#having someone who placed second at nationals as a second ALTERNATE for worlds is disrespectful
leahthedreamer · 1 year
People on twitter acting like Shoma is gonna chuck Sota off the plane to worlds because he said the JSF’s selection criteria is bullshit are very ridiculous like it’s really not deep and their “criteria” has always been questionable and hypocritical.
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Grey Eyes
This is in response to a prompt I received:
camryn-bria I have a Linzin headcanon that there is a secret (airbending) child.  Could you write a one-shot of Tenzin finding out Lin is pregnant after breaking up with her.
I’ll probably put in a better summary, tags or notes later on. But hope you enjoy this 😊 
(So I had too much fun (maybe) with this and it ended up being a two-parter rather than a one-shot, hope this is okay)
Lin/Tenzin pre-canon fanfic | 1 of 2
 Legend of Korra
Despite what the public thought, Chief Toph Beifong was not a heartless person.
While truly a strong woman, it did not mean she did not have emotions. Family and friends played a huge role in occupying a space in her heart.
It was precisely because of family why she was pacing in front of the doctor’s examination room.
Toph closed her eyes in worry.
Of her two daughters, Lin was the one most like her.
Her youngest daughter, Suyin, at her current state, probably was who her own mother wanted her to be.
Initially scoffed at and at the brink of being of being disrespected, Toph Beifong later on was reputed to be one of the toughest police chiefs that the region has even had.
She had welcomed her daughter during her second year as a police chief of Republic City. The father, unfortunately, passed.
Lin’s father was Toph’s fellow detective. Toph had just given birth to her and was out of the force when Kanto responded to a call. He was hit and he died.
Since then, Toph promised herself that it would simply not do to miss time at work.
The first few months of raising Lin were particularly difficult. She had then elected to live near her married friends, Aang and Katara.
Toph took it hard – spent time away from Lin for the next months and sent her to Air Temple Island. She eventually got back to her senses, realizing her daughter needed her and had reached back to take care of Lin.
Lin always wanted to be like her mother and the father she barely met. Suyin, on the other hand, well, that was another story.
Toph’s reverie was interrupted by the soft voice of her eldest child.
“Oh, Lin.”
In Lin’s hand was an ultrasound photo of a child, Lin took her mother’s hand and read out to her the notes on the photo.
Indeed, Lin was the child most like her mother.
What was he doing here? He has some nerve.
“Aunt Toph?
She tried to ignore the tall bald man in her office.
“Aunt Toph?”
Persistent little bugger, eh?
“That’s Chief Beifong to you.” She felt him squirm and fidget. “The citizens desk is on the other floor. Or have you gotten lost?”
“I, uh, no. I actually wanted to see Lin.”
“Captain Beifong, you mean.”
She felt him flinch. Good.
“I -.”
“Don’t you worry your bald head about it, Master Tenzin.” Aspersion dripping with every word. “Captain Beifong is away on suspension. She won’t be bothering you any time soon.”
“But – no! I didn’t come here to complain or file charges.” Toph could here the shock at Tenzin’s voice. “You didn’t have to – she didn’t need to be suspended!”
Chief Beifong ignored him. “Captain Beifong caused destruction to property – Air Temple Island’s reconstruction will be done soonest – and basically threatened you, a government official. She would have received worse.”
“But -.”
“Is there anything else, Councilman?”
“Uhm, no. I’ll just drop by Lin’s.”
“She not there,” Toph felt the airbender pause at her door. “She’s suspended until further notice; and she been sent away from Republic City.”
At least that was what the press was informed, to explain away the disappearance of a prominent person
But internally, with the higher ups in the Republic City Police Department, they knew differently. They were told that she was out undercover and they better not try to make contact – or there will be consequences.
Toph was proud of her daughter’s strategy. She had been an absentee mother in the past years. She wanted to make up for it by supporting Lin’s decisions.
Even if it meant no contact with her in the next months.
Lin found herself in a remote Earth Kingdom town which used to be a Fire Nation colony. She had come to this place years ago in a recon mission and had known that there were a good mix of nations, making it easy to blend in.
Her current mission was not anything dangerous – just another reconnaissance mission to look into whether there was some truth to the formation of a new organization similar to the New Ozai Society, who would seek to undermine the United Republic.
As someone fresh out of her 20s, Lin thought she was (or she should be) fit enough for the job at the local bar. Thankfully, she was able to convince the barkeep to hire her even after telling him of her predicament (she wondered if maybe the man really just needed help so badly). She also figured it was a good place to get in with the locals and, well, the local gossip.
Lin opted to keep her first name (common as it was anyway), rented a small apartment unit walking distance from the city center, and now, had landed a job  (that hopefully placed her in a good spot to fulfill her mission) which paid adequate wages.
She felt she was prepared to start anew – a new job, a new mission, and a baby on the way.
Tenzin huffed as he consulted his map.
He had gone to Gaoling, to the Beifong ancestral home (that was were Suyin was sent there before anyway. But Lin wasn’t there.
He even went out of his way and chanced a visit to Zaofu.
Su was surprised to see him and, no, she has not seen or talked to her sister in years.
Instead, the airbender got a slap for his efforts (“You idiot! You broke my sister’s heart!” “You weren’t even talking to her! You don’t know what’s with her.” “I knew enough to know that she loves you!”).
He tossed the map aside. He was stumped; he didn’t know where else to look for Lin.
He did not even notice his mother, watching from the doorway of his study, looking at him with concern.
“Hey, get away from him!”
“Eh! And what’re you gunn’ do ‘bout that lady?”
“I’ll show you!”
“What the -!”
“Alright, we’re going – we’re going!”
The earthbender turned to the young man on the ground (maybe late teens or early twenties in age, she guessed) who was of Water Tribe ethnicity. “Hey kid, are you okay?”
“I’m fine – didn’t need your help.” The man grumbled, standing up and dusting himself.
“Right.” The woman stated, obviously not believing it as she had just walked across the scene of several benders pulling up by his collar, whether they were mugging him or not, she did not wait to find out before launching some rocks from the road at the thieves. “Of course, you didn’t need help. You had it all in control, didn’t you?” She deadpanned.
The man rolled his eyes. “A truth seer, aren’t you?”
She crossed her arms. “Maybe.”
“No – I don’t think so.” The water tribe man shook his head. “Thanks though.”
The earthbender extended to shake his hand.
He clasped it with his own.
Months passed and Tenzin had not lost hope in finding Lin, but he had to admit that the hope was fast dwindling.
Twice Chief Beifong had said that Captain Beifong’s whereabouts were none of his business and that she will put his sorry ass in jail if he pried once more.
Neither Chief Beifong or anyone from his family shared any input to the media as to his relationship status. The disappearance of Lin Beifong and the sudden reconstruction of some of the pavilions at Air Temple Island made up much of the chatter and gossip though.
His cheerless disposition just about confirmed everything anyway.
Meanwhile, in the Earth Kingdom, Lin finally gathered enough courage to send out a letter to Tenzin. She had used a post office’s box from two towns away to ensure that he would not be led directly to her should he decide to respond.
After contemplating on the matter for the past months, and after finally admitting to herself, she decided to give Tenzin the option to be a father to their child.
It was the least she could do. She did not want her (their) child to grow up without a father if he was willing to be there. She knew, she grew up with, the alternative to that.
We may no longer be together, but it does not change the fact that this child is yours as well. I’m giving you this chance – to either declare this child as your own or to simply ignore and disregard this. I am fully capable of raising this child as my own so I am open to giving you an out.
Well then, so the proverbial ball was in the airbender’s court.
Gently, placing a hand on her now visible pregnant belly, Lin knew the waiting game has started.
In an ill-conceived attempt to raise his spirits, the Air Acolytes of Air Temple Island saw it fit to host a birthday celebration for him. His mother had given it a go signal as she was also at her wits’ end to help bolster his mood. Even the passing of her husband (his father) did not seem to have dragged him down this way.
What Katara did not know, however, was that the press had somewhat managed to get in with the festivities as well.
The papers for the next few days ran a feature on the last airbender’s birthday celebration. They also printed a picture of him with just about any single female he talked to during the party.
This was followed by a steady stream of letters and messages poured into Air Temple Island as well as into Tenzin’s office at city hall.
The first few letters, Tenzin had deigned to read.
But after the seventeenth letter, the airbender, with a furious blush on his skin, went to the kitchen where his mother was calmly instructing an acolyte for tonight’s dinner.
Katara dismissed the acolyte before turning to her son. “What is it?” She held out her hand to take one of the letters that Tenzin was waving at her.
The waterbender briefly went through the letter. It appeared that –
“They have been sending me propositions!” Tenzin exasperatedly explained, showing the envelopes with addresses coming from different parts of the world. “Ever since the broadsheets and tabloids have been putting in these features about me being single.” He continued to pace in the kitchen while Katara went through the other letters. The content was fairly similar – a Fire Nation noble offering his daughter in marriage, an Air Acoylte from the Eastern Temple sharing her daughter’s knowledge of all things Air Nomad culture, an Earth Kingdom merchant living in the upper ring boasting of his niece… “I’m not interested in any of these, Mother. I just – I just -.” He took a deep breath. “I need to find Lin. It’s only been Lin.”
Katara could believe that.
