#having bahai family— and from people who've left the religions after they broke them —things of coming from a country with 40 years
no-passaran · 5 months
i'm sorry but i feel like it's really problematic to tag a post about palestinian christians being oppressed because of them being palestinian with 'religion tw'.
Trigger warnings don't have to do with the post being positive or negative in the light of a topic, they have to do with a topic being discussed. I've interacted with people who need it to be tagged because of their trauma with it, someone else might want to avoid it because they've had trauma for being of their religion and don't want to spend their free time being reminded of it unprompted.
That post talks about religion (Palestinian Christians facing discrimination for being Palestinian Christians). I reblog it (with hundreds of other posts about Palestine these days) because I find it important that people understand what Palestinians go through. But I won't impose this particular post on people who need to avoid the topic of religion and have gone out of their way to blacklist it. Traumatizing yourself is not activism, and these people don't deserve to be punished for what they've been through. I honestly don't really understand what your complaint is about, for your ask I'm understanding that you are worried that traumatized apostates won't be reading enough about Palestine because I added a trigger warning to 1 out of hundreds of posts about Palestine that I've reblogged in the last month, but that complaint doesn't really make sense to me considering how many other posts there are about Palestine outside this 1, so I will continue to tag accordingly the trigger warnings that blogs I interact with have asked for.
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