#hazin hotel predictions
my hazbin predictions:
Sir Pentious will be the one to die. He’ll die doing something noble (sacrificing himself for his friends, I presume) which will be the final step in his redemption. He’ll be brought back to life and he and the egg bois will go to heaven as the first success story of the hotel. There will be a visual gag of the egg bois running around heaven, all with halos.
Angel will be offered heaven, however he will refuse because he wants to stay with his friends and help more people gain redemption like he did at the hotel (plus he wants to help free Husk). It will be revealed this was a final test and his rejecting heaven means he passed. Either he will be forced to go to heaven and this will drive conflict in season 2 or (most likely) as a gift from heaven his contract with Val will be nullified, perhaps with Val punished. Less poetically: Charlie finally kills Val, which frees angel.
Charlie goes slightly evil bc of emotion. Perhaps she is the one who lashes out with violence and Sir Pentious steps in front of someone to take this blow, and this is what kills him, not the angels. Charlie then has to deal with the fact that she killed her friend and a person she was trying to help. (Plus the biblical connotations of Lucifer’s daughter slaying a snake is poetic af)
Vaggie takes out that one angel’s eye (an eye for an eye, plus it makes sense with the X costume design)
It’s revealed that Alastor is under contract of Lilith and that’s why he’s so dedicated to helping Charlie. Either lilith forces him to be supportive of charlie OR lilith is using the hotel in some evil dastardly way and is forcing alastor to be a little mole and betray all his friends.
Lilith is working with heaven and is possibly an angel. She may be the first example of a soul’s redemption (maybe she was approved by adam bc he thought she was hot and now she’s being evil from inside heaven). This will further work against Charlie’s mission and reverse any progress Charlie has made in the eyes of the angels bc Lilith’s redemption backfired.
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