“I know – Mother, if letters come to the island for me, please send it to my office. I’ll have my secretary handle them.”
And with that, Tenzin swept away, leaving Katara to only wonder and hope that whatever he thought of would truly help him out.
I see.
So he has made his choice.
Lin gripped tightly the letter she received in response to the one she had sent.
She tried but there was nothing she owed him now.
The earthbender then tossed the letter into her drawer, to be hidden from prying eyes, to try and forget its existence.
 Thank you for your interest but I already have a life partner.
I would like to request for your respect in this avenue and refrain from sending any more letters in this similar vein.
Respectfully yours,
Noatak knocked on the door one more time.
Lin was nearing her due date and the barkeep had place a notice for a reliever, a substitute while Lin was out.
The Water Tribe man took the opportunity – he had been juggling different jobs in town anyway so what’s one more?
Lin had been showing the ropes to him the past few days and was always ever so prompt so that they have enough time before opening.
This was why he stood at her front door now. The earthbender failed to show up at their regular time and so he worried.
“Lin? Are you there?”
There was no answer.
Something felt very wrong.
He looked to the left and looked to the right. No one was around and so putting his entire weight on it, he hit his shoulder against the door several times until it gave way.
To his shock and horror, the pregnant lady slumped unconscious at her living room, blood surrounding her at the floor.
Noatak hurried to her, feeling her pulse and closing his eyes.
He had been hiding a secret for so long, no one knew in this new life he had been living. As far as they knew, he was a non-bender – no one had paused to ask, except this woman who had asked him and had graciously not pried further when he said he did not want to talk about his past. He knew she was trying to start a new life, but he wasn’t sure why. She respected him enough as well to leave him to his privacy.
That day when the muggers had almost done him in, he thought that would have been the end of it, revenge be damned. To his surprise, someone did intervene for him.
Enough reminiscing for now though, because now, this woman needed him.
Taking a deep breath, Noatak reached forward his arms, allowing him to feel the push and pull from the two lives in front of him, not in the way his father wanted him to but to save these lives.
Tenzin was absentmindedly tapping his pen on today’s agenda in the council meeting.
The monotony of his responsibilities to the city barely weighed on him now.
It was the same old routine at the council.
His interest was peaked when the doors opened and a man, who he recognized as Chief Beifong’s trusted secretary, hurried over to the Chief of Police’s side, whispering quickly.
Toph Beifong suddenly stood up, muttering her excuses to the rest of the attendees of the council meeting and left (something about an urgent matter regarding one of her subordinates’ mission?).
“Chief, it would appear that the Captain has now given birth to a daughter.”
“What! I need to get to her.”
“Unfortunately, protocols still state that no contact be made -.”
“But I’m her mother.”
“Please, Chief Beifong, Captain Beifong explicitly indicated that in her report as well. Everything is okay and not to let you go to her as it would impact her cover.”
Nonetheless, this did not stop Toph Beifong from instructing her secretary to send off a large box of baby things to a remote town in the Earth Kingdom.
The last airbender quickly made his way out of the restaurant where that farce of a stilted family dinner (that his mother insisted on) was still on-going.
It had been uncomfortable enough when Chief Beifong arrived, nary a word towards him but quite civil with his mother and their visitors. At some point during the meal, the Fire Lord started to pass around photographs of his teenaged grandson and even Chief Beifong was obliged to share photos of her own grandchildren.
Tenzin tried to ignore the longing gaze his mother had on the photographs.
He met the eyes of his brother, who coincidentally was stationed this week near Republic City, who in turn shrugged back at him.
Yeah, that’s not happening. Unless someone comes forward to speak up about the fruits of Bumi having sown his wild oats, their mother would need to wait a little longer to have her own grandchild.
“And who might this be?” His mother brought up a photo of a baby.
“Did Su have another child?” Fire Lord Zuko peered at the small plastic booklet that Toph had fished from her uniform’s pocket.
“Eh?” Toph reached out to get it back, fingers running through the little indentions at the edge, helping her identify the labels on the photos.
Tenzin did not miss the quick panic that showed on the metalbender’s face before it was back to her inscrutable expression.
“It’s an old photo of one of her boys.” She promptly placed the booklet of photos back into her pocket. “I must have taken it by accident.”
As the rest went about their meal, Tenzin could not help but revert to the photograph of the baby. The baby appeared to be a couple of months old and…there was something that was niggling the back of his head about the child.
Conversation went to work, the new policies in the United Forces, the statue of Fire Lord Zuko in Republic City… They were all pleasantries that Tenzin did not want to talk about.
As soon as it was acceptable, he had excused himself from dinner, citing an urgent deliverable from city hall. No one tried to stop him and everyone took it at face value. He had, after all, buried himself into work in the past months in between trying to look for Lin. The airbender simply did not believe anymore that she was merely suspended from the Force after being absent for more than a year now.
Tenzin thought that Suyin Beifong, by now, would have an idea as to her sister’s whereabouts. Recalling their last interaction, however, he rubbed his cheek gingerly in recollection, he felt he needed to soften her up first.
Coming from that awkward dinner conversation, he had an idea.
Her children!
 And that was how the airbender found himself at the nearest open store that catered to mothers that carried items (food, clothes, furniture, you name it) for their children.
Tenzin had a vague recollection on how old Su’s children were. He was unsure, though, as to what do kids at those age need or want. He figured that the store’s clerk would know and headed to the store’s counter, waiting until the clerk finished assisting two ladies in selecting the best bassinet that the store offers.
The airbender leaned on the glass counter, tapping absentmindedly as he was wont to do when waiting --- when he saw a brown box just behind the counter hidden from view of the common customer (it just so happened he was tall and nosy enough to see it). There was a small sticky note that caught his attention:
Monthly order of Chief Beifong.
Why on earth would Aunt Toph have a monthly order at this place when her own children have long since grown up?
Tenzin twisted his neck to peer at the label of the box, to check the address, thinking that maybe it was headed to Zaofu for Suyin and her kids.
To his confusion, it was to a place within the Earth Kingdom.
Tenzin froze.
What if…it was to another daughter and grandchild?
The photograph!
He now realized what bothered him – the baby in the photo was relatively fair-skinned and he was sure both of Su and Baatar’s children were tanned. Su was also not pregnant back when he last saw her so it could not have been a new Zaofu Beifong baby.
Toph Beifong would be hard-pressed to care about children or babies unless they were related to her.
This left Tenzin with only one plausible explanation.
 The airbender then left the store, hurriedly making plans to get to the Earth Kingdom by the next day.
And there she was – as radiant as the last time he saw her (never mind that it was in the middle of the unleashing of her powerful fury upon his childhood home).
With a pang, Tenzin saw Lin Beifong carrying a baby, accompanied by a tall (and very young, Tenzin thought unpleasantly) man who appeared to be of Water Tribe descent. The two were engrossed in conversation that they missed the airbender who had been staring after them.
Tenzin had arrived at the town square and was about to head to the address he had committed to memory when he saw Lin. He was about to approach her when the Water Tribe man intercepted her. The airbender noted the familiarity with which the two interacted (it felt like the air was being squeezed out of his lungs). The man offered to take what Tenzin assumed to be a baby bag and Lin had easily acquiesced.
He surreptitiously followed Lin, unsure where they were going but not wanting to take the risk of losing sight of the earthbender he had been searching for quite some time now.
As he watched every exchange of the two, Tenzin could not help but feel at a loss. He had tried to think of every possible scenario, of what he would say, what he would do once he found Lin.
But none of the scenarios he imagined prepared him for the reality.
He never did imagine finding Lin as a mother.
He never did imagine finding Lin with a partner.
And she looked – content.
Tenzin felt a pit form at the bottom of his stomach. Could he – should he – possibly ruin this with his appearance?
Call him selfish but…he’ll try just one last time. If there was an inkling, of the slightest chance of a future with Lin --- he’ll gamble it.
For himself. For Lin.
“Jinora, sweetheart, be a good girl for Noatak first, please? Mama needs to work for a bit.”
The eight-month-old child burrowed herself further into her mother’s arms but nodded nonetheless. “Good girl.” Lin gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead as the younger man hoisted the child, anchoring her to his hip.
Lin had gone back to work on a part-time basis, but more on the management side of the bar (accounting, menu planning, etc) rather than being actually behind the counter, serving the customers like before. The barkeep was pleased with Noatak’s performance during Lin’s maternity leave that he had decided to hire him full-time.
They would usually come to the bar before opening hours, Lin to check on the previous night’s accounting and Noatak with preparing with the rest of the crew.
Lin was scheduled to start with the local bookstore soon on her off-days from the bar.
Today, it was accounting morning at the bar. She would usually be able to have an hour or two of continuous work while the crew would take turns looking after her daughter if she were awake. If not, Jinora would be placed on her sling and Lin could still comfortably work.
Getting out several folders and her writing implements, Lin pulled out a chair near the window, preferring the natural light while working.
She managed to work for around ten minutes when a shadow fell on her work; before she could even raise her head to address who or what was blocking her light, she turned her head to the inner part of the bar as she heard her name being called.
When he saw the Water Tribe man leave Lin with the child, Tenzin saw his chance.
He took some time to deliberate though; he observed her quietly, soaking in his view of the woman he had let go (and would be claiming back, if she would have him).
