spoke for me again.
“My little fighter looked death in the face and said ‘fuck you!’”
Several gasps and fascinated expressions came from the group on the couch. I resisted the urge to plant my face in my hands. There goes my business, out in the open for everyone to put their noses into.
“You almost died?” Connor asked in shock.
“Ooh, story time!” Teddy announced. “Spill! Now!”
Been home for ten minutes, and I was not in my pajamas lying under the covers. For me, this was a couple of steps away from a worst case scenario. All eyes on me, expected to talk about things I wanted to keep quiet about. And it was all prompted by my drunk boyfriend, of all people.
“I had a bowel resection, and then I hemorrhaged,” I explained curtly. Then, I moved Shawn’s hands off my thighs and got to my feet. “And now I have to stay here and recover for the whole summer. The end.”
Some people booed at the length of my story. I’m sure I was expected to tell an awesome tale about the battle against my infected guts, but I was really not in the mood for that. I had to tell the story twice at work, and that was enough for me.  I didn’t really care about being a massive party pooper at the moment.
“Baby, where you going?” asked Shawn as I stepped away from the group.
I sighed and turned back to him. “I’m gonna change out of my uniform, and then I’m going to sleep.”
He pouted and got up to approach me. He came up close, so things felt a little more private. “Come have fun with me. We never have fun anymore.”
The plea in his voice was a jab straight to the heart. But I couldn’t find it in me to change my mind and stay with him.
“I’m not really in a party mood,” I said apologetically. “I had a long day, I’m really tired.”
Shawn’s face fell even more. His hazy, tipsy eyes filled with concern. “You want me to kick everyone out? I’ll do it! I’ll do it right now!”
I quickly got ahold of his wrist before he could rally the troops. I already had enough guilt on my shoulders. “No! No, no, no, don’t do that.” I held his hand in both of mine, and I ran my fingers over the swallow tattoo. “Have fun with your friends. You’re right, things haven’t been fun lately, and I’m sorry for that. You deserve a good time, even if I’m not there. Just have a drink for me, okay?”
He could have put out some things about how the party would be better if I was there. He could have sweet talked me into sitting on his lap again for the whole night. Instead, he squeezed my hand and said, “Straight tequila, right?”
Relief washed over me. “Yes. Remember to drink water too.”
“I gotchu, honey.”  Then, he leaned in a pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. “Keep the bed warm for me.”
The taste of alcohol on his lips made me one percent more likely to join him in the festivities. The other ninety nine percent yeeted my ass to the bedroom. Once I was alone, the crushing feeling of deliberate isolation sent me to the surface of the bed.
I was the type of tired that kept me from actually sleeping. I could sleep through plenty of external noise, living in a college dorm was enough experience. It was just my foggy brain and burning throat getting in the way. I grabbed my Switch from the nightstand and played Smash Bros, tuning out the sounds of people having a better time than me.
Every so often, I heard people cheering or chanting, “chug, chug, chug!” I remained curled up in bed, fighting people online to get my frustrations out. Taylor Swift’s Love Story came on around 1AM and everyone screamed the lyrics, while I brought my t-shirt to the bridge of my nose to catch oncoming tears. I felt guilty and selfish every moment I wished Shawn was here to spoon me til I fell asleep. He spent so much time worrying about me, he deserved to forget it all once in a while. God knows I wanted to do the same, but my insides were still recovering.
I had put my Switch away and I was lying on my side by the time people were saying their goodbyes out in the apartment. Some guy was praising Shawn for having such “epic parties” as they put it. Weird, this was the first party of his that I witnessed. We’ve been together just over six months. How much of himself was he holding back because of me?
“Whoo!” I heard Shawn yell, followed by a glass shattering loudly.
The sound woke me up a little. Meaning, my legs got me standing and dashing out to the living room. My eyes scanned the place, which was now vacant of people and full of trash, but I found Shawn sitting on the floor just outside the hallway.
The place was a mess. Half empty cups, food, and mysterious stains covered every surface in the apartment. I was only worried about my boyfriend.
“Hey, cutie,” I said affectionately, bending down so we were at eye level.
Shawn’s eyes were hooded, but sparkling. He gave me a toothy grin and held up a peace sign.
Then, Teddy emerged from the kitchen. “Oh, did I wake you? I dropped a cup, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t exactly sleeping,” I told her, still looking at Shawn. I waved my hand in front of his face, only for him to blink slowly. “Uh, how much has he had to drink?”
Teddy chewed her lip as she thought about it. “I lost count after his fourth shot.”
“My girlfriend told me to have ten tequilas,” Shawn slurred, belching right after. “I think I had like, six.”
I held my breath and waved off the stench. Someone was in for a long night, longer than normal. I didn’t think he would take me seriously, but then again, I did not tell him to have ten shots of straight tequila.
“Oh yeah, he mixed his liquor too,” Teddy said.
I sighed and moved Shawn’s long arm over my shoulders. “Okay, vamos mi chulo. Let’s get you to bed.”
Teddy stepped in to help get the six foot toddler to his feet. Shawn stumbled and swayed, his long arms hanging heavily on our shoulders. I baby talked him as we slowly strolled to the bedroom, and I told Teddy I could take it from there.
Shawn burped again as we got closer to the bed, and he groaned. “Ugh… this isn’t fun anymore.”
“Okay, let’s go to the bathroom,” I said, steering him the other way.
It took a minute to get him positioned in front of the toilet. It took less than a second for him to lean over the bowl and return everything he drank. As much as the sights and sounds of vomiting brought me dark and lonely flashbacks, I went and sat on the edge of the bathtub. I rubbed Shawn’s back and practically waited for it to end.
Once that was overwith, I really couldn’t go back to sleep. I managed to lay Shawn down on the mattress. The sparkle in his eyes was gone, now replaced with chilling emptiness. I took the liberty of pulling his leather boots off his feet, and I removed his socks as well. Then, I draped the comforter over his long body.
“Stay with me,” Shawn mumbled, his arm reaching out to me. “Let’s forget all the bad shit…”
It seems that no amount of alcohol could make him not think about the last couple of weeks. My heart began to ache all over again.
“Go to sleep, okay?” I said gently. “I’ll be with you when you go to sleep.”
Shawn whined. “You always die in my sleep. I love you too much to let you go.”
I had a feeling that that’s what he had been dreaming about. But I really could not get myself to lie down with him. I was too antsy from the vomiting.
“Wait for me, okay?” I told him, stroking his hair. “I’m only gonna be a few minutes, and I’ll come back.”
“I promise.”
He’s drunk. He’s going to sleep no matter what.
Once Shawn was all tucked into bed, I left the room and quietly shut the door behind me. In the living room, Teddy was picking up plastic cups and shoving them into a giant trash bag. I really wasn’t expecting her to still be here. Wordlessly, I began helping her clean up. Anything to get my beating heart to slow down.
“What were you doing this whole time if you weren’t sleeping?” she asked me. “Was the music too loud?”
“No. It wasn’t anything from the party,” I replied, scooping up paper plates and used napkins. “Just had a long day. I wasn’t in the mood for a party.”
She glanced at me a couple of times as she dumped more trash into the bag. This was supposed to be the part where I bare my soul to my boyfriend’s friend and make her my friend, but… Enough of my business was out there already.
Teddy, however, was persistent. “So, how come you didn’t want visitors at the hospital? Or when you got out, for that matter?”
I busied myself with fixing the sofa cushions so I could come up with a decent answer. “Uh, I like my privacy. Especially in moments where things are messy.”
“Hm. Well, aren’t messy moments the times when you need friends the most?”
That thought lingered in the air as we continued tidying up the living room. I could have had my video game club friends there, or Shawn’s friends, but instead I left most of the burden to Shawn himself. What kind of a person am I?
