#having me brew and drink Firewhisky on my first day in his class
I’m horny and sleep deprived
That’s it that’s the post
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lovely-jily · 3 years
"well my legs are jello, so i'd have to disagree"
ok this definitely is no where close to my best writing, i originally wrote it when i was like 15 and i didn't want to start over so i did a shitty revision job. regardless, please enjoy this slightly shitty fic :)
"Alright, everyone. Let's take a shot to start us off," Sirius held up the bottle of firewhisky. It was another Friday night, and tonight the James and Lily got their friends together for a classic game of truth or dare. However, in their version, you take a shot of firewhisky for every dare, and for every truth, a person drinks a little bit of veritaserum, the truth potion. It was brewed by Remus and Sirius (who were quite brilliant if they actually applied themselves to their work), and the ingredients were stolen by none other than Mary and Marlene. James had offered to go with Lily to do it under the cloak, but Lily swore she would never go under that thing with him. Sirius managed to bewitch the potion so that it only lasted a couple minutes, just long enough to answer the truth.
It was the middle of their sixth year, and Lily and James had gotten to the point where they got along quite well, both stubborn and oblivious enough to refuse to think about the apparent tension and feelings between them. Lily was refusing to admit that she was attracted to the git, much less falling for him, and James didn't think that she would ever like him in that way. Regardless, everyone knew that they were bound to get together, and when they did, it would be a historically firey moment.
The group did as they were told, passing the bottle around the circle and taking small swigs. James tried to ignore how Lily's skin glowed in the firelight, and Lily tried to ignore how James's hands looked with the bottle in them.
"First off- James," Sirius faced the boy, who messed up his hair as per usual, "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," James said dauntingly, leaning towards Sirius and smirking.
"Okay. Kiss Dorcus," Sirius said, handing James the bottle.
James took a swift swig, and Lily felt both his and Dorcus's nervous eyes on her. Set in her ways of defiance, Lily gave the subtlest of nods to Dorcus to give her permission and then tried her hardest to fight off the feelings of jealousy as James's hand reached Dorcus's cheek, kissing her softly. After a couple seconds, James pulled away and looked again at Lily, whose face seemed a little too red for someone who "wasn't interested in the slightest for a single date, you insufferable twat." Regardless, James smirked at the idea that Lily didn't seem to like him kissing other girls. Maybe his friends were a bit right after all...
"I've just about kissed everyone here now," James said pridefully. Of course, he was proud of something like that.
"Of course you have" Lily rolled her eyes, feeling the slight buzz of firewhisky.
"Yeah, we kissed one time," Sirius smirked as the boys laughed, "It was last year after a gaome. Best day of my life."
"And we accidentally kissed, so I don't think it even counts," Peter ran a hand through his blond hair.
"He came out of nowhere for ours. I was giving him an answer, and suddenly his lips were on mine," Remus shrugged, a soft smirk on his face.
"I got excited. We had been working on a figured out a terribly difficult problem in Arithmancy," James said, a happy smile on his face. James was many things: annoying, obnoxious, prideful, but one thing that Lily really admired about him was how much he loved all of his friends. He was insanely loyal and treated them like family. She knew he would die for them, and Lily couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be someone that James would die for.
"Yeah, I'm a super good kisser in case anyone was wondering," James joked as he looked at Lily, who failed miserably at hiding her blush.
"I think it's your turn to ask," Lily said, trying to fight the intense attraction she felt at that moment. As if it didn't keep her up at night and distracted during her classes...
"Alright. Truth or dare, Lily," James said, winking at her, "I can think of a few good dares."
"Looks like I'll have to pick truth then," Lily said, rolling her eyes.
"You're no fun," Mary elbowed her gently.
Everyone laughed, Lily included. She then sighed, grabbed the bottle of veritaserum and took a shot, the honey tasting liquid burning her throat slightly.
"Who's the most attractive one here?" James asked after she swallowed, Besides Pete, of course."
"Oh James, we all know I'm the prettiest here," said a very offended looking Sirius.
"James," Lily sputtered out uncontrollably and then immediately blushed.
