frankmwilliams25 · 4 years
Premiere: Audi RS 5 DTM on the Nürburgring Grand Prix circuit for the first time
Walter Röhrl, Frank Biela, Laurent Aiello, Mattias Ekström, Martin Tomczyk, Miguel Molina, Edoardo Mortara, René Rast, Jamie Green: The list of Audi drivers who have won a DTM race at the Nürburgring reads like a small “Who’s who” of touring car racing. Over the next two weekends (September 12–13 and September 19–20), there will be four more opportunities to be added to the list of winners.
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neseblodrecords · 4 years
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Watch of the Week: The Seiko SNR045 Prospex LX Limited Edition Is Inspired by an Antarctic Expedition
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strawbnetwork · 3 years
red havewon soo many challenges omg
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burn-it73 · 7 years
Undead Narrative
I am aware that I used to be one. That all of us were once these creatures. We have no memory of this, but we have learned. In the beginning it was brutal, the suffering, the hunger, we knew nothing but our instinct for survival. There were so many of us, all at once, so many to feed, too many. Our greed for nourishment, hunger was our only thought. So many of us perished needlessly, for our sustenance did not come easily. We did possess some advantages at first, but our prey soon discovered and exploited our weaknesses. At first we did not have the reasoning skills that we required, only through sheer numbers did we gain a foothold to our survival. The fortunate ones, like myself, that survived those horrible early days began to notice things, recognize patterns, use more than just instinct. We began to(for the lack of a better word) learn. As we learned, we shared our knowledge with each other. We learned not to attack the larger ones one on one. We taught each other how to counter and use their weapons, we acquired strategies and passed those skills on to benefit us all. We came to learn that they habitually formed groups. They seemed to keep their sick and frail in one place and the strong and well armed gathered together as well. The old and feeble minded were grouped together also.We began to pick and choose our marks and avoid unnecessary risks. The easy targets went first. Not as nourishing as some others, but they kept us alive. As we made our way through the more defenseless factions, our prey madea ludicrous tactical mistake.They began to split up the strongest divisions in an attempt to protect the feeble. We discovered that among their shortcomings like the need for rest and water, their biggest weakness was emotion. Had the powerful among them remained together they may havewon the war. Their misplaced devotion is what doomed them. Our kindonly separates by number. We do not categorize. We are truly equal. Although they are our prey,we have learned from them as well.Their bodies give us life but the knowledge they left behind was the key to our dominion over them. We learned the necessity for communication and language. We read what they had written, which they kept in groups as well. Instead of embracing their humanity, we saved ourselves from their mistakes. We had no need for their currency or government, their need for social status and their arcane beliefs in religion and philosophy. Needless diversions like the arts and music, all of it so sickeningly...human. We did embrace logic, strategy, and analytical thinking. As we began to dominate the planet, we realized that we had to begin rationing or we would cause our own extinction, but even that was not enough to save us. We did what was best for all. We thinned our own numbers, without remorse and without prejudice. Time passed and we gathered all of the humans for our needs, we kept them separated by sex. We presumed keeping them in groups would pacify them by giving them something to familiarize with. As time went on we discovered a harsh reality. Our resources were diminishing, and even culling our ranks would not be enough to maintain even a modest population. Without our numbers, our greatest strength, what the humans call nature, would overtake us. The planet would consider us just another failed evolutionary experiment and rid itself of us without leaving a trace.As the humans population waned, so did ours. Then fortune smiled upon us. No longer needingthe resources to house two collectives of human, we joined them all together. Then incredibly we noticed something, their population was increasing. The humans were breeding. On their own, with no outside coercion. We took this as good news, and that it was, but a few of us asked the question. Why? Why would you increase your numbers when you know you are nothing more than livestock? In our studies of them, we were led on to believe that they cared for their younglings above all else. Some factions, we learned in our research, would even kill the others for just making available the practice of fetal termination. Even under circumstances when it was the only logical decision. Some others would commit violence in an effort to protect the organisms at even the cellular level. But now, when their lives are meaningless and to be born among them must truly be a living hell, they want to breed. They breed to satisfy their basest physical needs, to slake their lust. They force life on the mosthelpless and frail among them, a cold and brutal life, only to end with being fed upon by their captors. Trying to understand their insanity is when I realized that we were the next step in evolution. In the beginning they screamed and cried calling us monster, but the more I observe human nature, the more I understand who the real monster is.
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