At last, Teddy got the last of the garbage in the bag, and she tied it shut. Then, we moved onto the kitchen. More cups, spilled booze, and the broken glass from earlier. Oh, how I did not miss house parties. I was at the prime age of partying, being 21. I should have been the type to be as drunk as my boyfriend was, to just have fun and forget the stresses of life. But I found myself on a completely different level than the people who were here tonight.
“Do you stay up late often?” Teddy asked, trying to fill the silence yet again.
We both paused as the sounds of loud, monotonous humming came from the bedroom. Teddy scrunched her brow and tilted her head. My shoulders tensed with chills, like ice cold water had been spilled down the back of my shirt.
“To answer your question,” I told her, “yes.”
She followed me to the room, but she stayed at the doorway while I went to Shawn’s quivering body.
“Baby, wake up,” I said urgently, shaking his arm. “Wake up, it’s only a dream, baby…”
He was on his back, head moving from side to side in harsh moments. He groaned, completely spastic, so I coaxed him some more.
My voice shook. “Shawn… please. I’m here, please-”
His eyes flew open with a loud gasp. He sat up, breathing hard and fast. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders, getting his attention.
“Hey, look at me. You’re okay, it’s okay. You’re safe.”
Brown eyes were wide with panic, and then sadness. Within a second, they were filling with tears, and Shawn was wrapping his arms around my waist. With a shaky sob, he buried his head in my neck and cried quietly.
I had a pained looked on my face while he wasn’t looking. I just held him and stroked his hair. I was whispering the things I always said when he was in this state. “You’re safe with me. It was just a dream, it’s not real.”
I was able to coax him back to sleep for the time being. It was only going to happen again, though. I didn’t know how to stop it from happening.
When I stepped out of the room again, I leaned against the wall by the doorway. Teddy was gone, probably fled the uncomfortable situation. Can’t say I blame her. I sighed heavily and brought the palms of my hands to my misty eyes. I was beyond exhausted now. I was at a loss.
A hand went on my shoulder all of a sudden, making me jump. I looked up, finding that Teddy was still here, glass of water in her hand. Her blue eyes were concerned and upset, like the world had just ended in front of her. I pushed past the feelings, though.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were still here,” I said, my voice thick with emotion. “Uh, did you need a ride home?”
She shook her head and held up the glass. “My fiance is coming soon. Here, drink.”
I offered a weak smile and accepted the gesture. As I sipped, Teddy said something that threw me off.
“He told me he was handling his nightmares. Had it all taken care of.”
“Why would he say that?” I asked in return.
“Didn’t want anyone to worry, I’m guessing. But I can see how tired he is. I can see how shaken up he is. I mean, he never goes as hard as he did tonight with the liquor. And worst of all, he hasn’t written a song in weeks. He hasn’t been in the studio at all.”
And it was my own damn fault.
“Does he tell you what he dreams about?” I dared to ask.
“No,” Teddy said. “I don’t think he tells anybody. I think he needs something beyond our help.”
“You’re right. I need to talk to him about this, because I know he’s not gonna talk to me.”
She placed her both her hands on my shoulders. “Hey. I’ve seen Shawn with quite a few girls over the last couple of years. I’ve never seen him head over heels until you came along. He loves you so much, he can’t fathom the idea of losing you. He loves you so much that he won’t talk to you about this because he doesn’t want you to feel bad.”
I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to make me feel better, because I was barely coherent as I spoke. “I already do…”
For once, I was up and running before Shawn was. His last nightmare happened around six in the morning, and after that he slept normally. The hangover probably had something to do with that. I left him a glass of water and painkillers on the nightstand, and then I went to the kitchen to attempt a type of breakfast.
By the time had eggs scrambled on a plate, Shawn was stumbling out of the room, glass of water in hand. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, and then he ran his fingers through his curly hair. He was still in the navy blue t-shirt he wore last night, but he ditched his jeans and went for the underwear look.
I met him halfway from the kitchen, presenting him with his mediocre breakfast. “Morning, sunshine.”
“For me?” he asked, and I nodded. “You’re the best.”
He sat at the round glass dining table as opposed to going to the living room. He must have been really hungover. I sat next to him and basked in the silence as he ate. My hands were tingling from the nerves.
“How ya feelin’?” I asked in a stupidly gently voice, reaching over to rub his arm.
He hummed through a mouthful of eggs. When he swallowed, he spoke. “My head is pounding. But I took the pills you left for me. Thank you for that, by the way. Who cleaned the apartment?”
“Me and Teddy. After you knocked out, we just decided to tidy up so no one had to worry about it the next day.”
“Well, thank you. One less thing to worry about.” He ate in silence some more, and then spoke some words that truly had me puzzled. “I slept the whole night for once. Feels good.”
Must be nice to not remember your night terrors. However, I had to tell him.
“Shawn…” I said slowly. “You woke up like five times. You had a panic attack one of those times.”
He slowed his chewing, staring at the table top in thought. He stayed quiet, and it freaked me out. He practically shut down, and it scared me for multiple reasons.
“I don’t know how to help you,” I admitted, watching him carefully.
“It’ll wear off,” he said weakly.
“You don’t know that.” I had to be firm. “I don’t know what you’re seeing in your sleep, but I know it scares you so much that you won’t talk about it. And you talk about everything, so that’s how I know it’s bad.”
Shawn looked down, still silent. Not giving me a possible solution to this. Does he even want help? Or am I just exaggerating and losing my mind?
“You don’t have to talk to me about it,” I continued. “Just talk to somebody. Last night, Teddy told me that you were taking care of all of this, but you’re not. I don’t know how you’re functioning during the day, because I’ve been exhausted and sleep deprived. I know you are too, and I’m not the only one who sees it. I, I don’t know how much longer I can watch you go through this.”
Again, he was quiet. He was never quiet. Shawn was feisty and passionate, ready to say anything to prove his point at any given moment. He had strayed from the Shawn Mendes I loved in such a short amount of time. It was happening so fast, watching him slip through my fingers. It felt like I was the one in a nightmare.
“Please,” I mumbled, my voice quavering. My bottom lip began to quiver.
Shawn suddenly looked up at me, eyes wide at the sounds coming out of me. Even when he was sinking, he still paid more attention when I was about to cry.
“I’ll, I’ll give you my therapist’s number,” I offered, losing my composure. “I-I don’t know if she’s taking anymore clients, but I-I-I’ll give up my sessions for you. I’ll do anything if it means you’ll get some help. Shawn, I… I’m begging you. I’m begging you to get help, because I don’t know what to do anymore… a-and it’s because of me why you’re like this, a-a-and I’m sorry-”
I gasped when I realized Shawn had placed his hands on either side of my face. His thumbs rubbed my tear stricken cheeks, and he spoke calmly and gently.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay, I’ll get help. I promise. I don’t wanna go through this anymore either. I promise I’ll figure this out.”
I guess that’s how I knew I was falling in love. The want and need for him to be okay was so great, there was nothing I wouldn’t do to make that happen. The fact that he was not okay was ripping me a new one. I couldn’t even breathe when he slept. I couldn’t even think about how much I wanted to be in California, because then I’d have to think about leaving Shawn all alone. Who would talk him down from his night terrors?
My hospital stay alone triggered nightmares and eerie silence from him. But what would Shawn have done if I had died altogether?
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kvndeathmusic · 4 years
my favorite records of the 2010s pt 1 (the less great stuff/honorable mentions)
Neither this post or its followup are going to be in any particular order, however all the records I talk about here are, in my opinion, not as good as the records i will talk about in my part 2. they’re all fantastic but these ones slightly a little less fantastic than the ones in my “top 10″. none of this is based on stuff like 'influence' or whatever other critics base their lists on, this is solely how much I enjoyed these records. And keep in mind, I'm only human, I havent listened to a good lot of records I've heard others describe as top 10 worthy, these are just records I found and that I resonate with. long post ahead. 