Everyone had a physical reaction to what she said, whether it was Marlene's giggle, Sirius's gregarious laughter, or Mary's "Oh, shit!" Everyone was shocked at the sound of James's name coming from her mouth, including Lily herself. James was smirking, his suspicions slightly confirmed. While this didn't mean that she liked him, per se, it at least told that she enjoyed looking at him a little bit. That was a step in the right direction.
"Shit," she said, still blushing, "You're never gonna let me forget that I told you how hot you are."
This got a loud roar from everyone, and James smiled wide, "What can I say, Evans, I can't help it. You know it's quite difficult being this sexy all the time. Don't even get me started on everyone who just uses me for my insanely hot bod-"
"Shut up," she said, glaring at him, the veritaserum was beginning to wear off, but not before her following sentence, "Just because you are insanely attractive does not mean that I like you at all. You're still insanely difficult to be around."
"Well, you admitted you're attracted to me so I think we should give you veritaserum more often," James winked at her.
"Alright, let's keep this moving," Peter said, clearly as over this situation as Lily was.
Lily inhaled and then looked at Mary, "Truth or dare?"
"Hmm, I think we have far too much sexual tension in this room for me to be comfortable doing a dare, so," Mary smiled, "I pick truth for my own dignity."
"You're boring," Marlene snickered as everyone laughed.
"I'd rather be boring than have to snog any of these idiots."
"That's rude," Remus said, trying to hide his smirk as he and the rest of the boys tried their best to show their offence. The looks of pouting and hurt went right over Mary and Lily's head, though.
Lily and Mary giggled as she asked her if Mary had ever had a sex dream about anyone. Mary laughed, saying that she, Sirius, and Dorcus had a threesome in her dreams the other night. Sirius shuddered, saying that there were "too many boobs" involved.
After a few more rounds, Sirius was dared to snog Lily.
So that is how she ended up straddling Sirius on the couch, giggling like a maniac. She was feeling slightly tipsy, and something in her was excited at the idea of maybe making James a little jealous.
"Can I be honest with you?" Sirius whispered in her ear.
"Of course, Pads," She smiled. While Sirius was just as obnoxious as James was, she honestly enjoyed his company. She had gotten to know him as he usually hung out with Remus as they worked on Prefect paperwork. He had a sweet side that he rarely showed.
"Clearly, I don't even like women. I'm only doing this in hopes that you and James stop dancing around each other and just fuck or something," He smirked, still whispering.
Lily glanced over at James, who was biting his lips, scowling slightly. So he was jealous already, and they hadn't even kissed yet. Good to know.
"I doubt that this will work if that's what you're trying to achieve," She looked at him.
He shrugged, "Worth a shot. Besides, I have a theory that we're the best kissers here, so how about we find out?"
"Sounds great to me," She said as she leaned in, her lips softly to his. Sirius's hand found its way to her lower back, the other on her jaw. She felt his tongue tap her bottom lip, and she copied his motion, her hands entangled in his hair.
His hands traced down her spine and on her waist as she pulled him closer. He kissed down her jaw and neck, and she caught a glimpse of James halfway across the room, frowning and looking at his hands. While Lily was kissing Sirius, all she could think about was his best friend. About how it would feel to run her hands through his hair and down his back. How his stubble would feel against her skin. She imagined his hands on her body-
This was ridiculous. Lily forced herself to focus on what was happening currently instead of daydreaming about that idiot.
Sirius's lips returned to her's, and she felt his grip tighten as the kiss turned more passionate. He moved his hand down her waist and to her bare thigh, touching and squeezing as he went. She moved her hands from his hair to his ears and jaw, feeling as they rhythmically moved together, tongues slightly teasing here and there. He kept one hand on her thigh and then moved the other from her waist to her butt, squeezing softly and then back up to her thigh, causing a laugh from both of them.
"Did you like that?" Lily asked, smirking.
"You got quite the ass, Evans," Sirius giggled.
They walked back to the circle, both still laughing. James wouldn't meet her eye, as the fire next to him was suddenly the most interesting thing in the room.
"I was too sober for that," Lily smiled and took another swig of the drink.
"Agreed," Sirius said as she handed him the bottle and took a drink. As he exhaled, he turned to James, "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," he said, looking a little annoyed still. While he didn't like what Sirius did, he knew that it was an attempt to get him to act on his feelings with Lily.