He took a bracing breath and entered the bar.
Lin would look up at him. “Tenzin! What are you doing here?”
He would kneel – “I’m so sorry Lin, I know you have a child, I’ll love her like she were my own – I promise to treat you better than Mr Water Tribe there. Please Lin Beifong please – I regret letting you go, if you’ll have me, I’ll want to spend the rest of my life proving my devotion to you. Please- Lin please.”
Then Lin would get up, maybe give him a slap harder than what Su gave him then give him a hug before making him work for it.
Before he could even say a single word to put his imagined scenario into action, another voice (that he was starting to dislike) rang out.
“Yes, Noatak?” Lin stood up quickly to address the young man, who was carrying a giggling baby at arm’s length. “What is it? How is Jinora?”
Tenzin felt his heart skip a beat, that Lin named her daughter one of the names he wanted for their daughter… well, he was not sure how he felt about it. Maybe he will explore it a little bit more when he was alone but for now…
“I know I helped bring her into this world –,”
Tenzin blinked at the sudden hurt he felt at his chest at this.
“But please, Lin – take your evil spawn away from me.” Noatak thrusted the still giggling child dramatically back at her mother, half kidding and half exasperated. “You know how much time it takes me each more to fix my hair. Then this little girl here,” He tickles her side and Jinora squeals with laughter. “Decides to blow a gust of air to my face – imagine that!”
The airbender heard this and froze.
“I know you said this brat (“My daughter isn’t a brat!”) is part-Water Tribe,” He gestured to his now unkempt hair. “But I don’t think this is a sign of respecting her culture?”
“My daughter is acting fine.”  Jinora kicked her chubby legs as though to prove a point, disturbing the dust on the floor. “And we did discuss this – no training until she’s older. I want her to have a normal childhood.”
“Ok then,” Noatak waved his hand and nodded, obviously agreeing. “Anyway, I’m in charge of family meal today so I better start prepping.” With one last tickle at the baby’s side, he left and headed to the kitchen.
Lin shook her head and called after him “I’ll pack up and get back to the books later!” It would seem her daughter was in a mood today.
Speaking of meals…
Jinora had been tugging at her chest. “Feeding time is it?”
 Tenzin watched Lin smile softly at the baby, a smile he saw rarely, a smile that he only saw between the dark of the night and daybreak, in between sleep and wakefulness as they laid in bed together.
He cleared his throat to remove a lump that was forming, a signal of impending tears.
Lin had forgotten about the newcomer as she angled the baby go position her for feeding when she heard someone clear their throat.
“I’m sorry, how can I help –,” Her eyes met familiar grey ones. “You.”
There was a lot to take in.
The Earth Kingdom.
The Water Tribe man (Noatak, he spat.)
The baby.
The airbending baby.
There was no doubt on whose child Lin was carrying.
Tenzin pushed forward at the surprised earthbender to take them (her and their daughter!) into his arms.
Note: This is part one of two --- ooor we could end it there? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Let me know!
(how do you tag people anyway?? @camryn-bria
2 of 2 here.
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freedomsoapbox · 6 years
Dear “Moderate” Liberal Millennial Christians: It’s Time To Pick A Side
I  went to a conservative  Christian high school.  Most of my friends from  high school are  Christian.  It may surprise you to learn that many of  them are liberal  Democrats or Democrat sympathizers, though if you  yourself went to a  Christian high school this may not surprise you at  all.
It’s  no secret that many Americans  who claim to be Christian are liberal   Democrats.  But I mention the  phenomenon of graduates from Christian   high schools being (often  becoming sometime during their senior year if  my suspicions and  experience are any indication) openly liberal to   highlight the known  fact that even conservative Christian institutions are producing,  attracting, and harboring liberal activists.
I   say “liberal activists” because, in my generation at least, there is no  other type of liberal. Donald Trump’s election has resulted in what  few  of them were not openly political effectively being conscripted   into  The Resistance.  Most of those millennial liberals who went to my high  school are not as extreme as the stereotypical college feminist. They  don’t talk about “safe spaces”, they don’t sympathize with Antifa  (at  least not openly), and most will be careful not to be seen   defending  Planned Parenthood too loudly.  Their activism is mostly   restricted to  Facebook, just like most activism from liberals and   conservatives alike  seems to be restricted to Facebook.
But   being friends on Facebook is enough to know which side they have   picked.  And as moderate as they may try to appear, they have picked a   side. A few shared memes, liked posts, etc. communicate that they are   members of The Resistance, even if they are only part of the reserve   force.
I have  also been able to intuit   what they tend to think of the group comprised  of me and the other   students from my high school who chose to remain,  or even become,   conservative Christians.  Now I want to make it clear  that none of   these liberal classmates have ever individually  disrespected or   mistreated me, and I have good relationships with most  of them. But as a  whole, they view us as relatively intelligent peers  who have simply   not been fortunate enough to break away from the mental  shackles   imposed on us by our church denomination through our parents  and the   conservative faculty at our high school. I could picture their   collective advice to us being something like “Dr. Peterson (made up name   of our Dean of Students) isn’t here anymore to fine you for not   wearing  a belt.  You need to take some of what they taught us at that   school  with a grain of salt.”
That’s   not to say I think all of them necessarily thought the strict dress   code at our school was a bad thing, but the point is that our high   school was very conservative, had its share of nonsense and bullshit   from the administration, and in general they are kind of glad to be away   from it.  Well, I know for a fact that I and several other of my   conservative peers are glad to be away from that place as well, but   liberal millennials tend to view themselves as supporting characters in a   real-life dystopian story, and it is clear that these liberal   graduates  view our Alma Mater as being beholden to the conservative   dystopia that  is currently headed but not entirely controlled by Donald  Trump.  And  as for their classmates who also remain beholden to this dystopia, we’re  kind of like that kid in the terrible movie Dead Poets Society   who ratted out the Society to the school administration and got Mr.   Keating fired, not because he really wanted to but simply because the   agents of the dystopia convinced him that it was the right thing against   his better judgement.  They, on the other hand, are standing on their   desks, and they are trying to convince us that it’s alright to do so.
This   dynamic is not unique to alumni from Christian high schools.  It is  the  same attitude with which many of the more “moderate” liberals of  all  age groups regard their conservative friends.  It’s not that we’re  bad  people, it’s just that we don’t get it. It is the same attitude  conveyed  a little more condescendingly in articles like this,   which explains a study that purports to demonstrate that being a   steadfast conservative is often reducible to having stronger primal   self-preservation instincts than liberals.  If you want to drop the   clinical facade and judge the article as the propaganda piece that it   clearly is, what the author is really saying is that conservatives in   middle America, by and large, are at best the unfortunate victims of   repressed mild emotional trauma from our parents never letting us leave  the house alone until age 13 for fear of kidnapping, and at worst   atavists whose genetically predetermined responses to stimuli are more   fitting for societies of a more, ahem, simple state  of development.   But don’t worry, society needs folks who possess such  mindstates as   well, after all the root of such attitudes is a healthy  drive for   safety and prudence (wink wink).
You  see  the liberals in my friend circles, especially liberal Christians  who went to my high school, like to share articles like this on social   media.  They will also, without directly addressing us conservative   peers, delineate on how such findings relate to the rise of Nazism and   other hyper-nationalist movements in a manner that they no doubt think  is erudite.
First  of all, as a quick   aside, I’d like to address this narrative of the  rise of Nazism.   Someone needs to point out that while the ability to  regurgitate this tired thesis that Hitler was able to rise to power by  manipulating   people’s primal urges in a population that was starving and   war-traumatized, by giving them an internal enemy (the Jews) to project  their fear and bitterness onto, and by promising them a better life   while not telling them very much about the uglier side of his agenda   until they had been fully initiated, on an essay exam may have impressed   your AP World History teacher, it is at best an oversimplification of   history and at worst disingenuous.  Germany in the 1930s was not just a   country of poor farmers and unemployed Great War veterans who simply  let  themselves be led down Hitler’s path to hell before they realized  their  mistake. The fact of the matter is that Weimar Germany was  already a  society of people who by and large did not value freedom and  democracy  and which already suffered from widespread moral bankruptcy  before  Hitler became prominent. Hitler did not recruit the Brownshirts  by  inviting young men with no future to be part of something greater  than  themselves so much as he simply organized and militarized the  criminal  element of several major cities to serve his purposes.  The  Germans had  to be carpet-bombed and then occupied before they were  ready to finally  be a part of the civilized West. And any attempt to  connect the  narrative of the Nazis to the rise of Trump is, you know,  stupid.
But  anyway, getting back to the  point, I’m focusing on my liberal peers  from Christian high schools  across the nation because I know that we,   conservative millennial  Christians, will have to deal with them in the not-so-distant future.   My liberal classmates may not have much respect  for the conservative  traditions of our school, but they will likely  comprise a large share  of the school’s future teachers, staff, PTO  leaders, Alumni Association  officers, and major donors.  And that’s a  problem. We know where their  loyalties lie, and it is with the  Democratic Party first and Christ  and His church second. You cannot be a  loyal Democrat and have those  priorities reversed. These people will be  leaven within the church’s  institutions.  We’ve seen what their so-called “moderate” liberal parents from the Boomer generation can do to such institutions   simply by being tolerated within them even if most of them don’t go   out  of their way to be liberal activists. And they will be active   soldiers  in the war against conservatism and Christianity, whether they  know it  or not.