Vacation - Bomb the Music Industry (2011)
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If you asked me what my favorite band is i will either say bomb the music industry or jeff rosenstock, but considering those are pretty much the same things it doesnt matter lol. While Vacation isnt a perfect record, it is one I love. It lacks some of the ska elements that I love about earlier BTMI records, but at the same time, it is the first record where Jeff’s “””solo””” career sound starts to form in tracks like Sick, Later, Hurricane Waves, Everybody That You Love, Everybody That Loves You, and Vocal Coach. And these tracks are all fantastic, especially the absolutely explosive opener Campaign For a Better Weekend. Where this album suffers in my mind is the fact that it exists as a weird hybrid middle ground between BTMI and modern Jeff Rosenstock, it isn’t really ska like old BTMI and it’s not quite to the same standard as the tracks on We Cool?. And some of the songs are just, not as good as the others, like Why, Oh Why, Oh Why (Oh Oh Oh Oh), which is washed out almost entirely in reverb, and tracks like Savers feeling barren and missing additional instrumentation. But fuck man I can not dislike this record or just call it “ok” because despite this I still listen to this record a lot, it’s so catchy and fun and Im a bit too chronically addicted to btmi. 
Reflektor - Arcade Fire (2013)
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i dont really get the hate/mixed feelings others have with this record. there’s so many good tracks dude!!!! sure theres a bit of a slump in the middle and it doesnt reach the same emotional heights as their previous records you gotta be ignorant to overlook this records strengths. while i do like The Suburbs more than Reflektor, man i just vibe HARD with some of these tracks; the title track, We Exist, Here Comes The Night Time, Normal Person, Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice), Porno, and ESPECIALLY Afterlife. Plus the cover art is cool and I like it. However Flashbulb Eyes is one of the worst tracks Arcade Fire has ever put out and I hate it immensely. And while far less offensive, tracks like You Already Know, It’s Never Over (Hey Orpheus), and Joan of Arc are just kinda boring and/or uninteresting. Now granted, I'm extremely biased when it comes to Arcade fire in general unless were talking about the trainwreck that is Everything Now. I started listening to Arcade Fire just before Reflektor came out, and I have a kinda sentimental attachment to the record. ill explain the feeling more when i talk about The Suburbs. anticipation oooooo.
good kid m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar (2012)
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i might get crucified by some for not putting this in my top 10, but whatever come at me i guess. gkmc is a fantastic record, but i do think the ending is weak, which is why it’s here instead of in the top 10. i mean, let’s be real, Real is a mediocre track, and while Dying of Thirst is an important track to the whole narrative of the record, it feels way too long. almost everything else about this record is fantastic, from the beats, to kendrick’s nasally flows, to the overall structure of the record spinning a tale of a young man battling demons both inside and out, and his eventual redemption. even if i find this record at times to drop pace, it really is flawless otherwise. it felt like a disservice to put this in the 20-10s, bc it’s a good record, but i had to make some compromises and this was one of them. 
RTJ2 - Run The Jewels (2014)
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el-p and killer mike are a perfect duo, and the tracks they make together are always total bangers. and for me, RTJ2 is the best overall, with RTJ3 in a close second. it’s hard to put this on the lower half of the list, some of the tracks just don’t work as well as the others, but despite that there’s not really any tracks i hate or dislike on this record, minus maybe crown. the pure aggression in the opening track Jeopardy sets the tone for an aggressive yet highly focused record. This is some of the best rap out there right now if you want some music to fuck shit up to. 
Pure Comedy - Father John Misty (2017)
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This record is both hilarious and extremely bleak. Josh Tillman is a master of satire and sarcasm, and Pure Comedy is the peak of his songwriting skills. The title track is one of the best tracks of the decade, period. And he keeps up the momentum on the following few tracks. The main problem with this record is its weaker second half, but even then it’s criminal to suggest that those songs aren’t good regardless. And despite the bleakness, the one line that sticks in my head after all this time is the line this album fades out to: There’s nothing to fear.
Knife Man - AJJ (2011)
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Continuing on the trend of folky, satirical, and bleak records, Knife Man is AJJ’s defining record (next to their debut LP). AJJ blends loud, punky anthems with quieter, folk tracks that touch on sensitive issues in a way only AJJ manages to get away with. And there’s some genuine heart mixed in as well, with the final track Big Bird always striking a chord with me. However, I do feel the record is, let’s just say, padded at times in my opinion. Still, I can’t deny how much i enjoy tracks like Gift of the Magi 2, Hate Rain on Me, The Distance, and Skate Park. Speaking of which when I saw AJJ live recently they played none of those songs and that kinda sucked but hey it was like $20 I can’t complain. And speaking of not getting what I wanted...
You Won’t Get What You Want - Daughters (2018)
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It was hard choosing between this record and their 2010 self titled record, but in terms of the overall narrative and variety this record shines through. If there was a number 11 spot in this unorganized list this would probably take that spot. It’s noisey, it’s abrasive, and it’s like nothing you’ve heard before unless you’ve listened to Daughter’s previous records. Tracks like The Reason They Hate Me are catchy in the weirdest and most unwelcoming of ways, Less Sex sounds like a long lost Trent Reznor NIN track, and Guest House is a masochistic and gut wrenching finisher. Fantastic record aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
We Cool? - Jeff Rosenstock (2015)
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It’s obvious that I had to include this record somewhere on these list. It’s like a more refined version of the sounds that Jeff experimented with on Vacation. Definitely more punk than ska, but still some of those roots still shine through, especially in the track Nausea. Some of Jeff’s best songs are on this record, from the loud opening tracks Get Old Forever and You, In Weird Cities, to tracks dripping with bittersweet and moody lyrics like I’m Serious, I’m Sorry and Polar Bear or Africa. The main reason this record is on the back end of the top 20 is because the deeper cuts on the record do not match the energy and heights of the best tracks. Tracks like All Blissed Out, The Lows, Darkness Records and Beers Again Alone don’t feel like they belong and stick out a bit. They remind me more of the material Jeff put out on his 2012 EP I Look Like Shit. Mind you they aren’t bad tracks, but I’ll be honest I skip them often when listening to the record because i just wanna get back to the good good stuff. 
Sports - Modern Baseball (2012)
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Sports is one of the best pop punk records ever, if you can even consider it as such. It’s like a blend of emo and folk punk, and it works so well. A good majority of this record is on my main shuffle playlist. Is it pushing boundaries? Not really, but tracks like Re-Do, Tears Over Beers, and See Ya, Sucker are undeniably catchy and memorable. I NEED MODERN BASEBALL BACK TOGETHER RN. There’s not really anything that wrong with the record, besides maybe lacking in variety, but at 30 minutes, it’s a record that feels nostalgic even on a first listen, and continues to feel that way even after numerous re-listens. Speaking of nostalgia...
The Suburbs - Arcade Fire (2010)
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Some background, when I was 13 (circa 2013), I only really listened to whatever my parents put on for me. From my mom, I “inherited” a taste for classic pop and 80s new wave. From my dad, I got metal and hard rock. The first time I made the conscious decision to listen to a record fully, based on my own curiousity, was when I sat and listened to Sgt. Pepper in the summer of 2013, which broadened the scope of what I thought music could even be. And later that year, the first band I got into after The Beatles? Arcade Fire. When I think of my early teens, the memories are set to this record. I remember listening to Ready to Start in my brother’s old hot ass car while driving to the local fair with some friends on a chill fall night, eating tons of junk and staying up past midnight back when doing that was edgy and cool and not a symptom of my depression. 
If I was judging this record solely by its best tracks, it would easily be in the top 3. But I couldn’t place it in my top 10 because, frankly, some of the deeper cuts are lacking. I can’t say I like Deep Blue. I really don’t like Rococo. And Half Light I kills the pace of the record. But man, that title track, Ready to Start, Modern Man, Empty Room, Half Light II, Sprawl II... these songs defined my early teen years. I still tear up listening to the title track. Sure I have to skip a few songs when I re-listen, but I can’t place it any lower or my heart will break. It existing outside of the top 10 already hurts. And that’s all that’s left now. The top 10. 