"Take off Lily's shirt," Sirius said, smirking before adding, "But do it as seductively as you can."
The group giggled and gasped while Lily's whole body heated up, "why am I getting brought into all of these?"
"You can say no," Dorcus took another shot of firewhisky.
"Well, I didn't say that I didn't want to," Lily mumbled slightly and stood up. She watched James take another shot and then walk over to her, swallowing to try to hide his nervousness.
"How about this," he grabbed her biceps and guided her to the corner of the room. Her back hit the wall, and their faces were close, less than an inch apart, and the smell of firewhisky and cologne filled Lily's nostrils. Feeling his hot breath on her lips made her feel things she both wanted and didn't want at the same time. Lily focused her eyes on the table in front of her. This was where she usually sat to do her homework or Prefect paperwork.
"This place seems familiar, doesn't it?" James whispered as his cold hands traced her biceps, making her hot skin even hotter. Although he was doing well covering it, his hands were shaking slightly. The only thing separating skin on skin contact was a small, thin layer of Lily's shirt sleeve, rolled to the elbows like James's.
Lily looked up at the ceiling. He was too much of a temptation, and looking at him, particularly his lips, would make her want for him grow exponentially, and it was already hard enough to fight her feelings off without inhaling his cologne and breath.
"This is where I do my Prefect paperwork with Remus."
"Right. And here's my plan," James said, still whispering as he moved his mouth to her ear, causing chills to cascade down her body, "From now on, every time you sit down to do your work, you'll look at the exact spot that I made you want me."
Lily swallowed as she moved her head straight forward, inhaling as his hands moved to her waist and hooked in the belt loops of her skirt, "How do you know that I'd want you? Or that this memory could possibly hinder my focus on my work?" she asked.
"Because now, every time you sit down to work here, you'll start to think of me instead," he rubbed his nose behind her ear as he slowly untucked her shirt, "and I think it's my turn to act as a distraction now."
Her breath hitched as he moved his hands onto her bare waist. They were calloused and traced their way from her stomach to her lower back repeatedly.
"Also," he added, inhaling and bringing his face in front of hers again, his voice dropping its seductive tone, "I'm sorry."
"S-sorry?" Lily sputtered. It was harder and harder to remember how to breathe normally, how to think. She knew he was right, partly. Lately, whenever she looked at him, she was starting to realize how he had matured. How much he cared about people and how much she admired him. She hated change, and perhaps that's why she hated how she felt about him. He was already enough of a distraction, and so this moment was only going to make it worse.
He brought his hands out from under her shirt to her hips. She was fighting to not reflect how she was feeling inside, fighting to keep herself from closing her eyes and biting her lip, to release under his grasp or run her hands over his body. She was fighting the instinct to release her head back and exhale harshly.
"I don't want you to feel objectified. I would rather do something like this at a time where we both wanted it," James said, moving his head to the crook of her shoulder and then to her ear again, "when it's not really forced."
"Well," Lily bit her lip. She was caving. James knew how to tease a girl, "Who says I don't want this?"
She didn't have much time to wonder if that was a good or bad decision to say what she just said. She felt James stop breathing on her ear before the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "I knew it."
He softly nibbled her ear, moving a hand up to her hair, moving it out of the way as he started planting small butterfly kisses down her neck. She tightly gripped her skirt, forcing her hands to stay stuck to her side.
"Evans," his kisses turned longer, more passionate, and his hand was on her neck, gripping her hair and the other on her waist. She closed her eyes, fought to breathe and then bit her mouth shut, "You're a bit tense."
"O-oh?" She stuttered as his hand moved from her hair to her jaw.
He nibbled the skin at the bottom of her neck, near the front of her shirt.
"And we haven't even gotten close to what the dare was actually about."
She had forgotten entirely about the dare. She also had forgotten there was a small group across the room; it felt like they were the only two people left in the world. She often felt that way with James.
Her hands were clinging to her skirt for dear life, knowing that if they were released for a second, they would be tangled in his brown curls.
"Well, this is just-" She inhaled every few words, "This is just basic- basic human instinct."
James moved his hand from her hip to her bare waist again, squeezing softly and making her fists clench tighter, "Oh, for sure. nothing else."