And  so I’d like to   address the remainder of this piece to those people.  Not  just my   liberal classmates, but all moderate liberal Christians of my   generation (hereafter “you”):You  have picked a side, and it is the   wrong one.  You think that we  conservative millennial Christians   (hereafter “we”) are on the “wrong  side of history”, but it is actually  you who have chosen the wrong side.   You may very well have chosen the  winning side,  but your side remains  objectively, morally wrong (alternative title for  this piece: Some  Things Young Conservative Christians Wish We Could Say  To Our Liberal  Christian Friends If You Guys Would Hear Us Out).
We   can still be friends.  We have remained friends with you even after   you  have indirectly called us homophobes, fundamentalists,   reactionaries,  woman-haters, and the like.  Many of you have not   directly addressed us  so to our faces, but we happen to fall into the   group of people whom you  regard as such. Nevertheless, we remain your   friends.
But  you need to realize that we  have also chosen a side, and it is  decidedly against everything you   stand for.  That does not mean we stand  against justice, fairness,   charity, and the like. It’s just that those  are the things you claim to   stand for, and I am speaking of the things that you are actually   willing to stand for.  When the chips are down, you will stand for the   evil of abortion. You will stand for middle school students being forced   to share shower facilities with members of the opposite sex, including   adults.  You will stand for police officers being railroaded by the   media and the justice system for doing their job in cases where a young   black man happens to end up dead.
And   you will stand for the persecution of Christians.  Specifically, you  will stand for the persecution of Christians who have not thrown their   lot in with the American persecutors of Christians, which means   eventually that you will stand for the persecution of us.
For   example, whenever you guys rail against a certain Christian artist or   business owner for not accommodating a same-sex couple or someone who   identifies as transgender, it never seems to occur to you that your   Christian friends on the other side of the political aisle could and   probably will be in that same position in the future.  We are afraid to  open our own businesses or go into creative professions because we know   that the minute we cross the LGBT agenda, or possibly the abortion   agenda, we are liable to have our lives destroyed by the government.
And   you support this.  You will side with the government when they come to   take our businesses away from us or even impose criminal sanctions.    Perhaps you will reason that it is regrettable but necessary, and that   it’s our own fault in the end for resisting civil rights.
You   know, I’m not going to go as far as to pull out the “if you’re a   liberal Christian then you’re not really a Christian” card here, but   Jesus does have some strong words of warning for those who persistently  side with the world over Him.  We all side with the world over Him, and   we all do so often. Even the Apostles did. But you have formally   chosen a  side, declared it, and it happens to be the side that is   waging war  against Christ and His Church.Your  excuses that you would   actually be furthering Christ’s love are totally  hollow.  Jesus would   not have baked a cake for a gay “wedding” (or  built a gay couple a   house to live in, being a carpenter), he would not  (does not) support   Planned Parenthood, and he would not (does not)  support the gender   transition process.  If you disagree with this, you  are disagreeing   with Him, the Apostle Paul, not to mention the Church  Fathers along   with every serious prominent theologian throughout the  history of   Christianity until the past three or four decades. Of course,  the   church fathers never spoke about transgenderism, but that’s only   because it is an insane demonic dystopian agenda that even the ancient   pagans could hardly have conceived.  They did speak on abortion and gay   marriage, and their opinions on the matter hold a lot more weight than   yours. Ecumenically speaking, the scholarship on these matters, along   with evolution and some other things, within Christianity is as settled   as you claim the scholarship is on climate change. The denominations  and  clerics that claim otherwise do so ashamedly and uneasily, and can   accurately be described as “Bible deniers”.  And don’t try to bring  lame  arguments regarding shellfish and eating pork into this, because those arguments have been quite thoroughly debunked,   and if you haven’t heard the debunking it’s only because members of   your side ban us from the message boards (one of the things that annoy  us about debating with you liberal Christians is that, while you guys  are generally more willing to at least debate us in the first place than   your more extreme SJW allies, many of you have a tendency to need to   have very basic theological concepts explained to you as if you've never   heard them before.  It makes it difficult for the discussion to   progress when we constantly have to stop and do your liberal pastor's   job for him.)
Of  course, I wouldn’t   expect that to hold much weight with atheists and  hardcore secularists who don’t believe the Bible to have any authority  anyway.  They have   chosen their side, and they are proud of it. But at  least they won’t be  attending a Christian college claiming to want an  authentic Christian  education and then working to tear down  Christianity within that   institution.
Your  Christian brothers and  sisters are being persecuted by the side you  have chosen, and you will  be required to assent to and sometimes  participate in the persecution  in order to be a loyal member of your  Resistance. Although the gap may  be closing, you are still the  out-group within American Christianity,  and yet you demand equal  (greater) say and status. You call our kind  Pharisees while enabling our  persecution at the hands of the side you  have chosen.  You have gone  out of your way to declare yourselves  “allies” to every group from gays  to transgenders to feminists to  Muslims, but we never seem to part of   your alliance. Not that we would  want to, because you’re allied with   enemy powers.
You   see, we don’t disagree with you because we are more afraid or less   college-educated or whatever else you have in mind.  We disagree with   you because the Bible is on our side, the facts are on our side, common   sense are on our side, and moral principles are on our side, and not   yours.  We showed you footage of Planned Parenthood trafficking in baby   parts, and you ignored it. You might be a little uncomfortable with it,   but you would never be as vocally outraged as when a police officer   shoots a black person and it gets the attention of the national media,   despite the fact that in almost every single case your side has been   objectively and completely wrong about both the facts and the law of the   matter.
This  is the point where many of you decide to pull out the “personally  opposed” card. Mainly, you   will use this card in the abortion debate,  since you have long ago   given up pretending to be “personally opposed”  to gay marriage   (although you might be one of the few left who will  admit the inability  to defend gay “marriage” on Biblical grounds but  simply sidestep the issue by repeating the lie that the Constitution  requires the   government to recognize it even though it does no such  thing, which is to say you think that the despot Supreme Court has  absolved you of   having to make any further defense of this abomination  to others or to your own conscience) or gender conversion. Conveniently,  you have   already passed the point of having to worry about being a  scared   freshman girl who now has to share a locker room with a boy. And  come   to think of it, you’ve also conveniently passed the point of having  to worry about being aborted. I’d just like to point out that your  sudden  “personally opposed” fig leaf when it comes to especially morally   uncomfortable topics like abortion kind of clashes with your persona as  a fighter for justice in the face of dystopia.
Of   course you don’t have to use that card often, because compared to your   more extreme, non-Christian contemporaries, most of the political talk   we hear from you centers around the somewhat less controversial topics   like gun control, immigration, environmentalism, welfare, etc. Much  of  what you have to say concerns how “uncaring” our side is more than  it  does any actual evidence, but at least you could hold the Democrat   positions on such issues and still theoretically be a member in good   standing of Christian orthodoxy. These are issues that the Bible does   not give explicit guidance on like abortion and gay “marriage”.  But   there are still two main problems with you siding with Democrats on   these issues. The first is that in most cases your opinions are wrong,   often unconstitutional, and easily debunked. But more importantly for   your case specifically, even your stances on these issues and the way   you argue them betray a mentality that is fundamentally at odds with   traditional Christianity.  For example, when you argue that the New   Testament commands us to accept waves of refugees from Islamic nations,   or to expand the welfare state, or raise the minimum wage, or whatever   else you think is “caring”, claiming that “Jesus would want it”, you  are  twisting His words and putting your own words in His mouth, you  know,  like how you claim we are doing whenever we articulate what the  Bible  clearly says about homosexuality.  Twisting the words of the  Bible to  make them say something they do not and advance an agenda that  is not  Biblical is called heresy. Heresy is not something people who  have  chosen the side of God should be comfortable with. The Bible  leaves room  for Christians to disagree on the worldly, practical merits  of things  like welfare, immigration policy, and gun control. It does  not leave  room for you to make Jesus the champion of causes he never  took up,   especially since there is no reason to believe Jesus would  take up a   political cause despite most of the evidence being clearly  against it.
What’s  more, your  championing of such lesser causes is often used as a fig   leaf to  deflect from your moral cowardice concerning bigger issues like   abortion and homosexuality.  You know you can’t win a serious   theological argument about those issues, so you, like the Pharisees,   make a show of how “caring” you are for others, mostly by making arguments that have no factual basis and usually require someone else to do the “caring” for you.    And in so doing, you show signs of where your loyalties lie. When you   got angry about Harambe being shot, you betrayed your anti-life   colors,  because many of your arguments boiled down to the implication   that the  kid somehow deserved to be mauled by a gorilla or at least   that the  gorilla had an equal right not to be shot as the human child   had to not  be mauled at the zoo.  When you defended Michael Brown and   said his  death was a murder in bold spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary,   you betrayed your warped sense of justice or general disdain for true   justice. Whenever you demand that the welfare state be expanded or   advocate socialism, you ignore the evidence reagarding the welfare state   and socialism. Ignoring the evidence regarding such issues does not   automatically reveal that you harbor anti-Christian values, but it does   indicate that you care more about your public image than you do about   the lives and families that have been destroyed by the welfare state and   socialism, especially when you ignore the historical link between the   abortion agenda and the welfare state and population control and   socialism (or environmentalism).
