#having more trouble than usual telling jonny and tims' voices apart
allthedoorsareopennow · 7 months
fans of the toy soldier, tragic horror act 3 is the show for you I feel like TS is amped a bit higher that it should be for most of the show - it overpowers the other singers when there's multiple people singing together
also is that some fun bonus accordian from the drumbot?
god fucking damn pump shanty goes REALLY REALLY FAST you can hear jonny just shoving in a few words where he can as he struggles to keep up
also bonus raphaella singing - she voices cinders and sings cinders song and also sings in other places
OOOH fun extra vocals behind our boy jack that's GOOODD
'and now you want to go white knight over a science project with a broken snoze button? I don't buy it'
'you clearly weren't listening when I explained it the first time'
'no, I wasn't'
'right, I'll explain it again'
'Brian, that insobordinate piece of brass, I will have you- melted down..'
ooooh is that ashes voicing briar rose
'but I hope my prince will bring a sword'
(muttered, possibly by Tim? couldn't quite hear) 'well, it's a revolver, I'll give you that'
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