Hi hi so not a request but I thought of something and I wanted to share it with you:
So just imagine ur Dilucs s/o and he’s like closing up the tavern for the night and Barbara comes up to him and tells him that you’re at the church graveyard so he goes there to find you and he sees you putting flowers and gifts on his fathers grave🥺🥺🥺 And Diluc was already planning to propose to you soon but he’s so overwhelmed with love for u that he just proposes on the spot😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
-🪐 anon
hello, Saturn! If you don’t mind, let’s get some EMOTIONS going! 
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Diluc couldn’t understand what would draw you to the graveyard so late at night. There wasn’t much there other than to offer well wishes for the dead, and as far as he knew you hadn’t lost anyone. 
The night was perfect. The summer air still had hints of the spring and even the stars came out to shine down on the free people of Mondstadt. The moon basked the city in a white glow and gave him more than enough light to see by, even as the lamps began to fade. 
When he passed by the church and saw you standing near the back corner he admired just how stunning you were. It stalled his heart and made him sigh. That’s when he noticed the flowers which you neatly arranged around one of the tombstones, but who’s? As he took a few steps forward he knew. His feet stuck to the ground mid-stride, his heart clenched and his lips parted at the understanding. You brushed your hands gently over the tombstone and were placing flowers neatly, delicately, lovingly over his father's grave. 
Like an invisible tether, he was pulled toward you and when he heard you speak he felt his knees grow weak and everything else in the world lost all its sound. 
“... He’s so good. He’s such a beautiful person who cares deeply for this city and I know he got that from you. I think, if you could see him now, you’d be proud of the man he has become. I know I am. I love him, and I’m able to love him because of you. I hope you don’t mind.” 
“He wouldn’t mind.” You turn at the sound of Diluc’s voice and wipe away the tears which had begun to fall. 
“Diluc, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude ... I just ...” 
He walked toward you and rested his hand on his father’s tombstone before looking at you. He lifted your chin and the emotion in his voice made it difficult for him to speak, “He would have loved you. I know he would’ve because ... I love you.” 
Reaching into his jacket pocket he knelt before you. In his hands, he held a small wooden box and as he opened it he watched the joy in your face shine brighter than the moon itself. 
“Before the eyes of my father, I ask for your hand. Please, do me the honor of being mine for the rest of our lives.” 
Dropping to your knees and covering your face you gave him the answer which made him the happiest man in all of Teyvat. 
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allcnaprograms · 4 years
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Make certain to LIKE, REMARK, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos:-RRB-. STORE OUR MERCH: https://www.ragz2ritchezent.com/ ♥ MY CONNECTS ♥. ———————-. INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hazeltherapper/ https://www.instagram.com/ragz2ritchez/ ———————-. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hazelsmusic https://twitter.com/RAGZ2RITCHEZ ———————-. TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/hazelsmusic ———————-. SNAPCHAT: @hazelsmusic7. Video modified by: Dirtyloza510 Thank you for all your constant support!!
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Not a request, but a small headcanon. Hope that's okay ☺
But, speaking of Kaeya's love poem, it got me thinking that Diluc would probably be top tier when it comes to writing love poems. I feel like since he's rather emotionally constipated he could convey his feelings better in written form. Imagine him during the after hours of the windblume festival and he's feeling a bit romantic, thinks of his s/o and writes something really beautiful in his office on fine parchment and seals it with wax. But never sends it. Just keeps them hidden in his drawer for now.
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Diluc had been contemplating for days whether or not to pass on his affections which he delicately transcribed onto a piece of parchment. He had every intention of giving it to you, but each time the opportunity arose the nerves in him pulled his thoughts back to fear, and even as he placed his hands over the note in his jacket he couldn’t make the final move. 
He loved you. He knew he loved you, but because he wasn’t the best at explaining those feelings and often slow when it came to physical admissions of his yearning for you, he felt the next best thing was to use the Windblume Festival to relay his innermost thoughts. 
