#potential spoilers i guess??
my hazbin predictions:
Sir Pentious will be the one to die. He’ll die doing something noble (sacrificing himself for his friends, I presume) which will be the final step in his redemption. He’ll be brought back to life and he and the egg bois will go to heaven as the first success story of the hotel. There will be a visual gag of the egg bois running around heaven, all with halos.
Angel will be offered heaven, however he will refuse because he wants to stay with his friends and help more people gain redemption like he did at the hotel (plus he wants to help free Husk). It will be revealed this was a final test and his rejecting heaven means he passed. Either he will be forced to go to heaven and this will drive conflict in season 2 or (most likely) as a gift from heaven his contract with Val will be nullified, perhaps with Val punished. Less poetically: Charlie finally kills Val, which frees angel.
Charlie goes slightly evil bc of emotion. Perhaps she is the one who lashes out with violence and Sir Pentious steps in front of someone to take this blow, and this is what kills him, not the angels. Charlie then has to deal with the fact that she killed her friend and a person she was trying to help. (Plus the biblical connotations of Lucifer’s daughter slaying a snake is poetic af)
Vaggie takes out that one angel’s eye (an eye for an eye, plus it makes sense with the X costume design)
It’s revealed that Alastor is under contract of Lilith and that’s why he’s so dedicated to helping Charlie. Either lilith forces him to be supportive of charlie OR lilith is using the hotel in some evil dastardly way and is forcing alastor to be a little mole and betray all his friends.
Lilith is working with heaven and is possibly an angel. She may be the first example of a soul’s redemption (maybe she was approved by adam bc he thought she was hot and now she’s being evil from inside heaven). This will further work against Charlie’s mission and reverse any progress Charlie has made in the eyes of the angels bc Lilith’s redemption backfired.
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nnobodoodles · 5 months
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So I randomly remembered Croc is pretty much Italian.
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motherspores · 6 months
"average minecraft player makes 3 cults a year" factoid a statistical error. average minecraft player makes 0 cults a year. Cults Joel, who lives in a cave and starts a cult every time he joins a new minecraft server, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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potatounicoorn · 5 months
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It's a hereditary trait, nothing to be done😔
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gorvamp · 6 months
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i am deeply enjoying the bitb talks i've been having/seeing for the last few days
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ectonurites · 4 months
so can jason stay dead this time or
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serbianvriska · 6 months
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heathcliff is it okay/normal if our evil mirror selves are doing um. something
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jangmi-latte · 2 months
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//episode 7 chapter 9 spoilers
i can NEVER not get over the fight between jamil and kalim that i had to rewatch aladdin. then i remembered that aladdin took jafar's staff, broke it and gave it to the sultan then remembered kalim ALSO has a staff of his own and istg jamil's lucky enough he just got those golden shingalingngalings to his face because what if kalim smacked him with that mf staff out of anger. WHAT IF.
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fumifooms · 4 months
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Helki compilation
Helki is a prisoner-turned-servant. He’s a criminal canary and was implicitly one of Milsiril’s charges, and now that she’s retired he’s become her servant.
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He must have gotten into Milsiril’s good graces, wether through attachment or convenience, which is a feat considering Milsiril’s a socially anxious recluse. Interesting since it’s not like he seems like the agreeable type, shifty upbeat delinquent style… We really don’t know much about him, not even what crimes he did, so there’s a lot of space for speculation on all grounds.
Edit: Shanghai QnA with Kui gave us a new juicy morsel of info!
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Interesting… The original answer in japanese is: パッタドルと同じような杖を使っていました。今も同じものを支給されているのですが、すぐになくすのでもはや携帯していないようです。 That it’s written in japanese seems to say that there isn’t the same double translation issue there was last QnA, so if someone wants to look at the original phrasing and word choices it can be done. Perhaps Helki-Milsiril has a more protégé dynamic undertone than previously thought… "For various reasons", meaning circumstances that made it so the squad had to choose between saving him and saving their own skin, or like, "man this guy’s personality sucks we don’t really like him"? Likely to be a mix of several things, since ‘for various reasons’ implies the situation was either complex or they had multiple reasonings. In either case, the phrasing is very much that Milsiril couldn’t abandon him herself, and so a relationship sprung out of that. Another instance of outcasts seeking out and sticking with other outcasts in Dungeon Meshi. This could mean that it’s a bit less out of personal attachment and more out of a sense of duty on Milsiril’s side as well though.
Still edit: So then maybe him staying with Rin in that comic isn’t that much because of work ethics or that he cares for kids (or maybe he does because he feels kinship to them, alone and mistreated), but because he didn’t want to join the other canaries in that room chatting and laughing… Maybe the isolation was exacerbated because he became Milsiril’s favorite, teacher’s pet style, but I’d also be careful about assuming the others disproportionately dislike him, it could be that they just don’t really care for him. Why? Could be because of his personality, because he’s seen as shifty or unreliable or annoying, if an event, who knows who knows, but I like to think because of the Rin comic that he generally just tends to be a loner, that he’s "weird" in a neurodivergent vibe, he doesn’t conform to proper social behavior which in elven society seems especially alienating. He’s the only one with Rin to think of her sake, not only worth observing/caring for but also asks her to eat, but he does this with an offputting stare, not really emoting, and then well, the infamous alone with her staring munching covered in blood panel. He stands out. I’m a fan of the theory that it was a "Helki? Not that I dislike the guy but I’m not risking my skin for him" situation… Ok end edit back to older observations.
