#hbad part 13
rulesofthebeneath · 5 years
how bout a dance: part 13
<AN> Me? Stop doing Saturday updates of hbad just to start them again when they’re least expected? Of course!!
I don’t think even I saw this coming when I first had the idea for a future!ajay x mc AU about a month and a half ago. And 103 pages, 35990 words, and 43 days later... wow. This is it. I’m really tearing up, honestly.
You guys have been so amazingly supportive of this, and I couldn’t be more grateful! This, the thirteenth and final chapter, is dedicated to everyone who read, liked, replied to or reblogged any part of this fic. You guys are my lifeblood, thank you so much for reading.
Before I do the tag list and finally get this show on the road, I wanted to share this comment I left on the fic the second I finished drafting chapter 13. It’s... absolutely me.
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Anyways. Thank you.
also gonna warn again for references to explicit activity and like hella suggestion, but as always nothing explicit. </AN>
Tagging: @pixelburied @itsbrindleybinch @witchiegirl @ajaysbhandari @catlady0911 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @ylevolenahs @awkwardalbatros @ravenclawpokegirl25 @aidenzhous @hufflepvnk @lorosette
Grace woke up Monday morning to sunlight streaming through the windows into the peach-colored room and a pillow pressed up against her back. She groaned and rolled over, stretching out, and finding the other side of the bed empty.
She was disappointed until she heard conversation and laughing from the other side of the door and a delicious smell wafting in. Grace was hungry. She popped her back, then sank her toes into the soft carpet. After pushing herself up she rummaged through her bag, grabbing a sports bra and a pair of shorts to wear with the t-shirt she’d slept in. She brought the collar up to her nose and sniffed–it smelled just like him, a soapy smell with a little mint. She quickly put the clothes on, then opened the door to Ajay’s bedroom.
She leaned against the door frame for a moment, a soft smile crossing her face as she looked out into the kitchen. He was there, stirring something in a saucepan while his roommate (his name was Jake, Grace dimly recalled) sat at the breakfast bar nursing a large cup of coffee. A timer went off somewhere in the kitchen.
“Dammit, I almost forgot about the muffins,” she heard Ajay say. “Jake, could you please–”
“I’m on it.” As Jake was getting off his stool, he turned and noticed Grace.
“Hey, Grace!” he called over with a smile as he walked around to the oven. Ajay whipped his head around, his face lighting up when he saw her.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
Grace pushed herself off the door frame and walked over. Jake, having gotten the english muffins out of the oven, gave a huge yawn as he walked over to Grace.
“Sleep well? I didn’t,” he smirked, holding out a hand for her to shake. She turned scarlet, instantly realizing what he meant.
“Jake, stop being a dick,” Ajay called from the kitchen. Grace tentatively took Jake’s hand, opening her mouth to apologize when he shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it. Really.” Then Jake turned back to the breakfast bar, climbing back on his stool. Grace made her way over to Ajay, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind while he waited for the poached eggs to finish cooking. He turned his head to kiss her on the forehead.
“Grace, this fool is bringing someone home at least once a week. I guarantee you he didn’t care.”
Still red, Grace buried her face between Ajay’s shoulder blades, taking the moment to breathe in the smell of his t-shirt. But she dropped the subject.
“What are you making?” she asked in a voice still a little rough from just waking up.
“Eggs benedict,” he said proudly. “I’ve been working on the hollandaise sauce for days.”
“Aw, all this for me?”
“No, for me too. And for Jake, because apparently he thinks he can come out here, make fun of me, and still get free breakfast.”
“It’s true, though! You’re literally making enough for three.”
“I’ll throw this plate at your head,” Ajay joked, not even turning to look at him. Ajay made a move towards a slotted spoon on the counter, so Grace released him and went over to sit at the breakfast bar.
“So. Jake. I want to know all his embarrassing stories,” Grace said. Jake took another long sip of his coffee and rubbed at his eyes.
“Well, most of what he’s done lately has been talking nonstop about you,” Jake grinned.
“Jake!” Ajay yelled, nearly dropping an egg back into the pan. Jake just laughed, and Grace joined in.
“Oh, that reminds me,” Jake said, patting the counter, “Why were you guys laughing last night? Ajay, did you-?”
“Okay, we are definitely not talking about this,” Ajay said hurriedly, cutting him off. Grace blushed again, but smiled apologetically when he set a plate down in front of her. She eagerly dug in to the eggs benedict, finding the hollandaise sauce to be a perfect compliment to the egg, canadian bacon, and english muffin.
“This tastes amazing! I could get used to this.”
“Anything for you. Coffee?” Ajay asked.
“Ooh, yes please. Two sugars and a little milk.”
“Coming right up.”
“Hey I’ll take another cup, black,” Jake piped up. Ajay glared at him as he set Grace’s mug down in front of her.
“Get it yourself.”
Jake, hands up in surrender, walked around to the coffee machine. Ajay finished serving up the eggs, then took a seat across from Grace. Once she’d finished a bite, he pulled her in for a kiss. Then he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“How are you doing?” he asked quietly.
“Amazingly,” she replied, picking his hand up and kissing the back. Ajay was about to kiss her again when Jake settled back on his stool, fresh cup of coffee in hand.
“So, Grace,” Jake said, “Tell me about yourself! Ajay’s told me a lot, but that’s mostly been about your talent or how amazing you are.” Ajay turned red, burying his face in his hands and groaning. “I want to know something with more substance.”