Even after the time of the festival came and went, he couldn’t work up the nerve to give you the letter. He was so brave when it came to fighting monsters and hunting down the answers he sought, but he was a coward when it came to telling you everything he ever wanted. Instead, he sat at his desk, the light of the final day to speak your truth and spill your heart was dipping below the cliffs and filling the room in a pinkish, orange hue. Just like you did to him. 
He pulled open the drawer and shifted the letter from his breast pocket, looking at it one more time. The fine lettering of your name on the front and the detailed seal, which he spent far too long deciding on, closing his feelings inside for all eternity. How can something so small weigh so much in his hand. Delicately, he placed the letter in the drawer, and there it rested; on top of several other unsent letters and confessions of his heart, this letter joined the collection. 
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since ghosts canonly exist in genshin, technically from the death angst fic, reader could just come back like 'wassup shawty'
haha, you may be right! 
(because I love Zhongli so much and his broke me a bit ...) 
--- (short story below the cut) (comfort - continuation of ‘Stay’)
Hu Tao did everything she could to make the process easier. She chose the best eternal bed for you, she dressed you in the finest clothes, she made you look beautiful in your eternal sleep. Even though it was still hard, and the anguish of Zhongli could be felt in every patron of the funeral parlor, she wished there could be more she could do. Then, an idea came to her ... 
She watched as Zhongli stepped silently up the path, his hands dangling by his sides and head lethargically bobbing up and down. She hoped this plan would bring him relief instead of pain; she was starting to miss his stories, he wasn’t the same without you. 
The two of them made their way into the chamber, his eyes barely registering they were anywhere other than the small room he’d spent the last numbing days, the room with little light, the room without you. 
“You’ll have to take the final steps yourself. Just follow the path, I’ll be here when you’re ready.” Hu Tao sat on one of the many stone pillars broken and scattered around the entrance and watched as Zhongli, with labored steps, make his way toward the place she hoped would bring the light back into his eyes. 
As he followed the overgrown path, his eyes glancing here and there but never truly focusing on anything, he wondered what could possibly have made the vivacious director bring him to this desolate place. Once he reached the top and looked out over the vast nothingness of the mist, he heard it. Your voice. 
“Zhongli.” He turned in an instant and out of the bright light, you stepped onto the cobblestone. Your form as beautiful as the morning he last saw you, your smile glorious and perfect. 
The smile that grew across his lips and the tears of joy, of love which fell from his eyes, would make the most hardened stone break. Your ghostly specter walked to him with hands extended. “My dear ...” He choked and closed his eyes. “How I’ve missed you.” 
Through silent sobs, he was able to speak with you one last time, he was able to listen to your voice and say goodbye, and after hours in the lightened mist he descended toward the entrance, hands resting in their place and unsaid words finally spoken.
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Hazel my beloved! please do me a favor and drop off these dandelion seeds I gathered. I took a commission from a certain Mr. Ragnvindr buuuuut oh no!! I'm busy and suddenly have to go get some mint from Dragonspine and can't drop them off! Haha, I need to plan better next time but I'm sure you will be able to drop them off just fine!
Also maybe stop by Good Hunter's too because he needs it straight away but by the time you're dropping off the dandelion seeds it might already be lunchtime tomorrow! So it'd only be nice to stop and have a meal with him too nodnod
But, funny coinky dinks aside--
What made you fall for Diluc?
“P-Peep.” I called out out after them but they were already bouncing down the steps and toward the entrance to Mond. “Peep!” I was shaking, nervous, and held onto the small bottle they gave me. Inside were dandelion seeds so fluffy they filled up the semi-transparent brown container but there was no way I would be able to give them to ... to him. Peep whyyyy!!!
Turning, I made my way toward Angels Share. There were plenty of times I thought about turning around but Peep asked me, trusted me to complete their commission. It was just a drop-off right and he might not even be there. With a shaky sigh, I grabbed the handle and pushed it open. 
“Welcome in, how can I -” My hand was still on the doorknob when our eyes met. He stopped what he was doing, I stopped breathing. Come on, Hazel.