She closed her eyes and inhaled sharply as he moved his mouth to the top button, undoing it with his teeth and then kissing her chest. He rubbed his nose up her neck as she felt his hot breath breathe against her ear.
"Fuck it," she said, releasing her skirt and bringing her hands to his muscular shoulders, feeling one of the many benefits that quidditch brought James. She really didn't stand a chance resisting him in the first place and honestly felt proud that she had pushed through for that long.
"Hh, hey," he whispered and nibbled her ear again, making her shudder in his grasp. He snaked his hand from her waist over the top of her shirt and undid the second button, "I think we should play this more often."
"I'm sure you do," Lily ran a hand to his messy hair, grabbing a fist full and then released after a second. Her fingers played with his curls while the other moved to his broad back.
He kissed down her neck again, softly nibbling here and there as he made his way to the third button. As his arms moved to her shoulders, he again undid the button with his teeth, "I also haven't done this before, so I hope you know that I'm feeling pretty proud of myself."
"You're pretty talkative," Lily replied. The third button was undone, and he kissed the top of her cleavage, making her instinctively grip his shirt and hair.
"And you're pretty hot," he brought his face close to hers, and they looked at each other. They were both sticky with sweat and had pink faces that showed how quite excited they were. Lily's lip was in between her teeth, and she brought her hand out of his hair and to his neck.
"You're a bit tense, Potter," she joked as she felt his arm muscles, feeling how nervous he actually was, although she found it quite cute.
"Well, my legs are jello, so I would have to say that I disagree," James said, smiling. He brought his face back to behind her ear. His hands found their way to her neck and thigh, softly massaging each.
Lily chuckled as he ducked down, kissing her chest and undoing another button, but instead of bringing his mouth to her skin, which was more cleavage, he moved on to the next, crouching down slightly. She brought her hands to his hair, both of them getting tangled in his messy brown mop. She figured that since her bra was beginning to be exposed, he wanted to stay as respectful as possible. Her stomach felt a flutter at that thought. He respected her enough to not use her for her body... While that shouldn't be such the big deal that it was, she still smiled at it.
He moved his way down, undoing every button as he went. As he reached the bottom, he brought both of his hands to her waist, making her breath hitch as his cold skin touched her sticky skin. He planted a small kiss just above her belly button, then slowly straightened up, eyes closed as his nose and forehead never broke contact with her skin.
When his face was close to hers, she moved her hands from his hair to his neck. His lips were parted slightly, and her lips tingled as his hot breath hit them.
"Lily," he breathed softly.
Her breath hitched, and her stomach twisted when he said her name. This was a normal reaction when he called her by her first name anyway, as it was more sincere; however, when he said her name like that...
"Y-Yes?" she responded, closing her eyes. Her fingers softly played with his hair.
"You are so beautiful."
The moment those words breathed onto Lily's lips, it felt like everything stopped. Time, her intense heartbeat, her breathing. The only thing she could do was smile softly and put one of her hands on his cheek. His hands felt up her bare skin, over her bra and chest before going over her shoulders, sliding under her shirt. Finally sliding her shirt off her shoulders and arms and onto the floor.
She moved her head into the crease of his neck, not surprised at her feeling of disappointment, "I guess we need to return to everyone else now."
"Oh yeah," he said, wrapping his arms around her, "I completely forgot about them."
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Amortentia -Fred Weasley Imagine
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(Summary: A certain Weasley let’s his feelings about you slip in the most inconvenient way.)
Fred Weasley X Reader
This is based on a few tik toks and probably some imagines I’ve read. Might post another imagine tomorrow but if not I hope you all have a great day this week for whichever holiday you celebrate!! Love you all!
“Are you ready for potions today?” Angelina said, nudging me as we walk to class.
“Not really I’m pretty sure Snape hates me.” I laughed as we walked into class.
Angelina and I stopped in confusion as our girl classmates were huddled around a cauldron. The boys stood to the side brewing something.
“Where’s Professor Snape?” I ask walking up to them.
“Not sure.” A girl said, turning to us.
“What are you lot brewing?” Angelina said as we walked up to them.
“Amortentia.” Another girl said giggling.
