#hawkheart wc
lemnnshark · 5 months
"Hawkheart is a stone-gray tom with flecks of darker brown fur, yellow eyes, and graying whiskers."
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night-patrol · 1 year
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murkshade · 1 year
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we love warrior medicine cats so bad in this house
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exocynraku · 4 months
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mordarkatter · 3 months
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Have some enby kitties Cats in order(ish?): Hawkheart, Briarlight, Smudge, Silverstream, Princess, Crookedstar
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coastalraccoon · 3 months
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ID in alt text.
I present to you an idea I've had for years: Toba the Tura with Mudclaw and Hawkheart. I've started an animatic for it, which I doubt I'll finish, but I wanted to make something with the designs because I like them.
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frosted-leaf · 6 months
if your requests are open, and you are yet to have drawn him, can you do runningnose
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YES tumblr user runn1ngn0se
+ some other cats suggested to me
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Writings of NettleClan #2- Bumbletumble
Bumbletumble Oneshot
The sky was crimson, and the trees were black.
Bumbletumble padded down the seemingly endless trail, mentally taking note of the way it weaved and winded around the decaying trees. The air, which felt stuffy and thick, was filled with the sour scent of death. The scent of prey gone bad.
Sensing a presence before her, Bumbletumble paused. She looked forward, keeping her ears perked and nose twitching in interest.
A brown and white she-cat stood a few lengths away, her tail swaying back and forth. Blood dripped onto the ground from a long, deep wound in her belly. 
"No..." Bumbletumble whispered, taking a step back. "Hazelstar, please, I'm sorr-"
It was like she just blinked, and next thing she knew Hazelstar was on top of her, front paws on her throat. Bumbletumble writhed and gasped, letting out ragged sobs and doing anything in her power to push the stocky she-cat off of her. A cold feeling of dread filled her when she put her own paws onto Hazelstar's chest, only to see them stained with blood.
When she looked up at Hazelstar's face, it had morphed and distorted into a disturbing version of itself. The satisfied grin on the former leader's face widened as she pressed down harder on Bumbletumble's throat, making her world fade to black around her.
"Go ahead, Bumble, push me off. Kill me if you want to." She taunted. "You already have blood on your paws anyway."
As Bumbletumble's vision faded out completely, Hazelstar had some final words for her.
"You'll end up in the same place as me, anyway."
With a gasp, Bumbletumble jolted awake. She looked around, fur bristled and eyes wide, before realizing she was snuggled safely in the warrior's den. The familiar sights and scents of her clanmates' pelts huddled around her, soft snores heard.
Another nightmare.
Another star-damned nightmare.
Panting, Bumbletumble looked down at her paws, expecting the dark red stains to be there. To her relief, they were clean.
At least, physically.
She knew she hadn't been herself lately. Dewshade, Hazybloom, and Ambershard's deaths had put her mind in a horrible haze. Every single day she felt like her mind was filled with a thick cloud of smoke she couldn't get rid of. Her heart felt heavy, and sometimes just getting through the day proved itself to be a daunting task. She spent most of her time shuffling around camp nowadays, fixing up dens and picking up loose debris. 
One of the things she recently found out she enjoyed was making toys out of moss, sticks, and leaves for the kits. Well, kit. Alderkit was the only one in the nursery right now. 
Hauling herself to her paws, Bumbletumble left the warrior's den. She was careful not to step on any loose tails or paws as she made her way to the clearing.
She looked up at the moon. Judging by its placement, it was early morning.
Bumbletumble sighed, quietly making her way to the entrance. All she needed was some water. She could feel how damp her fur was from sweating so much.
But it's hot, She thought, trying to reason with herself and pry her wandering thoughts away from her nightmare. We have so many warriors. That's a lot of fur...
She continued, soon stopping when she reached the river's edge. The current was calm, meaning the water was safe to drink.
As Bumbletumble leaned down, lapping at the cool water and holding back a purr when the soothing liquid flowed down her throat, a voice behind her made her flinch.
Bumbletumble turned, smiling when she realized it was only Hawkheart. Her son returned the smile as he trotted over to her, sitting beside her and pressing his head against her shoulder. 
"You should be asleep," Bumbletumble murmured, rasping her tongue over Hawkheart's head to fix some ruffled fur. "Did you follow me?"
"I saw you leave." Hawkheart replied, so fast it was almost like he knew what Bumbletumble was going to say. "I wanted to make sure you were okay...You've been looking so tired...Meadowbreeze and I are worried."
Bumbletumble nodded, a low hum escaping her as she looked away.
"I'll be alright," She said, her voice gentle. "I just have a lot of thoughts..."
Her gaze wandered, settling in the direction of NettleClan's burial grounds. So many cats she loved and cherished lay there, including her littermates, her father, and her own son.
Hawkheart followed his mother's gaze, whiskers twitching. He made a noise, frowning.
"I miss Maplekit sometimes." He finally stated after a moment of silence. 
"I miss him too. I miss him every day." Bumbletumble replied, drawing her ears back slightly. "It's a shame. You two would've been amazing warriors together..." 
"Will you ever have more kits?" Hawkheart asked, looking up at Bumbletumble with a hopeful glint in his eyes. 
Bumbletumble smirked, touching her nose to Hawkheart's. "Maaaybe. Who knows, maybe you have more siblings on the way now!" She purred in amusement, making Hawkheart giggle. "It all depends on your father, really."
"What's my father like? What's his name?"
Bumbletumble chuckled. "Curious tonight, are we? Well, his name is Hayquill. He was a clancat, a QuailClan cat to be exact, but decided that the life of a loner is better for him. Surprisingly he looks nothing like you...He's gray."
Hawkheart nodded, listening intently. "Is he nice?"
"Oh, very. You remind me so much of him..." Bumbletumble replied. "You're both very troublesome, but...You're both kind. And gentle...I couldn't ask for better cats in my life. You two...And Meadowbreeze, of course...Mean the world to me."
"Aww, mama..." Hawkheart's expression softened, and for just a moment Bumbletumble saw the same little kit who used to wake her up in the middle of the night. The same kit who, upon finding out Maplekit was sick, made sure his brother had the softest moss and tastiest prey. The same kit who Bumbletumble stayed up with for hours on the night before his apprentice ceremony, talking about his fears, his wants, his dreams. 
The same kit she loved so much.
Trying to hide her forming tears, Bumbletumble nuzzled into Hawkheart's fur, purring loudly when he returned the gesture. "I love you." She told him.
"I love you too, Mama. A lot of us do. Please don't forget that."
The two cats remained there for a long, long while, talking quietly and sharing tongues until the moon began to set.
For the first time in a long while, Bumbletumble's heart felt lighter, even if only for a brief moment. And she was grateful. 
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chocosnowflake0 · 8 months
the one y'killed
hawkheart x moonflower
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cavernclaw · 11 months
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michi-i · 4 months
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Runningnose and Hawkheart
Them :)
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clanslist · 10 months
Medical Mayhem - Mudfur vs. Hawkheart
Two toms- ex-warriors turned medicine cats- but only one winner...
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thrushername-designs · 7 months
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murkshade · 1 year
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members of the warrior turned medicine cat club
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exocynraku · 1 year
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roadeaterr · 1 year
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goosefeather design for an au im currently working on! i nicknamed it the father goose au, the premise is that snowfur and bluestar are the children of a forbidden relationship between goosefeather and hawkheart ! the au is currently a mess and im still trying to work stuff out but!!! 😋😋
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