“Hey, Diluc.” My voice was a bit higher than I anticipated even if it was dreadfully quiet. Walking toward the bar I fussed with my hair, slipping my fingers into my bangs and tossing them over itself out of habit. “I um, sorry you look busy.” My fingers tightened around the bottle but when I noticed the tavern was more like a ghost-town than a lively place to stop, I wanted to kick myself for what I said. 
“I have some time, it’s no bother.” He placed the cup back on the rack before turning toward me. His hand resting on the counter, fingers sprawled to help steady himself. 
“Right. So, um, Peep said you posted a commission for dandelion seeds?” He hummed and I continued. “They weren’t able to bring it so they asked ... well they saw me and asked if I could ... anyway ...” I extended the bottle to him, swallowing as he took it from my grip and tensing when his fingers grazed mine. 
“T-Thank you.” 
“Mmhm.” I bit the nail of my thumb, eyes scanning the room. I was desperate to spend more time with him and that’s when I heard Peep’s voice in my head. ‘Stop by Good Hunter ... it might be lunchtime ...’ well it was lunch and I hadn’t eaten yet ... so maybe?
“Um.” We both spoke at the same time and the battle of ‘no you first,’ ‘please go ahead’ seemed to break the tension. Laughing, I fixed my glasses and took my chance. “I don’t know if you have time but, if you’re hungry would you like to join me in getting a quick bite at Good Hunter? I still have potions to make but ... um, a break could be good.” 
I waited, watched and held my breath. Diluc turned and placed the seeds on a high counter and I thought long and hard about bolting through the door. “It appears we are equally occupied. However,” He reached for his coat and I stared transfixed as he slid his arms through it. “I can spare a few moments.” 
He chuckled, making his way toward me and when I followed after him I felt the heat radiating from his chest as he opened the door for me. “Shall we be on our way?” 
How did I feel about Diluc, Peep? 
I love him.
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HAHA LMAO the first words prompt was amazing. consider kaeya catching wind that the child said "taeya" first and immediately finding diluc to be all "oh? seems like your child has mentioned me before you, dear diluc :)c" before getting hit into oblivion by baseball-star-diluc - firsts anon
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“Kaeya!” Diluc’s voice echoed throughout the city. The citizens pushed themselves out of his way as he labored his way through the streets. He had a dangerous look in his eye and was gripping onto his weapon tightly. 
Kaeya saw him from one of the upper levels and strutted his way down to Diluc. A smile on his face. 
When the two squared off in the middle of the city they knew it wouldn’t be a private affair as interested, nosy citizens poked their way around the buildings and stumbled over one another to get a good look. 
“What seems to be the problem?” Kaeya’s voice was painted in silver as he stared into Diluc’s eyes. 
“How does my son know your name?” 
“Oh, whatever do you mean?” 
“He said your name.” Diluc was shaking and the prying eyes were practically eating popcorn. 
“Aaah, well now isn’t that a surprise. My dear brother,” he paused and placed his hand on Diluc’s shoulder, “when can I expect my first ‘uncle’ gift?” 
“Kaeya...” Diluc grabbed his shirt and, if looks could kill, well, Diluc’s would be that powerful. 
In the Knights of Favonious headquarters, Jean had a sudden slew of knights rushing through her doors explaining there was something dangerous happening just outside. 
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based on this
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what is a windblume?
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Thank you for everyone who shared with me your Windblume festival flower choice - I gift this to you as a thanks 💮💮💮
We shall sing into the sky and lift it with our voices, our memories and wishes of what was and is to be 
We shall dream of wind and flowers 
What is a flower in relation to the expression of freedom? 
Well, that is up to the Windblume Star to decide - a difficult and personal choice, which must come from a reflection of their honesty. 
No flower is incorrect, no expression better than another. The choice itself is the essence of the freedom. So, who do you choose to be, how is your freedom expressed? 
For those who chose the Dandelion - 
Their spirits ride the wind and speak kindness to the fields. 
They hold hope in their hands, delicately and earnestly as if it is the most important component of the soul. 
These people spread, far and wide, with their love, and shout bold wishes to experience the freedom of drifting on air. 