But first, some random honorable mentions that didn’t make this list:
Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes
Black Star - David Bowie
Melophobia - Cage the Elephant
Teens of Style - Car Seat Headrest
How to Leave Town - Car Seat Headrest
Daughters - Daughters
Sunbather - Deafheaven
Bottomless Pit - Death Grips
Year of the Snitch - Death Grips (should be on this list tbh)
Doris - Earl Sweatshirt
I Love You, Honeybear - Father John Misty
Helplessness Blues - Fleet Foxes
Plastic Beach - Gorillaz
Boarding House Reach - Jack White
POST- - Jeff Rosenstock
S/T - Joyce Manor
Firepower - Judas Priest
ye - Kanye West
You Were There - Kill Lincoln
Flying Microtonal Banana - King Gizzard
Infest The Rats’ Nest - King Gizzard
No New World - Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
Bury Me At Makeout Creek - Mitski
Puberty 2 - Mitski
Unsilent Death - Nails
Itekoma Hits - Otoboke Beaver
Morbid Stuff - PUP
A Moon Shaped Pool - Radiohead
RTJ3 - Run the Jewels
Angles - The Strokes
To Be Kind - Swans
Undertale OST - Toby Fox
Scum Fuck Flower Boy - Tyler, The Creator 
Igor - Tyler, The Creator
Weezer (White Album) - Weezer
nightlife - yuragi
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weirdlizard26 · 5 years
For the ask meme? All of them.
give me a sec to edit this post ok
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
wine glasses are like reading glasses except you wear them while drinking wine
i’d say water bottles but only the ones that can handle heat and stuff and not poison your drink with plastic or whatever
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
i havent had a lollipop in a good while so thats my choice
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
havent tried either but boy i’d love to try just a little bit of cotton candy at leastonce
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
bro,,,,,, that was like 10 years ago, how am i supposed to remember that,,,,,,,
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i usually drink soda from plastic cups but honestly? nothing beats the experience of sipping that sweet sweet ambrosia from the bottle,,, but also i’d love to try soda in a can some day!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
idk what half of these would look like but sportswear always wins in my book
7. earbuds or headphones?
ok i actually googled whats the difference and im more of an earbuds person! theyrejust safer i think and it makes me kinda anxious when im home listening tomusic and cant hear anything going on around me
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows! well, unless the episodes are like 40 minutes or a full hour because its hard to focus for that long kfjsndkfs
9. favorite smell in the summer?
pavement after rain and also. grass.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
haha thats a funny joke you made there *starts crying*
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
just a couple of meat+cheese+mayo sandwiches! if its summer mom cuts tomatoes or cucumbers for us and as they start getting more and more expensive we replace them with pickles!
12. name of your favorite playlist?
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sorry i couldnt choose!
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
aaaa i love fruit flavored ones!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
aaaaaaaa i dont remember if it was elementary or middle school but we were assigned this really cool ukrainian book that ive actually read before they assigned it. well, nobody here will recognize it but it was Тореадори з Васюківки by Всеволод Нестайко and it was about 2 boys who were best friends growing up in the countryside and they went on adventures and had fun and their friendship made me so happy,,, i guess i was all for cool friendship portrayal even back then! it was mostly laughs and jokes but some moments were actually serious and hit me really hard and i remember them to this day actually
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
its a myth, sitting was created as a personal attack on me
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
my trusty old sneakers!! theyre all black and the sole is very soft and nice
18. ideal weather?
when the sun is out and its just warm enough to show off your new graphic tee and also very soft and nice
19. sleeping position?
i just lie on my left side like a fool
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! AND DANNY PHANTOM!!!! i even made a ghost fighting costume once,,,, tho it wasnt much of a costume, it was just fingerless gloves i cut out of paper. they were extremely uncomfortable. but very effective in fighting ghosts!
22. role model?
kfjsdnfk i have a bunch! might sound weird but one of them is bdg i think??? and the other 2 are some online acquaintances whom im too afraid to interact with more often than i do
23. strange habits?
repeating silly lines i hear on tv / in anime/cartoons? and also i never touch food with my right hand unless its plums?? and there are more but. you know. bad memory.
24. favorite crystal?
all of them!!!!!
25. first song you remember hearing?
my grandma used to sing this to me over the phone
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
go for a walk!
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
we are the people by empire of the sun
home by cavetown
strawberry blonde by mitski
smile like you mean it by the killers
afterlife by arcade fire
29. best way to bond with you?
wash your hands very thoroughly and make jokes
30. places that you find sacred?
i see nature i go crazy from how much respect i have for it
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass andtake names?
*wearing hinata cosplay* im here to play volleyball and kick your ass and as you can see ive already played today’s match
32. top five favorite vines?
road work ahead
a avocado!! thanks!!!!!
i fell can you help me :(
that vine where ukulele sounds like human voices and people sounds like ukuleles
33. most used phrase in your phone?
idk how to check that??? sowwy
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
the stomach meds ad they keep showing on tv
35. average time you fall asleep?
3am? 4am? idk for sure
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
havent used either (cause ive never traveled anywhere too far away) but the latter looks pretty and i feel like it would fit more stuff
38. lemonade or tea?
depends on my mood!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
dont kick me but im not sure if ive ever tried either ;w;
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
the school’s cat who hates most people actually kinda warmed up to me even tho im terrible with animals
41. last person you texted?
jay uwu
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
afabs cant have both huh
but i want both. please give me both.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
all of these sound nice but my lazy ass will always go for hoodies
44. favorite scent for soap?
aaaaaaaa im allergic to a lot of soaps but i like flower scented ones
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
i love all of them dearly but lately ive been more into superheroes i think. im not sure really sure what exactly i feel
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
something really really long
47. favorite type of cheese?
there are different types????
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
i hope im a pear
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
become a good person. thats all.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i dont remember what it was but i remember i was with my friends and we couldnt stop laughing for several minutes and ive never felt happier
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
i like comic sans
53. what is the current state of your hands?
they arent doing so hot tbh, my dermatitis is back again
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i dont have one!
55. favorite fairy tale?
gonna be honest chief, i dont remember too many of them ;w;
56. favorite tradition?
on new year’s we turn the lights off, light up a candle in the kitchen, laugh at president’s speech and only then starts eating
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
getting over a lost friendship, passing high school finals and uni entrance exams and coming out to my best friend
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
singing!! being able to learn how to do most things pretty quickly!!! and i cant think of anything else but honestly these two are quite enough for me
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
uh oh! guess what! i dont have a catchphrase and im very self-conscious about it!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
im torn between sports anime and slice of life
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
because humans dont have wings we look for other ways to fly
from haikyuu
62. seven characters you relate to?
tsukishima kei from haikyuu
mae borowski from nitw
apollo justice from ace attorney
flame princess from adventure time
donatello from tmnt
sokka from atla
kageyama shigeo from mob psycho 100
63. five songs that would play in your club?
mr brightside, bohemian rhapsody, smile like you mean it by the killers and allof haikyuu ops and eds
64. favorite website from your childhood?
if social media counts, vkontakte i guess?? i didnt really go anywhere else and it still exists and i thriving so im not sure if it should count fkjsndkjf
65. any permanent scars?
yeah, the one from my very first vaccination from when i was a few months old i think and also some traces of when i had chickenpox
66. favorite flower(s)?
idk a lot of flower names but i really like tulips
67. good luck charms?
dont have any at the moment but i’d love to get one!