He seemed to be acting out of his own initiative in the Rin comic, he doesn’t look thrilled to be there in many post-canary comics but he also seems content enough. He restrains Milsiril in the Mithrun cleaning comic which is interesting to think of for their relationship.
It’s fun to notice how he’s the only one that didn’t get bored of looking after Rin, and then reports back about her condition… I’d say he was getting used to taking care of kids which would come with the job of serving Milsiril, but then, not enough for him to clean the blood off himself hah. In this way it’s interesting to think about his relationship to the idea of parenthood, he’s probably the closest thing to a father figure/male role model Kabru had growing up, without mentioning the other kids. I feel like he’d consider himself an older brother, cousin or uncle figure sooo much sooner than a father, but even then I do think it’s just his job and he’s not really invested or forming real relationships with any of them much.
It’s curious to note that he’s dressed in canary uniform presumably after having been pardoned and living with Milsiril? Which you can tell by the armor bits (the yellow strips of spider silk). In the Kabru training montage and the Rin comic specifically. It seems very implausible for him to have still been a canary while being a retired Milsiril’s servant and being with her all the time, and the cleaning with Mithrun comic (where he’s not in uniform) happens after Utaya so it could happen after Kabru was taken in but around the time of the Rin comic. So why uniform? It could be one of the best outfits he has, so it’d make sense to wear it around especially if you’re sparring or getting… Blood on you? Could just be because that's how Milsiril wants him to dress. But yeah we don't know when exactly Helki becoming Milsiril’s servant happened. We do see Mithrun’s charge Cithis be tasked with taking care of him, so a charge being given a servant-caretaker role doesn’t seem all that out of the ordinary, sometimes even prior to retiring.
Imo, if he doesn't work for Milsiril he goes back to jail/the canaries/has to try and get a job instead of just tending to her, so Helki is staying with Milsiril because she's the best option for him. He’s her milsiril's personal servant and does mostly dull tasks involved in that. He’s not particularly suited to the role but they’ve gotten used to each other to him so she took him with her, and he does prefer it to canary work so it works out decent for him. I think he’s used to reading her and managing her moods and he’s one of the rare social connection she has.
Under spoiler is stage 2 interpretation stuff, bigger speculation, in a reblog I’ll make soon I’ll go over my thoughts for stage 3 interpretation lol. Helsiril I’m coming for you
Translation of the canary hierachy chart used is by Thatsmimi, here
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
The tokyo revengers’ justice system is so scuffed bc wdym the s62 gens only got jail for like a couple months to a year after being caught in the kanto incident where three people died and one got fatally shot???😭😭
Tbf they didn't do the murders or own the gun, the police were aware it was Kisaki with Hanma as his accomplice, which is why Hanma went on the run. I'm not sure on the Japanese laws but I'd imagine they could only jail them for being involved in a gang/ fighting rather then the murders since that wasn't their fault.
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beneath-the-mask · 3 months
I wonder how different the ending of the dlc would be if Miquella hadn’t abandoned his love, if he hadn’t abandoned Trina. Would we still be able to reason with him? Appeal to his better nature? Just imagining being able to bring Trina in with us as a way to defuse the situation, being able to not fight and just talk, makes me feel insane.
What if we could show Miquella just how much of a monster he had become, that all this isn’t right, by bringing Trina back to him. How can you bring an age of compassion without your love, Miquella?
God I am mourning the story we could’ve had for this dlc.
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brennan-lee-mother · 7 months
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@friendlizard left this comment on a shitpost i made but i'm kind of reeling from the implications here?
So, I assume dragon madness doesn't affect dragons/dragonborns. Could this mean Oisin was trying to infect Adaine with it?
He wasn't offering to buy her diamonds with the money either (which as far as we know would negate the effect, since Gorgug bought the Hangvan with the KVX money and has had no problems with it), he was offering to give her diamonds directly from the hoard.
I don't know if i'm onto something or if i'm tinhatting here. This season is bringing out the theorist in me.
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stbot · 2 years
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Willow: Volume One
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fizzysgayassposting · 2 months
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Simeon, the saint, on his pillar of stone
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peawinkls · 7 months
why jfabe is NOT!!!! boring and lifeless and proving that wrong, an informational thread discussing their relationship and dynamic, because honestly im getting tired of ppl saying their boring
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contains s3 spoilers!
The relationship between JFK and abe from Clone High is something alot of people within the community discussed, especially before s3, being talked about more after s2's finale. Many speculated that the two would remain friends or even become more than that.
Now with season 3 out, we have a lot more things to work out with, specifically episode 3. It's something a lot of people are too afraid to admit, but jfabe/abefk would make the show a lot more interesting, rather than its repeatable joanabe plotline.