For those who chose the Windwheel Aster - 
They are the embodiment of the wind, wild and free, powerful and refreshing. 
An aster which flourishes in the places where things are gentle and nourishing, they know hardship and have learned to grow best where the wind is kind. 
They express the ever changing direction and help people know what may be drifting on the wind, a warning or a blessing. 
For those who chose the Small Lamp Grass - 
They are the leaders and guiders of lost souls, providers of a beckoning hum in the darkness, just enough to help others find their way home. 
They are subtle and lovely, never to harsh or forceful in their support.
They encourage freedom and welcome all examples of it with open, lovely arms.
For those that chose the Sweet Flower - 
They are the expression of unyielding kindness.
They spread their influence far and wide, desperately reaching to any and every speaker of freedom, and offering advice when it’s needed.
They are selfless, giving more than they take, all to bring hope and good wishes to others as their sweetness knows no bounds.
For those that chose the Wolfhook - 
They may be prickly and rough on the outside, but their insides are sweet and healing. 
You may find these hidden in more shaded places, tucked away in the brush and speckled around the base of a tired tree, and still, what secrets they hold inside, if you take the time to work through the barbs, is worth the effort 
They may look dangerous, but they are truly filled with so much potential if you dare to set them free 
So which flower is the essence of freedom? 
Which one represents the city and stands below the statue who we dedicate this festival too … it seems the answer is right in front of us, if only we tip our hat to the truth.
It is the Cecilia which rests in the heart of Mondstadt, which blows softly in the city of freedom 
A flower whose representation transcends to Celestia and basks in the everlasting glow of the Anemo Archon. 
Those who picked this flower stand where the most challenging wind blows, they walk forward in diversity, with a brightness that outshines the stars. 
They are a mystery, an enigma which cannot be captured by the most desperate of hands, they are unbound, untethered by this plane and destined for greatness. 
The Cecilia, which rests proudly at the crown of Barbados, is now displayed at his feet for all to see and remember that, sometimes, the choices we make in this life are powerful enough to shift the world.
May the wind forever push you, inspire you, lift you as you have lifted the souls of Mondstadt, and know that this decision couldn’t have been made without you.
We shall dream of wind and flowers
We shall leave our imprint on this world for we are - boundless 
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I JUST HAD THE MOST RANDOM SCENARIO IDEA Imagine reader is in the same room with their genshin s/o and they go “___ I found out why my boobs are small” “Oh? Why?” “SO YOU DO THINK THEYRE SMALL” And then the genshin characters start freaking out </3 Ive been laughing about this for ten minutes help </333
eheheheh make them SWEAT bby! 
Diluc would be so embarrassed and do everything he can to backtrack out of the conversation
Kaeya would play it off like - eh, no big I knew it was a joke
Childe would feel GOT and just have to take your jokes for weeks on it 
Zhongli would of course spout of some beautiful statement about why you are perfect just the way you are and maybe get you distracted by other things
Albedo wouldn’t get it ... he wants to know the answer, please tell him the answer 
Xiao wouldn’t want to talk about it ... he’d get super embarrassed by the word boob
Venti also doesn’t give a FFF he’s like - let’s test and see those sizes *wink wink* my hands are the perfect measuring tape hehehe 
(honestly though, I think small boobs are so cute like wow 😍 ) 
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is this all i have?
^ hey all, a little different fic I have for you today.
If you decide to read it, it’ll give you some insight into why I haven’t been posting a lot ... it says more than I probably would normally share about my struggles but @genshin-karebear encouraged me to be honest and, so, here I am. (thank you, friend)
Warnings -> negative self-talk, comfort, one curse word 
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I sat at my desk, head in my hands and tears on the verge of spilling over the edges of my eyes. For days I’d been struggling, frantically, painfully trying to get back into the swing of things with nothing to show for it other than tear stained clothes and empty pieces of paper.
Where did it all go? Where was the spark that used to ignite in my heart when I sat down to write the words which once came so easy? Am I spent, have I used up all that skill in a matter of months … what’s wrong with me.