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
whatever fish mom used to buy when we were kids >:(
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
bro my memory isnt good enough to remember those,,
70. left or right handed?
im a righty but i had to become a lefty for like a month when i broke my pinkie
71. least favorite pattern?
i like traditional ukrainian ornaments
72. worst subject?
history :P
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
ice cream + fries
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
idk how pain levels work but i try not to take meds unless the pain is interfering with studying
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
idk but i had a box full of my teeth for so long they turned to dust and i had to throw it away
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
RHNGRHGNRHGRNH EVERYTHING except for freshly made mashed potatoes
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
if its green it can stay
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
have never had either of those and i hope i never will cause they sound gross!
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
i dont have a license, so.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
kfjsndfks depends on the mood tbh!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
i WISH i had a console but this is too broke for that,, i played a couple of times tho and it feels more fun than pc!
83. writing or drawing?
please dont make me choose, ive abandoned both and its making me feel bad
84. podcasts or talk radio?
podcasts :O
84. barbie or polly pocket?
idk what polly pocket is but barbie rules!!!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
i feel like sometimes fairy tales are kinda like watered down myths so i have a right to say i like both
86. cookies or cupcakes?
my heart goes to cookies
87. your greatest fear?
finding out im faking any part of my identity
88. your greatest wish?
get through whatever’s going on right now
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
when i recorded an undertale medley and got a few notes wrong but it actually ended up sounding better than originally
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights……
93. nicknames?
never really had many? my bff calls me mr smith sometimes but thats all i can think of fkjsdnfs but also! steve used to be my nickname before i decided my life my own and i get to choose my name
94. favorite season?
spring ;w;
95. favorite app on your phone?
 96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
 97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
my own and my mom’s
 98. favorite historical era?
eh im not very fond of the past because not every time period had soap
3 notes · View notes
adambstingus · 7 years
If you haven’t tuned in to the RNC yet, here are 13 reasons why you should.
If you haven’t tuned in to the Republican National Convention yet, youre not alone.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Maybe youre a Republican who gnashes their teeth every time Donald Trump opens his mouth. Maybe youre a Democrat whos already heard “Jail Shillary Clinton” enough for one decade. Or maybe youre just a person who gets bored by boring speeches.
And yet, you still want to do your civic duty. You want to be able to participate in the watercooler conversation. Or, perhaps, youre a nervous internet writer who dabbles in politics and you want to continue to justify your salary to the publication that employs you.
Fear not! Even if the speeches ramble, the music is suspect, and the balloon drop is anticlimactic, there are many ways to make watching the RNC a fun experience for the whole family:
1. Focus on the fun hats.
When you watch a baseball game, you see baseball caps. When you watch a rodeo, you see cowboy hats. When you watch bearded 27-year-old programmers in “Buffy” T-shirts hitting on college students, you see fedoras.
The hats at the RNC are in another league. A noble league … like The League of Nations.
A league that peaked in 1918.
Cowboy hats?
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Coonskin caps?
Hats directly from the costume chest for the West Oakport Community Players production of “The Music Man”?
Check and mate.
If youre a fan of delightfully anachronistic haberdashery, the Republican National Convention is the small-screen event of the mid-2010s.
2. Watch campaign operatives desperately try to spin obvious screwups into success stories.
Melania Trump’s apparent cribbing of a passage from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech on the first night of the RNC has already sent Trump’s surrogates into a flurry of questionably credible but extremely entertaining denials.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Some simply pretended it didn’t happen. Some tried to explain it away as a case of the two women simply having the exact same thoughts on the exact same subject. Others suggested that hey! only 7% of the speech was plagiarized, which really isn’t that much. (College students on deadline, take note!)
There’s no feeling quite so warm and cozy as sitting back on your couch, knowing there’s a problem out there in the world … and it’s someone else’s job to deal with it.
3. Cheer on the dancing delegates.
The RNC remains Americas #1 source of elderly people whove still got it, show it, and want you to know it.
Curious what style of arrhythmic jerking was popular in 1962? Looking forward to seeing some semi-coordinated American flag-ography? Want to watch a county commissioner from Ladysmith, Wisconsin, gingerly hip-bumping the state comptroller of Tennessee?
You only get one chance every four years. Seize it!
4. Gawk at the ridiculously over-the-top entrances.
For Donald Trump, last night’s raucous, backlit entrance to “We Are the Champions” was actually pretty restrained.
Scott Baio (Chachi!) was there Monday night.
Ehhhhhhhhhh. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
So was Antonio Sabato Jr., who totally was in something once.
Oh and hey, remember soap star Kimberlin Brown? No? Well, shes speaking too.
Like Pogs, jelly shoes, and friendship bracelets, you might not have missed them and you might not have even loved them all that much even at the height of their popularity, but they’re back, and sure, why not!
6. Cringe at the massive pandering fails.
In a Monday session with delegates from Pennsylvania, Paul Ryan took a few seconds to wave a Terrible Towel an emblem of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the air…
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
…which irked some in the city of Cleveland, where the RNC is happening. They were none too pleased to see the Republican leader brandish the banner of their bitter football rival.
In other news, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are apparently different cities. You learn new things when you watch the RNC!
7. Shovel popcorn into your mouth as Trump and his team pick random, hugely entertaining fights with GOP lawmakers.
Fittingly, for a candidate whose highest profile accomplishment is hosting a reality show, Donald Trump is really, really, good at draaaaaaaaaama.
Even before the speeches started, top Trump aide Paul Manafort attacked Ohio Gov. John Kasich America’s Republican uncle as “petulant” for refusing to attend the convention.
Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images.
“Manaforts problem, after all those years on the lam with thugs and autocrats, is that he cant recognize principle and integrity,” Kasich strategist John Weaver fired back in an e-mail to The New York Times, calling out Manafort’s public relations work for the former president of Ukraine.
Rawr! Go get ’em, boys!
8. Daydream about what LeBron James is doing elsewhere in Cleveland while all this is going on.
Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images.
One of the great things about Cleveland hosting the convention is that, if youre not feeling the program, you can just close your eyes and imagine what King James is up to just a few blocks away at any given moment. Maybe he’s grabbing a beer at the Radisson lobby bar across the street or wandering around the perimeter of Quicken Loans Arena trying to catch a Pikachu!
Train your brain to conjure ‘Bron, and you’re sure to realize a truth that hardened political insiders have long known: The mental image of LeBron James doing anything beats watching the 19th lieutenant governor shuffle haltingly around the stage to Kid Rocks “Born Free.”
9. Enjoy the spectacle of news organizations testing out new technology with mixed results.
The Washington Post has a robot!
LOOK OUT: The yet-to-be-named @washingtonpost robot is roaming the halls of the #gopconvention. (Cc @rkellett) pic.twitter.com/KCFFdootWo Ed O
Come for the debut of an amazing, cutting-edge mass communication tool. Stay for the schadenfreude of when it inevitably, hilariously tips slowly forward and plants on its face.
10. Applaud the fact-checkers doing A+ work.
It’s pretty hard to wallow in self pity about having to sit through three prime-time hours of the Trump Family Variety Spectacular when the heroes at FactCheck.org are spending their week watching every minute of both conventions evaluating every ridiculously hyperbolic claim made by every marginal elected official on that stage, presumably with their eyelids taped open.
David Clarke says Americans don
Every single American owes these people a drink. At the very least, we need to all go in for a gift basket.
11. Savor the meme-worthy speech faces.
Like this one:
A delegate stands on stage. The lights are hot. He’s got his suit, tie, and firmest scowl on. He’s projecting a stern air of authority. He’s feeling good.
And then, this happens:
THE RNC GAVEL IS ALREADY FALLING APART pic.twitter.com/6sL4Mp3z8V Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 18, 2016
One prop master’s catastrophe is one potato-chip-eating, couch-slouching American’s perfect television.
12. Rock out to the endless playlist of music you love to hate to love to wonder what even is it?
Between the speeches, the logistical announcements, and the arcane points of order, the playlist on the first day of the 2016 RNC featured a weird collection of B sides “Limelight” by Rush, The Who’s “Eminence Front,” “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart that undoubtedly delighted your Uncle Craig:
But it pretty much left everyone else scratching their heads. And you know what, scratching your head is immensely soothing and gratifying, so thanks, music team!