And when you protest against the Trump administration for wanting to favor Christian refugees from Islamic countries despite that making every kind of humanitarian sense   while simultaneously demanding that millions of unchecked Muslim men be  let in and allowed to stay indefinitely, one has to wonder: whose   side  are you on?
And  if most of what I have said does not actually describe you, if you  actually are appalled  by abortion, would defend my rights as a business  owner if I were ever  targeted by a vindictive gay couple, if you are  willing to take an  evidence-based or at least moderate and balanced  approach to   immigration and environmental regulations, and you don’t  want to put   cops in prison for doing their sworn duty, then one has to  ask: why   have sided with the American left?
Note:   “Trump scares me” is not a good reason.  I was a firm “Never Trump”   conservative in 2016, and did not vote for him.  That didn’t cause me to   throw my lot in with the party that wants to force me to fund Planned   Parenthood.
And one more thing: your  more extreme secularist liberal friends that have gone full-SJW are not  impressed with you.  They aren't impressed with your virtue-signaling,  they aren't impressed with the constant apologies you make for us, they  aren't impressed with your attempts to prove yourselves as [the  Christians that are cool and will respect you](http://thefederalist.com/2015/12/02/an-other-christian-responds-to-buzzfeeds-questions-christians-have-for-other-christians/)  while treating us like an uncle who sometimes says racist things at   Thanksgiving dinners but whom you love anyway.  To them, you're still in  the same group of square losers as us, it's just that they may think   there is a little more hope for you.
I   realize my words so far have been harsh, but they could be a lot   harsher.  I don’t want to burn bridges with my friends on the other side   of the aisle, and I certainly don't think every cause they take up is   completely without merit (for example, I do think conservatives have  railed just a little too hard on the #MeToo thing, wrought with   hypocrisy though the movement has been). But I’m writing this piece   because, frankly, things are going to have to come to a head between our   two sides.  Your side has engaged an unrelenting campaign of attacks  and persecution against those of us who have remained faithful to   Christian orthodoxy for the past two or three decades at least, and we,  orthodox Christian conservative millennials, are not going to defer   responsive action against the agents of those who seek to destroy the   church indefinitely, even if those agents include our friends. So when   you take up teaching positions at Christian institutions only to reveal   your sympathies with the militant LGBT movement, we are going to have  to  move to get you fired. When you start advocating the leftist social   agenda within the church itself, we are going to excommunicate you.  When  your church is caught harboring illegal immigrants in brazen  defiance  of the Biblical command to submit to the civil authorities, we’re going  to speak against your church and possibly work with the   government to  root them out.  The Democrats and the liberal   establishment have  declared total war on conservatives and the   Christian Church in  particular. We are under no obligation to sit back passively and take it  all the time.
So with that in mind, I ask one more time:  whose side are you on?
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i-am-gaylocked · 7 years
Late night thoughts
Hey guys,
It's been a while since I posted any sort of personal content on here; however, today something happened that made me once again contemplate the future of mankind, and I think the following is important for all of you, so I appreciate everyone reading through this, thinking it through, adding their own ideas, discussing etc.. Please no hate speech of ANY form.
Today, my home country Germany held their general election. Results are tumbling in, and the right-winged populist party AfD seem to have received a whole of 13%. This means that for the first time since the NSDAP & Hitler, a right-winged party has made it into our parliament. Concurrently, the conservative CDU (Merkel's party) has lost a whooping 9% and the social democrats (SPD) have lost almost 6%. (None of the numbers have been confirmed since not all votes are counted & checked yet, but these are reliable predictions.) Let's not even talk about how the pro-business liberals FDP, who decide to ignore climate change, are mathematically the only possible coalition party, I don't want this to escalate into one big rant about capitalism and it's ruining the planet and mankind.
What I actually want to address is the fact that the AfD was founded merely four years ago as a right-liberal alternative to the established partys; just two years later, its founder Bernd Lucke was replaced by Frauke Petry, who was considered strongly right-winged at that time. By now, another mere two years later, she is considered (by both outsiders and party members) as way more moderate than the rest of her party; in fact, AfD members have called her things like 'too soft' & 'too left'. Someone, who not long ago was deemed clearly right.
Why am I talking about the history of some German party? Because it is an excellent example how populists and fascists operate.
The AfD's deputy chairman, Alexander Gauland, has been known for his nazi-similar politics for years. By now, many members have attracted the attention of our Federal Intelligence Service; the party also has several links to other nazi movements. This is not how it started out though. Over the course of just one office term, it has changed from an anti-euro party to a right populist party whose members openly scream their hate speech against immigrants, muslims and any political left or middle party at people on the streets (I've seen it happen just yesterday), and who damn Germany & its system but in the same sentence talk about 'our holy homeland Germany', exactly like the ""official"" Nazis did and do.
Now, I could spend hours analyzing how and where and when this whole thing went downhill and what the governing partys and Merkel and the media did wrong in dealing with the AfD, but to be honest, it would be no good at all. Today's results show that apparently we are unable to learn from our own history (the NSDAP started out very similar, and although it would be wrong to generalise both times, we need to stop downplaying this issue).
What I would rather like to address is how many people are succumbing to the pull of populism in the last few years. And this is not a problem only Germany is dealing with; it is happening in democracies all around the world. I have my own theory why, because this has happened before, but only the facts that it is based on are scientifically confirmed, so don't expect me to be a reliable source for what's going on in the world.
A proven fact is that we are in the wake of the third big change of mankind: digitalisation (the first one being sedentarism, the second one industrialisation). Now, what we could witness during industrialisation is very similar to what is happening right now: rapid changes and development in sciences, society and politics, with one part of society pushing further and further towards progress and the other part being overwhelmed by the new fast pace of the world, followed by a rise in conservative and then right-winged, nationalistic and populistic tendencies (see e.g. imperialistic ideas that caused WWI). Now, industrialisation happened over the course of about a century; digitalisation has genuinely begun only about 10-15 years ago and has already developed much quicker. Again, this is not a confirmed parallel, just my understanding of things; however, change does cause people to get scared, and the more change happens at the same time, the more confusing it gets, causing people to feel lost among all the new developments, wishing for the old days and clear structures (-> rise in nationalism, the homeland as one last solid way of identification). Now, what does anxiety directly lead to? Rejection. Which leads to? Hate. You probably all have experienced it yourselves, when you were afraid of doing something, but you were scared to express it, so you just said you don't like it and that’s why you're not doing it? As someone with a lifelong experience with anxiety, I can confirm I have done this multiple times, and I have also often witnessed it with friends & family.
Anxiety leads to hate. So? Exactly. If people are scared and they hear someone loudly screaming about restoring old values, without the 'scary new things', they will gladly follow that voice, if it only sounds confident enough. Never mind facts, people vote with their guts, and if someone makes them feel safe, they get their support (see Trump for example).
The least of the people who have voted for right-winged people or partys, anywhere around the world, are actual populists or Nazis. Yes, there is a (way too large) core of these people, but they are NOT the majority. Most of them are scared jump-on-the-bandwagoners. Now, I am not making excuses for their behaviour, their choices and their views; I am just saying that telling a scared person that they are wrong or ignoring them does not help. Neither does telling these things to an angry person for that matter (as anger often comes from hate which comes from fear, etc etc). Fighting hate with hate is NOT a solution and never has been. I am the first person to feel the burning need to punch any person in the face who tells me that 'muslims are evil and their religion should be banned' or bullshit like that, but we NEED to refrain from physical violence, and, what's even more important (because this is a mistake that many, many people, including me, make or have made), insulting others & treating them without respect for their beliefs. And yes, this also goes for nazis (hear me out).
Yes, OBVIOUSLY they are wrong, their views and actions are disgusting and should have no place in our world whatsoever. But tell me, have you ever been told that your opinion sucked and that you should go to hell and it made you go 'Hm, maybe they're right, I'm gonna reevaluate my world view'? No. Being told that you're wrong, being insulted only increases your protest. So what you are really doing when you're supporting things like punching nazis etc. is promoting them. Obviously, they are in the wrong. Obviously, about 99% of the things they believe are wrong, and they need to be called out on that. But: BE RESPECTFUL. You don't have to actually respect them, I know it can be hard, but show them the respect they deny others. To be honest, anyone who says things like 'I am not gonna treat people with respect who disrespect others like that' is being egoistic. Believe me, I get your point, I really do. But if your goal is to actually convince someone, YOU HAVE TO BE THE BIGGER PERSON. YOU have to be the one to take a deep breath and say, 'hey, I disagree with you on everything I have heard you say so far, but let's talk. Let's discuss. In a respectful way.'. This is not just a quick concept of mine, by the way: Any ex-nazi can confirm this. What brought so many of them around was the people they were hating on inviting them in.
Yes, they often behave like monsters, but every human being just has the basic need to belong. If you want someone on your side, TAKE THEM IN. Be opening, be welcoming, without supporting or ignoring their unacceptable views. Show them that their ideas are not welcome, but show them that they as basic human beings are welcome. How do you expect someone to join you if you tell them, hey, you suck, but please be on our side because we are right and you are wrong?
If you genuinely want to convince someone to be a considerate, accepting person who lives in unison with others, this is the only way.