A single tear cascaded down my cheek as I stared at the massive nothingness that lay before me. The taunting paper which looked back at like a score card of failures after failures, as if to remind me that I will never be a person worthy of it’s time. I rubbed my eyes, pushing my glasses over my brow and feeling the hot liquid which rested in them, this would be the tenth time I’ve done this today.
“I’m just spent and I don’t know what I’m going to do anymore.” My lip quivered, my cheeks became wet, my eyes blurry. “I’m a failure.” I whispered to myself shaking my head and holding onto the last ounce of energy I could muster - it didn’t matter that the sun was warm and shined through my window, there was nothing strong enough to push through my veil of despair.
I looked out the window and saw the world move on around me; it never waits, while it pushes on I’m left behind. The trees continue to spread out their leaves in an attempt to soak up the necessary nutrients they need to survive, seeds float on the wind looking for a place to rest, bugs move from place to place at random, the cat lounges on the chair lost in its dreams as its fur is warmed by the sun I cannot seem to feel. I’m jealous of that cat.
I contemplate getting up and doing something different, but there is a voice inside of me that tells me to push through, to keep going and write something - put anything down on this piece of paper. Fuck you, paper … you are nothing to me and yet you have total control over my pen. I’m angry and frustrated at an inanimate object when I should really be mad at myself. It’s my fault I cannot get anything out --- I’m broken, that must be the only answer.
The tears have all fallen, water droplets speckle the parchment and my eyes look onward without any ounce of life left. I feel empty and hollow, I have no more energy for it all and so I lay down the pen, drop my head to the table and close my eyes.
I don’t know how long I sit like this, time has been moving so slowly for me as of late that this feels like nothing new. I don’t even hear the sound of the door opening, or footsteps headed my way. In fact, I barely register there is another presence in the room until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Hazel?” I stir, but only enough to turn my head onto its side and glance at the person who called me by name, a name I didn’t feel I had the right to claim. I looked up and felt my stomach drop, of course it would be him … the one person who I continued to fail over and over again. “Are you okay?”
I bit the inside of my lip, desperate to keep my emotions in check. I hated looking weak, and complaining about my frustrations only made me feel worse. These worries and inadequacies are my own issues to deal with, there was no need to drag others down into my sorrow, so I changed the subject.
“You’re back earlier than I thought you’d be.” I leaned up from the desk and turned myself to face him. Instinctually, I placed my hand on the blank paper, an attempt to hide my shame.
“Yes, there wasn’t much for me to do, it seemed everyone had it under control and I didn’t see a need to stick around.” He placed a few items down on the table in the study. It was some of the only sounds which broke the monotony of my day. “… did I disturb your work?”
“No, I only just started.” I lied, grinning to add another layer to my coverup.
“Oh, normally you get started much earlier than this …” His observation was accurate, even if it stung a little. He was right after all, I’d been sitting at this desk since we parted ways earlier in the morning … I felt chained to it, obligated to do something worthwhile at this god forsaken wooden nightmare.
“Normally, yes. I just, uh, had some things to get done before this …”
“Well I’m sure you are eager to get started, I’ll leave you to it.” He looked down at me kindly, and I yearned to have more than just his words and kind eyes at the moment, but I knew it wouldn’t be possible to ask that of him.
“Sounds good, I’ve got a lot of ideas and think I can get some good stuff done today.” Another lie.
“I believe you will.” He looked at me and my brain screamed. It battled between the side of reaching for him and letting him go. As busy as he was, he didn’t need to be bothered by my struggles. So, in an effort to keep them under control I pushed my knuckles to the small space between my chin and lips, the nail of my index finger digging into the corner of my mouth for extra sensory support. I smiled weakly at him and watched as he made his way through the threshold, disappearing beyond my line of sight. When the door closed I stood from my chair and walked to the window, my hand extended to capture the rays of the sun which normally brought me comfort, but today only illuminated my skin.