13. Appreciate that you are watching democracy happen in real time weirdly exactly the way its supposed to.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
You may not be thrilled about the election. You may think the ads are tacky. You may wish the participants were different (dear God, you may wish the participants were different).
You can hate everything about the American political process and still be grateful this is how our political transitions go down rather than when the guy in charge dies and his 9-year-old son takes over, or when a bunch of tanks plow over the White House while the president is in Bermuda, or when every federal employee is replaced by an alien impostor except for a single, mild-mannered Nebraska congressman who, luckily, is played by Kurt Russell.
New political administrations in America happen after a bunch of nerdy bureaucrats make a bunch of boring speeches about freedom, justice, and patriotism in support of candidates we dont like very much but who we will dutifully go out and choose between in November.
Its unglamorous. Its stressful. Its frustrating and exhausting. But Im going to tune in. Because it really is the worst.
Except for all the other options.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/11/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-the-rnc-yet-here-are-13-reasons-why-you-should/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/162878455032
0 notes
jimdsmith34 · 7 years
If you haven’t tuned in to the RNC yet, here are 13 reasons why you should.
If you haven’t tuned in to the Republican National Convention yet, youre not alone.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Maybe youre a Republican who gnashes their teeth every time Donald Trump opens his mouth. Maybe youre a Democrat whos already heard “Jail Shillary Clinton” enough for one decade. Or maybe youre just a person who gets bored by boring speeches.
And yet, you still want to do your civic duty. You want to be able to participate in the watercooler conversation. Or, perhaps, youre a nervous internet writer who dabbles in politics and you want to continue to justify your salary to the publication that employs you.
Fear not! Even if the speeches ramble, the music is suspect, and the balloon drop is anticlimactic, there are many ways to make watching the RNC a fun experience for the whole family:
1. Focus on the fun hats.
When you watch a baseball game, you see baseball caps. When you watch a rodeo, you see cowboy hats. When you watch bearded 27-year-old programmers in “Buffy” T-shirts hitting on college students, you see fedoras.
The hats at the RNC are in another league. A noble league … like The League of Nations.
A league that peaked in 1918.
Cowboy hats?
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Coonskin caps?
Hats directly from the costume chest for the West Oakport Community Players production of “The Music Man”?
Check and mate.
If youre a fan of delightfully anachronistic haberdashery, the Republican National Convention is the small-screen event of the mid-2010s.
2. Watch campaign operatives desperately try to spin obvious screwups into success stories.
Melania Trump’s apparent cribbing of a passage from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech on the first night of the RNC has already sent Trump’s surrogates into a flurry of questionably credible but extremely entertaining denials.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Some simply pretended it didn’t happen. Some tried to explain it away as a case of the two women simply having the exact same thoughts on the exact same subject. Others suggested that hey! only 7% of the speech was plagiarized, which really isn’t that much. (College students on deadline, take note!)
There’s no feeling quite so warm and cozy as sitting back on your couch, knowing there’s a problem out there in the world … and it’s someone else’s job to deal with it.
3. Cheer on the dancing delegates.
The RNC remains Americas #1 source of elderly people whove still got it, show it, and want you to know it.
Curious what style of arrhythmic jerking was popular in 1962? Looking forward to seeing some semi-coordinated American flag-ography? Want to watch a county commissioner from Ladysmith, Wisconsin, gingerly hip-bumping the state comptroller of Tennessee?
You only get one chance every four years. Seize it!
4. Gawk at the ridiculously over-the-top entrances.
For Donald Trump, last night’s raucous, backlit entrance to “We Are the Champions” was actually pretty restrained.
Scott Baio (Chachi!) was there Monday night.
Ehhhhhhhhhh. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
So was Antonio Sabato Jr., who totally was in something once.
Oh and hey, remember soap star Kimberlin Brown? No? Well, shes speaking too.
Like Pogs, jelly shoes, and friendship bracelets, you might not have missed them and you might not have even loved them all that much even at the height of their popularity, but they’re back, and sure, why not!
6. Cringe at the massive pandering fails.
In a Monday session with delegates from Pennsylvania, Paul Ryan took a few seconds to wave a Terrible Towel an emblem of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the air…
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
…which irked some in the city of Cleveland, where the RNC is happening. They were none too pleased to see the Republican leader brandish the banner of their bitter football rival.
In other news, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are apparently different cities. You learn new things when you watch the RNC!
7. Shovel popcorn into your mouth as Trump and his team pick random, hugely entertaining fights with GOP lawmakers.
Fittingly, for a candidate whose highest profile accomplishment is hosting a reality show, Donald Trump is really, really, good at draaaaaaaaaama.
Even before the speeches started, top Trump aide Paul Manafort attacked Ohio Gov. John Kasich America’s Republican uncle as “petulant” for refusing to attend the convention.
Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images.
“Manaforts problem, after all those years on the lam with thugs and autocrats, is that he cant recognize principle and integrity,” Kasich strategist John Weaver fired back in an e-mail to The New York Times, calling out Manafort’s public relations work for the former president of Ukraine.
Rawr! Go get ’em, boys!
8. Daydream about what LeBron James is doing elsewhere in Cleveland while all this is going on.
Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images.
One of the great things about Cleveland hosting the convention is that, if youre not feeling the program, you can just close your eyes and imagine what King James is up to just a few blocks away at any given moment. Maybe he’s grabbing a beer at the Radisson lobby bar across the street or wandering around the perimeter of Quicken Loans Arena trying to catch a Pikachu!
Train your brain to conjure ‘Bron, and you’re sure to realize a truth that hardened political insiders have long known: The mental image of LeBron James doing anything beats watching the 19th lieutenant governor shuffle haltingly around the stage to Kid Rocks “Born Free.”
9. Enjoy the spectacle of news organizations testing out new technology with mixed results.
The Washington Post has a robot!
LOOK OUT: The yet-to-be-named @washingtonpost robot is roaming the halls of the #gopconvention. (Cc @rkellett) pic.twitter.com/KCFFdootWo Ed O
Come for the debut of an amazing, cutting-edge mass communication tool. Stay for the schadenfreude of when it inevitably, hilariously tips slowly forward and plants on its face.
10. Applaud the fact-checkers doing A+ work.
It’s pretty hard to wallow in self pity about having to sit through three prime-time hours of the Trump Family Variety Spectacular when the heroes at FactCheck.org are spending their week watching every minute of both conventions evaluating every ridiculously hyperbolic claim made by every marginal elected official on that stage, presumably with their eyelids taped open.
David Clarke says Americans don
Every single American owes these people a drink. At the very least, we need to all go in for a gift basket.
11. Savor the meme-worthy speech faces.
Like this one:
A delegate stands on stage. The lights are hot. He’s got his suit, tie, and firmest scowl on. He’s projecting a stern air of authority. He’s feeling good.
And then, this happens:
THE RNC GAVEL IS ALREADY FALLING APART pic.twitter.com/6sL4Mp3z8V Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 18, 2016
One prop master’s catastrophe is one potato-chip-eating, couch-slouching American’s perfect television.
12. Rock out to the endless playlist of music you love to hate to love to wonder what even is it?
Between the speeches, the logistical announcements, and the arcane points of order, the playlist on the first day of the 2016 RNC featured a weird collection of B sides “Limelight” by Rush, The Who’s “Eminence Front,” “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart that undoubtedly delighted your Uncle Craig:
But it pretty much left everyone else scratching their heads. And you know what, scratching your head is immensely soothing and gratifying, so thanks, music team!
13. Appreciate that you are watching democracy happen in real time weirdly exactly the way its supposed to.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
You may not be thrilled about the election. You may think the ads are tacky. You may wish the participants were different (dear God, you may wish the participants were different).