If you only want to shortly relieve your
anger, go on and punch nazis. Fight, insult, hurt them until enough life and dignity has been taken on either side for you to realise that violence does not end violence, and hatred does not end hatred, and that the only way to overcome and find peace is through love.
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wavemasterryx · 7 years
All the writing projects i’ll probably never finish.  i don’t know why anyone would want to hear about them, but i guess if you’re /that/ bored, enjoy.  Oh, right, there’s also going to be massive spoilers in most cases, if that’s something you’d worry about.
Also, don’t worry about how much progress i might have made on actually working on one of these instead of writing up all of this.  The answer is “none”, because this is not writing, it’s depression-fueled babble.
01) Sunny Hoof: Thy Music Too
Small story continuing the series with amputee Blackjack and nightmare Glory, attending the Nightmare Night festivities in Chapel.  i  think Blackjack’s costume was going to be Bowser, so that she could conveniently disguise her wheelchair as his flower-copter thingy, but i don’t remember who Glory was going to be.  It was either going to end up being the two of them sneaking off to bang in the haunted house, or a not-lewd double date with LittlePip and Xenith; i never did decide.
02) Sunny Hoof: TBD
Another small story taking place during Chapel’s Running of the Leaves festival (admittedly, not nearly as much running as old Equestria, considering at least half the population has some sort of disorder or disability).  Rather than Blackjack, this one would actually be centered on RedEye and Ilaris having a very casual walk (wagon ride) through the orchards, pure silly fluff.
03) Project Horizons the First Movie
Something of a difficult position, this idea takes place after the events of Chapter 77, but before the Epilogue is set in motion.  I mean, in anime it’s very common for movies to happen that are completely non-canon to the show but take place withing a specific time-frame relating to the show, i guess that’s what i was really banking on.
Anyways, the basic idea is that as rebuilding is finally getting underway, a well-intentioned alicorn happened across (or was given by someone...) a document leading her to an ancient shrine of phenomenal power.  Using this power, she wishes “all the good people who were claimed by the Wasteland, within the memory of the living” to be returned to life.  The spirits warn her that she should bring back the not-good as well, but she insists on not undoing everyone’s hard work saving the world, to which the spirits concede, leaving her with a warning that there will be a price.
This price comes in the form of four “Aspects of Suffering”, pure evil taking the form of the (very common in anime) four celestial beings, and seeking to bring pain and misery back to the world.
In essence... it’s just a series of excuses: to bring everyone back to life that deserves to have a happier ending; to have a series of cool, flashy battles, without the potential for everyone dying; and to get some particular scenes that i really want to happen... like Primera threatening / trying to seduce Pip with a choking Homage (something about “i’ll beat her record and make you scream 33 times” ), P-21 and Rampage returning to Equus via rocket, which they land on top of one of the big bads, and Cuarta being all smug and mocking everyone right before she (and the building she’s standing on top of) gets tagged ‘it’ by Puppysmiles.
The story would end with the aspects being defeated somehow... and then a hard “defeat equals friendship”, with Blackjack giving them a chance to do better, much to /everyone’s/ dismay.
04) Project Horizons the Second Movie 
Taking place shortly after the first movie, things would seem to be going pretty well with the rebuilding.  It would be pretty slice-of-life for the first few chapters, with gradually more hints that something else was going on as certain ponies begin mysteriously disappearing for increasing lengths of time; including Dawn.
A search would reveal they’d fallen into a trance and in some secluded location had begun building some kind of portal.  Either the work would be just finishing as it was found, or letting it proceed so they could find out what was behind it... the portal would lead Blackjack and a large strike force to one of the other planets in the Equus system, where they would find themselves in a mechanical nightmarescape, created by fragments of Cognitum.
Naturally, they would need to stop her resurrection, and wipe her blight from existence for the final time.
05) Project Horizons the Third Movie
Compared to the other two... this idea is more of the pure silly fluff that should be expected of me.  i don’t recall if i had decided how or why, but the basic idea was that something had happened to shift the world to an alternate reality where a large portion of the population is foals.  There would be kindergarten shenanigans, shopping trips and cooking with mama Boo, and all kinds of likewise absurdly and unnecessarily cute things.  Also unlike the other two, i have no conclusion in mind for this one... maybe there could be two versions, one where they go back to normal and one where they don’t?
If i somehow had enough money to commission Somber to write these...  i wouldn’t... cause there’s no way he should have to write stories with ideas as bad as these.  Not that i wouldn’t be tempted anyways... out of morbid curiosity i do wonder how much it would cost for him to consider it...
Unfortunately, they’re definitely too complex for me to be able to handle on my own.  i know, it will be hard, but you’ll have to struggle through the disappointment.
06) Boo Quest: the Chrysalis Building
A slight re-imagining of the story i had intended to have behind my farce of an attempt at running a “choose your own adventure” thing on Boo’s tumblr.  i’m sure some people were curious what was waiting on the top floor...
It would definitely not involve any voting for this incarnation though, it would just be a straightforward story to be told of what happened on her adventure.
07) Fallout Equestria: Botsunyu
The first of my ideas for a full-fledged independent side-story, directly ripped off and or a homage to Resident Evil... 5.  i think.  It would feature a 3-person squad of NCR recruits investigating the hulk of a ship which had been sent on an exploratory mission to Neighpon, only to drift back into Manehattan bay after several months without contact.
On reaching the ship, they find the remains of some of the crew, but mostly a large amount of strangely fleshy tumorous cocoons (or possibly crystalline, if i want them to be less horrifying).  In the course of attempting to salvage the ship, the team would encounter and try to deal with the hatchlings of the colossal nautilus / parasitic wasp starspawn which attached itself to the underside of the vessel.
The story would end with the destruction of the ship, but how many of the team survive, and if they actually manage to defeat the starspawn or not, i’m not certain.
08) Fallout: Neighpon
More of an exercise in world building than anything, this idea was a to be centered around the daily life of a ninja scout in training and her hunter-tracker best friend.  Both are orphans, their home villages having been almost totally wiped out by the massive starspawn monstrosities that inhabit the island nation.
i had also considered a variant of this same idea but with more generic characters, to emphasize the world instead of my bad character designs.  Not that the world design is really all that much more remarkable.
09) Fallout Equestria: Deepest Dark
Probably the idea i’ve talked about the most before... centered on a structural engineer living in a vault dedicated to deep core mining operations.  The idea is based on Dead Space, Alien: Isolation, and other such horror games... that the stable’s mining runs into something as it progresses deeper... never quite pinned down what.  Some kind of primordial evil, monster from another dimension...  i’d vaguely considered it actually being Sombra’s horn, but thinking about it more now, that actually seems like the least threatening of the ideas.
This story would involve a lot of violence, and potentially end with the entire stable, including the protagonist, being wiped out.
10) A Bleach Love?Story: EIRS
The only large story project i’d ever actually finished, and then i had to go and extend it...  It’s probably the story i would like most to complete, if just because my mom really wants to find out how it ends...  She’s literally the only one though; my other two “fans” disappeared when the [Adult Swim] forum died, and there’s no way i could reach them now...  If i ever did manage to finish it though, there would be an issue of what to do with it... since posting it here wouldn’t really accomplish anything other than making another post for people to scroll past.  The only other places i really frequent only service furries, so even if written works were more valued there, i wouldn’t be able to post it.
Anyways... the story itself...  i actually know more or less exactly what i want to happen, but i’ve completely lost pace with the style that i wrote it in, so it puts me somewhat on edge about how big the difference in styles is.
The villain of this season is borrowed from Digimon, and is slowly eating the entire multiverse, erasing anything it consumes from time, so that it was like it had never existed.
i actually had the next chapter halfway done when i stopped writing...  It was going to be the big hint of what’s going on...  Then the chapter after that the D-Reaper was going to make its first big attack on the Enterprise away team, allowing me to bring in a cameo from the first season that i was really hoping to use (redeemed villains for the win), and letting them just narrowly escape.  Third chapter it would attack the Enterprise, and then only Data would be left to find the answer in the final chapter.  Which there is one, i actually have the scene almost entirely planned in my head... except that it’s kinda... a really controversial idea, that i don’t know if it would come across as too disrespectful, even though i don’t mean anything bad by it at all...
The ending i had in mind was Data (ironically played by a Jewish actor, which i didn’t remember until way after i planned this...) retrieving the Ark of the Covenant from the Nazis, and then using it to politely ask God (played by Lelouch Lamperouge) to restore the multiverse.
To me... it’s a perfectly logical and thematically appropriate way to end the story... actually the only ending that really makes sense...  But i don’t want to insult anyone with it, it’s just supposed to be silly fun with a small side of heartwarming, and i know religion can be a super sensitive issue... so that’s a big problem for me.
It’s so close to being finished, which makes it really quite sad...
11) TBD: Mercenary Pony Adventures
Really the most ambiguous of all my ideas... it’s something of a catchbasin for all my failed RPG character ideas... a seven-element wizard, a slime wizard, a combat maid, and possibly the two (prospective) main characters from Fallout: Neighpon.  It would requite a lot of inter-personal interaction to drive it, between quests...
12) Space-Thriller
Super casual space exploration and possibly light adventure fluff, centered around a young alien slug-girl.