The emotions bubbled up in my chest and, like a sad child who didn’t get what they wanted, I removed my glasses, dropped my head into my hand and cried. Soft, quiet sobs spilled from my mouth while my eyes remained shielded by the darkness of my hand. Something caught my attention and as soon as I allowed my vision to adjust to the source, dark cloth and a flash of red envelope me.
“What …?”
“I knew something wasn’t right.” His voice was so soothing, his arms tight around my body, his chest inviting and the way his hand spread across my back ... it all meshed perfectly together. “For days, you’ve been acting strange … I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner.”
“What .. what are you talking about ..?” my voice was strained, telling of my emotions, and still I tried to push through. “I’m fine, I-I just got something in my eye.”
“You know you can be honest with me.”
“I know …”
“So, tell me what’s on your mind.”
“This isn’t something to worry you over.”
“Isn’t it?” He pulled back so he could look at me and I was glad my glasses were still off. I couldn’t bear to see him clearly right now. “Something is clearly weighing on you, how could I not offer my support?
“It’s stupid, and I just need to get over it.”
“If it makes you feel this way, then whatever problem you have isn’t stupid.” He pressed, and his words, combined with the closeness of him, was starting to break my resolve. I didn’t want to put anything else on his shoulders … I didn’t want to appear weak … I didn’t want to be a failure.
“I’m … struggling.” He didn’t let me go or say anything, which made me fill the silence with my own pitiful words. 
“I’ve been trying for days to get something, anything out and every time I do the words don’t flow like they did. I’m worried … did I write all that I’m ever going to write. What if I can’t do it anymore … what if this is all I have …” The tears began to slip down my cheeks, some found a home in the bend of my lips and filled my mouth with the taste of salt. I shook my head and bit my tongue, this is stupid, I’m acting like a child. I tried to push away from him but he only tightened his grip. “God, there are so many more important things to be upset about, and here I am whining about something so petty.”
“When was the last time you took a break? Perhaps, that may help?”
“I’ve done that … I’ve taken such a long break -- I-I don’t want to take a break anymore. Why is this so hard.” I felt the pressure of my brows as they moved closer to one another, the bending of my nose as I scrunch my face out of frustration. “I’m wasting time and people are waiting on me … how long can I ask them to wait … how long do I deserve their patience …”
“Has anyone pushed you to work faster than you can?”
I parted my lips and ran my tongue over the back of my teeth, “No … but I can’t expect them to wait forever. There’s gotta be something wrong with me, right? That’s the only explanation I have at this point. I’m not good at it anymore … I’m worried and stressed and ... just ... so sad.”
His hands slipped around my arms, one resting against my shoulder and the other cupping my face. “I know this feels like an impassable obstacle, but you haven’t lost anything … you just need to give it time.”
“Haven’t I done that?”
“You told me you’ve been in here trying to force yourself everyday, have you really taken time to rest?” I shrugged my shoulders and shifted my eyes away from him.
“You don’t take breaks either …” I mumbled, my words were an effort to get even and show him how the suggestion was nothing but a silly statement that had no meaning.
“Maybe, I should.” I didn’t want to look at him, but I could tell his tone had grown more thoughtful. He let his hands fall to my wrist, the feeling of his glove against my skin was somehow comforting. “Come with me.” He gripped tightly and led me through the door of the study faster than I could protest. We walked down the stairs, confused maids and staff staring at us as we blew by them before leaving through the heavy doors of the winery and onto the dirt path which held endless possibilities of destinations. I protested, but there was no escaping his grip and, soon, all my effort was on keeping up with his pace.
When I thought I couldn’t take another step we stopped, he released my hand and with him no longer keeping me upright, I fell into the grass below me, my arms sprawled outward. I breathed in deeply and relished the feeling of the wind against my face.
“It’s been a long time since I moved that quickly.”
“How do you feel?”
“Let me get back to you on that… ” I laughed and rested my hand against my chest, the beating of my heart pounding there as I tried to breathe with hot lungs.
I looked up at the sky, the vastness of it stealing my vision and removing anything else. My skin was tickled by the blades of grass that brushed against it, and I watched as a small bee flew over my face his swaying movement mesmerizing. When was the last time I was outside like this… it felt like such a long time ago.