“And you boys?” I asked looking over to them.
“Same thing.” One said scoffing as he sniffed the cauldron.
“Y/N, try it first. You’ll probably smell you know who.” Angelina said as she moved to the side.
“Not that you know who Angelina.” I say laughing.
“Right sorry.” She said giggling lightly as she realized what she said.
I leaned my head over the cauldron and sniffed. Fireworks, smoke, and wood.
“So what do you smell?” Angelina said looking at me.
“A variety of smoke items and wood- like our brooms.” I say looking at her as I tilted my head. 
I smelled Fred Weasley.
I look at the other girls who are occupied with smelling the cauldron. I step away from the cauldron and pull Angelina to the side with me.
“I think I smelled Fred.” I said looking at her in shock.
“At least your feelings are confirmed.” She said excitedly.
You see here’s the problem, the twins are my best friends. Like all love cliches I fell for my best friend.
“But Angelina what if he doesn’t smell me. The smell varies for everyone.” I say as I run my hands over my face.
“He probably doesn’t even like me. This is setting me up.” I groan as I look over at her.
Angelina knew otherwise. Being on the quidditch team made her form a bond with the Weasley’s twins. Over a night of team celebration and firewhisky that was snuck in, secrets from both of the boys were revealed.
“So boys, any girl caught your eye?” Angelina asked as she took a swing of firewhisky before handing it over to Oliver.
“You already know who.” George said winking at her as he tilted his head towards Fred.
“Fred?” She said as she looked at him.
“Who do you fancy?” She continued as she watched him take a sip of his drink.
“Nobody.” He said.
“Really weren’t you boasting about-” Oliver started before Fred cut him off with a glare.
“You guys are still down here.” Y/N said walking down the stairs of the common room.
“The celebration died down a bit. There’s still some left if you’d like.” George said, handing her the bottle.
She happily took the bottle and took a swing feeling the liquid burn her throat.
“That’s always so awful.” She said, wiping her mouth.
“I think we should call it a night, we have practice tomorrow.” Oliver said standing from the floor.
Everyone nodded their head before leaving besides Angelina, Fred and George.
Fred stared longingly as Y/N walked back up the stairs. He sighed as he watched her leave. He shouldn’t feel this way, she’s his best friend.
“She’s the one he fancies.” Angelina said as she leaned over to George.
“Now you notice. He’s been this way since third year.” George said chuckling.
“Oh dear that long. He should make a move.” She said crossing her arms as they watched Fred leave the common room.
“Contrary to popular belief Johnson he won’t do it. He complains often about how she wouldn’t like him.” George said.
“Well he’s wrong!” Angelina exclaimed.
“She fancies him too?” George said in slight confusion.
“You don’t share a dorm with her. If you did you would hear nonstop on her feelings. Half the time it’s like a broken record.” Angelina laughed.
“Let’s make a bet.” George said placing his hand out.
“One sickle that they get together by the end of term.” George continued as he kept his hand out.
“You’re on Weasley.” Angelina said as she shook his hand.
With that they both separated and went to their dorms and the night was filled with an earful of complaints from their dorm mates.
“This is bad Angelina.” I say as I look around the classroom. I went to my usual seat and sat down.
“No it isn't, wait for them to come and let’s hear what he smells.” Angelia reassured me as she sat down beside me.
As if on cue the twins ran into the room smiling.
“Y/L/N lay off the perfume for a while. I can smell you from here.” Fred exclaimed as he sniffed the air in confusion before laughing loudly.
I felt the color drain out of me and my mouth grew dry. Everyone else stifled a laugh as they looked at us.
“What?” Fred said as he looked around the class.
“That isn’t her perfume Fred. We’re brewing Amortentia.” A girl said laughing. 
Now it was Fred’s turn to grow pale. His cheeks turned red like his hair.
“Unauthorized use of brewing materials is strongly prohibited without a Professor present.” Snape's dull voice said as he walked into the classroom.
“10 points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.” He continued as the students scurried to their seats.
“At least it's mutual.” Angelina said laughing slightly.
“That doesn’t make this situation better.” I say biting my lip anxiously.
“Talk to him after class.” Angelina said as she began writing on her parchment.