Based on an RPG system i’ve tried a few times to create, but it’s never worked out because i am terrible at balance.  In this same general idea, i would also love to do a story about the adventures of the HMLV Destiny or the smaller and much more reasonable HMCV Raven (101 and 20 pony crews, respectively), but i don’t have any more confidence in writing their stories than i did in running the campaigns that they were part of...
13) Pokemon: Milk & Honey
i have spent an unnecessarily large amount of time creating my own ‘version’ setting within the Pokemon world; this story reflects how events in the game would take place if the NPC (Red, Ash, etc) were playing rather than the player.  Or if it were an anime instead of a game.
i’ve been told that stories of Gym challenge journeys and fighting against a region’s evil team are some of the worst fanfiction you could possibly do for Pokemon (maybe second only to running a scarf shop), but i mean... it’s kinda an important step in establishing characters, isn’t it?...
So yes... the story would follow the two protagonists as they travel through the region, battling, training, and growing closer as they reach for their dreams together.
With all the planning i’ve put into it already, i probably have a reasonably serviceable outline for the potential story... but actually writing it is another matter entirely...
Plus there’s the added problem that... the plan is supposed to be for the female protagonist to be incontinent as a result of her quite meager psychic power interfering with her body’s natural development.  i really want it to be a super casual part of the story, like not a big deal at all so that it doesn’t interfere with anything... but then i’m an idiot and go tying it and her mental health to several key plot points and well...  i don’t know how many times i need to say i’m a bad writer before people believe me. 
14) Pokemon: Milk & Honey, TBD
Following a rather large battle at the end of the main storyline... the two protagonists are invited by the Pokemon League to take a job in it as special investigators.  While they patrol the entire region regularly, they are also responsible for keeping an eye on the “Dreamers Network” a vast virtual reality system that is growing steadily more popular since its debut.
When users start turning into Pokemon, and coming out of the VR sleep acting like they are still those Pokemon, it’s up to the protagonists to track this brainwashing back to its source; a small clinic on a private server, and find some way to put a stop to it.
Oddly enough... this side-story is actually based on a dream i had way back when i first started plotting out and working on this world.  Most of it has faded, except for one very strong scene...  The male protagonist staring up at his partner on a floor above, being wheeled away by a nurse as she’s begging for him to shoot her [with a special gun that would disconnect her from the network and potentially completely wipe her memory], because she doesn’t want to risk the treatment making her do anything wrong.  It still plays quite vividly in my head, even nearly 6 years later.
i believe my intention was for it to be a human-form Sableye or Espeon behind everything, trying to extract vengeance for someone (probably their trainer) who they had cared about greatly and lost...  Or maybe a Mesprit draining away positive emotions in order to feed them into their close friend who only exists as a remnant on the network.  Or something like that.
15) Pokemon: Bunkatsu Village 
A version of the Pokemon world without humans, this story takes place a decade or two after a comet / space ship carrying an alien virus crashed into the planet.  The virus infested and altered everything, the only pockets of normalcy being small villages like Bunkatsu that are surrounded by a powerful barrier; the result of part of the “Legendary Heroes” final effort to save the future.  Pokemon in these villages are trained to be adventurers and head out into temporarily stabilized pockets of the outside world to search for resources, treasure, and (hopefully) the eggs of the fallen heroes.
16) Build a Perfect Blitzle
This story would have been the first in a potentially lengthy series of dirty stories, serving as something i could finally use as an outlet for everything i enjoy that makes me a bad person.  It would entail someone being held by “Build Corp.” (voluntarily or otherwise) and being put on a livestream feed where every day the viewers would vote on a set of options put forward by the stream’s “sponsors”.
While actual voting would have been nice, i decided that using a dice to choose randomly would work fine, and so using a list of all the things i like, i could come up with a satisfying simulation of adding torment after torment to whatever poor characters ended up being chosen.
This seemed like a really nice idea at first... but it started getting to me that there’s literally no one i could share it with... so there was no reason to write it, since it could only turn out worse than it exists in my head already.  i actually even finished some of the first trial with Kino, and it didn’t seem half bad (as much as it wasn’t long enough to be bad yet), but yeah...
The idea really had some potential... so many different things that could happen, and the ways options might interact with each other... and new and different kinds of volunteers...  It really could have been fun.
17) Other
A few other random ideas i’ve considered at one time or another, but would be significantly less likely to attempt than anything listed above:
Something with my ponies from World of Warcraft.  Perhaps a history, or travel journal to be serious... or lacking that... more silly slice-of-life stuff.  There’s also some potential for naughty things with a few of the characters (seems to be a running theme with this section), but some would be too tempting to involve certain NPCs, which is a big “no no” according to tropes...
A fetishy but possibly not explicit story involving an alchemist zebra of mine and a friend’s pony, as part of an ongoing series they’ve been writing for them.
Or.. trying to write the exceedingly inappropriate story ideas i’d wanted to commission of my dumb bunnies.
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The Top Bible Curses
And MOSES CHARGED THE PEOPLE the same day, saying, THESE SHALL STAND UPON MOUNT GERIZIM TO BLESS the people, when ye are come over Jordan; Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin: AND THESE SHALL STAND UPON MOUNT EBAL TO CURSE; Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.
Deuteronomy 27:11-13
Moses was the author of most of the top Bible blessings and curses. He declared these curses for the people of God as he established Israel as a nation.
The top Bible curses are listed as things that you must avoid. You must live your life in such a way as to avoid ever stepping into any of these things. If you do not have a proper respect for these written curses, they will envelope your life and colour everything you do. A visit to the Yad Vashem Memorial in Israel will help you to have a proper respect for the curses declared by Moses.
Without a proper respect for these curses, you will constantly do things which will bring these curses into your life. I notice many people who do not have a proper respect for the curses in the world. It is interesting because I believe that life is largely determined by the blessings and curses that have already been spoken into the atmosphere.
People who love money and worship money as an idol are cursed, (even if they are pastors). No idol is worth worshipping. You always find a curse on people who follow money and serve it instead of serving God. Pastors who serve money instead of serving God bring a curse on themselves and their ministries.
People who give up their ministries to seek after prosperity only attract the curse on idol worshippers. They set it up in the secret places of their heart and follow it secretly instead of following God. This only brings frustration, emptiness and misfortune. And that is a curse!
All through the Bible, it is this one thing that invokes God’s anger. You will notice that God never commented on the number of wives Abraham, Isaac, David, Jacob and Solomon had. But He was furious about their gods. God is always angry when you have an alternative to Him. God is always angry when there is something or someone else that can make you move, sacrifice and change your life. When God is not able to make you move and do things for Him but money and jobs are able to do that, He is angered because He recognizes you have another god.
CURSED IS THE MAN WHO MAKES AN IDOL or a molten image, an abomination to the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret…
Deuteronomy 27:15 (NASB)
Ye shall make you NO IDOLS nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 26:1
THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
Exodus 20:4-5
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and IDOLATERS, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Revelation 21:8
CURSED IS HE WHO DISHONORS HIS FATHER OR MOTHER. And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
Deuteronomy 27:16 (NASB)
Whoso curseth his father or his mother, HIS LAMP shall be put out in OBSCURE DARKNESS.
Proverbs 20:20
For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
Mark 7:10
Dishonouring parents will draw curses faster than most things. Your lamp will go out and you will enter obscurity and darkness when you dishonour fathers. The power of God is unleashed upon those who have no time to fear and respect fathers. A father is a God-ordained position. It is a heavily defended, fortified, spiritual place. Disrespect and disregard for that place have great consequences. Watch out for those who turn off the lamp in their lives by dishonouring their fathers and their mothers.
BUT CURSED BE THE DECEIVER, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the LORD a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.
Malachi 1:14
Then Joshua called for them and spoke to them, saying, “WHY HAVE YOU DECEIVED US, saying, ‘We are very far from you,’ when you are living within our land? NOW THEREFORE, YOU ARE CURSED, and you shall never cease being slaves, both hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of my God.”
Joshua 9:22-23 (NASB)
There is a curse for those who deceive. Don’t join them. If you passed your exams by cheating, you have provoked a curse. You may have had eight “A”s but it is a cursed set of “A”s. Your future is cursed because you obtained those “A”s through deception.
Do not cheat during elections. There is a curse for those who cheat to gain power. You may be in power but you will be cursed because you cheated to win the elections. You must fear God’s word. You must fear stealing, you must fear cheating. You must fear the coming of the curse.
It is not easy to pray your way out of an accursed situation. It is not easy to deliver people who have cursed themselves by cheating and stealing. Pastors often waste their time praying for accursed people. There are often no results for such prayers.
When men of God pray for accursed people, it looks as though the pastor is powerless to deliver the people. It is not easy for anyone to dislodge a legitimate and well-deserved curse.
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, SO THE CURSE CAUSELESS SHALL NOT COME.
Proverbs 26:2
Some nations are blessed with honest and sacrificial leaders who labour to build their countries and help the ordinary people. On the other hand, many nations have been run by thieves who have stolen the wealth of their nations. They have systematically stolen the monies of their countries. Some of these thieves are more sophisticated than others. Some steal openly and others steal in a remarkably subtle and clever way. Whatever the style of stealing, it always attracts a curse. There is a curse on thieves and that curse is proclaimed by God. This curse on thieves cannot be averted by a prophet who prophesies good things to governmental thieves. This is why politicians who have stolen the wealth of nations rarely enjoy their booty. They and their families are plagued with curses and are unable to climb out of their damnation. You will never be a thief by the grace of God! And this curse will never come upon you!