You can hate everything about the American political process and still be grateful this is how our political transitions go down rather than when the guy in charge dies and his 9-year-old son takes over, or when a bunch of tanks plow over the White House while the president is in Bermuda, or when every federal employee is replaced by an alien impostor except for a single, mild-mannered Nebraska congressman who, luckily, is played by Kurt Russell.
New political administrations in America happen after a bunch of nerdy bureaucrats make a bunch of boring speeches about freedom, justice, and patriotism in support of candidates we dont like very much but who we will dutifully go out and choose between in November.
Its unglamorous. Its stressful. Its frustrating and exhausting. But Im going to tune in. Because it really is the worst.
Except for all the other options.
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/11/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-the-rnc-yet-here-are-13-reasons-why-you-should/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/07/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-rnc-yet-here.html
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
If you haven’t tuned in to the RNC yet, here are 13 reasons why you should.
If you haven’t tuned in to the Republican National Convention yet, youre not alone.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Maybe youre a Republican who gnashes their teeth every time Donald Trump opens his mouth. Maybe youre a Democrat whos already heard “Jail Shillary Clinton” enough for one decade. Or maybe youre just a person who gets bored by boring speeches.
And yet, you still want to do your civic duty. You want to be able to participate in the watercooler conversation. Or, perhaps, youre a nervous internet writer who dabbles in politics and you want to continue to justify your salary to the publication that employs you.
Fear not! Even if the speeches ramble, the music is suspect, and the balloon drop is anticlimactic, there are many ways to make watching the RNC a fun experience for the whole family:
1. Focus on the fun hats.
When you watch a baseball game, you see baseball caps. When you watch a rodeo, you see cowboy hats. When you watch bearded 27-year-old programmers in “Buffy” T-shirts hitting on college students, you see fedoras.
The hats at the RNC are in another league. A noble league … like The League of Nations.
A league that peaked in 1918.
Cowboy hats?
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Coonskin caps?
Hats directly from the costume chest for the West Oakport Community Players production of “The Music Man”?
Check and mate.
If youre a fan of delightfully anachronistic haberdashery, the Republican National Convention is the small-screen event of the mid-2010s.
2. Watch campaign operatives desperately try to spin obvious screwups into success stories.
Melania Trump’s apparent cribbing of a passage from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech on the first night of the RNC has already sent Trump’s surrogates into a flurry of questionably credible but extremely entertaining denials.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Some simply pretended it didn’t happen. Some tried to explain it away as a case of the two women simply having the exact same thoughts on the exact same subject. Others suggested that hey! only 7% of the speech was plagiarized, which really isn’t that much. (College students on deadline, take note!)
There’s no feeling quite so warm and cozy as sitting back on your couch, knowing there’s a problem out there in the world … and it’s someone else’s job to deal with it.
3. Cheer on the dancing delegates.
The RNC remains Americas #1 source of elderly people whove still got it, show it, and want you to know it.
Curious what style of arrhythmic jerking was popular in 1962? Looking forward to seeing some semi-coordinated American flag-ography? Want to watch a county commissioner from Ladysmith, Wisconsin, gingerly hip-bumping the state comptroller of Tennessee?
You only get one chance every four years. Seize it!
4. Gawk at the ridiculously over-the-top entrances.
For Donald Trump, last night’s raucous, backlit entrance to “We Are the Champions” was actually pretty restrained.
Scott Baio (Chachi!) was there Monday night.
Ehhhhhhhhhh. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
So was Antonio Sabato Jr., who totally was in something once.
Oh and hey, remember soap star Kimberlin Brown? No? Well, shes speaking too.
Like Pogs, jelly shoes, and friendship bracelets, you might not have missed them and you might not have even loved them all that much even at the height of their popularity, but they’re back, and sure, why not!
6. Cringe at the massive pandering fails.
In a Monday session with delegates from Pennsylvania, Paul Ryan took a few seconds to wave a Terrible Towel an emblem of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the air…
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
…which irked some in the city of Cleveland, where the RNC is happening. They were none too pleased to see the Republican leader brandish the banner of their bitter football rival.
In other news, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are apparently different cities. You learn new things when you watch the RNC!
7. Shovel popcorn into your mouth as Trump and his team pick random, hugely entertaining fights with GOP lawmakers.
Fittingly, for a candidate whose highest profile accomplishment is hosting a reality show, Donald Trump is really, really, good at draaaaaaaaaama.
Even before the speeches started, top Trump aide Paul Manafort attacked Ohio Gov. John Kasich America’s Republican uncle as “petulant” for refusing to attend the convention.
Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images.
“Manaforts problem, after all those years on the lam with thugs and autocrats, is that he cant recognize principle and integrity,” Kasich strategist John Weaver fired back in an e-mail to The New York Times, calling out Manafort’s public relations work for the former president of Ukraine.
Rawr! Go get ’em, boys!
8. Daydream about what LeBron James is doing elsewhere in Cleveland while all this is going on.
Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images.
One of the great things about Cleveland hosting the convention is that, if youre not feeling the program, you can just close your eyes and imagine what King James is up to just a few blocks away at any given moment. Maybe he’s grabbing a beer at the Radisson lobby bar across the street or wandering around the perimeter of Quicken Loans Arena trying to catch a Pikachu!
Train your brain to conjure ‘Bron, and you’re sure to realize a truth that hardened political insiders have long known: The mental image of LeBron James doing anything beats watching the 19th lieutenant governor shuffle haltingly around the stage to Kid Rocks “Born Free.”
9. Enjoy the spectacle of news organizations testing out new technology with mixed results.
The Washington Post has a robot!
LOOK OUT: The yet-to-be-named @washingtonpost robot is roaming the halls of the #gopconvention. (Cc @rkellett) pic.twitter.com/KCFFdootWo Ed O
Come for the debut of an amazing, cutting-edge mass communication tool. Stay for the schadenfreude of when it inevitably, hilariously tips slowly forward and plants on its face.
10. Applaud the fact-checkers doing A+ work.
It’s pretty hard to wallow in self pity about having to sit through three prime-time hours of the Trump Family Variety Spectacular when the heroes at FactCheck.org are spending their week watching every minute of both conventions evaluating every ridiculously hyperbolic claim made by every marginal elected official on that stage, presumably with their eyelids taped open.
David Clarke says Americans don
Every single American owes these people a drink. At the very least, we need to all go in for a gift basket.
11. Savor the meme-worthy speech faces.
Like this one:
A delegate stands on stage. The lights are hot. He’s got his suit, tie, and firmest scowl on. He’s projecting a stern air of authority. He’s feeling good.
And then, this happens:
THE RNC GAVEL IS ALREADY FALLING APART pic.twitter.com/6sL4Mp3z8V Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 18, 2016
One prop master’s catastrophe is one potato-chip-eating, couch-slouching American’s perfect television.
12. Rock out to the endless playlist of music you love to hate to love to wonder what even is it?
Between the speeches, the logistical announcements, and the arcane points of order, the playlist on the first day of the 2016 RNC featured a weird collection of B sides “Limelight” by Rush, The Who’s “Eminence Front,” “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart that undoubtedly delighted your Uncle Craig:
But it pretty much left everyone else scratching their heads. And you know what, scratching your head is immensely soothing and gratifying, so thanks, music team!
13. Appreciate that you are watching democracy happen in real time weirdly exactly the way its supposed to.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
You may not be thrilled about the election. You may think the ads are tacky. You may wish the participants were different (dear God, you may wish the participants were different).
You can hate everything about the American political process and still be grateful this is how our political transitions go down rather than when the guy in charge dies and his 9-year-old son takes over, or when a bunch of tanks plow over the White House while the president is in Bermuda, or when every federal employee is replaced by an alien impostor except for a single, mild-mannered Nebraska congressman who, luckily, is played by Kurt Russell.
New political administrations in America happen after a bunch of nerdy bureaucrats make a bunch of boring speeches about freedom, justice, and patriotism in support of candidates we dont like very much but who we will dutifully go out and choose between in November.