“Well, um, what do you want to know?”
He paused, possibly thinking over possible questions. “What’s your favorite thing to do on a free weeknight?”
Grace tilted her head, considering the question. “I’d have to say watch movies. I have all these movies, old and new stuff I got from thrift stores, and I’ve been slowly working my way through them.”
Jake’s face lit up. “Oh, you like movies? That’s awesome. Ajay, you didn’t tell me she was this cool!”
“Pretty sure I did,” Ajay retorted, then turned to Grace. “He’s an indie film editor,” he explained.
Jake checked his watch and cursed, getting up. “Speaking of which, I have to go. I’m almost late and it’s your fault.”
“Payback!” Ajay yelled at his retreating back. Then he turned back to Grace.
“Sorry about him.”
“I’m embarrassed!” Grace wailed, putting her hands in front of her face. Ajay tugged her wrists away.
“Don’t be. He’s literally done that exact same thing to me over and over. He doesn’t care, he just likes to tease.”
“If you insist…”
Ajay grinned at her and sat back, finishing up his breakfast. “You like the eggs?”
“Loved them,” Grace replied. “The sauce was perfect and the muffins were even better. I’m lucky to have snapped you up, with all these baking skills. I thought your cooking was like a dream in high school, I didn’t know they could get better.”
“Oh, I did a summer abroad in Paris during college and took a few classes there. I still can’t even compare to the experts. But thank you, I’m glad you’re happy.”
“Ajay, you know I’d be happy here if you made me a bowl of cereal. You make me happy, the delicious food is just a plus.”
He shook his head and beamed at her. “How did I get lucky enough to get a second chance with you?”
“We’re both lucky.” Grace leaned in to kiss him, but jumped back when Jake bustled through the apartment, a briefcase over his shoulder.
“See you guys.”
“Bye!” Ajay called, then stood up to shut the door behind him and swept Grace up into a bruising kiss, running his hands down her sides.
“I thought he’d never leave,” he whispered, making her giggle. He kissed her deeply, then pulled back.
“So, we’ve got about four hours until we have to be at strike. Did you want to go home, or do you want to stay here?”
“I’ll stay here. It’s closer to the theatre. And also that means I get to spend more time with my boyfriend, so it’s a win-win.”
“Great,” he smiled. “Anything in particular you want to do?”
“Do you have Netflix?”
“Then let’s watch a movie and cuddle.” Grace decided.
“Sounds great to me! Which movie?”
“Ooh, what about Hairspray?”
“You have good taste. I’ll get it cued up, you grab some blankets from my bed.”
A few hours later, Grace and Ajay watched the credits scroll across the scene. Ajay’s arm was still around her, her legs thrown across his lap.
“Every time I watch that movie I remember why it’s my favorite,” Grace sighed. Ajay laughed at her gently, then pulled his arm back. She took her legs off his lap, turning to face him.
“Okay, now we’ve got one hour before strike. And I actually thought of something I wanted to do,” he said, gently taking her hand.
Grace wiggled her eyebrows at him.
“No! I mean, yes, but I actually wanted to say something.”
“Alright, go for it,” Grace said, taking in his serious expression. “Everything okay?”
“Of course. I just need to say something, in the interest of complete honesty between us.”
“Spit it out,” Grace said, growing concerned. He didn’t make eye contact, instead staring at their linked hands.
“Okay. So,” he huffed, “I don’t know if I should qualify it by saying ‘again’ or ‘still’, but…” he trailed off, seemingly losing his nerve. She tightened her grip on his hand, trying to offer him support. But it was hard to support him when she had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth next. He took in a deep, shuddering breath and finally met her eyes.
“Grace, I love you.”
She let the words resonate around the small apartment, her grip on his hands slackening and her eyes widening. He looked like he wanted badly to take it back, but they both knew he couldn’t.
“I- Ajay,” Grace started, then stopped suddenly. It was as if her entire brain had switched off when he’d said those words. Her heart started beating faster, like it was making up for her head’s inactivity.
He squeezed her hand, looking a little sad but still smiling. She looked away, still trying desperately to figure out how she felt about it.
“You don’t have to say it back, I know it’s really soon and we’ve both been through a lot, but I had to say it. I don’t know if it’s because of the friendship we rebuilt over the course of the show, or if it’s because we rekindled something, but that’s how I feel. And I won’t say it anymore until you’re comfortable with it. But I needed to tell you.”
He kept rambling, but Grace didn’t register any of the words he said past that. Tears pricked in her eyes, and her brain was finally startled back into action. Between the tears and the pounding in her chest, Grace figured out exactly how she was feeling.
“I love you too,” she said suddenly, cutting him off. She finally looked back at him, lacing their fingers back together. “I love you too.”
She watched as the realization spread across his face, a hesitant smile forming there.
“You love me?” he asked, voice shaky.
“I love you,” she replied, and found it to be the truest, rawest feeling in her head. “It’s not too soon. Between our friendship, our previous relationship and all the emotions of last night, I… it’s not too soon. It’s the perfect time. I love you again, and I love you still.”
They sat and stared at each other for a moment, lost in a universe all their own. She watched as he went from near disbelief to shock to pure love, something that she’d seen in his eyes before but never quite this much. He pulled her to him and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, holding her tightly against him. When they separated, he pulled her into a hug, pressing his face into her shoulder.
“I love you,” he whispered to her, repeating it over and over. She leaned back to kiss his forehead and to cup his face.
“I love you too.”
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