Then said he unto me, THIS IS THE CURSE that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: FOR EVERY ONE THAT STEALETH shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
Zechariah 5:3-4
Then said he unto me, THIS IS THE CURSE that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it. I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house OF HIM THAT SWEARETH FALSELY by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
Zechariah 5:3-4
Most people tell lies and think nothing of it. But there is a curse on all liars. You must have a proper fear of telling lies. There is a curse on all liars. You must avoid telling lies if you want to avoid curses. Many democratic politicians tell lies to the people. They go on television defending things they do not even believe themselves. They know that what they are saying is untrue but they persist in it in order to be politically correct. Lying politicians must keep looking out of the window to see if the curse is arriving at their gates. The curse will surely come to those who live their lives by peddling deception.
The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me: and disguiseth his face. In the dark THEY DIG THROUGH HOUSES, WHICH THEY HAD MARKED FOR THEMSELVES IN THE DAYTIME: they know not the light.
For the morning is to them even as the shadow of death: if one know them, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death. He is swift as the waters; THEIR PORTION IS CURSED IN THE EARTH: he beholdeth not the way of the vineyards.
Job 24:14-18
There is a curse on armed thieves who go around from house to house, killing and stealing. The curse multiplies in every nation as the number of armed thieves multiplies. In many nations there are no walls around the house. People dwell in safety and have no need of walls. In many places, however, there is a need for high walls, security cameras, fierce dogs and electric fencing. Surely, the wrath of God is on all armed robbers and they are cursed in every mission they undertake.
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. YE ARE CURSED WITH A CURSE: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:8-10
There is a curse on non-tithers. My book on tithing 1has a list of curses that belong to people that do not pay tithes. These curses include frustration, poverty, war, crop failure, harvest failure, sickness, misery and death.
But it shall come to pass, IF THOU WILT NOT HEARKEN unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON THEE, and overtake thee:
Deuteronomy 28:15
The curses for disobedience are horrific. You do not want to know the curses that are lined up for people who disobey the Word. If we knew how powerful the Word of God was, we would make the best efforts to obey it. Decide to be an obedient person so that the curse that follows disobedience will pass over you and not harm you.
1Why Non-Tithing Christians Become Poor and How Tithing Christians Can Become Rich
CURSED IS HE WHO MISLEADS A BLIND PERSON on the road … Cursed is he who distorts the justice due an alien, orphan, and widow…
Deuteronomy 27:18-19 (NASB)
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, YE CURSED, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:41-43
The handicapped and the weak are special people to the Lord. God is on the side of those who are weak and handicapped in any way. Anyone who misleads a blind person is cursed. Anyone who distorts justice due foreigners is cursed. Anyone who mistreats orphans is cursed. Anyone who mishandles a widow is cursed. Watch out in your dealings with any of these groups of people. There are many problems in this world. You do not need to compound the problems of your life by mistreating any of these groups of people. If you do not want to give them anything, just pass on and leave them alone. But do not mishandle them, for God will protect them and smite you with the sword of His angel.
Be especially careful with foreigners who do not understand your language. Foreigners are often mistreated and cheated. As they say, “a visitor has eyes but does not see”. Visitors, strangers, foreigners and aliens have a grace over their lives that will provoke divine judgment if you mishandle them.
There is a curse for those who trust in man instead of trusting God. Place your trust in God and have faith that He will take care of you.
Thus saith the LORD; CURSED BE THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.
Jeremiah 17:5-6
There is a curse for preachers who do not preach the truth. All pastors should take note of the need to speak the truth and preach the right things. Failure to preach the right things does not only result in your church not growing but also attracts a curse.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.
Galatians 1:8
And now this commandment is for you, O PRIESTS. “If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to my name,” says the Lord of hosts, “THEN I WILL SEND THE CURSE upon you and I will curse your blessings; and indeed, I have cursed them already, because you are not taking it to heart.”
Malachi 2:1-2 (NASB)
Because ye have said, The Lord hath raised us up prophets in Babylon; Know that thus saith the Lord of the king that sitteth upon the throne of David, and of all the people that dwelleth in this city, and of your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captivity;
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.
Jeremiah 29:15-19
Wicked people are cursed. When you are wicked to someone expect a curse to follow you or to happen to you one day. All the wicked rulers of the world who have mercilessly murdered and tortured people are cursed. Their curses are multiplied because the people they hurt also spoke curses on them. This is why the frustration in the world is multiplied. Many families are connected to wicked people, liars and thieves. It is difficult to come into this world without encountering a curse somewhere close by.
THE CURSE OF THE LORD IS IN THE HOUSE OF THE WICKED: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
Proverbs 3:33
Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, CURSE YE BITTERLY THE INHABITANTS THEREOF; BECAUSE THEY CAME NOT TO THE HELP OF THE LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.
Judges 5:23
Avoid the curse on those who do not come to help the work of the Lord. It is a curse to see the work of the Lord needing help and to close your heart to those needs. You must rise up and get involved. Do not hold back your life, your money or your time. It is a curse to hide yourself when souls are perishing. Perhaps this explains the frustration that people feel as they live their lives in guilt, knowing every day that they should have served the Lord instead of building their own personal empires.
HE THAT WITHHOLDETH CORN, THE PEOPLE SHALL CURSE HIM: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
Proverbs 11:26
He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: BUT HE THAT HIDETH HIS EYES SHALL HAVE MANY A CURSE.
Proverbs 28:27
This is another warning for politicians who specialize in deception. There are those who can deceptively explain on television that the green colour you are looking at is actually red.
Proverbs 24:24
The EYE ALSO OF THE ADULTERER waiteth for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me: and disguiseth his face.
He is swift as the waters; THEIR PORTION IS CURSED in the earth: he beholdeth not the way of the vineyards.
Job 24:15,18
And ye, in any wise KEEP YOURSELVES FROM THE ACCURSED THING, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.
Joshua 6:18
Those who possess accursed things can draw curses into their lives. It is important not to bring charms, curios, images and idols into your house, lest you create a home for an evil spirit and a curse. Since there are things that are accursed but hidden from us, it is important to pray general prayers to bind the influence of any cursed object in your life.
I take authority over every accursed object that may have entered your house accidentally. Be free from every curse and lurking evil spirit. It will have no effect over you. We return to sender all wickedness. We undo the spells, incantations, charms and evil plans that are determined against you in the name of Jesus. Today marks the end of the power of darkness in your life. You are set free from this very moment.
CURSED BE HE THAT LIETH WITH HIS SISTER, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Deuteronomy 27:22
Do not have sex with your sister or brother. Some of the problems we pray about have no solutions because there are fixed curses that have come about from the sin of incest. In our different evangelistic campaigns, I have travelled to places where incest is common. Brothers and sisters are made to have sex with each other and even marry each other.
The curse for these practices was also evident. These cities had unusual and frightening diseases. The most debasing and humiliating conditions any human being could ever have were prevalent in towns where incest was also common.
Watch out for your life as you play around with these curses!
Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Deuteronomy 27:21
Beware of having sex with animals. It brings on you a curse. Do not joke or toy with these divine laws. There is no need to end your life or bring upon yourself a great difficulty by having sex with a dog or a cat. It may seem like a joke to you but a frightening curse may be your portion because of this. Some Western nations are seeking to legalize these actions as well as to be able to marry an animal. The end of all this will be fire and brimstone.
Call now, if there be any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints wilt thou turn? For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one. I have seen the foolish taking root: BUT SUDDENLY I CURSED HIS HABITATION.
His children are far from safety, and they are crushed in the gate, neither is there any to deliver them. Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the robber swalloweth up their substance.
Job 5:1-5
And David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son:
(Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is written in the book of Jasher.)
The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy high places: how are the mighty fallen!
Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.
Ye MOUNTAINS OF GILBOA, LET THERE BE NO DEW, NEITHER LET THERE BE RAIN, UPON YOU, NOR FIELDS OF OFFERINGS: for there the shield of the mighty is vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, as though he had not been anointed with oil.
From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not empty.
Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights, who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.
How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, thou was slain in thine high places. I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!
2 Samuel 1:17-27
The earth mourns and withers, the world fades and withers, the exalted of the people of the earth fade away.
THE EARTH IS ALSO POLLUTED BY ITS INHABITANTS, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant.
THEREFORE, A CURSE DEVOURS THE EARTH, AND THOSE WHO LIVE IN IT ARE HELD GUILTY. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left.
Isaiah 24:4-6 (NASB)
The people who destroy the earth through deforestation, pollution, war, nuclear waste, chemical waste, industrialization and many other human inventions are cursed for destroying the earth. The ozone layer is destroyed, our rivers are polluted, the earth is over-heating and the climate is modified, all leading to the destruction of the earth.
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; AND SHOULDEST DESTROY THEM WHICH DESTROY THE EARTH.
Revelation 11:18
God does not take lightly the destruction of this beautiful planet that He has created. The the bombs, the guns, the missiles, the experiments, the chemicals and even the viruses that man has created, are destroying the earth and are bringing a curse on mankind.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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