So, I'm here to talk about the inner workings of this pair, why their so interesting, and why they work out so much, whether platonic or not. If ur not a fan of jfabe/abefk, or heavily dislike the ship, I'd recommend turning away from this post.
Introduction, the who, the when, the why, the how...and their differences n similarities
So, we all know these two characters. JFK the beloved, Abe the hated. Something that many people picked out of the 2020 clone high fandom. But what if i told you that the beloved and the hated were truly meant to be together from the start?
What we already know is that they are the complete opposite of each other in many ways. JFK is meant to be a parody on 90s jocks from highschool movies and tv shows. Abe is the weak nerd who desperately wants to be cool.
JFK is buff and shorter, Abe is tall and lanky. JFK is a douchebag, Abe is the nicer guy. The list goes on and on. And they even have stuff in common, such as the fear of abandonment and the fear of ruining things.
But one difference i can note is that Abe is way more naive than JFK, JFK is portrayed as empty-headed, but not empty-headed enough to not realize whats going on. Of course, despite the differences, both characters make a really good team.
And this was even evident in s2 ep10, aka the finale, where they both realize that they make a great "duo of bros who'll remain friends for the rest of their lives". Jfabe shippers were FEEDING on this shit back then you have no idea
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So with this stuff out of the way, it's time to talk about my favorite episode out of season 3.
Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation
This episode revolves around JFK getting tired of having meaningless sex with girls and partying hard, and decides to seek out a new life when he and Abe discovers the prayer pals club, hosted by Lady Godiva. And at first, Abe is happy to see that JFK is taking on new opportunities.
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"Where the slut goes, the wing slut follows."
But eventually, JFK starts straying away from Abe and his friendship, to the point of even FORGETTING about the broniversary that Abe had planned for the both of them (he literally baked a giant cake for him, look at me and tell me thats straight cmon now).
Seeing how Abe had already lost Joan and Gandhi, he didn't wanna lose JFK either, and does everything he can to make him happy and thats so clear. And even at the end of the episode, it's revealed that Abe even respected his choice on ultimately choosing celibacy.
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He really does care a bunch for JFK, liking him for who he truly was (compared to JFK's other dates) and respecting his choices. And despite choosing celibacy over Abe, the two still remain close, which really tells you how great their bond is.
So something HAS definitely changed throughout the years, from them hating each others guts to potentially becoming clone highs next couple...which didn't happen, and I'm still petty about it i will admit.
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But even if they didn't become canon at the end, you could really tell that some people who worked on this episode wanted them to be a thing, and that's a good enough sign for me that they could hopefully become canon in the next season if we ever get one (still petty though).
Let's circle back to season 1 again. I'm not making a jfabe thread without mentioning Litter Kills: Literally, which is another episode that jfabe shippers fed on. In this episode, JFK's close friend Ponce dies, and he's left to grieve over him.
And in this episode, we see a side of JFK that we never saw before. He starts wondering why the hell he's feeling all of these emotions, because he's a Kennedy, and he's not used to them. But Abe helps him realize that emotions like this are normal.
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And even if the two hated each other, Abe apologized to him in the end and finally realized his mistakes. It seemed like Abe disliked him, yet he cares about him. Abe never knew what if felt like, because he hasn't lost a friend close to him.
So he starts berating Cleo for comforting JFK and was even aggressive towards JFK as well, believing that he was only doing all of this just to take Cleo away from him. That was all because he NEVER knew what it was like. But he finally understood.
He was sorry, but he felt like he couldn't do much to help because he didn't experience the same thing. So he just hugged JFK and held him...for a really long time.
But that was just enough for JFK, all he needed was comfort, and Abe chose to do that. So even at the episode, he couldn't help but ask JFK if he was alright. And by the next episode, JFK was already feeling better. All it takes is someone to tell you that its gonna be okay.
So what I'm trying to say is despite their own anxieties, flaws, characteristics, whatever, their PERFECT for each other. I don't like how people label them as "boring", when their so much more deeper than that.
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Jfabe/AbeFK is one of my comfort ships for this exact reason. Their lore, dynamic and relationship goes beyond that, i don't ship them just because i think their cute, but because their interesting, and it may seem like im going insane over a white boy ship, but i truly, truly, from the bottom of my heart, love this ship to pieces, and hopefully people can see that through me. Thank you, clone high.
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whollyjoly · 2 months
...okay but have we considered the potential setup they're going for with congresswoman ortiz as the metaphorical "queen bee"??
here me out -
in 6x08 "What's Your Fantasy?", we have the only other bee-related call i can think of in this show. during it, we see the bees come back multiple times to attack the girl at the renn faire, which leads to this exchange:
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i just...can't HELP but think about the parallels with ortiz, and how since the death of her son, she's been arguably "trapped" by her grief
in response, she's been causing this series (or swarm, if you really want to be on theme) of bad things to happen to the 118 - hen's initial investigation and suspension, holding up mara's hearing and taking her away from the wilsons, gerard back almost certainly because of her, etc.
she's likely the reason all this is happening, the queen bee running things behind the scenes.
and until they deal with her, until they get her out, ortiz and her swarm (heh) will keep coming back to sting the 118.
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