I stretched my hand toward the sky above me, the blue color peeking through my spread fingers, my palm cutting off the fuzzy clouds that moved lazily along. His face came into view and I realized I had yet to put my glasses back on.
He bent down to meet me, his back falling into the grass at my side, hair following the pull of gravity and spreading out in the grassy hill. 
“I can’t believe you are laying in the grass.” I chuckled and dropped my hand back onto my chest, turning my head to look at him.
“I’m known to have a few surprises up my sleeve.” He responded, turning his head to look at me, the light from above gracing his face and somehow only making him even more beautiful than he already was. It was so blinding that I had to look away.
“Hah, well, color me impressed.” For the first time in days, I feel a small reprieve from the darkness which had seeped into my skin. Something internal began to tingle, starting from my fingertips and slowly up my arms and as I took in a deep breath the smell of sweet flowers filled my nose. “Thank you, Diluc.”
He reached for the hand which was moving back and forth above the grass at my side, his strong, large grip providing protection and comfort, and for the first time in days, the feeling of warmth.
“Promise to tell me next time you are struggling; don’t hide away alone.”
“I’ll do my best.”
I feel much like Kiki did in Kiki’s Delivery Service ... how can I fly again when I feel so ... bleh 
I’ll keep trying, all <3 
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so, i realize the story quest where the siblings found each other was emotional --- but let me tell you it was nothing compared to Zhongli’s story quest... 
I never thought the words, “leaving already?” could destroy me so badly 
Zhongli deserves love and friends and anything he wants, let me hold you close - I just want you to be happy 😭😭
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Harbinger Diluc you say? YES. I wanna see Diluc snap and bust out the delusion >:)
psst listen, listen --- I got a special delivery for you 
... you had tunnel vision, only seeing what was directly in front of you. That was until you saw a hand descend on the shoulder of the Fatui operative and a flash of red that knocked the air from your lungs. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
“Master Diluc!” His name pierced your heart and you hated that. Why did he set off this reaction in your body ... didn’t you hate him, didn’t you loath him for everything he’s done ... so why did he make you so hot? 
He looked directly at you, his eyes empty but powerful like a whirlpool. “I’ll deal with this.” Reluctantly, the operative left and, now, only the two of you remained. 
“I won’t let you in.” You emphasized, adjusting your legs in preparation for a fight.
“I’m not asking to be let in.” 
“Then, what do you want?” 
He took a step forward, his long coat ghosting along the ground, hair falling around his face, highlighting the beauty of his skin, “You.” 
... 🎉 
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this isn’t a request and i don’t know if you accept random thoughts, so it’s fine if you want to ignore this but i’ve been all day thinking about scaramouche and tartaglia fighting for a girl that’s also one of the 11 harbingers and i’m sHAKING, like- IMAGINE
hahaha I love this idea - I’m all about being fought over like, don’t let me hold you back! 
Both Childe and Scara were difficult to handle already, but watching them fight over your affections made them insufferable. Their constant bickering and one-upmanship to prove who was the better choice was moving far beyond simple humor and was slipping dangerously into ‘workplace violence.’ 
“I told the both of you that I’m not interested in dating.” You pushed your way through them and continued on with your day. The bridge of your nose was starting to get a bruise with the number of times you’d pinched it.
The problem with both of them was that their ‘display of affection weren’t subtle. With Childe, he was constantly in your face trying to show you just how strong he was, how capable he was. He’d leave you lavish gifts that you knew were purchased with the Fatui bank account, or he’d try and coax you into dates at the fanciest of restaurants - even when he clearly saw you eating simple meals. 
Scara on the other hand. He was pushy in a different way. He didn’t really take no for an answer and when you put him in his place he just seemed to come crawling back. He was getting annoying with his domineering attitude, and making it quite the challenge to keep people close when he kept scaring them away. 
“I swear to the Archons if the two of you can’t get your shit together ...” 