Its unglamorous. Its stressful. Its frustrating and exhausting. But Im going to tune in. Because it really is the worst.
Except for all the other options.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/11/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-the-rnc-yet-here-are-13-reasons-why-you-should/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/11/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-the-rnc-yet-here-are-13-reasons-why-you-should/
0 notes
allofbeercom · 7 years
If you haven’t tuned in to the RNC yet, here are 13 reasons why you should.
If you haven’t tuned in to the Republican National Convention yet, youre not alone.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Maybe youre a Republican who gnashes their teeth every time Donald Trump opens his mouth. Maybe youre a Democrat whos already heard “Jail Shillary Clinton” enough for one decade. Or maybe youre just a person who gets bored by boring speeches.
And yet, you still want to do your civic duty. You want to be able to participate in the watercooler conversation. Or, perhaps, youre a nervous internet writer who dabbles in politics and you want to continue to justify your salary to the publication that employs you.
Fear not! Even if the speeches ramble, the music is suspect, and the balloon drop is anticlimactic, there are many ways to make watching the RNC a fun experience for the whole family:
1. Focus on the fun hats.
When you watch a baseball game, you see baseball caps. When you watch a rodeo, you see cowboy hats. When you watch bearded 27-year-old programmers in “Buffy” T-shirts hitting on college students, you see fedoras.
The hats at the RNC are in another league. A noble league … like The League of Nations.
A league that peaked in 1918.
Cowboy hats?
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images.
Coonskin caps?
Hats directly from the costume chest for the West Oakport Community Players production of “The Music Man”?
Check and mate.
If youre a fan of delightfully anachronistic haberdashery, the Republican National Convention is the small-screen event of the mid-2010s.
2. Watch campaign operatives desperately try to spin obvious screwups into success stories.
Melania Trump’s apparent cribbing of a passage from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech on the first night of the RNC has already sent Trump’s surrogates into a flurry of questionably credible but extremely entertaining denials.
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Some simply pretended it didn’t happen. Some tried to explain it away as a case of the two women simply having the exact same thoughts on the exact same subject. Others suggested that hey! only 7% of the speech was plagiarized, which really isn’t that much. (College students on deadline, take note!)
There’s no feeling quite so warm and cozy as sitting back on your couch, knowing there’s a problem out there in the world … and it’s someone else’s job to deal with it.
3. Cheer on the dancing delegates.
The RNC remains Americas #1 source of elderly people whove still got it, show it, and want you to know it.
Curious what style of arrhythmic jerking was popular in 1962? Looking forward to seeing some semi-coordinated American flag-ography? Want to watch a county commissioner from Ladysmith, Wisconsin, gingerly hip-bumping the state comptroller of Tennessee?
You only get one chance every four years. Seize it!
4. Gawk at the ridiculously over-the-top entrances.
For Donald Trump, last night’s raucous, backlit entrance to “We Are the Champions” was actually pretty restrained.
Scott Baio (Chachi!) was there Monday night.
Ehhhhhhhhhh. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
So was Antonio Sabato Jr., who totally was in something once.
Oh and hey, remember soap star Kimberlin Brown? No? Well, shes speaking too.
Like Pogs, jelly shoes, and friendship bracelets, you might not have missed them and you might not have even loved them all that much even at the height of their popularity, but they’re back, and sure, why not!
6. Cringe at the massive pandering fails.
In a Monday session with delegates from Pennsylvania, Paul Ryan took a few seconds to wave a Terrible Towel an emblem of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the air…
Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
…which irked some in the city of Cleveland, where the RNC is happening. They were none too pleased to see the Republican leader brandish the banner of their bitter football rival.
In other news, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are apparently different cities. You learn new things when you watch the RNC!
7. Shovel popcorn into your mouth as Trump and his team pick random, hugely entertaining fights with GOP lawmakers.
Fittingly, for a candidate whose highest profile accomplishment is hosting a reality show, Donald Trump is really, really, good at draaaaaaaaaama.
Even before the speeches started, top Trump aide Paul Manafort attacked Ohio Gov. John Kasich America’s Republican uncle as “petulant” for refusing to attend the convention.
Photo by J.D. Pooley/Getty Images.
“Manaforts problem, after all those years on the lam with thugs and autocrats, is that he cant recognize principle and integrity,” Kasich strategist John Weaver fired back in an e-mail to The New York Times, calling out Manafort’s public relations work for the former president of Ukraine.
Rawr! Go get ’em, boys!
8. Daydream about what LeBron James is doing elsewhere in Cleveland while all this is going on.
Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images.
One of the great things about Cleveland hosting the convention is that, if youre not feeling the program, you can just close your eyes and imagine what King James is up to just a few blocks away at any given moment. Maybe he’s grabbing a beer at the Radisson lobby bar across the street or wandering around the perimeter of Quicken Loans Arena trying to catch a Pikachu!
Train your brain to conjure ‘Bron, and you’re sure to realize a truth that hardened political insiders have long known: The mental image of LeBron James doing anything beats watching the 19th lieutenant governor shuffle haltingly around the stage to Kid Rocks “Born Free.”
9. Enjoy the spectacle of news organizations testing out new technology with mixed results.
The Washington Post has a robot!
LOOK OUT: The yet-to-be-named @washingtonpost robot is roaming the halls of the #gopconvention. (Cc @rkellett) pic.twitter.com/KCFFdootWo Ed O
Come for the debut of an amazing, cutting-edge mass communication tool. Stay for the schadenfreude of when it inevitably, hilariously tips slowly forward and plants on its face.
10. Applaud the fact-checkers doing A+ work.
It’s pretty hard to wallow in self pity about having to sit through three prime-time hours of the Trump Family Variety Spectacular when the heroes at FactCheck.org are spending their week watching every minute of both conventions evaluating every ridiculously hyperbolic claim made by every marginal elected official on that stage, presumably with their eyelids taped open.
David Clarke says Americans don
Every single American owes these people a drink. At the very least, we need to all go in for a gift basket.
11. Savor the meme-worthy speech faces.
Like this one:
A delegate stands on stage. The lights are hot. He’s got his suit, tie, and firmest scowl on. He’s projecting a stern air of authority. He’s feeling good.
And then, this happens:
THE RNC GAVEL IS ALREADY FALLING APART pic.twitter.com/6sL4Mp3z8V Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) July 18, 2016
One prop master’s catastrophe is one potato-chip-eating, couch-slouching American’s perfect television.
12. Rock out to the endless playlist of music you love to hate to love to wonder what even is it?
Between the speeches, the logistical announcements, and the arcane points of order, the playlist on the first day of the 2016 RNC featured a weird collection of B sides “Limelight” by Rush, The Who’s “Eminence Front,” “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart that undoubtedly delighted your Uncle Craig:
But it pretty much left everyone else scratching their heads. And you know what, scratching your head is immensely soothing and gratifying, so thanks, music team!
13. Appreciate that you are watching democracy happen in real time weirdly exactly the way its supposed to.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
You may not be thrilled about the election. You may think the ads are tacky. You may wish the participants were different (dear God, you may wish the participants were different).
You can hate everything about the American political process and still be grateful this is how our political transitions go down rather than when the guy in charge dies and his 9-year-old son takes over, or when a bunch of tanks plow over the White House while the president is in Bermuda, or when every federal employee is replaced by an alien impostor except for a single, mild-mannered Nebraska congressman who, luckily, is played by Kurt Russell.
New political administrations in America happen after a bunch of nerdy bureaucrats make a bunch of boring speeches about freedom, justice, and patriotism in support of candidates we dont like very much but who we will dutifully go out and choose between in November.
Its unglamorous. Its stressful. Its frustrating and exhausting. But Im going to tune in. Because it really is the worst.
Except for all the other options.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/11/if-you-havent-tuned-in-to-the-rnc-yet-here-are-13-reasons-why-you-should/
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