“You’re right what’s the worst that can happen.” I say laughing nervously.
Fred stared blankly at his parchment as he felt himself slowly die of embarrassment.
“That’s not too bad mate.” George said as he looked over to his brother.
“Not too bad. George this is awful.” He said as he scribbled aimless things on his parchment.
“You didn’t hear it from me Freddie but she fancies you too.” George said leaning over as he glanced over towards Angelina and Y/N.
“You reckon?” Fred asked as he looked over.
“Talk to her after class and you’ll see.” George said as he began writing.
Soon enough the bell rang out.
“Class dismissed.” Snape said as he closed his book.
Students ushered out the room and into the corridors.
‘Now or never.’ Fred thought as he watched Y/N and Angelina leave the classroom.
I walked beside Angelina and felt my hands grow cold.
“You talk to him all the time.” Angelina scoffed as she laughed lightly.
“This is way different Ang.” I say as I play with my robes.
I grew silent as Fred and George walked beside us. 
“Angelina we should check if Oliver needs us.” George said as he grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
“So what’d you smell?” Fred asked as we walked beside each other and into the courtyard.
“I didn’t smell anything Fred.” I blurt out quickly. I cringed lightly as we walked.
“Oh. You don’t fancy anyone?” Fred said, scratching his head.
“No Fred I don’t.” I say stopping and stare at him. I felt bad for lying to him but I need to preserve our friendship.
“I should probably check if Oliver needs me too. Bye Y/N.” Fred said jogging back into the school.
I huff in anger and felt tears prick my eyes. Stupid Amortentia!
I walk into the quidditch locker room shielding my eyes.
“The boys are on the field already, it's just me.” I heard Angelina say. I put my arms to my side and sat on the bench next to her.
“I messed up everything.” I say putting my head in my hands.
“What happened in the courtyard?” Angelina asked as she sat next to me.
“He asked me if I fancied anyone and I completely lied to him.” I say looking at her pouting.
“That’s all?” Angelina asked as she strapped her gloves.
“He asked me what I smelled in the Amortentia and I lied to him saying nothing.” I say leaning my head on her shoulder.
“Why’d you do that?” Angelina asked as she comforted me.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” I huffed.
“You wouldn’t have Y/N.” I heard Fred say as he walked into the locker room.
“What are you doing here!” I exclaim as I stare DF at him in shock.
“I forgot my bat.” Fred awkwardly said as he pointed to his locker.
Angelina stared at the both of us before leaving the locker room.
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything if anything you would’ve made it easier.” Fred said as he went and sat beside me.
“Fred you’re my best friend I can’t lose you like that. I guess I was just scared.” I say looking down at my lap.
“You scared blimey Y/N fancying me isn’t that bad.” Fred laughed as he placed his hand on my leg.
“To answer your question earlier, I fancy someone and I smelled fireworks, wood and smoke. Do you reckon I smelled George? He is quite cute.” I say jokingly as I look at him.
“I'm pretty sure you smelled his twin brother the one that actually likes you.” He said rolling his eyes.
“Tough luck on my end.” I laughed as I heard Oliver yell outside.
“You should probably go. Oliver might hit you with the bat.” I say standing up.
Fred stood up and stared at me. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and shy away as I felt my face heat up. Fred smiled and walked away towards the door.
“W-wait Fred I have a question.” I say stopping him.
“What?” He said turning to me.
“Why me? There are so many other girls at Hogwarts.” I ask as I watch him open the door.
“Not all girls can handle a prank. I can dive more into it on our Hogsmeade date.” He said winking before leaving the locker room.
“Those damn Weasley’s.” I smiled before walking out of the locker room and going to the common room.
“You seem giddy.” George said as he and his twin flew to their post.
“I just scored a date with Y/N.” Fred said as a slight blush flourished on his cheeks.
“I knew you could do it Freddie.” George smiled. His smile grew wider as he remembered a certain thing.
“Oi Angelina! You owe me a sickle!” He yelled, making the girl flip him off laughing as she waved the coin in the air.
“For what?” Fred said as he stared at his brother in confusion.
“Sometimes love has a price brother.” George laughed as he flew over to Angelina making Fred just scratch his head.
taglist: @hpbitch​
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