“How about he and I fight, one-on-one? I know for a fact I’ll win.” Childe said proudly, his head tilted upward while he gazed down at the harbinger. 
“Don’t be so cocky; I’ll destroy you.” Scara fought back. 
“Whatever, just do it outside. I have work to do.” You dropped your head in your hands as you heard shouting drifting down the hallway. 
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Not a request, just something I wanted to share.
So a quick thing for context is that my OC is much shorter than Kaeya and they wear a cape.
I have a tiny headcanon that my OC and Kaeya love to mess around by hiding in each other's capes. Except Kaeya has to bend down so much that he almost has to kneel. But even so, my OC plays along and if people ask if they have seen him during these shenanigans, my OC will pretend they don't know where he is.
fufufuf - 
“Excuse me.” You turn and feel the pressure of Kaeya against your back, his head deep under your cape and body barely covered. 
“I’ve been looking for Captain Kaeya all day, is he ... Uhm, is that him...?” They point at the figure chuckling and trying hard to make himself hidden, unsuccessfully of course. 
“I haven’t seen him ...” You shrug, face relaxed and unchanging. 
“But ... I can see him.” 
“Where?” You turn and as you do, Kaeya turns with you doing his best to stifle a laugh. 
“Omg, never mind.” 
“Good luck!” You shout after them and as you see someone you know walking toward you, you turn your head to Kaeya, “Switch!” 
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I'm very sorry for bothering you and this isn't an ask, but how do you think Zhongli would react to an s/o who stays away from people and cries at affection? I don't enjoy being around people to the point I don't eat around them and I don't maintain eye contact... And I'm very sorry if this sounds like a rant or an ask...
From what I know about Zhongli, he is a very understanding person - he doesn't really force people to be anything other than what they are; he’s pretty accepting in that way. 
I’d say he’d be the most worried about you not eating when he sees you - especially if he only sees you in public, so he’d probably figure out some way to make sure you ate and be comfortable at the same time - he’d sip his tea while you ate and then wait for you to be ready to go (especially if you were going out with people to ‘eat’)
He’s also very respectful, he wouldn’t do anything intentionally to make you upset (he might not know if you don’t tell him though) - Zhongli just wants you to have a good life, and the two of you will figure out together just how that life can be achieved 
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Yo just imagine Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli with a reader who sleeps with alot of stuffed animals
I sleep with lots usually but some are in the garage because we haven't been able to find a house to move into yet 👊😔
ooooo hah! I can imagine Zhongli would be the most accepting of it honestly. He’d just push them out of the way and in the morning be surrounded by all of them lol. Kaeya might cuddle with one, idk - get him a body pillow with your image on it and he’d be all about it lol 
I hope your bed is big enough for all of them ... I mean you and your stuffed animals and one of them .. or all of them... it’s your harem lol
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Do you have like small team headcanons you adhere to when you play your game? Like how Childe, Kaeya, and Diluc are all in my team and the only reason they haven't killed each other is because Benny is keeping them all civil and they're all collectively part of Benny's Adventure Team but the snark all between them is hilarious, like, those kinds of headcanons for your own teams? (I know someone with a Hu Tao and Benny and have that "someone will die~☆" - "of fun!!!" Headcanon dynamic for them - ☆
heh -> I do think about how the characters would get along with one another when they are in the team together. 
Like, I would never put Childe and Diluc on the same team -- I couldn’t do that to Diluc ... 
Barbara is my constant glue, so she keeps everyone hydrated and kind to one another for sure. Diluc and Zhongli are very supportive of one another and would adapt to the others fighting styles to help where needed: Zhongli creates a barrier and ‘stuns’ the enemies so Diluc can smacky smacky. Barbara boosts their attack and keeps them at max HP. 
Some other things I do is think about the characters outside of combat too? Like I refuse to have Ganyu kill any animal because I remember he mentioning her diet is very plant-based, so only Fischl kills da birds/boars. I don’t run with Zhongli because he’s too proper to dash like that, I mostly play Diluc on Dragonspine because he’s the only one prepared for that type of weather lol - you know, these kinds of things. 
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